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Burkitts Lymphoma

Burkitts lymphoma is an exceedingly rare type of cancer. Less than a thousand cases are diagnosed yearly in the United States of America.

However, in some other parts of the world where it is endemic, such as certain parts of central Africa, Burkitt's lymphoma is very common among children.

Burkitt's lymphoma is a Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) cancer that affects B lymphocyte cells. There are 3 distinct varieties of this disease:

-Immunodeficiency-related: This form of the condition occurs most often in HIV patients and similarly immunocompromised individuals such as recent transplant recipients. The condition may signal the onset of AIDS.

-Sporadic: This variant of the disease is found outside of the African continent. It is akin to endemic Burkitt's lymphoma and is associated with immune system compromise.

-Endemic: This form of the disease is the so-called "African" form and is responsible for the majority of malignant cases in central African children. This form of the disease may affect several areas but most often impacts the jaw, ovaries, breasts, kidneys, facial bone. The Epstein-Barr virus, which is the virus responsible for mononucleosis is closely associated with Burkitt's.

The symptoms of Burkitts lymphoma may include painless, swollen lymph nodes (this is characteristic of lymphomas in general), hardening and/or rapid growth of the lymph nodes. Pain in the abdomen is another possible sign.

This disease can be diagnosed by a variety of modes such as:
-X-ray of the chest
-Blood Count
-Spinal fluid analysis
-Lymph node and/or bone marrow biopsy
-CT and/or PET scan

Treatment of this disease usually involves intense chemotherapy. The earlier that chemotherapy is started, the better the outlook as this is a particularly aggressive form of cancer. However, some cancers which grow rapidly such as Burkitt's, respond more quickly to treatment. This can actually harm the patient through a process called tumor lysis syndrome, in which the body is subjected to the byproducts of the breakdown of cancer cells which may cause any of a host of serious complications such as severe electrolyte disruption and renal failure.

Combination chemotherapy may be supplemented with radiotherapy, dietary interventions, nootropics, supplements, exposure to natural sunlight (for vitamin D). Surgery is often indicated for the removal of tumors and a bone marrow transplant may be necessary in the case that the bone marrow is affected.

The prognosis of Burkitt's lymphoma depends upon the risk-factor of the patient. Caught early (low-risk or low/intermediate risk), combination chemotherapy which has produced survival rates in the 90% range. These figures decline significantly for higher risk cases; ~70% for high/intermediate risk and ~30% for high risk. The total 5 year survival rate for adults with Burkitts lymphoma is about 50 percent.

By Jonathyn David

Treatment Of Acute Myeloid Leukemia - Hanging On To Life

Acute myeloid leukemia is a heterogeneous cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This tumor occurs as a result of an over production of immature white blood cell which is called myeloblast.

The name of the disease is gotten from the blood cell produced in excess. The immature white blood cell produced gets into the bone marrow and it's over production hinders the production of the normal blood cells.

The main cause of the display of these symptoms is as a result of the loss of normal function of blood by these myelobast. Since they are immature and reduce the mature and proper functioning blood, their function as blood cells is greatly reduced. One of the functions of blood affected in acute myeloid leukemia is fighting against infection.

Patients with acute myeloid leukemia are easily infected due to reduced immunity against infection. Another very common symptom in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukemia is anemia. Anemia is as a result of reduced production of normal red blood cells and platelets. Anemia is usually severe with different levels of severity seen in different patients. Acute myeloid leukemia has other symptoms like being easily bruised and having swollen gum, bleeding of the nose, fever, skin pallor and even shortness of breath.

The treatment of acute myeloid leukemia in a newly diagnosed patient consist of chemotherapy ( the type of chemotherapy used is age dependent) aimed to quickly induce total remission, when this is achieved, further therapy is then aimed at cure of the disease (by eliminating any undetected residuals of the leukemic cells). Therefore the treatment process is divided into two stages.

The first stage is the stage of induction. The goal of this therapy is to get complete remission by reducing the quantity of the leukemic cells in the bone marrow and circulating blood to an undetectable level. The commonly used complete remission induction is a combined chemotherapy of cytarabine and anthracycline. Cytarabine is administered intravenously with dosage of 100 - 200mg/m2/day for one week. Anthracycline consists of daunorubicin is administered intravenously 45-60mg/m2 on day1, 2, and 3.

When induction therapy is completed, the bone marrow is examined. If blast cells are more than 5% with up to 20% cellular cells, induction therapy is performed again with dose similar to the first but cytarabine is given for 5 and antracycline 2 days. But after the second therapy if there is no positive result stem cell transplant is considered, though this is only possible in patient younger than 65 years.

The second stage is post remission or consolidation therapy, which is aimed at cure of patients with acute myeloid leukemia after the leukemic cells becomes undetectable. In this therapy treatment is based on the patient's condition, this therapy involves an additional intensive chemotherapy of 3 to 5 courses. Patients with high risk of cytogenetics are given allogeneic stem cell transplant. Patients who stem cell transplant is not suitable for, are treated with a combination therapy of histamine dihydrochloride (ceplene) and interleukin 2.

The treatment of acute myeloid leukemia has shown good prognosis in the time past especially if diagnosis is made early ant treatment is started immediately.

By Dave Morrison

Omega 3 and Cancer: Preventing the Big C and Help When You Are Treating It

2:53:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Talise Allan

For years, scientists have been researching the effects of supplements on cancer. One area they have focused a lot of attention is on fish and cancer, specifically as it pertains to breast and prostate cancer. In studies around the globe, the link between omega 3 and cancer is very clear.

Preventing Prostate and Breast Cancer
The most commonly-researched contributing factor to cancer seems to be diet. It's not surprising if you're confused about what's okay to eat and what isn't! We hear all the time to avoid soy, drink soy milk, eat soy tofu, steer clear of soy protein powder, eat red meat, avoid red meat... what to do?

One of the most-often studied contributors is fat, specifically dietary fat.

As research becomes more and more focused, it's clear that not all fat is the same. When researchers began studying fish oil fat (omega 3s, in the form of EPA and DHA), it became clear that this was in fact a superstar fat: not only does it not cause cancer, but in fact these poly-unsaturated fats can help to stop the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.

How does it work for breast cancer? Well, an excess of omega 6, the linoleic acid omega, can decrease the production of 2-hydroxyestrogens, which are anti-carcinogenic. Omega 3 and cancer don't get along, however, and supplementing women in test studies has proven that increasing omega 3s in their diets helped them produce more of these 2-hydroxyestrogens, keeping women's estrogen levels balanced and safe.

Similarly for prostate cancer, the defense mechanism seems to be strengthening your body's resistance cells by getting enough EPA and DHA omega 3.

Tracking These Results Around the Globe
Scientists have followed this phenomenon around the globe: turns out that places that used to have low incidences of these cancers, such as Japan, have rising incidences that can be attributed almost directly to a more 'western' diet: that is, a diet higher in omega 6s, that throws off the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 in our bodies.

Avoiding the Risk
How can you avoid getting too much of omega 6 in your diet? Avoid the following foods, which create free radicals in your body and lead to cellular damage:

* Safflower Oil
* Margarine
* Corn Oil
* Mayonnaise
* commercial baked goods, especially those with hydrogenated vegetable oil or shortening

By limiting your exposure to these foods, and increasing your intake of oily fish or fish oil, you can fortify your body against cancer.

The Latest Research

In addition to the latest research on omega 3 and cancer prevention, studies released just last week have found a definitive link between supplementing chemotherapy patients with this fatty acid and helping to prevent muscle loss and weight loss.

One of the most common side effects for chemotherapy patients is a loss of muscle mass and weight, and this can make them even more fatigued than the medications alone. This prolongs cancer recovery time.

By adding a regular fish oil supplement, patients were able to maintain or increase muscle mass and gave them a better chance at recovery in a timely manner.

Why don't we hear more about omega 3 and cancer? Simple. There's not much money in fish oil, and it can't be patented. Pharmaceutical companies are our main source of healthcare information these days because they have the budget to reach us and reach our doctors. Take some time to educate yourself about other treatments, though, like fish oil, and you'll see you're not helpless when it comes to preventing cancer.

Myeloid Leukemia Definitions, Classifications And Symptoms

Myeloid leukemia is a group of diseases whose characteristic changes are seen in the bone marrow and blood, where tumor cells infiltrate the blood system; sometimes these cells even spill into the circulating blood other tissues. The concept of myeloid leukemia is from the action of immature white blood cells being produced in excess and therefore inhibiting the production of the normal blood cells. These cells are called myeloid cells; they by their action in the blood disturb the function of the blood cells.

This leukemia has both tumors which are kept untreated to those that are diagnosed and treated immediately, ranging from rapid fatality to those which are slow in growing. Therefore on the basis of their treatment course they are divided into acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

AML is seen more in men than in women and more prevalent in people older than 65 than in people of younger age. CML is also greater in men than in women but its incidence always increase slowing and the people's age increases and gets to the peak of occurrence in mid forties from where there is rapid rise in CML occurrence. Anyway the incidence of CML decreased slightly in the past two decades.

The etiology of myeloid leukemia is depended on the type, AML is related with risk factors such as hereditary (other resident blood disease in the family history; DIC) exposure to occupational chemicals, intense exposure to radiation which may be as a result of therapeutic reasons and even some drugs, but there is nothing relating the cause of ML to viral infection in any way.

While the etiology of chronic myeloid leukemia has no distinct relation with cytotoxic drug effect and there is also no evidence connecting it with any viral infection, but cigarette smoking by studies has shown to increase its progress into severe crisis, therefore living with Chronic myeloid leukemia and smoking becomes dangerous. Only large dosage of radiation has any adverse effect for CML formation.

The symptoms of ML are also depending on the type, whether it is AML or CML. For AML patients are presented with some nonspecific symptoms which begin either slowly or abruptly and the symptoms are leucopenia or leucocytosis, thrombocytopenia. These symptoms are usually due to anemia in such patients. Other symptoms of are fatigue, anorexia and weight loss and easily getting bruised with excessive bleeding.

While in CML the symptoms are at first insidious therefore it is difficult to diagnose a patient based but symptoms, such patients are usually diagnosed during normal medical checkup, or others come to the hospital with complaints fatigue, weight loss, symptoms relating to splenomegaly such as early satisfaction during eating, left upper quadrant pain, infections, thrombosis or sometimes bleeding.

When chronic myeloid leukemia progresses symptoms worsened with bone and joint pain, significant loss of weight which will require increasing the dose of the drugs used for treatment. Chemotherapy is used as treatment of myeloid leukemia but when this fails bone transplant is done.

By Dave Morrison

What Is Lymphatic Cancer (Lymphoma) and Its Treatment Effects?

Lymphoma is the cancer of lymph nodes. Like all cancers, it is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the vicinity of lymph nodes. Lymph nodes can be viewed as stopping points of lymphatic system. Lymphatic system basically carries fighting soldiers to whatever areas of your body whenever the body area is invaded or requires help to fight foreign intruders. The lymphatic system is a network of 'highways' starting from below the chin to the back of the neck, to underneath the armpits and then to the groin area and connects to the spinal cord.

Lymphoma develops as lumps at the node areas, typically behind the neck, armpits and groin areas. Not all lymphomas grow in detectable areas. Once a lump develops careful monitoring is required. Whenever a lump occurs, it can be caused by

1) viral infection, which can be easily cured by a course of antibiotics and usually last only a week or two,
2) Tuberculosis, which detected at early stages can easily be cured, and which will require more specialized medical care and treatment,
3) Cancer, which can only be confirmed by a biopsy. If there are several lumps that have been growing for some time, it is vital to get the lumps checked out by a Hematologist. Hematologists are specialized doctors dealing with blood disorders. Lymphoma is considered as a blood disorder. For other types of cancer, one would go to an oncologist.

Other noticeable signs are cold sweats at night, lost of appetite, drastic weight loss and lethargy. Sometimes these signs do not appear as in my case except for the lumps on base of the neck.
Like many other cancers, lymphomas are quite complicated and have different types and subtypes but generally lymphoma can be divided into two broad categories, namely Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins. Hodgkins lymphoma is much more curable and the prognosis is very good.

Conventional treatment applies for Lymphoma - surgery and radiation - if the cancer is fairly isolated typically only in stage 1 (more on staging later). Chemotherapy followed by radiation for cancer that is not so widespread in the body. If the cancer is in a fairly advanced stage as in stage 3 and 4, then a full course of Chemotherapy treatment is required, as was in my case.

Staging in lymphoma is different from other types of cancer. Stage 1 is cancer found on one part in one section of the body either above or below the diaphragm. If the cancer has appeared in more than one place on same side of the diaphragm, then it has gone to stage 2. Stage 3 means the cancer has spread to the abdomen and groin areas above and below the diaphragm. Stage 4 means that the cancer has been detected in the bone marrow. Stage 3 is already considered advanced stage.

Once a biopsy has confirmed that a tumour is cancerous, a CT scan is usually performed to stage the cancer. In lymphomas, a bone marrow tap is usually done to check if the bone marrow carries the cancer as well. CT scans are also performed at regular intervals during Chemotherapy to determine the treatment's efficacy. If the current treatment is not effective, doctors will switch to another Chemotherapy regimen. At the end of the treatment, a final CT scan and PET scan are conducted to confirm absence of cancerous cells. The words "No cancerous cells detected" are the sweetest words one can ask for.

Chemotherapy treatment can last between six to eight months and a month more to recuperate from the onslaught of Chemotherapy. Most people will give up work to focus on the treatment. As in my case, Chemotherapy was once every two weeks. The first week immediately after Chemotherapy is the worst.

Most of the time, I was too weak to keep awake. As time passed, strength returned and by the second week, I could manage a short walk. After that the whole process starts all over again.
Towards the end of the Chemotherapy, the body would have been pretty badly savaged by the Chemo poison. One often lands up feeling very different after Chemotherapy, and it takes months to get back toany normalcy. The speed of recovery from Chemotherapy really depends on one's physical and mental strength.

Chemotherapy, as it is often called - "It is a marathon"

Th Ong has fought cancer and won. He shares his story and his research to prevent cancer in the first place. He gives his book OnTopOfCancer for Free on the internet at

By Teonghooi Ong

Symptoms of Leukemia: Spotting Them Before It's Too Late

Leukemia is a type of cancer that is very common nowadays. It does not choose who it attacks: men, women, children, adults, Caucasian, African-American, Asian, Hispanic - we are all at risk. According to the latest survey conducted, almost 44,000 people will be diagnosed with leukemia by 2010. It is now 2011. However, with developments that we have had in the aspect of health and medicine, the outcome of leukemia is looking bright. There is now a significant increase in the survival rate - a little over 50 per cent. That might not be a very big number for you, but compared to the 1970s when they only had a 14 per cent chance of survival, 50 per cent is almost like being disease-free. Won't you agree?

Surviving leukemia would largely depend on the severity of the disease by the time it gets diagnosed. As you could deduce, an earlier diagnosis of leukemia would give a better prognosis as compared to a late detection. Knowing which symptoms to look out for would be a great help in getting the earliest treatment possible. The following would be the most common symptoms of leukemia:

• Fever and recurrent infections. The reason behind this is that in leukemia, you do not have mature white blood cells to combat foreign bodies. You do not have a good defense system to protect you from invading viruses.

• Fatigue. Leukemia is a condition where there is a massive production of abnormal white blood cells. These cells would take up a lot of space, thus impeding the production of other types of cells. Since the production of red blood cells is decreased in the process, oxygen delivery to your various systems would also be decreased. This is what's causing fatigue.

• Bleeding and/or easy bruising. Bleeding, when associated with cancer, is painless. The same goes with bruising. A normal bruise would be tender when touched. Bruising, as related to leukemia, does not have any pain at all. Platelets, the ones responsible for clotting, are decreased in leukemia. This causes the bleeding and the bruising.

• Petechiae. They are tiny, rash-like spots found on the skin. Unlike rashes, though, petechiae are not itchy. This is caused by the rupture of capillaries and a decrease in platelet count.

• Pain. All types of cancer have pain. In the case of leukemia, it is bone or joint pain. This should not be confused with symptoms of bone cancer, though. The pain in bone cancer is caused by the compression of nerves due to tumor growth. In leukemia, the pain is caused by the overcrowding of blood cells in the bone marrow.

There are many other symptoms of leukemia, but the aforementioned would be the most common of the lot. If you experience any of those mentioned above, consult with your doctor immediately. If you get treatment early in the disease, there is a chance that the cancer cells might be eradicated and you would be one of the few survivors who would live to tell your story about battling with death.

By Danica Susan

Cancer Cures?

2:52:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Sybille Jones

There are many treatments that claim to cure cancer. Maybe they do; maybe they don't. You have to be the one to decide.

Listed are some of those unusual protocols that just may help in your quest for better health and perhaps a cure.

* Cancer Diet: Going strictly vegetarian or eating very little meat has met with some claimed cure. Alcohol, sugar, coffee, processed foods and junk foods are eliminated as they have a tendency to produce more acid in the body. You will want to aim for a more alkaline state with a reading of seven. That is the physical aspect needing care. Along with that comes the need to address any emotional issues as that will also be a part of the healing process.
* Budwig Diet: Eating the right fats with sulfuric proteins is a means of getting more oxygen into cancer cells thus dealing them the death blow. This is done with cold pressed flaxseed oil along with cottage cheese and lots of sun. No doubt for the Vitamin D effect. An herbal remedy also included is drinking Essiac tea which is highly recommended by holistic healers.
* Cesium Chloride: This therapy should be done using a professional as your potassium level will need to be constantly monitored. Alkalinity is created within the body, which allows the cancer cells to be weakened, promoting additional oxygen throughout the cells.
* Apricot Kernels: These kernels are a source of Laetril, which has since been banned. Apricot kernels can be ordered through the use of the Internet and are relatively inexpensive.
* Bicarbonate of Soda: Using baking soda along with "sugar water" IV may trick the cancer cells into accepting the soda. The body becomes alkaline very rapidly. Some have tried to take baking soda with molasses as a means of a cancer cure.
* Gerson Therapy: This method involves slow speed juicing and coffee enemas to cleanse the liver. Hoxsey Bio-Medical Clinic uses this treatment along with healing herbs.
* Ozone Therapy: This is usually done at a clinic, especially when lung cancer is involved. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is legal but should be used with caution. This therapy is a way of applying oxygen to the cancer cells to destroy them.

No matter what treatment therapy you choose, your decision should be made after thorough research, which should include heart-to-heart talks with medical professionals, since their recommendations can be invaluable and even life saving.

What Are Some Of The Blood Cancer Types?

Unfortunately, there are many people who get cancer each year and have to deal with these types of illnesses. One type of cancer is blood cancer. Many people wonder what are some of the blood cancer types that people become sick with. Find out what some of the blood cancer types are.

One of the first common types of blood cancer is Leukemia. This unfortunately targets parts of your body that help you form your blood. There are a variety of types of Leukemia but all of them hurt your ability to produce healthy white blood cells. Because people with Leukemia lack white blood cells, typically the complications come from an inability to fight infection versus the cancer itself. Unfortunately, this is one of the more common cancers in children.

Lymphoma is another type of cancer that people get. This is a cancer of the lymph system which sometimes is referred to as Hodgkin's lymphoma or Hodgkin's disease. What happens is that the cells within the lymphatic system start to not form correctly. Eventually it's difficult to fight infections making the person very sick. There are also forms of lymphoma that are called non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which effects the while blood cells instead.

A third type of cancer is Multiple Myeloma. This type of cancer is very dangerous simply because it will effect the plasma cells in the blood. Generally the signs of this type of cancer is difficult to spot until someone has already had some serious infections because the body can't fight them off too well.

You need to be aware that there are multiple versions of each type of these cancers. Some are acute as they appear and harm the body quickly while others will not be so severe and gradually build up unless dealt with. If you need more information on a specific type of cancer, you can talk to your doctor getting all the information you need about a very specific type of cancer.

No matter what, the best advice we can give you is to start treating your cancer as soon as possible. The more time you give the cancer in your blood to evolve, the harder it will be to get rid of it in the end. Blood cancer is not a terminal disease per say, but if you do not start treating it immediately, it may very well be!
We wish you the best of luck with treating the cancer in your blood or avoiding same.

By Halfdan Timm

How to Diagnose and Treat Lymphoma Cancer?

The lymph system is a tubular structure branching out to all the parts of the body and is vital to fight infections. Lymph is a colorless fluid that contains white blood cells (lymphocytes) and is carried by the lymph system.

There are various types of lymphoma cancers and hence, answering a question, how to diagnose and treat lymphoma is a great challenge. The most common type of lymphoma and the term that is used interchangeably is Hodgkins disease and the rest of the types are known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.


Although, there are several symptoms of lymphoma cancer, but they may be similar to any other illness, making it difficult to suspect the diagnosis of lymphoma.

Some symptoms are:

    * Swelling of the lymph nodes
    * Fatigue feeling
    * Weight loss
    * Recurrent fever
    * Night sweats

Once a patient experiences symptoms, he/she may consult a physician, who may carry out the diagnostic procedure to confirm the disease. The diagnosis will be based upon:

    * Thorough physical examination of the patient
    * Inquiry about the complete personal and family history
    * Physically examining the lymph nodes for any abnormalities present
    * Biopsy test to confirm about the malignancy present in the lymph nodes
    * Chest x-ray to verify any enlargement of the lymph nodes in the chest
    * Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) or Computer Tomography (CT) scan
    * Ultrasound examination

After the diagnosis is done and the lymphoma cancer is confirmed, then the patient may further undergo a few tests to detect the exact stage of the disease.

Cancer Treatment:

    * Radiation Therapy - Powerful x-rays or any such radiations may be used to treat the lymphoma cancer. The radiations are directed to kill the abnormal cancerous cells either by internal or external radiation therapy. However, pregnant women are not eligible for radiation therapy until delivery.

    * Chemotherapy - This therapy uses anti-cancer drugs to destroy the malignant cells in the lymph system. The therapy may be administered through mouth, intravenously or placing directly into the cerebrospinal fluid. Although, chemotherapy may be observed in pregnant women, close watch is required to see any danger to the fetus.

    * Vaccine Therapy - This is a new treatment technique used to treat lymphoma. This technique aims at strengthening body's immunity to fight the cancerous cells. The medications used are directed to restore the immune system and boost its defense against the malignancies.

    * High-dose chemotherapy in combination with stem cell transplant is another treatment option lately being considered. The technique is to replace the destroyed blood-forming stem cells in the patient with the donor stem cells.

Lymphoma cancer is type of cancer that affects the lymph system of the body. There are around 35 and more types of this cancer. Hence, how to diagnose and treat lymphoma cancer is a challenge for medical professionals. Like any other cancer, early detection and prompt treatment are vital.

By Alina Kapur

Cancer Rates Observed To Be On The Rise

By Eric Cambridge

Cancer is one of the most common health conditions that affects our entire country. There are many different types of cancer that exist however there are some that are more common than others. One of the most common types is lung cancer. The actual cause of this condition may vary but there is general consensus that smoking is the leading cause of such a health condition. When one is actually diagnosed with this their next step is to visit with their physician in order to determine the right way of trying to treat or control the condition. One of the methods that has been prescribed as of late by physicians is the use of a nebulizer. A nebulizer is a medical device that is used to deliver respiratory medication in vapor form for easy absorption by the body.

Nebulizer devices have been around for decades but as of late they have changed quite significantly. The modern nebulizer devices are completely portable and can be taken wherever that the person desires to go. So for example, if a person is suffering from a respiratory condition they can actually take their device with them while they are traveling in order to take their prescription medication in vapor form. Physicians have been recommending using such a device for lung cancer because of the fact that it allows for quick absorption by the body when it is breathed rather than ingested through a typical way of taking medication. The actual medication that should be taken or the treatments that should be administered with the use of the device really depends on the doctor who is helping the patient with their condition.

In either case, the use by the actual patient is not only painless but also very fast and effective. It only takes a few minutes until the prescription is ready to be taken via mist form. Time is a very important aspect because for many of the health conditions that are out there there does exist a lot of pain and rather severe symptoms. As a result, the ability to administer the medicine whereby it can go to work rather quickly is quite necessary and does in fact add to the overall treatment effectiveness. As the actual pharmaceuticals evolve and change in order to better treat those living with this health concern, the device can accommodate them all as in the end the ability to deliver them in mist form is very much in demand.

Who Is at Risk of Developing Colon Cancer?

When pondering the top culprits that contribute to the most deaths occurring from cancer, rarely does one consider the colon. Though in all actuality colorectal cancer is the third most common cause of cancer related deaths in the United States with nearly 50,000 per year. This is a staggering number but, fortunately, it has decreased dramatically over the years (2002 had almost 150,000 deaths due to colorectal cancer), and with public awareness and early screening chances of survival are encouraging.

Who is at risk of developing colon cancer and what can help to prevent it?

Although colon cancer can strike anyone, there are certain ethnic groups, genetic factors, and lifestyle behaviors that do increase one's risk for colon cancer. Some of them can be prevented, and some can't, but what is important is being educated and open with your doctor to keep your risk as low as possible.

African Americans have the highest incidence of colorectal cancer in the United States. Jews of Eastern European decent have the highest frequency of colorectal cancer in the world. The reason for this is unknown.

Since 9 out of 10 people who develop cancer-causing polyps do so after the age of 50, this is current recommended age to have a first colonoscopy. There is a certain genetic condition, which predisposes a person to excessive polyps and an extremely high risk for cancer. These individuals should begin being screened at puberty.

If you have had a previous screening, which was positive for polyps, then you should be screened more often. Your Gastroenterologist will determine how often this should be done. Individuals who suffer from IBD can have an increased risk of developing abnormal cells in the tissue of the colon. These abnormal cells can lead to a higher risk of cancer.

Statistics show that incidents are higher if a first-degree family member has had colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps, but studies fail to show whether this is a genetic link, or possible similarities in lifestyle and environmental factors.

A number of health issues and lifestyle choices have been strongly linked to one's risk of colorectal cancer. Certain comorbidities, such as diabetes, have been linked to colorectal cancer, as well as, lifestyle choices that can be controlled, some being:

    * Smoking
    * Heavy alcohol use
    * Diets high in saturated fats
    * Inactivity/lack of physical activity

It is important to let your doctor know if you have any symptoms that could indicate a problem, such as, blood in the stool, changes in your usual bowel movements, or any sudden weight loss. These are just some of the risk factors associated with colorectal cancer. Some can be controlled, while others must be monitored. Either way it is important to follow what guidelines your doctor recommends. Although colorectal is one of the most common cancers, it is also one of the easiest to prevent and, when caught soon enough, treat.

By Jill Rickerson

Anal Cancer and Kerry's Story: Beware of HPV

Kerry was a 42-year old female executive who was in excellent health. She was married but had no children and had never been pregnant. She was a non-smoker with no past medical history and no family history of cancer. Specifically, Kerry had no history of sexually transmitted diseases and she was HIV negative. When she noticed blood on the toilet paper after her bowel movements, she first thought that the problem was due to hemorrhoids. However, after two weeks, the bleeding increased and was accompanied by pain and itching around the anus. She went to her primary doctor whose exam revealed a 2 x 2 inch mass at the anal sphincter. Her doctor did not feel any abnormal lymph nodes in her groin. He referred her to a colorectal surgeon who performed a colonoscopy. That examination confirmed the mass seen by her primary doctor but no other lesions. Biopsy revealed a squamous cell carcinoma, anal cancer.

After her diagnosis, Kerry's surgeon sent her for a PET/CT scan which revealed abnormality only at the anal mass. There was no distant activity to suggest metastatic (distant, incurable) spread of her cancer. Her surgeon referred her to a radiation oncologist and medical oncologist. They recommended radiation therapy (RT) and chemotherapy delivered together (concurrent chemoRT) which she underwent over a period of 6 weeks. Kerry was treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in order to minimize RT dose to critical organs including the small bowel and bladder, while treating potential microscopic cancer cells within the lymph nodes in her pelvis and groin and the anal tumor. She received concurrent mitomycin and fluorouracial chemotherapy by IV infusion as an outpatient. Kerry had expected side effects of treatment including severe irritation and redness of the skin in the groin and anus, but she did not require a break during IMRT. She had significant fatigue that kept her out of work during most of her chemoRT. She had some loose bowels which were well controlled after adjusting her diet. Near completion of her treatment, there was no evidence of any tumor remaining. She recovered from the side effects of treatment over about six weeks. Kerry has seen one of her cancer doctors every three to six months for the past five years and she remains cancer free!

Although it's one of the least common cancers of the GI tract, there are still about 5000 cases of anal cancer diagnosed in the U.S. each year. There are more women than men diagnosed. The average age at diagnosis is around 60 years old, but it can occur in patients in their 30s and 40s. If the disease is localized, which is the case for 50% of patients, then the cure rate is roughly 80%.

The majority of patients who are diagnosed with anal cancer don't have a clearly defined risk factor. However, factors that increase the risk of developing anal cancer are associated with the risk of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. This virus is the same kind that causes genital warts. Certain strains of the HPV virus are associated with a high risk of developing anal cancer as well as cervical cancer and some types of throat cancer. Activities that put people at risk for HPV, like receptive anal intercourse, also put them at risk of later developing anal cancer.

Patients often present to their doctors with complaints of anal pain or bleeding. Many patients ignore or downplay the symptoms, often initially attributing them to hemorrhoids. While most people who have these symptoms don't have anal cancer, persistent pain or bleeding should always prompt medical attention. Less commonly, patients will complain of itching or a painless mass in the groin. A lump can develop in the groin as a result of anal cancer spreading to lymph nodes and causing them to enlarge.

The diagnosis of anal cancer is usually made by biopsy of the anal mass or area of ulceration. Generally, this procedure is performed by a medical GI specialist or surgeon. These doctors are able to directly look into the anal canal and rectum by proctoscopy (or the entire colon by colonoscopy) with special instruments after they deliver medications to minimize discomfort. Biopsies are performed during these procedures, after sedation and/or injection of numbing medicine. Most anal cancers (80%) are squamous cell carcinomas. A thorough evaluation of someone suspected of having anal cancer should also include examination of the pelvis, particularly both groins. If lymph nodes are enlarged, then they may also be biopsied. Many enlarged lymph nodes are only inflamed, with no evidence of cancer. Blood tests that may be ordered include complete blood count, tests of kidney function, and possibly HIV testing, depending on the patients' risk factors for the virus.

The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system is used to determine if anal cancer is localized (early stage) or has spread to other sites (advanced or late stage). Early stage disease is limited to the anus, while advanced disease refers to cancers that have invaded nearby organs or lymph nodes in the pelvis or groins. Imaging studies should include CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis and a chest X-ray at minimum. Staging may also include a PET/CT scan. This imaging test allows the radiologist as well as the treating cancer specialists to see if the anal cancer has spread to involve lymph nodes in the groin or pelvis, or metastasized to other sites in the body such as the liver or lungs.

The standard treatment for anal cancer doesn't involve surgery, which comes as both a surprise and a relief to many patients. Since most anal cancers invade the sphincter that controls defecation, surgery to remove such a cancer would require removal of the sphincter and creation of a colostomy. Therefore, surgery is generally avoided in favor of treatment that will keep the anal sphincter intact. An exception would be very early cancers of the anal margin, on the skin outside the anus.

Concurrent chemoRT is the standard treatment for the majority of patients with anal cancer, to obtain the best chance of cure with sphincter preservation. RT delivered over roughly 6 weeks with concurrent IV fluorouracil (5FU) and mitomycin-C (MMC) chemotherapy provides patients the best chance for cure. RT is delivered in daily fractions using either 3D conformal RT or IMRT. The latter technique may be used in order to minimize the amount of normal bowel and/or genitalia receiving full-dose RT (& therefore minimize side effects).

The main side effects that are possible during RT to the anus and pelvis include skin reaction that may be severe around the anus and creases of skin at the groins, as well as bowel irritation and diarrhea. Most patients will have these acute symptoms resolve within 1-2 months following completion of treatment. Extremely rare (<1%) but serious side effects include bowel obstruction or fistula (a hole between the anus and bladder or urethra). 5FU may also cause bowel irritation, diarrhea, irritation in the mouth or lips, poor appetite, and fatigue. Uncommonly, skin or nail discoloration or severe peeling of the hands and feet (hand foot syndrome) or other major side effects can happen. In rare cases, heart problems including heart attack can occur. MMC may cause decrease in blood counts, mouth sores, poor appetite, and fatigue. Nausea, vomiting, and urinary irritation may also occur. Rarely, life-threatening lung or kidney damage can occur.

Dr. Patrick Maguire's home reference book for the public, "When Cancer Hits Home," has received excellent reviews from cancer survivors and experts alike:

To learn more or read Dr. Maguire's blog, visit:

By Patrick Maguire

Benefits of Exercise Include Reducing Cancerous Polyps in Bowel

A colon polyp is a growth on the colon (large intestine), and you can have more than one of them. Flat polyps can be smaller and tougher to see, and are often more likely to be cancerous. Polyps are more likely if you eat a lot of fatty foods, smoke, drink alcohol, shun exercise and therefore weigh more than you should. A colonoscopy is typically the test your doctor will use to check for any polyps, and unless there are indications otherwise, you'll be urged to have this screening at age 50.

According to this latest study, those who did exercise on a regular basis had a 16% less chance of having bowel polyps and were 35% less likely to have large polyps. Known technically as adenomas, polyps are growths found in the bowel that aren't cancerous themselves, but have the capacity to become cancer if given enough time. This represents only a fraction of polyps but researchers do believe most bowel cancers start with a polyp.

Research experts point out that the work shows a clear association between being regularly active and a lower chance of bowel cancer. And while there are a few likely explanations, it's not clear why the link exists, only that it does.

Doctors know that exercise is super helpful to the body in many ways, including...

- Lowers insulin levels and boosts your body's reaction to hyperinsulinemia
- Makes the immune system function more effectively
- Keeps your weight in the healthy range
- If you exercise outdoors, you also take in beneficial vitamin D

At least 30 minutes of moderate level activity a day - any activity that results in you being slightly short of breath is what you're after.

In both the United States and United Kingdom, cancer of the bowel is number 3 in the lists of the most common form of cancer.

According to Cancer Research UK most bowel cancers come from polyps, and that one in four of us have at least one by the age of 50, about half have developed them by 70. If you're worried about your own bowel cancer risk, be sure to get the screenings that your doctor recommends.

Some persistent myths about bowel cancer include...

- It's more common in men - in fact, this cancer is just as common in women as in men.
- It can't be prevented - it can, and is, when polyps are found (and removed) early.
- African American men and women are safe - in fact they die at higher rates than any other racial or ethnic group.
- Age plays a part - over 90% of cases are found in people 50 or over.
- It's deadly, so why get tested - in fact this form of cancer is highly treatable, and if found early, the 5 year survival rate is a whopping 90%. It's the delay in testing for cancerous polyps in the bowel that's truly deadly.

A new report finds that if one of the benefits of exercise is that you're 33% less likely to have cancerous polyps in the bowel. The work includes 20 earlier studies that examine the relationship between exercise and the growth of large polyps. The researchers believe they've produced the highly accurate figures that show low levels of exercise are linked to polyps.

By Kirsten Whittaker

Who Cares For The Care Givers?

2:48:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Gerald W White

What a joy it is when another story of a "miracle" remission comes in. So much so that we could easily fall into the trap of forgetting about the cases where the outcome was not joyful and the patient died, usually after a long and protracted ordeal. Unfortunately, the number of these unfortunates dying each day of cancer in the US is roughfully the equivalent of the lives lost in one of the World Trade Center towers. This means that a multitude of loved ones are left to cope with grief and sorrow black as night. When the patient was still alive, he/she was the focus of attention for many. Not so the caregiver. After the flowers and the initial casseroles, it is amazing how quickly the world goes about it's way leaving the erstwhile caregiver to grieve alone.

Grief does not seem to enjoy the status of a reckognized disease and that is a pity for it can likewise be deadly. I know for I have been there. The joy of my conquest of deadly renal cell cancer was to be lost in the death of my wife to ovarian cancer. It was all over so fast. First the discovery, then the 2 weeks of anxious uncertainty followed by a medical mistake that killed her in four days. We lacked 6 months making it to our Golden Wedding anniversary. I found myself in the grip of forces far worse than any encountered in my own cancer fight. I had the worst portions of grief, anger and a primitive desire for revenge all trying their best to destroy me. I am not exaggerating when I say that the grief came nearer to killing me than the cancer ever did.

There have been many excellent works on grief. The best seem to be by those who have truly experienced it. I was recently intrigued by an old familiar Bible story. This may be found in the eighth chapter of the book of Luke starting with verse 26. It deals with Jesus experience with casting out devils from a man wildly possessed. This story captures the imagination and has been at the root of many best selling secular books and movies. Now I am going to tamper with this story with a flight of imagination that I can assure the reader is neither inspired nor intended to offend. I merely want you to follow me through an analogy that does not seem too far from the truth. We are told initially that this deranged man was living in the tombs. Now this seems odd behavior for any place and time. Could it be that the possesion is derived from unrequitted grief that has led to unbearable guilt? Grief is a natural and necessary human emotion. It has even been reported that tears of grief differ in content slightly from tears of joy, in that there are low level toxins released in grief. Grief can lead to a virtual shut down of the immune system, a loss of seratonin and ultimately clinical depression which can include erratic behavior and even suicide. Worse yet, guilt can set in without a rational cause. I expect that if guilt were removed from the human situation, the evil one would be unarmed! We do not know what burdens of guilt, doubt or loss of self esteem may have brought the demoniac of the story to that condition. Evidently he did see Jesus as a ray of hope and threw himself at his feet although at first unwilling to let go of the legion of demons troubling him. The best we are told that his neighbors could do for him was to bind him in chains. No indication of comfort anywhere in the story, much like the story of Job's "comforters". Could it be that a judgemental community had fed this poor chap's guilt feelings over the loss of a loved one to the point of driving him over the edge? Curiously enough, these same neighbors, instead of hailing Jesus for the miracle, demanded that he leave the country for they were taken with great fear. What was the basis for this fear? I should think that this should have been the occasion for great feasting and rejoicing. Perhaps the fear of further loss to the swine growers economy. Perhaps it went even deeper from a fear of being exposed for the way they had treated their poor grieving neighbor.

I can tell you for a fact that in my loneliness my self accusations of guilt multiplied to the point where I was very nearly a basket case. I was fortunate in getting proper medical help just in time. Others have not been so fortunate. If any of you reading this are presently in the throes of grief, I wish you would take heart and realize that there is a very real hope for a return to happiness. Although it took almost four years I eventually found happiness in a wonderful lady who had, like me, known this grief black as death. Life is wonderful for us and we now count our blessings as we rejoice in each new day. I would never have imagined that such an outcome was possible.

I discovered along the way that it was not necessary for me to get "over" my dear wife's untimely death. To do so would have meant giving up the treasured memories as well. No, it was only necessary to get "through" it and that we have both, thankfully and with God's help, done. I now have realized just what it means to have the love of two wonderful women in my life. Fortunately, a beneficent and all knowing God answered my prayers for death. The answer was "No", for He had something far better in mind for me. Although it was severely curtailed for a while, I found new meaning in my work with cancer patients that I would never have known had I pulled that trigger. It has been said that there are three "T's" necessary for dealing with grief. These are tears, time and talk. It is not only alright to cry, it is necessary. The passage of time, provided it is moving with purpose and direction is a great healer.

Talk, with the right persons, can do wonders. Along that line, talk can also be very destructive. I decided to yield to the suggestion that I attend a grief counselling session at local church. The leader ignored the obvious and greeted me with the question so typical of our times, "How are you doing?". This hit me as outrageous under the circumstance whereupon I said "If I were doing worth a damn do you think I would be here?". I turned and left and never came back. Whatever went with "It is so good to see you", "We are so glad you could join us" or just simply "Welcome to our little group". I hope I never hear "Don't you wish you could live it over so you could have done differently?". God alone knows how many time I have accused my self with that one. I must have thought of a thousand things that I could have done that would have changed the outcome. Worse yet is, "It was God's will that your loved one lay on a bed racked with pain and died a horrible death". I could no more believe that than I could believe that it was God's will that a drunk driver would crash into a van load of innocent children. God's ways are not our ways, God's thoughts are not our thoughts and God's mind is higher than our minds wrote the prophet Isaiah. If you will but look for those wonderful words of comfort contained in the scriptures, you will find a God far larger than you ever imagined and the peace of mind to help you through the worst of times.

To the grieving caregiver presently caught up in the throes of grief and self accusation, I send my best wishes for peace of mind. Do not waste your time dwelling on things you might have done differently. It is not likely that there was a single thing that you could have done differently to alter the outcome. Remember instead what a comfort it was to your love one just knowing you cared. If you want to lay blame, then lay it on a monstrous, son of a bitch of a disease that we all need to work together to vanquish from the face of the earth. The truth is, you never did anything all that wrong. I suggest you consider putting what you learned to good use. Make lemonade out of this lemon. You now have all the right qualifications. You will find a great need for you in the fight and it won't be far from your doorstep. You have no idea just what an angel of mercy you can be to a suffering neighbor, not next month or next year, but in the here and now.

I expect that God has a special reward stored up awaiting the caregivers and they won't have to wait until they die to start enjoying it. As to exactly who does care for the caregivers, why not let it be you? You have the very real prospect of losing your grief in the act of helping others deal with theirs.

High HDL Cholesterol Can Reduce Colorectal Cancer Symptoms From Taking Hold

Important news on colorectal cancer symptoms. If you have high HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol), you might also have a reduced risk of colorectol cancer according to a new study.

If future work confirms this finding, those with low HDL (good) cholesterol levels should make changes to cut their chances of developing of colon cancer according to researchers.

Doctors know that lowering bad (LDL) and increasing the good (HDL) cholesterol lowers your risk of heart disease. This work gives you yet another reason to watch those numbers - staying free of dangerous colon cancer.

In this work, the experts compared 1,238 subjects with colorectal cancer to the same number of healthy controls. Of the participants who had cancer - just under 800 had colon cancer, with around 450 diagnosed with rectal cancer.

The team looked at blood samples and diet-lifestyle questionnaires filled out by the participants and found that subjects with elevated levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, along with another blood fat known as apolipoprotein A (apoA), had the lowest chance of developing cancer of the colon. There was no impact on rectal cancer rates.

For every 16.6 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) rise in good cholesterol, colon cancer risk was reduced by 22%, while a 32% increase in apoA brought the chances of colon cancer down by 18%. For a small number of participants followed for over two years, only the HDL levels were associated with a reduced risk of cancer of the colon.

This particular relationship is independent of other markers in blood that are tied to cancer. Things like inflammation, insulin resistance and free radicals. But is it the HDL cholesterol or some other biological factor that comes with good cholesterol that's responsible for the reduction in risk?

The reduced follow up period, only 3.6 years, is considered a limitation of the research, though the study has been well designed according to experts who had no part in the research, and is the largest ever of good cholesterol and risk of cancer of the colon.

Cancer of the colon starts in the large intestine (known medically as the colon) or at the end of the colon, the rectum. The American Cancer Society points out that colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer related deaths in the U.S.

Nearly all colon cancers start out as benign polyps that develop into cancer over time. The good news is that finding the cancer early, at the polyp stage when it's small and hasn't had chance to spread, is a key to a complete cure.

The team speculates that good cholesterol's anti-inflammatory properties might be the reason for the finding, but understand that more work is needed. If other studies bear out this finding, it may be that HDL levels become useful in assessing a patient's colon cancer risks.

If you're worried about your own risks of developing colorectal cancer symptoms, the best recommendations are to try and achieve high HDL cholesterol levels by stopping smoking, being more active on a regular basis, get your weight under control and limit your intake of both red/processed meats and alcohol.

By Kirsten Whittaker

Live in Gratitude, Go With The Flow

A few weeks after our family reunion in Moloka'i in July of 2009, my niece Francine went to the doctor for a routine treadmill test. Two days later, she was on the operating table having massive open heart surgery. After nearly six hours of surgery, where they actually stopped her heart to repair it (with the help of a bypass machine), I was allowed into the ICU to see her. She was still semi-unconscious, but she took my hand while I stood over her bed. She squeezed it as firmly as she could, sending me the message that she was OK and the ordeal of the surgery was not going to crush her spirit. Her courage was truly inspiring.

In the weeks that followed, she adapted to the new lifestyle and diet of an open heart surgery survivor. Just like her survival from thyroid cancer five years earlier, she faithfully followed the doctors orders, happy to have the chance to keep her life going despite the physical setbacks. But six months after her heart surgery, the cancer returned, this time, more serious. Rectal cancer is one of the most painful cancers and usually requires a colostomy, where an opening to the colon is made through the front of the abdomen, where feces are eliminated into a bag.

Another successful surgery, another new lifestyle change. Undaunted, within weeks, she is fully functioning again, determined to be involved in the lives of her four children and her dedicated husband, Steve. Because rectal cancer is notorious for spreading to other parts of the body, her doctors decide to put her through six months of grueling chemotherapy. Francine takes it like a "trooper", always with a smile on her face and a cheery disposition. She expects to go back to work when it's over. She takes the last treatment during the holidays and just after the New Year (2011), the doctors give her a report on her progress.

But the news is not good. Despite the aggressive chemotherapy, a significant tumor has formed in her lung. Her doctor says they can continue chemo to slow down the progress of the tumor, but there is nothing they can do to cure her. This is devastating news to all of us. We run the full gamut of emotions: angry, sad, fearful, depressed. She calls each person who is close to her and we share a moment together. She gives us the freedom to render our opinion and listens carefully to our thoughts. But we are clearly stunned. We lack words and direction. We wait for Francine to gather herself because we're going to take our cue from her.

At 47 years old, she is the oldest of the grandchildren. She is mature beyond her years and her trademark has been love and compassion driven by boundless energy. She's been blessed with a loving husband and partner and together they have overcome all types of adversity to raise four fabulous young adults (ages 17-24) in a household so close they routinely choose to hang out with each other over partying with their friends. Francine has been able to bring happiness and joy to others by simply focusing on what she "has" and not lamenting over what she doesn't have. She spreads her "attitude of gratitude" to everyone because she's been graced with that gift regardless of her circumstances.

She knows the odds and the reality of her situation but she chooses to be grateful. She is grateful because she understands that happiness in life is connected to seeing and appreciating the gifts that are part of our daily lives. That's a universal "given" that most people understand. The piece that Francine has that most people don't, is she is willing to change her perspective to see the gift. When cancer took her thyroid, she accepted taking medication for the rest of her life. When open heart surgery changed her lifestyle, she embraced it instead of resisting it. When rectal cancer saddled her with a colostomy bag, she bought a new wardrobe. When lung cancer threatens to end her life, she planted a garden. Perception is reality and that allows her to live each day like the richest person on the planet.

You'll never find a grateful person who is unhappy. And you'll never find a peaceful person who is unable to accept the reality of their life.

The happiest people live in gratitude and go with the flow.

Benson Medina has been writing, teaching and speaking the field of self-development for over 30 years. His professional career includes sales, training, marketing and program development for several national companies.

He authors several blogs including "Good to Grow" ( ) and can be found on Twitter and Facebook. He lives in Honolulu and markets self-development programs from his website at

By Benson Medina

Colon Hydrotherapy: Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know that colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in the United States? It may seem surprising and a bit devastating, but is very true. eMedTV, a medical informational resource, confirms this fact in one of its findings. Looking at the gravity of this disease, the American Cancer Society had predicted that approximately 148,610 people would be diagnosed with colon cancer and 55,170 of them would die of it in 2006. Whether this prediction proved true is a different issue, but what is more important here is to find a way to prevent this problem. Colon hydrotherapy is a clinical procedure that is recommended by most health experts to improve colon health. Patients who have undergone this therapy have reported a noticeable recovery from their colon related ailments.

Colon Hydrotherapy: Which Conditions Lead to Colon Cancer?
Conditions that may not look very grim initially may ultimately lead to a deadly disease called colon cancer. These conditions include:

    * Recurring constipation
    * Blood in stool
    * Diverticulitis
    * Irritable bowel syndrome
    * Diarrhea

Colon hydrotherapy is an effective way to treat all these health problems. If due attention is paid at the earlier stage, colon cancer can be kept at bay.

How Does Colon Hydrotherapy Work?
Colon hydrotherapy is a medical procedure to irrigate and revitalize your colon. It is usually performed by a certified practitioner who has undergone special training for this procedure. He makes use of sterilized or disposable medical equipment to pass 5-10 gallons of purified warm water into the colon through the anus. All toxins, trapped gases and accumulated waste are removed from your colon through this process and thus you feel deeply relaxed and rejuvenated.

Is Colon Hydrotherapy Painful?
Many people feel worried before this therapy, since they believe it to be a painful process. However, there is nothing that causes pain. Plenty of water is passed into your colon through the anus and then passed out using massage and other stimulation techniques. So, there is no piercing or any kind of discomfort. In fact, at the end of the therapy, you feel more refreshed. In rare cases, people report of some pain, which is generally the result of hesitation and tension. A professional therapist will not only make the whole procedure a lot easier for you but can also make you comfortable with his pre-therapy counseling session.

Can Colon Hydrotherapy Result in Constipation or Diarrhea?
Sometimes people report of constipation or frequent bowel movements following colon hydrotherapy. These conditions are the result of poor colon health. A very weak colon is unable to make regular bowel movements even after a few sessions of this therapy. For this, the colon requires to be strengthened and healed properly. Very rarely, diarrhea is experienced after this therapy. This is because extra water is induced into the colon, which makes the stool softer than usual. However, this is not a serious situation and does not last more than 3-4 days following colonic treatment.

Colon health is a priority for detoxifying the body, encouraging weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

By David Gonsalves

The Sugar-Cancer Connection: Is It Real?

2:46:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Rachael B.

The United States is a nation with a sweet tooth -- and a big one at that. The average American adult eats 22 teaspoons of sugar a day; teens eat closer to 34. In all, this amounts to nearly 16 percent of average daily caloric intake, up significantly from the less than 11 percent sugars contributed to Americans' diets in the late 1970s.

The biggest sugar culprits, as you might suspect, are soft drinks and candy, followed by cakes, cookies, pies and fruit drinks. But even sweetened dairy products like yogurt and sweetened breads, such as cinnamon toast, are adding to Americans' heavy sugar load.

For health purposes, the American Heart Association recommends people cut way back on their sugar intake -- to six teaspoons a day for women and nine teaspoons for men. The sweetener has been linked to numerous health issues ranging from obesity and high blood pressure to increased triglycerides, a marker for heart disease. You've probably also heard the notion that "sugar feeds cancer"... and may be wondering whether or not this is true.

Does Sugar Feed Cancer?
The idea that sugar feeds cancer is often attributed to Otto Warburg, a German researcher who received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that cancer cells have a different energy metabolism than healthy cells. Warburg believed that cancer cells originate from an "injuring of respiration," or lack of oxygen, that is replaced by fermentation. In other words, cancer cells learn to thrive by gleaning energy from the fermentation of glucose, or sugar.

Yet, the statement that sugar feeds cancer is often debated, since all cells, including healthy cells, use glucose to grow. It appears, however, that cancer cells do use sugar more efficiently, and in greater quantities, than healthy cells.

Don Ayer, Ph.D., a Huntsman Cancer Institute investigator and professor in the Department of Oncological Sciences at the University of Utah, told Science Daily: "It's been known since 1923 that tumor cells use a lot more glucose than normal cells. Our research helps show how this process takes place, and how it might be stopped to control tumor growth."

In studies conducted by Ayer and colleagues, it was found that both healthy and cancerous cells use glucose and glutamine (an amino acid) interdependently for growth. But by blocking the availability of glutamine, the entire cellular process "short circuits" and prevents glucose from doing its work, thus stopping the growth of tumor cells, according to the study.

Harvard Medical School researchers also supported Warburg's findings that growing tumor cells can crowd out the oxygen-carrying blood vessels needed for most cells to survive. In turn, some cancer cells learn to survive without oxygen, using the glycolytic pathway instead. When the Harvard researchers blocked one of the pathways' enzymes, LDHA, it essentially shut down the glycolytic process in breast cancer cells. Those cells, in turn, were far less deadly when implanted into animals than typical tumor cells, once again suggesting that the sugar-cancer link is real. In fact, many studies have looked into the link and revealed that there's a definite connection between sugar consumption and cancer:

* Women who ate the most high-glycemic-load foods were close to three times more likely to develop colorectal cancer.
* High blood sugar levels, caused by health conditions like diabetes along with eating too many sugary foods, have been linked to cancers of the pancreas, skin, uterus, urinary tract and breast. Further, women with the highest blood sugar levels were found to have a 26 percent higher risk of developing cancer than those with the lowest.
* Women with the highest carbohydrate intake (62 percent of their diet or more) were more than twice as likely to develop breast cancer than those with a lower carb intake (52 percent or less).

Does the Type of Sugar Matter? Another recent study, this one by researchers from the University of California Los Angeles, found that a certain type of sugar -- fructose -- appears to feed cancer cells even more than glucose. The researchers "fed" both glucose and fructose to pancreatic cancer cells in lab dishes and found that although the cells thrived on glucose, they used fructose to divide and increase proliferation.

This may explain why past studies have linked fructose consumption with pancreatic cancer. The findings were so significant that the researchers suggested limiting the intake of refined fructose (found in soda and many other processed sweets) may disrupt cancer growth.

Should You Avoid Sugar to Lower Your Cancer Risk? Eliminating sugar from your diet is one strategy you can take to lower your cancer risk, but in most cases even limiting or moderating sugar will be an improvement. In light of recent research, you may want to start by limiting your consumption of fructose, such as high fructose corn syrup, first.

Even if you're not convinced of the research suggesting sugar is the "preferred" fuel for cancer cells, limiting sugar in your diet is important nonetheless. This is because sugar is a source of empty calories, one that can contribute to obesity as well as elevated insulin levels -- both of which can increase your cancer risk.

You should particularly avoid sugary foods in the morning, as a burst of refined sugar on an empty stomach will trigger a rapid rise in blood sugar, followed by a surge of insulin that will suppress your immune system and feed any abnormal cells, which are common in everyone's body. Still, remember that sugar is only one factor that may contribute to cancer.

From a dietary perspective, sugar should be only a minimum part of your diet, while nutrient-dense foods -- dark green leafy vegetables, deep orange vegetables, high-quality lean protein, healthy fats -- should be the focus. Of course, this doesn't mean you're not allowed to indulge your sweet tooth on occasion. As part of a healthy diet, a bit of sugar here and there is unlikely to cause any major problems. Just remember to regard sweets as treats, not staple foods, and be sure your meals are comprised of healthy, low-sugar foods most of the time.

Colon Cancer Survival Rate - Are You A Survivor?

The colon cancer survival rate of a patient may be determined by the type of treatment plan he/she is using. Knowing that colon cancer has about an asymptomatic stage followed by 4 disease stages, we should also know that not all colorectal cancers are detected at the earliest stages. In actuality, the truth behind most cancers is that they are only diagnosed once the symptoms become severe to the point that it has affected the daily livings of the patients. Like what is commonly said-cancer is a traitor disease: it strikes when u least expected it and only makes itself known when you have started experiencing all its crazy bout of symptoms. In most cases, the average detection point of colon cancer is when most of the painful symptoms are experienced because this is the time when patients seek medical advice and check up to diagnose the disease. Usually, people get help when the cancer is at the 2nd to 3rd stages.

Since this article will tackle about the colon cancer survival rate with the treatment plan as the determinant variable, we will base our colon cancer survival rate from the stages where most patients ask for help - stages 2 and 3. This is also the time when these is a boost of treatments available to try combating the proliferation of cancer.

The most common treatment advised once the cancer has grown enough to appear on medical laboratory tests and confirm diagnosis is to subject the patient to a colostomy or colon surgery. Surgery is considered a crucial part in increasing your colon cancer survival rate. Since the cancer has not yet infected bigger parts of the colon (or parts beyond the colon) at this time, your five-year colon cancer survival rate is around 70-90%. Patients who were able to survive the surgery and began to display acceptance of the post-operative consequences showed a higher and long-term prognosis after surgery. There is also a number of cases where patients were able to return to their normal lifestyle and survive the cancer. However, there is one major downside of this treatment. Since colostomy means your solid intestinal waste will be excreted from no longer out of your anus but will be out of a surgically made hole on your stomach, it can be extremely inconvenient for many patients. Bowel excretion through your stomach is going to be forever, hence, lifetime maintenance is also needed. For many colon cancer sufferers, the consequences of the surgery seem to be more dreadful than the disease itself, therefore a lot of patients would never dare try the surgery.

Chemotherapy is the next treatment of choice for colon cancer (and probably as well as for most cancers). It is done by the use of medications to destroy or stop the proliferation of the cancer cells in hopes of prolonging your life. Often, after surgery, a patient may also be subjected to a series of chemotherapy to kill the remaining microscopic cancer cells. Recent studies have shown that with the surgery and chemotherapy combined, there is delay of tumor recurrence therefore increasing your colon cancer survival rate as well (average percentage is around 90%). The effect may not be as substantial if the patient will only rely on chemotherapeutic drugs (average percentage of 60-80%).

Radiation Therapy
Updates have been made in the treatment of colorectal cancer and radiation therapy is now limited to patients whose origin of cancer has started at the rectal part of the colon. Without radiation, there is about 50% risk percentage for patients with rectal cancer, making your colon cancer survival rate a dire 50% as well. Risk is then lowered for 7-10% for patients who had surgery and undergone radiation therapy as well.

By Mert Ozge

Colon Cancer Survival Rate - Knowing Your Survival Chances

Upon learning about colorectal cancer and becoming diagnosed with it, the first thing that probably popped out of your mind is your colon cancer survival rate. Your chances of surviving this cancer may depend upon a few variables including the stage of the cancer, the treatment plan, the extent of lifestyle modifications, your psychological acceptance of this disease and even at which part of the world you're living.

This article will focus on the percentage of your colon cancer survival rate in accordance to the stages of the cancer.

Brief Definition Colon Cancer

The term colon cancer is somewhat confused with colorectal cancer by many patients. However, the truth is that they're almost just the same - with the exception of which section or part of the colon is being affected. Previous debates have come up to an agreement that if the cancer doesn't involve the rectum or the rear portion of the colon then it must be called Colon Cancer, otherwise it's Colorectal Cancer. But then today, most of us (even professional physicians) call it the former regardless of which part of the colon is affected by the disease.

Stages of Colon Cancer

As of today, there are 5 stages of cancer. Some of these stages have sub-stages with them but let's not get too much into those for now. What we'll focus on is the things that we should be aware of about each stage and its accompanying colon cancer survival rate statistics.

Based of factual intestinal anatomy, your colonic tract is divided into 4 layers. From inner to outer, these layers are: Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis Externa and Adventitia or Serosa. Beyond these layers come the peritoneum, which is another external part after Adventitia but is no longer considered a part of the mucous membranes. The peritoneum is basically the lining of your intestinal tract, primarily protecting the walls of your colon and giving that smooth passage for food inside the intestine.

Stage 0
On stage 1, there are no outward signs or symptoms of this disease (asymptomatic). At this moment, your tumor is still confined to the mucosa hence symptoms are rare and may not even be felt by the patient. Colon cancer survival rate be up to 100% if the cancer is detected during this time. Needless to say, however, 99.60% of Colorectal patients are unlikely to know they have cancer at this stage.

Stage 1-2
Surviving for 5 years when the cancer is detected at these stages is about 80-90% on most patients. Stages 1-2 are where the cancer shows an evidence of proliferation and malignancy. At this stage, the cancer will extend towards the submucosa, muscularis propria, externa (stage 2a) up to the peritoneum (stage 2b).

Stage 3
Once the cancer goes beyond the peritoneum and spreads towards the lymph nodes, this marks stage 3 phase A of the cancer. With treatments and major lifestyle modifications, your colon cancer survival rate may range from 50-73%.

Stage 4
Stage 4 is the severe stage of most cancers - it is the time when metastasis has occurred and despite the consistency of care and treatment, the likelihood for a patient to survive for 5yrs following diagnosis is only around 28-42%. Metastasis means that your cancer has grown not just in your entire colon but has invaded the other vital parts of your body as well.

By Mert Ozge

Colon Cancer Survival Rate - How High Are Your Chances?

Colon Cancer is a nasty deadly disease and the colon cancer survival rate may just be as nasty once you get to know about them. Depending on the stage where you have been diagnosed, your colon cancer survival rate may either be acceptable or downright shocking. If it's mind-blowing, it may be better to have a heart attack, for when the cancer spreads and metastasizes; the following symptoms may be the worst bodily pain you'll ever experience.

By definition, your colon cancer survival rate is usually based on a five-year period and is mainly determined by the stage of your cancer. From worldwide statistics, your chances of having a long-term prognosis is more likely if the cancer has been detected at the earliest stage possible which is stage zero or the asymptomatic stage. Here comes the despicable thing-like most cancers, colon cancer is a silent killer. You'll never know you have it until it's around its second stage (from which you begin experiencing mild inconvenience upon defecating, digestion, etc). At this time, the treatment plan will no longer be able to completely defeat the cancer and bring you back to your normal life. However, it can impede the fast proliferation of the cancer cells, therefore increasing your colon cancer survival rate to more years than without the treatment.

If the cancer has been detected at the early stage (around 1-2), the chances of surviving until 5 years or more is more likely, especially if the proper treatment regimen is done to you. At this stage, surgery, chemo, and major lifestyle changes must be done and made to prolong your prognosis.

Colonoscopy is very much advisable for stages 1-3, when the cancer has not yet reached the other vital organs of the body and is only confined to your colonic tract. Stage 4 is when the cancer has metastasize to other parts of the body outside the colon-in most cases, the cancer is likely to spread towards your liver first. This is because of the anatomical proximity of the liver to the colon. Once the other parts are affected, your colon cancer survival rate may drastically drop to 20-30 percent even with surgery and other treatments. Thus, you can just imagine how relevant it is to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Generally, over the past few years, cancer research have grown and improved quite substantially compared to the old days. The average survival rate of cancers is now a bit higher than before due to more innovative treatment programs and better knowledge of cancers.

The latest updates from American Cancer Society this year shows that in a five-year colon cancer survival rate:

• Stage 1 has about 74%
• Stage 2 has about 37% to 67%
• Stage 3 has about 28% to 73%
• Stage 4 has about 6%

Note: You may see that stage 3 has much higher survival rate than stage 2. The American Cancer Society states that they have not known the reason behind this yet but this is a factual outcome of the statistical analysis.

By Mert Ozge

A Little Prayer That Helped to Create Miracles

2:45:00 AM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

By Ralph Morton

I'd like to tell a true story of how I believe prayer helps to create miracles.

This is truly for those who are in despair right now. And I only hope that somehow this helps.

I am so grateful to God for His help He has given to our family, I feel this story must be passed to others. God and the Doctors who used His gift of healing, they too have our thanks.

There are many people in this world who are suffering through the dreaded disease of cancer, I hope this gives them a little hope and help those who are suffering. What our John and family went through has to be past on to others, in order to let them know there is a God above.

We were never church goers, and still we don't attend, we do however give thanks every day for what God has given us.

My son of 36 fell ill with cancer. He is a redhead with a fair complexion. It all started as a mole on his back. When the Doctor saw the mole, he removed a particle and had it analyzed. He said he believed he had caught it in time.

Six months later John, my son, had pains in his back and visited a Chiropractor for treatment. Eventually the pain grew worse so it was decided he have an x-ray. Nothing was found and the pain continued. The Doctors decided to put a dye in his blood in order to see why he should be in so much pain. When a further x-ray was taken it found that one of his ribs was covered with cancer.

All of the those families who have gone through this know all about the feeling and despair this brings about. When John had an operation, it was found that not only was one rib infected, but the tissue between the ribs were the covered with the cancer. It was therefore decided they would take out three ribs, the original, one above and one below.

As I do marketing on the internet, I know a lot of people who have become friends over the years. These friends are spread all over the globe. I informed them of my John's plight.

One friend in particular, Bob and Judy Gill from New Zealand, were going to a gathering of friends where they were offering prayers. I know there were a lot more people there for this meeting. John and our family were so grateful to them for their prayers.

So many good people that day prayed for John, we certainly know with this help we were heard.

There were others in other parts of the world, I will not forget. I thank them also for their help and thoughts. We did not know at the time, but John was in worse trouble than we realized, and we thought he was in enough. For, when the Doctor removed his ribs and all the cancer he could, it was found that a lump of cancer was against his spinal cord and could not be removed.

The Doctors felt it would be impossible to remove without causing more damage. They felt that removing it while it was there would be too dangerous. They left it where it was and felt the chances of him surviving was not good at all.

John knew of this but did not tell the family. We knew nothing at all. He was so brave to keep it all to himself. An amazing thing happened, even the Doctors were amazed and had never heard of such a thing happening before. We have had so many discussions later but it really has never been answered. John's body repaired itself.

I know it sounds something from, well I have to say it was from God. The cancer just disappeared. As I said the Doctors could not get over it. The lump of cancer on his spine, one day when the Doctors gave him a cat scan, it just wasn't there. As you can imagine, there were many theories, the final analysis was that the mother cancer had been destroyed and the last piece just disintegrated. Our prayers had been answered.

John spent the next 18 months improving every day. He was just at the point of returning to work when he began to feel ill again. We prayed it was not the cancer returning, for we had been informed that it could return, due to the cancer had entered his blood and could show up anywhere in his body.

We had been told to prepare ourselves. I can remember many things that have happened over the years, but remembering the pain he was suffering while waiting in the emergency room will stay with me forever. To see your own son in agony as he was, and unable to help, is the worst feeling a person could have in this world.

Eventually, when we were able to see a Doctor, the Doctor was shocked when he saw him. For John was completely white, no color whatsoever. The Doctor said he had lost all his red corpuscles, he immediately arranged for a transfusion. John eventually had 8 transfusions.

He then went for a cat-scan to inspect his stomach, where the pain was. It was found John had 14 tumors in his intestines. 14!. It was late at night but the surgeon was called and they all met. It was decided there an then he was too far advanced they could do nothing. The family were told the news.

Well, I don't have to tell you how we felt. However, something that can only be called a another miracle, the Surgeon, came to John's bedside the next morning and informed him he was going to operate. He went on to say, John, I saw your crucifix around your neck and I went home and I talked to the man upstairs and he said I have to give you a chance. Can you believe this, God was once again helping John. They operated that morning, they found one tumor so large that was sure to have busted that very day. They however, found 6 of the tumors were in-operable.

Those 6 tumors were on blood vessels and it was impossible to remove them. Once again John was given the news and was expected not to live. When part of the intestines are cut away, they are joined by stitches. Well, in order to know if the operation has been a success, the patient, after time passes wind. This is how they know everything is fine. Usually this happens after 7 or 8 days. In the meantime the patent receives juice and water. After 10 days John had never passed anything, wind or anything.

The Surgeon came to his room to examine him. He pressed his stomach and the stitches broke and the water and juice he had been taking exploded from his stomach. The liquid, instead of passing into the jar he had attached, remained in his stomach. He was rushed back into the operating room and the cavity of his stomach was cleansed, due to the fear of infection. The surgeon repaired the break in his intestines, stitched him up once again, and started the wait for wind to be passed once again. Another 10 days elapsed, nothing happened, the Surgeons were once again worried. They eventually did another scan and found that the connection from his stomach to the intestines was blocked. The outlet had somehow scarred and there was no outlet. They, the surgeons had go in again and make a completely new connection from his stomach to his intestines. Apparently, where he was been opened was becoming very problematic. They felt this would be quite simple to do, however, their worry was the scar tissue, as the stomach had been opened so many times this would give them trouble. They were pleased to inform us that it was not easy to do, but the operation was successful.

John had gone through this over a 6 week period, and we began to realize the power of prayer. John was loved by everyone in the hospital for his strength. He was wonderful. I believe he knew everyone in the hospital, because he walked the corridors just about every day. The nurses gave him extra care, they were all so wonderful.

His family was with him for many hours every day, and worried about him when we were not there. Our family have always been close, and what happened that Xmas time we would never have imagined. John had been through something that no-one could ever imagine, our prayers were ever constant during this horrible time. God came through, because John was able eventually to pass the wind that was required.

The Surgeons said there was never any way they could have ever gone in there again. Now, John still had one big problem. The 6 tumors the Surgeons had to leave behind were still in there. During all this time John had been living with this tremendous ordeal, the problem, those 6 tumors were still there. 6 tumors on his blood vessels in his intestines.

Well, in accordance to all the books on cancer, the impossible happened. If you ever questioned if there was a God, this is the proof he is there to help those who believe.

John today, is as fit as anyone can be. John has his own business. He works hard in a busy job, he is happy with what he does, and he is so grateful with his escape from cancer.

Unknown the reason why, but his body once again removed those 6 tumors. Yes, John was saved again, I am sure for a reason.

He did however have another session of extreme pain and believe it or not another miracle. John started once again to have severe pain in his stomach. He again was rushed into hospital. When he was examined it was found that his colon was leaking. The dripping had caused two abscesses, and they attached themselves to the colon.

Remember, I was impossible to operate through his stomach. Fortunately, one of the abscesses was in the front of the colon, so the surgeon was able to make a small incision and remove it quite easily. However the other one was attached to the other side of the colon and was impossible to get at. Ask yourself, how could this happen again. The Surgeons were faced with a problem that they feared there was not an answer. They could not operate for the scar tissue was in a terrible state, but for some reason God came through again.

Putting this in writing like this seems to be inadequate, for the impossible happened. The abscesses that was behind the colon broke off from it's position and floated next to John's skin. It now became a simple matter for the Surgeon to make a small incision. Once again God had acted. I assure you the Surgeon was flabbergasted. Removal of those two abysses was a simple procedure.

John now is a volunteer, he talks to many who are suffering with cancer, and who are happy to have someone who knows. He also has taken over the Prostate Cancer group which meets every two weeks for general discussion. John has become very wise, how he endeavors to get the message across. He is happy now to do this, and gets a great kick out of the help he gives to those who need it.

He is now in recession and has been for 5 years, he still gets pain in his stomach but he is completely active and holds down an occupation.

He works hard each day. He owns a one ton truck and he is a courier for Greyhound and is very successful and happy. We, the Mortons, feel we have been given something that is priceless, and we cherish what we have learnt. We bless the day we asked the good Lord for help. Thank you God. Anyone who wishes to discuss this time we have endured, are welcome.

We have always felt, we would like to do something for the Cancer Society, John does his part and he is really appreciated. We however have thought it would be wonderful if we could come up with something.


In 1931 a Doctor received the Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer and other horrible illnesses could not establish themselves in an alkaline body, yet in an acidic body those same illness grow rampant.

If you ask your Doctor this question, he/her will say that is correct.

My question is now, why aren't we told of this, and why aren't we told how to get an alkaline body?

What I am going to say now, will upset a lot of people, but it needs to be said.

It is my belief that Doctors are nothing else but pill pushers, why do I believe this? Doctors should think of PREVENTION, not TREATMENT all the time.

We all can see what is going on in this world, huge fat people, illnesses that have never been around as they are now, yet Doctors still do the same thing, looking after treatment, and not prevention.

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