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Barbara's Ovarian Cancer Story

Process and Survival
On October 30, 2004, I will mark an anniversary of sorts. On this date a year ago, my life changed dramatically. I remember small details like the doctor's matter-of-fact voice discussing major surgery, chemotherapy, losing my hair. I remember the "dear-in-the-headlights" look on my husband's face, a look probably mirrored in my own face. I remember the day was beautiful, warm and sunny. I don't remember much of my drive back out to work or exactly how I told my co-workers that I scheduled for surgery in approximately three weeks for what was, almost certainly, advanced ovarian cancer. My first reaction was probably pretty standard - DENIAL- "This can't be happening to me. I'm healthy. I eat right. I exercise." Then came -ANGER. I had just had a complete physical with my doctor (which included the OB-Gyn exam) on August 28th. I had been complaining to her for months about bloating, increased waist size, and fullness. But she had assured me that everything was fine and that my exam was normal. (How could she have missed a tumor the size of my fist?) -FEAR followed anger. I have never had surgery. Chemotherapy? A nightmare! I don't want to lose my hair! What about work, my family, my LIFE?

Fear can be a great motivator. It motivated me to learn as much as I could about ovarian cancer, the surgery, the chemotherapy protocols and the newest treatments and clinical studies. Surgery was scheduled for November 24th, two days before Thanksgiving. In the three weeks prior to surgery, I organized my work load in my department in preparation for being gone for 6-8 weeks. I spent hours gleaning information from the internet and library. I turned to friends and family for support and positive energy through prayer and visualization. With the help of my husband and a very dear friend, Sabrina, I started preparing for the surgery. We made pre and post operative tapes for stress relief (anxiety control), relaxation, pain relief, and healing. I practiced visualizing an uneventful, no complications, very successful surgery with minimal post-op discomfort and rapid recovery. My daily meditations included messages of self-healing and images of my powerful immune system already fighting and destroying the cancer cells. I continued to exercise and, in fact, went to my favorite exercise class the day before surgery. Exercise has played a very important part in my recovery from surgery and chemo. I went into surgery feeling stronger, mentally and physically, almost as if I'd been preparing for a marathon. In addition to increased exercise that included walking, step class, and weight training, I increased my vitamin intake to boost my immune system and energy levels. And just like an athlete preparing for an event, I endeavored to prepare myself emotionally and spiritually. "I feel myself strong, healthy and completely cancer free, now and forever," became, and still is, my mantra. I gathered all the good wishes and positive healing energy from friends and family like a cloak around me. I worked very hard at controlling my fears about the surgery, chemo and my future instead of letting the fears control me!

The morning of November 24th dawned clear and cold. Six AM found John and I on our way to UCSF to check in for surgery. I remember feeling somewhat disconnected to what was happening, surrounded by a sense of unreality. "I should be getting ready for work and shopping for Thanksgiving and decorating the house." Instead, we are speeding toward a big unknown. I practiced some "grounding" and "centering" techniques that Sabrina had taught me and kept deep breathing whenever the "nervous butterflies" fluttered around inside of me.
Checking in went smoothly. In my meeting with the anesthesiologist, I requested that he follow a script I had written up for him to use while talking to me during the surgery. The script had messages like: "Everything is going smoothly, Barbara," you'll wake up feeling minimal discomfort," You'll have a speedy recovery and nor complication." He agreed to my request and I was off to surgery.

The next few days are a blur, as I was in and out of sedation and on pain medication. A few memories do stand out- many, many beautiful flowers being delivered, gentle hands and voices taking care of and reassuring me; the faces of my loved ones looking stunned and scared. I must have appeared pretty scary with tubes and IV's everywhere! All seemed to be progressing smoothly until three days before my discharge. I was alert and moving around my room, sitting in the chair, and walking the hallways. Up until that time and for what seemed like for weeks, I'd been consciously putting on a good, strong, positive front. My theory was that the more positive energy would be reflected back to me in the form of: "It wasn't cancer, but just a benign cyst. Well, it is cancer, but we caught it early. The surgery will go great, and I'll recover quickly. I'll get back to my regular life!" That day started with a visit from my surgeon. She said I had had Stage IIIc ovarian cancer and she did not know if there was lymph node involvement. She was waiting for the report. She said a discharge nurse would be by to discuss chemo, wound care and at home follow-up. In her exam, the doctor found that my left leg was very swollen and she was sending me to have a CT Scan to rule out a blood clot. Also, my wound was infected in one area. She removed a few staples and started me on IV antibiotics. The staple removal procedure was very painful and I cried. Getting in and out of the wheelchair and up and down off the table for the CT scan was painful and I cried. Looking down at my 13 inch abdominal wound which was stapled except for a 3 inch open area and seeing my swollen to "twice it's size" left leg made me cry. And then there was the visit with the discharge nurse. A nice lady with a friendly smile as she spoke about chemo protocols that I'd be starting in three weeks, all of which would cause loss of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. I cried. I felt so compromised, so vulnerable and SO ANGRY! Picture an armful of IV's shaking a fist at the sky. The next day was a little brighter. I went back to listening to my tapes, practicing my meditation and using the techniques that Sabrina and John had taught me for pain and stress relief. The CT scan was negative. No blood clots. My body was just redistributing fluids. I increased my walks around the halls and the swelling started to dissipate. The pathology report showed, to the surgeon's surprise, that there was no lymph node involvement! That first breath of fresh air was heaven! San Francisco was at it's prettiest-clear blue sky, warm sun on my face and a cool breeze caressing my cheeks and tousling my hair. My brother carefully loaded me and my pillow into his car and I was, thankfully, on my way home.
My husband, sister Nance and my mom welcomed me with a clean house, lots of tasty treats and loving arms. My sister, Laurie, would arrive in a few days. The house would be decorated for Christmas and I was preparing to embark on phase 2, recovery from surgery and starting chemotherapy.

The second part of the story will be published in a future newsletter. It describes the chemotherapy, finding clinical studies, complimentary approaches to beating ovarian cancer that have been work for Barbara.

Ovarian Cancer: a not so silent killer
Ovarian cancer has long been considered difficult to detect with vague symptoms that look like other conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome and PMS. I had been experiencing bloating, gas, fullness, and urinary tract problems for several months. I complained to my doctor. She suggested dietary changes but never did any follow up testing on me. A simple blood test called CA-125 would have alerted her to the problem before it had advanced to Stage III. An elevated CA-125 (above 35) is indicative of ovarian cancer, especially in conjunction with the other symptoms I had. New research points to a clear sign of the disease: the presence of three specific symptoms simultaneously- increased waist size, bloating or gas, and the urgent need to urinate. Since my diagnosis, several friends and my sister have requested that their doctors do a baseline CA-125, especially, if they had symptoms of gas or bloating. Fortunately, they are fine. I urge you to do research, get information and if you have any symptoms or concerns, talk to your doctor and be assertive about what you want.

Vitamin and supplements that Barbara researched and used in her fight with ovarian cancer, Phase I.
The following is a list of vitamin and supplements that I took to prepare for surgery and to speed post-operative healing.
Vitamin A: 25,000 IU daily- numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of Vit.A on healing after surgery.
Vitamin C: 2,000 mg per day- essential for collagen synthesis which is part of normal wound healing.
Zinc, magnesium, B Complex: wound healing
Vitamin E: speeds healing

Arnica montana 30x, 3-4 pellets twice per day on the day before surgery and also as soon before surgery as possible. Then take them as soon as possible in the recovery room. Take for 1 week following surgery. Arnica is very good at preventing ill effects from any kind of physical trauma. Refer to: Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christine Northrup, MD for further information about these and other supplements. She also has a script example of four healing statements for the surgeon and anesthesiologist that I requested they say to me during my operation.

I also took Cat's Claw. I found information about this herb on the internet and started taking it as soon as I was diagnosed. Cat's Claw is indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of South and Central America. It has been used for over 2,000 years by indigenous peoples for a variety of conditions including wound healing, cancer, internal cleansing, and "normalizing" the body. It has been used in Europe and Peru since the early 1990's as an adjunctive treatment for cancer and AIDs as well as other diseases that target the immune system.

Post Surgery
Read Part I for information regarding diagnosis and surgery...
The next few weeks after my discharge from the hospital, were very busy. My sister, Nance, and my mom decorated the house and Christmas tree. My sister Lauren visited from Washington and cleaned, cooked and lent invaluable support to all of us. There were visits to the surgeon for follow-up and the oncologist for the initial visit. John and my sisters accompanied me. It was so very helpful to have someone else ask questions and write down information. It can be an overwhelming experience, especially when you're a little "spaced out" on vicodin for pain management, as I was. I signed on to be part of a clinical study using different combinations of medications for eight instead of the normal six cycles. Laurie had brought a book with her that offered a lot of information on how to deal with an ovarian cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatments. One suggestion was to research clinical studies. There is a great deal of "cutting edge" research out there but you may have to hunt for it, do your homework, and bring the information to your doctor. My oncologist's office was conducting a trial, I was accepted, and I was scheduled to begin treatment on December 21.

Even though I was dreading the whole process, I knew I had to approach it in much the same way I did the surgery, almost like an athletic event or a race. Attitude is defined as a manner of acting, feeling or thinking that shows one's disposition, opinion and mental set. We may not be able to control a situation, but we can choose our attitude about that situation- victim or fighter; passive or aggressive; depressed or striving toward joy and happiness; caught in the "why me's" or searching for the "what can I learn from this." With the help of many people and through much reading and research, my "attitude-adjustment" process unfolded.

A booklet entitled "Preparing for Chemo" suggests several things that I immediately put into action.
1) Get your hair cut short so that when your hair starts falling out, it's less traumatic and won't clog the shower's drain. (This worked for the drains but I was still traumatized.)

2) If you plan to wear a wig, shop for it before starting chemo. My sisters and my dear friend and hairdresser Patty, helped with both of these steps. Watching my long hair fall to the floor was very hard and yet made me feel the tiniest bit more in control of what was happening to me. To my surprise, everyone loved my new hairdo. The compliments boosted my ego when I really needed it. Nance and Laurie accompanied me to the wig shop. Laughter is very good medicine-and we laughed a lot as we all played with the wigs before settling on two very nice ones. Four hundred dollars later I was armed with my hair prosthetics and a sore belly from laughing. At this writing, I am sporting my own very short hair after nine months of wigs and hats.

3) The booklet suggests having a dental check up and cleaning before starting chemo. Also important is giving your home a thorough cleaning and perhaps scheduling someone to come in once a week thereafter- a clean house can minimize exposure to infectious agents.

4) Building up strength through exercise and a good diet can help minimize some of the side effects of chemo. This booklet and other helpful literature, is available through oncology offices and offers good practical information. I also found the library and the internet to be good resources.

Shortly after my homecoming, from the hospital, I received a telephone call from Lindy, a volunteer with the Cancer Society (set up by my husband and the cancer support staff at the hospital.) She had been diagnosed and treated for Stage IIIc ovarian cancer seven years ago. Hearing from her gave me a real boost and some good tips for dealing with the upcoming chemo. She shared her experiences with surgery, hair loss and complete recovery! She is still cancer free! In addition to advice on make-up to camouflage the fact that one has no eyebrows or eyelashes, she told me how helpful acupuncture was for her. She felt that it really minimized some of the chemo side-effects and "rebalanced" her body's energy. I believe in its efficacy and definitely feel the sessions have been very beneficial.

My first acupuncture session was four days after the first chemo treatment. The meds they gave me to prevent nausea worked very well. I didn't have much of an appetite and felt a little achy and tired but the only real side effect I experienced was a terrible, hand-wringing itching and tingling in my hands and feet. Amy, my acupuncturist, has worked with several people undergoing chemo, is very knowledgeable, and had a good treatment plan in place for me. I scheduled to see her 2 days before and 4 days after every chemo session. After my first visit with her, I did feel better, more energized and the itching had definitely dissipated a good deal. She gave me some suggestions on supplements and some Chinese herbs to use.

The side effect of itching, burning and tingling is called neuropathy and is fairly common with the types of chemo protocol I was on. After my second and third sessions, the symptoms worsened! I turned to the internet to learn more about neuropathy and what, if anything, I could do about it. I found an article by Cindy H. Makencon, website:, entitled "coping-Tips for dealing with neuropathy." She offered a great deal of helpful information including reports of studies on the benefits of taking fairly large doses of L-Glutamine Sulfate and Chondroitin. I forwarded this information onto Carolyn, the research nurse in charge of my clinical study, and she shared the information with the oncologist. The combination of all these things worked! The neuropathy gradually subsided and I've had no further problems.

I believe a few other factors contributed to my being able to handle the chemo pretty well. I continued to increase my exercise regimen, progressing to walking everyday and then back to the gym for step-classes, albeit modified, and lifting light weights. Exercise builds muscle strength, increases oxygen and blood flow and for me, was and is a real physical and mental energy boost.

I came across a book entitled: "Herbal Therapy & Supplements- a Scientific and Traditional Approach" written by Merrily A. Kuhn, RN, Ph.D. and David Winston, a herbalist and ethnobiologist. The book was part of an at-home study course that I needed to complete for my RN Continuing Education Credits. The book offers a comprehensive guide to many common and some less common herbs and supplements, their uses, adverse effects, contraindications, and drug-herb interactions. After careful research, I started using several herbs and supplements designed to minimize chemo side effects and boost my immune system. I was careful to use things that do not stimulate estrogen in the body as my cancer was estrogen-receptor positive. I started taking these supplements one or two things at a time in smaller doses in order to monitor any unfavorable reactions, before adding more. Most importantly, I notified my doctor that I was taking supplements and having acupuncture.

At the end of this article, I will offer a complete list of the supplements and herbs that I have been using and some information regarding the rationale for each of these additions.
For several months, our kitchen counter resembled a drug and supplement store. It was worth it! Once the neuropathy was under control, I tolerated the remainder of the chemo treatments pretty well. I was able to work full time and exercise, and my appetite and energy levels were good. Physically, acupuncture, exercise, diet, and supplements were, and still are, valuable tools which helped me deal with the chemo and recover from its serious effects.

On another level, the emotional and spiritual aids were an even more powerful part of the healing process. Previously, I mentioned my visualizations regarding pre and post operative healing and seeing myself healthy and cancer free. Now, it was time to take it a step further and include it as a powerful adjunct to the chemo medications. Rather than seeing the meds as a poison, I started to visualize it as "nectar from the gods," washing through me and being taken up by my immune cells as a potion to destroy cancer cells. A few weeks before my first treatment, I read an article about a young local girl who had battled cancer at age 16. She wrote a book about her experience and included her thoughts on seeing her chemo as "nectar from the gods." I admired her outlook and incorporated it into my work. My husband, John, created a special tape for me to listen to while receiving the infusion of chemo. This guided exercise included relaxation, healing messages, and suggestions for picturing my immune cells taking care of things and using the chemo effectively. Before each chemo session, even before they started the IV, he would do a relaxation exercise with me. This ritual became a very important part of the process. By working on my "attitude" towards the chemo and by connecting with these parts of myself that can be powerful self-healers, I felt I was taking back control of what was happening. Feeling that you are part of the healing process instead of a passive receiver of medications etc., is very empowering.

Rituals and routines are very comforting, especially when you're experiencing stressful times. My "chemo ritual" evolved from the very first session. The night before, I meditated and did my healing visualizations at bedtime. John drove me to the oncology center. I selected my chair and we settled in with his relaxation exercise. My sister, Nance, arrived bearing muffins and silly magazines. After visiting and chatting, John left for work and Nance and I munched muffins and laughed at the National Enquirer stories. About an hour before the infusion was completed, my brother, Tom, would arrive for a visit and to take me home. Somewhere in the session, my sister, Laurie, would call from Washington to check in and often John would "pop in" in his travels. I always had company and felt lovingly supported. Sabrina included me in her meditation every morning and my mom would stop by the day after the session for tea and a chat. Every three weeks from December 21 through May 27, we followed this routine. The nurses and my family got to know one another and we became a real team!

Returning to work seven weeks after surgery was another normalizing routine that made me feel like I was taking back my life. Except for the day of chemo and the following day, I have worked full time, feeling productive, healthy and normal. My co-workers have been very supportive and caring. They even threw me a graduation party to celebrate the completion of chemo.

Even before my last chemo, I was researching what to do to prevent a recurrence of the disease. I found information on a clinical study for Ovarex, a vaccine designed to prevent a recurrence of ovarian cancer. After many phone calls, letters and haggling with my insurance company, I was accepted into a study being conducted at Stanford's Cancer Center in Palo Alto. It involved monthly infusions for the first three months and then every twelve weeks for the rest of the year, with routine labs and CT scans. I have experienced only mild side effects and feel fortunate to have access to one more tool.

I would have preferred the "universe" had given me a gentle tap on the shoulder instead of this Giant Thump on the head to let me know I had things to learn about myself and how "I am" in the world. Here are some of the things I have learned from this experience:
1. Pay attention - perhaps if I had agitated more forcefully with my doctor that something was NOT right, she would have responded with more attention. LISTEN to your body and trust your intuition.

2. Don't take anything for granted - people, job, health, hair. When you face the loss of these things, you realize how special people are, how the day-to-day routine of a job is a gift, how precious good health is and even how much better a "bad hair" day is than NO HAIR!

3. There are a great many sources of invaluable information out there through people, libraries and the internet. Taking advantage of these resources allowed me to create a comprehensive plan to restore my health and fight the disease using a combination of Western and alternative therapies.

4. We do have choices in how we deal with a crisis - probably the best choice for me was to reach out and ask for help. The more people I told about my health issues, the more positive energy came my way. I felt empowered rather than vulnerable and armed with my helmet (a wig, which, by the way, I got complements on) and my armor (acupuncture, supplements, chemo, prayers and visualization) I was ready to do battle. I was "Warrior Princess" instead of cancer patient.

5. Laughter is GOOD MEDICINE!
At this writing, my labs and CT scans are completely normal. I am back to my normal routines of work and exercise. I am sporting a "Jamie Lee Curtis" hairdo. I am excited about decorating and shopping for Thanksgiving and when we all come together, we'll have a lot to be thankful for! Before we dig into our feast, I will be asking each person to write on a piece of paper, one thing that they are grateful for. Each of us will then withdraw one of these papers from the basket and try to guess who wrote the message. It will be easy to guess mine. I am grateful for all the love and support from my family and friends (with a special thanks to my son, Matt, and my husband for shaving their heads to support me and to my son, Mike, and his band for dedicating songs to me at concerts and their fund raising for the Cancer Society.) I thank you!!! It's time to celebrate!

Happy Thanksgiving 2004 and celebrate every day of your life.
Barbara's Complete Ovarian Cancer Fighting Supplement List:
Three Imperial Mushroom Capsules - available through acupuncture office
A) Reishi- Immuno stimulant: enhances immune system; use is sanctioned by the Japanese Health Ministry as an adjunct treatment for cancer; Increases activity of chemotheraputic agents and reduces adverse effects such as nausea, decreased white blood cell counts; helps protect the liver against damage caused by viral, drug and environmental toxins.

B) Shitaki- strengthens immune system response: improves survival times of cancer patients when used concurrently with chemo.

C) Maitake- best known for cancer fighting properties: many doctors in Japan use it to lower blood pressure and blood lipids; effective as an anti-tumor agent and immune system modulator.

Echinacia- used in Germany along with chemo in the treatment of cancer. May enhance white blood cell counts in persons undergoing chemo.
Cat's Claw- reduces side effects of chemo; used in clinical practice in Europe for cancer & HIV; has important immune enhancing properties; helps increase the number of T-cells, the true soldiers of the immune system. In Austria, it is used together with conventional treatment (chemo, radiation &/or surgery) to treat hundreds of cancer patients per year.
Graviola- scientists have been studying this herb since the 1940's - four studies were published in 1998 re: significant anti-tumor properties and selective toxicity against various types of cancer cells (without harming healthy cells; Purdue University has conducted a great deal of research on the Annonaceous acetogenins family to which graviola belongs) much of which has been funded by the National Cancer Institute or the National Institute of Health.
Acidophyllis- rebalances intestinal flora (especially important when you're taking a lot of medications.)
ultivitamins with Vitamin E
Calcium Supplement
IP-6 with Insositol- has been studied extensively for over 20 years; has powerful effects on the immune system.
Wheat Grass Juice- increases hemoglobin; rebuilds the blood; improves body's ability to heal wounds; washes drug deposits from the body; neutralizes toxins and carcinogens in the body.
Green and White Tea- Chinese believe green tea is a cure for cancer and a longevity tonic; boosts immune system function; research being done all over the world and in the US by the National Cancer Institute re: anti-tumor activity. Both green and white tea are excellent antioxidants.

Information on Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a relatively rare disorder, accounting for about 3 in 100 cases of all cancer in the US. Pancreatic cancer occurs almost twice as frequently in men as in women and the disease is slightly more common in African-Americans and Polynesians.

The pancreas is a spongy, tube-shaped organ about 6 inches long. The head of the pancreas is on the right side of the abdomen. It is connected to the duodenum, the upper end of the small intestine. The narrow end of the pancreas, called the tail, extends to the left side of the body.

The pancreas is a gland about five inches long located behind the stomach. It is surrounded by the liver, gallbladder, and small intestine. The pancreas has two main functions. One is to produce digestive fluids needed to neutralize stomach acids and break down food. Pancreatic cancer occurs when abnormal (cancerous) cells grow in the tissues of the pancreas.

Pancreatic cancer is the seventh leading cause of cancer in the U.S., and the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths. The American Cancer Society estimated that 33,730 new cases of pancreatic cancer would have been reported in the U.S. in 2006. Although the rates of pancreatic cancer have declined in men over the past 20 years, the rates in women have remained constant. Nonetheless, pancreatic cancer most commonly affects males, occurring most often in people over the age of 45.

The Facts on Pancreatic Cancer
About one in 79 people will develop pancreatic cancer (cancer of the pancreas) over their lifetime. In North America in 2007, pancreatic cancer was responsible for the fourth highest number of deaths among cancer deaths. The risk of developing pancreatic cancer is about the same for both men and women. Pancreatic cancer is sometimes called a silent disease because it is difficult to detect and symptoms do not usually appear until the cancer has grown for quite some time.

This cancer is difficult to diagnose because there are no symptoms in the early stages and because , when symptoms appear, they match other diseases. Depending on the stage and location of the cancer, surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy may be used. If the cancer has not spread beyond the pancreas, therapy can be successful, but, as stated earlier, it's very unlikely to find pancreatic cancer in the early stages. In later stages, often the therapy concentrates on the comfort of the patient.

Complete resection is the only effective treatment of pancreatic ductal carcinoma. Regrettably, such curative operations are possible in less than 15 percent of patients and are limited, for all practical purposes, to those individuals with tumors in the pancreatic head that have caused jaundice leading to an earlier diagnosis. Tumor spread to other sites in the abdomen such as the lining of the abdominal cavity (“peritoneum”), liver, or to the lungs is a contraindication to major surgery.

Pancreatic Cancer and Its Alternative Treatments
Pancreatic cancer affects the pancreas, an organ which forms part of our digestive system. It is caused in much the same way as most cancers, whereby abnormal growth in cells leads to a lump on the pancreas which then requires treatment.

The most common type of pancreatic cancer is known as exocrine, which begins by forming in the cells lining the ducts. However, another type of pancreatic cancer is known as endocrine, which is characterized by the production of hormones, and this is much rarer.

There are no specific causes of pancreatic cancer, but as with many cancers there are a number of factors which can increase the risk of us developing the condition. Smoking is perhaps the most obvious thing that we can avoid to prevent getting the disease, but eating a diet high in fats and sugars, as well as taking relatively little exercise, being overweight or drinking too much alcohol can all increase our risk levels.

Pancreatic cancer is particularly difficult to diagnose because there are so many different possible symptoms. These include itchy skin, general sickness, diabetes, fever, producing dark-coloured urine, developing stomach pain, experiencing weight loss or developing jaundice.

Standard Treatment
All of these vague symptoms mean that pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed late, meaning the level of treatment required will be much more extreme.

Earlier treatment will often involve surgery, but if the cancer is caught later then this will usually mean being treated with chemotherapy, with all the nasty side effects that this can produce, such as sickness, rashes and fluid retention.

Radiotherapy is not used for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, and is generally only being used in the later stages of the disease where it can help to slow it down.

Alternative Treatments
Due to the harsh nature of the standard forms of treatment, many of us choose to go with alternative treatments instead. There are a number of different types of alternative treatments available, and often they can work together to lead to the best results.

Bio-photonic light treatment is a natural form of treatment that has been seen to produce good results. This is concerned with increasing the energy levels of individual cells which have become damaged and weakened due to the cancer. Through a process of directing UV rays towards them, these cells are pumped full of energy to better help them to restore our natural energy levels, thereby helping us to deal with the condition.

This often goes alongside a very kind and non-invasive type of treatment consisting of emotional freedom techniques (EFT). This consists of a whole range of different treatments that aim to focus on our emotional healing and meridian balancing. It is based on the idea that many cancers and degenerative diseases are triggered by a particularly stressful or traumatic event in our lives, which distorts the positive balance of the cells within the body. The aim is then to reverse this process by balancing the cells.

There are also a few formulas which people can use as alternative therapies, two of which are Formula MVA and Formula PG. Formula MVA is a dietary supplement that works by boosting the immune system, thereby helping the body to naturally overcome the cancerous cells. It contains a whole host of natural substances, including Palladium, Vitamins B1, B2 and B12, and Acetyl Cystiene amongst others, and it aims to increase the energy levels in the cells. It can even be used alongside traditional treatments to lessen their damaging side effects.

Formula PG makes use of peptides which come from pig spleens, which have long been known to help patients with degenerative diseases. These peptides allow cells and organs to communicate better with their surrounding environments and each other.

All of these alternative therapies can be used individually or in combination to produce an entirely different type of treatment for cancer sufferers that do not suffer from the same painful side effects of conventional treatments.

New Breast Cancer Information

Breast cancer has been known as the fifth most common cause of death worldwide and the second most common type of cancer following lung cancer. It starts in the cells of the breast. In the year of 2005 breast cancer caused approximately 502,000 deaths worldwide. The amount of people worldwide getting breast cancer has increased since the seventies. Breast cancer is known to be higher in the western world then it is in third world countries.

Women from North America are known to have the highest incidence of this type of cancer. With women in the United States breast cancer is the most common of cancer types and the second most common type of cancer death. Women that live in the United States have a one in eight chance in their lifetime of developing invasive breast cancer.

And women in the United States have a three percent chance of dying from breast cancer. In the year of 2007 breast cancer caused many deaths in the United States averaging about seven percent of all cancer deaths. In the United States death rates for breast cancer have been known to decline in the last few years.

A research study conducted in 2005 showed that breast cancer was still one of the most feared diseases even with heart disease being a more common death among women. With the breast being composed of identical tissues in both men and women, men can also get breast cancer. But with men breast cancer is almost one hundred times less common then it is with women.

Men that have breast cancer are considered to have the same survival rate as women. Breast cancer is one of the oldest types of cancer in humans. When doctors started understanding the circulatory system back in the 17th century they then established a link between lymph nodes and breast cancer in the armpits.

How to Prevent Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer has earned the disrepute of becoming the second-most killing type of all cancers that are found in humans, having lost the race only to lung cancer. About one in every ten women has chances of developing breast cancer if precautions are not taken early on. Despite this alarming number of its victims, it is pathetic to know that there is an absolute lack of information on the disease. It is not that there is no written material available about the disease, but most women are too complacent regarding the problem. It is always the ‘disease that affects the other woman so it doesn’t bother me’ until it is too late to remedy the situation.

Breast cancer is the abnormal growth of cells within the breast. These cells would aggregate like a lump, which would be called as the breast tumor. The tumor can be felt from the outside of the breast even when it is still harmless. At this harmless stage, it is called as a benign tumor. Benign tumors can be surgically operable. If that is done, the risk of the advancement of the breast cancer is very negligible. But if the tumor is allowed to go on, then it would continue to the malignant stage. The result is certain death.

Hence it is important to snuff out the breast cancer while it is still benign, and perhaps that is the only way to keep the cancer at bay once it occurs. But most women do not know that there are various ways to reduce the risk of contracting breast cancers. Since breast cancer can strike just about any woman, it is extremely necessary to pay attention to these methods that can help to prevent the disease.

The following are the precautions that women must take to prevent the onset of breast cancer:

(1) If you are overweight, then seriously work at reducing your weight. Science has proved a direct relation between obesity and breast cancer. At the same time, lean women have a significantly lesser chance of contracting the disease.

(2) Do not introduce any supplements in your body that could change the internal hormonal balance of the body. In women, the two main feminine character deciding hormones are progesterone and estrogen. These hormones maintain the proper balance of the female characteristics, including the shape and the function of the breasts. An alteration in this balance could bring on several female health related diseases, among which breast cancer is just one of them.

(3) Smoking is extremely hazardous in women as it can play havoc with the biological rhythm of the body. Excessive smoking could cause sterility in both the male and the female. But in women, smoking has been found (by statistical analysis) that women who smoke stand at a much higher risk of breast cancer than others.

(4) Walking is considered to be effective in keeping breast cancer away. Walking is a simple exercise, but it can keep the woman’s body fit. Also walking stimulates proper blood circulation in all parts of the body without making the person excessively tired. Apart from walking, other simple exercises like running, jumping, swimming, etc. are also effective.

(5) All women over the age of 40 are at a risk of breast cancer. The diet should be kept as natural as possible, and artificial spices and preservatives must be avoided. Elderly women should not lead sedentary lifestyles; they must involve themselves in some kind of physical activity or the other, depending on their lifestyles.

(6) There has been a kind of an association established with high fats and breast cancers. Women whose diet consists of a lot of fats are more susceptible to getting breast cancers than others. Instead of high-calorie fats, a low fat diet is preferable. This will also help to keep obesity and cardiovascular problems in check.

Breast cancer prevention
is more important than the treatment of the cancer itself, because prevention is always better than cure. The above precautions will greatly reduce the risk of having a cancer, but then they are not sure-shot methods. Medical science has not yet been able to come up with a good explanation as to why some women get breast cancers and some don’t. Hence at the slightest sign of any abnormality with your breasts, it is necessary to seek urgent medical attention. Your vigilance might save your life.

The Big News About Herbal Treatment For Prostate Cancer

A very deceptive cancer that affects the prostate, does not start early, but does grow fast once it does start. This cancer like many can be life threatening as well as very damaging. Prostate cancer affects men and their sexual performance as well as the other sexual functions. More so, older men should be concerned about developing prostate cancer, although it does affect young men as well. Surgery is a choice many have problems dealing with, as it will change their lives forever.

Surgery happens to be the only known treatment of prostate in the medical field. However, this procedure does take your ability to perform sexually, which leaves many with psychological problems. Although people who have the surgery can live long lives, many live with depression. You never have a guarantee that the cancer cells have not moved to other parts of the body. For more info see on Laser Prostate Treatment.

Herbal treatment for prostate cancer has offered an alternative for people suffering from prostate cancer. This method of treatment is not backed by any medical profession, but mostly by believers in herbal cures. Many believe that early detection of cancer and continued herbal treatment of prostate cancer, you can skip any groups that help you deal with prostate cancer.

Listed below are a few options for herbal treatment for prostate cancer:

1. Lycopene- this helps to fight the risk of developing cancer. Tomatoes, watermelons and grapefruits are a good source for lycopene. Lycopene goes deep into the body and helps to reverse the malignant process. Therefore, this herb works well on prostate cancer.

2. Saw Palmetto- this helps to inhibit the 5-alpha-reductase and interferes with the DRT as well as working as a phytoestrogen. This helps fight prostate cancer. This herbal treatment for prostate cancer comes from the plant known as saw palmettos.

3. Selenium- this is provided from garlic, chicken, grains and shellfish. There has been links to selenium deficiency and cancers. When you take this herb, you build a wall against cancer.

By having, regular check ups and taking a herbal treatment for prostate cancer prevention as well as treatment will allow you a long life.

Natural Cures For Prostate Cancer: Just Go For It
Prostate cancer is treated in many ways. Hormone therapy, surgical removal of the gland and radiation therapy are just a few of the options available. Treatments like these are commonly resulting in various side effects as well. Some side effects are mild and short-term but some also are permanent and irreversible.

Alternative treatments for prostate cancer are also available and all are natural cures. From the cost viewpoint to effectiveness to less risky side effects, these are just some of the benefits gained from natural treatment of prostate cancer. Undergoing this treatment involves a change in one's nutritional diet, supplementation and herbal remedies. Under the guidance of a nutritionist and discipline of one's body, better health is coming your way.

Advice for Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer:
Following a nutritionist's advice is essential in taking the first step in undergoing natural healing process. One has to change his diet in order to have proper nutrition. Practicing healthy living through balanced diet and proper nutrition is believed to make your immune system stronger and thus hinders the growth of cancer cells. Having poor nutrition, on the other hand, will only enhance or facilitate cancer cell development.

There are several food groups that mainly consist a prostate cancer patient's diet. Fruits and vegetables are vital components of the balanced diet. As well as good sources of omega 3 fatty acids from cold-water fish like tuna, mackerel and salmon. Using olive oils instead of conventional oils in your diet provides cholesterol free healthy fat.

Daily supplements prove to be one of the natural cures for prostate cancer patients. Some known healthy supplements are green tea, selenium, melatonin, lycopene, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and folic acid. Altogether, they aid the patient's system to make sure that the body is absorbing all essential nutrients.

Medications for Natural Cures for Prostate Cancer:
Herbal medicines are proven to be the most natural among treatment. The most popular claim of healing is serenoa repens, commonly known as saw palmetto. This herb works by preventing testosterone from breaking down in another form of the hormone associated with prostate tissue growth.

Surely herbal medicine is proven safe and effective but you still need to make sure that you are getting the right concentration of the herb associated with healing. Natural cures for prostate cancer will take some time to show significant improvement in one's health. Depending on the severity of one's condition, several months have to be pondered before seeing any significant healing. For a more secure assurance, medical tests conducted regularly have to be part of your healing process too.

For more info see on rectal prostate exam.

Natural cures are taken in hoping for better health and recovery from the condition, it usually takes longer than other conventional ways of treatment. Proper nutrition, suitable supplementation, combined with a balanced way of living through exercise will surely bring you a better prostate health in the future.

Breast Cancer Treatment Options

Breast cancer treatment options are now more advanced. Constant research has definitely helped a lot in giving cancer patients another life to live. Some of the treatments today include chemotherapy, hormonal treatment (anti-estrogen), radiation, and surgery. These treatments are usually used together depending on the extent of the disease.

It can be very confusing on your part to choose the best treatment option to cure your cancer and it would be best if you have a little knowledge about some of these procedures.

The treatments are categorized as follows:
1. Regional or local treatment – this treatment is only limited to the area where the tumor was found. It also included treating local or adjacent lymphatics.
2. Alternative treatments – there is still no proof that alternative treatments can cure cancer but many people are choosing this option. This usually includes holistic therapies and the use of natural medicines.
3. Systematic treatments – these treatments are focused in preventing metastases or if it has already occurred, the treatments are aimed at eliminating the spread.

Over the years, surgery has been the most popular treatment for cancer. Radical mastectomy left patients with deformed breasts but today’s mastectomy is not as drastic and is very much different. Lumpectomy is a therapy which conserves the most part of the breast which is not infected. In this method, only the tumor is removed. Radiation treatments are given afterwards to eliminate and cleanse the remaining tissues. The radiation can prevent recurrence.

In radiation therapy, gamma rays are used to target the cancerous cells. This method is often used after surgery because its main function is to prevent recurrence of breast cancer.
Another method is hormone therapy. Certain cancers develop when there is presence of estrogen. This therapy uses anti-estrogen hormones to lower the estrogen levels and prevent cancer cells from developing. Tamoxifen is the most common anti-estrogen drug used in the therapy. Chemotherapy is also another method to treat breast cancer. Cancer varies from one individual to another. This method is given to patients with high grade, great tumor size, and affected lymph nodes. However, chemo is usually given together with surgery, radiation, and surgery.

These are the breast cancer treatment options available to patients. These conventional treatments are often lengthy and expensive. When undergoing a series of treatments, the individual can also undergo psychological therapy so that they can have a better outlook in life.

Breast cancer patients often find it hard to cope with their situation because they are dealing with a dreadful disease. To be able to choose the best breast cancer treatment options, you have to know the differences between these treatments and the risks involved. The treatments work effectively when the cancer is detected immediately but advanced stages can still be cured although the survival rate is only 20%. By thorough examination, breast cancer can be detected early; after that, the right treatment can now be employed to get rid of the cancer cells.

Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Strategies
Many women suffering from breast cancer are interested in learning more about natural treatment options. This type of treatment is often referred to in the medical field and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment, and there are actually a number of different types of treatment options that fall under this category.

Understanding CAM
CAM is any type of medical practice, system, or product that is not considered to be the standard form of care. There are three areas of natural breast cancer treatment that fall under this category: Complementary Medicine, Alternative Medicine, and Integrative Medicine.

Complementary medicines are those that are used along with standard medical treatments like chemotherapy and surgery. A common complementary treatment is acupuncture, which is used to help with the side effects associated with cancer treatment. Alternative medicine, on the other hand, is a natural treatment approach that is used instead of standard medical treatments. Special diets to treat cancer, for example, may be used rather than chemotherapy. Integrative medicine takes care of your mind, body, and spirit by combining standard medicine techniques with CAM techniques.

Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Techniques Involving the Mind and Body
There are a number of treatment techniques you can utilize to help ease the pain and assist in the treatment process. Biofeedback - using machines to learn how to affect certain bodily functions you are normally not aware of, such as your heart rate.

Meditation - focusing breathing or repeating words or phrases in order to calm your mind.
Yoga - using special stretches and poses with special attention given to your breathing.
Hypnosis - creating a state of relaxed and focused attention and concentrating on certain ideas, feelings, or suggestions to assist in the healing process.
Creative Outlets - special therapy such as dance, music, and art.
Imagery - imagining certain pictures, scenes, or experiences in order to help the body heal.

Biological Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Options
It is also possible to treat your breast cancer by taking advantage of things found in nature, such as herbal products and dietary supplements. These can include certain foods, vitamins, herbs, and special dietary plans. Soy products are one additive that have shown a great deal of promise when it comes to preventing and treating breast cancer.

You should also include whole grain foods, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, low-fat dairy products, flaxseed, green tea, as many herbs as possible, and either virgin oil or canola oil in your diet. All kinds of herbs are good to add to your diet because they increase your intake of phytochemicals, which may help to fight cancer.

Body-Based Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Options
Body-based treatment options are those that work on one or more parts of your body. These techniques manipulate the body in order to achieve a greater level of health. Massage involves manipulation of the tissues, while chiropractic care manipulates the skeletal system and joints. Reflexology, which utilizes pressure points in the feet and hands to affect parts of the body, is another type of treatment.

Deciding if Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Options are Right for You
Before deciding to start a treatment program, it is important to discuss it with your doctor. Your best option is to consult a professional that is trained in natural strategies. Your doctor or nurse might be able to refer you to a specialist. If not, contact your local cancer center or hospital and ask for names of professionals that might be able to help you.

Information on Melanoma Cancer

Friday, April 9, 2010 6:56:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

Melanoma can be sporadically spotted in children and young people. The cancer generally grows in an already existing mole or a new mole that appears on the skin. Men commonly get melanomas on the area between the hips and the shoulders, the neck or the head. Women, on the other hand, contract the disease mostly on the arms of the legs. In exceptional cases, it can grow in body parts that are not covered by the skin, such as mouth, eyes, large intestines or vagina. Melanoma can be cured if diagnosed early. Unlike other types of skin cancer, however, it can rapidly reach other parts of the body through the lymph system or the blood.

Melanoma is a skin disease. Cancerous cells are produced in the melanocytes, cells that are responsible for skin color. Melanocytes, in the skin, are also found in other parts of the body, like the eyes. A majority of documented melanoma infection originates in the skin. It is a skin cancer. Melanoma is also known as malignant melanoma or cutaneous melanoma. According to scientific research on melanoma, an exposure to ultraviolet radiation is a major cause.

Dermatologists often debate on the association of sunlight with melanoma.
Melanoma treatment in the beginning of the disease itself. There are various methods to treat melanoma. The methods are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and palliative care. A good way for melanoma treatment is surgery. Here the tumor is removed and so also is a tiny region from the skin which is normal. In the beginning stage just a biopsy can cure melanoma. After a surgery a skin grafting is done if necessary to cover the wounded part of the skin. After this melanoma treatment painkillers would be given in order to reduce the pain. It will take some time for the wound to cure and the skin grafting to look normal as any other part of the skin.

Melanomas are divided into four groups. The fourth form of melanoma is invasive from the beginning. The most common type of melanoma is superficial spreading melanoma. The maximum number of cases reported, are cases of superficial spreading melanoma. It occupies the top layer of the skin for a long time before becoming invasive. Lentigo maligna is an invasive form of melonama. It affects the top layer of the skin for a long time before going deeper. It mainly affects the older age group. Due to a constantly exposure to the sun, this condition occurs in the ears, arms and upper trunk.

Scientists were working on a group of mummies when they noticed deformities in their skin. It was determined that these mummies did have some type of malignant melanoma. The first operation related to melanoma occurred in 1787 by a man named John Hunter. The tumor that was removed from the skin was preserved in the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Upon examination and testing it was concluded that the mass was in fact a form of metastatic melanoma.

Melanoma Treatment and The Arsenal against a Fatal Disease
Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and has been spreading like wild fire over the last decade. Melanoma treatment may take the form of surgery, chemotherapy in early stages, and biological or radiation therapies in extreme cases.

Melanoma takes on four forms. Both superficial spreading melanoma, the most common form accounting for 70% of all melanoma cases and lentigo maligna begin as flat or elevated irregularly shaped tan, brown or black patches.

Both these forms of skin cancer begin as localized tumors, but left untreated, they penetrate deeper and spread to other parts of the body. Acral lentiginous melanoma is a superficial melanoma common amongst Asians and African-Americans.

Nodular melanoma is the most severe form, beginning as invasive cancer and when malignant, shows a lump. It accounts for 10-15% of melanoma cases. Melanoma can be prevented by reducing the sun exposure, especially between 10am and 4pm with adequate clothing and sun blocks with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. Children are vulnerable to sunrays and it has been proved that juvenile sunburns greatly increase the risk of adult melanoma.

Melanoma remedy is most effective in the early stages. Typical melanoma moles are lop-sided with irregular borders. Advanced melanoma moles have swellings, oozing, itching or bleeding.
Melanoma remedy varies according to the progression of the disease. Actinic Keratoses or sun damage leading to skin cancer can be treated by laser resurfacing, TCA peel skin peels or the application of Efudex cream.

In the early stages, surgery to remove the tumor and the adjacent healthy tissues is effective enough to destroy the metastatic cancer cells. The amount of tissue removed depends upon the spread of the cancerous growth.

Surgical melanoma remedy may also involve a skin graft to replenish the lost tissues. If the melanoma spreads to the lymph nodes, surgery may also involve removal of these.
Advanced melanoma treatment includes chemotherapy. This either involves the use of cancer drugs in capsule form or intravenous injections to kill the cancer cells.

Biological and radiation therapies are the last bastions of melanoma treatment. In the former, laboratory-generated cancer-combating substances called biological response, modifiers (BRMs) like tumor vaccines, interleukin-2, or interferon-alfa are administered to the melanoma patient.

Radiation therapy involves the use of x-rays to destroy cancer cells that have spread throughout the body. This form of melanoma treatment can last several sessions. Its side effects include topical redness, dryness and rashes, which disappear over time. However, changes in skin color and texture may occur after a few years. Melanoma treatment should be undergone only under strict medical guidance to ensure complete remedy and prevent a recurrence.

Natural Cancer Treatment Vs Conventional Cancer Treatment

Monday, April 5, 2010 6:47:00 PM Posted by Cancer Centers 0 comments

During anti cancer treatment (Conventional cancer treatment), it is difficult to protect the healthy cells of side effects caused by the drugs administered. Although the effects of treatment vary according to each patient and the medications used, all cancer patients suffer adverse effects of treatment that affect their skin, look and internal organs. An important part of the work of clinicians and patients is to precisely manage those potential side effects. The role of this article is to summarize the main side effects caused by different types of conventional cancer treatments and potential natural treatment (including nutrition, remedies and immunotherapy). Let’s start with the conventional methods.

There are four (4) types of anti cancer treatment:

1. Surgery – Surgery, the oldest form of cancer treatment, is used in cancer treatment either to remove only the tumor, or the entire organ. Cancer surgery offers the greatest chance for cure of cancers that have not spread to other parts of the body. However, no matter how successful a surgery can be, it provokes one or all the following side effects:
- Risk of wound infection
- Damage to internal organs and blood vessels during surgery
- Blood clots can form in the deep veins of the legs after surgery, especially if a person remains in bed for a long time
- Reactions to anesthesia or other medicines. Although rare, these can be serious because they can cause dangerously low blood pressures.

2. Radiotherapy - Radiation therapy is the use of ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. It can be administered externally (external beam radiotherapy) or internally (brachytherapy). Unfortunately, radiation can cause severe blood changes including drop in production of new blood cells, nausea, anemia and vomiting. Other short/long-term side effects of radiotherapy may include:
- Irritation and burning of the skin
- Infertility - radiation to the testicles can cause permanent loss of sperm production
- Fatigue is a common effect of radiation. It may be linked to anemia or weakened immune system
- Brain disorder - radiation therapy to the brain can cause changes in brain function that can lead to memory loss, lower sexual desire, etc.
- Skin disorder - radiation therapy can make your skin become tender or sensitive. Peeling of the skin may occur.
- Second cancers – the radiation itself can cause Second cancers (metastases)
- Erectile dysfunction - radiation therapy to the pelvis can damage the arteries and nerves that supply the penis and cause problems with erections

3. Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment, its effects affect both healthy cells as cancer cells. Generally, these effects depend to a large proportion of drugs prescribed and their dosage. The anti-cancer drugs quickly affect cell division. This means that the white blood cells, which fight against infection, are also affected. This combination of factors explains why patients are more prone to infections and fatigue or even anemia during cancer treatment. Similarly, this change of cell division causes hair loss or alopecia.

4. Hormonotherapy - Side effects caused by hormonotherapy depend largely on the type of treatment used and prescribed medicines.
The Tamoxifen can cause hot flashes, irritation or vaginal discharge, nausea and irregular menstruation.
During and after cancer treatment (conventional treatment)

Here are some advices that can help: Keep your diet low in saturated fats. Use mostly unsaturated fats such as fish oil and flax seed oil which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids. Eat fruits and raw vegetables abundantly; fruits and cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of all types of cancers and their reoccurrences. Increase your intake of calcium; High intake of calcium reduces the risk of certain type of cancers. Maintain a normal weight; too much body fat is associated with a great number of diseases. Eat foods rich in antioxidant nutrients. Cigarette smoke, including second hand smoke, is the number one cause of lung cancer. Increase your fiber consumption; It is proven in several researches high fiber lower the chances of having colorectal cancers. Reduce stress, anxiety and depression by laughing, praying and singing; prayer is key to opening the door of impossibility.

Natural cancer treatment
Alternative cancer treatment is the use of herbal remedies to address the causes of the cancer (not just the symptoms) and boost the immune system to fight against pathogens and help the body heal itself. Taken regularly, certain natural herbal remedies may help to maintain the healthy functioning of every cell in your body and strengthen the immune system to ensure continued health and vitality. As we all know, a healthy strong immune system is a key element in protecting the body against infection or diseases like cancer, as well as in the promotion of recovery after illness and during cancer treatment.

Traditional And Natural Cancer Treatment Options
While there's a whole gamut of cancer treatment options available; which is the best one to use depends upon the type of cancer as well the stage that the cancer has reached. Though the prevailing trend is to resort to more traditional cancer treatment options, cancer patients are not restricted to them. There are a variety of alternative and natural options (some new, some old) for treating cancer.

Traditional Cancer Treatment Options
Traditional cancer treatment options are often referred to as cut, poison and burn (surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation).

Chemotherapy, which involves the use of chemical agents or drugs to destroy cancerous cells, forms the core treatment of malignancies. These drugs work by targeting fast-growing cells and the type and combination of drugs depends upon the type of cancer. Though chemotherapy has been proven to be effective, it can give rise to a host of side-effects including hair loss, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, anemia or low red blood cell count, neutropenia or low white blood cell count, mouth sores and shortness of breath.

Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy involves the use of high-energy ionizing radiation from varied sources including x-rays, gamma rays, protons and neutrons to shrink tumors and kill cancerous cells. It is used almost half of all cancer patients; either by itself or in combination with other cancer treatments. External-beam radiation therapy, which involves using radiation that is emitted from a machine outside the body is more common than internal radiation therapy, in which a radioactive material is implanted in the body near the tumor or cancer cells.

Surgery often entails a biopsy, which is done for diagnostic purposes. The kind of surgery depends on which part of the body has been affected by cancer as well as the extent of the cancer. In breast cancer patients the options could include lumpectomy, in which only the lump is removed; segmentectomy, in which part of the breast is removed or mastectomy, in which the entire breast is removed.

Alternative Cancer Treatment Options
Traditional cancer treatment options form only art of the story. An increasing number of health professionals are now exploring alternative cancer treatment options that encompass the whole individual.

Nutrition Therapy
Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene, is the best way to provide your body with the nourishment it needs to fight cancer. Proper nutrition helps minimize nausea and fatigue that are the main side-effects of traditional cancer treatments and are a critical component of the healing process.

Buah Merah or Red fruit, found primarily in the Indonesian island of Papua, has very high levels of anti-oxidants, beta-carotene and tocopherol and offers hope to all cancer patients. Beta-carotene and tocopherol have strong anti-carcinogenic properties and help by boosting the immune system and retarding the growth of cancer-causing cells. Buah Merah also contains Omega 3 and Omega 9 as well as linolenat, oleat, dekanoat and linoleat acids; all of which act as active medicinal compounds and also help in the prevention of diabetes mellitus, heart diseases, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, hepatitis and HIV/AIDS.

Naturopathy is a system of treatment that focuses exclusively on using the healing powers of nature such as sunlight, water and air. Naturopathy is by and large a holistic kind of treatment and includes homoeopathy, ayurveda, therapeutic nutrition, hydrotherapy or botanical medicine.

Pain Control
Though, to a certain extent medication can be used to manage pain, Acupuncture is gaining popularity as a means to control the pain experienced by cancer sufferers. The pain could be brought on by the cancer itself or as a side-effect to the cancer treatment. Prevalence and severity of pain depend on the extent, location and type of cancer as well as pain threshold of the person afflicted by cancer.

Know the Treatment of Liver Cancer

The liver is the largest organ in the body, and the main heat-producing organ. It is surrounded by a fibrous capsule and is divided into sections called lobes. It is in the upper part of the abdomen on the right-hand side of the body and is surrounded and protected from injury by the lower ribs.

The liver is an extremely important organ that has many functions. This includes producing proteins that circulate in the blood. Some of these help the blood to clot and prevent excessive bleeding, while others are essential for maintaining the balance of fluid in the body.

Radiofrequency ablation procedure, electric current in the radiofrequency range is used to destroy malignant cells. Using an ultrasound or CT scan as a guide, your surgeon inserts several thin needles into small incisions in your abdomen. When the needles reach the tumor, they're heated with an electric current, destroying the malignant cells. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. Although the procedure has a somewhat higher risk of serious complications than alcohol injection does, it appears to provide better outcomes.

On the day of treatment, the patient is given a mild sedative and pain medication. The radiologist makes a tiny incision in the groin—no larger than the tip of a pencil—to gain access to the femoral artery. Using moving X-ray images (fluoroscopy) as a visual guide, the physician directs a thin, flexible tube (catheter) through the artery and into the main blood vessel feeding the liver tumor. The radioactive beads are injected and carried in the bloodstream up to the tumor, where they embed and slowly kill the cancerous cells.

Surgery is increasingly being used for patients with secondary liver cancer. This can sometimes involve removing a segment of liver. Alternatively, keyhole techniques can be used to apply extreme cold or heat to localized areas of the liver.

The presence of secondary cancer within the liver implies that the primary tumor has spread via the bloodstream and as a result other organs may be at risk.

Hepatocellular cancer is more likely to develop in people with chronic cirrhosis. Your specialist may suggest a liver transplant if you have cirrhosis of the liver because of previous liver disease, infection with a hepatitis virus or from drinking alcohol. You will only benefit from a liver transplant if you have a single liver tumour that is less than 5cm across, or up to 3 tumours all less than 3cm across. Radiation Exposure can lead to liver sarcomas, sometimes as long as 5 decades after the exposure. The common thread to liver cancer risk factors is chronic irritation, which causes the liver cells to divide more quickly than they ordinarily would to repair perceived damage.

Liver Cancer: Diagnosis, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prognosis
Liver cancer also known as primary or metastatic hepatic carcinoma is a fairly rare form of cancer in the western world (1% of all cancers) but much more common in Africa and parts of Asia (10% to 50% of all cancers). Liver cancer is rapidly fatal, usually within 6 months from gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hepatic failure or metastasis.

Most primary liver tumors are known as hepatomas (hepatocellular carcinoma and primary lower cell carcinoma). Some primary liver cancers originate in the bile duct and these are known as cholangiomas. Some rare liver cancers include Kupffer cell sarcoma and hepatoblastomas (which occur almost exclusively in children and are usually respectable and curable). Metastatic liver cancer is 20 times more common than primary liver cancer and after cirrhosis this is the leading form of liver related death.

Liver cancer does not normally cause symptoms until it is in an advanced stage.

Clinical effects of advanced liver cancers include:
1. A mass in the right upper side.
2. Tender, nodular liver on palpation
3. Severe pain in the epigastrium or upper right side
4. Weight loss, anorexia, weakness, fever
5. Occasional jaundice or ascites (fluid in the abdomen)

The exact cause of liver cancer is unknown in adults but in children it may be a genetic disease. Adult liver carcinomas may result from environmental exposure to carcinogens such as mold, contrast media (no longer in use), androgens and oral estrogens, the hepatitis B virus or by damage to the liver due to cirrhosis caused by too much prolonged imbibing of alcohol.

Liver cancer is difficult to diagnose in the presence of cirrhosis, but several tests can help identify it: The combination of an imaging study (ultrasound, CT, or MRI scans) and an elevated blood level of alpha-fetoprotein will most effectively diagnose liver cancer, electrolyte studies may indicate increased sodium retention, a liver biopsy can make a definitive diagnosis.

Treatments for primary liver cancer depend on the extent (stage) of the disease, age, overall health, feelings and personal preferences. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. During this procedure, the hepatic artery (the artery from which liver cancers derive their blood supply) is blocked, and chemotherapy drugs are injected between the blockage and the liver. Cryoablation may be an option for people with inoperable primary and metastatic liver cancers. Removing the whole liver and replacing it with a liver from another person is another possible form of treatment for primary liver cancer.

Even when treatments fail to provide much improvement in the liver cancer itself, pain and other signs and symptoms caused by liver cancer can be aggressively treated to improve quality of life.

Prognosis is poor when cancer is advanced, but for small tumors that are confined to the liver, ablative therapies are palliative and surgical resection or liver transplantation

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