By Anne Ahira
The oligodendroglioma is a rare tumor that develops in the brain. It is created by the cells that are located in the connective tissue that surround the nerve cells of the brain. The symptoms that the patient experiences are heavily dependent upon the location of the tumor itself.
While more common among the adult population, these cells have been found in children as well. The oligodendroglioma tumor is considered to be one that grows at an extremely slow rate. In the United States population, this type of tumor accounts for approximately 3% of all tumor diagnoses. It has been established that males are more prone to this type of condition than females.
Symptoms of the Oligodendroglioma Tumor
Individuals that experience the oligodendroglioma tumor may endure a multitude of symptoms. The symptoms that are experienced are heavily dependent upon the exact location and general size of the tumor. In most instances, the following symptoms are identified in patients suffering from this condition:
• Many individuals will start to experience headaches. In most cases, as the tumor progresses in size, the headaches will progress in severity.
• Many individuals may experience behavioral based changes. These changes may include a marked personality change, high levels of irritability, depression, and even aggression.
• In some cases where an oligodendroglioma tumor is present, cognitive challenges occur. These challenges may include problems with concentration, complications with memory, and similar issues.
• There are many cases where sufferers of this type of brain tumor will experience motor function complications. Examples include experiencing weakness and paralysis in the body, challenges with walking, issues with speaking, and similar types of issues.
• Many may start to have mild to severe seizures that come as a direct result of the tumor that is growing in, on, or around the brain.
• Problems with the bowels and even the bladder may be experienced when an individual suffers from this type of tumor.
There are many treatments that may be necessary to relieve an individual of the symptoms that they experience with this tumor type. Medical professionals typically determine the course of treatment by the grade that is associated with the tumor itself. For those with only a mild tumor with minimal symptoms, a surgery may be considered.
Typically, the individual will be monitored after the surgery to determine if the tumor returns or makes an attempt to return and spread. For those that suffer from more serious complications as a result of their tumor, radiation may be required in order to ensure that the tumor does not return. Many individuals may also have to undergo chemotherapy sessions as a course of treatment after having a surgery for this type of tumor.
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