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Showing posts with label Ease. Show all posts

Complimentary Therapies Ease Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Sunday, June 15, 2014 6:56:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Stewart Wrighter

Living with and battling with a terminal illness takes more out of a person than anyone can imagine. In many cases, the treatment to halt the disease is often worse than having the disease itself. Treatments may leave a patient feeling fatigued, nauseous or in pain which can be depressing. While the treatments may be necessary and may ultimately be what saves a person's life, the time spent battling the disease and undergoing treatment may be difficult. Suffering from prostate cancer or an acoustic neuroma may be easier than coping with the treatments for either of the diseases. However, there are things you can do to reduce the negative effects of the treatments without interfering with their healing benefits. If you are working with qualified caregivers, they may be able to suggest some complementary therapies that will help you cope with your treatment. At the very least, they will let you know whether something is dangerous or if it will lessen the benefits of the treatment.

Massage is one of the most beneficial treatments a person can undergo. Regardless of whether you are dealing with an illness, massage is beneficial. If you are undergoing treatment for an illness and you think massage will help you feel better, talk to your doctor about your options. It is important to work with a massage therapist who has experience working with your illness. If you deal with qualified, properly trained professionals, you stand a good chance of feeling better about your body, even while undergoing treatment.

Aromatherapy is viewed with more skepticism than massage, but it may still offer benefits. For instance, if your treatments are leaving you feeling nauseous, you can burn peppermint oil or inhale peppermint extract. Lavender is another essential oil that helps soothe and relax you during stressful situations. In either case, you are not ingesting anything or applying it topically, so it will not interfere with your treatment, but it can reduce the negative effects.

Herbs are similar to aromatherapy, but may have even more intense healing abilities. It is important if you wish to use herbs to cope with any medical disorder that you work with a qualified herbalist. Your entire team of doctors needs to know every single thing you are doing in relation to your illness to properly treat you. If any of your doctors dismisses a method of treatment and discounts your suffering in response to treatment, it may be time to find a new doctor. Find someone who will work with you to find the best combination of treatments to heal your body and reduce the negative effects while you heal.

Finally, do not forget spiritual support. Regardless of your religion or beliefs, it is important to be in touch with your spirit during your treatment. This can be done through prayer, meditation, yoga or even spending time with people who are supportive and understanding when you need it most. Also consider writing in a journal, working with a counselor or participating in a support group.

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