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AIDS Related Cancers

Monday, November 11, 2013 11:40:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers

By Brijesh Ghelani

Medical professionals have found that their studies show that there are some cancers which are more apt to occur in people who have AIDS than other cancers. The most predominant of these are Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin disease. Medical professionals believe that their studies indicate that people who have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as HIV, are more prone to cancers of the lungs, mouth, cervix and digestive system than they are to other kinds of cancers and also more prone to these kinds of cancers than are people who do not have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.

Many medical professionals feel that their studies seem to indicate that because of the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, people with AIDS are more prone to primary central nervous system lymphoma, usually referred to as CNS lymphoma. This diagnosis is given when cancer cells are found to have formed in the lymph tissue found in the brain or in the spinal cord or possibly in the layers which make up the outer covering of the brain, those layers known as the meninges. Because of the close proximity of the eye to the brain, sometimes starts in the eye. When this occurs it is then known as ocular lymphoma.

Some of the symptoms of AIDS related cancer are such things as sudden unexplainable weight loss, fever, night sweats, painless swollen lymph nodes in the areas of the neck, chest, underarm or groin, and a feeling of fullness underneath the ribs.

It is extremely important, because of their diminished immune system, for a person with AIDS to see to it that they have periodic physical examinations by their doctor. They also should have a complete blood count done.

When a complete blood count is done, the doctor or medical professional will check the number of the red blood cells, the number of the white blood cells and the number of the platelets. They will also check the amount of hemoglobin present in the red blood cells.

Doctors will also often take a biopsy of some sort during this examination.

AIDS is a frightening disease but it is also one which can be fought. A person with AIDS can fight back strongly and well with their doctor's advice and assistance.

The periodic examinations can enable a person to know if cancer has invaded their system. By finding it in its very beginning stages, a person has a chance, a good chance, of beating it, even though all the evidence seems to be against them.

A diagnosis of cancer in a person with AIDS sounds like a death knoll but it doesn't have to be. The person needs to fight aggressively, and fight with an attitude of winning the battle.

The battle should begin before the diagnosis is even made. The body should be taken care of as well as possible, proper meds, proper food, proper exercise. Cancer is a formidable enemy; those with AIDS should give it a formidable combatant.

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