By Anne Ahira
Brain cancer is a serious medical condition that is often referred to by medical professionals as "Meningioma" and also as "Glioma". When an individual has this type of cancer, it means that there are abnormal cells growing in and/or around the brain. This form of cancer may develop from the brain cells that are considered to be primary, but it could develop from cells that are specific to certain locations in and around the brain.
These regions include the membranes and even the small blood vessels within or around the brain. There are types of cancer that result from cells that spread from other regions in the body - such as organs. In this brain health guide, you will learn about details pertaining to brain cancer.
What is a Brain Tumor?
When an individual has brain cancer, it indicates that they also have a brain tumor. The abnormal cell growth that indicates brain cancer is referred to as a tumor. Tumors, while abnormal, are not always cancerous. Those that are simple growths and are not cancerous are identified as "Benign". Tumors that are found to possess cells that are cancerous are identified as "Malignant".
If these tumors are identified in the brain or the area surrounding the brain, they are considered to be quite serious and even have the potential to be life-threatening. This is mostly due to the fact that the cancer contained within these tumors has the capability of spreading in a rapid fashion. Tumors are further identified as "Primary" and "Secondary" among medical professionals.
The Cause
There are many theories on why brain cancer develops, but there is no one specific cause that has been identified. Scientists and medical researchers are still conducting tests and researching the onset of brain cancer in order to better understand it.
The tumors that are identified as "Primary" are believed to be a result of abnormal cell growth in the actual tissues of the brain, while the "Secondary" tumors appear to result from abnormal cell growths from other locations of the body and then travel through the bloodstream until they reach the brain. The other theories surrounding the development of brain cancer identify the following as risk factors:
• Many seem to have a genetic predisposition towards developing brain cancer when someone in the family had the condition in the past.
• Certain individuals are at a higher risk for developing this condition due to the fact that they work in certain professions, such as those that are professional embalmers and those that work in refineries for oil production.
• Radiation exposure or overexposure may result in brain cancer.
• Smoking has been established as a common risk factor of developing this form of cancer.
• There are many theories that are considered a bit unusual, yet are being investigated to determine if they result in brain cancer. These theories include the use of sweeteners that are artificial, cell phone use, consistent computer exposure, head traumas, and even consuming foods that are processed and/or heated in a microwave.
If you are concerned that you or a loved has this cancer, it is important to make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible. Many cases of brain cancer may be resolved immediately if they are caught early enough. Even if there is no way to treat the cancer, there are treatments that will soothe the symptoms associated with cancer.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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