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Is There A Prostate Cancer Cure?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 6:19:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers

Just as women are susceptible to breast cancer, men are at a high risk for developing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is most common in men over the age of 50, however it is important to note that any man, no matter the age can suffer from prostate cancer. This is the reason why it is extremely important for all men to have the proper screening when it comes to prostate cancer.

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may wonder whether or not there is a real prostate cancer cure. A prostate cancer cure depends on the severity of the cancer and how quickly it is discovered. Many men have real success with a prostate cancer cure when they are young, relatively healthy and begin their treatment as soon as the cancer begins. It is much hard to find an adequate prostate cancer cure when it is caught at a very late stage. Here are some things you should know when you think about prostate cancer cure.

?Treatment: There are many treatment options available for prostate cancer. No two men are alike and no two men respond the same way when it comes to a prostate cancer cure. Some men may respond well to chemotherapy and others do well with hormone therapy.

?Early detection: The best way to find the proper prostate cancer cure for you is to make sure that the cancer is detected in its early stages. Most doctors recommend regular screening if you are at high risk for developing prostate cancer. Men over 50 and African American men are at the highest risk for developing prostate cancer. Also, if you have a family history of prostate cancer, then you should also get regular screening. Screening for prostate cancer involves your doctor examining your prostate gland. He or she is looking for abnormal cell growths and tumors. If something abnormal is found, your doctor will recommend a prostate cancer treatment that is right for you.

It is important to remember that any prostate cancer cure will depend on your individual case. Your doctor will help you find a treatment that is right for you.

The causes of prostate cancer has not bee fully traced by medical experts, however risk factors had been identified that might make men predisposed to the disease. One of the identified risk factors of prostate cancer is age. Genetic is also one major risk factor of the disease. The susceptibility to the disease is higher in men whose brother or father is suffering from the disease. Another identified risk factor of prostate cancer is diet.

Prostate Cancer: What Every Man Needs to Know
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in men. Prostate cancer is often found in elder men and the risk of prostate cancer increases with age. In prostate cancer, cancerous cells are primary formed in the prostate that then gets transferred to other cells through the process of metastasis. Prostate cancer spreads to other parts of your body like bones.

Causes of Prostate Cancer:
Scientists still do not know the exact cause behind prostate cancer. No one knows why some people suffer with prostate cancer while others do not. Clinical researchers and scientists are working hard to find the answer of this basic question.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms:
There are no definite prostate cancer symptoms that can be easily noticed by the patients. Prostate cancer does not show any cancer symptom or sign at the initial stage. However, few prostate cancer symptoms have been identified by the National Cancer Institute .

These specific prostate cancer symptoms are given below:
1) Frequent urination.
2) An interrupted or weak urine flow.
3) Trouble while urination.
4) Sensation of pain while ejaculation.
5) Inability to urinate.
6) Burning sensation or pain during urination.
7) Stiffness or frequent pain in the upper thighs, lower back or hips.

These symptoms are however, not specific for prostate cancer. Therefore if you experience any of these symptoms, don't panic- just consult a doctor. Prostate cancer treatment: Treatment of prostate cancer depends upon factors such as the location of the tumor, general health condition of the patient, age of the patient and size of the tumor. Prostate cancer can be treated with help of following treatment methods.

1) Surgical castration by orchidectomy: the cheapest and simplest prostate cancer treatment is orchidectomy.

2) Prostate cancer can be treated with the help of oestrogen hormone and LHRH-analogues. This prostate cancer treatment is very expensive. Oestrogen can be taken orally but oestrogen prostate cancer treatment can give rise to thrombotic complications.

3) Hormone therapy can also be used as prostate cancer cure.

4) The chemical found in black pepper, which causes the tongue to burn, sweat to pout out and eyes to water commonly called as capsaicin is thought to be helpful in prostate cancer cure. US researchers have found that capsaicin can cause human cancer cells to kill themselves. This study is guiding to the way for a new prostate cancer cure.

5) Radiotherapy can also be used for prostate cancer cure. Radiotherapy just destroys cancer cells by radiation. The method is absolutely painless. But treatment of prostate cancer with the help of radiotherapy can cause some side effects like impotence and diarrhea.

6) Brachytherapy can also be applied to cure prostate cancer. Here radioactive elements inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells.

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