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Breast Cancer, Effective Treatments That Cure

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 6:26:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers

Breast cancer, one of the most feared diseases that most women are terrified of. From all the media attention it receives today one would think that progress is being made in finding a cure, but unfortunately the opposite is true as the breast cancer rates are still climbing.

The main reason why it’s still increasing is that we don’t have prevention when all the causes of breast cancer are now well known. Today’s treatments focus on the cancer growths which does not actually do anything to help the patient regain the level of health they need to keep the cancer from coming back again. It is much more important to focus on the prime reason why the cancer first grew, that is, what caused it to grow in the first place and address those facts.

The well known slogan which tells woman that early detection will lead to a cure is a myth! Early detection is beneficial only to the breast cancer industry through their statistics. If they can detect breast cancer early, the meter that measures the 5 year survival cycle starts running earlier and the earlier it is detected, the better the chance of passing that critical 5 years period. Also early detection slogans helps recruit woman into the breast cancer industry.

The causes of breast cancer have been well known for many years and there is a cure for the disease. It is very simple, remove all the known factors that have caused it and with the amazing self healing powers of the human body, which we all have, it will remove the cancer naturally and permanently and without any side effects.

What our medical system is doing is looking for complex answers to a simple problem. Breast cancer does not need aggressive toxic treatments that can damage the body. To cure breast cancer one only needs to respect the laws of Mother Nature by living as we are supposed to and especially eating the foods we have been designed to eat and they are freshly grown fruit and vegetables.

As for finding a cure for the disease they will never succeed. Cancer is like scurvy, we all know that scurvy is a vitamin C deficiency and the only way to cure scurvy is naturally. Eat foods that contain vitamin C. Breast cancer is exactly the same, it’s a disease of a weak immune system and there are only natural ways to strengthen that. A drug to cure breast cancer doesn’t exist.

There are some other factors that contribute to breast cancer, for instance our sedentary lifestyle and the toxic products we use every day. They can all contribute to the problem so learn more and find out about breast cancer and what’s going on in the industry today. It does have a permanent cure and it’s seldom with our mainstream toxic treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients
When you are going through breast cancer, it is an emotionally and physically trying time. Many forms of cancer treatment only add to the problem as they work toward curing the cancer. Radiation treatments, for example, can cause a great deal of fatigue and it can take up to two months for your normal levels of energy to return. Therefore, it is important to follow a few health tips for breast cancer patients in order to minimize these side effects, as well as to help you get well sooner.

#1 of the Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Get Rest
One of the most important things you can do for yourself while fighting breast cancer is to get plenty of rest. Do your best to get a full night's sleep.

#2 of Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Eat Healthy
Eat a health diet. The healthier your body is, the better prepared it will be to fight the breast cancer and to recover from breast cancer treatment. Be sure to include plenty of protein in your diet because the amino acids found in protein are used by your body to help repair damage. Sometimes, eating can be a difficult task if you are undergoing treatments for breast cancer. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and medications can adversely affect your appetite and digestive system. You might experience nausea, vomiting, changes in taste and smell, difficulty swallowing and chewing, constipation, and pain. If you are experiencing these problems, you need to take steps to increase your appetite and to make eating easier.
First, try to make mealtime enjoyable by eating with friends and family or making eating as comfortable as possible. If ok with your physician, you might also have a small glass of wine, a mixed drink, or a beer. To add variety for your taste buds and to make eating more enjoyable, try new foods or new recipes. Better yet, eat out more often, even if you just eat an appetizer. If you engage in mild exercise ½ hour before you eat, it can also help increase your appetite. Anti-nausea medicine can also be helpful if you are vomiting or experiencing nausea. It is also helpful if you prepare meals ahead of time while you are feeling better and freeze them. These meals can be easily reheated when you are not feeling well. You should also keep small snacks on hand to munch on when you are feeling good enough to eat. In fact, it is best to eat small meals or snacks frequently throughout the day than to eat large meals. All foods you purchase should be easy to prepare or should be ready to eat. Even the fluids you consume should be high in calories and protein. If you are having a hard time chewing and swallowing, you should puree your foods or purchase foods that are easy to swallow, such as applesauce, soup, baby food, macaroni and cheese, pudding, and yogurt.
Additionally, there are a number of foods, herbs and vitamins which promote breast health. For information about these, please visit the breast health awareness resource page at Womans-Health.Net.

#3 of Health Tips for Breast Cancer Patients: Care for Your Skin
If you are undergoing external beam radiation, you may experience skin irritation or sensitivity. To assist with this problem, you should avoid using talcum powder, soaps, and deodorants. Extreme hot or cold temperatures can also be problematic to your skin. Therefore, tight or restrictive clothing can also aggravate your skin, as can nylon and synthetic materials. Wear loose clothing made of cotton instead. In addition, if you need to tape bandages to your skin, use paper tape rather than adhesive tape. By following these health tips for breast cancer patients, you will be able to keep up your strength and be better prepared to beat this disease. In addition, you can actually help boost your body's immune system and its ability to make you better.

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