By John Cusworth
Can't Cure Your Cancer? Maybe Not - But You Can Learn to Cope With It Better!
Cancer is an insidious disease which can sneak up on anybody. Sure there are a number of forms of cancer which have links to your behaviour. Not smoking will greatly reduce your chances of getting Lung Cancer. But a non-smoker can still get Lung Cancer. Frequent sun-baking without any form of protection will significantly increase your chances of contracting Skin Cancer. But a person who has rarely been exposed to the sun can still develop a case of Skin Cancer.... Why?
How can a young child get struck down with Leukemia, while an old person who has smoked, drunk heavily and eaten a very questionable diet all his can live seemingly healthily to over 100?... Why?
Billions of dollars' worth of scientific and medical research has vastly improved our understanding of the various types of cancer. We have bucket loads of statistics telling us what the percentage chances there are of getting a particular disease - or surviving if you happen to be a victim. But these are only statistics. When dealing with an individual they are almost useless.
Nobody knows whether or not you will contract cancer.
Nobody knows what type it would be if you were to get cancer.
Nobody knows whether or not you will survive a short time, a long time or completely recover.
There are numerous instances of people being told that they were terminally ill and would only survive a month or two. Yet they have gone on to live for many years - sometimes with no trace of the cancer remaining.
We should face the fact that we just don't know.
Certainly we can make some informed decisions based on the statistics - which tell us what has happened in the past. Certain forms of cancer have been found to respond reasonably well with modern medical treatments of chemotherapy, radiology and various cocktails of drugs. In other cases alternative, natural or holistic treatments have been shown to be very effective. In all cases these past results are exactly that - results obtained for other patients, in different situations, in a time past. They may or may not have the same effect on you - whether good or bad. The Doctors don't know that either - through no fault of their own. They can only make their best guess based on the evidence before them - which will always be biased towards the type of experiences and treatments that they are familiar with.
However you should not let this discourage you. You are not doomed with an irreversible curse placed upon you. You are an individual faced with a unique set of circumstances. Listen to the experts - but it is your life, and you are in charge of it. Make your own decisions about the course any treatment will take. Above all else remain positive - even if you have to force yourself. After all - many people in the past have overcome cancer.
There is a good deal of research suggesting that a positive attitude and mindset can do wonders for someone with any disease - particularly with cancer. Combined with a healthy lifestyle and natural, balanced nutrition - this can lead to a greatly improved prognosis.
If you sit around moping, expecting to die any minute - then that may just happen and in any case you will have wasted a lot of precious time being miserable.
If you can remain positive, look after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally - then you may end up living much longer, and if not you will at least have enjoyed what time you had left.
Can't Cure Your Cancer? Maybe Not - But You Can Learn to Cope With It Better!
Cancer is an insidious disease which can sneak up on anybody. Sure there are a number of forms of cancer which have links to your behaviour. Not smoking will greatly reduce your chances of getting Lung Cancer. But a non-smoker can still get Lung Cancer. Frequent sun-baking without any form of protection will significantly increase your chances of contracting Skin Cancer. But a person who has rarely been exposed to the sun can still develop a case of Skin Cancer.... Why?
How can a young child get struck down with Leukemia, while an old person who has smoked, drunk heavily and eaten a very questionable diet all his can live seemingly healthily to over 100?... Why?
Billions of dollars' worth of scientific and medical research has vastly improved our understanding of the various types of cancer. We have bucket loads of statistics telling us what the percentage chances there are of getting a particular disease - or surviving if you happen to be a victim. But these are only statistics. When dealing with an individual they are almost useless.
Nobody knows whether or not you will contract cancer.
Nobody knows what type it would be if you were to get cancer.
Nobody knows whether or not you will survive a short time, a long time or completely recover.
There are numerous instances of people being told that they were terminally ill and would only survive a month or two. Yet they have gone on to live for many years - sometimes with no trace of the cancer remaining.
We should face the fact that we just don't know.
Certainly we can make some informed decisions based on the statistics - which tell us what has happened in the past. Certain forms of cancer have been found to respond reasonably well with modern medical treatments of chemotherapy, radiology and various cocktails of drugs. In other cases alternative, natural or holistic treatments have been shown to be very effective. In all cases these past results are exactly that - results obtained for other patients, in different situations, in a time past. They may or may not have the same effect on you - whether good or bad. The Doctors don't know that either - through no fault of their own. They can only make their best guess based on the evidence before them - which will always be biased towards the type of experiences and treatments that they are familiar with.
However you should not let this discourage you. You are not doomed with an irreversible curse placed upon you. You are an individual faced with a unique set of circumstances. Listen to the experts - but it is your life, and you are in charge of it. Make your own decisions about the course any treatment will take. Above all else remain positive - even if you have to force yourself. After all - many people in the past have overcome cancer.
There is a good deal of research suggesting that a positive attitude and mindset can do wonders for someone with any disease - particularly with cancer. Combined with a healthy lifestyle and natural, balanced nutrition - this can lead to a greatly improved prognosis.
If you sit around moping, expecting to die any minute - then that may just happen and in any case you will have wasted a lot of precious time being miserable.
If you can remain positive, look after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally - then you may end up living much longer, and if not you will at least have enjoyed what time you had left.
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