By Trina Claiborne
Cancer is a degenerative type disease that's on the rise in America. There are a number of reasons for this epidemic, but one of the top reasons is due to the types of food consumed in this country like processed foods. If you really want to know the truth, choice is the driving factor because there are other choices to choose from other than processed foods. Many Americans have come to believe that due to their lifestyle, they don't have the money to purchase more healthy foods or the time required to prepare them. The real truth is people can't afford 'not' to choose the more healthy foods. When you compare the medical bills and the cost of medication required to keep them alive versus the health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables, it becomes very obvious which one cost the most.
When we talk about processed foods, the first types we think of are foods served at places like McDonalds, Wendy's, and Popeyes Chicken to name a few. Unfortunately, there are a tremendous amount of processed foods sold right in our local grocery stores. The best way to determine if they fall in the processed food category is to see them sitting on the shelves located in the center isles of the grocery store. These foods usually come in boxes, plastic container, jars and contain high level of salt and/or high fructose corn syrup to increase the shelf life of the foods. Not only does this increase profits for the store, manufacture, and distributor, but they also wreak havoc on our organs. Live foods on the other hand, such as fresh fruits and vegetables require lower temperature environment; therefore, they need refrigeration. Refrigeration requires electricity and that's why you see fresh fruits & vegetables, eggs, cheeses, yogurt, real fruit juices and meats located in the outer perimeters of the store. The frozen foods are live foods as well; therefore, you'll see them located in a designated section of the store in commercial sized freezers.
For those individuals thinking that the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables are too much for their budget; there are ways to extend the life of the produce. Today's technology has created storage gadgets that slow down the release of the ethylene gases naturally released by the produce during the ripening process. Some of these gadgets come in the form of bags or plastic containers with lids, and can be purchased at your local grocery store, online, Wal-Mart or just about anywhere these days. As for time, preparation is the key. There are a number of things we can do to decrease the time required to prepare the food for consumption such as: pre-cutting for portion size, washing and drying the produce before placing in the refrigerator and the best one is to take a day out of the week and pre-cook your food. Pre-cooking will allow you to make your plate just as you would before eating lunch or dinner using a sectioned Tupperware container and then place it in the freezer. Before you go off to work, just put it in your lunch bag and pop it in the microwave when you're ready to eat.
Since cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, and knowing that consuming fresh fruits and vegetables have the ability to fight cancer; it would be a great idea to understand how each food type contribute to fighting cancer. Starting with fruits, they are packed with vitamin C, antioxidants that fight against free radicals which are precursors to cancer and some fruits even have the ability to inhibit enzymes that activate carcinogens. The best fruits with these qualities are: apples, oranges, red grapes, blueberries, grapefruit, strawberries, cantaloupe, lemons, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, and cherries just to name a few.
Nuts and seeds are great cancer fighters. Some seeds include: fenugreek seeds, flax seeds, grape seeds, and poppy seeds. These and many other types of seed contain enzymes that help inhibit the development of various forms of cancer. Nuts such as black walnuts contain ellagic acids and almonds contain oleic acids which are cancer fighting properties. Other nuts that contribute to fighting cancer when consumed in moderation are: Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, macadamia nuts, pistachio nuts and peanuts.
Fresh vegetables are great cancer fighters and provide fiber to keep our colon cleansed. The more colorful the vegetable the better they fight cancer, but over cooked vegetables destroys the cancer fighting properties. The best way to consume vegetables is to eat them raw, but some vegetables are better for us when cooked, and the best cooking methods are steaming or light grilling. For people that don't really like vegetables, pureeing them in an emulsifier and adding your favorite fruit like apples can allow the vegetables to become a drink. The best cancer fighting vegetables are: Bitter Melon due to its content of MAP-30, Spinach & Kale by preventing the formation of Nitrosamines due to its Carotenoids and Histidine content, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower due to the Isothiocyanates they contain, Broccoli due to its Indole-3- Carbinol and Sulforaphane content, Rhubarb due to the Rhein content, Eggplant due to the Protease inhibitors used to counteract many carcinogens, Tomatoes due to its Lycopene content, and Turnips due to their Glucosinolates content.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are always good choices to keep the body healthy. The best place to get fresh fruit and vegetable would be your local organic farmer. Buying direct from the farmer not only ensure your purchase is fresh, but it also help support the farmers in your own community. One can easily find a farmer in their community by checking the listing at: www.LocalHarvest.org. The second best place to purchase fruits and vegetables is the local farmers market. The farmer's market usually obtains their foods from the local farmers as well to prevent having the foods delivered from other states to ensure freshness. The most common place people purchase their produce is the local grocery store due to convenience.