By Allison Chase
Kidney cancer symptoms are often hard to detect. The body will generally give few concrete signals during the first stages of this type of cancer. Because of this, without regular check-ups from your physician this horrific and debilitating disease is often impossible to detect.
One of the earliest warning signals that can be detected is that of discolored urine or urine that has a high blood count. Because numerous other issues such as kidney stones and infection can cause blood to be present in the urine it is necessary for further tests to be ran before a diagnosis can be made. When blood is present in the urine however, it is generally a good idea to allow the doctor to run further tests. In addition to this development, it is also common for people in the earliest stages to suffer from excessive sweating and frequent bouts with anemia.
There are several signs of the disease when it enters the later, or more aggressive, stages. Individuals that may notice larger amounts of blood in the urine. This can cause the urine to appear pinkish, bright red or even dark brown.
It is also common that the individual in the late stages of this disease will experience chronic and persistent back pain. This is usually centered around just below the ribs. This however, should not be confused with other more moderate forms of back pain as this pain will typically not respond to efforts to medicate or reduce the soreness.
Many people will also begin to suffer from weight loss as well. During this period the individual will be plagued by chronic fatigue and may have intermittent fevers. These however, are all signs that are all indicative of the late stages of kidney cancers. Regular, preventative health care can help lend to early detection and thus, early treatment.
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Kidney Cancer,

By Dr. Sloan Charles, M.D.
Hair dye or hair coloring is a major concern to many people that the chemicals used might be carcinogens that could potentially be cancer causing agents, as it is common knowledge that most hair dyes do not have to go through the standard stringent safety tests. However, the peer pressure to look young and trendy keeps people coloring their hair either to younger by disguising white or gray hair, or to change their hair color to look more fashionable and attractive, despite the perceived risks of cancer or allergic reaction. Repeated warnings on the risks of using hair dye from medical experts are not discouraging people from continuing to color their hair.
Most hair dyes today are made from petroleum based materials, unlike those in the past, which used coal-tar as the main ingredient and was the culprit for triggering allergic reactions in some people. However, it is disturbing that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has found that the modern day hair colorings and the older ones contain similar chemical compounds.
Studies about the cancer risks associated to hair dye have been contradicting, with some showing purported evidence linking hair dye to certain cancers such as increased risk of bladder cancer, while others dispute that risk. While some studies have shown a slight possible increase in the risk of blood cell cancers such as leukaemia, other studies have found no conclusive link. However, certain medical research has shown that there is a small possible increased risk of non Hodgkin's lymphoma with the long term use of dark hair dyes.
No matter how small the risk, you would not want to your health as risk merely to look good. There are many natural hair dyes around, made from organic natural ingredients such as herbs and fruits. Natural hair colorings are the safe way to color your hair, as you would definitely not want to put potentially hazardous materials on your skin, much less, on your head!
There are many benefits in using natural ingredients to color your hair. Among the many benefits, the natural ingredients also nourish your scalp with the much needed nutrients of protein, anti-oxidants and vitamins, keeping your hair looking soft, young and lustrous.
You can make your own hair color with a quick search on the internet for natural hair dyes recipes, or simply buy those ready-made ones with ingredients made from ayurvedic herbs such as henna.
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Hair Dye Cause Cancer

By Steven R Newton
There's a general agreement between practitioners in both the conventional and alternative cancer treatment worlds that detoxification of heavy metals and toxins is a good thing. We get them from dietary sources, such as some processed foods or from fertilizers and sprays used on some food crops, but that is controllable somewhat in that we make our choices about what we eat. We also get them atmospherically from pollution and as a by-product of some industrial processes and depending where we live, this can be a little or a lot of uncontrollable exposure. A good cancer detoxification program should be part of your alternative cancer treatment or prevention plan.
A good cancer detoxification program is basically intended to rid your body of a bunch of the bad stuff that can lead to cancer and other diseases. Not surprisingly there are all sorts of detox programs out there to treat everything from obesity to cancer. It's reassuring to know that practicing a cancer detox program for one ailment will almost always have a positive impact on any others you might have or want to prevent. A good cancer detox program is also good for disease prevention. One approach that I find kind of interesting is that involving something called a zeolite.
Zeolite is a volcanic mineral created when ash and lava reacted chemically to sea water. Zeolites are one of the few minerals that have negatively (-) charged ions which can attract the positive (+) ions in the toxins and heavy metals. The result is something that can best be described as a magnetic cage that can trap and store heavy metals and toxins. It then carries them out of the body as waste in the urine. So you can see how zeolites could be an attractive part of any cancer detox program. But a bit of caution is required.
You should be aware that there is also a number of zeolite products designed specifically for industrial processes such as concrete or swimming pool filtration, and not deemed fit for human consumption. There are between 50-60 different forms of zeolite mined in the world, two of them quite toxic to humans. The beneficial form of zeolite is called clinoptilolite. Sometimes one of the toxic forms of zeolite called erionite is found with clinoptilolite.
The equipment to test for erionite is very expensive and so most commercial mines don't test for erionite since the zeolite is intended for commercial purposes and testing is an unnecessary expense. Many mines also include additives for commercial purposes that can be dangerous to ingest. When considering the use of any zeolite product for any health related matter, do your research and ensure that you are getting something that won't harm your body.
There are dry and liquid forms of zeolites commercially available. There are several companies making several claims about zeolites suggesting one form is better than the other for various reasons. The dry powder zeolite folks are saying that the process to make the liquids destroys the magnetic cage and frees up the heavy metals and toxins to be absorbed back in to your body. The liquid zeolite folks are saying that liquids are more readily absorbed into your system at a cellular level and, subsequently more effective than the powder zeolites. Almost all suggest that zeolites can be used to absorb toxins, free radicals and heavy metals from your body.
They also promote zeolite as an immune system booster, antioxidant, as well as increasing the pH level in your body. There's enough scientific evidence published to suggest that these claims may be somewhat true. But there's also a bit of a marketing war going between the various zeolite companies that represents some mud-slinging and allegations that are just short of libelous, in my opinion. So it's tough to decide which way to go when trying to find the right zeolite product.
At the very least, when choosing a zeolite product, you want to make sure that it is safe for human consumption. It should be approved by your country's regulatory health authority, such as the Federal Drug Agency (FDA) in the US, or Health Canada. Despite the questionable track record of some federal agencies around the world, at the very least they should have some legal requirement to have ingredients posted on the labels. If the ingredients aren't on the bottle, you may want to consider looking at something else or at least asking more questions of the manufacturer.
Another consideration is the daily intake amount you need. There's scientific evidence that suggests between 4,000 mg to 15,000 mg per day so when researching a product make sure that it comes in a form that will allow you to get this amount without having to eat or drink several bottles at one time. One other thing to consider is that a lot of the scientific evidence that is readily available is based on research done with micronized dry powders and not so much the liquid forms.
So when looking to use zeolite as an alternative cancer treatment, whether it be for detoxification, immune system boosting, as an antioxidant, or to manage your body's pH levels, make sure you do your research. More information can be found on my website.
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cancer treatment,
Detoxification Program,

By Barbara Lazarony
Cancer "The C-Word" "The Big C"
For some, the mere mention of these words makes people weak in the knees and sick to their stomachs. Far too many of us have seen family members and friends have had their lives changed dramatically as the result of having been diagnosed with cancer. And many of us have been witness to death and illness that at times can seem too hard to hold.
When I first learned about my cancer diagnosis, I didn't think I was going to die from the cancer itself; but I did realize that the life I was living was going to kill me if I didn't make some changes. Seven years later on the path of life and currently cancer-free; I am continuing to discover "My Gifts of Cancer," an on-going list of insights and blessings:
Cancer Gift # 1:
Knowing one day we will all die.
There it is I said it; one day each and every one of us will die. And by acknowledging that we are going to leave this earth; I realized that I have nothing left to lose by living. Said another way, I have everything to gain, learn, and experience through living my life to the fullest. (Pause a moment and read this again, we each have nothing to lose by living a full life.)
Cancer Gift # 2:
Knowing we are not our job, our possessions or even our bodies.
My ego was so busy telling me that I "should" be this or have that, or act this way before my diagnosis. And upon hearing, "You have cancer," that fairy tale about who I thought I was crumbled. Once my story disappeared the real work began; the work of discovering who I am and envisioning who I'd like to become in the future.
Cancer Gift # 3:
Knowing the fundamental core of every human being is love.
I am love, you are love and we are all love, plain and simple; and everything else in this life is accessories. I used to think I had to do something or be someone to experience love. And once I realized that at our core is love, loving and being lovable,I began to see it show up everywhere in the world. Life is really all about relationships and love is a way of sharing our interconnectedness as human beings.
Cancer Gift # 4:
Knowing one's unique essence is as essential as sunlight.
Essence is a pure manifestation of who we are individually as human beings. To express our essence we use words and symbols as metaphors to describe our deepest selves. When I realized my essence is warmth, energy, compassion, cheerfulness, playfulness and brilliance, my whole world shifted. I could feel myself embodying these words and my life becoming brighter and richer, easier even. Each of us has an essence within us that is waiting to be discovered and conveyed to the universe.
Cancer Gift # 5:
Knowing fear is just a paper dragon.
Fear shows up everywhere when you learn of your diagnosis; from which stage of cancer, to treatment options, to the fear of how this will impact on your everyday life. Fear is worry about the future; if you can begin to focus more on the present moment or that which is here with you right now; you may begin to notice that your fear dissipates. When you realize that you have the ability to cut, trim and change the paper dragon of fear into a bird of peace life begins to feel a bit less scary.
Cancer Gift # 6:
Knowing we always have a choice.
Ultimately each and every one of us as adults has the opportunity to choose what we want and need from life. By reminding ourselves that choices are always available, we connect with our ability to make the best decision in the present moment. When in doubt refer to Cancer Gift #1, we always have a choice until our death, thank goodness!
Who I was as a person before my cancer is very different than the person I am today. This is not a value judgment related to being better or worse as a human being, rather an ability to be at peace with who I've always been, who I am now and who I will be in the future. Each of us is always changing, learning and growing from life's experiences if we allow ourselves to be open to them. Cancer became just another of life's gifts for me, for it allowed me to be open to discovering my "presence." May you too be open to the gifts and presents that appear in your life each and every day.
Questions to ponder:
1. Which gift am I most accepting in my life right now?
2. Which gift am I refusing?
3. How could I fully choose all life has to offer?
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Learned From Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
For many years researchers have done studies on cancer including how they develop in the body and the effects the cancer has throughout the body when it spreads. We know that cancer is developed when cell growth goes out of control but recent studies have shown there may be a link between infection and cancer. Certain virus infections have had evidence of being linked with specific types of cancer which can change or complicate the treatment process after diagnosis.
Several examples of infections and cancers being linked include these common illnesses: human papillomaviruses (HPV's) being associated with cervical cancer, Helicobacter pylori being associated with gastric cancer, and salmonella typhi being associated with gallbladder cancer. There are also infections linked to colon cancer and lung cancer but how are infections related to cancers?
The process of how cancer develops is complicated but there are certain forms of bacteria that is associated with cancer formation that differs from viruses and infections. In some cases bacterial infections may lead to cancer especially if the infection is recurring. Bacteria may cause cancer in a variety of ways including chronic infections which disrupt regular cells causing inflammation and promoting cancerous growth.
Bacteria can damage DNA and cause DNA to mutate which alters control of the gene meaning it may not die when it should during the cell mutation process. The immune system is often weakened and suppressed and it is an important aspect in helping the body fight cancer. Bacteria can affect the way the immune system recognizes and fights bacteria and sometimes causes the immune system to stop recognizing toxins it should be fighting.
For the most part many people won't get cancer after an infection but it helps to take necessary precautions if you do get an infection and to keep from getting infections in the future. Keep in mind that everyone is different and people may be more susceptible to cancer than others. Your background and genes may contribute to your risk of cancer or infection and for some this may include where you live and the population.
Chronic infections may pose a risk for cancer development but with treatment of the infection your chances are greatly reduced. Preventing infection all together is even better and this can include simple measures that can be done regularly such as adopting good hygiene habits and cooking foods thoroughly. It may help to learn who is more likely to get infections such as groups that are considered high risk and look into eliminating infection risk overall.
Also keep in mind that if you get a certain infection and you have successfully treated it doesn't mean the risk isn't there for cancer. As mentioned infections don't always lead to cancer development but if you develop an infection take the necessary steps to keep it under control and get medical attention as soon as possible. Understanding cancer risks can help you live a positive lifestyle reducing chances of infection and cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
During the early 1970's cancer was the second leading cause of death in the U.S. and in 1971 President Nixon took a stand against cancer with it becoming one of his top priorities during his presidency. In December 1971 the National Cancer Act was signed into law and acts as a top resource for the country to fight cancer. During the time the act was signed into law a group of researchers and scientists were appointed to be advocates for research planning and future programs.
The National Cancer Act helps to promote an effective national effort toward fighting cancer. After the act was signed into law preparations were underway to do more focused research on cancer including choosing designated areas to become research facilities and setting aside funding to carry out programs. President Nixon felt the National Cancer Act was a significant action taken by his administration with the hopes of those in the future continuing the fight against cancer.
The act also enabled additional funding and increased efforts by other organizations that were already in progress of researching and providing programs for cancer. The National Cancer Act provided many opportunities and enriched others at the time it was signed. Besides creating new research centers the act also brought along new training opportunities and allows cancer issues to be thoroughly examined.
With research being needed research centers were awarded contracts and collaborations were brought upon federal, state, and local agencies to develop partnerships. This helped develop relations with private industries needed for drug screenings. The National Cancer Act inspired activities that help control cancer including early detection, dieting choices, and antismoking. The act also allowed for international research including collecting data from outside sources with research done in many countries outside the U.S.
The National Cancer Act has seen changes and revisions over the years but the focus and the main intention of the act has remained the same. Over the years there has been research and treatments that has changed the way cancer is being viewed. Since 1971 cancer has gotten more complex with more than 100 different types and the act has helped highlight the needs and importance of doing ongoing research for cancer treatments. The act helped give basic programs the support it needed in 1971 and today you can see a big difference by seeing how far we have come in the war on cancer.
Today there are various research programs not just in the United States but also around the world. The changes, adjustments, and advancements of the act has help save lives and give people a better understanding of what cancer does. We know our options as far as treating cancer while looking into new options that can someday provide a cure. The National Cancer Act has helped the country reach many milestones and even though the death rate has decrease for different types of cancer we continue to fight the battle for a better future.
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Nixon's War

By Brijesh Ghelani
With many of today's technology advancements researchers are able to study many forms of cancer in a variety of ways. Many are aware of the types of cancers out there and how they affect the body. Usually there is more emphasis on prevention by incorporating healthy habits into daily living but more people are pondering the concept of cancer being a predictable disease but if it is then how?
There are studies that suggest cancer may be predictable based on several factors. There has been a mention of breast cancer and prostate cancer with predictable tendencies based on several studies and data compiled based on activity from cells within the body. To many the idea of cancer being predictable may be confusing since there are different aspects to the concept. Is cancer predictable by knowing when and where it will develop or knowing when someone will die from cancer?
It is possible to know how long a person will live with a cancer diagnosis depending on the type of cancer and the treatment involved. But again the factor of cancer being predictable is tricky since each person is different and a factor in why studies take a long time to conduct. Another factor in determining on how cancer is predicted is based on the activity of cells and their growth.
Since many cancers have the tendency to spread throughout the body it's possible to know what organs may be affected based on previous studies of those who were diagnosed with cancer. For instance think about areas of the body that are highly known for developing cancer such as breast cancer. Cancer from the breast has been known to spread to the lungs and liver making the organs a predictable area that the cancer may spread to.
Again depending on the type of cancer if it gets into the bloodstream it will travel throughout the body but the odds of predicting cancer can be complicated but many feel it is possible by exploring the origin of the type of cancer. It's also complicated because of the scientific connection of studying cell growth and the types of cells involved. Depending on the type of cancer many feel it is possible to know about the onset of cancer but usually more research is needed to gain a form of clarity.
An example would be skin cancer and studies have shown it is possible to predict cancer depending on skin tone, skin type, ethnic background, and ultraviolet ray exposure. With the study there has been focus on certain cells and there formation along with how the skin absorbs the sun's rays. Researchers compare data of those involved in the study including men and women and with skin tone being a factor with skin density there has been evidence collected toward predicting certain skin cancers.
Time along with data collected will tell if cancer is a predictable disease but there are advancements that can help improve the outlook of cancer for the future.
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Predictable Disease

By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is a disease that can involve one or more areas of the body and the effects can make treatment options difficult to go through. Over the years cancer treatment has been researched and depending on the type of cancer changes and adjustments have been made in order to effectively see treatment results. The standard approach to cancer treatment depends on the kind of cancer and the measures taken to treat the disease.
People who may be familiar with the changes and revisions to cancer treatment not only include researchers and healthcare professionals but also cancer survivors. In order to understand how treatment options have changed and improved you would need to know the different options available and how they were developed to treat cancer. There are different aspects to consider as well including follow up visits, medication options, diet changes, etc.
The standard approach may have revisions and additional options that come about with advancements in cancer education. Depending on the type of cancer that is diagnosed another process begins and that includes choosing treatment. After the diagnosis and treatment option has been determined you'll start preparing for treatment and learn what happens during treatment. Most likely this also involves concerns for loved ones who are in position to support the person in need.
Many forms of cancer have seen improvements and adjustments to their treatment processes which are good to know and helps increase overall recovery. The standard approach to treating cancer is the main foundation for cancer treatment and recovery. Over the years researchers have conducted numerous studies on cancers and their origins to help define treatment options. Since much progress has been made it is easy to see that research has helped use determine what needs to be done to treat cancer but more research is still needed and ongoing.
Various types of cancer have seen changes with their treatment processed including increasing healthcare costs which alone have made big progress over the years but at an increasing high rate. The cost of cancer treatment has increased with payment options such as private insurances, Medicaid, and Medicare covering most of the costs. Also consider changes in where cancer treatment is obtained, Many hospitals treat cancer but there are more cancer treatment centers that specialize in cancer care.
Drugs that are offered to patients may have seen an increase in price because the demand has increased along with having multiple uses. For those who don't have insurance or if their insurance only covers so much then the out-of-pocket costs may burn a whole in your wallet. If you or a loved one is faced with choosing a cancer treatment make sure you are fully aware of your options to get the best treatment possible and suitable for your situation.
Take time to understand the process by asking questions and doing independent research on options available. The cancer treatment option chosen will be an important aspect to the recovery process.
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Changed Over the Years,
Standard Approach,
Treat Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Every year there are millions of people including men, women, and children who are diagnosed with cancer but getting an idea of how many people will get cancer depends on the cancer type and other factors including age, race, gender, and genetics. According to a 2009 report from the American Cancer Society close to 2 million new cases were expected to be diagnosed during 2009. Different cancers have different risks and probabilities associated so gaining an understanding of estimated numbers for risk outcomes can help you understand that type of cancer better.
Usually the probability and estimated the number of people who will get cancer involves studying groups of people including their behaviors and characteristics. There are different risks which are defined by cause and probability of people. For instance an absolute risk is a numeric probability of developing a specific cancer during a certain time period such as by age 70 or age 50 or within 5 years.
There is also a lifetime risk with certain cancers such as prostate cancer followed by a percentage out of every 100 men. A life time risk doesn't mean a person will develop cancer but it helps to put the risk into another perspective as to how it affects men and women in that category. A relative risk shows the relationship between the risk factor and the type cancer such as risk of developing lung cancer from the act of smoking. Usually the numbers are compared by age group and gender.
Cancer researchers have identified many hazards within our environment that are carcinogens or cancer causing elements such as the sun toward skin cancer and smoking towards lung cancer. Observing human behavior is a big part in cancer studies that involves keeping track of large groups for many years. This allows scientist to not only study characteristics and behaviors but compare their findings to learn how and why people get sick and those who don't.
Learning about different cancer risks and probabilities is often confusing because it doesn't tell you exactly what your own risk it but it gives you an idea based on the gender and age group you belong in. in some cases it may not apply to you but there are sources such as family members and your personal physician to utilized if you want to gain a personal understanding of developing cancer especially if there is a chance of cancer being hereditary.
Anytime you hear about statistics for a type of cancer it helps to put it into perspective to help gain a better understanding. Look into who was being observed for the study and how many people were involved. Usually studies are done for a certain period of time so it helps to learn of other studies that have been done that have produced similar results. Different cancers often have different risks and some have higher risks than others meaning more people are likely to be diagnosed. If you have concerns of your own seek more information.
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Going to Get Cancer,
Many People

By Brijesh Ghelani
Over 7 million people died from cancer in 2009 which includes various types of cancer. Cancer is caused by a group of cells growing out of control and in many cases the cells spread out in the body. Because of so many different types it is one of the top killers of Americans over recent years. The impact of cancer has been felt around the world and though there have been many advances many wonder what the price tag has grown when it comes to fighting cancer.
Since there are various factors that can contribute to the scenario we may never really know how much money has been spent exactly since there are so many funding sources and private donors but we have an idea on how much has been invested over the years by looking at what has been accomplished. Several sources have done studies on research spending and have shown that the American Cancer Society alone has invested more than $2 billion since the mid 1940's and the National Cancer Institute spends roughly $6 million a year or more.
Monies raised and used toward cancer benefit researching and the development of treatment programs. Learning about how much is spent on cancer also includes how much has been spent on different types of cancer. Breast cancer is widely known cause for raising money and over the last few years the cause has seen over a billion dollars. Even though there is a wide spread interest in fundraising and donations for cancer causes a majority of the funding comes from major organizations and government grants.
Funding cancer research also involves a great deal of budgeting and planning and when you think about how much money that has been contributed thus far which includes billions of dollars looking at other ways money has been used tends to fail in comparison in certain ways. An example would be to look at different athletes and sport players and see how much they get paid to play their favorite sport as a pro. There are cancer research organizations that use the same amount to research cancer treatments and programs.
Because of the increased interested in issues related to cancer we are seeing the cost of research increase dramatically. There are more organizations that are joining in on increasing the awareness of cancer and even though there has been a tremendous amount of progress over the decades from private & public organizations as well as government agencies it is difficult to know how much more money will be needed in the future. Not only is the funding planned according for projects and programs funds have also helped save lives of hundreds of thousands of people who have been diagnosed.
The amount of money spent on cancer will vary from one cancer to another but many agree the millions of dollars that have been collected have been put to good use for the most part with funding playing a major role in the cancer fight.
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Research Each Year,
Spent on Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
We have come a long way with cancer and if you ask someone if progress has been made on the war with cancer many will say yes! For decades there have been changes and adjustments to cancer related issues and even though there has been a great amount of progress made many feel we have a long way to go with plenty of ground yet to march on.
Many people have died from cancer but at the same time we are seeing more survivors and more people living longer after diagnose. Treatment program options have changed and are being updated to provide the most effect treatment for cancer patients but research and clinical trials are things that still take time and patience to us understand the effects of cancer.
Over the years new forms of cancer have been detected and diagnosed along with research and treatment options. The cancer war has involved many steps that have been studied, tried, treated, adjusted, and repeated over again and though we have reached milestones we can't say that we have won just yet but with time we seem to be getting closer. We are making progress but at the same time it's a win lose complicated battle.
So what is considered progress and to what degree? Depending on the type of cancer the concerns will vary but over the years cancer awareness has greatly increased with the public getting more involved in fundraising efforts, forums, and more. Funding for cancer research and treatment has gone through the roof and there are so many resources that are available to help get educated on cancer such as books, videos, and etc. Even cancer survivors are primal resources and a form of support to those who are newly diagnosed.
Treatment options are adjusted and refreshed as needed to help those suffering but over the last several years becoming aware of cancer has help people decrease their risk by taking advantage of preventive measures such as screenings, healthy eating, and exercising. Studies from researchers have shown that prevention is a big key in lowering cancer risks. Progress has been made because more people have taken an interest in cancer issues including community advocates and those going to school to become a specialist or doctor.
Just because progress has been made doesn't mean we won't win the battle but it will take time, patience, and hard work with persistence. We have to continue building on the progress that has been made in order to come out on top. Where progress has been made we look at what else can be done to make things even better and this can include ways to expand research, how to get the best out of treatment options, and applying current experiences to enrich ideas and concepts.
Even though a lot has happened since the National Cancer Act of 1971 some feel that enough isn't being done and that politicians and government officials can do more toward the war on cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is a disease that can strike at any time and it is non-discriminate meaning it's been known to affect any ethnic background, gender, and age group. Cancer is common in children, teens, and throughout adulthood with cases common in the elderly as well. Depending on the type of cancer along with other factors including lifestyle and genetics can affect your chances of getting the disease.
Since cancer can be diagnosed at any age it helps to become familiar with the various types by learning to identify symptoms and gaining detailed information about the cancer. If you know cancer runs in your family it helps to discuss the topic with family and ask about family history which may include the ages of those who were diagnosed. Getting detailed information from your family can help you take advantage of early screening opportunities.
Another issue for cancer is the age people get it and usually depending on the health and age of the person along with the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer the prognosis is determined. There are cancers that may have seen an increase in diagnosis in certain groups besides the typical group the cancer may be often associated with. An example would be skin cancer with many often thinking middle aged individuals or younger are often diagnosed but there seems to be an increase in skin cancer for those over 60.
According to the National Cancer Institute based on the study of the U.S population from 1940 thru 2000 age groups ranging from 35-39 and 40-44 have seen the most increase in cancer related diagnosis. From ages 50 and older the rate tends to decrease and over all the study was conducted with 18 age groups. With more types of cancer being diagnosed and treated all age groups have seen an increase in cancer cases. The same is can be said for countries outside of the United States.
Another way to put the ages into a better perspective is to look up cancer screenings that are offered. Cancers such as breast and prostate cancer have screenings that are recommended for certain age groups and they are highly recommended if the cancer is hereditary. It also helps to review the types of cancers to get an idea of which age ranges are most infected by the cancer since each cancer varies.
Gaining a better understanding of cancer can help you take good preventative measures. Getting educated on cancer will help identify age groups that are most affected and why it is often seen in that particular age group. Often there are preventive measures that can be done to reduce the outcome but many don't understand the significance or feel that it's not a big deal. There are advancements that help in treatment but you can also help yourself by learning about cancers that have the most effect on your age group.
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By Farzana Rahman
Cancer is a common disease around the world which leads the second position of causing death among the Americans. This most common term is applied to refer tumors or malignant neoplasm. There are two types of cancer. Benign is one of two categories of cancer which always occur locally whether another cancer type malignant spread the cells to the adjacent tissues as well as oppose the function of the cells and result an undesirable systemic effects on the body.
You will find the abnormal function of the cellular genes which assure the normal cell growth or mitosis of the cell as the main reason of neoplasm. These cellular genes are recognized as oncogenes. There are many factors that are responsible for activating oncogenes abnormally such as some specific chemicals, biological or physical factors, dietary factors and so on. In the dietary factors, the most common foods involved in causing neoplasm are red meat, alcoholic drink, foods of saturated fat etc.
If you are looking for nutritional treatment other than chemotherapy for cancer, you are lucky enough as you are reading this article. I wish you will find your answer here.
Nutritional therapy for preventing cancer: The main purposes of nutritional therapy for cancer are to meet the higher nutritional requirement for metabolism as well as catabolism and to prevent the symptoms that are caused by the disease. Following are the nutritional requirements that are given to the cancer patient as nutritional therapy.
Energy: To satisfy the higher requirement for metabolism and also for alleviating the excessive weight loss, the energy requirements are increased. Around 2000 Kcal are given to a well nourished adult patient to regulate the normal needs and 3000-4000 Kcal are given to a malnourished patient.
Protein: For healing, regeneration and rehabilitation of body tissue, increased amount of protein is needed to supply the required nitrogen as well as essential amino acids. About 80 g of protein is given to a well nourished adult patient where more than 100g is given to a malnourished patient to replenish tissues as well as to assure the positive nitrogen balance.
Fluid: Enough amount of fluid is required to keep the urinary tract save from inflammation and irritation.
Vitamins and minerals: Intake of sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is necessary to meet the normal level of vitamins and minerals of RDA (Recommended dietary allowance).
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Other Than Chemotherapy,
Treatments For Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
People often dread receiving news of being diagnosed with cancer and because millions die each year it helps to become familiar with what cancer is so that you can take necessary steps to cancer prevention. There are various types of cancer and most of them have similar beginnings with different approaches for prevention and treatment once diagnosed. So exactly what is cancer?
Cancer is a group of cells in the body that has grown out of control and even though there are many types of cancer many of them are developed from abnormal cell growth. Normal cells in the body grow and mutate on their own and when cells die they are replaced or repaired. The younger you are the faster your cells grow, divide, and die and as an adult the process slows down and more cells are replaced and repaired.
Cancer involves abnormal cell growth meaning cells that should have died continue to mutate and divide. When they continue to do this they form a tumor or mass of cells in most cases and invade or grow onto other body tissues. The process describes what happens when DNA cells are damaged and because the cell didn't die off like it's supposed to there are additional cells present that the body doesn't need. Since it affects body cells and DNA this is how many types of cancer become genetic.
Most cancers that develop become a mass of cells which is referred to as a lump like breast cancer or a tumor like brain cancer but in a cancer such as leukemia the cells involve the blood and effect organs that create blood for the body. Since they affect blood cells the cancer is circulated in the tissues. When the cancer gets into the bloodstream and begins to grow and form new cells this is called metastasis which spreads the cancer to other areas of the body.
There is another kind of tumor that is not cancerous called a benign tumor and though they are not cancerous they can cause problems by growing large enough to press against healthy tissues yet they don't invade since they don't metastasize. As a result they are not life threatening but in many cases they need to be removed. Because there are so many types of cancer and the process of how cancer develops is so similar what makes one type of cancer differ from another?
Cancers differ by where they first started in their development. It is named due to where it started no matter where it spreads to. Often time's people can have cancer spread to the liver or lungs but in fact it is diagnosed as breast cancer or brain cancer because that is the area of the body where the cancer cells developed. Since cancer often develops in different areas of the body and effect how the body functions there are different types of treatments for that specific cancer. Many cancers are preventable by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Over several generations we have seen medical advancements develop and progress made in many aspects. With so much progress that has been made for cancer treatment and research many often ask the question of why there hasn't been a cure for cancer. If you think about all the funding that has been pouring into the cancer sector along with what has been done you would think cancer would have been defeated at this point but what is the problem and what is keeping us from finding a cure?
Many advocates exercise the importance of cancer awareness and prevention with screenings, lifestyle changes, and programs but some often wonder what is being done to find a cure? Research, training, and treatments have been conducted and performed for decades what were is the connection between finding the cure versus making advancements during the cancer research process?
Many people have their own theories on why we haven't obtained a cure. Since there are various types of cancers learning about their origin and how they begin can help give some clues on prevention but prevention and a cure isn't the same thing. Some may argue the environmental aspects of cancer and how elements of where we live can be changed or eliminated to get rid of the cancer threat altogether. Another thought is that maybe too much time is spent on updating treatment options and not enough time researching cure options.
At this point it's hard to tell what the real reason is but with the progress that has been made the thought of not having a cure is complicated and confusing. Since researchers have done studies to conduct how cancer develops along with defining treatment options you would think somewhere along the process a cure or components to make up a cure would be imminent. Because of the seriousness of cancer and how it affects the body the focus for finding a cure should have been a priority.
The advancements and progress has been great for various types of cancers but many feel since there isn't much talk of curing cancer that the focus isn't there. You have to admit that many pharmaceuticals are making a pretty profit but as much money as they have made over the last several decades it doesn't amount to the people who have lost their battle with cancer. So when it comes to cancer the main question is what is being done to find a cure and some even wonder if it is curable.
Even though there have been advancements made in the treatment of cancer you may have to consider a few roadblocks that have come up with certain cancers and the fact that there are over 100 types can make things complicated. A lot of time has passed with some being optimistic about the future. We can applaud the new breakthroughs that have come about in recent years but have researches lost focus for coming up with a cure and if there is one when will we see it?
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Cured by Now

By Brijesh Ghelani
Adrenocortica Carcinoma is a very rare form of cancer, occurring in approximately two people out of every million. It attacks for the most part preschool children that are children under six years of age, and adults in their thirties and forties.
One of the identifying characteristics of Adrenocortica Carcinoma is a tumerous hump high on the back, much like that which one would expect to see on a buffalo or a bison.
This sort of hump, unlike that which we usually associate with a person who has what we usually refer to as a hunchback, is soft and made up of fat.
These sorts of tumerous humps are not uncommon, although often they aren't large enough to be identifiable other than by medical professionals. The majority however never grow large and never becomes cancerous. The cancerous ones do become large however this form of cancer tends not to be identifiable until it reaches its final stages or what we usually identify as stage five. It also is a very fast acting form of cancer and tends to spread rapidly. One of the symptoms, and this is most noticeable in females, is male characteristics such as facial hair, voice changes and other definite characteristics of men. Occasionally, although this is a much more uncommon occurrence than the reverse, we see feminine characteristics occur in males. There are also tendencies towards obesity and acne. The obesity often shows up as pudgy cheeks and a human resemblance to a child's drawing of a moon with a face.
Sometimes, although not as often as the reverse, a symptom of Adrenocortical Carcinoma will be an unexplainable loss of weight. It is important to note that we don't usually see both effects in one person. It usually is either an unexplainable gain in weight or an unexplainable loss of weight, not one and then the other.
In children we see the onset of virilization in girls and precocious puberty in boys. Also in children and those who have not grown to their adult stature, we see a tendency for their growth to be stunted.
Brittle bones are also a symptom of Adrenocortical Carcinoma as is severe abdominal pain.
A diagnosis of Adrenocortica Carcinoma is usually determined by a cat scan and blood tests. Since this form of cancer is not generally treatable by radiation or by chemotherapy, it usually means resorting to surgery, if possible. Because of the rapid growth of this form of cancer and the fact that it isn't usually discovered until it reaches its final stages, it isn't always possible to treat it by surgery.
Medical professionals feel that their studies indicate that Adrenocortical Carcinoma is something which is genetic and passes down through the generations. Therefore it is extremely important for families to keep records of this sort of thing and to be sure that the family doctor is aware of previous cases that have existed. This knowledge and being tested on a regular basis may enable the identification of Adrenocortical Carcinoma while it is still in its early stages and therefore possibly able to be treated successfully.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Medical professionals have found that their studies show that there are some cancers which are more apt to occur in people who have AIDS than other cancers. The most predominant of these are Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin disease. Medical professionals believe that their studies indicate that people who have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as HIV, are more prone to cancers of the lungs, mouth, cervix and digestive system than they are to other kinds of cancers and also more prone to these kinds of cancers than are people who do not have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Many medical professionals feel that their studies seem to indicate that because of the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, people with AIDS are more prone to primary central nervous system lymphoma, usually referred to as CNS lymphoma. This diagnosis is given when cancer cells are found to have formed in the lymph tissue found in the brain or in the spinal cord or possibly in the layers which make up the outer covering of the brain, those layers known as the meninges. Because of the close proximity of the eye to the brain, sometimes starts in the eye. When this occurs it is then known as ocular lymphoma.
Some of the symptoms of AIDS related cancer are such things as sudden unexplainable weight loss, fever, night sweats, painless swollen lymph nodes in the areas of the neck, chest, underarm or groin, and a feeling of fullness underneath the ribs.
It is extremely important, because of their diminished immune system, for a person with AIDS to see to it that they have periodic physical examinations by their doctor. They also should have a complete blood count done.
When a complete blood count is done, the doctor or medical professional will check the number of the red blood cells, the number of the white blood cells and the number of the platelets. They will also check the amount of hemoglobin present in the red blood cells.
Doctors will also often take a biopsy of some sort during this examination.
AIDS is a frightening disease but it is also one which can be fought. A person with AIDS can fight back strongly and well with their doctor's advice and assistance.
The periodic examinations can enable a person to know if cancer has invaded their system. By finding it in its very beginning stages, a person has a chance, a good chance, of beating it, even though all the evidence seems to be against them.
A diagnosis of cancer in a person with AIDS sounds like a death knoll but it doesn't have to be. The person needs to fight aggressively, and fight with an attitude of winning the battle.
The battle should begin before the diagnosis is even made. The body should be taken care of as well as possible, proper meds, proper food, proper exercise. Cancer is a formidable enemy; those with AIDS should give it a formidable combatant.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Appendix cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancer and also one of the deadliest. Statistics show that it attacks approximately 600 to 1000 people a year and on the average every one of the dies. Most studies don't even give a survival rate but simply put on the charts "very poor".
Appendix cancer usually doesn't become apparent on its own account but rather when the patient is being treated for something else because there usually aren't any symptoms.
Appendix cancer is usually divided into two groups, carcinoid tumors and non-carcinoid tumors.
Carcinoid tumors are usually found in women in their forties and most of them are found on the tip of the appendix, located in such a way that they do not obstruct any of the normal bodily functions and therefore do not give any warning signs. Small ones that have not become cancerous are usually dealt with simply by the removal of the tumor and the appendix. Larger ones require more aggressive surgery, and the right colon and lymph nodes in that area are usually removed in addition to the appendix and the tumor. This type of surgery is known as cytoreductive surgery. It is sometimes but not always followed by intravenous chemotherapy.
Non-carcinoid tumors, also known as mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, grow on those cells which make up the lining of the inside of the appendix, known as the epithetial cells. In the production of these tumors, the epithetial cells form a gelatinous substance known as mucin.
Non-carcinoid tumors are apt to spread more rapidly through the abdominal region than are carcinoid tumors. Non-carcinoid tumors often become life threatening bowel obstructions. At this point, symptoms such as weight loss, atrophy of the muscles, loss of appetite and fatigue, abdominal pain and bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea and the inability to pass gas become apparent, but only when the tumors have reached the last stages. It has also been noted that in these last stages some people develop a low temperature.
When a diagnosis of appendix cancer has been made, the patient often works with a team of doctors rather than one specific doctor to determine some sort of treatment plan.
Because of the very dire prognosis of appendix cancer, the patient is often encouraged to consider working with some sort of clinical research which is being done.
In being a volunteer to participate as a part of clinical research, the patient is given the opportunity to try the latest possible drugs that are being tested for appendix cancer. They will be given the best care possible, with the understanding that these drugs may not work, yet maybe, just maybe they will. They'll be helping not only themselves but the medical professionals doing the research and maybe, just maybe, others who get this dreadful disease.
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Appendix Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Throat cancer is most easily described as any cancer which arises in the area of the throat, for instance in the vocal cords or in the larynx, that part of the body we often refer to as the voice box.
Smoking or chewing tobacco has been found to be one of the major causes of throat cancer. So easily preventable, yet so often ignored. Second hand smoke also has been found to be a cause of this cancer, that is being around someone who smokes or in an area where smoking has taken place.
Throat cancer occurs much more often in men than in women. Age seems to be a factor also, since most people who are diagnosed with this cancer are in their sixties or older. Medical professionals feel that their studies seem to indicate that the use of alcohol also can lead to this cancer.
Symptoms of throat cancer are such things as unusual breathing sounds, a persistent cough, often accompanied by coughing up blood, difficulty in swallowing, a long lasting hoarseness, pain in the area of the neck, persistent sore throats, swelling in the neck, a lump on the neck or a sudden, unexplainable loss of weight.
It is important not to ignore these warning signs. Throat cancer can be cured in ninety percent of its victims if it is caught in its early stages. It usually requires some form of surgery from a very simple form if caught it its early stages to more drastic measures later on. If the cancer has entered into the last stages, the surgery may well involve the removal of the larynx or some part of the throat which will result in the patient being unable to eat food normally.
Throat cancer is one that can quite often be prevented. Not smoking or using tobacco and minimizing ones intake of alcohol are major contributors to cutting down ones likelihood of getting this cancer. Although not all this cancers can be attributed to these things, the vast majority can be.
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Throat Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Avemar can be defined as a trade name of a plant extract which is made with special manufacturing technology. This was the result of the collective effort made by food chemists and medical researchers. In this process, wheat germ is used as a raw material and developed into a product which is useful in treating various diseases including cancer.
The biological effects produced by this process are very stunning. A new set of compounds were created in this process which were completely different from the starting materials. Research process for this product began as early as middle of 1990s. From then onwards, extensive studies are being carried out for its anti-cancer and immune-modulating effects.
Avemar's anti cancer effects were first tried on animal experimental models. Avemar is composed of 62.2% of wheat germ extract, maltodextrine, fructose, sodium chloride and silicium-dioxide. To achieve the desired appropriate purity, it is necessary to treat avemar with ionizing energy.
Avemar can be taken as an effective medicine for those patients who are suffering from malignant tumors along with oncology treatments. You are advised to take this medicine continuously during and after the clinical treatment period without any interruption until you are specifically asked by the physician to stop taking it.
An individual with a weight of 60-70 kgs is required to take a single dose of avemar once in a day. You are required to consume at least one hour before your meal by preparing it according to the instructions. For those of you who are weighing more than 90 kgs this medicine is recommended to be taken twice. You can take this medicine once before breakfast and another one before supper. This medicine has to be consumed along with cold soft drink or non carbonated mineral water.
You are advised not to consume avemar along with any food which contains vitamin C. Another important point to note is that you should maintain a gap of two hours before consuming any other medicines. You are advised not to take this medicine during pregnancy period. If you have undergone any organ or tissue transplant then you cannot take this medicine. If you are suffering from duodenal ulcer, colitis or bleeding gastric problems then you should not consume this medicine.
There are certain important instructions which have to be kept in mind by the patient when consuming this medicine. This medicine can be used by patients who are above 14 years of age. You should understand that this is not a substitute for oncology treatments. This medicine should be taken only when recommended by your physician.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Although there is more than one form of bladder cancer, that which we normally think of when we hear or read this term is transitional cell carcinomas. These are cancers that form in the cells that comprise the inner lining of the bladder. The other forms of cancer which also fall under this heading are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. These last two, unlike the first, are usually the result of some sort of chronic irritation and inflammation.
Signs of possible bladder cancer are such things as blood in the urine, pain when urinating and feeling the need to urinate but experiencing no results when attempting to do so. While these signs are not always a
symptom of bladder cancer, they definitely should be checked out by a medical professional.
While we often tend to think of smoking as being connected with lung cancer, medical professionals feel that their studies show a definite connection between smoking and bladder cancer. They have reported that the vast majority of cases of bladder cancer can be attributed to smoking tobacco. They also have reported that there is also a definite connection between this cancer and the use of artificial sweeteners.
Studies of bladder cancer have shown that those who work in fields which expose them to those elements found in cigarette smoke also are at a greater risk for developing this cancer even though they themselves may not be smokers. Studies show that these fields include such occupations as bus drivers, rubber workers, motor mechanics, leather workers, blacksmiths, machine setters, mechanics and hair dressers. While not all of these are because of cigarette smoke, some of the same elements in cigarette smoke are also connected with these occupations.
Many medical professionals feel that their studies have shown that a diet which includes fruits, carrots, horse radish, cauliflower, and other vegetables which come under the heading of cruciferous vegetables definitely tend to lower the risk factor of developing some form of this cancer.
Bladder cancer can be treated in different ways, depending upon its stage of development. In the very early stages, it can often be dealt with by a very superficial treatment known as BCG Immunotherapy. Later stages usually call for more aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy and/or radiation. Some treatments have had to go as far as to involve the use of a colostomy.
There have been close to eighty thousand new cases of bladder cancer diagnosed this year alone and the year is not yet over. Of these cases, close to fifteen thousand have resulted in deaths. We have the tools in the form of the knowledge which our medical professionals have given us to lower these numbers. Let's use them to help ourselves and others.
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Bladder Cancer,

By Michael C Logan
If you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer then you need to make sure that you get a treatment in the earliest stage. This is potentially life threatening so it is recommended that you get a treatment done as soon as possible. There are several treatments available now and they differ according to the stage of the cancer. In the initial stage the treatment is less dramatic and cost efficient. This way you can control the tumor or even terminate it. The treatments include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, etc. in the initially stage only one treatment is required but in the advanced stage the doctor may combine two or more treatments. This can be a bit expensive that is why it is essential to find the right doctor. You need to make sure that you get it diagnosed and treated in the initial stage in order to get better results.
Treatment can be performed in any stage. In the initial stage the tumor can be removed from the urinary tract itself. The symptoms are easy to analyze and these symptoms include pain while urination, blood in the urine, frequent urination, etc. once you see these signs and symptoms you should immediately rush to a physician and get a treatment done. The most common cause of this is frequent smoking. Thought the causes haven't been determined as yet you need to make sure that you stop smoking. You will get all the required information on this topic on the internet. Here you will also be able to find the best surgeons. You need to be able analyze the cause and then diagnose the problem. Once you have seen any of the above mentioned symptoms then it is recommended that you take up measures for treatment immediately.
Cancer is something that is very scary, so if someone sees a tumor anywhere in the body, he or she will immediately panic. You need to keep your calm and make sure that you take up measure to terminate the problem. You cannot and should not take chances with your life. Cancer can cause some physical and mental trauma. Usually people who are aging get affected by this but now it has no certain age limit. If you have detected that you have bladder cancer then you should certainly not stop living but find ways eliminate the problem permanently.
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Bladder Cancer,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Bone cancer is a cancerous tumor which can begin in any part of any bone in the body. It is important to note that not all tumors which are found in the bone are cancerous but those that are need to be dealt with quickly and aggressively before it metastasizes, that is spreads, to other parts of the body.
Although they all fall under the heading of bone cancer, there are different types of cancers which start in the bone. The first is the osteosarcoma form of cancer which starts in the osteoid tissue and usually is found in the knee and upper part of the arm. This form of bone cancer seems to strike most predominantly at children and teens. The second is the chondrosarcoma which is found in the hips, legs, pelvis and shoulders. This form of cancer tends to attack people forty and over. Medical professionals feel that their studies indicate that there are sometimes hereditary factors connected with these first two forms of this cancer. The third is the ewing sarcoma which is usually found in the backbone, pelvis, legs and arms.
Medical professionals believe that their studies seem to indicate this cancer seems to show up most frequently in those who have had some sort of radiation or chemotherapy treatment. It also seems to show up in those people who have had some sort of metal implant inserted into their body, such as a plate used to hold together a broken bone.
Often, but not always, symptoms of bone cancer show up as frequent pain and swelling. With children, people sometimes tend to attribute these to what are often referred to as growing pains and with adults, as simply part of the aging process. It is important that these symptoms not be ignored. While it may be true that they are not an indication of something serious, it may be that they are also and it is important that they be checked professionally.
Should a diagnosis of bone cancer be made, it is important that treatment be started immediately. The most common treatment is surgery. This does not always mean amputation, as many people are apt to think. The majority of bone cancers do not lead to amputation if caught early enough and dealt with. Other forms of treatment are chemotherapy, radiation and cryosurgery. This last, which is less well known than the other forms of treatment, involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the cancerous cells.
A person who has had bone cancer, even after it has been removed, needs to be checked often because this often comes back or leads to some other form of cancer. Early diagnosis is a good combatant and a cure of bone cancer doesn't mean that a person is free forever from this enemy. The best defensive is a good offensive.
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Bone Cancer,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Mushroom extracts are very effective in preventing and curing cancers. It provides you with anti cancer properties and you can safely consume it for a long time without any side effects.
Mushrooms are vegetables which blend very well with soups, stir fries and salads. But many are unaware of the fact that actually it is a type of fungi which grows and feeds upon decomposing plants and trees. Some mushrooms grow on some specific trees and under certain conditions. Chinese use mushrooms in treating colds, pains and allergies.
Medicinal mushrooms are used as capsules, in tea forms and as extracts. Reishi mushrooms, agaricus mushrooms, maitake and shitake are various medicinal mushrooms. These mushrooms have healing properties and hence they are used by medical fraternity.
Reishi mushroom is found in large numbers in China. This can be consumed everyday and is very good tonic. It is thus termed as mushroom of immortality. It helps you to keep fit for your entire life. This mushroom is effectively used as an immune system for patients who are suffering from cancer. It helps in reducing fatigue. These mushrooms have anti inflammatory properties. It also provides you to be calm and thus helping you to relax. Dried reishi power was very popular in ancient China. It demonstrated anti cancer activity by destroying cancer cells. This mushroom can also act as an dietary supplement because it exhibits therapeutic properties. These mushrooms can act as an alternative therapy for breast cancer and prostrate cancer. Thus, reishi mushrooms provides cures for multiple diseases. It helps in maintaining body's independent balance. These mushrooms can be consumed for a long time and that too without any side effects. It also helps in maintaining natural resistance of the body.
Mushrooms have low calories and have 80-90% water. Maitake mushrooms have low molecular polysaccaharide which helps in increasing immunity of people. It energises the immune system and helps in attacking pathogenic system. Maitake mushrooms reactivate immune competent cells thus enhancing the functions of macrophages and T cells. In this way it helps in efficiently providing solution as an anti cancer solution. It contains beta glucan which is used very effectively in anti cancer therapy. These glucans produce T cells and NK cells which safeguards you against cancer.The Shitake mushroom is very effective in providing immunity to your system.
The consumers are required to be very cautious about false advertising of mushroom extracts for preventing and curing cancer. This is because many beta glucan products which are available are not 100% pure. It may so happen that these mushrooms may contain only 1% beta glucan. Thus you are required to read on the labels about its purity before you purchase it.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer refers to different malignant diseases characterized by the rapid propagation of anaplastic cells that destroy healthy tissues and disrupt the body's functioning. Some of these diseases are very common while others occur in a one out of one million probability.
According to the American Cancer Society, the most common types of cancer are lung, breast and prostate which infect more or less 200,000 people yearly.
For breast cancer, roughly 99% are female victims. Amongst these cases, about 20% deaths have been recorded. It begins with the growth of tumor in the breast and most of the time affects women aged 50 and above. But this doesn't mean that younger women are not susceptible to this type of cancer. Younger women, nonetheless, have higher recovery rate as compared to older females. Factors that may attribute to acquiring breast cancer are genetics, immoderate alcohol intake and late pregnancy.
As compared to breast, lung cancer has a higher mortality rate of 75%. Lung cancer caused by chain smoking is called small cell lung cancer which is characterized by small cancerous cells mutating quickly in the tissues of the lungs. The more prevalent lung cancer is the non-small cell which can be triggered by more than one factor. Aside from smoking, lung cancer can also be caused by prolonged exposure to chemical elements such as radon and asbestos. Radiation and family history can also contribute to the risk of lung cancer.
Closely following breast and lung cancer is prostate cancer which yields about 30,000 deaths per year. Though there is no concrete explanation why, African Americans are most susceptible to prostate cancer, Caucasians possess moderate risk, while Asians are the least vulnerable to this disease.
Also on the list, with a 50% average death rate, is Colorectal Cancer which infects about 100,000 people yearly. This occurs when malignant cells form in the rectum. Colon and rectal cancers are often considered one as they posses almost the same symptoms which include thinner and bloody stools, bowel changes, abdominal pains and sudden weight loss. Obese people are also at higher risk of acquiring these diseases.
Though not as common as the three aforementioned cancers, pancreatic cancer is still on the list and should be noted for its almost 90% fatality. Pancreatic cancer, also called exocrine cancer, is diagnosed in more than 40,000 people annually. Older people and heavy smokers are at greater risk for pancreatic cancer. People with pancreatitis are also more susceptible to the sickness.
Other frequent occurring cancers are Renal Cancer, Melanoma, Bladder cancer, Leukemia and Thyroid cancer which ranges from 40,000 to 80,000 victims annually but with relatively low mortality percentages. Thyroid cancer poses the least threat with 4% death rate.
Since it is still not possible to pinpoint a specific substance that triggers cancer - causes are different for each case and even the most unlikely person can acquire the ailment - there is still no effective medication that can prevent the disease. However, taking care of your health can already be a good preventive program.
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The Most Common

By Brijesh Ghelani
The ever increasing rate of cancer has prompted medical practitioners to come up with different methods with the help of which they can expect to combat the disease. If you take a look around, you will notice that this disease is no longer restricted to a specific age group. Rather, people from diverse age groups are becoming victims of it. Medical science has been trying for quite some time to deal with it and invent a possible antidote with which they can expect to put an end to the fatal disease. The latest therapy they have come up with is anti neoplaston cancer therapy. Stanislaw Burzynski is the individual who can be credited with the development of this therapy. It is a kind of treatment where a set of synthetic chemicals are used which are known as antineoplastons for protecting the body against the disease. Antineoplastons mainly contain amino acids and peptides which can be found in human blood as well as urine.
There are diverse views regarding anti neoplaston cancer therapy. This is because there are very few published results of clinical trial and a full-proof conclusion cannot be drawn from them. Most of the treatments that have been done have been performed on a single clinic and some of them are not even complete. In such a scenario, it cannot be inferred whether it actually proves to be successful in fighting the disease. The unique thing about the treatment is that the chemical that is used in the process, namely antineoplastons, is actually a part of the natural biochemical defense system of the body. Moreover, it is believed to act by itself without any external help. The process prevents the growth of cancer cells and also helps in the development of features that look like normal cells.
You must be curious to know how the anti neoplaston cancer treatment works. The first step involves giving the antineoplastons either by injection or orally. This continues for as much as 1 year. Sometimes, it can be less than that such as eight months but the actual duration depends on the condition of the patient and his response to the treatment. As far as the cost is concerned, it can range between $30,000 and $60,000 though it is dependent on a lot of factors like the nature of treatment, the need for an operation for implanting a catheter for the purpose of drug delivery and the number of consultations. Though it is still at a nascent stage right now, it can be expected that this therapy will prove to be effective in battling cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Endometrial cancer is a condition where cancer cells form layers in the endometrial linings of the female uterus which is why it is sometimes referred to as Uterine Cancer. But endometrial cancer is not the only cancer concerning the uterus. There are many cancers starting from the uterine area, but endometrial is the most common.
Aside from being one of the most common types of cancer, endometrial cancer is also one of the easiest to detect due to its obvious symptom of irregular vaginal bleeding. Treatment of endometrial cancer often involves surgical removal of the uterus or hysterectomy.
The exact cause of endometrial cancer, like most cancers, is still unknown. However, studies on animals discovered that excessive estrogen in the blood can cause the buildup of cell in the uterus' lining. In humans, ovaries secrete two hormones, the progesterone and estrogen. Unbalanced hormones in the body may lead to various diseases including ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Age can also be a factor in cancer. Women above 60 are in danger of acquiring the disease but there are also some few cases involving women even below 30. Those who have had benign tumors in the uterus are most likely to experience endometrial cancer. Diabetic and obese people are also susceptible to the disease. Females with early menstruation and late menopause also have higher cancer risks. Longer years of menstruation follow longer exposure of the endometrial linings to estrogen.
Avoiding pregnancy can also lead to cancer. Studies showed that females who haven't been pregnant have greater risk in acquiring the illness. Women undergoing breast cancer medication can also be inflicted with endometrial caner. The drug tamoxifen administered for breast cancer patients increases the risk for uterine ailments. Nonetheless, tamoxifen is still accepted as a medicine since it provides more positive results than side effects.
Genetic syndromes such as HNPCC or Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer also heighten possibility for acquiring cancer. These syndromes occur due to mutation of genes inherited by children from their parents. People diagnosed with HNPCC should immediately consult their doctors and undergo cancer tests.
Symptoms that may entail endometrial cancer include infertility and irregular menstrual periods. Abnormally long periods, especially for women aged 40 and above, can also be a sign of the disease. Post menopausal females will also notice a white vaginal discharge. Recurrent abdominal pains can also signify uterine cancer.
When experiencing such symptoms it is best to consult with a doctor as soon as possible. Doctors will conduct pelvic examination as first diagnosis. If there are any changes in the shape or size of the uterus and related organs, this can mean that the cancer is already on a higher stage. Patients may be asked to undergo Dilation and Curettage or Biopsy for further tests and to classify the stage of the cancer.
Initial stage of endometrial cancer is when the cancer cells are only in the uterus. It is already stage two once it affects the cervix and it is stage three if it has already infected the surrounding tissues within the pelvis area. The most critical stage of the disease is when the cancer cells have already reached the abdomen, the bladder and other organs.
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Endometrial Cancer