By Gerald Salazar
Brain tumor is can be either benign or malignant kind of its kind. It is an uncontrolled and irregular activity of cell that common occurs in the brain, cranial nerves, pineal glands brain envelopes and even metastasize in other organ.
Clients who will undergo treatment for brain tumor usually take drugs and steroids to alleviate the pain and edema. Anticonvulsant medication is usually given to clients to control or avoid convulsion. Cerebrospinal fluid must be drained using a shunt if the client is suffering from hydrocephalus.
Brain tumor treatment usually includes radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. But the treatment will vary depending on various factors involve such as the tumor's size, type, location and the over-all health condition and age of the client. The program and treatment process for adults and children usually varies.
Radiotherapy or radiation therapy or even sometimes called as radiation oncology is a treatment for brain tumor. Damage brain cells are being stop from increasing by the use of radiation. This process is usually used after surgery where in there are still remaining cancer cells that was not able to removed during surgery. The client usually undergo to this process when it is impossible already to undergo surgery.
There are two methods in giving the radiation therapy. First is the implant radiation therapy wherein the radioactive substance is put straight to the affected area. The implant of the radioactive substance might be temporary or permanent depending on the substance used. The second method for radiation therapy is the external radiation. Large machine is being used for this process.
Surgery is the common technique to treat brain tumor. The neurosurgeon is the one who is responsible for the surgery. The damage brain cell is being removed in the brain through skull opening. This process is called as craniotomy.
If the cancer cells in the brain cannot be removed using a surgery or radiation therapy, the third method is commonly given to the client, wherein the client undergo a chemotherapy sessions. The physician uses a single drug or multiple drugs for this process. The drugs are can be taken orally or injected in the muscle or blood streams. The process of infusing the drugs in the cerebrospinal fluid is called intrathecal chemotherapy.
Understand everything about Tumor Treatment. For more information visit website: http://www.TumorTreatment.org/
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