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Treatment is All Colon Cancer Stages

Colon cancer is the type of cancer that usually has no symptoms. If colon cancer symptoms do appear in a person, it will be a little too late, because he/ she is probably in a very advanced stage of colon cancer.

Colon cancer has five stages. Each colon cancer stage actually shows how far the cancer has spread. There are many ways to diagnose a colon cancer case, even in its most advanced stage. Colonoscopy, barium enema and even a digital rectum exam can tell a doctor if indeed you are suffering from colon cancer or polyps.

First stage in colon cancer is stage 0. In this colon cancer stage you can think of yourself as a very lucky person, because it can be cured. In this colon cancer stage, the disease has not spread beyond your colon or rectum. Treatment in this case is surgery. The part of your colon that has been affected will be removed. If you have a larger tumor, a resection might be the proper treatment for your colon cancer case.

The second colon cancer stage is known as stage 1. In this case, the cancer has not spread beyond the colon, but the cancer has grown through a few layers of your colon. Resection is the used treatments is this colon cancer stage. Stage 2 is the next step in colon cancer. This time the disease has gone through the walls of your colon and affected the nearest tissues. In this colon cancer stage, the lymph nodes have not been reached yet. Resection is the only known treatment if you find yourself in this colon cancer stage. Chemotherapy can also be used in this colon cancer stage.

Next is stage 3 colon cancer. This is thought as an advanced stage. The lymph nodes are now affected by the disease. Other parts of your body have not been yet affected when suffering from stage 3 colon cancer. Sectional surgery is the right treatment at this point. Chemotherapy is then used to reduce recurrence. Radiation therapy can also be used in this colon cancer stage.

The last and most serious colon cancer stage is 4. In this case, the disease has reached as far as the lungs, ovaries and liver. When you have reached the stage, surgery is only used to relive the symptoms or prevent any further complications. In this case, the colon cancer can not be cured or even removed through surgery.

Colon Cancer and Nutrition
Colon Cancer also known Colorectal cancer. Colon cancer 2nd most deaths for cancers in the US. Colon cancer is cancer that starts in the large intestine (colon) or the rectum (end of the colon). The colon is the part of the digestive system where the waste material is stored. Together, they form a long, muscular tube called the large intestine (also known as the large bowel). Tumors of the colon and rectum are growths arising from the inner wall of the large intestine. Benign tumors of the large intestine are called polyps. Cancer of the colon or rectum is also called colorectal cancer. It is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the Western world. Colorectal cancer causes 655,000 deaths worldwide per year.Many colorectal cancers are thought to arise from adenomatous polyps in the colon. These mushroom-like growths are usually benign, but some may develop into cancer over time.

Colon cancer often causes no symptoms until it has reached a relatively advanced stage. Thus, many organizations recommend periodic screening for the disease with fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. In countries where the people have adopted western diets, the incidence of colorectal cancer is increasing. Most cases of colon cancer begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Polyps of the colon and rectum are almost always benign and usually produce no symptoms. They may, however, cause painless rectal bleeding or bleeding not apparent to the naked eye. Polyps greater than 1 centimeter have a greater cancer risk associated with them than polyps under 1 centimeter. Polyps with atypia or dysplasia are also more likely to progress on to colon cancer. The risk of cancer is much higher in sessile villous adenomas than in pedunculated tubular adenomas. Cancer is found in 40% of villous adenomas, as compared to 15% in tubular adenomas.

Chemotherapy is also used to treat patients with stage IV colon cancer. Surgery remains the primary treatment while chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy may be recommended depending on the individual patient's staging. High-fiber foods help move waste through your digestive tract faster, so harmful substances don’t have much contact with the lining of the intestine. High-fiber foods are also rich in phytonutrients, which appear to protect against several forms of cancer. Calcium and vitamin D also seem to help protect against colorectal cancer. The jury is still out on antioxidants and the prevention of colorectal cancer. Taking antioxidants, such as vitamin C or carotenoids, may reduce cancer risk but other studies have failed to back up these results. Vegetables high in folate, like leafy greens, seem to offer particular protection from colon cancer, especially for those who drink alcohol. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, also contain phytochemicals that may prevent damage to colon cells.

Colon Cancer Treatment and Nutrition Tips
1. Chemotherapy is also used to treat patients with stage IV colon cancer.
2. Radiotherapy may be recommended Treatment fot colon cancer.
3. High-fiber foods help move waste through your digestive tract faster.
4. Calcium and vitamin D also seem to help protect against colorectal cancer.
5. Taking antioxidants, such as vitamin C or carotenoids, may reduce cancer risk but other studies have failed to back up these results.
6. Vegetables high in folate, like leafy greens, seem to offer particular protection from colon cancer, especially for those who drink alcohol.
7. Cruciferous vegetables, like broccoli and cauliflower, also contain phytochemicals that may prevent damage to colon cells.

Alternative Cancer Treatments and How They Increase Your Chance of Survival

After a diagnosis of cancer there are generally two paths open to people. They can undergo an orthodox medical treatment program for the cancer or they can look at alternative treatments for cancer.

The reason that there is no research is because medical professionals are not allowed to prescribe alternative treatments. The result is that in almost all cases a patient who is diagnosed with cancer undergoes an orthodox treatment program including chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Very few choose to either do nothing or to pursue alternative treatment options.

The reasons that people tend to go the orthodox medical route are varied and complex, but if we want to simplify things as much as possible they boil down to this: Chemotherapy and Orthodox medication are the treatment of choice of those seen as 'experts' on cancer, the doctors, and it is doctors who will usually diagnose cancer. In other words, the choice is a bogus one and a combination of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are usually presented as the only options there are.

Suppose it had no side effects. Suppose it not only helped your cancer but also greatly improved your general health overall and suppose it wasn't going to cost you over quarter of a million dollars(The US department of commerce reported that a cancer patients treatment will cost over $375,000).

The alternative does actually exist, and it remarkably simple. Where chemotherapy destroys the immune system, alternative treatment enhances it. Where radiation kills cells indiscriminately alternative medication only targets cancerous cells. Where surgery can often aid in the spread of cancer alternative therapy helps your body to use it's naturally defenses to suppress that spread. The 'cure' is nothing new, it is merely hidden from the public as a viable option, or ridiculed as 'quakery'. When a doctor makes a diagnosis of cancer he will also usually include a prescribed course of action. This usually consists of 3 parts. First they will attempt a surgical removal of the cancer tumor, secondly chemotherapy and radiation will be used to kill the cancer cells. Alternative medicine will usually start with building up the immune system and cleansing the body of toxins. The statistics take a little wading through, but it has been suggested that around 45% of people will achieve a 5-year cure from cancer by following orthodox treatment methods. This is a misleading statistic - it is a 5 year cure not a total cure. Alternative medicine tends not to measure 5 year cures but rather total cure rate. Orthodox medicine does not release total cure rates though it has been suggested that their cure rate is around 3%. Of those who attempt orthodox treatment and, when told there is nothing more orthodox medicine can do for them ( or that they can afford to pay for) attempt alternative medication the total cure rate could be as high as 50%. Of those who seek alternative treatment instead of any orthodox treatment the likely total cure rate is close to 90%.

So if we have a 90% cure rate from alternative medicine and a 3% cure rate from orthodox medicine, why does the alternative approach not become the standard one. The answer is a little cloudy and is based on those numbers being very hard to prove. Orthodox medicine does not compare itself with alternative medicine and so the only official numbers we see are the increase in effectiveness of their own treatments. So to help you with your decision let's examine what danger cancer presents and how it is dealt with.

A cancer can be benign or malignant, and only if it is malignant does it pose a serious threat(note that a benign tumor that places pressure on a major organ or blocks an artery is dangerous by itself - but not because of the cancer). Thus it is not the cancer that is dangerous to our health, but the spread of the cancer.

Alternative medication looks at the cause of this cancerous growth which is usually the combination of a weakened immunity system and a carcinogen. The alternative therapy will then seek to address this problem and destroy the atmosphere which leads to the cancer. The increased immune system, combined with fresh delivery of oxygen prevents the cancer from spreading and eventually starves it to death. The beauty is that this process targets only foreign cells, killing off the cancer but not harming (and usually benefiting) the healthy cells.

Orthodox medicine treats the tumor very differently. The tumor is very much the focal point of attack. It is treated as the problem when in fact it is merely a symptom of the problem. Often surgery is the first method of dealing with this problem and while this can remove the tumor it can also release cancer cells into the bloodstream. Remember that it is the spread of cancer that can be fatal, not the cancer itself. Surgery may very well contribute to that spread.

Secondly radiation treats cancer by killing off the cancer cells, but it does so indiscriminately and kills many healthy cells at the same time. Chemotherapy drugs also seek to reduce the size of the tumor and break down the cancer cells, but in doing so they can damage healthy cells and decimate the immune system. Chemotherapy drugs must be administered gradually. The body must be given time to recover between chemotherapy sessions. For some reason it is assumed the cancer will not also recover in that time, when it will most likely spread as a result of damaged adjoining cells and a crippled immunity system.

The biggest frustration for the advancement of alternative cancer treatments is not providing evidence that alternative treatments work, but getting that proof recognized. Registered doctors are not permitted to practice alternative treatment if they wish to remain a member of the AMA, and experiments outside the AMA are usually rubbished as not being performed by real medical professionals. In 1976 when a 'real medical professional', two time Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling, took his experiments outside the country he was able to show in his Scottish study that a cancer patients life expectancy could be extended by 600% by merely administering 10 grams of vitamin C intravenously. Vitamin C is well know for it's ability to build up the human immune system.

30 years ago this research by a Nobel Prize winner proved that natural treatment can greatly improve the life expectancy of a cancer sufferer. Natural treatment advocates have been able to refine that research to provide even more efficient vitamin C treatments, but mainstream medicine has not even replicated the study.

While the evidence is blurred, lied about, hidden and in same cases destroyed, it seems clear that there is plenty of merit in pursuing further investigation of alternative cancer therapies. There is at enough examples of successful treatment using alternative medicines that it cannot simply be dismissed out of hand as 'quackery' as has been the official line. There are plenty of examples of medical practitioners who have set out to prove alternative natural treatments wrong and have subsequently changed their opinion to support it. Alternative therapy is at least an adequate alternative for orthodox medicine and most likely a very suitable replacement.

Seeking Alternative Cancer Treatment For Prostate Cancer
Scottsdale, AZ-based New Hope Medical Center, an alternative cancer treatment center, offers patients suffering from chronic diseases a place to go in order to receive alternative cancer treatment care. Each plan is tailored to a single person, making those who choose alternative cancer treatment care a unique way to fight their cancer or other chronic disease.

Prostate cancer forms in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This type of cancer affects 1 in 6 men and is the most common non-skin cancer in America. The rate for a prostate cancer diagnosis increases as a man ages. In fact, most men with prostate cancer are over 65 years old. In 2008, there were a total of over 186,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and about 29,000 prostate cancer-related deaths.

Prostate cancer may not show any symptoms, but those who do have symptoms involve urinary problems. A doctor can diagnose prostate cancer by either performing a rectal exam or testing the blood for a prostate-specific antigen.

At the New Hope Medical Center, the team of doctors works hard to ensure each patient who chooses an alternative cancer treatment is given the utmost care in hopes of suppressing the disease and improving overall wellbeing.
a. Reach the stage where the tumor completely disappears.
b. Keep the patient in remission with no recurrences of cancer.

New Hope Medical Center believes boosting the immune system through noninvasive therapy is a key way to eliminate cancer and other chronic illnesses. The doctors at this alternative cancer treatment center also stress body detoxification along with the proper nutrition and diet as ways to bring the body to a better state of health.

The beautiful facilities of New Hope Medical Center and honest, caring, and compassionate staff welcome any cancer or chronic illness sufferer who is looking for an alternative treatment and method of care. Several cancer sufferers have provided testimonials praising New Hope Medical Center, the founder, Dr. Fredda Branyon, and the experienced, highly-qualified staff members. New Hope Medical Center has helped several cancer patients in their quest to conquer this disease through the use of alternative cancer treatments. Along with proper nutrition and immune system building, other alternative cancer treatment options may include physical therapies, homeopathic medicine, botanical or herbal therapies, systemic enzyme therapy, hormone therapy, acupuncture and stress management, as well as chiropractic medicine.

Men suffering from prostate cancer have other ways to fight cancer besides the conventional chemotherapy or radiation. Contacting the doctors at New Hope Medical Center is a positive first step towards fighting cancer, whether it is prostate cancer or another form of cancer.

Cancer Alternative Treatments - Try the Sun

Cancer is probably everyone's biggest fear. If you're like me, every time you have a lump or bump or any unusual pain, this is the first thing that pops into your mind and you imagine the worst. It is likely that whatever problem you have is probably not going to turn out to be anything serious, but for those that are actually diagnosed with this dread disease, you may be looking for cancer alternative treatments in order to avoid the harsh toxins of traditional chemotherapy.

If you begin searching, you will find many natural therapies that are used along with a number of holistic treatments. One thing that many people do not realize is the sun itself can help you avoid cancer, or once diagnosed, can help you heal. For many many years, everyone has heard over and over to "protect yourself from the sun," use sunscreen, don't stay outside too long, and avoid ultraviolet rays. However, studies are beginning to show that just the opposite is true! In truth, it is vitally needed! The ultraviolet rays, long thought to be harmful, actually cause the skin to produce vitamin D which is very important for protecting against and treating many types of cancers.

The best and safest way to supply your body with this vitamin is through natural sunshine without using sunscreen. What about skin cancer? Studies indicate that since this is one of the least deadly cancers, it is worth the small risk to avoid the deadlier versions.

So if you are looking for safe cancer alternative treatments, try taking a break from the computer screen and going outside for about 15 minutes every day, or if that is not possible, at least 3 to 4 times a week, and you will reap the benefits of vitamin D, the natural cancer fighter. But remember that it is still important to avoid burning, however, so if you are going to be outside for an extended period of time (hours), you may want to apply a natural chemical-free sunscreen.

Herbal and Alternative Treatments for Breast Cancer
Herbal remedies have been around for for thousands of years. Now, women with breast cancer facing chemotherapy and radiation are supplementing this traditional medicine with herbal remedies and alternative treatments. They are not abandoning the usual breast cancer treatment; they are using herbal remedies and alternative treatments to curb the side effects.

Ginseng has been used by the Chinese for centuries. They believe that it stimulates the immune system and energies the patient. There are more than 30 active compounds in the ginseng root. Many of the compounds are believed to have anti-tumor properties. In a Chinese study it was found that women who took ginseng before their diagnosis had a higher survival rate than the women who took ginseng after their diagnosis. Women have reported that they have a higher quality of life and suffer less depression while using ginseng.

There is a mushroom, the Maitake that helps in boosting the immune system. Lab studies have been done using liquid Maitake extract. Many researchers believe that the mushrooms contain beta-glucans which helps to enhance the immune system.

Mistletoe extract has been used in Europe to treat cancer patients for over 80 years. It has been shown to kill cancer cells and boost the immune system. Researchers are studying the safety, the effects on the immune system and its toxicity.

Acupuncture is especially helpful for nausea and post surgical pain. Many studies done by research oncologists have shown that acupuncture was better for women with breast cancer than the medication taken to fight nausea. It also helps in loss of appetite, fatigue and sleep disorders. The AAMA recommends women with breast cancer should get acupuncture during their chemotherapy treatments but only after you have spoken to your primary doctor.

All doctors and researchers stress that diet and exercise play a key role in treating cancer. Stick to a diet that is high in fruits, vegetables and grains. The National Cancer Institute recommends at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day. Phytochemicals are found in fruits and vegetables and they prevent cancers in a number of ways. Research shows that they help in detoxification of carcinogens, DNA repair, boosting of the immune system and maintenance of cellular control mechanisms. Obesity plays a role in getting cancer. Change your diet, eat healthy and go for a walk or ride a bike. This is a suggestion we should all take to heart.

These alternative methods may well help you through your breast cancer treatment and perhaps even get you a speedier recovery. New studies are being done everyday for women with breast cancer. Discuss these alternative therapies with your Doctor and always let your physician and your oncologist know about any therapies you want to take, before you take them. This will make sure that the alternative therapy won't interfere with your chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor am I in the medical field. This is just information that I researched out of curiosity and the desire to know all of the options available.

Breast Cancer, Effective Treatments That Cure

Breast cancer, one of the most feared diseases that most women are terrified of. From all the media attention it receives today one would think that progress is being made in finding a cure, but unfortunately the opposite is true as the breast cancer rates are still climbing.

The main reason why it’s still increasing is that we don’t have prevention when all the causes of breast cancer are now well known. Today’s treatments focus on the cancer growths which does not actually do anything to help the patient regain the level of health they need to keep the cancer from coming back again. It is much more important to focus on the prime reason why the cancer first grew, that is, what caused it to grow in the first place and address those facts.

The well known slogan which tells woman that early detection will lead to a cure is a myth! Early detection is beneficial only to the breast cancer industry through their statistics. If they can detect breast cancer early, the meter that measures the 5 year survival cycle starts running earlier and the earlier it is detected, the better the chance of passing that critical 5 years period. Also early detection slogans helps recruit woman into the breast cancer industry.

The causes of breast cancer have been well known for many years and there is a cure for the disease. It is very simple, remove all the known factors that have caused it and with the amazing self healing powers of the human body, which we all have, it will remove the cancer naturally and permanently and without any side effects.

What our medical system is doing is looking for complex answers to a simple problem. Breast cancer does not need aggressive toxic treatments that can damage the body. To cure breast cancer one only needs to respect the laws of Mother Nature by living as we are supposed to and especially eating the foods we have been designed to eat and they are freshly grown fruit and vegetables.

As for finding a cure for the disease they will never succeed. Cancer is like scurvy, we all know that scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency and the only way to cure scurvy is naturally. Eat foods that contain vitamin C. Breast cancer is exactly the same, it’s a disease of a weak immune system and there are only natural ways to strengthen that. A drug to cure breast cancer doesn’t exist.

There are some other factors that contribute to breast cancer, for instance our sedentary lifestyle and the toxic products we use every day. They can all contribute to the problem so learn more and find out about breast cancer and what’s going on in the industry today. It does have a permanent cure and it’s seldom with our mainstream toxic treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients
When you are going through breast cancer, it is an emotionally and physically trying time. Many forms of cancer treatment only add to the problem as they work toward curing the cancer. Radiation treatments, for example, can cause a great deal of fatigue and it can take up to two months for your normal levels of energy to return. Therefore, it is important to follow a few health tips for breast cancer patients in order to minimize these side effects, as well as to help you get well sooner.

#1 of the Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Get Rest
One of the most important things you can do for yourself while fighting breast cancer is to get plenty of rest. Do your best to get a full night's sleep.

#2 of Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Eat Healthy
Eat a health diet. The healthier your body is, the better prepared it will be to fight the breast cancer and to recover from breast cancer treatment. Be sure to include plenty of protein in your diet because the amino acids found in protein are used by your body to help repair damage. Sometimes, eating can be a difficult task if you are undergoing treatments for breast cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and medications can adversely affect your appetite and digestive system. You might experience nausea, vomiting, changes in taste and smell, difficulty swallowing and chewing, constipation, and pain. If you are experiencing these problems, you need to take steps to increase your appetite and to make eating easier.
First, try to make mealtime enjoyable by eating with friends and family or making eating as comfortable as possible. If ok with your physician, you might also have a small glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a beer. To add variety for your taste buds and to make eating more enjoyable, try new foods or new recipes. Better yet, eat out more often, even if you just eat an appetizer. If you engage in mild exercise ½ hour before you eat, it can also help increase your appetite. Anti-nausea medicine can also be helpful if you are vomiting or experiencing nausea. It is also helpful if you prepare meals ahead of time while you are feeling better and freeze them. These meals can be easily reheated when you are not feeling well. You should also keep small snacks on hand to munch on when you are feeling good enough to eat. In fact, it is best to eat small meals or snacks frequently throughout the day than to eat large meals. All foods you purchase should be easy to prepare or should be ready to eat. Even the fluids you consume should be high in calories and protein. If you are having a hard time chewing and swallowing, you should puree your foods or purchase foods that are easy to swallow, such as applesauce, soup, baby food, macaroni and cheese, pudding, and yogurt.
Additionally, there are a number of foods, herbs and vitamins which promote breast health. For information about these, please visit the breast health awareness resource page at Womans-Health.Net.

#3 of Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Care for Your Skin
If you are undergoing external beam radiation, you may experience skin irritation or sensitivity. To assist with this problem, you should avoid using talcum powder, soaps, and deodorants. Extreme hot or cold temperatures can also be problematic to your skin. Therefore, tight or restrictive clothing can also aggravate your skin, as can nylon and synthetic materials. Wear loose clothing made of cotton instead. In addition, if you need to tape bandages to your skin, use paper tape rather than adhesive tape. By following these health tips for breast cancer patients, you will be able to keep up your strength and be better prepared to beat this disease. In addition, you can actually help boost your body's immune system and its ability to make you better.

Breast Cancer Information and Every Woman Should Read This

Millions of women are affected with breast cancer all around the world. Breast cancer is growing like an epidemic and is predicted that 45,000 patients will die from breast cancer, this year. If you feel a solid lump in your breast, you must visit a specialist for consultation. Breast cancer symptom: Breast cancer in its early stages does not cause any pain. Unfortunately, in early stages when breast cancer develops, it does not show any breast cancer symptom. Breast cancer symptoms include thickening or lump near or in the breast, change in the shape or size of the affected breast, tenderness of nipple or nipple discharge, inversion of nipple into the breast, pitting or ridges of the breast, skin of the breast appears warm, red, swollen and scaly. A woman should visit her doctor if she persists with any breast cancer symptom.

Specialists diagnose breast cancer by any of the following examinations: palpation, mammography, ultrasonography, fine needle aspiration, needle biopsy or surgical biopsy.
Breast cancer treatment: Breast cancer treatment options depend on location and size of the tumor in her breast. Various methods of breast cancer treatment Breast cancer treatments can be systemic or local. Radiation therapy and Surgery are the local breast cancer treatments. Local breast cancer treatments are used to destroy, remove, or control the growth of cancer cells.

Hormonal therapy and Chemotherapy are systemic treatments. Systemic treatments are targeted to control or destroy cancer cells all over the body. Surgery is one of the most common breast cancer treatments. A surgical intervention to remove breast is called a mastectomy. An operation carried out to remove the cancer cells without affecting the size of breast is called breast conserving surgery or breast sparing. Radiation therapy or radiotherapy: Under this breast cancer treatment specialists use high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing.

Chemotherapeutic breast cancer treatment: specialists use different types of drugs or combination of different drugs to kill cancerous cells or stop them from growing. Drugs are given in cycles; a treatment period is followed by a recovery period that is again followed by another breast cancer treatment. Hormonal therapy for breast cancer treatment is used to stop the growth of cancerous cells that affect the female hormones. This breast cancer treatment may include use of medicines, which change the way hormones work or surgery to remove the ovaries that produce female hormones.

Breast cancer treatment decisions are complex. Breast cancer pictures can be found on various websites and in medical books. These breast cancer pictures can be helpful to make the patient's know about their cancer stage and the possible remedy if any...Funds are arranged through various programs like breast cancer walk to spread breast cancer information among the affected and suspected people and to give them moral and economic support as well.

Facing Your Fears And Moving Ahead
After breast cancer diagnosis, time is of the essence to ensure recovery. Digest the news; then start learning, so you're comfortable with your informed choices for breast cancer treatment.

Building Your Team
Before choosing surgery, you build a breast cancer treatment team. You need surgeons, oncologists, anesthesiologist, and radiologist. Breast surgeon - recommends and performs breast surgery such as mastectomy or lumpectomy under general anesthesia, and a sentinel node biopsy.

Oncologist - also recommends which surgical option is best. Recommends chemotherapies and follows treatment.
Anesthesiologist - usually on hospital staff, unless you want to choose your own.
Radiologist - performs the sentinel node biopsy (where 2-3 lymph nodes in the armpit or breast are surgically removed) is also on hospital staff.
Plastic surgeon - performs reconstruction if you want it, during or well after mastectomy.
Radiation oncologist - manages radiation therapy. Wait till after surgery to find.

First Breast Cancer Treatment: Surgery

Lumpectomy - usually recommended when there is a single, small lump. The lump and the margin around it are surgically removed under general anesthesia.
* Advantage: You have a small scar, usually.
* Disadvantages: You undergo radiation therapy afterwards; because radiation can cause lumps, you may have more biopsies in the future.

Mastectomy - removes breast tissue, comprised mainly of fat, under general anesthesia. Surrounding tissues are undisturbed.
* Advantages: You need no further biopsies on that side; you probably avoid radiation therapy if cancer is detected early.
* Disadvantages: You have asymmetry, and this may temporarily affect sex life or self-image. With psychological adjustment or reconstruction, these disadvantages can disappear.

Breast reconstruction - during/after a mastectomy using techniques such as DIEP, where abdominal fat and skin are transferred to the chest, to shape a new breast. This is not cosmetic surgery; it's part of treatment.
* Advantages: feeling and looking restored; getting a tummy tuck and a breast lift on the other breast.

Breast Cancer Treatment After Surgery

The oncologist considers the information from the various tests. The oncologist stages the cancer, and recommends various breast cancer treatments. The oncologist can refer you to a psychologist or support group to allay anxiety about treatment.

Radiation therapy - usually started after recovery from lumpectomy. It is precisely administered to the breast (and perhaps lymph nodes) in order to kill cancerous cells, while avoiding damage to the rest of the body.
* Short-term side effects: fatigue, breast soreness, redness, swelling.
* Long-term side effects: breast shrinkage, tanning, lumpiness.

The chemotherapy visit usually is outpatient, lasting 1 to 6 hours. Some drugs are taken orally at home, sometimes as a permanent regime.
* Side effects: hair loss, nausea/vomiting, nerve or muscle pain, infection, weight gain, fatigue, difficulty sleeping.

Hormone Therapy - taken orally at home; both treats and prevents recurrence in some cases.

Exercise, diet and lifestyle changes help recovery significantly.

Survival After Therapy
With 2 million breast cancer survivors in America, breast cancer is beatable. Breast cancer treatment requires internal fortitude to reach recovery. You emerge with relief, gratitude and hope.

What Causes Lung Cancer

Monday, March 8, 2010 6:20:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

Lung growth is the principal instigate of sarcoma deaths in both women and men in the United States and throughout the world. Lung melanoma has surpassed breast plague as the leading motive of sarcoma deaths in women.

In the United States in 2007, 160,390 people were projected to die from lung melanoma, which is more than the number of deaths from colorectal, breast, and prostrate plague mutual.

Only about 2% of those diagnosed with lung canker that has swell to other areas of the body are breathing five existence after the diagnosis, while the survival tariff for lung cancers diagnosed at a very early point are senior, with about 49% ongoing for five years or longer.

Some lung tumors are metastatic from cancers elsewhere in the body. The lungs are a customary site for metastasis. If this is the instance, the plague is not considered to be lung disease. For example, if prostrate lump spreads via the bloodstream to the lungs, it is metastatic prostrate scourge (a derived plague) in the lung and is not called lung disease.

Cancer occurs when customary cells undergo a transformation that causes them to grow and multiply lacking the habitual reins. The cells form a crowd or growth that differs with the surrounding tissues from which it arises. Tumors are hazardous because they take oxygen, nutrients, and distance from wholesome cells.

About 90% of lung cancers surface due to tobacco use. Cigarette smoking is the most important grounds of lung growth. Cigarette smoked contains more than 4,000 chemicals, many of which have been identified as causing sarcoma. A role who smokes more than one backpack of cigarettes per day has an imperil of developing lung disease 20-25 time greater than somebody who has never smoked.

However, Once a person quits smoking, his or her endanger for lung disease regularly decreases. About 15 years after quitting, the expose for lung pest decreases to the equal of someone who never smoked. Cigar and channel smoking also increases the endanger of lung scourge but not as much as smoking cigarettes. Most lung tumors are spiteful.

The tumors can also range to adjoining lymph nodes or through the bloodstream to other organs. When lung melanoma metastasizes, the lump in the lung is called the major lump, and the tumors in other parts of the body are called minor tumors or metastatic tumors.

Adenocarcinoma (a NSCLC) is the most regular variety of lung sarcoma, making up 30%-40% of all luggage. A subtype of adenocarcinoma is called bronchoalveolar cubicle carcinoma, which creates a pneumonia-like appearance on chest x-emission. Squamous unit carcinoma (a NSCLC) is the support most normal print of lung scourge, making up about 30% of all lung cancers. Large section melanoma (another NSCLC) makes up 10% of all suitcases.

Lung cancers are regularly alienated into two highest groups that account for about 95% of all cases. About 5% of lung cancers are of bloody group types, including carcinoid growth, lymphoma, and others.

The two focal types of the booth characterized lung canker mass of the tumor when viewed under the microscope. They are called small faction lung growth (SCLC) and non-small cell lung blight (NSCLC). NSCLC includes several subtypes of tumors. SCLCs are excluding communal, but they grow more swiftly and are more possible to metastasize than NSCLCs. Often, SCLCs have already range to other parts of the body when the canker is diagnosed.

Up to one-fourth of all people with lung scourge may have no symptoms when the menace is diagnosed. These cancers mostly are identified incidentally when a chest x-ray is performed for another reason. The adulthood of people, however, acquire symptoms. The symptoms are dues to tell things of the major tumor, to things of metastatic tumors in other parts of the body, or to disturbances of hormones, blood, or other systems caused by the plague.

Symptoms of prime lung cancers compose cough, coughing up blood, chest bind, and dumpiness of breath. Symptoms of metastatic lung tumors depend on the position and mass. About 30%-40% of people with lung bane have some symptoms or cipher of metastatic disease. Also, Coughing up blood (hemoptysis) occurs in a significant number of people who have lung blight. Any total of coughed-up blood is start for disturb. Chest hurt is a symptom in about one-fourth of people with lung melanoma. The bind is dull, aching, and persistent and may concern other structures surrounding the lung.

Additionally, tininess of breath typically fallout from an obstacle to the flow of air in part of the lung, collection of fluid around the lung (pleural effusion), or the spread of tumor throughout the lungs. Wheezing or hoarseness may gesture blockage or inflammation in the lungs that may go along with bane. Finally, Repeated respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, can be a show of lung cancer.

Kids and Lung Cancer
In 2004 the UK solitary had 153, 397 deaths caused by tumor lonesome. Every year around 38,000 bags of lung scourge are diagnosed in the UK lonesome.The entire population in the UK around that time was estimated at 60.2 million people. A closer look will disclose the valid boundary of the disease that is slowly being tackled by seek. Cancer gear was increasing by 1% per year. Cancer mainly property people in later life, but is also seen to build in children and adolescents. More than 75% of deaths from bane happen in the elderly from the age of 65 and above. With such a high ratio of deaths occuring in the elderly, blight is responsible for 1 in 4 or 25% of all deaths across all age groups throughout the world.

There are more than 200 different types of disease but only four of these types were responsible for 48% of all blight allied deaths. Lung canker was the song chief capture of scourge diagnosed which accounts for 22% of all menace deaths in 2004. Bowel, breast and prostrate tumor were responsible for between 11% and 8% of other scourge deaths. Why is the value of lung menace sufferers so high? Simply because of the number of people who smoke cigarettes. Around 80% of all lung plague deaths are caused by smoking.

Cutting down on smoking or stopping all together would seriously reduce the number of melanoma deaths. World-broad, over 1.3 million cases of lung evil are diagnosed each year. Prolonging smoking is responsible for the supreme number of lungs connected blight deaths, with it prominent most commonly among those aged 65 living and over. Scotland has the peak evaluate of lung bane sufferers in the UK. Scotland has the memoirs of high smoking and Scottish men and women have among the maximum duty of menace in the world. Exposure to industrial carcinogens and humble diet are said to contribute to the high figure of sufferers. Asbestos exposure is responsible for around 6% of chap lung melanoma cases diagnosed. If we look at the complete world, the main rates of lung melanoma in the world are found to be in men in eastern Europe as well as men in North America. The blueprint is similair for women with the premier number of sufferers occuring in Denmark, Hungary and Iceland.

In the US, incedences of lung blight are upper in the black population for men and women while contrastingly, Hispanics and Asians have lower number of cases than the pasty population.

Children are not immune to smoking with near 1 in 4 smoking by the age of 15. How lifetime smoking practice are urbanized occurs in adolescent time, and by 19 they are steadily addicted to smoke. There evince that points to the truth that how early on in life someone begins smoking has more of brunt on the likelihood of them untaken onto upgrade lung growth. So the immature the fondness is produced, the greater the attempt of lung disease. This reasoned is more prominent than the number or extent the role smokes from then on after developing the fondness or right addicted to nicotine.

Some factors that trigger children to smoke are having a mother that is a smoker or siblings or friends. Being exposed to cigarrette advertising is also a cause that leads children to smoke. Passive smoking by someone, also puts them at gamble of developing lung cancer. It could also clue to respiratory disease in children. Children budding up with parents that smoke are also at venture of asthma, middle-ear infections.

Smokers that consume up to 14 cigarrettes a day are eight epoch more possible to upgrade lung cancer than non-smokers. Alarmingly, smokers consuming 25 or more, a day are 25 epoch more prone to form lung cancer.

For the sake of your children, if not for your strength, give up smoking and you will have more appreciation for life in your later days, with enhanced special wellbeing and children liberated from the menace of respiratory diseases that may transport to an early end a great life. If not for yourself, for the sake of your children.

Know the Treatment of Liver Cancer

The liver is the largest organ in the body, and the main heat-producing organ. It is surrounded by a fibrous capsule and is divided into sections called lobes. It is in the upper part of the abdomen on the right-hand side of the body and is surrounded and protected from injury by the lower ribs.

The liver is an extremely important organ that has many functions. This includes producing proteins that circulate in the blood. Some of these help the blood to clot and prevent excessive bleeding, while others are essential for maintaining the balance of fluid in the body.

Radiofrequency ablation procedure, electric current in the radiofrequency range is used to destroy malignant cells. Using an ultrasound or CT scan as a guide, your surgeon
inserts several thin needles into small incisions in your abdomen. When the needles reach the tumor, they're heated with an electric current, destroying the malignant cells. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. Although the procedure has a somewhat higher risk of serious complications than alcohol injection does, it appears to provide better outcomes.

On the day of treatment, the patient is given a mild sedative and pain medication. The radiologist makes a tiny incision in the groin—no larger than the tip of a pencil—to gain access to the femoral artery. Using moving X-ray images (fluoroscopy) as a visual guide, the physician directs a thin, flexible tube (catheter) through the artery and into the main blood vessel feeding the liver tumor. The radioactive beads are injected and carried in the bloodstream up to the tumor, where they embed and slowly kill the cancerous cells.

Surgery is increasingly being used for patients with secondary liver cancer. This can sometimes involve removing a segment of liver. Alternatively, keyhole techniques can be used to apply extreme cold or heat to localized areas of the liver.

The presence of secondary cancer within the liver implies that the primary tumor has spread via the bloodstream and as a result other organs may be at risk.

Hepatocellular cancer is more likely to develop in people with chronic cirrhosis. Your specialist may suggest a liver transplant if you have cirrhosis of the liver because of previous liver disease, infection with a hepatitis virus or from drinking alcohol. You will only benefit from a liver transplant if you have a single liver tumour that is less than 5cm across, or up to 3 tumours all less than 3cm across. Radiation Exposure can lead to liver sarcomas, sometimes as long as 5 decades after the exposure. The common thread to liver cancer risk factors is chronic irritation, which causes the liver cells to divide more quickly than they ordinarily would to repair perceived damage.

Liver Cancer Treatment
Primary liver cancer is cancer that forms in the tissues of the liver. Secondary liver cancer is cancer that spreads to the liver from another part of the body. The only real cure for liver cancer is an organ transplant,” explains Zuckerman, an associate professor and interventional radiologist at UC. “But this procedure allows us to stabilize the patient’s condition by controlling cancer growth and shrinking the tumor.

Liver Cancer Treatment
Surgery: is the most effective treatment for primary liver cancer, but this is not always possible due to the size or position of the tumour. It is also not possible to operate if the cancer has spread beyond the liver. If the liver is severely damaged by cirrhosis it may not be safe to have surgery.

Alcohol injection: In this procedure, pure alcohol is injected directly into tumors, either through the skin or during an operation. Alcohol dries out the cells of the tumor and eventually the cells die. Each treatment consists of one injection, although you may need a series of injections for the best results. Alcohol injection has been shown to improve survival in people with small hepatocellular tumors. It may also be used to help reduce symptoms in cases of metastatic liver cancer.

Liver transplantation: Liver transplantation is surgery to remove a diseased liver and replace it with a healthy liver from an organ donor. A liver transplant is necessary when disease makes the liver stop working. The most common reason for liver transplantation in adults is cirrhosis, a disease in which healthy liver cells are killed and replaced with scar tissue.

Radiofrequency ablation: In this procedure, electric current in the radiofrequency range is used to destroy malignant cells. Using an ultrasound or CT scan as a guide, your surgeon inserts several thin needles into small incisions in your abdomen. When the needles reach the tumor, they're heated with an electric current, destroying the malignant cells. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. Although the procedure has a somewhat higher risk of serious complications than alcohol injection does, it appears to provide better outcomes.

Chemoembolization: Chemoembolization is most beneficial to patients whose disease is limited to the liver. Some success has been demonstrated with patients whose cancer has spread to other areas. Patients with kidney disease, blood coagulation problems, or known allergies to contrast agents are not good candidates for this procedure.

Radiation therapy: This treatment uses high-powered energy beams to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside your body or from
radiation-containing materials inserted into your liver. Radiation may be used on its own to treat localized unresectable cancer. Or you may have radiation therapy following surgical removal of a tumor to help destroy any remaining malignant cells. Radiation side effects may include fatigue, nausea and vomiting.

Chemotherapy: This treatment uses powerful drugs to kill cancer cells. Systemic chemotherapy is generally not effective in treating liver cancer, but may be a treatment option in certain cases.

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