By Anne Ahira
Medulloblastoma is a type of brain tumor that is often found in patients that have brain cancer - particularly children. This type of tumor grows quite rapidly in the lowest rear region of the brain. Medical professionals refer to this area as the cerebellum. In many instances, it is also referred to as the posterior fossa.
Medulloblastoma tumors that are found in this particular area are further classified into a group of tumors that is referred to as "Infratentorial". There is a very thick membrane in the brain that is called the tentorium. This actually separates the cerebral based hemispheres from the cerebellum.
The term "Infratentorial" means that the actual tumor is situated just below the tentorium. In this medical guide, you will learn about the brain cancer tumors referred to as Medulloblastoma.
As stated previously, Medulloblastoma tumors are most common among children. These tumors result in many uncomfortable symptoms. In the beginning stages of the development of this form of tumor, a child may appear as if they have caught a type of influenza.
The child may appear or complain of being extremely tired. In some instances, they may lose their appetite and not have a desire to eat. Behavioral changes - such as marked irritability are also quite common among children that have a Medulloblastoma tumor. If infants develop this type of tumor, irritability is also common.
However, many adults and others that care for the infant are likely to discover that the head size increases. Teenagers and even adults that develop this type of tumor will most likely suffer from pain in the head, and vomiting - especially when they get out of bed for the day.
As the tumor of this type of brain cancer starts to grow, there are many other symptoms that may develop. Many of these symptoms depend on the exact location of the tumor on the brain. It is important to know and understand that the cerebellum is typically responsible for balance and other types of movement. As a result, symptoms that occur in the later stages of development are as follows:
• Many have issues with coordination.
• It may be difficult for the sufferer to move as easily and in the same ways as they did prior to the development of the Medulloblastoma.
• Dizziness is frequently experienced.
• Moderate to extremely severe headaches due to pressure on the brain may be experienced.
• Many will find that they experience complications associated with the vision. The two most common issues are blurry vision and double vision.
• Many may experience stiffness in the neck and the upper back region.
If the patient that is suffering from brain cancer is suffering from a Medulloblastoma, there are several different treatment options available. The first and most common treatment is an attempt to surgically remove the tumor - or as much as is possible.
Immediately following this type of surgery, the doctor will likely recommend radiation treatment that is craniospinal based and possibly even chemotherapy. In many instances, both radiation and chemotherapy are recommended. If brain cancer comes as a result of a Medulloblastoma, it is important to work closely with a doctor so that the obstacle may be overcome.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company INTRODUCING: The Power of Conversational Hypnosis To Awaken Your Own Magnetic, Irresistible Personality...To Attain Incredible Personal & Financial Success... And To Have Those Around You Practically *Begging* To Follow Your Commands... Don't wait. Don't think about it! Master the Secret of The Subconscious Mind! Download The Training Here: http://www.HowToMasterHypnotism.org You will be amazed at the way it changes your world!
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