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Showing posts with label Invasive Breast Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Invasive Breast Cancer. Show all posts

Colon Cancer Survival Rate - Know Your Chances

Doctors have a proper way of discussing with the patients the prognosis or outlook of their diseases. Patients or anyone who is infected with a dreaded disease like cancer of the colon may want to know the statistics of people being able to make it past the deadly sickness, or as more properly known, colon cancer survival rate. Most of the time, statistics are based upon a percentage of patients and their 5 year struggle against cancer of the colon. This ratio is based upon people who lived beyond 5 years upon discovery of the malignant tumor.

There are also people who lived beyond 5 years and have been cured of the dreaded cancer disease.
For doctors to get the 5 year survival statistics, a list of people treated at least the past 5 years are compiled and given as a resource for doctors all around the whole world. There are a huge improvement in colon cancer survival rate in the past few years due to the improvement in treatments and ways of detecting this type of cancer.

Survival statistics do not generally mean the possible outcome of a patient's disease, for this was previously recorded outcomes of people who have had cancer of the colon. There are a lot of contributing factors that may affect ones colon cancer survival rate. There are times that the grade of cancer or the genetic changes in ones malignant cancer cell can be a major factor in one's survival chances. Another factor is how the malignant cells respond to the treatment being given. We should remember that survival statistics are just rough estimates on the stage of the cancer you are in. This does not generally mean that if you have a stage 4 colon cancer you will have a huge chance of not surviving for there are a lot of factors that may affect your survival statistics. A doctor would only use these rates to assess the type of treatment you may need in order to be healed.

Colon cancer survival rate differ from stage. As the damage of the malignant cancer cells start to expand to the rest of the body, the chances of one to survive drops down a whole lot of percentages. A stage one colon cancer survival rate at today's time goes up to as high as 90% and drops down to just 70% when it reaches the second stage. Stage 3 survival rate is just ranges from 40-58% and drops down to 10-20% at its final phase.

By Mert Ozge

Hormone Driven Invasive Breast Cancer

Is there such thing as hormone driven invasive breast cancer?
At present, the number of breast cancer patients have drastically reduced in the US and some experts say that this was due to the reduction of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use.
In the United States, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is quite popular. HRT and mammography are chosen by the individuals themselves and certain factors influence the choice they make.

In some countries, mammogram is administered in state levels and it is already considered a routine activity especially among women aged 40 years and older. The relationship between HRT and breast cancer is still not yet established. The evident reason behind it is probably the lack of worldwide coverage. The data collected are often limited in some states or countries only. Other countries don’t gather info as to the number of HRT prescriptions and breast cancer patients.

In the US, there was a considerable drop of breast cancer patients. Many women (and men) are now aware of breast cancer and so they undergo mammography every month. Some of them also made lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Physical exercise also plays a very important role in maintaining a healthy body and since many individuals are now more concerned about their body’s health, the incident of cancer also decreased. Estrogen metabolism is also affected by exercise. Some say that endogenous estrogens influence the breast cancer receptors. HRT provides exogenous estrogens and not endogenous estrogens. Indeed, further studies should be conducted in establishing the relationship of breast cancer and HRT.

Perhaps some of the studies were only able to show that HRT increases the density of the breast and it also reduces mammography’s sensitivity. Since a large percentage of the population is now undergoing mammography, there will be fewer people who will utilize HRT. Breast cancer patients will definitely decrease because the disease is detected early through mammography. Some breast cancer cases are even identified before they cross any clinical threshold.

Still, hormone replacement has something to do with the increased risk of developing breast cancer. In fact, HRT is already included in the list of the possible causes of breast cancer. But if today’s medical experts want to prove the exact relationship of the reduction of HRT prescriptions and breast cancer patients, they will need to gather more pertinent data.

For now, people should make the necessary lifestyle changes since cancer has a lot to do with nutrition and lifestyle. By maintaining an active and healthy body, cancer can be prevented. There is also increased awareness about breast cancer these days because of the joint efforts of cancer survivors. Hormone driven invasive breast cancer is possible especially among individuals with a history of breast cancer in their family. Older women, even men, should have regular mammograms or they conduct self examinations to check for mass or lumps. Breast cancer is deadly especially when detected late. Check your lifestyle now. If you’re currently taking HRT, perhaps you need to double your awareness about breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness
Awareness about the different- different types of breast cancer and their difference will help in determining the most excellent mode of cure. If breast cancer is suspected, the subsequently thing your doctor does is distribution a tissue sample of the lump to a pathologist. The pathological test guides the physician to choose on your cure plan. The biopsy report details on matters such as the type of the disease, if it is invasive or not, evaluation of the tumour based on the likeness of affected cells to ordinary ones, understanding to hormonal therapies, amount of protein called HER-2 present in it etc.

The most widespread type of breast cancer starts also in the breast milk ducts (ductal carcinoma) or in the glands that produce milk (Lobular carcinoma). The opening point is firm by the look of the cancerous cells under a microscope. In case of non invasive breast cancer, the cancer cells stay within their place of origin. Ductal Carcinoma in Situ is the most normally found kind of non invasive breast cancer. This disease is restricted to the lining of the milk product.

Invasive breast cancers effortlessly spread out of the membrane that lines the milk duct or the lobule. The neighboring tissues are all exaggerated. The cancerous cells still get to the lymph nodes. Around 70% of the total breast cancer patients suffer from Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. The cancer cells get transported mostly through blood or lymph.

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma is yet another type of the disease which is comparatively less common. Originate from the milk producing lobules; they break into the nearby tissues as well. Less common types of breast cancer are those that get originate from the fibrous connective tissue, blood vessels or lymphatic system which all serves as supporting tissues. In number of cases, the cancerous cells get increase to the breast from other parts like lymph, lungs, skin, colon etc. Rare types of breast cancer include inflammatory breast cancer, phyllodes tumor, and angiosarcoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma Paget’s disease of the breast, osteosarcoma and metaplastic breast cancer. Strange subdivision of invasive ductal carcinoma is classified as mucinous, tubular, medullary and papillary.

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