There was a wealthy lady who came to us for help. For her diet, we advised that she took large amounts of natural fruit juices and vegetables. She reasoned cleaning the juice maker and utensils would involve too much work; thus she would prefer to take fruit juice concentrates instead - that would make life easier. Indeed, this is an unfortunate attitude. For a wealthy person, money comes rolling into the bank account rather easily without the person having to think or do much. This is line with money. But this is not going to be true with health. If you are not prepared to invest your time and effort into building your health, nobody else can do that for you. There is no short cut or easy way to good health. You owe it to yourself to eat rightly and build a healthy body.
We fully understand many people have an opinion similar to this wealthy lady's. Progress and commercialization give birth to an instant noodles society. Everyone wants the easy. Everything is pre-packed, pre-washed, pre-cut, pre-cooked etc. What you need to do these days is just bite, chew and swallow. There is not much else to do nor a need to think too much! Is this the ultimate goal of a modern lifestyle?
In this world, there are numerous kinds of pills and supplements that are supposed to promote health. They are convenient to take. Just pop them into the mouth - but, do you think you feel great and healthy?
Americans are good at taking pills. They spend approximately $3 billion each year on vitamins and supplements. Perhaps Americans will realize that taking a tablet, be it an old-fashioned vitamin or a fancy new photochemical, instead of fruits and vegetables, is nutritional madness. In this country, selling them is also good business.
Cancer patients often ask if they should take these supplements. We prefer that they take natural food products rather than synthetic pills and supplements. Of course, in a situation where there is no natural food source, these supplements may be the better of bad choices.
The following are reasons why synthetic supplements are no substitutes for natural food:
• Natural food contains live, vital organic elements. What is sold in the can or container is dead food because it has been subjected to various processing procedures.
• The processing of pills and supplements entails addition of chemicals - preservatives, binding agents, sugars, starch, coloring, etc. These include, for example, sodium benzoate, benzoic acid, sodium nitrate, BHA and BHT.
• Many people have the impression that by popping in pills, they are supplying the body with the equivalent nutrients.
It is not as simple as that! Take for example, calcium pills. The calcium needs to be in the organic or protein-bound form as well as in correct balance with other minerals before the body can utilize this mineral.
• Pills and supplements are man-made. What goes into their production is limited by the human mind. You only put in the ingredients to the extent that you know them. Unfortunately, there are thousands more substances in plants that are unknown to science and are yet to be discovered.
• Taking pills may not only be ineffective but can also be dangerous at times. For example, if you take five times more Vitamin D than the recommended daily allowance, liver damage can result. In 1984, the US National Academy of Science published a study that showed that elderly Californians who took mega closes of Vitamin E died two to three times faster than those who took no supplements. Iron is a double-edged sword. Taken in moderate amounts and in a form that is leashed to proteins, it is an essential element for metabolism and growth, hut. it is toxic when taken in the unleashed form. Studies even show that high amounts of iron stored in the body increase its susceptibility to cancers and heart attacks.
On the other hand, food from plant sources is nutritious because of the following reasons:
• It can balance the body, regulating and helping the glands to function normally Good health can only be achieved if there is balance and harmony of the in and pang energies in the body. Taking correct plant food can help the body achieve and maintain this balance and harmony. On the other hand, purified chemicals, although derived from plant resources, diminish its ability to do so.
• It has a cleansing effect The body naturally accumulates toxins from the by-products of food that we eat, from chemicals in food, etc. If these are not cleansed periodically, they can have detrimental effects on the cells, tissues and organs. Plant food allows the body to rid itself of such harmful toxins.
• it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals Studies have shown that nutrients derived from wholesome food are far superior to the isolated and concentrated nutrients said to derive from plant materials.
Wholesome plant food contains an abundant supply of phytochemicals - this was unknown to scientists earlier on. For example, sulforaphane, which is found in broccoli, inhibits laboratory animals from contracting cancer. It works by promoting enzymes that detoxify carcinogens. Genistein, found in soybeans, is shown to help prevent cancer from spreading throughout the body.
• It nourishes the immune system Environmental pollutants, the rampant use of antibiotics, consumption of food containing preservative and chemicals, poor nutrition, etc. can suppress the immune system. This makes us prone to disease attacks. The immune system depends on the diet for strength and proper functioning.
You might interested to know about Causes of Cancer as well.