By Yaros Nevsky
Cancer is diagnosis that scares everybody. Many people perceive it like death sentence. This illness befalls suddenly like a bolt from the blue. Tumor seems people who don't know all about cancer as absolutely evil that damages their organism. This perception is often promoted with academic medicine. Of course, ideal situation is when doctors can treat cancer completely. Today they really can treat most patients. There are new methods of cancer treatment that are not so dangerous as chemotherapy or surgery. But even today cancer often causes death.
Have you ever heard that all the illnesses are the mirror of what we think and do? Nowadays many doctors will surely agree that tumor is not just an isolated nidus. It's sign of some problems with functioning of a whole organism. Cancer is also known as common chronic illness. That's why treatment of cancer should be supplied with common patient's treatment. On these statements so-called "conception of biological protection from cancer" is based.
The point is that malignant cell grows to tumor only if protective and reconstructive systems don't function normally. Patient should not only wait for healing but also help treatment and try to escape cancer by himself. What should patient do?
First of all, one needs to stabilize psychological state.
Then he is to activate his organism.
Third point is improvement of metabolism.
Next step is cleaning organism from toxins.
And finally, patient needs to stimulate his immune system.
Of course, all cases are different. That's why each patient should have his own therapy which usually supplies standard treatment. Method of biological protection from cancer can't completely replace usual treatment; the best variant is when one supplies another.
Several clinics in Germany already treat patients according to the principles of biological protection from cancer. These clinics regard as of paramount importance on human instead of cancer cells. Artistic therapy lowers patients' suffering. Their paintings are analyzed by doctors that allows conclude about some psychological reasons of illness. These clinics use almost all specters of biological methods and soft chemotherapy that is used only in neglected cases.
Today many academic doctors pay much attention to method of biological protection from cancer as one of the most hopeful. Patients shouldn't feel themselves doomed to death. Even big tumors can suddenly disappear and it proves that human's body is provided with effective protective mechanisms. There are many examples when total remissions happen even in the most difficult cases. The truth is that such examples are exclusions, not a rule. Anyway, knowing all about cancer, we can surely say that patient can and must do much for his healing himself.
Cancer is diagnosis that scares everybody. Many people perceive it like death sentence. This illness befalls suddenly like a bolt from the blue. Tumor seems people who don't know all about cancer as absolutely evil that damages their organism. This perception is often promoted with academic medicine. Of course, ideal situation is when doctors can treat cancer completely. Today they really can treat most patients. There are new methods of cancer treatment that are not so dangerous as chemotherapy or surgery. But even today cancer often causes death.
Have you ever heard that all the illnesses are the mirror of what we think and do? Nowadays many doctors will surely agree that tumor is not just an isolated nidus. It's sign of some problems with functioning of a whole organism. Cancer is also known as common chronic illness. That's why treatment of cancer should be supplied with common patient's treatment. On these statements so-called "conception of biological protection from cancer" is based.
The point is that malignant cell grows to tumor only if protective and reconstructive systems don't function normally. Patient should not only wait for healing but also help treatment and try to escape cancer by himself. What should patient do?
First of all, one needs to stabilize psychological state.
Then he is to activate his organism.
Third point is improvement of metabolism.
Next step is cleaning organism from toxins.
And finally, patient needs to stimulate his immune system.
Of course, all cases are different. That's why each patient should have his own therapy which usually supplies standard treatment. Method of biological protection from cancer can't completely replace usual treatment; the best variant is when one supplies another.
Several clinics in Germany already treat patients according to the principles of biological protection from cancer. These clinics regard as of paramount importance on human instead of cancer cells. Artistic therapy lowers patients' suffering. Their paintings are analyzed by doctors that allows conclude about some psychological reasons of illness. These clinics use almost all specters of biological methods and soft chemotherapy that is used only in neglected cases.
Today many academic doctors pay much attention to method of biological protection from cancer as one of the most hopeful. Patients shouldn't feel themselves doomed to death. Even big tumors can suddenly disappear and it proves that human's body is provided with effective protective mechanisms. There are many examples when total remissions happen even in the most difficult cases. The truth is that such examples are exclusions, not a rule. Anyway, knowing all about cancer, we can surely say that patient can and must do much for his healing himself.
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