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Alternative Medicine Cure for Cancer Tip 1 - Avoid the Rush Into Surgery

Sunday, August 14, 2011 10:10:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers

By Kerry R. Atma

The choice to use an alternative medicine cure for cancer requires courage from the outset. When you are first told you have cancer it can be like stepping into an elevator shaft - your whole life can feel like it's going into free fall. And when you are told by your oncologist or consulting surgeon and you need to have surgery your first impulse may be "Let's get done quickly so I can get on with life after cancer." This was true of my partner. Even though she regularly used alternative medicine the lure of the immediate fix that surgery for her breast cancer appeared to offer was enticing.

Due to a delayed biopsy report and an appointment mix up my partner waited three weeks before her surgeon confirmed his original recommendation for surgery - in her case for mastectomy.

My partner's surgeon said that 6 weeks delay wouldn't affect the outcome because the cancer would have been growing for 12 years before it had been detectable. My partner saw that six weeks as a window of opportunity to explore where to find an alternative medicine cure for cancer.

She found a a woman who had cured herself of breast cancer who gave her electro acupuncture and bolstered my partner's belief that her cancer could be cured naturally. She also attended a complementary medicine center where she received intravenous vitamin C. At the center she came across women in the waiting room who had mastectomies several years before.

These women had used the same surgeon my partner was consulting. Their mastectomies had been successful originally but years on cancer was still playing a costly and uncomfortable part in their lives. There may be some people who have a simple operation plus chemotherapy and then get on with their lives. But often the surgery can be the start of year's involvement in dealing with the cancer and complications.

So pause. Draw breath and allow yourself to consider other options. Especially when what's your facing is the aftermath of an operation like mastectomy or colostomy.

Because if you really are open to alternatives you can find people who have found a better future than dealing with years of living with a colostomy. Would you prefer to spend six weeks at an alternative cancer clinic in Ecuador to cure your bowel cancer or have a colostomy? When my partner was inDr Robert Wickman's cancer clinic in Ecuador that's exactly the future that opened up to a woman who was treated for bowel cancer there.. Her oncologist told her colostomy was her only option. After 5 weeks at Dr Wickman's her oncologist was stunned to tell her that her cancer was gone and that she didn't require a colostomy.

Or would you rather accept that a mastectomy is the only option - along with lymphedema ever after plus other possible complications or spend 8 to 12 weeks receiving treatment from Dr Wenzhao Chen in New Zealand, with his breakthrough cancer herbal and oil treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine anti cancer herbs.

Because my partner paused and used the window of opportunity the surgeon offered she eventually found Dr Wenzhao whose treatment was the only one that actively attacked and dissolved her breast tumor. We both wish that she'd come across Dr Chen at the start of her cancer journey because it would saved her a lot of time stress - and we would have enjoyed two years of quality living instead of our lives revolving around a search for an alternative medicine cure for cancer.

So pause. There can be a window of opportunity before surgery where you can find and use alternative medicine to successfully avoid cancer surgery and it's after effects.

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