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Cancer - The Cause - An Alternative Theory

Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:21:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers

By Diana Jo Rossano

When you were in high school biology, you probably were taught about the body's immune system - right? It is responsible for keeping disease at bay. Dr. Love (she is often on Oprah) says that everyone has cancer living in their body at some point in their life. So, why do some people get cancer and others don't?

In the simplest of terms, it's because their immune systems did not allow the cancer cells to reproduce. Once the immune system stops removing abnormal cells, we are fertile ground for cancer to grow. The forgetfulness of the cells may have been caused by the aging process? The forgetful cells may have been exposed to radiation or other environmental causes. While we don't know the cause of the abnormal cells, we do know that the body's defenses should be removing the abnormal cells. Cancer is NOT an organ-related illness. Cancer is a disease of the entire body.

We have breast cancer, lung cancer, and the cancer list goes on and on. But, if my alternative theory is correct, cancer is a systemic problem. Systemic would mean that cancer belongs to your entire body.

Here's an example: if I cut my finger, am I bleeding finger blood? No, I'm bleeding blood. Blood is systemic to my entire body - your blood belongs to all of you. If we apply this example to the cancer, it would mean if I have cancer of the lungs is the cancer in my lungs or is the cancer in my entire body and just took residence in my weakest organ? The lungs.

Removing a lung reduces the toxicity level of the of cancer in the body, but the body has not had its problem corrected. What problem? The problem of the immune system being compromised and allowing the cancer to grow. The body has stopped removing abnormal cells. That's why the cancer is likely to come back, but in another weak area of the body.

Are you interested in helping your immune system? I'm a Ph.D. in intervention medicine. I'm sometimes called the Dancing Doctor in Orlando, and here's my suggestion: Don't eat anything you cannot pronounce. Most processed foods in the American diet are not just processed but OVERLY processed and are deadly to the immune system. Hydrogenated oil is one of the biggest insults to the immune system. In other countries in the world like Denmark, partially hydrogenated oil has been outlawed by the government for over 40 years.

Americans are literally digging their own graves with their fork. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes - that beans.

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