By Anjuman Khan
An estimated 60% to 84% of patients with cancer develop bone metastasis. Of these 70% experience pain syndrome which is difficult to manage, of which 50% die without adequate pain relief with a poor quality of life. It is therefore necessary to have accessible and effective medications for the management of this condition. One of the most common pain syndromes in patients with advanced cancer is bone metastasis. This is difficult to manage and control in clinical practice. Currently, scientific advances in cancer detection and treatment have prolonged life expectancy in patients. Unlike the case with the phenomenon of bone pain in cancer, where current treatment strategies are not significantly effective. Most palliative treatment of bone pain are based on clinical studies on pain management in patients or in experimental models is not well designed this could explain why the drugs used are partially effective. Today, one of the main obstacles in developing new, safe treatments to control bone pain is the absence of basic science knowledge in the physiology of bone pain.
The pain in cancer patients is usually multifactorial, may arise from the process itself, treatment side effects or both. For these reasons the approach and management of this symptom should be multidisciplinary. Pain syndrome occurs either by local proliferation or tumor invasion of a metastatic tumor from a distance. With metastatic bone pain often reflects the presence of a tumor in breast, thyroid, prostate, kidney, lung or adrenal.
Physiology of bone pain
Bone pain is associated with tissue destruction by osteoclast cells. Normally, osteoclastic bone resorption are in balance with bone formation mediated by osteoblasts. In neoplastic osteolytic activity is increased and there are substances such as cytokines, local growth factors, peptides similar to parathyroid hormone and prostaglandins. Autacoids are also released other owners as potassium ions, bradykinin and osteoclast activating factors. These tissue substances play an important role in sensitizing the neural tissue against chemical and thermal stimuli, lower thresholds for discharge of the neuronal membrane, produce exaggerated responses to stimuli above the threshold and result in discharges of tonic impulses normally silent nociceptors. This phenomenon is called peripheral sensitization and primary hyperalgesia and is understood as events occurring within the ranks of the injured tissue and stimulate peripheral nociceptors (C fibers and A delta fibers) translating pain. In bone tissue of the sensory receptors are located primarily in the periosteum, whereas the bone marrow and bone cortex are insensitive. This phenomenon of peripheral sensitization results in abnormal sensitivity to pressure surrounding skin (allodynia and hyperalgesia), pain in muscles, tendons, joints and deep tissues in contact with bone. This is limited to ensure that the peripheral ends have a greater capacity for alarm response to injury.
The constant presence of harmful process, stimulating nociceptive receptors gives the introduction of a subacute pain that tends to be chronic with the growth of bone metastases. These stimuli lead to another prevalent phenomenon called central sensitization important which includes abnormal amplification of incoming sensory signals to the central nervous system, particularly the spinal cord. The phenomenon occurs because of the persistent input stimulus through the fibers C. This spinal cord triggers a temporary increase in the power of silent synaptic terminals. In this process plays an important role of glutamate receptor N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). The resulting amplification of the signal generated in the postsynaptic neuron sends a message to the brain which is interpreted as pain. In short central sensitization amplifies the sensory effects of both peripheral nociceptive inputs (C fibers of pain) and non-nociceptive fibers (A of touch).
In practice the two phenomena come together in the genesis of metastatic bone pain and peripheral sensitization occurs acutely metastatic lesions to appear nociceptors and translate the information conveyed through the afferent myelinated A-delta or unmyelinated C fibers to the spinal cord where the information is modulated by various systems. With the set up process subacute begins the process of central sensitization which sensory synapses begin to activate silent. And there is a state of increased central perception. By becoming chronic pain phenomenon becomes even more complex because all that is in contact with the area of injury becomes a powerful generator of pain. The touch, muscle movement or joint pain result, manifesting the phenomena of allodynia and hyperalgesia much more marked.
With progression and growth of metastatic disease can appear phenomena of compression of peripheral nerves, nerve roots or spinal cord. Then the pain can refer to other dermatomes, further complicating the initial picture painful. This condition becomes a debilitating factor for the patient and to be inadequately controlled could trigger the phenomenon of total pain detailed below.
I M Currently doing my doctorate and felt immense need to help the people about the Bone Cancer, Web:
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Bone Cancer,
By Cheyenne Ibit
Brain - It is a spongy bunch of tissue, and is sheltered by the skull with 3 thin membranes that is called the meninges. The diluted fluid that is known as the cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain. The fluids will flow throughout the spaces in between the meninges and to spaces within brains that is known to be the ventricles.
Cancer - it started with cells, which is the main component that builds up tissues. The tissues that is responsible for building up the organs of the body.
Normally, cells will grow and divides to form another new cell as long as the body needs the cells. As cells are growing old, the cells die, and it will be replaced by the new cells.
Occasionally, this systematic procedure goes wrong. New cells are keeps on forming even the body does not need them or old cells wound not die even if they should. These extra cells will then form into masses of tissues that are called the tumor.
Benign brain tumors
These are tumors that do not have cancer cells. Benign brain tumor can usually be removed and also hardly ever to grow back. The borders and edges of benign brain tumors are clearly seen, and cells from benign tumors are not invading the tissues that are surrounding them. But, benign tumors could press with the sensitive portion of the brain that may cause a severe health problem. Nothing like benign tumors in the other parts of the body, benign tumors in the brain are often times life threatening. It is seldom turns to a malignant tumor.
Malignant brain tumors
It is a tumor that contains cancer cells. It is generally more severe and more often life threatening. It grows speedily and invades the nearby healthy brain tissues. Cancer cells seldom breaks away with the malignant tumors and spread up from one part to another parts of the brain or even to the body. The spreading is called the metastasis. Other times, the malignant tumors do not go beyond the healthy tissues. Tumor might be contained in a layer of tissues or bones of the skull. It is called the encapsulated tumor.
Tumor Grade
Brain tumors are grouped by grades, ranging from grade l to grade lV. These grades referred to the looks of the cells under the microscope. Cells that are of higher grades look more irregular and it grows faster compared to the cells that are of lower grade tumors.
Primary brain tumors - these are tumors that begin within the brain tissues. They are named from the type of the cells or portion of brain from where they begin.
Secondary brain tumors - once the cancer had spread up from the original part to the other position in the body.
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Regarding Brain Tumors,
What You Need to Know

By Abdulmubeen Mundewadi
Yes! There are many medicines both in modern as well as alternative medicine which can cure different types of cancer. It should be however remembered that cancer does not refer to any one disease, but implies irregular and uncontrollable growth of body cells. Different types of cancer behave differently, and therefore have a different prognosis, that is, the end result can be strikingly different.
Some types of cancer like lung cancer usually are very aggressive and have a serious outcome, while other types like prostate cancer may have a much slower growth, and may have a much better outcome. The important rule of thumb for successful treatment of any type of cancer is to detect it at the earliest possible, and treat it aggressively right from the start.
Cure rates for any type of cancer can be dramatically improved if a combination of treatment modalities is utilized right from the start. Unfortunately, this happens very rarely, at least in current times. Each system of treatment has its own advantages and limitations. Modern treatment of cancer mainly includes surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy can target cancer cells and destroy a fair amount of the tumor in a short time. However, there are numerous side-effects to these treatments, and they may not be very effective on a long-term basis. In addition, they reduce body immunity drastically, thereby resulting in further strengthening the cancer growth.
Alternative treatment, especially Ayurvedic treatment, is good at improving the general immunity of the body as well as strengthening specific anti-cancer activity of the body. However, this can be a slow process, and may not be very useful in situations where the individual's life is at an immediate risk. The ideal therapy would be a judicious combination of modern and Ayurvedic treatment. For example, surgery or short courses of radiation therapy and chemotherapy could be utilized to reduce the tumor size quickly, so as to improve short term survival of the patient. Ayurvedic treatment could then be utilized to give long-term treatment, so as to treat the remaining cancer growth, as well as the microscopic growth and spread of the cancer. In order for this to happen, the general public needs to have a strong awareness of the benefits of different treatment modalities, and aggressively exercise their right to be treated well. The medical fraternity too needs to be open-minded enough to accept and provide a judicious integration of different treatment modalities, including conservative as well as alternative treatment.
Another scenario where integration of treatment systems could be life-saving is in the treatment of serious complications of advanced cancer. Advanced life-support facilities are currently available only with the modern medical fraternity, and practitioners of alternative systems of therapy do not have access to these facilities. The overall success rate in saving life can be further improved dramatically if Ayurvedic medicines could be given along with modern intensive medical care. Some Ayurvedic medicines have proved to demonstrate life-saving potential in critical medical situations such as heavy internal bleeding, non-healing wounds, acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple system failure, and failure of critical organs. Such medicines can be powdered and administered to severely ill patients through feeding tubes.
Admittedly, the reluctance of hospitals to allow alternative treatment in serious medical conditions arises mainly due to medico-legal implications, especially since the hospital is considered to be primarily responsible for the patient's treatment. Concerns about future medico-legal litigation can be addressed if the patient's relatives are prepared to give a written, legal waiver of responsibility to the hospital and the treating doctors. Such unorthodox steps, if implemented, can pioneer the way for a dramatic new line of integrated treatment, which can revolutionize the treatment both for patients with advanced cancer, as well as seriously ill patients requiring intensive medical care.
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Cure Cancer,
By Alvis Walter
Every individual having brain tumors should receive unique and individual brain cancer treatment. The treatment generally depends on the individual's age, general health, and size and location of the tumor.
There are several questions surrounding brain cancer treatment. The nature of treatment, its effects, and the long-term outcomes are some of them. Doctors are best equipped to handle these questions.
Overview of brain cancer treatment
Brain cancer treatment is generally complex. Some treatment plans will require multiple doctors.
1. The medical team usually comprises neurosurgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, and a general practitioner. Individuals may also want to include a dietitian, social worker, and physiotherapists.
2. The nature of the treatment will depend on location, size and type of the tumor. Existing medical conditions and age are other factors that need considerations when deciding the nature of treatment.
Brain Cancer Surgery
Most individuals who have a brain tumor are required to undergo surgery.
1. Surgery helps confirm the abnormality seen in the brain scans. Nature of the tumor and method of removal are also determined at the time of surgery. Surgeons will most probably take a sample of the tumor that needs to be removed.
2. When it comes to benign tumors, most symptoms vanish with the removal of the tumor.
3. A modern method for removal of tumors can be performed without a knife and is called stereotactic surgery. The tumor is removed without opening the skull. MRI and CT scans are used to determine the exact location of the tumor within the brain. Radiation beams are focused on the tumor from different directions. Radiation helps destroy the tumor. This method is also known as 'gamma knife'.
4. Knifeless surgeries have fewer complications. The recovery time, too, is much shorter.
Before surgery, individuals may have to undergo several treatment plans.
1. Administration of dexamethasone helps reduce swelling. It is also a steroid drug.
2. Treatment with anticonvulsant drugs, such as carbamazepine, relieves seizures. It also prevents its formation.
3. Excessive cerebrospinal fluid around the brain can be drained away by a thick plastic tube known as a shunt. One end of the shunt is fixed in the cavity where the fluid gathers. The other end is threaded under the skin to another body part. The fluid drains into a site from where it can be easily eliminated.
Brain Cancer Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy, also known as radiotherapy, involves usage of high-energy rays to destroy cells of the tumor. This prevents tumors from growing and multiplying.
1. Individuals who cannot undergo surgery are prescribed radiation therapy. In some cases, it may be used after surgery to destroy tumor cells.
2. Radiation therapy is local in nature, which means that only targeted cells are affected. Other brain and body cells are not affected.
Palliative treatments are designed to elevate the comfort levels of the patient. It also helps ease pain. Patients can also explore the field of latest treatments by signing up for clinical trials.
Alvis Walter is a cancer consultant and a guide for Brain Cancer Treatment. To know more information about Male Breast Cancer, Gamma Knife, malignant mesothelioma, mesothelioma symptoms, Myelodysplastic Syndrome and Mantle Cell Lymphoma visit
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Symptoms and Signs of Brain Cancer,
By Evelyn Villanueva
The signs of brain tumor depend on the size, location and type of tumor. Symptoms may appear whenever a tumor pushes a nerve or injures a particular area in the brain. They can also be caused if the brain enlarges or fluids build up in the skull.
Majority of the common signs of brain cancers are the following:
- Headaches (regularly worse at daybreak)
- Vomiting or nausea
- Problems in walking or balancing
- Changes in personality, mood or capacity to contemplate
- Memory problems
- Changes in vision, hearing or speech
- Muscle trembling or jerking
- Numbness or itchy feeling in legs or arms
If the symptoms indicate that there is indication of brain cancer, the doctor can do any of the subsequent procedures as basis of its diagnosis:
- Physical examination - the doctor examines general sign of health
- Neurologic examination - the physician checks the attentiveness, strength of muscle, reflexes, coordination and reaction to pain. The eyes are also examined to find out if there is any swelling due to the tumor pushing the nerve which attaches the brain and eyes.
- CT scan - an x-ray apparatus connected to computer which takes series of thorough pictures of a head. The patient is given an injection of special tint in order that the brain can be seen visibly in the picture. The picture may show growths or tumors inside the brain.
- MRI - a forceful magnet attached to computer which makes comprehensive pictures of sections in the body. These pictures are shown on a screen and can be printed also. Sometimes, a particular dye is inserted in order to help illustrate differences in the various tissues inside the brain.
The following tests are also considered to help diagnose brain tumor:
• Angiogram - a particular dye is injected to the bloodstream and runs in the blood vessels inside the brain in order for them to appear on x-ray. If a growth is present, it can be seen by the doctor.
• Skull x-ray - various forms of brain cancers cause calcium accumulation inside the brain or changes on the bones in the skull. Through x-ray, changes can be checked.
• Spinal tap - the physician may take a sample of CSF (cerebrospinal fluid - a fluid that fills up the spaces around the brain as well as the spinal cord). This is done with use of local anesthesia. The spinal tap can be done around thirty minutes. The patient lies flat within several hours after extraction of CSF to avoid headache. Laboratory test is done to check for the presence of cancer cells and other indications of problems.
• Myelogram - refers to the x-ray of the spine or spinal cord. Spinal tap is done by injecting a special dye in the cerebrospinal fluid. The patient tilts to let the dye combine to the fluid. This procedure assists the doctor discover cancer on the spinal cord.
• Biopsy - it is the removal of sample of tissue to search for cancer cells. The pathologist examines the cells under the microscope in order to verify abnormal cells. A biopsy may show tumor, tissue changes which might lead to tumor and other situations. This is the surest way in diagnosing brain cancer.
Learn some facts in relation to the cancer of the brain or brain tumor. For more information, visit us at:
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Brain Tumor,
The Symptoms
By Evelyn Villanueva
Many persons with brain cancers want to know everything regarding their disease as well their treatment. Nevertheless, stress and shock after diagnosis of brain cancer may make it harder for everything. The patient really found it hard to be thinking of what to ask for the doctor.
It sometimes helps in making a listing of queries before going to the doctor. To aid in recalling what the physician says, the patient may take remarks or ask if she/he can use tape recorder. Others wish to bring a family member or friends with them as they talk with the doctor.
The patient might ask for referral. Specialists who cure brain cancers include neuro-oncologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologist and medical oncologists.
Before the start of treatment, the patient might wish for second opinion regarding diagnosis and treatment plan. Various insurance groups require 2nd opinion; others might cover 2nd opinion when the physician or patients request it.
The following are the ways in order to seek for second opinion:
Doctors of the patient might pass on the patient to other specialists. At cancer institutions, several specialists frequently act together as team. Cancer Information Services can inform callers regarding adjacent treatment centers. A local or state medical society, an adjacent hospital or medical school can generally give the names of the specialists.
ABMS have listing of physicians who have undergone training needs and have met particular education and were able to pass field examinations. The directory can be found in several public libraries. The ABMS directory contains the names of specialists along with educational background and their specialty.
The physician may describe choices in treatment and may discuss the outcome expected with every treatment option. The doctor as well as the patient may work together in order to create a treatment preparation that can fit the needs of the patient. Treatment is dependent on the amount of factors, which includes the type, size, location and grade of the cancer. For a few types of brain tumor, it is necessary for the doctor to know whether the tumor cells were seen in the CSF or cerebrospinal fluid.
The treatment depends on the number of reasons, counting the type, location, size, and grade of tumor. For a few types of brain cancer, the doctor also needs to know whether cancer cells were found in the cerebrospinal fluids.
A patient may ask the following questions to the physician before the start of treatment:
- Is the tumor benign or malignant?
- What was the type of brain tumor the patient has?
- What are the choices of treatment?
- What were the advantages of every type of treatments?
- What were the probable side effects and risks of every treatment?
The most important thing to consider before submitting to any treatment is the preparedness of the patient.
Learn the possible treatments for the Brain Tumors and know the possible steps if being diagnosed with tumor. For more information, visit us at:
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Brain Tumors,

By Mert Ozge
One of the scariest things to ever happen in one's life is to be diagnosed with any type of cancer. Things will be a lot more depressing than normal if the doctor told you that you have been diagnosed with a terminal cancer. The most important thing you need to understand is that, terminal cancer doesn't really mean the end of everything; there are things that can be done in order to cope up with the said disease.
One may wonder when they are diagnosed with terminal cancer, what it is or what it can do. Specialist's or doctors may say that when one is diagnosed with a cancer that is terminal, they're cancer survival rate becomes pretty slim. The condition they have been examined about is considered by many as incurable or fatal. This happens when the malignant cancer cells have spread towards the different systems of the body. The doctor will give a rough estimation of the life expectancy of the patient whose cancer is considered incurable already. When a patient's cancer tumor has reached its final phase, he or she should not undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy anymore. The patient will just be confined into a special care system wherein they will be at the best comfortable condition as they go through this delicate stage.
A person who recently learned that they have terminal cancer will surely have a devastating life experience. One of the very first thoughts that the patient will have is probably how to possibly live with the knowledge that he would die in a matter of time. Though cure is out of reach, there are still things those patients with a terminal illness can do. Family members of patients with the dreaded disease can also be involved to make the coping up stage a lot easier.
The person diagnosed should remain optimistic. The doctor's diagnosis is not 100% accurate. There are times that a laboratory test about the tumor could be wrong. That's why most patients who were diagnosed with a fatal disease seek the opinion of another doctor who may have better knowledge about their condition. It's not wrong to fear or become sad, however you have to bear in mind that the only end is when you gave up hope and faith. Family members and friends of patients diagnosed with terminal cancer should support them in battling this tough ordeal. When already told by their doctors that they only have a couple of months or years left to live because of terminal cancer, these people feel empty and down in the dumps. Emotional support is what they need above all.
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By Gerald Salazar
Brain tumor is can be either benign or malignant kind of its kind. It is an uncontrolled and irregular activity of cell that common occurs in the brain, cranial nerves, pineal glands brain envelopes and even metastasize in other organ.
Clients who will undergo treatment for brain tumor usually take drugs and steroids to alleviate the pain and edema. Anticonvulsant medication is usually given to clients to control or avoid convulsion. Cerebrospinal fluid must be drained using a shunt if the client is suffering from hydrocephalus.
Brain tumor treatment usually includes radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy. But the treatment will vary depending on various factors involve such as the tumor's size, type, location and the over-all health condition and age of the client. The program and treatment process for adults and children usually varies.
Radiotherapy or radiation therapy or even sometimes called as radiation oncology is a treatment for brain tumor. Damage brain cells are being stop from increasing by the use of radiation. This process is usually used after surgery where in there are still remaining cancer cells that was not able to removed during surgery. The client usually undergo to this process when it is impossible already to undergo surgery.
There are two methods in giving the radiation therapy. First is the implant radiation therapy wherein the radioactive substance is put straight to the affected area. The implant of the radioactive substance might be temporary or permanent depending on the substance used. The second method for radiation therapy is the external radiation. Large machine is being used for this process.
Surgery is the common technique to treat brain tumor. The neurosurgeon is the one who is responsible for the surgery. The damage brain cell is being removed in the brain through skull opening. This process is called as craniotomy.
If the cancer cells in the brain cannot be removed using a surgery or radiation therapy, the third method is commonly given to the client, wherein the client undergo a chemotherapy sessions. The physician uses a single drug or multiple drugs for this process. The drugs are can be taken orally or injected in the muscle or blood streams. The process of infusing the drugs in the cerebrospinal fluid is called intrathecal chemotherapy.
Understand everything about Tumor Treatment. For more information visit website:
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Brain Tumor,
By Tony Eva
Scientists have pointed out that long-term use of mobile phones can increase the risk of cancer. But the World Health Organization had conducted a 10-year study on the safety of mobile phones and concluded that mobile phone didn't cause cancer because the relevant evidence is not sufficient to draw a conclusion. In order to find impact on human health from cell phone, they spent at least 15 million pounds in the past 10 years, but the authors of this paper had to admit that this effect requires further study in order to give the final conclusion.
Reports from World Health Organization would be released until this week later, but two national newspapers in the United Kingdom reported that invoked the scientific evidence use the phone less than 30 minutes per day at least 10 years would increase the risk of suffering from brain cancer, Over the past 10 years, they have been carried out this phone research in 13 countries, which is regarded the largest study by far.
Although we clearly that when we put the phone at the ear, radiation from cell phone is absorbed by the mind, but it is not confirmed that more often use cell phones are hazardous to health, it may be due to the time of the widely use of mobile phones in public is not long. From 2000 to 2004, researchers conducted a study which 1.3 million people was participated to see the time they use the phone. Among them, some people suffer from cancer while some people are very healthy.
Some research has been published, which showed that people who used cell phone at least 30 minutes a day suffered from an increased risk of Glioma. The place where brain tumor lie is just the side they always put phone calls. In addition, the study found another big question: short term use of mobile phones, in fact, helps prevent cancer. Even if the authors think this is unlikely. As the problem, they want more research to get a final conclusion and the investigation should firstly be launch among young people.
Although the Ministry of Health in British has not updated the relevant guidelines in the past 4 years, but the experts pointed out that adults should discourage small children playing phone chat, as for adult, try to answer the phone as shorter as possible. Other countries have also taken corresponding measures, such as encouraging people to use headphones to answer the phone or using text messaging instead of phone.
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Increase Risk of Suffering From Brain Cancer,
Mobile Phones
By Judy Brutz
My husband has glioblastoma multiforme, an incurable form of brain cancer. Ted Kennedy died from it. The early challenges I am experiencing as a caregiver are disbelief, feeling overwhelmed, trying to define my role as caregiver, maneuvering a change in my marital relationship, recognizing the need for financial and legal planning, and caring for myself.
Disbelief. It is difficult for me to stay focused. It is hard to grasp what is going on. There are a few facts that I hold onto. My husbands' symptoms developed rapidly during a four week interval. From being able to speak normally, he started searching for words, and then progressing to not remembering the names of objects, substituting words and phrases which didn't make sense, to not being able to spell. He had an emergency MRI, which showed a large mass over his left temporal lobe. A rushed appointment for brain surgery was made in the next state. I was told that he would not be expected to live more than one or two years even with the tumor removed and aggressive treatment undertaken.
Overwhelmed. Initially I felt completely overwhelmed, like I didn't know whether I was coming or going. Ten days after surgery, I am going in and out of feeling overwhelmed. I realize that I'm not attentive to my surroundings, as though I'm zoned out somewhere. My center of my chest hurts. I know this to be a major sign of stress. Also my breathing is shallow. I must tell myself to breathe.
Caregiver Role. I'm abruptly being thrust into the role of caregiver, and I'm trying to figure out what this means practically. My husband's expressive language limitations cause major problems in communication and in joint decision making. I need help in defining my role. Hopefully, when we go to the Cancer Center, the social worker will help educate me.
Marital Relationship. I'm having to take over decision making and financial management. My husband needs reminders and direction. We are both distressed. Both of us become frustrated and irritable with each other. He says things to push my buttons, and I react. I'm on a sharp learning curve. I need a support group and will go to a meeting this coming week. I also need personal counseling, and my appointment is made.
Financial and Legal Planning. I need to make sure that our affairs are in order. My husband had this role before his surgery. I'm discovering that our papers are in disorder. He may have allowed his life insurance, naming me as beneficiary, to lapse. I will go to a lawyer even though my husband does not want me to, nor does he want me to spend our money on legal fees. I feel conflicted in going ahead without our discussing and agreeing to a plan, but this is the new reality of our relationship and my role as caregiver.
Self Care. It is critical that I take exceptionally good care of myself. I have my own health issues and must not get run down or stressed. Otherwise, I will rapidly decline and then both of us would need caregivers.
Judy Brutz is author, spiritual director, retreat leader and speaker. She lives in Idaho with her family, and enjoys nature, knitting for peace, and volunteering.
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Brain Cancer is Involved,
The Challenges of Being a Caregiver
By Judy Brutz
What are glia cells?
Glia cells hold together the neurons in the brain. The glia communicate with the neurons to trigger the neurons to function. One way to think of glia is that they are a network of cells throughout the brain. The glia are also described as the glue that holds the neurons in place.
What happens to the glia when they become malignant?
When the cells of a glia multiply, a malignancy is forming. Initially there will not be any symptoms. Unfortunately the cancer of the glia is very aggressive, that is, develops quickly. By the time symptoms are noticed a tumor is growing.
What is gliblastoma multiforme?
GBM, as glioblastoma multiforme is called, is the deadliest, most aggressive form of brain malignancy. GBM can form anywhere in the brain, and is the highest grade of cancer, a grade 4. There is no cure. There are 500,000 cases a year in the U.S.
What are GBM symptoms?
The symptoms are directly related to where the tumor is located in the brain. Brain malignancy is difficult to diagnose because for every group of symptoms there are multiple possible diagnoses. For instance, when my husband began searching for words, we thought he was experiencing "senior moments." Yet, he quickly progressed to no longer knowing the names for objects. Then he could no longer spell or read. These symptoms progressed over four weeks.
How is glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) diagnosed?
When brain involvement is expected, the MRI is performed. The MRI will show up the tumor, where it is located, its shape, and it its size. From a biopsy, tissue samples are sent to pathology where the tumor is diagnosed.
What is the treatment standard for glioblastoma (GBM)?
The first line of defense is surgical removal, called a resection. Not all GBMs are operable. If the malignancy is located at the brain stem or anywhere else where resection would cause more harm than improvement, then surgery is not an option. The next line of defense is radiation therapy, five days a week, for four to seven weeks, along with chemotherapy. When the radiation is completed, then there will be a maintenance protocol of continued chemotherapy for several months.
What is the prognosis for this type of cancer?
Poor, glioblastoma multiforme is incurable. Other GBM tumors will form, and other surgeries may be performed. Aggressive radiation and chemotherapy will be offered. Life expectancy is anywhere from few weeks to a couple of years.
The most aggressive and deadliest form of brain cancer is glioblastoma multiforme. This is the type of cancer that Ted Kennedy had. There is no cure for this cancer. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
Judy Brutz is a Quaker chaplain, marriage and family therapist, retreat leader and speaker. She is an authority on spouse caregiving and glioblastoma multiforme. Judy lives in Idaho with her family. Her husband is being treated for glioblastoma multiforme. Judy calls on her training and experience as hospice chaplain, therapist and retreat leader to care for herself. She writes for other spouse caregivers. She offers hope. Feel free to communicate with her.
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Brain Cancer,
Glioblastoma Multiforme,

By Haripriya Munipalli
The free radicals that are released from the food substances can cause damage to the body cells. This damage due to free radicals can be prevented by the antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that can protect the cells from damage. The cell damage due to free radicals can lead to the incidence of cancer. The antioxidants have the ability to stabilize the free radicals and some of them are beta-carotene, lycopene, vitamins C, E, and A.
The previous clinical trials could not clearly explain the significance of antioxidants in cancer development. The clinical studies that were performed during 1990s concluded that the antioxidants will show their effect on the prevention of cancer. These studies concentrated on the influence of beta-carotene on different cancer patient groups. Among the studies that were conducted on the eradication of cancer risk by antioxidants, Chinese cancer prevention study was published in 1993. This randomized clinical trial was done in healthy Chinese men and women to investigate the effect of beta-carotene, selenium and vitamin E on the gastric cancer risk. The study concluded that the incidence of gastric cancer and other cancers was reduced significantly due to the use of a combination of the above mentioned antioxidants.
In another study called cancer prevention study that was conducted in 1994 says that the rate of lung cancer in Finnish males who were smoking was not affected by the use of vitamin E. This study was part of alpha-Tocopherol (vitamin E)/ Beta-Carotene cancer prevention study. In many other studies that were carried out regarding the association of vitamin E, beta-carotene and retinol (vitamin A) in causing cancer were found to be negative. These studies were held in 1994, 1996 and 1999 while the results of these studies say that the effect of antioxidants like Vitamin E, A and beta-carotene is neutral towards cancer.
The role of antioxidants in cancer prevention is determined by the evidence obtained from chemical studies, cell culturing and animal studies done recently. The free radicals are electrically charged forms of molecules which tend to take away electrons from other molecules that are necessary in the cellular function. In order to make the free radicals not to disturb other molecules, antioxidants neutralize them by donating electrical charge. This will prevent the free radicals to remove electrons from other molecules and cause damage to them. It was observed that decrease in the rate of cancer occurred in people who were eating high quantities of fruits and vegetables. Hence, antioxidants were believed to reduce the risk of cancer.
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Reduce Cancer Risk
By Anne Ahira
Astrocytoma brain cancer tumors are considered to be the most common type of Glioma. These tumors may develop in various regions of the brain, as well as the spinal cord. These particular type of brain cancer tumors initiate from cells that are called astrocytes. The area of the brain that these are most commonly identified is the main region. This is commonly referred to as the cerebrum.
It has been established that these have the capability of affecting any individual, at any time in their life. While there have been cases of Astrocytoma a brain cancer tumor in children, this condition is most often diagnosed among those that are part of the adult population. When children are diagnosed with these tumors, they are most commonly located in the base region of the brain rather than the main region of the brain.
Common Symptoms
There are many common symptoms that are often experienced when an individual has an Astrocytoma brain cancer tumor. The symptoms that are experienced often correlate with the pressure against the brain and skull regions as a result of the size of the tumor. It is common for an individual to exhibit behavior changes.
The person may exhibit a personality that is much different than their own, they may seem to change from one mood to another in a fast-paced and mysterious manner, and they may exhibit marked signs of irritability.
Individuals that have this type of tumor with their brain cancer will often experience headaches and pain in the neck region. Gastrointestinal complications such as vomiting are also one of the most common symptoms associated with the Astrocytoma brain cancer tumor.
Diagnosing the Astrocytoma Brain Tumor
Diagnosing the Astrocytoma brain tumor is a challenging task to many medical professionals. A full neurological examination is typically ordered if a patient is exhibiting certain symptoms. One of the main signs that a doctor will look for is any type of mental based dysfunction.
In some instances, a patient that is exhibiting new, unusually painful headaches and swelling may be further evaluated. In addition to these symptoms, those that experience seizures and signs of potential swelling such as vomiting will be referred to a neurologist for a full, in-depth medical examination.
There are many different tests that may be used to determine if an individual has an Astrocytoma brain cancer tumor. One of the main diagnostic tools used to scan the brain for this type of tumor is the MRI or the Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan.
Many neurologists will also use the CT or CAT scan, which stands for Computed Tomography. In diagnosing this type of brain cancer tumor, many doctors may utilize tests that help gauge the coordination, the hearing, and the vision in order to effectively rule out other medical conditions.
There are several different methods used to treat an Astrocytoma brain cancer tumor. The first is usually surgery as the neurologist will want to remove as much of it as possible. Immediately following surgery, the patient may have to undergo chemotherapy and possibly even radiation therapy to ensure that all components of the tumor are successfully eliminated.
If you have this type of tumor, it is important to work closely with your doctor and follow the treatment regimen as closely as possible so that your symptoms are reduced and that as much of the tumor is eliminated as possible.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company INTRODUCING: The Power of Conversational Hypnosis To Awaken Your Own Magnetic, Irresistible Personality...To Attain Incredible Personal & Financial Success... And To Have Those Around You Practically *Begging* To Follow Your Commands... Don't wait. Don't think about it! Master the Secret of The Subconscious Mind! Download The Training Here: You will be amazed at the way it changes your world!
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Brain Cancer Tumors
By Anne Ahira
Medulloblastoma is a type of brain tumor that is often found in patients that have brain cancer - particularly children. This type of tumor grows quite rapidly in the lowest rear region of the brain. Medical professionals refer to this area as the cerebellum. In many instances, it is also referred to as the posterior fossa.
Medulloblastoma tumors that are found in this particular area are further classified into a group of tumors that is referred to as "Infratentorial". There is a very thick membrane in the brain that is called the tentorium. This actually separates the cerebral based hemispheres from the cerebellum.
The term "Infratentorial" means that the actual tumor is situated just below the tentorium. In this medical guide, you will learn about the brain cancer tumors referred to as Medulloblastoma.
As stated previously, Medulloblastoma tumors are most common among children. These tumors result in many uncomfortable symptoms. In the beginning stages of the development of this form of tumor, a child may appear as if they have caught a type of influenza.
The child may appear or complain of being extremely tired. In some instances, they may lose their appetite and not have a desire to eat. Behavioral changes - such as marked irritability are also quite common among children that have a Medulloblastoma tumor. If infants develop this type of tumor, irritability is also common.
However, many adults and others that care for the infant are likely to discover that the head size increases. Teenagers and even adults that develop this type of tumor will most likely suffer from pain in the head, and vomiting - especially when they get out of bed for the day.
As the tumor of this type of brain cancer starts to grow, there are many other symptoms that may develop. Many of these symptoms depend on the exact location of the tumor on the brain. It is important to know and understand that the cerebellum is typically responsible for balance and other types of movement. As a result, symptoms that occur in the later stages of development are as follows:
• Many have issues with coordination.
• It may be difficult for the sufferer to move as easily and in the same ways as they did prior to the development of the Medulloblastoma.
• Dizziness is frequently experienced.
• Moderate to extremely severe headaches due to pressure on the brain may be experienced.
• Many will find that they experience complications associated with the vision. The two most common issues are blurry vision and double vision.
• Many may experience stiffness in the neck and the upper back region.
If the patient that is suffering from brain cancer is suffering from a Medulloblastoma, there are several different treatment options available. The first and most common treatment is an attempt to surgically remove the tumor - or as much as is possible.
Immediately following this type of surgery, the doctor will likely recommend radiation treatment that is craniospinal based and possibly even chemotherapy. In many instances, both radiation and chemotherapy are recommended. If brain cancer comes as a result of a Medulloblastoma, it is important to work closely with a doctor so that the obstacle may be overcome.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company INTRODUCING: The Power of Conversational Hypnosis To Awaken Your Own Magnetic, Irresistible Personality...To Attain Incredible Personal & Financial Success... And To Have Those Around You Practically *Begging* To Follow Your Commands... Don't wait. Don't think about it! Master the Secret of The Subconscious Mind! Download The Training Here: You will be amazed at the way it changes your world!
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An Introduction,

By Marilyn Broomer
Empathy and Cancer Survival Treatments
I have heard it told by some patients or by their surviving loved ones, that when a cancer patient is being treated in the hospital, there is a definite problem with Empathy! And in many cases it is when the cancer patient has had to be seen by many Doctors for various treatments over a period of a year or so. Some loved ones, now left behind, feel that their Mother, Wife, Husband, Children, etc. were somewhat more abused by the system and the Doctors and Surgeons. Is this right? Should there be a more human side to a Doctor, Specialist or Surgeon rather than the clinical side we see so often?
Should these Doctors and Specialists also Hospital Staff have to be educated on Empathy or is it left out of their curriculum?A lot of questions here that need a response. Don't Doctors and Hospital Staff realize that Empathy can serve a patient even if it gives them a more positive outlook on their state of health at any time through their course of treatments. Non existent empathy on the part of a Doctor or Health Care Provider only causes negative feelings as a fundamental cause of illness.
Don't get me wrong now, there are excellent Doctors and Health Care Providers out there, and when the patient feels the Doctor or Provider is totally interested in their recovery, this creates an atmosphere of good positive feelings for both the patient and their loved ones. This is really what I am speaking about! Humans need is like nurturing a patient back to health even in the case of a patient perhaps having a more terminal state of illness. So could this not be taught alongside of all their other studies, because there are some great Doctors out there, but they do not have what is called proper "bedside manners" which is so important to the well being of patients.
A case in point...After a man I read about who had a very sick wife with cancer, which was found because she had succumbed to jaundice, rushed to his Doctor, who immediately requested the proper tests. At that time they just stated it was bacterial or viral in nature. 2 months later they decided to do an MRI with dye - and it then was suggested that she had bile duct cancer. Following surgery a couple of months later he was informed that they removed pancreatic tumor but that it destroyed the bile duct, and that she was a candidate for chemo, but following 6 months of chemo it was immediately stopped because it was ineffective! The oncologist then said there was nothing more they could do but have her admitted to palliative care, and immediately left the room, without giving any time for questions or any type of positive outcomes, not even the time for questions to address fears. He relates it was like a clinical death sentence! Just think about this if it happened to one of your loved ones!
On the other hand this woman's GP's (General Practitioners) were very empathetic to the patient and took the time to address fears and took the time to offer emotional and clinical support, answer fears and offered ways to focus on the quality of life for both his wife and himself.
You really have to wonder why the oncologists or surgeons, just do not have the empathy that a General Practitioner can have, Do you think that once their business is done, they just carry on with the next case? In this case it really speaks to that with a Universal insensitivity to humanity.
Could it be the existence of a Universal Health Care System, that breeds a high frequency of universal insensitivity? This is truly something to think about! And, something that the Universities need to address in their curriculum. We all want empathy at certain times in our lives, we need it and our minds feed on this, being positive in times of adversity can prolong life and lead to much happier outcomes for both the patient and loved ones.
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By Anne Ahira
In evaluating the various types of brain cancers, you will find that glioblastoma multiforme is considered to be the absolute most malignant. This type of tumor is considered to be an Astrocytoma based tumor. Glioblastoma multiforme is a type of tumor that has been found to develop in the brain. It is often referred to as GBM for short.
While considered to be one of the most common of all brain tumors that are part of brain cancer, it is also considered to be one of the most aggressive. These tumors are known to affect all age groups, but seem to be most prevalent in those that exceed fifty years of age. In this brain cancer, you will learn valuable information pertaining to this glioblastoma multiforme.
Common Symptoms
There are many symptoms that may be associated with a glioblastoma multiforme tumor. The symptoms are most often dependent upon the exact location of the tumor, the overall size of the abnormal growth, and the rate in which the tumor grows. In many instances, the tumor will grow relatively large prior to the sufferer noticing any types of symptoms.
Glioblastoma multiforme tumors are quite dangerous in this aspect. This is mostly due to the fact that by the time the tumor has grown to an immense size, the cancer cells have likely already spread throughout various regions of the brain. The following represent symptoms that are commonly seen in patients that have this type of tumor:
• Many experience complications with motor functions - especially in walking.
• There are some individuals that may find that they experience challenges when it comes to speaking.
• Many individuals experience mild to severe bouts of dizziness.
• It is common for many to experience vomiting.
• Problems that are associated with the vision are quite common. One of the most common issues includes double vision.
• Many will suffer from headaches that are often described as "dull" and are hard to achieve relief from.
• Seizures may occur unexpectedly when it comes to those that are suffering from glioblastoma multiforme based tumors.
Diagnosing Glioblastoma Multiforme Tumors
There are many diagnostic tools that are used to diagnose whether or not an individual suffers from a glioblastoma multiforme tumor. If a doctor identifies the fact that a patient is suffering from a form of mental dysfunction, they will typically refer the patient to a neurologist for a complete examination.
In addition to this, if a patient is found to suffer from headaches, starts to experience seizures, or if there is a suspicion that there is any degree of inflammation around the brain, they will be sent for a neurological examination to confirm whether or not they are suffering from brain cancer. The diagnostic tools that are used to evaluate a patient include the following:
• Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan
• Computed Tomography
• An X-Ray
• Cerebral Angiography
• Vision Exams
• Hearing Exams
• Brain Fluid Exam
• General Physical
If you are exhibiting the symptoms of a glioblastoma multiforme tumor, it is important to ensure that you make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible. Despite the fact that this is a serious form of brain cancer, there are treatments that may prove to be productive to stopping or slowing the overall progression of the illness.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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By Anne Ahira
There are many different types of brain tumors. Doctors use a method that is referred to as "Classification". This is nothing more than grouping the many different types of brain tumors according to the characteristics that they possess. Naturally, each of the tumors that affect the brain are issued a specific names.
Medical professionals and scientists use this particular classification system so that they may gather statistical data, uncover the underlying cause of the development of the various tumors that develop in the brain, and determine the treatment strategy for the tumors. Additionally, many may make a prognosis based on the information that they obtain from their studies. In this medical guide, you will learn about the most common types of brain tumors.
Acoustic Neuroma
Acoustic Neuroma is a tumor that directly impacts the nerve that assists in hearing. Medical professionals refer to this as the "8th Cranial Nerve". This is considered to be a slow growing brain tumor that is typically identified in the region of the brain that is referred to as the cerebellum as well as the area that is referred to as the pons.
The pons are located in the area of the brain that is referred to as the posterior fossa. When it comes to statistical data, it has been established that this type accounts for approximately 9% of all that are diagnosed. If an individual has this type of brain tumor, they are likely to experience symptoms such as a loss of hearing, dizziness, paralysis in the face area, and even loss of sensation or feeling in the face.
CNS Lymphoma
Individuals that have immune systems that are in a state of malfunction may develop a CNS lymphoma brain tumor. However, individuals that have properly function immune systems have been found to suffer from these types of tumors as well. Typically, these tumors will invade the cerebral hemispheres.
If an individual is suffering from this type of brain tumor, they are likely to experience symptoms such as memory loss, weakness that occurs on at least one side of the body, become easily confused, fatigue, and even seizures. Surgery to remove the tumor, radiation therapy, and even chemotherapy are considered to be appropriate treatments for those suffering from these types of abnormal growths.
Glioblastoma Multiforme
When it comes to difficult tumors, the glioblastoma multiforme or GBM is considered to be the one. This type of brain tumor is also considered to be one of the most dangerous in that it has such a high level of malignancy. Statistically, this particular brain tumor is considered to be the most common among adults that are considered to be middle-aged.
This tumor accounts for 30% of all cases. There are tumors that are considered to be a mix of many different cells. When researching this particular tumor, medical professionals have established that it has the absolute highest level of mixture. It is referred to as being "Heterogeneous" for this reason.
If you have been diagnosed with a brain tumor, it is important to learn as much as you possibly can about it. Here, you have been introduced to the most common types of brain tumors. There are many, many more types.
You should focus on the cause of the tumor, how quickly it spreads, the area of the brain that it affects, the symptoms that you may experience, the treatment for the tumor as well as the prognosis. If you have any questions, be certain to direct them to a medical professional.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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Brain Tumors,
The Most Common,
Types of Brain Tumors
By Anne Ahira
Brain cancer is a serious medical condition that is often referred to by medical professionals as "Meningioma" and also as "Glioma". When an individual has this type of cancer, it means that there are abnormal cells growing in and/or around the brain. This form of cancer may develop from the brain cells that are considered to be primary, but it could develop from cells that are specific to certain locations in and around the brain.
These regions include the membranes and even the small blood vessels within or around the brain. There are types of cancer that result from cells that spread from other regions in the body - such as organs. In this brain health guide, you will learn about details pertaining to brain cancer.
What is a Brain Tumor?
When an individual has brain cancer, it indicates that they also have a brain tumor. The abnormal cell growth that indicates brain cancer is referred to as a tumor. Tumors, while abnormal, are not always cancerous. Those that are simple growths and are not cancerous are identified as "Benign". Tumors that are found to possess cells that are cancerous are identified as "Malignant".
If these tumors are identified in the brain or the area surrounding the brain, they are considered to be quite serious and even have the potential to be life-threatening. This is mostly due to the fact that the cancer contained within these tumors has the capability of spreading in a rapid fashion. Tumors are further identified as "Primary" and "Secondary" among medical professionals.
The Cause
There are many theories on why brain cancer develops, but there is no one specific cause that has been identified. Scientists and medical researchers are still conducting tests and researching the onset of brain cancer in order to better understand it.
The tumors that are identified as "Primary" are believed to be a result of abnormal cell growth in the actual tissues of the brain, while the "Secondary" tumors appear to result from abnormal cell growths from other locations of the body and then travel through the bloodstream until they reach the brain. The other theories surrounding the development of brain cancer identify the following as risk factors:
• Many seem to have a genetic predisposition towards developing brain cancer when someone in the family had the condition in the past.
• Certain individuals are at a higher risk for developing this condition due to the fact that they work in certain professions, such as those that are professional embalmers and those that work in refineries for oil production.
• Radiation exposure or overexposure may result in brain cancer.
• Smoking has been established as a common risk factor of developing this form of cancer.
• There are many theories that are considered a bit unusual, yet are being investigated to determine if they result in brain cancer. These theories include the use of sweeteners that are artificial, cell phone use, consistent computer exposure, head traumas, and even consuming foods that are processed and/or heated in a microwave.
If you are concerned that you or a loved has this cancer, it is important to make an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible. Many cases of brain cancer may be resolved immediately if they are caught early enough. Even if there is no way to treat the cancer, there are treatments that will soothe the symptoms associated with cancer.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company
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Brain Cancer

By Andy Kahn
Cancer and gambling are in a way related. No. Don't get it wrong you do not have a higher or lower chance of contracting cancer if you indulge in any type of gambling. But there is a subtle similarity between the game of chance and chance of cancer. In the case of gambling or in any game of chance luck plays a major part in determining who gets to win and who does not. Of course skill and logical analysis can have some minimal impact in the outcome of any game of chance but it is almost always sheer luck that plays a main role. Similarly luck plays a major role in determining who gets cancer and who does not in a good number of cases. The influence of luck when it comes to cancer is commonly ignored; yet it is important for the individual. How is that two animals of identical genetic constitution that have been treated in the same way do not, in general, develop cancer in the same place at precisely the same age is always a mystery.
There are chain smokers who smoke several packets of cigarettes till the ripe old age of 80 and still do not seem to be affected by lung cancer. In fact one of the oldest persons in Cuba who is aged 110 years says that the secret of his longevity are best quality Cuban cigars. While someone in his early twenties who had recently taken to smoking may be diagnosed with lung cancer. Out of two twin sisters with similar genetic predisposition to breast cancer only one may ever develop it and the other may live a healthy life till the end.
It all reflects the element of chance that determines whether a particular series of events all occur in one particular stem cell out of the many thousands of stem cells that exist that don't give rise to a malignant tumor. For any one individual the role of good or bad luck in determining the occurrence of cancer may be large just as luck plays a substantial part in whether or not an individual driver has a traffic incident. But overall the element of chance when it comes to overall population is found to be low. Luck has little net effect on the incidence of cancer on the large population and only nature and nurture are important. Assume that a group of people are crossing a land mine infested war zone without any demining or preventive steps. There is a very high chance that most of them would be affected by mine blast. But still there may be some individuals who may escape. So while a good number of cancer cases are out of sheer luck a major portion of cancer cases are definitely due the level and duration of the exposure to carcinogens and the nutrition. Leaving it to chance and luck to ward off cancer while exposing oneself to carcinogens and not taking proper nutrition to build immunity is like walking in the cancer minefield.
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Cancer And The Game Of Chance,
Cancer Risk Assessment
By Anne Ahira
The oligodendroglioma is a rare tumor that develops in the brain. It is created by the cells that are located in the connective tissue that surround the nerve cells of the brain. The symptoms that the patient experiences are heavily dependent upon the location of the tumor itself.
While more common among the adult population, these cells have been found in children as well. The oligodendroglioma tumor is considered to be one that grows at an extremely slow rate. In the United States population, this type of tumor accounts for approximately 3% of all tumor diagnoses. It has been established that males are more prone to this type of condition than females.
Symptoms of the Oligodendroglioma Tumor
Individuals that experience the oligodendroglioma tumor may endure a multitude of symptoms. The symptoms that are experienced are heavily dependent upon the exact location and general size of the tumor. In most instances, the following symptoms are identified in patients suffering from this condition:
• Many individuals will start to experience headaches. In most cases, as the tumor progresses in size, the headaches will progress in severity.
• Many individuals may experience behavioral based changes. These changes may include a marked personality change, high levels of irritability, depression, and even aggression.
• In some cases where an oligodendroglioma tumor is present, cognitive challenges occur. These challenges may include problems with concentration, complications with memory, and similar issues.
• There are many cases where sufferers of this type of brain tumor will experience motor function complications. Examples include experiencing weakness and paralysis in the body, challenges with walking, issues with speaking, and similar types of issues.
• Many may start to have mild to severe seizures that come as a direct result of the tumor that is growing in, on, or around the brain.
• Problems with the bowels and even the bladder may be experienced when an individual suffers from this type of tumor.
There are many treatments that may be necessary to relieve an individual of the symptoms that they experience with this tumor type. Medical professionals typically determine the course of treatment by the grade that is associated with the tumor itself. For those with only a mild tumor with minimal symptoms, a surgery may be considered.
Typically, the individual will be monitored after the surgery to determine if the tumor returns or makes an attempt to return and spread. For those that suffer from more serious complications as a result of their tumor, radiation may be required in order to ensure that the tumor does not return. Many individuals may also have to undergo chemotherapy sessions as a course of treatment after having a surgery for this type of tumor.
Author: Anne Ahira, CEO of Asian Brain Company INTRODUCING: The Power of Conversational Hypnosis To Awaken Your Own Magnetic, Irresistible Personality...To Attain Incredible Personal & Financial Success... And To Have Those Around You Practically *Begging* To Follow Your Commands... Don't wait. Don't think about it! Master the Secret of The Subconscious Mind! Download The Training Here: You will be amazed at the way it changes your world!
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The Oligodendroglioma Brain Tumor
By Joel Dreher
Brain cancer can be difficult for someone to recognize because the symptoms all seem like things that could be caused by something else. However, there are some common symptoms of brain cancer that may be cause for concern. If someone notices any of these symptoms persisting, they should contact a doctor and get tested for any potential problems.
The symptoms can be caused by a couple of different issues. One common reason is if someone has a tumor in the brain that is pressing against it and prohibiting normal function. Another cause of brain cancer symptoms is if the brain becomes swollen or inflamed.
There are some common symptoms that can be found in most people who are afflicted with the disease. Constant headaches and weakness may be a sign of an issue pertaining to the brain. Another sign of a problem is if someone suddenly becomes very clumsy or has difficulty walking for no apparent reason. This is something to watch for as people tend to laugh this symptom off as a momentary lapse of balance, but it definitely cause for concern if it is happening on a regular basis.
There are also symptoms that are more vague and that people may not immediately associate with brain cancer. Some of the nonspecific physical symptoms of brain cancer include abnormalities in vision and difficulty with speech as well as unexplained, persistent vomiting that tends to occur in the morning. A less obvious sign that does not have physical repercussions is a change in emotional or mental capacity.
It is very easy to mistake some of the symptoms for indicators of other health complications. However, detecting a serious illness like this must be done early in order to give the patient the care that they need. If someone notices any of these symptoms persisting, they should make an appointment with their doctor as soon as possible to find out if they are showing signs of cancer or something else.
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Brain Cancer,
By Md Sumon
There are many dangerous diseases in the world. Such as Aids, Blood Cancer, Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer etc. Brain Tumor is one of them. It is a vital disease for human brain. It can be either malignant or benign kind of its type. It is an irregular and uncontrolled activity of a brain cell that usual occurs into the brain, even metastasize, cranial nerves, and pineal glands brain covers in other organs.
A Client who will feel medical care for brain tumor generally takes steroids and drugs to alleviate the edema and pain. Anticonvulsant medication is regularly given to clients for avoid convulsion. The cerebrospinal fluid has to be drained applying a shunt if clients are suffering from hydrocephalus.
The brain tumor treatment generally includes chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy. However, the treatment will change dependent on various factors include such as tumor's type, size, location, age of a client and overall health situation. The treatment process and the program for children and adults usually vary.
There are many treatment processes for brain tumor in the world. Radiation oncology is the best treatment process for brain tumor. A damage brain cell is being stopped from rising by the treat of radiation. This method is generally used after surgery in which there are still remaining cancer cells that were not able to eliminate during surgery. A client generally thinks for this method when it is impossible already to have an operation done.
There are two processes in providing radiation therapy. First process is implanting radiation therapy and second process is external radiation therapy. Implant radiation therapies in which radioactive substance are put straight to the infected area. This radioactive substance may be permanent or temporary dependent on substance used. For second process, large machine is used.
Operation is the general method for brain tumor treatment. A neurosurgeon can operation this tumor. Surgeon can also remove damage brain cell from brain by skull opening. This method name is the craniotomy.
When the surgeon cannot remove cancer cells into the brain by use radiation therapy or operation that time third process is used for the client. The third process is chemotherapy. A physician uses multiple drugs or a single drug for this method. The drug is given to the client by injected or orally in the blood streams or muscle. This method name is intrathecal chemotherapy.
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A Brain Tumor,
Treatment Process

By Dr Jim Roberts
Once a patient is diagnosed with cancer, the next question he or she usually asks is the survival rate. The occurrence of the abnormal cells which causes a problem in the body poses serious threat to a person. Many lives are claimed by cancer each year and cancer is definitely not something to be taken lightly.
The survival rate of a person diagnosed with cancer depends on the stage it was diagnosed as well as the treatments administered. For those who had their cancer diagnosed at an early stage, their chance of survival is definitely higher. This is because the cancer cells found in their body are still low in number or has not made too much damage yet. Oftentimes, the cancer cells that have formed a tumor are surgically removed and followed by chemotherapy to ensure that no cancer cells will affect other parts of the body.
On the other hand, the survival rate of a person whose cancer has been diagnosed at late stages can have lower chances of survival. When cancer has been diagnosed at advanced stages, it only means that it has already grown in number and in sizes. The chance that it has also metastasized is also high. It only means that the surrounding organs have been affected and there are also cancer cells damaging it. The rate of the spread is faster especially when the cancer cells are aggressive.
Secondary cancer survival rates may be lower than primary cancer. However, the key is still on choosing the right combination of cancer treatments that can be administered to the patient. The survival of the patient, whether on cancer-free years or just prolonging the life of a patient can approximately range from five years or less. These also vary depending on what kind part of the body has been affected.
The most important thing to consider is when it comes to the choice of treatments. Consider finding one for the affected area. The treatment will be more effective if the other affected parts are also targeted too. Though most cases involving secondary cancer are already difficult to treat, trying will at least improve the condition of the patient.
The options are between treatments offered by medicine and treatments offered by nature. It depends not only on the preference of the patient but also the physical and emotional state of the patient. It must work to help further spread of the cancer cells.
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By Anne Ahira
If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer, it is important to understand that medical professionals are typically able to provide an in-depth outlook on the situation. This is referred to as a brain cancer prognosis. This is basically the professional's opinion regarding the general course of the condition, as well as the outcome of the condition.
There are many factors that come into play when a doctor provides a prognosis. While it is true that the practice of medicine is a type of science and that it is impossible for any professional to accurately predict the course of a condition 100%, if a brain cancer prognosis is provided, it is typically accurate based on statistical information obtained from other patients.
Understanding the Concept of Prognosis
When a doctor provides a brain cancer prognosis to a patient, it is an opinion that they have established based on the facts pertaining to the individual case that is being dealt with. The opinion establishes whether or not the patient has the ability to fully recover from the condition.
In many instances, it establishes if a patient that is currently cancer free has the chance of a recurrence. In order for a medical professional to establish there are many factors that are heavily considered. These include the following:
• The individual making the brain cancer prognosis will first consider the type of cancer that the patient has. In considering this, they must also consider the size of the cancer as well as the general location of the cancer.
• The doctor that is working with the patient that has brain cancer will also need to consider the actual cancer and how fast it is spreading throughout the body.
• Most professionals will take the stage of the cancer that the patient has into consideration.
• Last, the doctor will examine how well the individual has responded to treatment. In doing this, they will typically evaluate the general health of the patient as well as other factors such as their age and any environmental effects.
The Benefits of a Brain Cancer Prognosis
While a brain cancer prognosis may be quite challenging to deal with, there are many benefits to acquiring one. The patient that receives this information may get a clear picture of exactly what the future has in store for them. Expectations are set as far as what will happen and how it will happen. Typically, cancer patients have many questions that they need to be answered. By acquiring a prognosis, many of these questions may be answered.
The patient and their loved ones may be able to gain a better understanding of the financial and emotional impact that the cancer may have on their lives, and will successfully be able to plan appropriately. In addition to this, a brain cancer prognosis will assist individuals in enhancing the overall quality of life that they may experience through treatments and lifestyle changes that are considered necessary.
About the Author: Anne Ahira is an established entrepreneur and successful coach in her country of Indonesia. Her success story has been published in many nationwide publications in Indonesia. Making a lucrative income online is a challenging endeavor, but by getting the *right* information, it is an endeavor that you can succeed at! If you want to LEARN how to make a LUCRATIVE income online from Professional Marketers you can TRUST, below is the *only* product Anne Ahira recommends:
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Brain Cancer Prognosis,
Facts Pertaining