By Rangga Teguh Pratama
If you or a loved one is undergoing chemotherapy or other cancer treatments, you may find that eating is complicated by odd tastes, loss of appetite, nausea, or other problems. You'll need a bit of patience, but these annoyances will pass. In the meantime, here are some tips to help you.
Lack of Appetite
- Being relaxed helps, so you'll want to make mealtime calm. If your appetite is intermittent, go ahead and eat whenever you are hungry. Let yourself have several small meals during the day instead of trying to get through three large ones.
- Morning may be the time you have the most appetite. If so, make the most of this time. For example, have two small meals and a snack before noon.
- Drink liquids half an hour before or after meals so you don't get filled up with fluid when you're trying to eat.
Taste Changes
Your sense of taste may change if you are on medications or receiving radiation treatment to the head or neck. Perhaps you can hardly taste or smell food at all. Nonetheless, keep eating during this temporary stage. Foods will still be nourishing.
Your sense of taste may continue to change during treatment. Experiment with sour, sweet, salty, and bitter foods to find out what's best for you. Try different seasonings.
Coping with Taste Changes
- For those with an increased sense of strong or bitter tastes, the mild flavor of some soy products can be a welcome change.
- For those with a metallic taste in their mouth, use plastic dishware and silverware.
- Peanut butter, tofu, and beans are bland foods that may be appealing.
If taste blindness is a problem, using marinades and seasonings for tofu and tempeh can enhance the flavor.
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Side Effects

By Rangga Teguh Pratama
Several decades ago, when medical research studies began to find serious trouble with dairy products, many people-even some doctors-found it surprising, to say the least. Milk, after all, has been heavily marketed for years. It's even served in school lunch programs.
But if we take a moment to look beyond advertising and marketing, we'll be reminded that cow's milk was intended by nature to feed and nourish calves, just as the milk of all mammals was designed to sustain their own offspring. Drinking cow's milk into adulthood could have easily turned out to be nothing more than a peculiar habit, but it has unfortunately led to many serious health problems. Milk drinking has been linked to Type 1 diabetes, breast cancer, overweight, gastrointestinal problems, and prostate cancer.
In 1997, the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research confirmed that separate scientific reviews identified associations between dairy product consumption and prostate cancer risk, and concluded that dairy products should be considered a possible contributor to the development of the disease. By now, more than sixteen studies have shown the link, including two from Harvard University involving large groups of men and using the best research methods available.
As we have seen, dairy products disrupt vitamin D balance, which can lead to prostate cancer. Dairy products also boost blood levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I). Studies in diverse populations have clearly shown that the more IGF-I there is in the blood, the higher your prostate cancer risk. A study of men and women aged fifty-five to eighty-five years showed that the addition of three 8-ounce servings of non-fat or 1 percent milk each day for twelve weeks caused a 10 percent increase in IGF-I. IGF-I levels are significantly lower in people who avoid meat, eggs, and dairy products.
When you skip the dairy aisle and begin selecting protein and calcium sources from plants rather than animals, you'll likely bring your serum IGF-I concentrations back down to a much safer level.
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The Dangers of Dairy

By Rangga Teguh Pratama
Although the problems with dairy products-disrupting vitamin D balance. The high-fat, zero-fiber combination found in most dairy products is likely to increase serum testosterone concentration and activity in men, a dangerous promoter of prostate cancer. If you're hooked on the dairy habit, you are probably getting a good helping of dairy fat throughout the day.
Many Western meals douse otherwise healthy vegetables, beans, and grains with greasy cheeses and heavy cream sauces. Try your favorite foods without these and you'll discover a pleasant variety of fresh flavors that have been smothered for too long.
Eliminating cow's milk and other dairy products is an easy way to lower your risk for prostate cancer. But when you replace these foods with soy milk and other soy products, you'll also add another measure of defense. In a study of 13,855 Seventh-Day Adventist men, daily soy milk consumption was associated with a 70 percent reduction in prostate cancer risk when compared to those who never drank the beverage. Fat in soy milk have been shown to inhibit the growth of human prostate cancer cells and the enzyme that converts testosterone into a more powerful form of this hormone in the prostate gland. A similar beneficial effect was demonstrated with tofu consumption.
So enjoy your favorite cereals with soy milk. When you pour your morning tea or coffee, simply add soy cream. Silk brand cream is a favorite among coffee connoisseurs. Every brand has a unique flavor, so try a few varieties to find the one you like best. They also come with vanilla and chocolate flavorings, in low- and no-fat versions, and with calcium fortification.
Your neighborhood supermarket probably carries an array of soy milks in all flavors, sizes, brands, and consistencies. The same is true for meat "analogs" or alternatives. Veggie-burgers are easy-to-find, tasty alternatives to hot dogs and hamburgers. You'll be amazed to find how many manufacturers tailor products to the meat- and dairy-free consumer.
Risk for prostate cancer clearly increases with consumption of dairy products, saturated fats, and animal fats, and drops with consumption of vegetables, especially tomatoes. By eating a variety of foods from the New Four Food Groups described throughout this article, the risk of prostate cancer will be significantly decreased.
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Good Fat,
Prevent Cancer

By Lee K Duncan and Ty Duncan
The p21 gene that is inside all of us has an amazing job, what this gene does when active is stopping the reproduction of cells that are harmed or damaged by diseases. This gene acts as an inhibitor which means it can stop diseases from spreading throughout the body by stopping it from splitting into more diseased cells. It has been found that when this gene is not active, cells that are diseased or abnormal are reproducing causing aging, Alzheimer's, Osteoarthritis, and even rheumatoid arthritis. This gene is often deactivated when your body is overrun with Cancer, allowing it to grow and spread throughout your body. Cancer is well known for deactivating this gene in order to overcome your body's defenses allowing it to travel wherever it wants to go.
There are studies being done on this gene and how it can help you overcome cancer and aging just by activating it or keeping it active to help your body halt diseases like cancer. Studies also show that when cancer starts to grow, it turns off the p21 gene so that it can grow and spread without anything to stop it. This gene being inactive allows cells that are diseased or not functioning properly to divide and spread. This gene allows your healthy cells to reproduce strengthening your immune system and giving diseased cells nowhere to go. We have a method that with study has been shown to enter cancer cells and activate this p21 gene, stopping the spread of cancer cells in its tracks.
What are the causes of cancer? Studies show that it is environmental pollution that is the major contributor to the development of cancer. When cells are bombarded with these pollutants they become weak and your body's ability to fight them is stopped because the p21 gene that protects it gets turned off. The method that we use causes the bad cells to actually kill themselves through apoptosis (the cells commit suicide). If we can remove environmental pollutants from our bodies, we will have a much better chance of defeating aging and diseases by helping our bodies regain a proper balanced needed to live a long healthy life.
It is my hope that you realize the importance of this p21 gene and the importance of turning them on when disease is prevalent in your body. So, you can help restore balance and keep diseases like cancer from taking you over. Environmental pollution is slowly destroying us all and unfortunately there is no end in sight. If we can keep these pollutants from staying inside us to long, I believe that cancer cannot survive because of the balance that is created when harmful substances are not allowed to make a home inside us. Through research, it is shown that keeping a pollutant free body is the key to overcoming disease and gaining the upper hand in the fight against disease. Do you and those you love a huge favor and learn more about fighting aging and disease so that we all can live a free balanced life.
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Active P21 Gene,
Aging Halted,

By Karl Real
There are several things that are beyond the reach of the human mind. Sometimes the occurrence and existence of different forms of life threatening disease becomes a mystery. It is so difficult to think that certain types of disease exist in order to harm the condition of our health. It is also a mystery how these diseases developed and how it can be stopped. The birth of tumors in the medical world is one of the most difficult things to explain and modify.
Tumor is a term which refers to the abnormal size of the tissue or organ inside our body. The abnormal size of a certain tissue or organ may lead to serious problems due to its abnormal effects to the body. Tumors are usually removed using different types of methods. In general the method which will be used in removing a certain tumor will depend on its nature and the condition of the patient.
Tumors are generally classified in two categories. Benign tumors are those organs that appear to be abnormal in size but are not considered as dangerous. Benign tumors are also termed as tumors that are not active. Meanwhile, a malignant lump is the one that threatens the lives of several people. Malignant tumor is the condition wherein the abnormal size of the tissue or organ is actively changing. The main distinction between a benign lump and a malignant lump is that, the development of the latter can affect the other parts of the body.
A person who is diagnosed to have a malignant lump must seek the attention of an oncologist as soon as possible. It is because malignant tumors are proven to be the physical representation of cancer cells. It could be possible that small tumor may lead to the most feared cancer.
Nowadays several methods of treating tumors were already introduced to the people. One of the most common types of method is chemotherapy. In general chemotherapy includes different types of medicines or drugs in order to dissolve cancer cells. Such types of drugs are proven to have strong effects; as a result, it can damage the hair and even the skin of the patient.
Moreover radiation therapy is another method used in order to target and eliminate cancer cells. This therapy suggests the use of laser and radiation. Laser is the best tool to locate the affected area of the body because of its accuracy.
Radiation therapy can be performed without the fear of damaging the other portion of the body. This type of therapy is very much effective in cases such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.
On the other hand one of the latest and most advanced types of tumor treatment is the gene therapy. This type of treatment has something to do with the composition of cells. Scientists supposed that since viruses has been linked to the occurrence of cancer, they tried to change the genetic composition of a certain virus and replace it with a certain enzyme that stops the growth of cancer cells.
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The Three Types,
Tumor Treatment

By Lee K Duncan and Ty Duncan
When you reach level 4 on the cancer scale, it means that your time could be coming to an end. Level 4, is the last stage in a terminal cancer story where someone has battled it and unfortunately conventional treatments have failed. This is the story for many people who reach level 4 and have to watch their time on this earth start to count down to very few months or days left. This sad story usually ends in tragedy, but fortunately for some it doesn't have to end this way. In this article we will discuss a doctor that has tried a method on level 4 cancer patients and his findings were needless to say not short of miraculous!
This doctor's name is Dr Cousens and he did a study on 65 level 4 cancer patients all sent home to die because they were unable to beat their diseases using conventional treatments. The astonishing part of this method is that it has absolutely zero side effects and it specifically targets cancer cells. He did a 14-month study with these 65 patients, where 51 of them survived and are now in complete remission, which means their cancer disappeared completely! When this method enters cancer cells it automatically turns on a gene called the p21 gene. What this gene does is stop the replication or splitting of cancerous cells, which is how cancer spreads through the body. When this gene is activated it stops cancer cell reproduction in its tracks.
What else has been found in his studies are that in the body, there are a lot of environmental pollutions that are a major problem and have been linked directly to the cause of cancer. When these pollutants are removed from the body, your body has the ability to heal itself when genes like the p21 gene are activated. The harmful cancer cells are destroyed because their ability to spread has been halted. Your body's natural ability to fight these cancer cells seeks them out and kills them. This unique method used in this study is very simple, elegant and like we mentioned earlier in this article, has absolutely no side effects, which conventional treatments cannot claim. Unfortunately conventional treatments come with a 7% survival rate where the study from Dr Cousens, shows a 78% survival rate. This was on patients who didn't have a hope in the world of overcoming their disease.
There is an amazing process that has been shown to eliminate environmental pollutions from the body. It has given people hope where there is none. It has brought freedom back to those who have lost theirs. This method has given back people's lives and is continuing to do so, day after day. There is hope for you or someone that you love because Mother Nature has left us the tools necessary to defeat many things. We are inflicted with disease because of our horribly polluted environment that we live in today. Give your body the tool it needs, get back your freedom, get back your life and don't wait until you realize that the conventional treatments are not working for you. By then it's mostly too late. The wonderful thing is this method can be used with convention methods and has made big differences in recovery. Don't wait, do something wonderful about your future by making it a healthy disease free one.
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Cancer Patients,

By Valerie Rosenbaum
New curcumin uses are being reported every day. Just a few days ago, researchers concluded that the extract from the turmeric spice suppressed cancer of the neck and head, when combined with chemotherapy. But, wait just a minute before you run out and buy a supplement.
When you read stories like that, you must remember that the setting was controlled. The patients were also being treated with drugs. The supplement was modified to increase the bioavailability or the method of administration was changed to make sure that the nutrient ended up in the bloodstream.
Taking the supplement by mouth may be a waste of time. Very little is absorbed into the bloodstream according to researchers.
To overcome that fact, some supplement manufacturers recommend large doses. Large doses can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
The better supplement manufacturers include a small dose of piperine, an element found in black pepper. Research has shown that piperine enhances absorption or increases bioavailability. So, it is possible to take a more reasonable dose and get the same benefits.
Turmeric was used historically by Ayurvedic practitioners in India as an antibacterial and an anti-inflammatory agent. It was recommended for stomach problems, including irritable bowel. It was said to aid healing and reduce recovery time.
Cancer is only one of the curcumin uses being investigated today. Research is ongoing in the areas of arthritis, Alzheimer's, liver disease and heart disease.
As a preventative, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity may help prevent many age-related diseases. But there are other important nutrients you should be aware of, before you buy this single ingredient supplement.
Resveratrol, which is found in the skins of red grapes, has similar benefits and is also a calorie-restriction mimetic. Calorie-restriction has proven benefits in animal studies for extending the animal's lifespan. Resveratrol turns on the same longevity genes that are activated by calorie restriction.
Unique benefits are associated with the catechins found in green tea, the astaxanthin found in pink salmon and the lycopene found in tomatoes. For preventing eye diseases, nothing works better than the lutein and zeaxanthin found in kale and other leafy greens.
The curcumin uses are not all that surprising and the single ingredient can't do everything. Consider purchasing a multi-nutritional supplement instead.
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Suppress Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Pancreatic cancer is that form of cancer which is the result of a malignant growth of tissue located in the pancreas. It is one of the most serious forms of cancer in that only about five percent of the people who are stricken with it are cured and thousands die from it each year.
Pancreatic cancer is often designated as belonging to a group of diseases known as silent killers. This is because in its early stages it has no warning symptoms and when the symptoms do start to become evident, the cancer is often well advanced in its stages and too far along to really be beaten.
When the symptoms do start to become evident they consist of such things as pain in the upper abdomen which radiates into the back, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, that is the skin and the whites of the eyes become yellow, the urine becomes dark, there is access fat in the feces and there is a significant weight loss which has no explainable cause.
Victims of this cancer often develop diabetes even some years before this cancer is discovered. Some doctors and medical professionals are beginning to look into the possibility that diabetes that shows up later in life is actually a symptom of this cancer. The sudden onset of blood clots in the deep veins in the arms and legs and the superficial veins throughout the body is another warning of the possibility of this cancer.
There's an old saying, 'you are what you eat' and pancreatic cancer seems to add credence to this saying. Evidence seems to point to the possibility that people whose diets are low in fruit and vegetables, high in red meats and high in sugar sweetened soft drinks or those soft drinks which are sweetened with the sugar substitute fructose are more apt to be stricken with this cancer than those people whose diets follow more along the recommendations made by the professionals as being healthy diets.
There is also some evidence that in a small percentage of pancreatic cancers there seems to be a genetic connection.
The best way to fight pancreatic cancer is before it begins. Live a healthy life style. You can do this by following a healthy diet. Research, talk to your doctor, avoid those foods that encourage this cancer. Get plenty of exercise, get a proper amount of sleep. Another old saying is that 'the best defense is a good offense'. Put up roadblocks against this cancer, do your best to stop it before it begins rather than waiting and fighting it after it gets a foothold. Pancreatic cancer is a killer, don't let it be yours.
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pancreatic cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Stomach cancer, often also referred to as gastric cancer, can start in any part of the stomach and then spread to other parts of the body such as the esophagus, liver, lungs and lymph nodes before it is discovered. This can often be attributed to the fact that it has no noticeable early symptoms or perhaps it can be better said that the early symptoms are easily and often attributed to other causes, such as heartburn, indigestion or loss of appetite. It has been noted that people in the early stages of this cancer often find that they no longer like to eat meat.
The symptoms that show up later tend to be much more attention getting, being such things as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, often accompanied by vomiting up blood, diarrhea or constipation, often with blood in the stools and difficulty in swallowing.
While these things don't always mean this cancer, many times they do and it is important to be checked by a doctor for the possibility as soon as possible.
The leading cause of stomach cancer is helicobacter pylori, which is simply a fancy term for a bacteria which invades the stomach and quietly takes over. Doctors and other medical professionals are investigating the very real possibility that there is a genetic connection involved in the attacks of this bacteria.
Diet may also have a great influence on whether or not an individual gets stomach cancer. Studies seem to indicate that those persons whose diets are high in smoked foods, salted fish and meat, and pickled vegetables are more apt to be stricken with this cancer than those persons whose diets consist highly of fresh fruits and vegetables which are high in such vitamins as A and C and who seem less apt to be stricken with this cancer.
Studies have also shown that smoking tobacco increases the very real possibility of contracting stomach cancer as does the consumption of alcohol.
Stomach cancer progresses in different stages and therefore can often be treated in different ways. Stage 0, which is when this cancer is in a very early development, can be easily treated by what is called endoscopic mucosal resectin, requiring no chemotherapy or radiation. Stages 1, 1A and 1B are further progressed and require chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Stage 2 is treated similarly to stage 1, only with an additional form of chemotherapy. Stage 3 is treated in the same way as stage 2 and sometimes can be beaten. Stage 4 is when the cancer has spread through the body and in this case treatments are given, perhaps to prolong life or to improve what one might term the quality of the life.
Periodic routine checkups may reveal the presence of stomach cancer in its early stages. It is much recommended that these checkups be made before this so called silent killer begins to speak loudly.
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Stomach Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Liver cancer is differentiated from other cancers which invade the liver from other parts of the body in that it starts in the liver itself. It consists of malignant growths that grow in or on the liver itself.
The first form of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. This is usually found in children and young people. The prognosis is that the victim usually lives from three to six months after the cancer is discovered.
Symptoms of this kind of cancer include abdominal masses, abdominal pain, vomiting, anemia, that is a decrease in the amount of red blood cells that would usually be found in the body, back pain, jaundice, unexplainable weight loss and fever.
Treatments for this can be a partial hepatectomy, that is a partial removal of the liver, a liver transplant, cyroablation, that is using extreme cold to remove the tissue, chemotherapy, and some sort of radiotherapy.
Hepatoblastoma is another form of this cancer which usually attacks children.
Treatments for this form of cancer include liver transplant, partial removal of the liver, various forms of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Cholangiocarcinoma is the form of cancer that is accountable for one or two percent out of every ten liver cancers. It usually forms in the bile ducts, which are the small tubes responsible for carrying bile to the intestines.
Symptoms of this kind of cancer are jaundice, abdominable pain, unexplainable weight loss and an enlargement of the liver.
Treatments for this form of cancer include such methods as photodynamic therapy, that is using a combination of a photosensitizer, light and tissue oxygen, various forms of radiation therapy and liver transplant.
Angiosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma are two forms of liver cancer which start in the blood vessels of the liver. By the time that they are discovered, they are usually too far advanced to be combated and the victim usually dies within a year or so after the discovery of the malignancy.
In the case of either of these kind of cancers, rather than combating the cancers, medications are given to help the victim to enjoy the quality of the life that is left to them, combating the sickness that they feel and in some cases being able to prolong the length of the time they have left to live.
Liver cancer, in all of its various forms, is a nasty thing; don't let it dirty you up. See to it that you and your family follow your doctor's recommended schedule for regular checkups. Don't let liver cancer take away your life.
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Liver Cancer