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Showing posts with label male breast cancer pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label male breast cancer pictures. Show all posts

Recognizing The First Symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is not a type of disease that comes without early signs. However, a lot of women fail to identify the first symptoms of breast cancer. As a result, when they find out about the existence of this cancer, it has already reached an advanced state (stage III or IV). Thus, women need to recognize the early signs of this cancer so that the chance of recovery is high. The early detection of the cancer may also prevent further damage to breast tissue. However, the worst thing that can happen besides death is that the affected breast needs to be removed. This normally happens when the cancer has reached stage IV.

The first symptoms of breast cancer usually do not cause any pain. One of the most common early symptoms is a hard lump in the breast. If it remains even after menstruation, you need to consult your doctor about it, because it might be malignant or cancerous. Women need to pay more attention to the upper outer quarter of the breast since about 50% of lumps are found in that area. If you feel a hard mass in your armpit, it might be a sign that the tumor has spread to the lymph nodes. This means that it has reached a more advanced state. The lump can also change the look of the affected breast. It may appear asymmetric or larger than the other breast and you may also notice some dimpling or puckering. The nipple of the affected breast can appear scaly or retracted. The texture of the breast and nipple may also feel like orange skin (this symptom is also known as peu d'orange). A change in color and texture of the areola and nipple discharge (with or without blood) may also indicate the disease. The not so obvious signs are soreness of the breast and nipple, swelling of one arm and weight loss. Women experiencing those three symptoms often mistake them for symptoms of other, not so serious diseases.

Over 80% of breast cancer cases are discovered through self examination and therefore it is extremely important for women to perform breast self examination (BSE) every month, particularly a week after menstruation. If you discover any unusual lumps, you need to consult your doctor immediately. Additionally, women aged 40 and over are advised to get a mammogram every 1 or 2 years. By doing so, if abnormal cells are present, your doctor can do further examination to determine whether the cells are cancerous or not. If they are cancerous, then you will be prescribed the appropriate treatment. If the cancer is detected early, you have a better chance of successful treatment.

By David Dodiros

Do You Know That Male Could Develop Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is automatically associated with women. There is good reason for this, as it is much more common for women to be diagnosed with breast cancer than men. However, breast cancer in men does exist even though it is quite rare.

It is reported that only 1 percent of the people suffering from breast cancer are actually men. The main reason why people do not think that male breast cancer actually exists is because men don’t have breasts. However, they do have breast tissue. This breast tissue in men normally stays small and flat. Some men develop what look like medium or large breasts. Some men do also grow actual breasts as a result of medication or unusually high hormone levels within the body.

There are a few factors to consider when looking at male breast cancer. It is important to remember when looking at the factors that because the chance of getting breast cancer in males is low, there haven’t been a lot of studies looking into male breast cancer.

* Aging – Getting older can be just a bigger factor as it is for women developing breast cancer. The usual age when men are diagnosed with breast cancer is around the mid 60’s.

* Higher estrogens levels than normal can be a factor for men developing breast cancer. If a man is taking hormone medication for some reason, he may begin to develop breasts. As a result, he may be more at risk of developing breast cancer.

* Being obese or overweight increases the body’s production of estrogens levels within a male. This then makes them more at risk of getting breast cancer.

* It can be genetically passed on from male to male in the family. If there is a history of breast cancer within other males in the same family, there is much more chance of developing it later on in life.

* If the male has had radiation treatment to treat such diseases like Hodgkin’s disease can increase a man risk of getting breast cancer.

Symptoms in male breast cancer are not unlike what women get when they develop breast cancer. While breast cancer in men is still fairly uncommon, it does seem to be on the rise. This could be contributed to the growing problem of people’s waistlines all across the world.

Men developing male breast cancer may experience a lump or bump in the breast, underarm or collarbone area, painful nipples, discharging nipples, inverted nipples and sores around the nipple area.

Just because men sometimes develop breasts, doesn’t necessarily mean that they will go on to develop breast cancer.

General Synopsis of Male Breast Cancer
Though far less common than in women, men's breast cancer is possible. According to the American Cancer Society, over 2000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, meaning men account for approximately 1% of all breast cancer cases diagnosed nationally.

Male Breast Cancer Symptoms
Though most lumps or changes in the breast for men are benign (not cancerous) abnormalities, men should still report any major changes, irritations or problems to their doctors as soon as possible.

The most common symptoms of breast cancer in men are actually quite similar to the symptoms for women. These include nipple inversion; detecting a lump, unexplained tissue growth, change in breast size, skin puckering or dimpling, nipple discharge, itchiness or redness.

Men generally have less breast tissue than women, making it much easier to detect lumps.

Contributing Factors for Men's Breast Cancer

Elder Age
Most men diagnosed with male breast cancer are between the ages of 60 and 70.

Family History
Approximately 20 percent of men with breast cancer have one or more close family members who have or have had the disease.

Prior Radiation Exposure
Radiation exposure to the chest (for example, past treatment for lung cancer) can be a risk factor for the development of male breast cancer.

History of Liver Diseases
The liver works to regulate hormones, meaning men who have survived liver failure or liver disease often have lower levels of androgens, the male hormones. Those low levels can put them at a higher risk for developing breast cancer or non-cancerous tissue growth.

Estrogen Therapy
Often men who are being treated for prostate cancer are put on estrogen treatments to help control the disease. These men may be at a higher risk for developing breast cancer. That said, the American Cancer Society says those risks are small and worth the benefits of improved health for prostate cancer patients.

Typically, men are born with one Y chromosome and one X chromosome. Klinefelter's Syndrome is when a man is born with two or more X chromosomes (female chromosomes). Approximately 1 in 850 men were born with Klinefelter's.

Men with this syndrome generally have lower levels of androgens and higher levels of estrogen and are therefore at a greater risk for developing male breast cancer.

How Breast Cancer in Men is treated
Methods for treating men's breast cancer include surgical removal of the tumor and any cancerous cells, chemo, radiation therapy, hormone therapy or a combination of all these treatments.

The survival rates for men with breast cancer often depend on the stage of the disease but range from 96% for stage me diagnosis to 24% for a stage IV diagnosis.

Men experiencing symptoms of breast cancer may be inhibited through embarrassment from requesting the assessment of a qualified physician. But given the severity of any type of cancer, the potential risk merits an extra effort to swallow one's pride and make sure.

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