By Carol E Patterson
Cancer is a disease which touches one in five people. The mysteries of the disease seem to evade even the most well-known oncologists. However, there are alternative cancer cures. Cancer can be cured by changing your lifestyle in such a way that you begin to live an "Anti-Cancer" lifestyle. I have developed an "Anti-Cancer Diet" comprised of cancer fighting foods which can be found on the shelves of the grocery store. Our bodies have miraculous recuperative abilities. A miracle cancer cure occurs "when you get your mind, body and spirit working in 'sync' with one another." Changing your food is not the only change you need to make. "Thoughts are things" and you have "thought yourself into illness." Since you have "thought yourself into illness" logical thought progression shows that you can "think yourself into wellness." This is not an easy concept to grasp at first, but when you take time to consider alternative cancer cures and alternative cancer therapy a new realization happens. Many times the simplest solution is the best solution.
Before I had cancer I was an international fashion designer with a television show on Home Shopping Network and the Shopping Channel in Canada. I had several businesses and life seemed to be thriving.
I was engaged to be married to my business partner. While on a business trip to China, I tried to call home to my fiance. Call it woman's intuition, but I had a very bad feeling. My feeling turned out to be justified. I received a call on my cell phone while in China from the Sheriff of my home town telling me that my fiance had died of a heart attack.
That news shook me to the core of my existence after I stopped screaming for hours.
I flew home to collect the body only to find out my fiancé had another life that did not include me. He was gay; actually bisexual. He died before he could hide the evidence of his other life. This was September 2005. I had a double shock, the shock of his death, and the shock of the reality that he had a life which did not include me.
I was an emotional mess filled with a combination of anger, rage and sadness. I hid the truth from family and friends because I wanted to bury him with honor. My prayers for a very happy marriage with family and friends were answered, but not the way I was expecting.
I had been betrayed on what was to be the happiest time of my life; my wedding.
Within two years of my partner's death, in May of 2007 I was diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctors were perplexed because I was not the typical profile of a person who gets this disease.
I went to the University if Virginia for Chemo and Radiation cancer treatment. I nearly died from the treatment of this type of cure for cancer. I lost 60 pounds, but the cancer was in remission.
With my immune system down, I got an amoeba in my eye that ate the cornea and blood vessels and I had a heart attack. I recovered from both illnesses.
Within two years, the same cancer returned.
This time the doctors wanted to do surgery. They felt that Chemotherapy and Radiation had not worked. This time they would do "salvage surgery" which involved removing a part of my jaw, a part of my throat, a part of tongue, replace my neck artery with an artery from my right hand, take a patch of skin from my left shoulder to make a flap in my throat, insert a tracheotomy, and a stomach tube for the rest of my life.
I refused "salvage surgery".
I turned to alternative cancer therapy to find a new cancer cure. I read where the body has the power to heal itself. That is where I began.
I went to a Naturopathic Doctor and began a regime of herbs and vitamins coupled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and fish.
I began reading everything I could find about miracle cancer cures, healing, alternative cancer cures, self-healing, natural cancer cures, alternative medicine, holistic cancer cures, meditation, visualization techniques and Reiki therapy. Believe me, this was a lot of work. On the other hand, what was my alternative?
I had no choice but to take the road less traveled. I had come to what my intuitive healer calls the "Crossroads" of my healing. I had come to the end of what I would accept from standard medical procedures. I had the three top Throat Cancer specialists in the country basically tell me the same diagnosis. "Salvage Surgery" was not an option that I would allow for myself. Besides, my inner self was telling me to "go deeper."
An intuitive healer helped me to find that the shock of my fiancé's death and related childhood traumas had caused my illness. She helped me to release the fact that I had been betrayed. She showed me how our emotions influence our body, mind, and soul and that I needed to love myself and forget the past. I learned that Cancer is just the symptom of something much deeper.
With the intuitive healer's vast experience in dealing with cancer patients for over twenty years and her Reiki Training, her intuition and wisdom surround you when you are with her. She explains that "Life is like and Onion" peeling one layer at a time. I do not have cancer anymore.
I had a miracle cancer sure. There were many Angels sent to heal me when conventional medicine had all but given up on me. I hope I can be an Angel sent to you. Never forget the Power of God.
Cancer is a disease which touches one in five people. The mysteries of the disease seem to evade even the most well-known oncologists. However, there are alternative cancer cures. Cancer can be cured by changing your lifestyle in such a way that you begin to live an "Anti-Cancer" lifestyle. I have developed an "Anti-Cancer Diet" comprised of cancer fighting foods which can be found on the shelves of the grocery store. Our bodies have miraculous recuperative abilities. A miracle cancer cure occurs "when you get your mind, body and spirit working in 'sync' with one another." Changing your food is not the only change you need to make. "Thoughts are things" and you have "thought yourself into illness." Since you have "thought yourself into illness" logical thought progression shows that you can "think yourself into wellness." This is not an easy concept to grasp at first, but when you take time to consider alternative cancer cures and alternative cancer therapy a new realization happens. Many times the simplest solution is the best solution.
Before I had cancer I was an international fashion designer with a television show on Home Shopping Network and the Shopping Channel in Canada. I had several businesses and life seemed to be thriving.
I was engaged to be married to my business partner. While on a business trip to China, I tried to call home to my fiance. Call it woman's intuition, but I had a very bad feeling. My feeling turned out to be justified. I received a call on my cell phone while in China from the Sheriff of my home town telling me that my fiance had died of a heart attack.
That news shook me to the core of my existence after I stopped screaming for hours.
I flew home to collect the body only to find out my fiancé had another life that did not include me. He was gay; actually bisexual. He died before he could hide the evidence of his other life. This was September 2005. I had a double shock, the shock of his death, and the shock of the reality that he had a life which did not include me.
I was an emotional mess filled with a combination of anger, rage and sadness. I hid the truth from family and friends because I wanted to bury him with honor. My prayers for a very happy marriage with family and friends were answered, but not the way I was expecting.
I had been betrayed on what was to be the happiest time of my life; my wedding.
Within two years of my partner's death, in May of 2007 I was diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctors were perplexed because I was not the typical profile of a person who gets this disease.
I went to the University if Virginia for Chemo and Radiation cancer treatment. I nearly died from the treatment of this type of cure for cancer. I lost 60 pounds, but the cancer was in remission.
With my immune system down, I got an amoeba in my eye that ate the cornea and blood vessels and I had a heart attack. I recovered from both illnesses.
Within two years, the same cancer returned.
This time the doctors wanted to do surgery. They felt that Chemotherapy and Radiation had not worked. This time they would do "salvage surgery" which involved removing a part of my jaw, a part of my throat, a part of tongue, replace my neck artery with an artery from my right hand, take a patch of skin from my left shoulder to make a flap in my throat, insert a tracheotomy, and a stomach tube for the rest of my life.
I refused "salvage surgery".
I turned to alternative cancer therapy to find a new cancer cure. I read where the body has the power to heal itself. That is where I began.
I went to a Naturopathic Doctor and began a regime of herbs and vitamins coupled with fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, and fish.
I began reading everything I could find about miracle cancer cures, healing, alternative cancer cures, self-healing, natural cancer cures, alternative medicine, holistic cancer cures, meditation, visualization techniques and Reiki therapy. Believe me, this was a lot of work. On the other hand, what was my alternative?
I had no choice but to take the road less traveled. I had come to what my intuitive healer calls the "Crossroads" of my healing. I had come to the end of what I would accept from standard medical procedures. I had the three top Throat Cancer specialists in the country basically tell me the same diagnosis. "Salvage Surgery" was not an option that I would allow for myself. Besides, my inner self was telling me to "go deeper."
An intuitive healer helped me to find that the shock of my fiancé's death and related childhood traumas had caused my illness. She helped me to release the fact that I had been betrayed. She showed me how our emotions influence our body, mind, and soul and that I needed to love myself and forget the past. I learned that Cancer is just the symptom of something much deeper.
With the intuitive healer's vast experience in dealing with cancer patients for over twenty years and her Reiki Training, her intuition and wisdom surround you when you are with her. She explains that "Life is like and Onion" peeling one layer at a time. I do not have cancer anymore.
I had a miracle cancer sure. There were many Angels sent to heal me when conventional medicine had all but given up on me. I hope I can be an Angel sent to you. Never forget the Power of God.
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