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Relay for Life Activities

Wednesday, January 30, 2013 1:24:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers

By Howard Gottlieb

I have participated in Relay for Life for many years. I have participated in the local Relay for Life activities as well as at some different regional locations. My involvement has ranged from making a donation to the Relay for Life cause to being a walker in the middle of the night. For the most part, the overall objective is the same while different chapters do things a bit differently.

In general, Relay for Life is an overnight, team event. Teams are formed from families, churches, organizations, schools, businesses, corporations, public employee groups, health care professionals, and more. Relay For Life activities bring together diverse groups--all with a common goal of wanting to strike back against cancer.

Another commonality is the honoring of cancer survivors. This special event culminates in the lighting of luminaries around the track. These luminaries are lit to honor the cancer survivors as well as the loved ones who have lost their battle.

Now each chapter can develop particular activities for their area. Many chapters have contests and have teams compete in the areas of t-shirt design, camp design, food, money raised, number of contributors and team theme.

Each team has a team captain. The team captain is responsible for creating the team, works with the Event Committee and is the go to person for communicating to their team. Teams are comprised of 8 - 15 members. The team captain is also responsible for organizing fundraising events for the team. Also, the captain will be responsible for making sure the necessary items are covered, such as food, proper clothing, tent, etc.

With carefully planned Relay for Life activities, the time will just fly by. You can have the separate contests judged and awards made. You can have testimonials. You can have a contest to see who can walk the most laps. The important thing to remember, that everyone there, is supporting finding a cure for cancer. Without people who care enough to devote their time and resources, we would still be generations away from finding a cure. So get a group together and support the American Cancer Society and their quest to eradicate cancer from this world.

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