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Useful Information About Pills and Supplements For Cancer Patients

By Clance Lee

There was a wealthy lady who came to us for help. For her diet, we advised that she took large amounts of natural fruit juices and vegetables. She reasoned cleaning the juice maker and utensils would involve too much work; thus she would prefer to take fruit juice concentrates instead - that would make life easier. Indeed, this is an unfortunate attitude. For a wealthy person, money comes rolling into the bank account rather easily without the person having to think or do much. This is line with money. But this is not going to be true with health. If you are not prepared to invest your time and effort into building your health, nobody else can do that for you. There is no short cut or easy way to good health. You owe it to yourself to eat rightly and build a healthy body.

We fully understand many people have an opinion similar to this wealthy lady's. Progress and commercialization give birth to an instant noodles society. Everyone wants the easy. Everything is pre-packed, pre-washed, pre-cut, pre-cooked etc. What you need to do these days is just bite, chew and swallow. There is not much else to do nor a need to think too much! Is this the ultimate goal of a modern lifestyle?

In this world, there are numerous kinds of pills and supplements that are supposed to promote health. They are convenient to take. Just pop them into the mouth - but, do you think you feel great and healthy?

Americans are good at taking pills. They spend approximately $3 billion each year on vitamins and supplements. Perhaps Americans will realize that taking a tablet, be it an old-fashioned vitamin or a fancy new photochemical, instead of fruits and vegetables, is nutritional madness. In this country, selling them is also good business.

Cancer patients often ask if they should take these supplements. We prefer that they take natural food products rather than synthetic pills and supplements. Of course, in a situation where there is no natural food source, these supplements may be the better of bad choices.

The following are reasons why synthetic supplements are no substitutes for natural food:

• Natural food contains live, vital organic elements. What is sold in the can or container is dead food because it has been subjected to various processing procedures.

• The processing of pills and supplements entails addition of chemicals - preservatives, binding agents, sugars, starch, coloring, etc. These include, for example, sodium benzoate, benzoic acid, sodium nitrate, BHA and BHT.

• Many people have the impression that by popping in pills, they are supplying the body with the equivalent nutrients.

It is not as simple as that! Take for example, calcium pills. The calcium needs to be in the organic or protein-bound form as well as in correct balance with other minerals before the body can utilize this mineral.

• Pills and supplements are man-made. What goes into their production is limited by the human mind. You only put in the ingredients to the extent that you know them. Unfortunately, there are thousands more substances in plants that are unknown to science and are yet to be discovered.

• Taking pills may not only be ineffective but can also be dangerous at times. For example, if you take five times more Vitamin D than the recommended daily allowance, liver damage can result. In 1984, the US National Academy of Science published a study that showed that elderly Californians who took mega closes of Vitamin E died two to three times faster than those who took no supplements. Iron is a double-edged sword. Taken in moderate amounts and in a form that is leashed to proteins, it is an essential element for metabolism and growth, hut. it is toxic when taken in the unleashed form. Studies even show that high amounts of iron stored in the body increase its susceptibility to cancers and heart attacks.

On the other hand, food from plant sources is nutritious because of the following reasons:

• It can balance the body, regulating and helping the glands to function normally Good health can only be achieved if there is balance and harmony of the in and pang energies in the body. Taking correct plant food can help the body achieve and maintain this balance and harmony. On the other hand, purified chemicals, although derived from plant resources, diminish its ability to do so.

• It has a cleansing effect The body naturally accumulates toxins from the by-products of food that we eat, from chemicals in food, etc. If these are not cleansed periodically, they can have detrimental effects on the cells, tissues and organs. Plant food allows the body to rid itself of such harmful toxins.

• it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals Studies have shown that nutrients derived from wholesome food are far superior to the isolated and concentrated nutrients said to derive from plant materials.

Wholesome plant food contains an abundant supply of phytochemicals - this was unknown to scientists earlier on. For example, sulforaphane, which is found in broccoli, inhibits laboratory animals from contracting cancer. It works by promoting enzymes that detoxify carcinogens. Genistein, found in soybeans, is shown to help prevent cancer from spreading throughout the body.

• It nourishes the immune system Environmental pollutants, the rampant use of antibiotics, consumption of food containing preservative and chemicals, poor nutrition, etc. can suppress the immune system. This makes us prone to disease attacks. The immune system depends on the diet for strength and proper functioning.

You might interested to know about Causes of Cancer as well.

Radioactive Iodine Scan And Treatment Preparation

Monday, June 27, 2011 9:33:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Elaine Savard

The thyroid gland is the only gland or organ that absorbs iodine. This makes it safe to use radioactive iodine (RAI) in treating thyroid diseases, such as Graves' and thyroid cancer. RAI is an effective method to test the thyroid gland's function and to see if there are any thyroid cells remaining in the body that may cause a recurrence of thyroid cancer.

To make the the procedure of the treatment effective there is a protocol that has to be followed to insure accuracy. By following the regime maximum uptake will occur in any remaining normal thyroid tissue or metastatic thyroid cancer. The protocol also includes what precautions you have to adhere to for public safety.

The day you are to have a RAI scan you will be given a radioactive iodine pill, allowing the remaining tissues to absorb the substance. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, tell your doctor.

If you are receiving the RAI to destroy cancerous thyroid tissue you will receive a larger dose and will require to be in isolation. This could be in a special hospital room or in some cases when criteria is met you may be allowed to follow an isolation protocol at home.

Preparation for Radioactive iodine treatment

1. Six weeks before your scan or treatment you will have to discontinue your thyroid hormone replacement medication. You will be prescribed Cytomel as a replacement. Cytomel is a short-acting thyroid hormone that will help decrease the amount of time that you must be hypothyroid. Your body must go into a hypothyroid state in order to trick you brain into producing more of its thyroid stimulating hormone in an attempt to increase the thyroid hormone levels in the bloodstream. Because iodine is required to make thyroid hormones this increase causes a most efficient concentration of iodine by the thyroid tissue.
2. Two weeks before the scan or treatment you will have to discontinue the Cytomel. This period of time is required to eliminate this short acting form of thyroid hormone. By stopping this medication you will go into a full "hypothyroid" state and will result in some unpleasant symptoms.
3. One week before the scan or treatment you will have to begin a low iodine diet and continue this diet until the treatment is complete. This protocol has to be followed so our bodies do not receive the iodine it requires from the foods we ingest making it starving for iodine and absorb the RAI more efficiently. Make sure you read all labels on food products because in the modern world if it contains salt it will contain iodine. You do not have to restrict salt if it is a NON-iodized salt. Two of the common high iodine sources are seafood and vitamins.
4. Two days prior to the treatment or scan you will be required to have blood work done. The testing of the blood is done to make sure you are in a hypothyroid state. If you are having a scan you will be given the RAI pill after the blood tests. If you are going to be treated with a larger dose of RAI, you will now be brought to you special room and the administration protocol of the RAI will commence.

Today there is another medication that a physician can prescribe instead of the Cytomel. The drug Thyrogen is a fast acting way to raise the thyroid hormones in preparation for the treatment or scan. Unfortunately it is a very expensive medication and a lot of patients cannot afford it and some health plans coverages are not high enough to cover the cost.

A Cure for Cancer - Are We Close to Finding a Cancer Cure?

Friday, June 24, 2011 9:31:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Don Penven

Preventing and Curing Cancer Has Not the Goal-Here is the Good News and Bad News

The Bad News: Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent every year on cancer research. But unfortunately for those afflicted with this dreaded disease-research is largely centered upon finding new, exotic (and expensive) treatments. The last thing the health care industry as a whole wants is a cure, because if a cancer cure were known, it would collapse a $200 Billion industry.

From age 65 and onward-depending on your current lifestyle-you have a 1 in 2 chance of contracting some form of cancer. But, you say, "The health care system in the U.S. is by far the best in the world."

No doubt you have heard this quotation expressed in so many words. It is a lie!

The World Health Organization ranks the U.S. at number 37 out of 40 nations for quality of health care for its population. Americans continue to spend tons of money for wellness care. In recent years, health care spending jumped some 6.9% ($1.99 trillion) from about $1.86 trillion in previous years. Over $200 billion was spent in pharmacy sales, which in today's world, amounts to nearly 16% of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)!

The health care community exercises tremendous power over doctors and consumers. For the most part, clinical research is aimed toward treatment, and it is a thriving business, one that thrives off the illnesses of an unsuspecting public. This fear-mongering approach to health care actually encourages people to wait until they become sick before seeking medical advice. And what advice are you given-"We need to start you on chemotherapy (or radiation treatments) immediately!

Modern medicine lacks any interest in the cause of cancer because it thrives-in fact it depends-on the overall ignorance of the population. But what you don't know-will hurt you! The machine that drives modern medicine is a relentless search for new, more costly drugs and other treatment options. There is no silver bullet cure for cancer...modern medicine says. They are blinded by the glitter of gold.

The Good News: The dim light now becoming visible to many people is becoming a bit brighter when caring physicians step forward in defiance of the drug cartels. No...I'm not speaking of the Latin American drug lords; these are the drug cartels who produce today's plethora of tablets, capsules and liquids that are pumped into the human body in the name of health care. But a mere handful of physicians are putting patient care above profit.

Clinical research centered toward developing natural means of preventing and curing cancer are-for the most part-discouraged or swept under the plush carpet found in the offices of "Big Pharma." But what seems like an underground movement is beginning to creep toward the surface.

Physicians who offer natural methods for prevention and cure of a host of illnesses are shunned by the medical community as a whole. But these persistent professionals are beginning to make serious inroads into getting the truth out to the public.

Many of these pioneers will one day be heralded as health care heroes. As the truth becomes known more and more people will adopt the simple lifestyle changes necessary to rebuild their immune systems. That's what nature intended! The human body was given the power to heal itself-to fight off infection and disease. All we need to do is to listen to our bodies as they scream out-Stop This Madness!

Cancer Pain Treatment

By Gracely Batucal

Many drugs in the treatment of cancer pain treatment method can be applied to surgery are available. Treatment, the type and severity of pain, and risk factors contained in the treatment varies from patient to patient according to individual preferences. The main drugs used for cancer pain in opioid-derived analgesics.However, these drugs are at risk of developing dependence and tolerance to drugs. Cancer patients are often due to various reasons, can not receive adequate treatment. The most common treatment methods are as follows:

Pain relief medication
Non-opioid analgesics
Derivative opioid pain relievers
Auxiliary agents
World Health Organization (WHO)-line treatment system
Interventional procedures
Exercises and massage
Behavioral methods for pain control

Pain relief medication

Pain medication for pain relief in most patients the main method for disconnect. 70 to 90% of cancer patients non-opioid analgesics, opioid pain relievers and various combinations of drugs to help treat pain in accordance with the WHO-line treatment can be provided.Painkillers cause of pain, that is not healing, provide temporary relief.

Non-opioid analgesics

Aspirin for mild pain, paracetamol or ibuprofen can be used as a simple pain relievers. Aspirin and ibuprofen pain non-steroidal structure. There are ceiling effects of these drugs.So after a certain dose of the drug to be more visible increase the influence. Develop drugs against this type of habit or addiction.Studies have only as many as 20-40% of patients with painful non-opioid pain relievers pain has passed. Patients, responses to these drugs varies, and which patients will respond to which drugs can be found in experiments.

Derivative opioid pain relievers

Prototype of the type of opioid painkillers morphine. However, the efficacy and side effects of opioid drugs many are changing. Unlike non-opioid painkillers, no ceiling effect of opioid drugs. Dose effect increases with increasing pain until unconsciousness develops.Opioids are used for severe pain. Opioid drugs have the potential to addiction. The dependency of opioid drugs, many physicians because of the fear of severe pain in patients with unrelenting pain and other drugs are prescribed, even avoids. Adequate pain management of patients with cancer pain is one of the most important reasons. However, studies in patients with opioid addiction to drugs shown to be very low risk.

Opioid drugs, fentanyl can be used through the skin. Fentanyl-impregnated strips attached to the skin and the drug being absorbed through the skin into the blood in this way. Non-opioid analgesics, opioid-acetaminophen combinations, such as not responding to other pain medications used to treat moderate to severe chronic pain and pain relief for 72 hours to cut. Change and continuity of treatment is provided at the end of 72 hours of tape.

Bands are available in various doses of fentanyl. Therefore, individualized dose can be adjusted. Acute pain and postoperative analgesic efficacy of the resulting tapes are not suitable for pain.Also not be used in children under 2 years of age.

Fentanyl bands can disrupt breathing. Repeated applications may develop tolerance and habit. Other side effects are as follows:

Dry mouth
Tendency to fall asleep
Sweating increased
An increase in blood pressure (hypertension) or decrease (hypotension)
Nausea and vomiting

Developed tolerance to opioids in patients with sudden and intermittent addition of opioids used for breakthrough pain. The aim is to pass quickly, while providing pain relief in order to avoid side effects is to use short-acting drugs. This additional opioids be given by mouth in tablet form, or suppository may be shaped in the form of lozenges under the tongue may be involved in the blood. Used oral opioids are the most suitable and cheapest, but the effect of the drug given in this way may be due to start late.In addition, while too much medicine is left in the bloodstream, which dizziness, drowsiness and can cause side effects such as vomiting.

Studies have shown that morphine under the tongue, the use of the drug into the blood slows down. This is a rule of the road has been determined that the oral use.

Involved in the opioid fentanyl through the oral mucosa into the blood in patients with advanced resistance to be used for breakthrough pain. This medication is used as a lozenge. The effect of opioid drugs are used as a wick starts fast, but many patients do not want to use the drug this way.

Pain in cancer patients given opioids by mouth or through skin absorption of opioid pain medications when they are not enough to cut the spinal canal, called a thin probe inserted through the catheter directly to the nerves that transmit pain also be given.This method is called morphine pump. Catheter inserted in a drug combination consisting of opioid analgesics and local anesthetics are given. In this way, pain, cancer pain in patients with low-dose oral drug with a drug can be cut much more. The drug is also involved in the systemic circulation would be part of the very low frequency and severity of the side effects of opioid drugs is reduced.

Auxiliary agents

Auxiliary agents such as neuropathic pain and bone pain, pain type, pain relief drugs are given to increase the impact. Type of opioid painkillers, or other non-opioids for neuropathic pain than in pain responds. Supporting other drugs also are used to reduce the side effects of painkillers. Always the first choice drugs for pain relief in neuropathic pain, neuropathic pain, but usually does not respond well to conventional pain relief drugs. Antidepressants (depression drugs), anticonvulsants (epilepsy medication), oral local anesthetics, such as cortisone type drugs used to treat neuropathic pain medications to help. Antidepressants are usually the first choice of drugs to help. For this purpose, the doses are much lower than the doses in the treatment of depression.

Natural Remedies to Cure Cancer

By Robert L Coleman

Cancer is one such disease that people are normally scared of. The general idea about cancer is that it is not curable and premature death is certain. If you practically see, it is not so. There are some treatments available in the market among which natural remedies to cure cancer is gaining tremendous popularity.

There are different stages of cancer which can attack various parts of your body. Most often the symptoms of this disease are different. Nonetheless, the symptoms can be different for different parts of the body. It even depends on the type of cancer you have. Places like mouth, throat, breast, uterus, bladder, liver, prostate and skin are most vulnerable to cancer. It is seen that the excessive growth of abnormal cells, damaged cells and lack of oxygen causes cancer in our body.

Normally in the first stage people go to oncologist. Probably, most doctors will suggest chemotherapy, surgery, radiation which will ruin the immunity of the body. But, it is better to undergo the natural treatment to cancer cure. If you go for fruits you will find that there are some important elements like phyto-nutrients, antispasmodic, astringent and antioxidant contained in them which help to improve the immune system. Mostly yellow colored fruits contain these properties which help in fighting cancer. These help to cure the damaged cells in patients suffering from cancer.

Fruits like black raspberries constitute properties like vitamin B and C, fibers, folic acid, iron, copper and magnesium. These elements help in making healthy tissues and cells which in turn help in developing a strong immunity against the diseases. When the body lacks oxygen and these vital nutrients, cancer starts to attack the body. Hence, black raspberries must be included in the diet plan. It can be taken in any form like juice, fruit and mixing with honey. These help to improve our tissue condition thereby providing protection from cancer.

The potency of black raspberries does not get damaged after freezing, heating and processing. From recent results, it is evident that black raspberries can protect prostate, oral cancer growth. It is widely used for killing leukemia cells. The best part of treating with raspberries is that it does not damage the healthy cells while treating the damaged ones. You should never consume carcinogens through diet, water and air which cause damage to our body tissues.

Broccoli is an extremely useful vegetable to treat breast cancer. Similarly carrots, ginger, garlic and onion are also useful to prevent cancer and tumors. Sometimes turmeric is also used for curing the cancer affected ulceration of the body.

Hence, we must be very sincere in adopting natural remedies to cure cancer. The natural remedies to cancer cure are free from side effects and are easily affordable.

Alternative Healing for Cancer? Or Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy?

By Robyn Hanisch

So, you have been to the doctor and got the dreaded diagnosis - the Big C! The world as you know it just ended and a new chapter has started, but how do you deal with it?

At the doctors office we are only given three choices, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy (chemo). What if that does not suit and you feel deep down that it is not the way for you to go. Some feel comfortable going along with these conventional methods and some need to find something else. All of us are different and what suits one does not necessarily suit another. Most doctors know nothing about natural healing for cancer and have little patience for people who want to do it that way, so basically we are on our own and have to educate ourselves by researching the options available to us. We need to feel comfortable so that we can choose our preferred treatment without threats or criticism.

We'll look at conventional medical treatments first.

The first rule of orthodox medicine is to surgically remove the parts of the body with the most cancer. They do this even if the cancer has spread further and is beyond their ability to remove it all. The body's immune system then goes to work to repair the damage done by the surgery leaving the remaining cancer cells under less attack and free to keep dividing and proliferating.

Radiation therapy is the use of high energy, penetrating radiation, and the purpose of this treatment is to eliminate or shrink localized cancers. This treatment comes with significant side effects, which, depending on the location of the cancer can be diarrhea, incontinence, bone, skin and tissue damage, loss of taste, memory loss, nausea, sleep disruption and visual changes to name a few. Long term side effects include the recurrence of cancer 10-20 years later.

Chemotherapy is an intravenously administered poison that kills all rapidly dividing cells whether they are healthy or cancerous. Worst hit by the chemo is your precious immune system. Either you, or someone you know (or knew), has experienced the side effects of chemotherapy - nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, weakness, fatigue, dizzy spells, loss of appetite, loss of hair and oftentimes a sense of deep depression. In many cases the body cannot recuperate quickly enough to adequately protect from common illnesses. Statistics show that up to 67% of people who die during cancer treatment do so because of infections arising as a direct result of reduction of white blood cells, an integral part of the immune system. The immune system failed because of, and as a result of the aggressive and toxic nature of the drugs. Furthermore, chemotherapy is so toxic that if a person used enough chemotherapy to kill all of their cancer cells, the patient would die long before all of their cancer cells died.

A healthy body will always work to heal itself. It is intricately designed to heal itself and when we co-operate with that healing capacity, we will be amazed at what can happen. This is why alternative therapies work so well as all these therapies provide the body with the ingredients it needs to overcome all disease including stage 1V cancer, by strengthening the immune system.

Alternative healing treatments always involve a 'cancer diet'. This includes all cancer fighting foods and no foods which have no cancer fighting properties. Depending on the cancer protocol chosen by the patient or the patient's therapist each cancer diet can be quite different. What I mean is, that while certain foods can be eaten with a certain protocol, those same foods may be prohibited if eaten with a different protocol. It is imperative that once a certain alternative protocol is chosen that it is strictly adhered to.

There are many, many natural alternative healing treatment protocols available to us. They are gentle, non toxic and without damaging or long term side effects. A fact is that if a natural healing treatment restores the balance if the body, the cancer will be gone and the body is left equipped to fight any disease on its own successfully.

Sure it takes a lot of discipline and effort to embark on an alternative healing protocol but whatever it takes, it seems to me, that no price is too high to pay for health and wellness.

Does Alternative Healing for Cancer Really Work?

Sunday, June 12, 2011 9:21:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Robyn Hanisch

Every human being has cancer cells in their body but these cells are easily killed as soon as they are formed if the immune system is strong. There needs to be a balance between the number of new cancer cells in the body and the strength of the immune system to ensure the cancer cells will never grow out of control. It is when the immune system is weak that cancer fighting ability is lost.

Alternative healing treatments for cancer gently kill cancer cells without toxic side effects while strengthening the immune system and alkalizing the body to create an environment in which cancer cannot survive. When the balance of the body is restored, it is cured of cancer.

There are more than 400 different natural alternative ways to kill cancer. Because alternative cancer treatments target cancer cells and do no harm to non-cancerous cells, these treatments can be used in much higher doses than conventional cancer treatments which makes them far more effective.

Most people think it would be dangerous and irresponsible to embark on an alternative remedy for cancer without first trying conventional treatments such surgery, radiation and chemotherapy which are routinely offered by our doctors.

A little education can go a long way in this case. It has been proven statistically that only 2 - 3% of people benefit from chemotherapy and after treatment the immune system is shattered.

The body has its own unique way of healing itself and this takes time.
An alternative healing treatment can eliminate all the remaining cancers cells left over after chemotherapy but unless the immune system has been restored to health the cancer cells will return. It can take several months and even up to 3 years before the immune system is restored to optimal health so that it can fight cancer on its own. A patient who has had chemo may not have the time it needs for the body to do its work.

Governments, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and cancer societies do not like or agree with alternative healing treatments and try to debunk the advocates of these treatments, but the fact remains, as is evident all over the internet, that these remedies work. There are thousands of testimonials from people all over the world who have beaten their cancer by natural healing.

So, to address the question in the title of this article... the answer is YES! The most important thing you can do for yourself or your loved one is to open your mind, do the research, get all the information you can and make an informed, educated decision.

After all, your life is in your hands.

Natural Cancer Prevention: 2 Critical Steps You Can't Live Without

By Barb Lulay

Although in some cases cancer can be a genetic link, in many cases a person can actually reduce their risk of cancer or quite possibly prevent it. If you are doubting this, take just a few moments to read this article because it may save your life or a loved one's life. Tuck in the back of your head, what about smoking? Many years ago, we didn't realize it caused cancer and numerous people laughed at the fact that it was linked to cancer. But later years and with more detailed research, we discovered that certain kinds of cancer can in fact be reduced or even eliminated if we don't smoke.

Also you need to realize that nothing is an absolute. However, following this plan does not guarantee that you won't get cancer. What it does is helps you prevent it and if you do get cancer, it makes you stronger to fight it.

First Step: Eliminate the Toxins Around Us
This is critical because the toxins around us cause our livers to have to filter more "garbage" and can cause our bodies to not function effectively. Not only are our livers effected but our entire immune system is weakened when our bodies are constantly bombarded by toxins.

These toxins can be found in many things. If finances limit how much you are able to remove the toxins, then do whatever you can afford.. Any change is better than no change. The following is a listing of places toxins like to hide:

* Our cleaners - not just the tough bathroom cleaners but also dish wash, window cleaner, hand/bath soaps and fabric softeners. (IF done right, this can actually be less expensive than the chemical cleaners)

* Our skin care and makeup - aim for a natural safe one. Go online and research to see which companies have the fewest toxins or better yet, no toxins in their skin care and makeup.

* Our foods (This includes supplements) - aim away from processed foods that are loaded with preservatives, nitrites, high fructose corn syrup or trans fats. Organic isn't always what it is cut out to be but if you can choose meats that aren't injected with chemicals and fruits without pesticides, this is an excellent start. Limit the white sugars and flours. Choose complex carbohydrates and foods high in fiber when making food choices.

* Our water - bottled water rarely is filtered. Choose water that at least filters out pesticides and lead. You'd be amazed that the number one selling water pitcher doesn't even filter these two basic contaminants.

* Prescriptions - There is certainly a time for prescriptions and a time for natural health care. We believe the two work best together. However, if you need to be on a prescription, check into which supplements the prescription gobbles up so you can replace it adequately before it is too late. Also it never hurts to use a liver cleanse periodically to help filter the chemicals from the liver.

2. Step Two: Build Up Your Immune System
By building up your immune system, your body can not only resist cancer better but also any illness minor or major coming its way. It'll be better prepared to fight stress, fatigue, and also auto immune diseases.

* You need to use caution when choosing your regimen because 97% of supplements on the market have labels that are incorrect so you need to choose a reputable company. The majority of the population would benefit from a high quality multivitamin, calcium (for women), Vit D3 (for the locations that don't receive sufficient sun), and a balanced protein. Other supplements that may help reduce the risk of cancer are green tea, Vit E, Fish Oil (Omega - make sure it is triple purified), B complex, probiotic, and Vit E.

* Exercise and Weight Management (Diet) - as much as you were dreading that we mention the dreaded D-word, it is a necessary component to reducing your risk of cancer. When we are overweight, especially the belly weight or belly fat, it increases our risk of cancer. This fat actually can create a chemical that increases the risk of certain cancers. So yes, we need to get up and move and eat healthy choices. But if we are limiting our processed foods and white flours and sugars as mentioned in step one, maintaining a healthy weight is easier.

* Alternative medicines - chiropractors, acupuncture, yoga, etc serve a definite purpose in our lives and can help reduce stress among other major problems. Trying alternative medicines for specific problems is not hokey: it is smart. These forms of medicine reduce the stress and toxins in our body and allow it to heal naturally. Now, we aren't saying for a cancer patient to skip chemo or anything else - this is a personal choice. We are saying to use all forms of medicine available to get the best results.

By doing steps 1 and 2, you have dramatically reduced your risk of not only cancer but also of many illnesses - minor and major. It never hurts to have some things in your hip pocket too if you need them. If money is a concern, there are a number of companies that even offer a cancer insurance policy that is very reasonable. With many of these policies, you can pay a small monthly fee for a guaranteed lump sum. You can get it for 1 person or for a household and surprisingly, the cost is not much different. You can also choose an option that allows you to receive all of your premiums back if no one gets cancer in a 20 year period. It is a win - win deal. You get a lump sum if someone gets cancer to help pay for unexpected charges - alternative medicine, time off from work... it doesn't matter. If you don't use the policy, better yet - no cancer and you get the refunds back.

Lastly, most of us know this but still seem to find excuses to dodge our appointments. Early detection is critical for any kind of cancer, so it is necessary to stay on top of your physicals and lab tests to check for signs of cancer.

Chemotherapy Side Effects

Monday, June 6, 2011 9:17:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Anabel BL Fisher

Chemotherapy side effects are inevitable. It is considered as one of the most famous methods of killing cells that causes cancer to the human body. Chemical compounds are being combined and used to kill microorganisms in the body. Though an effective treatment, chemotherapy still has side effects which affect other areas of the body. For brain cancer, one side effect is hair loss. It does not only mean hair on the head but also on other areas such as armpits, face, or even in the groin and sensitive areas as well. Others may get to experience nausea and vomiting. It usually occurs immediately after receiving the treatment and can last for several hours.

Changes in bone marrow are one of many chemotherapy side effects. Responsible in the production of red and white blood cells and platelets, the bone marrow's functions which includes carrying oxygen and fight infections, are being interrupted by the chemotherapy process. Also, it may interfere with the human body's capacity to stop excessive bleeding and may weaken the patient.

Aside from the above mentioned, chemotherapy may also affect a person's thinking and memory. This is sometimes called as "chemo-fog" or "chemo-brain". Researches and studies have suggested that the chemicals produced by the body are responsible for the brain function changes.

There are many factors that a chemotherapy session affects. One of these is sexual ability which is reduces during treatment and may resume after. One issue however, affects women as it may cause problems in terms of infertility. The drug exposure may reduce a woman patient's ability to conceive while the treatment ongoing.

Despite the chemotherapy side effects mentioned above, some of these can be prevented if proper methods are used. A patient must be physically conditioned. Doing so may reduce the severity of the treatment's adverse reaction to the human body. However, the treatment varies from person to person. Some may experience more side effects while others may have less.

The main goal of a chemotherapy treatment is always to cure cancer. It means that the tumor or cancer gradually disappears and should never return to the human body. However, it does not always happen because cancer depends on the patient's response to the treatment. If it is impossible to cure the cancer, at least chemotherapy is being done to control it or stop the cancer cells from spreading. It can help the patient feel better and live longer. The cancer cells may not completely disappear but rather controlled and managed like other diseases through maintenance. While there are cases that the cancer may have completely disappeared, it sometimes goes back when the human body becomes weak and prone to cancer cells again.

Though not normal, chemotherapy side effects cannot be prevented easily because it is part of the treatment. It is always important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and complete body maintenance to avoid any diseases from coming into the body. Remember that cancer is one of the most deadly diseases and not only that, it is also costly but there is always no assurance of being totally cured.

Fructose Fuels Cancer More Than Other Sugars

Friday, June 3, 2011 9:15:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Isaac Eliaz

There has been recent research exposing the harm of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup in our daily diets. While too much sugar can contribute to metabolic syndrome, it appears now that not all sugar is created equal. In fact, fructose is much more harmful than previously thought.

The three natural, common types of sugar in the human diet are glucose, sucrose, and fructose. Glucose is the sugar broken down from carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, and potatoes. Sucrose is refined cane sugar, or common table sugar. Fructose is a component of sucrose along with glucose. Fructose is found in many foods. Today, however, we consume large amounts of high-fructose corn syrup, largely from processed foods and sodas due to its low cost and high relative sweetness. It seems now that high amounts of fructose not only wreak havoc on your metabolism, but also on cancer cells.

A study from UCLA showed that pancreatic cancer cells used fructose and glucose in different ways, concluding that the cancer cells better use fructose to multiply. Pancreatic tumor cells seem to prefer the fructose over glucose, eating it up to divide and proliferate. "These findings show that cancer cells can readily metabolize fructose to increase proliferation," said Anthony Heaney of UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.

The results of this study obviously have dietary implication for those fighting cancer. By cutting back or eliminating your intake of fructose--be it from fruit, sodas, or processed foods--you may be able to slow cancer cell growth. Limiting the total amount of sugar in your diet also helps to improve your immune system, as sugar suppresses it.

This study also sends shock-waves through the corn industry as well as certain food and soda producers, as these industries have disagreed with negative health claims of high-fructose corn syrup, and claimed that all sugars are metabolized similarly by the body. Hopefully, more government action will be taken to halt the use of high-fructose corn syrup in so many common products. It is also recommended to limit the amount of refined sugars in your diet period, as cancer cells thrive on all refined sugar. Reducing sugar intake will also help to maintain a healthy weight, reducing your risk for many serious diseases and conditions. To learn more valuable health information and general dietary recommendations for cancer prevention, visit

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