By Ralph Morton
I'd like to tell a true story of how I believe prayer helps to create miracles.
This is truly for those who are in despair right now. And I only hope that somehow this helps.
I am so grateful to God for His help He has given to our family, I feel this story must be passed to others. God and the Doctors who used His gift of healing, they too have our thanks.
There are many people in this world who are suffering through the dreaded disease of cancer, I hope this gives them a little hope and help those who are suffering. What our John and family went through has to be past on to others, in order to let them know there is a God above.
We were never church goers, and still we don't attend, we do however give thanks every day for what God has given us.
My son of 36 fell ill with cancer. He is a redhead with a fair complexion. It all started as a mole on his back. When the Doctor saw the mole, he removed a particle and had it analyzed. He said he believed he had caught it in time.
Six months later John, my son, had pains in his back and visited a Chiropractor for treatment. Eventually the pain grew worse so it was decided he have an x-ray. Nothing was found and the pain continued. The Doctors decided to put a dye in his blood in order to see why he should be in so much pain. When a further x-ray was taken it found that one of his ribs was covered with cancer.
All of the those families who have gone through this know all about the feeling and despair this brings about. When John had an operation, it was found that not only was one rib infected, but the tissue between the ribs were the covered with the cancer. It was therefore decided they would take out three ribs, the original, one above and one below.
As I do marketing on the internet, I know a lot of people who have become friends over the years. These friends are spread all over the globe. I informed them of my John's plight.
One friend in particular, Bob and Judy Gill from New Zealand, were going to a gathering of friends where they were offering prayers. I know there were a lot more people there for this meeting. John and our family were so grateful to them for their prayers.
So many good people that day prayed for John, we certainly know with this help we were heard.
There were others in other parts of the world, I will not forget. I thank them also for their help and thoughts. We did not know at the time, but John was in worse trouble than we realized, and we thought he was in enough. For, when the Doctor removed his ribs and all the cancer he could, it was found that a lump of cancer was against his spinal cord and could not be removed.
The Doctors felt it would be impossible to remove without causing more damage. They felt that removing it while it was there would be too dangerous. They left it where it was and felt the chances of him surviving was not good at all.
John knew of this but did not tell the family. We knew nothing at all. He was so brave to keep it all to himself. An amazing thing happened, even the Doctors were amazed and had never heard of such a thing happening before. We have had so many discussions later but it really has never been answered. John's body repaired itself.
I know it sounds something from, well I have to say it was from God. The cancer just disappeared. As I said the Doctors could not get over it. The lump of cancer on his spine, one day when the Doctors gave him a cat scan, it just wasn't there. As you can imagine, there were many theories, the final analysis was that the mother cancer had been destroyed and the last piece just disintegrated. Our prayers had been answered.
John spent the next 18 months improving every day. He was just at the point of returning to work when he began to feel ill again. We prayed it was not the cancer returning, for we had been informed that it could return, due to the cancer had entered his blood and could show up anywhere in his body.
We had been told to prepare ourselves. I can remember many things that have happened over the years, but remembering the pain he was suffering while waiting in the emergency room will stay with me forever. To see your own son in agony as he was, and unable to help, is the worst feeling a person could have in this world.
Eventually, when we were able to see a Doctor, the Doctor was shocked when he saw him. For John was completely white, no color whatsoever. The Doctor said he had lost all his red corpuscles, he immediately arranged for a transfusion. John eventually had 8 transfusions.
He then went for a cat-scan to inspect his stomach, where the pain was. It was found John had 14 tumors in his intestines. 14!. It was late at night but the surgeon was called and they all met. It was decided there an then he was too far advanced they could do nothing. The family were told the news.
Well, I don't have to tell you how we felt. However, something that can only be called a another miracle, the Surgeon, came to John's bedside the next morning and informed him he was going to operate. He went on to say, John, I saw your crucifix around your neck and I went home and I talked to the man upstairs and he said I have to give you a chance. Can you believe this, God was once again helping John. They operated that morning, they found one tumor so large that was sure to have busted that very day. They however, found 6 of the tumors were in-operable.
Those 6 tumors were on blood vessels and it was impossible to remove them. Once again John was given the news and was expected not to live. When part of the intestines are cut away, they are joined by stitches. Well, in order to know if the operation has been a success, the patient, after time passes wind. This is how they know everything is fine. Usually this happens after 7 or 8 days. In the meantime the patent receives juice and water. After 10 days John had never passed anything, wind or anything.
The Surgeon came to his room to examine him. He pressed his stomach and the stitches broke and the water and juice he had been taking exploded from his stomach. The liquid, instead of passing into the jar he had attached, remained in his stomach. He was rushed back into the operating room and the cavity of his stomach was cleansed, due to the fear of infection. The surgeon repaired the break in his intestines, stitched him up once again, and started the wait for wind to be passed once again. Another 10 days elapsed, nothing happened, the Surgeons were once again worried. They eventually did another scan and found that the connection from his stomach to the intestines was blocked. The outlet had somehow scarred and there was no outlet. They, the surgeons had go in again and make a completely new connection from his stomach to his intestines. Apparently, where he was been opened was becoming very problematic. They felt this would be quite simple to do, however, their worry was the scar tissue, as the stomach had been opened so many times this would give them trouble. They were pleased to inform us that it was not easy to do, but the operation was successful.
John had gone through this over a 6 week period, and we began to realize the power of prayer. John was loved by everyone in the hospital for his strength. He was wonderful. I believe he knew everyone in the hospital, because he walked the corridors just about every day. The nurses gave him extra care, they were all so wonderful.
His family was with him for many hours every day, and worried about him when we were not there. Our family have always been close, and what happened that Xmas time we would never have imagined. John had been through something that no-one could ever imagine, our prayers were ever constant during this horrible time. God came through, because John was able eventually to pass the wind that was required.
The Surgeons said there was never any way they could have ever gone in there again. Now, John still had one big problem. The 6 tumors the Surgeons had to leave behind were still in there. During all this time John had been living with this tremendous ordeal, the problem, those 6 tumors were still there. 6 tumors on his blood vessels in his intestines.
Well, in accordance to all the books on cancer, the impossible happened. If you ever questioned if there was a God, this is the proof he is there to help those who believe.
John today, is as fit as anyone can be. John has his own business. He works hard in a busy job, he is happy with what he does, and he is so grateful with his escape from cancer.
Unknown the reason why, but his body once again removed those 6 tumors. Yes, John was saved again, I am sure for a reason.
He did however have another session of extreme pain and believe it or not another miracle. John started once again to have severe pain in his stomach. He again was rushed into hospital. When he was examined it was found that his colon was leaking. The dripping had caused two abscesses, and they attached themselves to the colon.
Remember, I was impossible to operate through his stomach. Fortunately, one of the abscesses was in the front of the colon, so the surgeon was able to make a small incision and remove it quite easily. However the other one was attached to the other side of the colon and was impossible to get at. Ask yourself, how could this happen again. The Surgeons were faced with a problem that they feared there was not an answer. They could not operate for the scar tissue was in a terrible state, but for some reason God came through again.
Putting this in writing like this seems to be inadequate, for the impossible happened. The abscesses that was behind the colon broke off from it's position and floated next to John's skin. It now became a simple matter for the Surgeon to make a small incision. Once again God had acted. I assure you the Surgeon was flabbergasted. Removal of those two abysses was a simple procedure.
John now is a volunteer, he talks to many who are suffering with cancer, and who are happy to have someone who knows. He also has taken over the Prostate Cancer group which meets every two weeks for general discussion. John has become very wise, how he endeavors to get the message across. He is happy now to do this, and gets a great kick out of the help he gives to those who need it.
He is now in recession and has been for 5 years, he still gets pain in his stomach but he is completely active and holds down an occupation.
He works hard each day. He owns a one ton truck and he is a courier for Greyhound and is very successful and happy. We, the Mortons, feel we have been given something that is priceless, and we cherish what we have learnt. We bless the day we asked the good Lord for help. Thank you God. Anyone who wishes to discuss this time we have endured, are welcome.
We have always felt, we would like to do something for the Cancer Society, John does his part and he is really appreciated. We however have thought it would be wonderful if we could come up with something.
In 1931 a Doctor received the Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer and other horrible illnesses could not establish themselves in an alkaline body, yet in an acidic body those same illness grow rampant.
If you ask your Doctor this question, he/her will say that is correct.
My question is now, why aren't we told of this, and why aren't we told how to get an alkaline body?
What I am going to say now, will upset a lot of people, but it needs to be said.
It is my belief that Doctors are nothing else but pill pushers, why do I believe this? Doctors should think of PREVENTION, not TREATMENT all the time.
We all can see what is going on in this world, huge fat people, illnesses that have never been around as they are now, yet Doctors still do the same thing, looking after treatment, and not prevention.