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Showing posts with label Metastasis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Metastasis. Show all posts

4 Things You Can Do to Deal With Metastasis

By Nelson Berry

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world. It affects thousands of people; and it doesn't choose any age, gender, or ethnicity. Because of the very bad prognosis, a lot of patients-and their families and friends-are finding it hard to deal with. But it becomes much worse when they learn about metastasis.

Metastasis means that the cancer cells have already spread to other parts of the body, usually those that are near the primary tumor. When metastasis occurs, it means that the cancer is already in its advanced stage, and the survival rate is much lower.

It's not surprising therefore if 80 percent of those with metastatic cancer lose their hope for living a much longer life. But the truth is there are still things you can do to extend life, if not live it to the fullest.

If you're suffering from metastasis, take note of these tips:

1. See your doctor as regularly as possible. You want to monitor the progress of your illness. There are already several cases where metastasis had already occurred, and yet they still lived for a number of years because they had learned how to control the spread of cancer cells. But you can only do that if you deal with your doctor on a regular basis.

Normally, you'll be asked to undergo a series of tests to see if there's any improvement. The tests can also be utilized to determine any possible complications later. Depending on the metastatic cancer, you may be asked to go through tests at least every three months.

2. Take your medications. If you have been unfaithful with your medications, then now is the best time that you don't. The different medicines that you take are very important to halt, if not to slow down, the spread of cancer to various parts of the body. The medications can also help relieve of any symptoms or signs that may develop because of metastasis. The kinds of drugs you take will depend on what type of cancer you have. The dosage, meanwhile, will be according to the severity of the metastasis.

3. Join support groups. It's a lot harder to deal with the illness alone. You need to get a lot of support, especially from those who are sharing your experience. There are plenty of support groups that you can participate in. In fact, a lot of health care facilities already have their own in-house groups to help their patients manage their illness more effectively. By just being there, you'll realize that you're not alone in your battle.

4. Relieve yourself of the stress. Stress is one of the biggest enemies of cancer. When you're stressed, your immune system goes down. You will lose your ability to fight the cancer spread. There are different ways on how to manage stress, and one of these is through affirmations or subliminal messages.

Make it a habit to spend at least 15 minutes of relaxation. While doing so, listen to subliminal messages and affirmations that may carry the following messages:

I live life to the fullest.
It's quality of life I seek.
Cancer doesn't define me.

Bone Cancer Metastasis

By Anjuman Khan

An estimated 60% to 84% of patients with cancer develop bone metastasis. Of these 70% experience pain syndrome which is difficult to manage, of which 50% die without adequate pain relief with a poor quality of life. It is therefore necessary to have accessible and effective medications for the management of this condition. One of the most common pain syndromes in patients with advanced cancer is bone metastasis. This is difficult to manage and control in clinical practice. Currently, scientific advances in cancer detection and treatment have prolonged life expectancy in patients. Unlike the case with the phenomenon of bone pain in cancer, where current treatment strategies are not significantly effective. Most palliative treatment of bone pain are based on clinical studies on pain management in patients or in experimental models is not well designed this could explain why the drugs used are partially effective. Today, one of the main obstacles in developing new, safe treatments to control bone pain is the absence of basic science knowledge in the physiology of bone pain.


The pain in cancer patients is usually multifactorial, may arise from the process itself, treatment side effects or both. For these reasons the approach and management of this symptom should be multidisciplinary. Pain syndrome occurs either by local proliferation or tumor invasion of a metastatic tumor from a distance. With metastatic bone pain often reflects the presence of a tumor in breast, thyroid, prostate, kidney, lung or adrenal.

Physiology of bone pain

Bone pain is associated with tissue destruction by osteoclast cells. Normally, osteoclastic bone resorption are in balance with bone formation mediated by osteoblasts. In neoplastic osteolytic activity is increased and there are substances such as cytokines, local growth factors, peptides similar to parathyroid hormone and prostaglandins. Autacoids are also released other owners as potassium ions, bradykinin and osteoclast activating factors. These tissue substances play an important role in sensitizing the neural tissue against chemical and thermal stimuli, lower thresholds for discharge of the neuronal membrane, produce exaggerated responses to stimuli above the threshold and result in discharges of tonic impulses normally silent nociceptors. This phenomenon is called peripheral sensitization and primary hyperalgesia and is understood as events occurring within the ranks of the injured tissue and stimulate peripheral nociceptors (C fibers and A delta fibers) translating pain. In bone tissue of the sensory receptors are located primarily in the periosteum, whereas the bone marrow and bone cortex are insensitive. This phenomenon of peripheral sensitization results in abnormal sensitivity to pressure surrounding skin (allodynia and hyperalgesia), pain in muscles, tendons, joints and deep tissues in contact with bone. This is limited to ensure that the peripheral ends have a greater capacity for alarm response to injury.

The constant presence of harmful process, stimulating nociceptive receptors gives the introduction of a subacute pain that tends to be chronic with the growth of bone metastases. These stimuli lead to another prevalent phenomenon called central sensitization important which includes abnormal amplification of incoming sensory signals to the central nervous system, particularly the spinal cord. The phenomenon occurs because of the persistent input stimulus through the fibers C. This spinal cord triggers a temporary increase in the power of silent synaptic terminals. In this process plays an important role of glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). The resulting amplification of the signal generated in the postsynaptic neuron sends a message to the brain which is interpreted as pain. In short central sensitization amplifies the sensory effects of both peripheral nociceptive inputs (C fibers of pain) and non-nociceptive fibers (A of touch).

In practice the two phenomena come together in the genesis of metastatic bone pain and peripheral sensitization occurs acutely metastatic lesions to appear nociceptors and translate the information conveyed through the afferent myelinated A-delta or unmyelinated C fibers to the spinal cord where the information is modulated by various systems. With the set up process subacute begins the process of central sensitization which sensory synapses begin to activate silent. And there is a state of increased central perception. By becoming chronic pain phenomenon becomes even more complex because all that is in contact with the area of injury becomes a powerful generator of pain. The touch, muscle movement or joint pain result, manifesting the phenomena of allodynia and hyperalgesia much more marked.

With progression and growth of metastatic disease can appear phenomena of compression of peripheral nerves, nerve roots or spinal cord. Then the pain can refer to other dermatomes, further complicating the initial picture painful. This condition becomes a debilitating factor for the patient and to be inadequately controlled could trigger the phenomenon of total pain detailed below.

I M Currently doing my doctorate and felt immense need to help the people about the Bone Cancer, Web:

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