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A Cancer Cure and How We Achieved It

Friday, March 22, 2013 1:59:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers

By Alan Wighton

When a close friend and neighbour was diagnosed with cancer and not given a very bright future, she came to me for assistance to help her overcome the problem. This is the approach we took to beat the disease. We long knew that orthodox treatments were not very effective as a cancer cure as they were only treating the symptoms of the problem and also none of their treatments would stop the cancer from returning or spreading. Cancer is one in which lifestyle factors, especially diet, play an important role.

Our neighbour made three important changes to her lifestyle and they were with the food she ate, the many chemicals she had been using, many of them in personal care products and she also started exercising. These changes were designed to strengthen her immune system. Cancer is simply a disease of a weak immune system which because it had been weakened through the way we now live, especially with our wrong food choices, allows normal body cells to mutate or change and become cancerous. The obvious way and the safest way to become cancer free is to strengthen the immune system and only natural living can do that.

Why is food so important to a cancer patient? Processed food is now a big part of our diet and any food item that's been processed has lost its nutritional value and that is just one of the reasons why there is so much cancer now. Processed food is nutritional deprived because of its processing, but freshly grown food is medicine we take when we're well, in order to build up our reserves of immunity and resilience to diseases such as cancer.

Why aren't we told about this by our health professional? Cancer today is big business and our doctors and oncologists are only taught treatments that are money oriented. No one can make vast profits out of food as it's a natural product and can't be patented unlike drugs. With drugs, the manufacturer themselves can control the price while they hold the patent on those drugs which removes any competition.

Today we spend billions of dollars in treating cancer yet we spent little promoting the consumption of freshly grown fruit and vegetables, food that our medical system should know are beneficial in both preventing and reversing cancer. Also we don't have cancer prevention except being told not to smoke or get sunburnt and that's why there is so much of it now.

The diet which was used to overcome cancer was freshly grown and "in season" fruit for breakfast. That is the perfect food to start the day. Lunch at midday was always a fresh salad and there is plenty to choose from there. It was highly recommended that garlic and beetroot be part of that. For the evening meal, the options could be something cooked and that could be either pumpkin soup or lightly steamed fresh vegetables and boiled potatoes.

Strict diets similar to this are the same as used by all natural cancer clinics today and they have far higher success rates than our current system of toxic treatments. What this diet does is to correct the reasons why the cancer first grew and when you do that the body will self-heal through the immune system.

The body can mend itself when injured, this we know and it's through the immune system but it can also recover from cancer using this same system. This protective and repair system is incredibly powerful.

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