By Glenn Dahlenburg
My father recently was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and he exhibited some of normal Brain Tumor Symptoms. However he did not have all the typical symptoms of a brain tumor, this is quite common for someone to only exhibit a selection of the normal brain tumor symptoms.
So what are the brain tumor symptoms you should look out for?
Brain Tumor Symptoms are very much related to where in the brain the tumor is located.
This is a short summary of what symptoms are related to which part of the brain.
Frontal lobe - Tumors in the Frontal lobe can cause the following: changes in personality or intellect, unco-ordination especially in walking, some weakness usually in one side of the body, some speech difficulties.
Parietal lobe - Tumors in the Parietal lobe can cause the following: difficulty in understanding words reading and writing, problems with movements especially co-ordination of movements, disorientation
numbers and calculations, weakness on one side of the body.
Occipital lobe - Tumors in the Occipital lobe can cause the following: vision impairment especially on one side.
Temporal lobe - Tumors in the Temporal lobe can cause the following: Fits, strange feelings like fear or familiarity like dé jà vu, unusual smells, blackouts, difficulties with speech, memory problems.
Cerebellum - Tumors in the Cerebellum can cause the following: Co-ordination affecting walking and speech, unsteadiness, involuntary movement of the eyes - flickering, vomiting and nausea, neck stiffness.
Brain stem - Tumors in the Brain Stem can cause the following: Unsteadiness usually un-coordinated walking, Facial weakness can be one-sided smile or eyelid that droops, vision issues usually double vision, speaking and swallowing difficulties.
As you can see the different tumors exhibit different symptoms.
You need to look out for any brain tumor symptoms and if there appears to be a problem get it check by a qualified medical person immediately.
Having recently had his father diagnosed with a brain tumor, Glenn has first hand knowledge and experience of just what can happen with brain tumors and how the person, family and friends can all be affected. Author of the popular website [http://www.dadsbraintumor.com/] and the blog [http://brain-tumor.blogspot.com/]
November 11, 2011 at 7:22 PM
Completely useful..good source, thanks anyway!