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Know the Treatment of Liver Cancer

The liver is the largest organ in the body, and the main heat-producing organ. It is surrounded by a fibrous capsule and is divided into sections called lobes. It is in the upper part of the abdomen on the right-hand side of the body and is surrounded and protected from injury by the lower ribs.

The liver is an extremely important organ that has many functions. This includes producing proteins that circulate in the blood. Some of these help the blood to clot and prevent excessive bleeding, while others are essential for maintaining the balance of fluid in the body.

Radiofrequency ablation procedure, electric current in the radiofrequency range is used to destroy malignant cells. Using an ultrasound or CT scan as a guide, your surgeon inserts several thin needles into small incisions in your abdomen. When the needles reach the tumor, they're heated with an electric current, destroying the malignant cells. Radiofrequency ablation is an option for people with small, unresectable hepatocellular tumors and for some types of metastatic liver cancers. Although the procedure has a somewhat higher risk of serious complications than alcohol injection does, it appears to provide better outcomes.

On the day of treatment, the patient is given a mild sedative and pain medication. The radiologist makes a tiny incision in the groin—no larger than the tip of a pencil—to gain access to the femoral artery. Using moving X-ray images (fluoroscopy) as a visual guide, the physician directs a thin, flexible tube (catheter) through the artery and into the main blood vessel feeding the liver tumor. The radioactive beads are injected and carried in the bloodstream up to the tumor, where they embed and slowly kill the cancerous cells.

Surgery is increasingly being used for patients with secondary liver cancer. This can sometimes involve removing a segment of liver. Alternatively, keyhole techniques can be used to apply extreme cold or heat to localized areas of the liver.

The presence of secondary cancer within the liver implies that the primary tumor has spread via the bloodstream and as a result other organs may be at risk.

Hepatocellular cancer is more likely to develop in people with chronic cirrhosis. Your specialist may suggest a liver transplant if you have cirrhosis of the liver because of previous liver disease, infection with a hepatitis virus or from drinking alcohol. You will only benefit from a liver transplant if you have a single liver tumour that is less than 5cm across, or up to 3 tumours all less than 3cm across. Radiation Exposure can lead to liver sarcomas, sometimes as long as 5 decades after the exposure. The common thread to liver cancer risk factors is chronic irritation, which causes the liver cells to divide more quickly than they ordinarily would to repair perceived damage.

Liver Cancer – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Your liver is the largest organ inside your body. It filters harmful substances from the blood, digests fats from food and stores the sugar that your body uses for energy. Primary liver cancer starts in the liver. Metastatic liver cancer starts somewhere else and spreads to your liver.

What are the symptoms of liver cancer?
The initial symptoms (the clinical presentations) of liver cancer are variable. In countries where liver cancer is very common, the cancer generally is discovered at a very advanced stage of disease for several reasons. For one thing, areas where there is a high frequency of liver cancer are generally developing countries where access to healthcare is limited. For another, screening examinations for patients at risk for developing liver cancer are not available in these areas. In addition, patients from these regions actually have more aggressive liver cancer disease.

Jaundice If the bile duct becomes blocked, bile produced by the liver will flow back into the bloodstream, causing jaundice. This will cause the skin and whites of the eyes to go yellow and may make the skin very itchy. The itching may sometimes be relieved by antihistamine tablets or other drugs, which your doctor can prescribe.

Causes of Liver Cancer
Your liver is a football-sized organ that sits in the upper right portion of your abdomen, beneath your diaphragm and above your stomach. Your liver processes most of the nutrients absorbed from your small intestine and determines how much sugar (glucose), protein and fat enter your bloodstream. It also manufactures blood-clotting substances and certain proteins. Your liver performs a vital detoxifying function by removing drugs, alcohol and other harmful substances from your bloodstream.

Many factors may play a role in the development of cancer. Because the liver filters blood from all parts of the body, cancer cells from elsewhere can lodge in the liver and start to grow. Cancers that begin in the gut often spread to the liver. The ability of the liver to regenerate may also be linked to the development of liver cancers.

How is liver cancer diagnosed?
Liver cancer may be discovered in a routine checkup if the doctor feels hard lumps in the abdomen, or incidentally by imaging studies. To confirm a diagnosis of liver cancer, doctors would use blood tests; ultrasound; computer tomography (CT) scans; and magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI.

Liver Cancer Treatment
Systemic chemotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma has not been very successful. The use of combination chemotherapy has not shown to have any advantage over single-agent chemotherapy. Intraarterail chemotherapy (mitomycin, doxorubicin, cisplatin) can be given into the hepatic artery that is providing blood supply to the tumor.

In situations in which spread is limited to the liver, systemic chemotherapy may be used, although other treatment methods may be effective. When the tumor is localized to only a few areas of the liver, the cancer may be removed surgically.

Use of radiofrequency waves or injection of toxic substances may also be used to kill tumors. When larger areas of the liver are involved, liver-directed chemotherapy (infusing chemotherapy directly into the liver), or embolization (blockage of blood flow to parts of the liver) may be used.

Patients with such limited cancer may benefit from chemotherapy infused directly into the liver. Delivered by an implanted pump connected to the hepatic artery, this therapy takes advantage of the liver's ability to metabolize some drugs, meaning that the tumor may be exposed to high concentrations of chemotherapy while the rest of the body is spared the side effects.

Helpful Guide To Prostate Cancer Treatments

Like other cancers, the cause of prostate cancer is not known; it appears to be more common in African American men and men with a family history of the disease. At an advanced age, the risks of surgery for prostate cancer or other more radical treatments may actually be worse than the disease.

The main job of the prostate gland is to make seminal fluid, the milky substance that transports sperm. Prostate cancer is normally a slow growth cancer that can take years before it becomes deadly. About 80 percent of men who reach the age of 80 have prostate cancer.

Weak or interrupted flow of urine and painful or burning urination can be symptoms to watch out for. Additional symptoms that may be associated with this disease are bone pain or tenderness, and abdominal pain. Because prostate cancer symptoms can mimic other diseases or disorders, men who experience any of these symptoms should undergo a thorough work-up to determine the underlying cause of the symptoms.

The need to urinate frequently, especially at night is another symptom. Blood in the urine or semen and frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs can be symptoms of cancer. Other symptoms might include unintentional weight loss and lethargy.

A PSA test with a high level can also be from a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. CT scans may be done to see if the cancer has metastasized (spread).

When a digital rectal exam is performed it often reveals an enlarged prostate with a hard, irregular surface. A prostate gland biopsy usually confirms the diagnosis. Another test usually used when prostate cancer symptoms are present is a digital rectal exam (DRE) performed by the doctor, proctologist or oncologist.

Some drugs with numerous side effects are being used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration; it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes. Be aware that some men chose natural treatment options and forgo any surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

The approaches to treatment include: just ever watchful waiting to see whether the cancer is growing slowly and not causing any symptoms. Medicines can be used to adjust the levels of testosterone; called hormonal manipulation.

Chemotherapy medications are often used to treat prostate cancers that are resistant to hormonal treatments. Surgery, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy can interfere with libido on a temporary or permanent basis. Surgery is usually only recommended after thorough evaluation and discussion of all available treatment options.

In the early stages, surgery and radiation may be used to remove or attempt to kill the cancer cells or shrink the tumor. Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire. Besides hormonal drugs, hormone manipulation may also be done by surgically removing the testes.

Studies done on antioxidant vitamins question their value when not contained in food; it's clearly better to consume these antioxidants in living foods because they may also need to work with other nutrients present in the foods to work properly. A good dietary, natural treatment approach is to avoid all acidic inflammatory foods; those are foods that aren't alive. Use flaxseed oil or walnut oil in your daily dark green salad.

The first step in managing your prostate health is to change your diet; I think all experts would agree on this. Buy lacinato kale and juice it in your juicer with sweet carrots. For natural treatment for the prostate make an appointment with a naturopathic doctor, called a naturopath; ask around for referrals.

Making a ginger tea, by adding a thin slice or two of fresh gingerroot to hot water, is helpful to many people I know. Drink freshly made carrot juice every day that you make in a juicer or juice extractor. Put two tablespoons of unbleached, unrefined and undeodorized coconut oil in your smoothies; coconut oil is plant-based, not animal-based and is actually good for us.

If you've already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, pick the option that's best suited to you and your continuing good health. The outcome of prostate cancer varies greatly; mostly because the disease is found in older men who may have a variety of other complicating diseases or conditions, such as cardiac or respiratory disease, or disabilities that immobilize or greatly decrease their activities. Just about all men with prostate cancer survive at least five years after their diagnosis, 93% survive at least 10 years, and 67% survive more than 15 years.

Prostate Cancer Tips Tests And Treatments
The prostate gland is located directly beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. About one man in six will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, but only one man in 34 will die of the disease. Men have traditionally been less likely to seek medical attention than women, especially for minor problems which often serve as warning signs for more serious underlying illness.

The male hormone testosterone contributes to the growth of cancer. The most common cancer in American men, excluding skin cancer, is prostate cancer. The prostate is a small, walnut-sized structure that makes up part of a man's reproductive system; it wraps around the urethra, the tube that carries urine out of the body.

There are several symptoms to be aware of. Some men will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer. One prostate cancer symptom is difficulty starting urination or holding back urine.

If you have one or more prostate cancer symptoms, you should see a qualified doctor as soon as possible. One symptom is a need to urinate frequently, especially at night.

A PSA test with a high level can also be from a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. A chest x-ray may be done to see if there's a spread of cancer. CT scans may be done to see if the cancer has spread.

What is called a free PSA may help tell the difference between BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy), an enlargement of the prostate gland, and prostate cancer. Your doctor may use either one or two of the most common tests for prostate cancer detection. The decision about whether to pursue a PSA test should be based on a discussion between you and your doctor.

Other medications used for hormonal therapy, with side effects, include androgen-blocking agents, which prevent testosterone from attaching to prostate cells. Recent improvements in surgical procedures have made complications occur less often. Surgery, radiation, hormonal therapy and chemotherapy all have significant side effects; know fully what they are before you proceed.

Surgery, called a radical prostatectomy, removes the entire prostate gland and some of the surrounding tissues. Besides hormonal drugs, hormone manipulation may also be done by surgically removing the testes. Impotence is a potential complication after the prostatectomy or after radiation therapy.

Medications can have many side effects, including hot flashes and loss of sexual desire. In patients whose health makes the risk of surgery unacceptably high, radiation therapy is often the chosen conventional alternative.

Hormone manipulation is mainly used as a treatment to relieve symptoms in men whose cancer has spread. Whether radiation is as good as removing the prostate is debatable and the decision about which to choose, if any, can be difficult. Urinary incontinence can be a possible complication of surgery.

Some drugs with numerous side effects are being used to treat advanced prostate cancer, blocking the production of testosterone, called chemical castration; it has the same result as surgical removal of the testes. Be aware that some men chose natural treatment options and forgo any surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.

Just about all men with prostate cancer survive at least five years after their diagnosis, 93% survive at least 10 years, and 67% survive more than 15 years. Consider sites, such as this one, just a starting point where you can begin to learn about prostate cancer.

Looking For Some Alternative Cancer Treatment?

When you sit and ponder the hardships of our contemporary world, it's often difficult not to be saddened. There are just so many illnesses and diseases out there now days that make our health situation even worse and more complicated. Inexplicable terrors such as cancer have plagued our world for decades now. However, we still don't know the absolute best or ideal way to deal with them. Although most people assume chemotherapy is the only way to deal with the big bad "C," there are alternative cancer treatments available. Now, whether or not you find an alternative cancer treatment effective is a different story. A great deal depends on the person and his/her condition.

Do you know of a successful alternative cancer treatment? I knew a guy back in Oregon, who claimed he used regular acupuncture treatments along with meditation and yoga to treat his cancer. I must admit that it makes me cringe to think about the effect it has on ones body. If you didn't already know, chemotherapy is a radiation treatment that is used to kill the cancer cells/growth in the human body. Unfortunately it has to poison your body to accomplish this task. Hence the hair falling out and the vomiting. It's a terrible process to watch first hand. This actually may be why certain individuals search for an alternative cancer treatment.

Are you looking for some alternative cancer treatment to deal with your affliction? Hey, if to find a quality and effective alternative cancer treatment is your goal, then I would suggest research via the World-Wide-Web. I believe this will save a great deal of time and effort on your part. If your personal doctor knows of no legitimate alternative cancer treatment, then you must take matters into your own hands. Although this horrific disease continuously affects a number of human beings, sometimes leaving us hopeless, we certainly can't give up on finding the ideal cure. That choice alternative cancer treatment is out there. It's all about being tenacious and never quitting.

This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.

Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease".

How Does Alternative Cancer Treatment Work?
Until 200 years ago what is now labeled 'alternative treatment' was based on the words of Hippocrates, the "Father of Medicine". Hippocrates is famously quoted as saying "Let food be your medicine." It is a compelling quote which encapsulates the very simple, very common sense idea that the most efficient healer we know, or will ever know, is a correctly functioning natural immune system. In modern cancer research this common sense approach is not only ignored it is actively forbidden by the AMA for doctors to prescribe alternative medications to fight cancer. Doctors are allowed to prescribe natural remedies to treat the side-effects of the drugs which are used to fight cancer, but not allowed to treat cancer itself with anything other than the prescribed, orthodox treatment.

The purpose of this article is not to examine the state of affairs which sees natural substances shunned in favor of expensive, and often harmful medications, but to examine what you can expect to happen and receive should you elect an alternative treatment course to deal with cancer.

One of the biggest problems with discussing alternative cancer treatments is that it covers a huge amount of ground. Anything which is outside the mainstream practice(which will usually include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment) is, by definition, 'alternative'. As such the 'alternative' label is often attacked broadly based on the ineffectuality or indeed harmfulness of specific treatments. For instance treating cancer by putting leeches on the skin to draw blood is not a mainstream medical response to cancer so it would be labeled as 'alternative' even though most alternative treatment providers would be horrified with the concept. Attacking unorthodox treatments broadly for the practices of a few extreme treatment providers is clearly not a rational response, yet it is exactly the line which has successfully kept alternative cancer treatment on the sideline for so long.

For the purpose of this article we will discuss the type of healthcare that Hippocrates was a strong supporter of and apply to it the broad label 'alternative'. This form of alternative treatment works on a few basic fundamental ideas.

The first is the concept that the most efficient entity at healing a body is itself. The body will respond to a foreign organism long before medical tests discover it, and in fact this is usually how the problem is first bought to the attention of doctors. Diseases do not have 'tiredness' causing properties, this is the bodies natural response to an invasion - it attempts to enter a restive state where it can more effectively fight the invader.

A primary focus of alternative cancer treatment then is not the direct battle against the cancer and the tumor itself, but a strengthening of the bodies defenses and natural ability to fight disease. This is done via strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C is known to have strong immunity building properties and was shown by Linus Pauling (Two time Nobel prize winner) to be an effective cancer treatment by itself. In fact it was over thirty years ago that Pauling and his research partner Ewan Cameron MD showed that just 10 grams of Vitamin C taken intravenously each day would extend a cancer patient's life 6 times longer than chemotherapy treatment. It is also worth noting that while Vitamin C builds up the immune system, chemotherapy breaks it down, which means that where chemotherapy is used it becomes the only defense the body has against cancer - the only way of continuing to fight the cancer is to continue chemotherapy. The clear conclusion is that Vitamin C is a more efficient treatment than Chemotherapy and has none of the debilitating side effects.

Alternative treatment providers have been able to use this type of research as a base for formulating a case by case plan to restore the bodies balance and fight cancer. The type of cancer it self is considered, the location of the cancer and the size of the tumor will all effect how the treatment is administered. The patients only physical state must be considered two and this will usually involve a detailed look at their body, diet and lifestyle. Everybodies DNA is different and some people are more likely to respond positively to some treatments.

This critical fact is often what is left out of a full assessment of alternative cancer treatments. Imagine an auto repair shop. If you said to your mechanic that your car isn't working he will not simply change the oil and give you your keys back. That may well work for some cars, but it will most definitely not work for them all. Only then is any attempt made to 'cure' the car. Now compare that approach to the approach of orthodox medicine that will change the oil and water, give you a new set of tires and tune the engine. In most cases an alternative treatment is going to require some type of detoxification process. In modern society we are exposed to more harmful substances and processed foods that at any previous point in history. These toxins can dwell in our system for a long time and are often part of the cause of a disease. At the very least the body is wasting resources fighting them that could be assisting in it's fight against cancer. The detoxification is an ongoing process, particularly if the other treatments are effectively killing cancer cells. The death of a cancer cell actually introduces more toxins to the system and in large doses these can be extremely harmful and even fatal. This is why all cancer treatments are undertaken gradually - because a treatment that killed all cancer cells immediately would release a massive toxic load into the system and put it in even more danger.

Alternative Cancer Treatment also puts a huge amount of emphasis on a patients diet. Conventional medicine ignores this and most orthodox cancer treatment will result in a serious loss of weight. Forty Percent of cancer patients die not from cancer but from malnutrition so it is vital to ensure that a healthy and regular diet is followed. The correct balance in the body is also going to mean less nausea and other symptoms associated with cancer treatments.

This article has touched on what you can expect in an alternative health treatment for cancer, but it must be stressed that it only touches the surface of the options available. There are over 300 treatments that have been shown to be effective in the treatment of cancer but are not part of mainstream medicines response. The important thing is not knowing how many options there are out there but knowing which options, and combinations of options are going to work in any individual case. Alternative Cancer Treatment takes a holistic approach to the treatment of cancer and seeks to assist the sufferer not just in overcoming their cancer but also in enjoying their life and living well while they do. A cancer survivor who beats cancer using alternative medicine will not just be alive, but they will be alive and healthy. This increased quality of life, both throughout the treatment and after it, is an essential element in what makes alternative cancer therapy such an attractive option to those with the good fortune to explore it.

Infra Red Thermography and Breast Cancer Detection

Most women would be surprised to know that mammograms, the traditional screening method for breast cancer, only detects cancerous tumors after they have formed. Thus it really doesn’t “prevent” breast cancer.

Breast cancer detection involves a number of things, and no one diagnostic tool does it all. They all have their place and should be used in a way that best suits the patient and her situation. Let me tell you a bit about infrared thermography and how it fits into that picture.

Cancerous tumors have an abnormal cellular metabolism. In simple terms their energy systems work differently than a healthy cell. They have a metabolism that is dependant on glucose (or sugar) and thus require a network of vascular tissue (blood vessels) to enable them to survive.

The development of this vascular network is called angeogenesis, and it is a very early indicator that a tumor is present in the tissues. It appears even before signs of breast cancer are detectable by either self-exams or mammograms.

Infra red thermography is a thermal imaging technique that detects varying levels of heat energy in breast tissue. These variations in heat signature can indicate the growth of new blood vessels that tumors need to support them.

This technique has been largely ignored and downplayed by the medical establishment. This is because it is possible to get a false positive result from thermal imaging such that a suspected signs of breast cancer never develop into a tumor.

However, this is a poor reason for ignoring such an effective and important diagnostic tool. The emphasis should be on the use of thermal imaging as part of the diagnostic strategy for breast cancer detection, rather than the only diagnostic tool used.

The non-invasive nature of thermographic imaging and the fact that it can be used with absolute safety on women from a young age are important as well. Doctors can screen for potential future cancers, without subjecting a young patient to radiation.

Infra red thermography is not a miracle and it is not claimed to replace other methods of breast cancer detection, but it can raise an early warning that will give a woman time to try and prevent the development of breast cancer.

Early Detection of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Detection - Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer detection is crucial in finding and treating breast cancer. Many people simply react to the symptoms of breast cancer, which at that point is often too late. Therefore it can make a life changing difference (literally) to be taught effective breast cancer detection techniques so that you stand the best possible chance of fighting the cancer from day one.

After all, most cancers can be cured when they are dealt with early enough. One way is breast cancer screening. Screening is looking for cancer before a person has any symptoms. This can help find cancer at an early stage. When abnormal tissue or cancer is found early, it may be easier to treat. By the time symptoms appear, cancer may have begun to spread.

It is easier to treat the cancer patient when found in time. Early detection of breast cancer means that you can find breast cancer and start treating it before it has time to grow and spread.

The cure is very promising when finding breast cancer in its early stages. If you don’t get early screening for breast cancer and get the pain or symptoms of breast cancer then the cancer may have started to grow larger and even could have spread out beyond the breast. This is why early detection is so important in finding breast cancer at its earliest stage.

When breast cancer is found during early exams it is most likely to be in the breast and smaller in size, not having the time to grow larger and spread out beyond the breast. If it is found later on then it may have had the time to get larger and spread beyond the breast.

This can be prevented if you decide to get early detection for breast cancer. Early detection can find the cancer before it can grow larger in size causing more problems. The size of breast cancer that is detected and how much it has spread is how a doctor will determine the outlook for a patient.

Breast cancer detection can save many lives every year. If you go to get early screening and can get other people you know to get screened for breast cancer then you can help to save lives. Getting your loved ones and friends to get early screening may also help to save their lives.

Breast cancer that is detected early and treated at that time is more likely to be removed with success.

What are the Options on Cervical Cancer Treatment?

The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus that leads to the vagina or birth canal. Like many organs in the body, the cervix can develop cancer. Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly over time. Before cancer appears in the cervix, dysphasia happens. Dysphasia is where the cells of the cervix go through changes and the cells that are not normal appear in the cervical tissue. Since the cervix is an important organ in the female body, it is important for us to know what are the options available on cervical cancer treatment.

Cervical cancer is often treated by a hysterectomy where the entire uterus and part of the vagina is removed surgically. If the cancer in the cervix is at an advanced stages, lymph nodes may also need to be removed. However, since many patients want to remain fertile, other more gentle cervical cancer treatment methods need to be considered. One of such gentle treatment is the loop electrosurgical excision procedure or LEEP. In a cone biopsy, only a cone shapes sample is removed from the mucous membrane. Radiation therapy is given as external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and internally as brachytherapy. However if the cone biopsy does not produce much positive results, there is another procedure called a trachelectomy. With a trachelectomy, the doctors will try to remove only the cancer while keeping the uterus and ovaries intact. This treatment option is particularly ideal in condition whereby the cervical cancer has not spread to other areas inside the uterus. The limitation with this treatment method is that there are only a few specialists available who are qualified and skilled enough to perform this delicate procedure. Radiation therapy is another treatment option. Radiation therapy is administered as external beam radiotherapy to the pelvis and internally as brachytherapy. However, when dealing with cervical cancer, the biggest issue besides survival is the ability to have children in the future.

It is important to explore all the treatment options available for cervical cancer and to discuss with your doctor, friends, family and husband on the best cancer treatment for you. Do get a second expert's opinion before proceeding with any cervical cancer treatment involving surgery.

Cervical Cancer Treatment: Destination India
Cervical Cancer surgery hospitals in India at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore have English speaking and well trained medical staff that cares for its patients. The doctors and cancer surgeons in India at these hospitals are adept in dealing with complicated and emergency situations The advanced and cutting edge medical facilities available at Cervical cancer surgery hospitals in India makes them a reliable global destination for patients who are seeking a suitable and less cost option for recovery from Cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer Causes
Cervical cancer begins with abnormal changes in the cervical tissue. The risk of developing these abnormal changes has been associated with certain factors, including previous infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), early sexual contact, multiple sexual partners, cigarette smoking, and taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills).

Forms of HPV, a virus whose different types cause skin warts, genital warts, and other abnormal skin and body surface disorders, have been shown to lead to many of the changes in cervical cells that may eventually lead to cancer.

Genetic material that comes from certain forms of HPV has been found in cervical tissues that show cancerous or precancerous changes. In addition, women who have been diagnosed with HPV are more likely to develop a cervical cancer that has genetic material matching the strain of virus that caused the infection.

These findings demonstrate a strong link between the virus and cervical cancer. Because HPV can be transmitted by sexual contact, early sexual contact and having multiple sexual partners have been identified as strong risk factors for the development of cervical lesions that may progress to cancer.

Cigarette smoking is another risk factor for the development of cervical cancer. The chemicals in cigarette smoke interact with the cells of the cervix, causing precancerous changes that may over time progress to cancer.

Oral contraceptives ("the pill") may increase the risk for cervical cancer, especially in women who use oral contraceptives for longer than 5 years.

Cervical Cancer Treatment
Treatment of cervical cancer is directed at preventing precancerous cells from becoming cancerous cells. This is usually a step-by-step process, involving the removal of cells or tissue to diagnose cancer and to find out how far it has invaded. If the deepest cells removed by biopsy were normal, no further treatment may be needed.

If the deepest cells removed by biopsy were cancerous or precancerous, this means the cancer has invaded farther than the biopsy. In these cases, treatment generally starts with removal of additional tissues. India the home of tradition has now named as a developing country. Medical advancement in India has developed so vast that attracts even the abroad patients for health in India. Cervical cancer surgery in India has got the name of best performance and India so called a right destination for cervical cancer surgery. Cervical cancer is one of the life threatening diseases that kill the person livingly. The study of cancer is called Oncology derived from the Greek word called study of mass or tumor. Cervical cancer is a preventable and curable disease if detected earlier.

Effects Of Lung Cancer Treatments: The Terrible Side Effects of Lung Cancer Therapies

The effects of lung cancer on the patient's body can differ according to the type and stage of the disease. However, studies are now focused towards the impact of treatments intended to cure the disease in patients.

Although these have been recognized as temporary effects only, it still does produce enough good to the health of the patients.

What Are The Effects of Lung Cancer Treatments?

Since the treatment for the disease is essential to keep the cancer cells under control, several patients have overlooked the possible harm it can bring to their health. These are some of the more common treatment options for lung cancer.

1) Surgical Treatment
Effects of lung cancer treatment such as surgeries can often bring in more harm to the patient. Since it is a major operation, it exposes your chest area into the possibility of collecting air and fluid into it. Among the side effects known for lung cancer patients who have recently undergone surgery is difficulty in turning over, deep breathing, or even coughing. Since patients typically go through these activities, recovery might be slow. Activities such as deep breathing or coughing are essential elements in recovery since they enable extra air or fluid out of your lung area. Among the most common conditions cited shortly after undergoing lung cancer surgery include pain in your chest area or arms, and shortness of breath. It might need a week or two before a patient can find relief from such side effects.

2) Chemotherapy
When it comes to the side effects produced by this type of treatment for lung cancer, it varies according to the type and amount of drugs given the patient. The hazard comes in since chemotherapy does not solely target cancer cells, but also affect normal cells as well. Below are common side effects experienced by patients treated with chemotherapy:
• vomiting/nausea
• feeling of fatigue
• presence of mouth sores
• hair loss

3) Radiation Therapy
The effects of lung cancer treatments such as radiation therapy stems from the fact that, like chemotherapy, it affects your normal cells. Common side effects include the following: sore or dry throat, hard time swallowing, changes in the skin of the area of treatment, appetite loss, headaches, problems with memory retention, etc.

4) Photodynamic Therapy
This particular therapy sets its limits on the normal routine activities of a patient who has undergone this treatment. For six weeks or more proceeding the treatment, the patient's skin and eyes becomes hypersensitive to light.

Therefore, direct contact with sunlight must be avoided if possible, even indoors. Hence, protective clothing must be worn if the patient were to go outside. Other entailing conditions of photodynamic therapy include difficulty swallowing, coughing, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.

Lung Cancer and Its Causation, Diagnosis and Treatment

Lung cancer may also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases, it might have been prevented, 87% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Lung cancer has long been the most common cause of cancer death in men and since 1987 it has also become the most common cause of cancer death in women. Lung cancer is the second most commonly occurring form of cancer in most western countries and although the lung cancer incidence is less common in developing countries, the rapid increase in the popularity of smoking will see the number of lung cancer sufferers in those countries quickly catch up with the western world.

Lung cancers can arise in any part of the lung, and 90%-95% of cancers of the lung are thought to arise from the epithelial, or lining cells of the larger and smaller airways (bronchi and bronchioles); for this reason, lung cancers are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinomas or bronchogenic cancers.

The most common type of lung cancers are epidermoid carcinoma, small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma.

Most experts agree that lung cancer is attributable to inhalation of carcinogenic pollutants by a susceptible host. Two other factors also increase susceptibility: exposure to carcinogenic industrial and air pollutants (asbestos, uranium, arsenic, nickel, iron oxides, chromium, radio active dust, and coal dust.) and familial susceptibility.

Because early lung cancer usually produces no symptoms, the disease is often in an advanced stage when first diagnosed. Late stage signs are: with epidermoid and small cell carcinoma; smokers cough, hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, hemoptysis and chest pain. With adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma; fever, weakness, weight loss, anorexia and shoulder pain.

Firm diagnosis requires chest x rays, sputum cytology, CT scanning, bronchoscopy the examination of pleural fluid and biopsies. Other tests to detect metastasis include bone scans, bone marrow biopsy and CT scans of the brain and abdomen.

Lung cancer most often spreads to the liver, the adrenal glands, the bones, and the brain. Lung cancer that has metastasized to the bone causes bone pain, usually in the backbone (vertebrae), the thighbones, and the ribs. Lung cancer that spreads to the brain can cause difficulties with vision and weakness on one side of the body.

Lung cancer may grow into certain nerves in the neck, causing a droopy eyelid, small pupil, sunken eye, and reduced perspiration on one side of the face; together these symptoms are called Horner's syndrome (see Autonomic Nervous System Disorders: Horner's Syndrome). Lung cancer may also spread through the bloodstream to the liver, brain, adrenal glands, spinal cord, and bone.

Treatment for lung cancer depends on the cancer's specific cell type, how far it has spread, and the patient's performance status. If investigations confirm lung cancer, CT scan and often positron emission tomography (PET) are used to determine whether the disease is localised and amenable to surgery or whether it has spread to the point where it cannot be cured surgically. Treatment is usually a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Chemotherapy can be used as a first line treatment for lung cancer or as additional treatment after surgery. Radiation therapy can be directed at your lung cancer from outside your body (external beam radiation) or it can be put inside needles, seeds or catheters and placed inside your body near the cancer (brachytherapy). Radiation therapy can be used alone or along with other lung cancer treatments. Radiation therapy can also be used to lessen side effects of lung cancer.

Treatment may not be as effective for patients with bone or liver metastases from lung cancer, excessive weight loss, ongoing cigarette use, or pre-existing medical conditions such as heart disease or emphysema. At some point, if you and your oncologist or primary care physician agree that treatment no longer is advisable, hospice care can provide comfort.

The Best Prostate Cancer Treatment for Each Type of Patient

Whether a therapeutic technique is the best prostate cancer treatment for a patient depends on various factors. In selecting the treatment, a patient and his doctor should take into consideration the patient's age and expected life span, the stage and grade of the cancer, possible side effects and other health problems that the patient might have.

One of the best prostate cancer treatment techniques, particularly for older men and those who suffer from other serious illnesses, is the expectant management or watchful waiting method. Watchful waiting involves the close monitoring of the cancer through prostate specific antigen testing. It does not involve active treatments like surgery and radiation therapy and is recommended mostly to those who have no symptoms. It is also used when the cancer is contained within one area of the prostate gland and is expected to grow very slowly.

Another option available to prostate cancer patients is surgery. This can be radical retropubic prostatectomy, radical perineal prostatectomy, laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (LRP) or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). In retropubic prostatectomy, the surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen to remove the prostate gland. Lymph nodes around the prostate might also be removed depending on whether the cancer has spread to these parts.

In perineal prostatectomy, the incision is made in the perineum or the skin between anus and scrotum. LRP, on the other hand, involves the use of several smaller incisions and specialized instruments. This highly complex procedure is known for its high precision and control. In the hands of experienced surgeons, it becomes an advantageous option compared with retropubic and perineal prostatectomy. TURP, meanwhile, makes use of an instrument called a resectoscope which is passed through the end of the penis into the urethra at the level of the prostate. The electricity that passes through the instrument cuts or vaporizes the issue in the prostate. TURP is done to relieve symptoms and is also used for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Radiation therapy is the method in which high-energy rays or particles are used to kill cancer cells. This, like surgical procedures, is another example of a highly developed method of dealing with cancer. Radiation therapy is classified into two main types, the external beam radiation therapy (ERBT) and brachytherapy.

In treating localized prostate cancer, a procedure called crysosurgery is sometimes used. It involves the freezing of the tissues using very cold gases. Aside from cryosurgery, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are also options that prostate cancer patients can explore. Hormone therapy does not cure cancer but is primarily used to lower levels of male hormones in a patient's body. Chemotherapy, meanwhile, is a procedure more commonly used in cases when the cancer has spread beyond the prostate gland.

Choosing the best prostate cancer treatment depends on a lot of factors.

Other Prostate Cancer Treatments
Prostate exams are a simple and straightforward procedure and can be conducted in a doctors office without any need for medical equipment or urine or blood testing. Since every year an average of two hundred fifty thousand men are diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is very important that all men receive regular prostate exams. The necessity of receiving prostate exams also increases as one ages.

This first form of prostate cancer treatment is called Active Surveillance. It is the medical term for watching a patients cancer, but not taking action until the condition worsens or expands. Active Surveillance is used when a patient may not be able to undergo treatment because of complications from other conditions, or is otherwise unable to receive cancer treatment.

The most direct route form of prostate cancer treatment is to remove the entire prostate, a procedure known as a prostatectomy. An incision is made behind the pubic bone and a portion of the prostate or the entire gland itself is removed. The urethra is then connected directly to the bladder, but a catheter is often necessary in order to allow the patients body time to adapt to the new setup of its urinary system.

An MRI or CAT scan is used to plot the exact location of the tumor or affected cells, and intense bursts of x-rays are used to destroy these cells. Intensity modulated radiation therapy, or IMRT, is a form of radiation that can be used to full effect on the majority of the cancer cells, but can be toned back to lessen the danger to cells in proximity to the bladder or rectum.

Brachytherapy is another form of radiation therapy, albeit one that involves actually inserting objects into the body. Radioactive pellets or seeds are injected into the prostate, and the radiation that they emit kills the cancer-infected cells. After a period of time, the radioactivity of these seeds fades, and the leftover pellets are completely harmless.

Another prostate cancer treatment is called hormone therapy, and involves restricting the amount of testosterone that the body produces or that is directed to help the prostate gland grow. The most extreme version of this procedure is called orchiectomy, and involves actually removing the testicles. Since they produce ninety-percent of the bodys testosterone, this method is very effective, but considering that the testicles must be removed, most men opt for another procedure.

As with other forms of cancer, chemotherapy is also an option. However, up until fairly recently, chemotherapy was considered only as an option for men who have stopped responding to other prostate cancer treatments. New studies are being conducted using chemotherapy drugs. These drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This new form of chemotherapy is used specifically to fight prostate cancer.

Being diagnosed with prostate cancer is by no means a small matter, but with modern prostate cancer treatments, there are many different options, and ones chances for survival are extremely high.

Uplifting Tips From Breast Cancer Survivors

I put UPLIFT: Secrets from the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors together because, as a survivor, I saw the need for a book that treated breast cancer as a do-able experience—and, indeed, the response to it has been remarkable. The book contains useful woman-to-woman hints—things the doctor doesn't say—practical advice on topics ranging from what deodorant to use during radiation, to what minimizes nausea during chemo, to how to feel feminine and upbeat. This advice comes first-hand, in the words of 370+ breast cancer survivors, their sisters, children, parents, lovers, and friends. The new 3rd Edition adds updates, five years later, from many of the original contributors.

The following are some uplifting tips from breast cancer survivors.

The Worry Box
"I found a box and glued colorful scraps of wrapping paper on the top. Inside it, each morning, I tucked handwritten notes about my worries and fears. Nancy Burgess, in the "TAKING THE REINS" chapter.

The Art of Healing
"Go to a theater, a museum, a concert or ballet. Art can take us out of ourselves, lift us beyond our immediate environment, enrich us spiritually and aesthetically. Opening yourself to great beauty is always a life-enhancer. In times of crisis, it's also healing."
Susan Stamberg, in the "TAKING THE REINS" chapter.

Pins and Needles
"Apparently, there is a dressmaker in Chicago who had prostheses made out of her pin cushions, so that she could conveniently stick her needles and pins into her chest when sewing and making alterations!"
Darlene Jurow, in the "HUMOR" chapter.
Eating With Friends
"I found conventional support group meetings difficult, so I formed my own support dinner group. We dine out every couple of months to discuss having breast cancer. We also share stories of our spouses, children, and travels."
Deborah J.P. Schur, in the "SUPPORT GROUP" chapter.

Drinking Helps
"Someone told me my chemo symptoms sounded like a really bad hangover! Their suggestion that Gatorade was good for hangovers led to my drinking gallons of it, which helped steady that queasy shakiness."
Jane Vaughan, in the "CHEMO AND EVERYTHING ELSE" chapter.

Accentuate the Positive
"Perhaps the most significant outcome of my battle with breast cancer is that I have changed my outlook on life. I now regard life as precious and try not to focus on negative things. Eliminating stress and resentment from my life and concentrating on the positive things has become my goal. "
Sandy Mark, in the "PURE UPLIFT" chapter.
I'm exercising more now. I really found out how good it was after my surgery and I got into a program for cancer survivors. I only wished I had started earlier in life. Judy Peterson, in the "FAST FORWARD" chapter.

For more tips and quotes visit Barbara Delinsky's site at
Barbara Delinsky is a bestselling author. Her novels are highly emotional, character-driven studies of marriage, parenthood, sibling rivalry, and friendship. They regularly appear on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Publishers Weekly, and USA Today Bestseller Lists. UPLIFT: Secrets of the Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors is Barbara's first non-fiction work.

Barbara donates all of her proceeds from the sale of UPLIFT to her charitable foundation for breast cancer research. So far, the sale of the book has allowed the Barbara Delinsky Charitable Foundation to fund three years of a breast surgery fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital. The focus of the fellowship is to launch the career of a surgical oncologist with an additional year of training focused on innovative breast cancer treatments and research, hopefully offering returns to the field of cancer research for decades to come.

Breast Cancer Survivor
Nearly everyone knows a friend or relative who has been stricken by breast cancer and who have succumbed to the disease. Breast cancer remains the most common of cancers affecting women. It kills more women than any other kind of cancer, except lung cancer. About 150,000 women in the United States develop breast cancer each year, and 25 percent die of the disease.

Women whose female relatives have had breast cancer or have a breast cancer survivor in the family are more likely to be victims than women from families in which breast cancer is not present. The disease appears to be linked statistically also to women who do not have children before their 30s or who do not have nurse their babies; to women who reach the menopause later than normal; and to women who began menstruation earlier in life than normal.

There is increasing evidence also that ovarian activity may play an important role in the development of breast cancer. Women with ovarian tumors and women who use supplementary estrogen have been shown by some studies to be at increased risk, while the process of having many children and nursing them, which suppresses estrogen hormone activity, is associated with a decreased risk of developing breast cancer. However 55 percent of the diagnosed cases are for women who have no known risk factors.

Cancer of the breast may occur as early as the teens, but this is rare. It is generally not found before the age of 30, and the incidence peaks around the time of menopause. Then there is a second period after the age of about 65 when the incidence of breast cancer rises again.

A breast cancer survivor would have a real change in his or her life. Surviving this deadly disease would make them realize about a number of things that they have done with their lives and they would have a second look about their lifestyle and ask why they had had acquired this kind of disease.

Prostate Cancer Surgery Treatment: Knowing Your Options

In many cases, early stage prostate cancer surgery treatment is recommended as the first course of action. If you had detected your prostate cancer early, then the operation is a fairly simple procedure. Only the cancerous section of your prostate gland is removed.

However, on ocassions, prostate cancer surgery treatment does not go according to plan. This happens when your cancer is found to be in close proximity to nerves or the urethra, and so long-lasting side effects are a possibility. You will need to consider these issues before agreeing to the treatment.

If the nerves that control the penis become damaged during your treatment, then impotence may develop and this will seriously affect your future sex life. Two other possible consequences of prostate cancer surgery treatment are incontinence and urinary leakage. Incontinence is when you have very little control over urination while urinary leakage is where you can control when you urinate but you dribble a little either before or after voiding your bladder. Prostate cancer surgery treatment is a painful procedure and in the days following the operation you will feel very uncomfortable and may have to rely on nurses and loved ones to help with toileting. This however is a very small price to pay for being cancer-free.

There are a number of types of treatment for prostate cancer available and the one you choose will be specific to your case. You need to discuss your options with your oncologist before choosing a treatment. Your oncologist should be well equipped to offer all the information you need to make an informed decision.

More often than not the entire prostate gland will be removed so that there is little chance of the cancer returning at a later date. The surrounding lymph nodes will also be removed as this is the first place that the cancer will have spread to and by removing them the surgeon is effectively removing all chances of the cancer subsequently spreading around the body.

A radical prostatectomy removes the entire prostate gland however the surgeon can enter the body through the abdomen or through an incision made between the scrotum and the anus. In some cases, where the cancer is confined to a specific area of the prostate gland, key-hole surgery or laparoscopy may be an option so that only infected sections of the gland need to be removed.

Your decision on the specific prostate cancer surgery treatment will depend on the extent of your cancer and your individual preferences. It is crucial that you discuss your decision over with your loved ones.

Finding Prostate Cancer Treatment Options
With prostate cancer estimated to affect as many as 1 in 6 men, any new research developments that may affect treatment are extremely noteworthy. Because the risks of having prostate cancer increase dramatically with age, every generation is in a race against the clock to find the most effective treatment methods, or prevention methods, possible.

Recently a medical study on men with prostate cancer introduced very interesting news that contradicted some previously held beliefs in the medical community. Some physicians have withheld potentially curative treatment in older men because of a concern about side effects of radiation or surgery. Other physicians have used hormone therapy as a means of delaying cancer progression instead of offering potentially curative treatment.

This new study by Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, however, suggests that drug treatment alone does not improve survival rates of men taking it, and might actually be hindering their improvement. The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in July.

The prostate cancer information generated by this article studied about 20,000 men, including Medicare patients, whose prostate cancer had not spread to other areas of the body. The study took 6 years to complete, as information was gathered and the men were studied. All study participants were over the age of 66, which means that the data drawn from the study is particularly relevant to older men, but not necessarily accurate for younger men. Average age of a study participant was 77.

Researchers found that the typical treatment of testosterone-blocking drugs might have more drawbacks than benefits. The testosterone-blockers are meant to keep cancer cells from growing, but also have side effects such as bone loss, impotence, and increased risk for diabetes and heart disease. Ultimately, a treatment plan of the testosterone-blocking drugs alone, in older men, didn't appear to be effective.

For men considering Georgia prostate cancer surgery, this study does not influence the need for curative surgery or radiation. Often the antihormone drugs can be very effective when they are paired with surgery or radiation. To maximize the effectiveness of a cancer treatment plan for Georgia men, prostate cancer might require surgery or radiation, rather than drug treatment alone.

Researchers theorized that many men felt they were improving their health by taking the drugs without surgery or radiation, because it was a better course of action than doing nothing. For older men looking for information about Georgia prostate cancer treatment, the study offers an important topic to bring up with their doctors. For Georgia men, prostate cancer treatment might require surgery, rather than the simpler approach of a drug treatment.

With the continued research and studies being done, advances in Georgia prostate cancer treatment are continually being made. At this point in time, however, drug treatment alone doesn't seem to be an effective method in the fight against prostate cancer.

New Breast Cancer Information

Breast cancer has been known as the fifth most common cause of death worldwide and the second most common type of cancer following lung cancer. It starts in the cells of the breast. In the year of 2005 breast cancer caused approximately 502,000 deaths worldwide. The amount of people worldwide getting breast cancer has increased since the seventies. Breast cancer is known to be higher in the western world then it is in third world countries.

Women from North America are known to have the highest incidence of this type of cancer. With women in the United States breast cancer is the most common of cancer types and the second most common type of cancer death.

Women that live in the United States have a one in eight chance in their lifetime of developing invasive breast cancer. And women in the United States have a three percent chance of dying from breast cancer. In the year of 2007 breast cancer caused many deaths in the United States averaging about seven percent of all cancer deaths. In the United States death rates for breast cancer have been known to decline in the last few years.

A research study conducted in 2005 showed that breast cancer was still one of the most feared diseases even with heart disease being a more common death among women. With the breast being composed of identical tissues in both men and women, men can also get breast cancer. But with men breast cancer is almost one hundred times less common then it is with women.

Men that have breast cancer are considered to have the same survival rate as women. Breast cancer is one of the oldest types of cancer in humans. When doctors started understanding the circulatory system back in the 17th century they then established a link between lymph nodes and breast cancer in the armpits.

Every Woman Should Read This
Millions of women are affected with breast cancer all around the world. Breast cancer is growing like an epidemic and is predicted that 45,000 patients will die from breast cancer, this year. If you feel a solid lump in your breast, you must visit a specialist for consultation. Breast cancer symptom: Breast cancer in its early stages does not cause any pain. Unfortunately, in early stages when breast cancer develops, it does not show any breast cancer symptom. Breast cancer symptoms include thickening or lump near or in the breast, change in the shape or size of the affected breast, tenderness of nipple or nipple discharge, inversion of nipple into the breast, pitting or ridges of the breast, skin of the breast appears warm, red, swollen and scaly. A woman should visit her doctor if she persists with any breast cancer symptom.

Specialists diagnose breast cancer by any of the following examinations: palpation, mammography, ultrasonography, fine needle aspiration, needle biopsy or surgical biopsy.
Breast cancer treatment: Breast cancer treatment options depend on location and size of the tumor in her breast. Various methods of breast cancer treatment Breast cancer treatments can be systemic or local. Radiation therapy and Surgery are the local breast cancer treatments. Local breast cancer treatments are used to destroy, remove, or control the growth of cancer cells.

Hormonal therapy and Chemotherapy are systemic treatments. Systemic treatments are targeted to control or destroy cancer cells all over the body. Surgery is one of the most common breast cancer treatments. A surgical intervention to remove breast is called a mastectomy. An operation carried out to remove the cancer cells without affecting the size of breast is called breast conserving surgery or breast sparing. Radiation therapy or radiotherapy: Under this breast cancer treatment specialists use high-energy radiation to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing.

Chemotherapeutic breast cancer treatment: specialists use different types of drugs or combination of different drugs to kill cancerous cells or stop them from growing. Drugs are given in cycles; a treatment period is followed by a recovery period that is again followed by another breast cancer treatment. Hormonal therapy for breast cancer treatment is used to stop the growth of cancerous cells that affect the female hormones. This breast cancer treatment may include use of medicines, which change the way hormones work or surgery to remove the ovaries that produce female hormones.

Breast cancer treatment decisions are complex. Breast cancer pictures can be found on various websites and in medical books. These breast cancer pictures can be helpful to make the patient's know about their cancer stage and the possible remedy if any. Funds are arranged through various programs like breast cancer walk to spread breast cancer information among the affected and suspected people and to give them moral and economic support as well.

What Women Know About Breast Cancer Treatment Options

Women in the US have around a 1 in 8 chance of developing breast cancer at some stage in their lives, and a three percent chance of dying from it. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women the world over, and is second only to heart disease in total numbers of deaths caused.

Treatment of breast cancer is an extremely important issue - yet many women do not know their treatment options for breast cancer. What do most women know about treating breast cancer, and what can cancer hospitals do to help women make better informed choices?

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide, the leading cancer in women, and the second leading cause of death in women worldwide. It has an incidence rate more than twice that of cervical cancer and colorectal cancer, and three times as high as lung cancer in women. It follows that breast cancer is one of the most researched and publicized conditions - however, many groups in our society know little about their treatment options for breast cancer.

Recent research has revealed that nearly half of women being treated for breast cancer did not know that their odds of survival were just as good whether they underwent a complete mastectomy, or breast conserving surgery. One of the greatest impacts of breast cancer on its survivors is on their mental health and self-image. The study was carried out by The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. It discovered that many women do not understand the differences between treatment options for breast cancer, and minority women are even less likely to be aware of the impact their decisions will have on their prognosis. One factor that the researchers note is that information about breast cancer treatment must be communicated in a culturally appropriate and sensitive way. With medical tourism and overseas treatment now creating a large part of the cancer-treatment demographic, this clear communication is more important than ever.

Hospitals which focus on medical tourism, like Bangkok Hospital in Thailand, as well as Bumrungrad in Thailand, understand the importance of cultural sensitivity when communicating with patients. Bangkok Hospital, for example, takes a range of steps to make sure that overseas patients feel as 'at-home' as possible while in the hospital, with different dietary options, doctors that speak several languages, as well as translators for all the languages not spoken by the doctors themselves, and signage and information provided in several languages.

In many cases, patients may find that doctors in Thai hospitals for breast cancer like Bangkok Hospital and Bumrungrad have their treatment options more clearly communicated to them than they would in the West. Both of these cancer treatment hospitals in Thailand have specialized breast care clinics, focusing on early detection and diagnosis, as well as treatment of breast cancer in Thailand.

Given the more international, diverse focus of Thailand's breast cancer hospitals, treatment as a medical tourist may make more sense, and provide better outcomes for women with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Treatments - How is Breast Cancer Treated?
It is becoming incredibly more common today with people infected with all types of cancer. Among these, one of the more common type is breast cancer and it is rapidly becoming more prevalent. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, the next thing you should think about is to consult your doctors on what are the breast cancer treatments options that are available to you. This article will talk about some of the ways breast cancer is currently being treated.

Depending on what stage the cancer is in, surgery or a lumpectomy (removal of just the lump) might be necessary. Lumpectomy is used for a breast conservation surgery where they want to keep the breast. However, removal of the entire affected breast might even be necessary. Surgical removal of the entire breast is known as a mastectomy.

After surgery, radiation therapy is commonly prescribed. The radiation therapy is used to reduce the chances that the cancer relapse. The radiation therapy consists of gamma rays that target the tumor or where the tumor once was before the surgery. The radiation removes the traces of cancer cells left behind around the area where the surgery was performed. Unfortunately, the radiation also attacks the other normal cell in the body as well and can cause damages to the tissue around the tumor.

There are other ways, as an alternative and an addition in the breast cancer treatment mentioned above. Hormonal treatment is often used after chemotherapy. Targeted therapy is also another way to treat breast cancer. With this type of treatment, monoclonal antibodies are used to battle an over abundance of HER2 protein in cancer cells slowing the growth of the cancer cells in the process. When used with chemotherapy, this can reduce the chances of cancer cells returning as well as improving the patient's survival rate.

These are just a few of the many ways breast cancer is being treated. Incidentally, these are the most commonly used and sometimes the most reliable treatments of breast cancer. A lot of research is presently being conducted worldwide in the hope of discovering the cure for breast cancer and cancer in general. It's only a matter of time before a new and better treatment or cure is discovered. In the meantime, it's very important for you to be kept informed about breast cancer and the type of breast cancer treatments that are available to you.

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