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Breast Cancer Stages and Survival Rates

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 6:04:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers

Where the disease has not metastasized, the five-year survival rate for women suffering from breast cancer is about 86%. That percentage means that 86% of women who develop breast cancer live for at least five years after diagnosis. The good news is that depending on the stage it is discovered, the survival rate can be even higher than the overall average.

As with most cancers, breast cancer, develops in stages. T depicts tumor size, N signifies a spread to lymph nodes and M describes distant metastasis. When a primary tumor spreads to another area/s and forms more tumors, it has metastasized.

A tumor is noted as TX when it defies assessment. If one of the following forms is suspected - DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ), LCIS (lobular carcinoma in situ) or Paget's disease (where the nipple and/or areola is cancerous) - This is used.

Stage 0 indicates that the cancer is in its earliest stage. Stage 1 means that the tumors are less than 2cm long and the cancerous cells have not spread. A tumor that is 2-5cm in diameter is classified as Stage II, and a tumor larger than 5cm is considered Stage III. When a tumor has attached to the chest wall and spread to the lymph nodes it is considered to be Stage IV.

Today, due to medical advances, many breast cancers are diagnosed and treated during the early stages.

When treatment is given to patients who are at Stage 0 or 1, the survival rates are almost 100%. And yes, men can develop breast cancer, though at a far lower rate of 1/133 when compared to women. The survival rate for those with Stage II cancer is between 81%-92%. At Stage III the rate lowers to 67%, and then drops substantially to 20% at Stage IV.

Despite being a serious condition, breast cancer is now rarely life threatening. Women who have advanced stages of cancer have been known to live for more than seven years. As technology and medicine advance, survival rates increase. Even later stage cancer survival rates are rising as medical and treatment methods improve.

A fairly new method of diagnosing cancer is the QM-MSP (quantitative multiplex methylation-specific PCR) method. Discovered in 2001, it uses fluid from the breast and tests the chemicals contained in the fluid. The chemical analysis undertaken during this test allows cancer to be detected with 86% reliability, and cancer clumps with as little as 50 cells can found. Treatment given in the early stages is highly effective, and new methods like this allow cancer to be diagnosed at the earliest possible stage.

Treatments are also improving, with hormone therapy, targeted radiation and molecule specific drugs now readily available.

Breast cancer is no longer the death sentence it used to be. Although the disease is still a matter of serious concern, the chances of survival are high and treatments are now less invasive.

Breast Cancer: What is an ''early Stage'' Breast Cancer
An “Early Stage” breast cancer is sometimes referred as Stage 1 breast cancer. In such cases, the affected region is less than 2–2.5 centimeters in diameter. However, cancer does not spread inside the tissue of the breast. In fact, among all the women detected for breast cancer in the U.S, 63% of them suffer from “Early Stage” Breast Cancer, as it is still localized to the tissue of the breast.

Today, Breast Cancer is considered to be one of the most deadly and emotional types of cancers occurring in women. However, it should be kept in mind that it is not only women, who are at a risk of having breast cancer. Men can also have such type of cancers, but most patients are female.

Early detection increases chances of survival
If the breast cancer is an early stage one and it is properly detected and treated, the survival rate of that patient increases to a large extent. The best trick to fight breast cancer is to catch it early on and generally women can detect it by finding a typical lump in any one of their breasts. Women should immediately check out in such cases but they should not worry, as all lumps are not cancers.

Early stage breast cancer cannot always be cured, even though cancerous cells are unable to reach the lymph nodes. Women, who catch early stage breast cancer, gets treated at that point and many of them are able to enjoy life in a normal lifestyle for more than ten years. It is highly recommended for every woman to check her breasts regularly to be on the safe side, so that possible cases of breast cancers can be detected early. With proper treatment, women can enjoy high survival rates.

Symptoms of Early Stage Cancer
An early stage breast cancer can be detected on the basis of various symptoms. Some of them are unexpected abnormal changes in the anatomy & the size of the breast, appearance of the skin of the breast becomes dimpled & puckered, sudden unexpected changes in the size and shape of the nipple like the changing position and nipple being inverted. Other symptoms include abnormal discharge from the nipple, development of rash in the nipple, continuous pain in the region of armpit & breast, thickening or formation of the lump in the armpit & breast and swelling of the collarbone region & armpit.

Treatment following the detection
Any of the above symptoms determine an early stage breast cancer and any woman having such symptoms should immediately contact her general physician. Doctors examine the patient properly and if necessary, can refer them to a breast clinic for more examinations and mammogram. Upon detection of a lump, the cancerous cells can be extracted with the help of a delicate needle. Every woman should know how to do self-examination of her beasts, so that she can know her breasts easier and recognize abnormal changes on them.

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