By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases the century has seen and the alarming number of people affected by the disease has made the need to find a cure for the disease a desperate one. According to the statistics of WHO, one out of every three women and one out of every two men are prone to cancer in the current world. Though there are many known methods of prevention that have been in use, the number of people affected by the disease is on the rise every year. The only way to treat cancer is early diagnosis and effective treatment immediately. In the recent past, many modern medical researches have increased the cure to about 70-80%.
There are many known methods of cancer therapy like chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, etc. and most of the time more than one of the methods are followed as a treatment course. Let us take a look at each of these modes to understand details about them.
What is it? - This is a kind of cancer treatment mode where drugs are used to destroy the cancer cells. This method is also known as chemo in short and is widely practised as a main mode of treatment or a follow-up treatment after surgery. There are many different kinds of Chemotherapy treatments and the choice of treatment depends on the type of cancer and the stage to which the disease has progressed to.
Uses of Chemotherapy - It can be used effectively to destroy cells that are cancerous and stop them from spreading. It is also used as a follow-up method after surgery to slow down the growth of cancer cells.
Chemotherapy as a follow-up treatment - As we discussed, Chemotherapy can be used as a follow-up treatment to either destroy or slow down the cancer cells. It can be used either after radiation or surgery treatments to make sure that the cancer cells do not reappear again. Sometimes it can also be used to destroy cells before a transplant surgery. For example, Chemotherapy is normally suggested before a peripheral blood stem cell transplant.
Side effects of Chemotherapy - Though it is an effective mode of treatment, chemotherapy has its own list of side effects which also needs to be taken into consideration before the start of the treatment. The common side effects of chemotherapy include anaemia, appetite change, constipation, fatigue, hair loss and vomiting issues. Some patients might also experience bleeding problems, infections and other kind of memory or mouth, throat changes. Depending on the type of cancer, it is also possible that chemotherapy can induce fertility changes, swelling and pain along with changes in urination patterns.
How is Chemotherapy administered? - Chemotherapy is the administration of drugs for destroying the cancerous cells and such drugs are normally given either through intravenous or injection methods. An injection into the muscle or other part of the body is provided to get the drug in contact with the affected cells. Sometimes depending on the localization of the disease, chemotherapy is also administered by means of a pill or a cream that can be rubbed on the skin.
Radiation Therapy
How does this treatment help? - Radiation Therapy is the use of radiations of high-energy that can effectively shrink and kill the cancer cells. In general x-rays and gamma rays are used in radiation therapies.
Types of Radiation therapy - Radiation therapy is divided into two types based on the way in which the radiation is provided to the patient. It is known as external beam therapy in cases where a machine outside the body administers the radiation or is known as internal radiation therapy or Brach therapy in case the radiation is provided through a radioactive material that is placed inside the body nearer to the diseased part. In certain cases, radioactive substances like radioactive iodine is placed which travels through the blood to kill the cancer cells. Such kind of radiation therapy is known as systematic therapy.
How does radiation therapy kill the cancer cells? - The radiations that are administered in the therapy damage the DNA of the cells and kill them. The DNA carries genetic information and this is destroyed by radiation either directly or by creation of charged particles which in turn damages the DNA. When the DNA is damaged, the cancer cells stop dividing or die which is then eliminated by the natural process of the body.
Problems of Radiation Therapy - The radiations that are given to the patient kills not only the cancerous cells but also the other normal healthy cells that come in contact with the radiations. Thus this is taken into account when a radiation therapy is planned and only the admissible amount of radiation that the normal cells can withstand is given during the course of the treatment.
The treatment mode in which extreme cold is used to destroy cancerous or diseased cells is known cryosurgery or therapy. The cold temperature is produced by use of liquid nitrogen.
How is it carried on? - Liquid nitrogen can be applied directly on the tumor with a cotton swab or a spraying device. This treatment is normally used for treating tumors that are external like those on the skin. It can also be circulated internally through a hollow instrument called the cryoprobe which is used for treatment of internal tumors and tumors of the bone. The cyroprobe is guided inside through ultrasound or MRI which helps the extreme cold get in contact with the tumor.
Types of cancer that can be treated - Cryosurgery is widely used for many types of cancers with precancerous and non-cancerous conditions though it is extensively used for prostate and liver cancer. Researches are in progress to find the level to which cryosurgery can be used as an effective means of cancer therapy for breast and kidney cancer.
Side effects of cryosurgery - Though the side effects associated with cryosurgery are less compared to that of the other traditional methods, it does cause pain and cramping in the area of treatment. Bleeding, scarring and swelling can also be the after effects that are linked with this method of treatment.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is medically defined as a class of diseases where a single or a group of cells undergo uncontrolled growth in an abnormal way invading or destructing the other adjacent cells. These abnormal cells might also sometimes spread to other locations of the body through lymph or blood. Cancer treatment is one major achievement in the field of science that aims at increasing the life span of affected patients, controlling the spread of the disease to other locations of the body and to reduces its symptoms.
Though the existence of Cancer can be traced back to as early as 1600 BC, it has been one of the untreatable diseases until lately. Cancer is one of the many diseases in which huge amount of funds are invested for performing research and experiments for various treatment options. After many years of study and clinical trials, finally there are many methods currently that can help contain the spread of the disease and help affected patients lead a better life.
There are many standard and alternative options of Cancer treatments available due to continuous research and long efforts. The standard methods of treatment include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation methods. Along with the standard methods, there are any alternative methods of treatment which aim at providing a relaxation from the disease symptoms.
Most of the types of cancer form a tumor except for few like leukemia. These tumors can be removed by means of surgery to eliminate the cancerous growth from the body. Sometimes in cases of extended damage done by the tumor, the whole organ is removed by means of surgery as a means of preventing further spread or growth. Normally breast cancer and prostrate cancer are treated by this method. This kind of treatment can be used effectively for tumors that do not metastasis or spread across the body. Cancerous growth that has already spread to other parts of the body cannot be contained by means of surgery. Normally a 'Staging' process is carried out prior to surgery to determine the spread levels of the disease to the other parts of the body. This helps decide the level to which surgery might be useful in treating the disease.
In some cases, drugs are administered to stop the spread or growth of the cancerous cell. These drugs are given orally or through intravenous methods to kill the abnormal cells and to keep the disease under control. This method of cancer treatment is known as Chemotherapy. The dosage and the frequency of the drug administration or the chemotherapy process is generally decided by the doctor depending on the patient's health condition and staging results. There are no fixed dosage levels for this process of treating cancer. Though effective, this method has an advantage of being a temporary solution. The drug that is administered does fight the disease and tries to recover the cells, but the effects of it are short-lived. The dosage and the frequency increases with time in this type of treatment method. It is also to be considered that Chemotherapy has its own side effects which might vary based on the patients' health.
Radiation Therapy
Like other types of cancer treatments, the Radiation therapy also aims at destructing the diseased cells and in preventing their spread or growth. In this method, high energy x-rays are used instead of drugs to destroy the abnormal cells. These x-rays damage the DNA of the diseased cells thus killing these cells. The method of radiation therapy is in general done at regular intervals so as to provide enough timelines for the other normal cells that also get damaged to recover well. As we saw the radiation therapy method does hurt other normal cells also along with the diseased ones. The damage that is created on the cancerous cells is more than that created in normal cells and hence the normal cells do not suffer destruction like the diseased cells and recover soon.
Hormone Therapy
In some cases, hormones that help in growth of the tumor are counter attacked by giving drugs that act to inhibit such hormonal actions. This method is followed in the hormonal therapy where hormones that help increase the disease effects and symptoms are inhibited by administration of anti-effect drugs. As an example, estrogen is known to promote growth of diseased cells in breast cancer and hence treatment for breast cancer through hormonal methods includes administration of anti-estrogen drugs to the patient.
Modern Methods
There are many new cancer treatment methods that have been recently uncovered by the medical field. Immunotherapy and Transplants are the most popular of all. Immunotherapy is based on the foundation that a strong immune system helps the body fight diseases. In this method, drugs that would help improve the body immunity are prescribed to help the body equip better to fight the disease. Transplants are also common methods of treatment which are normally used in cases of Bone Marrow transplant or stem cell transplant. Other popular but still under research techniques include the Proton therapy, Gene therapy and Biologic therapy.
Alternative Methods
Alternative or complementary methods of treatments are also available for cancer which is mostly targeted as a means of relief from side effects and pain rather than as a cure. Reiki and Acupuncture offer various methods of treatment that helps patients alleviate pain and other discomforts. The Gerson therapy and the Bovine cartilage are also often used as alternative methods of treatment of cancer.
Though there are many modern and standard treatment methods, the spread of the disease is a key factor in the cure possibility rate. Thus it is important that we equip ourselves with basic knowledge about the symptoms and the prevention techniques for cancer to get rid of it completely. Remember if detected early, cancer is not fatal and can be completely cured.
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cancer treatment,

By Brijesh Ghelani
You must have heard a lot about the testicular cancer treatment though the awareness about this disease is a bit low among the population. This kind of cancer is one of the most common types affecting men in the age group of 20 to 35 years. It is therefore a must to possess the basic awareness about this kind of cancer and its treatment modes to better cure and prevent it.
What are the testicles?
These are the male sex glands which produce testosterone and the sperm. They are 2- egg shaped glands which are located inside the scrotum and are held by the spermatic cord. The scrotum also contains the vas deferens and the vessels and nerves of the testicles. The germ cells inside the testicles are where immature sperms are produced which further travel through a series of tubes to mature as a sperm. This mature sperm is finally stored in the epididymis which is a long tube near the testicle.
What is testicular cancer?
Cancer that is formed in the tissues of one or in both of the testicles is known as testicular cancer. In most of the scenarios, the testicular cancer starts in the germ cells. The testicular cancer tumor can be of 2 types, seminomas and non seminomas depending on the way they grow and their spread mode. Non -seminomas grow and spread much faster compared to the seminomas and hence both types are treated by different methods. When a testicular tumor has both seminoma and non-seminoma cancer cells, they are treated as a non-seminoma case.
How is testicular cancer diagnosed?
Testicular cancer is diagnosed by examination of the testicles and the blood to check for any cancer symptoms. A physical examination is first held to check for any symptoms of lumps or diseased areas which might look a bit abnormal. The testicles are also checked for any pain, swelling or lumps along with a complete study of the patient's medical history. Once the physical examination is done, ultrasound tests are conducted to study a picture of the body tissues. In this procedure ultrasound waves are passed through the body and a sonogram report is drawn as they bounce off the internal tissues and organs.
In case of any lump or tumor identified, the serum tumor marker test is done which is a process in which a blood sample is studied to calculate the amount of substances that is released into the blood by the body cells. If this study shows increased contents of tumor markers which indicate a cancer presence, then a biopsy and a radical inguinal orchiectomy are carried out. The tumor markers for testicular cancer are Alpha - fetoprotein, Beta-human chronic gonadotropin and Lactate dehydrogenase.
Testicular cancer Treatment Options
In almost about 95% of the cases, testicular cancer can be cured with treatment. The chance of getting cured increases the earlier the disease is diagnosed. The traditional treatment methods for testicular cancer include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
Surgery - In this method of testicular cancer treatment, the testicles are removed by an incision in the groin by a method known as radical inguinal orchiectomy. Some lymph nodes in the abdomen can also at times be removed as part of the surgery by lymph node dissection methods. The removal of one testicle does not normally interfere with the patient's ability to have sexual intercourse or produce children as one healthy testicle is usually sufficient. Some may also prefer to place an artificial testicle during or after the operation for cosmetic purposes. In cases of removal of lymph nodes, it is possible that it may affect one's fertility though it does not change his sexual ability. Special nerve sparing techniques of surgery can be handled to prevent losing the ability to ejaculate in a normal manner.
Radiation Therapy - This is a mode of treatment where high-energy radiations are used to kill the cancerous cells. This is a local therapy which is normally concentrated on the diseased area reducing the effect on other normal cells. The seminomas kind of testicular cancer responds well to radiation and external machines are employed to treat them, usually after surgery. Men diagnosed with non-seminoma type of cancer do not undergo radiation therapy as such kinds of tumors are less sensitive to radiations. This kind of therapy affects the sperm production in the individuals though they can regain it within a period of 1 or 2 years.
Chemotherapy - This testicular cancer treatment includes administration of drugs to kill the cancerous cells. It is normally given as a adjuvant therapy after surgery or at times of advanced levels as initial treatment to restrict the spread. These drugs travel through the blood stream and kill the diseased cells. Sometimes the normal cells are also affected along with the cancer cells and the destruction depends on the stage of cancer and the dosage of drugs provided. This treatment reduces the sperm count in the individuals though it gets back to normal with time. High dosages of chemotherapy are advisable only when the patients undergo transplantation of the bone marrow as the drugs destroy the bone marrow cells. If you are worried about your fertility problem, then you can talk to your physician about sperm banking options which can help you have kids even if you lose fertility before or after treatment.
Factors affecting treatment options
Testicular cancer is most of the times curable and the treatment that is chosen depends on many factors that decide the chances of recovery. These factors include the type of cancer and the size of the tumor. This also includes the details like the number and size of the lymph nodes. The stage to which cancer has progressed and the levels of the tumor markers also play a pivotal role in deciding the treatment option. Some modes of testicular cancer treatment methods can lead to infertility permanently. Under such circumstances, the individuals can consider the option of sperm banking where the sperm can be collected and stored in a frozen mode.
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Testicular Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
With the continuous need for less damaging and more affordable treatments, the rise of natural medication is truly inevitable. You may have heard of different herbal alternative medicines being advertised in the market. One such alternative treatment quickly gaining popularity is graviola. However, there is actually a closely-related plant with more curative properties than graviola and that is the mountain graviola.
Mountain graviola, commonly known as mountain soursop, is a tree belonging to the Annona family. The tree is a famous medicinal plant and can be found in Central America and the Caribbean islands. It closely resembles the graviola tree and the two plants are often mistakenly considered the same. But though they look alike and are from the same plant family, they are different as proven by their chemical compositions. Scientific names are used to give distinction when referring to both plants.
Annona montana or mountaian graviola leaves are glossier and are wider as compared to those of Annona muritica or graviola. In addition, montana bears fruits faster. These fruits have fibrous pulps and grow to about 15 meters long. Montana fruits are said to be sourer than muritica's.
Muritica has risen to fame as an alternative cure for cancer due to the 82 acetogenins it contains. As compared to muritica, montana has more of these beneficial substances. Mountain graviola has 108 acetogenins. The acetogenin annonacin is a major cancer-fighting chemical found in both trees but in larger content in montana.
Mountain graviola has similar ATP-inhibiting effects as the muricata. It also aids in building body resistance against cancer and other fatal illnesses mostly related to the digestive track and the cardiovascular system. Studies showed that mountain graviola destroys cancer cells faster than Andramycin, a drug used in lung cancer chemotherapy. Liver and ovarian cancer patients taking in mountain graviola herbal medicines have also been healed in just a year. Amongst these cured patients, no one has been reported to have acquired recurring cancer. Mountain graviola is said to be most effective with liver cancer, affecting the ATP nucleotides nearest the organ. Ovarian cancers have one of the highest mortality rates yearly. Montana's acetogenins are effective in pinpointing the tumor and can eliminate the damaged cells before they reach other organs.
Combined extracts of the muricata and montanta are often used by supplement manufacturers for enhanced effectivity. According to researches, the combination of these Annona plants is far more effective in treating cancers than surgeries and chemotherapy. Furthermore, they do not pose any side effects to the body. Using natural supplements and herbal medicines do not damage other organs like conventional cancer treatments do. Even when combined with medication, Annona supplements are still safe. In fact, combination and separate ingestion of muritica and montana, hastened and escalated the effects of antihypertensive drugs in animal test subjects.
Nevertheless, remember that taking Annona supplements is not as effective as taking in muritica and montana as food. Supplements have already been mixed with other synthetic substances, thus reducing the acetogenin contents of the plants.
Mountain graviola can be considered one of the best discoveries in the medical industry. With more than one hundred beneficial acetogenins, it would not be a wonder if this plant can cure more fatal diseases other than cancer.
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curing cancer,
Mountain Graviola

By Brijesh Ghelani
Today, there remains an increasing need for more effective curative methods for cancer. The medical industry is eager to develop an alternative cure that requires lesser treatment frame and faster recovery time for the patients.
A notable advancement in researches is the progress of studies regarding the chemical quassinoids. And where can these chemicals found? - within a simaruba tree.
Simaruba is a tree that can grow to more or less six meters in height. It has long crooked branches and leaves extending to twelve inches in length. The tree's grayish bark is often found in long pieces and its roots creep horizontally on the ground. Simaruba also bears white flowers that bloom in clusters.
The chemical content of simaruba is largely composed of quassinoids. These quassinoids are bitter terpenoid substances and are considered therapeutic agents. They can be used to cure malaria, parasitical infections and even cancer. Cancer is the main sickness that causes the most deaths yearly. So are these quassinoids good enough to really cure cancer?
Simaruba quassinoids, also referred to as simaroubolides, are oxygenated lactones that come in different types. Type I quassinoids known as Picrasane is further subdivided into groups A, B, C with reference to the position of their oxide bridges. Experiments revealed that quassinoids of the picrasane groups A and B have anti-tumor properties while the third group doesn't have any anti-carcinogen ability at all. A picrasane B quasinoid, bruceantin has already been tested in humans due to its notable cytotoxicity displayed in animal subjects. However, in humans, bruceantin only managed to cure a Stage I cancer because the human body can only accept a limited amount of the chemical. Groups A and B have also been discovered to trigger apoptosis to leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma cancer cells in animals.
Simaruba can be taken-in directly through extracts or decoctions directly. But is this method good enough to cure cancer? Simaruba quassinoids indeed posses a lot of beneficial abilities; however, for it to be able to cure cancer, they need to undergo more laboratory experiments. Since not all quassinoids in the simaruba can cure cancer, there is a need to isolate the beneficial chemicals. In synthesizing these quassinoids to medicine, the human tolerance to toxicity should also be considered. Humans have lower toxic capacity as compared to animals. Therefore, continuous direct injection of simaruba quassinoids may render harmful effects which befit one of the initial reasons for searching for alternative treatment. Furthermore, there's also the danger of drug resistance. Simaruba quassinoids are yet to show successful results in humans; and thus, the average time of developing drug resistance still remains a question. It is true that there are simaruba supplements such as tea are the only options people can use if they are interested in herbal medicine using this therapeutic plant. Supplements are not discouraged but it is recommended to check carefully the ingredients and possible restrictions of these supplements before taking them in.
In conclusion, simaruba can truly aid in treating cancer but its anti-cancerous properties should be further enhanced for greater effectiveness.
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Simaruba Quassinoids,
Treat Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is a group of diseases with several possible causes. One of the major causes is carcinogenic substances that can be found in cigarette smoke, artificial sweetener, analgesic and many others. Cancer is also an effect of environmental factors like the sun, natural and man-made radiation and work place hazards. Such are contributing factors to causing cancers that are unavoidable. Viruses also can be factor to the existence of cancer cells. Together with viruses, some bacteria also are cancer- causing agents.
Another cause is the person's genetic predisposition. There are people born with some genetic mutations that tend to be cancerous. The immune system of an individual is also a factor. A person who has problems with his/her immune systems is more prone to get some types of cancer. Furthermore, lack of alkaline or base in one's body could be a cause of cancer because cancer attacks those people whose body are acidic in nature.
Human bodies have a natural pH balance, which is the balance between acid and base or otherwise called alkaline. If the pH of the blood remains high, it means that the blood is capable of carrying more oxygen. If the blood carries more oxygen, each cell in the body will remain at maximum efficiency. Because of this, elimination of waste products is easier. On the other hand, an acid pH body is more prone to illness. If blood pH falls below 6.8 or above 7.8, one's body cells will stop functioning
According to experts, cancerous tissues are acidic while healthy tissues are alkaline. Cancer tends to develop in a highly acid environment. Therefore it highly recommended to get pH above 7.4. It is a must to alkalize your body in order to be healthy. Alkalizing your body means you're going to add some alkaline or base. In this way, you can maintain physical fitness. This process is also proven to cure cancer.
In order to sustain proper amount of alkaline, you should ensure that you maintain a proper diet which is high in alkaline content and low in acidic content. Fruits like apples, avocados, bananas, blackberries, grapes, lemons, oranges, pears, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries and watermelon can keep the body alkaline. Vegetables like beans, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, green peas, lettuce, lima beans-dried, mushrooms, potatoes-sweet, potatoes, radishes, raisins, spinach-raw, tomatoes and watercress also regulate the body alkaline.
Furthermore, alkaline ionized water also maintain right amount of alkaline and help cure cancer. Alkaline ionized water is a life-giving substance that aids the body in neutralizing the acid produced by chemicals, pesticides and polluted air around you. It is conducive to good health because first, its pH is alkaline. The water you drink is full of alkaline because the ionization process splits the alkaline minerals from the acidic minerals. In short, you are guaranteed that you drink 10 to 1000 times more alkaline than your original tap.
Another reason why alkaline ionized water can cure cancer is its Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP). Human body oxidizes when it does not have sufficient anti-oxidants because it steals electrons from healthy tissue to fight off disease and aging. Abundant anti-oxidants cures cancer.
Cancer is curable if only the cancer patient is patient. According to Benjamin Franklin, "he that can have patience can have what he will."
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Cure Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer, as a class of diseases typified by out-of-control cell growth is very prevalent nowadays. It is one of the top killers around the world. According to World Health Organization, different forms of cancer were responsible for 6.72 million deaths worldwide in the year 2000. It accounted for 7.4 million deaths in 2004. Cancer, as we all know is the uncontrollable formation of abnormal cells in the body.
Dealing with cancer is very complicated. The modern treatment of cancer like chemotherapy can be as frightening as the disease itself. Chemotherapy destroys cancerous cells, but the side effects that include nausea, loss of appetite, and hair loss side effects of chemotherapy are serious medical conditions that also need prevention. Because of this, cancer patients keep on looking for alternative forms of treating such disease.
One alternative medicine for treating cancer is capsaicin. Capsaicin is an active compound found in chili, chili pepper and cayenne pepper. It is an odorless, tasteless antioxidant. This component gives chili its unique hotness. Because of this exceptional attribute, it is used as a flavoring agent to many cuisines around the globe. In addition, it was also discovered that it can be a good ingredient in weight loss pills, treatment of inflammatory diseases, sinusitis and nasal congestion relief and others.
The greatest discovery regarding capsaicin is that it can cure cancer. A research published by American Association for Cancer Research (2006) found that capsaicin inhibits the growth of Androgen-Independent, p53 Mutant Prostate Cancer Cells. Another study conducted by researchers at Nottingham University in the UK Nottingham University in the UK led by Dr. Timothy Bates discovered that capsaicin is able to attack tumor cells' source of energy and initiates cell-suicide but leave the healthy cells in its good condition.
The above study of Dr. Bates and colleagues learned that capsaicin attacked the tumor cells' mitochondria and this leads to the production of ATP, the activated carrier which gives energy to organisms. According to Dr. Bates, countries like Mexico and India whose people are accustomed to very spicy food end have lower number of cancer patients because of the healing feature of Capsaicin found in chili, chili pepper and cayenne pepper.
The research by Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute together with The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered that Capsaicin destroy a significant amount of the developed cancer cells and can hinder the development of the cancer infected tumors. They used mice in proving this. According to them, Capsaicin destroyed about 80 percent of the developed cancer cells growing inside mice. After the treatment with Capsaicin, they learned that there is 20 % significantly decrease of tumors in mice.
It was confirmed by above researches that Capsaicin targets cancerous cells and does nothing with the healthy ones. It is important to bear in mind that while Capsaicin does show promise in treating cancer, eating too much of it can be harmful. Thus, knowing that it contains multiple health benefits, it is always safe to consume chili peppers from mild to fiery.
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Burning Cancer,
Cure Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Graviola is a fruit-bearing tree found mostly in rainforests and is also known as soursop and paw paw. The tree grows to about six meters high and has dark green leaves. Graviola fruits are yellow-green in color and are about 20cm in diameter. The white fleshes of the fruits are edible and are often made as desserts and drinks.
Researches of graviola's healing properties date back in the 1970s. Results of the initial studies have yielded that graviola possess phytochemcials which are substances that aids in strengthening the immune system and other body functions. Later experiments revealed that extracts of graviola stems can eliminate cancer cells, both benign and malignant. These discoveries lead to further studies on other parts of the tree.
Annonaceous acetogenins found in the stem, bark, fruit seeds and leaves of graviola can be used to both cure and prevent cancer. Food that can help prevent fatal diseases like cancer are rare. Cancer patients gain double benefits in graviola treatment. Aside from being cured, they risk for getting inflicted by cancer in the future will be lessened. People infected with cancer once - though successfully healed - are more susceptible to acquiring another or the same type of cancer.
Graviola acetogenins are powerful cytotoxins and anti-carcinogens which mean they can limit abnormal cell mutation and eliminate cancer cells. Graviola herbal treatment has been endorsed to prostate, pancreatic and lung cancer patients.
Annonaceous acetogenins function by inhibiting the production of ATP and NADH. Excess activity of these nucleotides often leads to cancer and even drug resistance to medicine. Acetogenin bullatacin in particular works to stop the production of ATP.
ATP or Adenosine triphosphate transports the energy needed by the different organs through the cells. Rapid ATP movement also causes rapid movement of the cells and may cause internal damage or escalated growth of cancer tumor. For patients under cancer medication, disturbance in the metabolism and other cells functions may lead the body to develop allergic reactions such as resistance to the medicines. There is an accepted treatment for cancer called the ATP Depletion Therapy which has two kinds - Electromagnetic and Biochemical. The latter of the two uses organic medication which involves dietary supplements and herbal medicines such as graviola.
Meanwhile, NADH or Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is responsible for redox reactions in the body. Just like in ATP, fast transfer of electrons through the NADH can cause rapid cell division and untoward mutation. However, some studies have also stated that NADH can actually help in repairing impaired tissues.
Apart from being a cure for cancer, graviola can also be used to treat other diseases such as flu, cough and colds, inflammations and cardiovascular illnesses. Externally, extracts or decoctions of graviola leaves can be applied to treat neuralgia, rheumatism, and arthritis. Others also say that spreading crushed graviola leaves can also aid in correcting abnormal sleep habits such as insomnia.
There are different types of supplements sold in the market containing graviola acetogenins. But though graviola has already been certified as an effective treatment and preventive aid for cancer, remember that its curative properties will not work if not coupled with a healthy lifestyle.
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Healing and Preventing Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Anamu is an herb found in the Amazon rainforest and some tropical areas in the Caribbean and South America. Anamu can reach up to a meter in height and has dark green leaves having tall spikes. White flowers are found aligned in between these spikes.
Inhaling crushed anamu roots is said to cure sinusitis while infusion of the herb's leaves can cure flu. The leaves are also used as pain relievers for arthritis, open wounds and headache. Clinical experiments have confirmed anamu's use as a cure for arthritis due to the plant's anti-inflammatory ability.
Other studies on anamu also showed that the herb possesses a wide range of therapeutic properties which include anti-cancerous abilities against many types of cancer. Through an experiment in the 1990s, ethanol extract of anamu were discovered to hinder the mutation of leukemia cells and other kinds of cancer cells. Similar extracts were found to have cytotoxic properties which mean that aside from inhibiting tumor growth, they can also eliminate the cancer cells. This findings lead scientists to conclude that anamu can be used to treat leukemia and lymphoma cancers and can be an inhibitor for breast cancer. Moreover, anamu extracts were also able to destroy cancer cells on the initial stages of liver cancer. A separate research showed that the sulfur content of the herb is able to contain brain cancer cells.
Apart from its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties, anamu is also antimicrobial and immunostimulant. In mice test subjects, anamu extracts were able to induce production of new healthy cells. The plant also displayed antibacterial trait against common pathogens such as E.coli and Staphylococcus. The herb was also able to prevent growth of Shigella and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. After cancer treatments, patients are at their weakest and possess high risk in acquiring diseases. Not only can anamu aid in curing the cancer and preventing reoccurrences, but it also strengthens and protects the body during recovery from the disease.
Anamu doesn't pose negative effects when taken in at the same time with other drugs. However, some tests showed that anamu can cause uterine contractions in animals which may cause abortion and therefore may entail harm to pregnant women. Apart from this, there have been no other side effects of anamu noted. There are a few experiments claiming that extracts of anamu roots lead to the development of tumor in animal brains; but further studies have immediately dismissed these findings.
With its many health benefits, it's no longer a question why anamu is still one of the most commonly used herbal plants. These days, different countries are already using this plant in different ways. Traditional preparation for anamu treatment is usually done infusing dried anamu in water. Half cup of the infusion should be taken in daily.
Aside from the traditional preparation, anamu now comes in packs and tablets. In the United States, medical transcriptions for cancer patients already include anamu supplements. Anamu capsules are also already widely available worldwide. These capsules or tablets are suggested to be taken twice a day or more depending on the advice of your doctor or the product recommendation.
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Treating Cancer

By Paul H Kemp
Healthy diet plans, so-called, bloom like Spring flowers every January, but few are appropriate for someone who is concerned with battling cancer. Most of these diet plans pull their punches on health in order to be more marketable to the vast majority of people who don't want to be that healthy.
When you delve into the scientific literature -- the pure science, unbiased by the agendas of those multinational food and pharmaceutical industries that often fund research -- you will find some disturbing truths about common food items that are actually contributing to the spread of cancer.
So says top cancer researcher T.Colin Campbell, PhD, who in his 45 year career at the highest levels of scientific research has had more than his share of run-ins with food industry politics. There are many lobbyists for the meat and dairy industry, in particular, that worked hard to keep Dr. Campbell's findings from being revealed to the public.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed as having cancer, you may know that there are three stages in the life cycle of the disease. The first is "initiation"; the second is "promotion"; and the third stage is "metastasis". Many things can initiate cancer, but our body can destroy many cancers at this early stage if our immune system is doing its job.
Promotion is the critical stage when cancer can be arrested -- But How?
Dr. Campbell found that cancer growth can be "promoted" by certain types of protein sources, and turned off by others. Specifically, he found he was able to cause cancer cells to begin growing by feeding them on milk protein -- and "turn off" that growth by replacing milk protein with a vegetable source protein.
Raised on a dairy farm, and charged with finding ways to increase the protein levels in Third World diets, this discovery was a complete surprise to Dr. Campbell. It was assumed in the research community in those days that what people in poor countries needed for better health was more protein in the form of meat, fish, and dairy foods.
What T.Colin Campbell and his team of researchers found was just the opposite of what they had expected. Too much protein -- animal source protein -- was predictably connected with the growth and spread of cancer cells.
These findings were replicated by other researchers and have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals. They have been confirmed by the most comprehensive research project on the relationship of diet and disease, which is the subject of Dr. Campbell's book The China Study. There it was found that Chinese communities that consumed traditional, plant-based diets had far lower rates of cancer than those where the residents ate more animal-source protein.
This information has been kept out of the public eye for too long. Public health agencies hint that Americans, in particular, need to eat more fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, but -- to avoid displeasing the powerful farm lobby -- you will never hear them suggest the wisdom of totally removing meat, eggs, and dairy products from our diet.
But Why Not?
When you are faced with the life-or-death question of how to stop cancer in your own body, you may be more willing to consider radical dietary changes than those whose primary motivation is merely losing a few pounds.
Perhaps it is time to draw a very clear distinction between the truly healthy diet plan and those that are simply focused on short-term weight loss.
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A Healthy Diet Plan,
Preventing Cancer Growth

By Henry Relfield
Positive emotions associated with the upper digestive system are hope, honesty, and openness. Problems in the oral cavity may arise from despair, lack of emotional nourishment, and blocked expression. Neglect, abuse, guilt, and other factors can also contribute to restricting this area.
High quality foods that nourish the upper digestive system and help develop positive emotions include whole grains, especially barley and wheat; beans and bean products; leafy green vegetables; sea vegetables; fermented foods; and good-quality sea salt, oil, and other seasonings. Foods that harm this region and contribute to negative emotions especially include chicken and eggs, as well as meat and dairy food; strong fish and seafood; white flour; sugar, chocolate, and other highly refined sweets; chemicalized and artificial foods; too many raw foods; too many stimulants and other beverages; alcohol; excessive salt and salty foods; and other extremely contractive or expansive items.
In relationships, it is important to express oneself freely and honestly. If a person is not able to make herself understood, emotional disturbances may follow, including disorders in the mouth, throat, and esophagus. On a planetary scale, the upper digestive system correlates with deltas, reservoirs, swamps, and other waterways, including those where fresh and saline water meet. Oral cancers mirror the stagnation and toxic buildup in these natural regions.
Other considerations include try to be happy, positive, and outgoing. Singing, dancing, and playing are particularly beneficial in improving overall health and mentality and harmonizing with the rhythms of nature. Light exercise, including breathing fresh air outdoors and ten to fifteen minutes a day practicing long exhalations through the nostrils, will promote harmonious mental and physical metabolism and contribute to overall relaxation.
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Emotional Considerations,