By Josef Bichler
This question is often asked, cancer were does it come from? How does it happen? It's unlikely that it been sourced from outer space or from another planet; far from it, cancer is created right here on our planet earth, by us the human genius. There are 4 out of 6 people who in some shape or form touched within family circle or close friends by this death threatening disease which is continuously increasing its momentum and is like an octopus surging with its tentacles for more fresh food.
Cancer is manmade; we are responsible for its creation, we are the ones that let it happen for cancer to play havoc in our daily life's, and let its momentum increase without slowing down or stopping it.
All this started some years ago when food became more commercialised and processed, as well as take away and fast food became the thing in society for a new easy-lazy lifestyle. Than the new none exercise gadget's came on the market, remote controls for TV, garage doors etc: Don't walk to the corner store a short distance away, we drive the car, plus many other electronic gadgets to make life easier for us but certainly not healthier. On the longterm effect of this kind of lifestyle will or can bring any kind of sickness or change for the worse to our health. This revolution started maybe 40 to 50 years ago and is anything but healthy for us.
Healthy philosophy, the real home truth debunks the myth that our food is safe, let's look and expose the very real risks we and our families take by eating certain food on a daily base. Unfortunately most of us do not realize how important and effective lifestyle changes are to improving our health or treating the disease and most if not all of it to be done without drugs, the natural way.
The other thing, depleted soil over some decades has taken its toll and the quality of our food has been lost, therefore certain organically grown fruits and vegetables have a far higher quality and higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, than normally grown foods. We often wrongly assume that the healthy food is more expensive than any other but in most cases it is just the opposite, we also must get our priority in order, remember our health is priceless, do not compromise on it. People seem to have money for all their leisure's in life although when it comes to health issues or to improve-maintain as such they look at the dollar sign and anything for health seems to expensive, maybe later in their lives give it all to the doctor to become drug reliant where quality of live diminishes trough drugs and often the wrong ones.
Cancer cure the natural way according to some statistics has a success rate between 80 to 95 % as a comparison with drug treatment only 45 to 55 %. Plus the fact, if a cancer patient dies after 5 to 6 years with drug treatment this is also included as successful; it is also surprising that conventional cancer programs still do not address diet and the need to avoid sugars.
There are certain things we must be aware of avoiding cancer in the first place, it is of most importance to avoid all sugary, fatty or processed foods. Cancer absolutely flourishes on sugary foods, this includes all sodas, soft drinks, sport drinks, diet drinks; although the label often says reduced in sugar, don't believe it, they are all loaded with artificial sugars and fructose which speed up cancer growth. In 2002 a new artificial sweetener came on the market called Neotane it is widely used in drinks and food products, and is even more toxic than others and not shown on any labels. Most people are not aware of those dangers; these are only a few to mention of the hidden toxins in our food.
Diet and lifestyle changes are the most important steps for better health. Accomplishing or confirming good health takes discipline, persistence and determination, to continue good health your diet is the number one issue. We are what we eat, we become what we eat.
To stay healthy or improve one's health it is essential to receive all the minerals, vitamins, antioxidant's daily of which the body requires. The most economical way and simplest way to do this is a supplement. Caution: not just any supplement, it has to be the right one, a proven one that does the job.
This question is often asked, cancer were does it come from? How does it happen? It's unlikely that it been sourced from outer space or from another planet; far from it, cancer is created right here on our planet earth, by us the human genius. There are 4 out of 6 people who in some shape or form touched within family circle or close friends by this death threatening disease which is continuously increasing its momentum and is like an octopus surging with its tentacles for more fresh food.
Cancer is manmade; we are responsible for its creation, we are the ones that let it happen for cancer to play havoc in our daily life's, and let its momentum increase without slowing down or stopping it.
All this started some years ago when food became more commercialised and processed, as well as take away and fast food became the thing in society for a new easy-lazy lifestyle. Than the new none exercise gadget's came on the market, remote controls for TV, garage doors etc: Don't walk to the corner store a short distance away, we drive the car, plus many other electronic gadgets to make life easier for us but certainly not healthier. On the longterm effect of this kind of lifestyle will or can bring any kind of sickness or change for the worse to our health. This revolution started maybe 40 to 50 years ago and is anything but healthy for us.
Healthy philosophy, the real home truth debunks the myth that our food is safe, let's look and expose the very real risks we and our families take by eating certain food on a daily base. Unfortunately most of us do not realize how important and effective lifestyle changes are to improving our health or treating the disease and most if not all of it to be done without drugs, the natural way.
The other thing, depleted soil over some decades has taken its toll and the quality of our food has been lost, therefore certain organically grown fruits and vegetables have a far higher quality and higher levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, than normally grown foods. We often wrongly assume that the healthy food is more expensive than any other but in most cases it is just the opposite, we also must get our priority in order, remember our health is priceless, do not compromise on it. People seem to have money for all their leisure's in life although when it comes to health issues or to improve-maintain as such they look at the dollar sign and anything for health seems to expensive, maybe later in their lives give it all to the doctor to become drug reliant where quality of live diminishes trough drugs and often the wrong ones.
Cancer cure the natural way according to some statistics has a success rate between 80 to 95 % as a comparison with drug treatment only 45 to 55 %. Plus the fact, if a cancer patient dies after 5 to 6 years with drug treatment this is also included as successful; it is also surprising that conventional cancer programs still do not address diet and the need to avoid sugars.
There are certain things we must be aware of avoiding cancer in the first place, it is of most importance to avoid all sugary, fatty or processed foods. Cancer absolutely flourishes on sugary foods, this includes all sodas, soft drinks, sport drinks, diet drinks; although the label often says reduced in sugar, don't believe it, they are all loaded with artificial sugars and fructose which speed up cancer growth. In 2002 a new artificial sweetener came on the market called Neotane it is widely used in drinks and food products, and is even more toxic than others and not shown on any labels. Most people are not aware of those dangers; these are only a few to mention of the hidden toxins in our food.
Diet and lifestyle changes are the most important steps for better health. Accomplishing or confirming good health takes discipline, persistence and determination, to continue good health your diet is the number one issue. We are what we eat, we become what we eat.
To stay healthy or improve one's health it is essential to receive all the minerals, vitamins, antioxidant's daily of which the body requires. The most economical way and simplest way to do this is a supplement. Caution: not just any supplement, it has to be the right one, a proven one that does the job.
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