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Showing posts with label Alternative Cancer Treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alternative Cancer Treatment. Show all posts

Cure Your Self of Cancer - Alternative Cancer Treatment For a Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit

By Carol E Patterson

OK, you have just been diagnosed with cancer...

You have cancer is a phrase which one in five people in the United States will hear this year alone in one form or another. Too many people have cancer! Cancer rips through your life tearing its own pathway. Unfortunately, a lifetime of ignoring certain aspects of your body and you life has resulted in dis-ease.

Hearing you have cancer is earth shattering! Cancer is perhaps the most dreaded disease because we know so little about it and for many it is a death sentence.

All you can do is ask yourself... "how did I get cancer? What did I do to get this in my body? Am I going to die? What am I going to do? Where do I turn? What? What? Where? Where? Why? Why?" Confusion and fear sets in. You are a wreck!

What are you going to do? You need a plan. Prayer helps, but you also need a plan. You need a support system of friends and you need to depend on God to help you.

You question... Am I going to die? Depending on what type of cancer you have and where it is in your body, you have different questions. On the other hand, a few questions are very much the same for everyone. Will I ever get better? Will I look the same? What about insurance? Will it cover everything? What about my family? What about my job? What about business? Who will help me? What shall I do? How much is all this going to cost?

Do these words sound familiar? These words and emotions are all very normal. You are being challenged with the biggest test of your strength in your lifetime. My thoughts probably sound familiar to your thoughts. Your journey has just begun.

As a two-time cancer survivor I have written this book to show you that cancer does not have to be a death sentence. You will have to change many things in your life. As you read on in the book, it is written to make you stop and think. All I can do is to share my experiences and hope that because of my pain and suffering, you will find comfort and cure for your cancer.

Healing yourself, even with the help of modern medicine is a task that only you can do for yourself. Many people will try to help you and guide you, but you need to make the decision that you are going to be well and that certain changes must be made in the way you live your life. In order for you to get well and go on living many more years, you will need to make the decision to be well. Think wellness thoughts. Your mind needs to know that you are already well so that the rest of your body can catch up to such thinking. This concept might be a bit difficult to grasp at first; please read on. Cancer is perhaps the greatest challenge you have ever had to face, and it takes tremendous courage to get well. You must be strong!

Your body, designed by God, has its own self-healing power. Your body got sick by you not listening to it. When you listen to your body and your inner self, you will get well. So many people term cancer as a journey because it is a life changing event. Today, many people are facing cancer and healing themselves. Be hopeful and learn from my journey as well as the journeys and research of many others.

was diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctors were perplexed as to how I got cancer, as I was not the typical profile of the person who contracts throat cancer. I did not smoke, and did not drink to excess. When I walked into the Chemotherapy Infusion Room with a doctor for scheduling, the woman at the help desk asked "who is the patient?" The doctor said, pointing to me and replied, "It is for her." On the outside I looked healthy, or so I thought at the time. To search the reason why I got cancer was my personal journey. Looking back, I have a different perspective.

My journey was not easy. No cancer healing is simple, however; curing yourself of cancer is not as mysterious as you might assume. Decisions must be made quickly and seriously. You will need a support system.

1. If you smoke, you need to stop immediately.

2. If you are in a home where everyone else smokes, you need to get yourself to a clean environment where you are not exposed to second-hand smoke.

3. If you are a heavy alcohol drinker, you need to stop immediately. Did you know that alcohol consumption can cause cancer? Most of us do not. Where is the "surgeon general" warning on alcohol consumption? Drinking alcohol can cause cancer.

4. If you drink soft drinks with aspartame you need to stop immediately. In fact, soft drinks are nothing but sugar and chemicals. You need to drink juices and water instead.

5. You need to decide that you want to live and that you are going to go about changing your life in order to do so.

6. Get plenty of rest. You need at least 8-10 hours of sleep each day. Naps also are recommended. While at rest, your body can do its own healing process.

7. You need to forget about FEAR. You need to get to work on healing the body that you have badly neglected for many years. Right now, you have no time for fear.

8. Have a positive attitude towards your healing. You are going to become healthy again.

9. Let go and let God!

10. Expect a miracle!

You have read that I am a two-time cancer survivor. When I first was diagnosed with cancer, I took the American Medical Association approach to the disease. I went to the University of Virginia Medical Center which has state-of-the-art cancer treatment. First, I had chemotherapy treatments for several weeks. Chemotherapy gives poison to all cells, killing both cancer cells, and at the same time, healthy cells. I also received seven weeks, five days a week, of radiation therapy. Tomotherapy Radiation equipment takes a scan of the cancer tumor daily and as the treatment progresses, the tumor size and positions change. This equipment targets the tumor and lasers it with radiation, killing the cancer cells. I almost died during the combination of these lengthy treatments. However, after the grueling treatment was over, my cancer went into remission. Recovery from the treatments took a very long time because my body was quite frail and weak. All cancer patients have anemia, and I was no exception. Cancer causes anemia and chemotherapy makes anemia even worse.

My weight went down to 80 pounds. I lost all my hair. I was depressed beyond anything I could ever imagine. I did not eat for five weeks. I had to have a stomach tube inserted so that my body could get the nutrition it needed. Everything tasted like cardboard, so why eat? It was a horrible experience. However, the cancer went into remission and I was cured, or so I thought.

I began to gain weight and come alive again. I had hair stubble. With my immune system being challenged by the chemotherapy, I attracted a very rare amoeba in my right eye. The amoeba ate my cornea and eye blood vessels before the problem was diagnosed correctly. The pain was excruciating and for almost nine months, I was blind in my right eye.

When the amoeba was gone, and my eye began to heal, I began to see again. At the eye doctor's visit for the first time in almost a year, I finally saw and recognized the "BIG E." That was a happy day! However, since my body was malnutritioned and weak, the following day I had a heart attack. On the operating room table during heart surgery, I could hear the nurses talking about me. "She is so tiny." I weighed about 90 pounds soaking wet.

After recovering from the heart attack and gaining weight I gradually got back to my old self and went back to work. I had a new heart, I was thin and fashionable, and I was designing and traveling all over the world again. Modern medicine had cured me of the dreaded disease and surrounding complications. Happy days were here again!

I slipped back into my old bad habits. I worked hard, did not rest enough, stressed over things, and did not eat correctly. Basically I did not love myself any more after this entire ordeal than I did before the cancer. The reason being, I did not know any better. You are sitting there saying "what?" I am here to tell you that cancer is the symptom of something much deeper than just the disease of the cells. The body and the mind are much more complex than what we treat with medicine and medical treatments. In case you have forgotten, your mind is attached to your body and the mind and the brain are very much in charge of everything that goes on in your body either on a conscious or subconscious level.

Within two years, the same cancer returned. I was diagnosed with cancer a second time. This time the treatment was more complicated and severe.

After a biopsy verifying cancer, the doctors wanted to do surgery. They felt that chemotherapy and radiation had not worked. This time they would do salvage surgery which would have left me maimed for the rest of my life.

I refused salvage surgery and everything else that went along with it. The doctors had suggested I at least take another flight of chemotherapy. I went to the appointment with the Chemotherapy Physician. During the course of our conversation (I was taking notes) we discussed my previous chemotherapy treatments and how the cancer had disappeared very quickly. At that point, the doctor turned to me and said "everyone knows chemotherapy does not cure cancer." I asked him, "then why did you put me through all of that horrendous experience nearly killing me if it could not cure me?" I did not wait for an answer.

My mind was made up that instant. Something was really wrong with this picture! After seeing several of my friends go through cancer treatment with a fatal end, I chose quality of life.

I got three different professional opinions on the second cancer diagnosis.

1. University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, Virginia where I had been treated for the first cancer treatment.

2. Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California to their Top Oncology Center.

3. Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona to check out Trans Oral Micro Laser Surgery for Throat Cancer. This is a fairly new procedure done by only two renowned doctors in the world; one of them is at Mayo Clinic.

I saw the most highly regarded Throat Cancer Oncologist in each of the above three places. I did my diligence with world-class surgeons.

All the doctors reviewed my medical history. They assessed my CT Scans, and all gave the same diagnosis. Both University of Virginia and Loma Linda would do the salvage surgery, the only difference being that Loma Linda would remove the artery from my right leg, not my right arm to replace the artery in my neck. At the Mayo Clinic, the surgeon would do a new procedure, Trans Oral Micro Laser Surgery which would involve inserting a laser down my throat surgically and using a laser as the primary cutting tool. This procedure would eliminate cutting my jaw, and removing my artery. However, I was advised the procedure "isn't magic" and was "not minimalistic." I would have a sizable wound, maybe some difficulty with speech, a stomach tube inserted through my nose, a very long recovery, problems swallowing, and a speech hindrance for several years, possibly forever.

I tell you this story because you will hear something similar and you have to weigh your odds. How do you want to live the rest of your life?

At that point in time, I my body weight was 112 lbs. How much more weight could I possibly lose? I also did not want to look in the mirror and see a part of my face removed. In my mind, I had no choice but to take an alternative route. Remember...Be Determined and Beat Cancer. That mantra was always in my mind. I kept beating that drum again and again.

I turned to alternative medicine, and I began what people call the journey to wellness. I went to a Naturopathic doctor in California and changed my diet drastically to include herbs and vitamins, coupled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and fish. This diet changed my life. When you have cancer, your body has been depleted of the nutrients it needs, you must give your body and your brain the nutrition it needs to get you well again.

All during my first cancer treatment, I was never given a diet or any information about how a diet can actually cure cancer. However, the truth of the matter is; I probably was not in the frame of mind to listen to anything, even if they had given me a nutritional diet. I had not passed over what my intuitive healer calls the crossroads to wellness. My old habits of living and eating were still a part of my regime. My attitude was such that "I would just take the medicine prescribed for me, do what the doctors tell me to do, and get healed through the wonders of modern medicine." I would find the best doctor money could buy, the most famous in all the world, and beat cancer! Just take a pill and make it all go away...that was my thinking before I was challenged with cancer the second time.

It was only until I passed over the crossroads, what I call the point of no return when both my conscious and my subconscious mind were working in tandem to get me well forever. I had refused salvage surgery, and knew if I were going to be healed I had to do something major for myself; quickly. I began to study and to do research. I began investigating alternative medicine and other options for healing. I became a voracious reader and searched the Internet for information about cancer cures and healing. I needed to find an answer and heal my self.

I was given a book titled Love, Medicine and Miracles by Dr. Bernie Siegel. Dr. Siegel states that the body has an incredible power to heal itself. This is where my journey began.

Your journey will be different than mine, and only you know where to find the answers buried in your body and mind. Your body has an extremely powerful recuperative ability. You and your mind have the control to heal yourself. In this book, I will show you the tools to institute your own healing process. You must do the work and come to terms with your body.

Synthetic Vitamins: Are They Right For An Alternative Cancer Treatment? (Part 2 of 2)

By Steven R Newton

Our bodies are naturally built to fight off disease. All things being healthy, they do it very well. But when things are out of balance, the body has to work harder in some of its systems to help others do what they're supposed to do. Pollution, in its many forms, and toxins from unnatural food sources deplete our bodies of their nutrients and vitamins and cause that imbalance. There are more free radicals and less antioxidants, for example, and the immune system is forced to work harder to try to keep us healthy. Over time, with less natural source nutrients in our diets and more toxins in our bodies, our immune systems have been genetically weakening. But fortunate for us, science has once again come forward with a solution. Synthetic vitamins and nutritional supplements have been developed in labs and mass produced for several decades now. We don't need rich, organic soil any more. We can use lots of fertilizers to grow enough food for everybody, and we can get our nutrients off the store shelf...or can we? What exactly is it we're getting off the store shelves these days?

Vitamins are organic micro-nutrients that the body needs to metabolize fats, carbohydrates and some proteins to create energy. Vitamins assist this process but they are not metabolized to provide energy nor are they manufactured by the body for the most part. They play a specific and critical role in the body's disease prevention, which has evolved from natural diets containing many nutrients. Vitamins are generally classified into one of 4 fat soluble types (A, D, E & K) or 9 water soluble types (C & 8 B's). The fat soluble types can be stored in the body for a period of time, whereas most of the water soluble types cannot and must be consumed frequently. In its natural form, a vitamin is a working process that made up of nutrients, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and trace minerals. Clearly, the body's utilization of vitamins and nutrients is highly complex so how is it that the body can process synthetic vitamins? Or perhaps a more pertinent question is...can the body process synthetic vitamins the same way as those from natural food sources?

Vitamins are a complex biological process that only works when all of the parts of that process are present and working together the way they are supposed to be in concert with several other complex processes within the body. Vitamins will not work as they are intended if they are isolated from those processes. In fact, when they are isolated into their synthetic commercial forms they can act as toxins in the body and challenge the immune system. Large doses of synthetic vitamins can have very serious toxic effects, which can lead to illness or disease. Why is it that synthetic vitamins can be toxic to the body and natural source vitamins are not?

Naturally occurring food source vitamins function within a group of complex processes that the body is designed to depend on. If the process is incomplete, the body will attempt to build or repair that incompleteness, whereas in the natural complex it does not have to. This defence mechanism is genetically programmed into the body at the cellular level. When a synthetic incomplete compound is introduced into the system, the body views this as a mistake and assumes that there is supposed to be the complete process and attempts to add the missing pieces that it knows should be there. It works hard to convert the incomplete synthetic vitamins through the kidneys, skin and other organs. So the body doesn't receive what it needs in the first place, which is a form of stressor, and it has to work harder to repair which is yet another stressor. The end result from taking synthetic vitamins can be some form of negative health effect. So it makes sense that you should be taking natural source vitamins.

It is estimated that nearly 95% of all vitamin products in the stores today are synthetically manufactured. Some are fully synthetic and others are a mix of synthetic and naturally occurring. Note the term "naturally occurring" and not "natural". The term "natural" is a fairly loose word that is used extensively throughout a wide range of product marketing. You see it in food, hygiene, and household products. Because there is no exact definition of what natural is, many marketers have used it to try to position the product as being healthy the but the reality is a little more shocking than that. For example, food manufacturers are allowed to use the word natural, as in "natural fruit flavours", but they are not legally required to have any component of real fruit in it. Many processed food manufacturers are using chemical compositions to create the flavour. Same thing goes with the synthetic vitamins.

Most, if not all, synthetic vitamin manufacturers will use the term "natural" as part of the healthy marketing scheme. The only natural part of it might be some yeast or algae by-product that has been blended with synthetics. Because the yeast or algae by-product is derived from natural botanicals, the manufacturers can legally call them "natural". In fact, those few that use the term "naturally occurring", where they also identify the food source, have a product that has actual food source vitamin content in its composition. Given huge competition in the health supplements marketplace, it should come as no surprise that the large chain stores would buy their vitamin products in huge volumes so as to be competitive in price. Mass produced synthetics are definitely cheaper than the naturally occurring vitamins which are more expensive to produce. So now that you're all concerned about all those synthetic vitamins you've been taking all these years, you can rest assured that there is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

The inspiration for this article come from an excerpt of a book that is published on the Organic Consumers Association website. The book is titled "The Vitamin Myth Exposed" by Brian Clement and from my perspective, if you're at all concerned about nutrition, vitamins and/or what's going on in the vitamin industry this is a must read. There is a movement afoot that is charged with the implementation of a new set of Naturally Occurring Standards (NOS), certification procedures, and labels which are truly "organic and beyond," and to expose the fact that 90% or more of the vitamins and supplements now on the market labeled as "natural" or "food based" actually are spiked with synthetic chemicals. There's more information on the website.

So, the next time you go to buy some vitamins, take a look at the label for the term "naturally occurring". If it's not there, you're probably looking at a product that is loaded with synthetically manufactured ingredients. For any alternative cancer treatment or cancer prevention plan, consider naturally occurring vitamins.

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