By Brijesh Ghelani
We have come a long way with cancer and if you ask someone if progress has been made on the war with cancer many will say yes! For decades there have been changes and adjustments to cancer related issues and even though there has been a great amount of progress made many feel we have a long way to go with plenty of ground yet to march on.
Many people have died from cancer but at the same time we are seeing more survivors and more people living longer after diagnose. Treatment program options have changed and are being updated to provide the most effect treatment for cancer patients but research and clinical trials are things that still take time and patience to us understand the effects of cancer.
Over the years new forms of cancer have been detected and diagnosed along with research and treatment options. The cancer war has involved many steps that have been studied, tried, treated, adjusted, and repeated over again and though we have reached milestones we can't say that we have won just yet but with time we seem to be getting closer. We are making progress but at the same time it's a win lose complicated battle.
So what is considered progress and to what degree? Depending on the type of cancer the concerns will vary but over the years cancer awareness has greatly increased with the public getting more involved in fundraising efforts, forums, and more. Funding for cancer research and treatment has gone through the roof and there are so many resources that are available to help get educated on cancer such as books, videos, and etc. Even cancer survivors are primal resources and a form of support to those who are newly diagnosed.
Treatment options are adjusted and refreshed as needed to help those suffering but over the last several years becoming aware of cancer has help people decrease their risk by taking advantage of preventive measures such as screenings, healthy eating, and exercising. Studies from researchers have shown that prevention is a big key in lowering cancer risks. Progress has been made because more people have taken an interest in cancer issues including community advocates and those going to school to become a specialist or doctor.
Just because progress has been made doesn't mean we won't win the battle but it will take time, patience, and hard work with persistence. We have to continue building on the progress that has been made in order to come out on top. Where progress has been made we look at what else can be done to make things even better and this can include ways to expand research, how to get the best out of treatment options, and applying current experiences to enrich ideas and concepts.
Even though a lot has happened since the National Cancer Act of 1971 some feel that enough isn't being done and that politicians and government officials can do more toward the war on cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is a disease that can strike at any time and it is non-discriminate meaning it's been known to affect any ethnic background, gender, and age group. Cancer is common in children, teens, and throughout adulthood with cases common in the elderly as well. Depending on the type of cancer along with other factors including lifestyle and genetics can affect your chances of getting the disease.
Since cancer can be diagnosed at any age it helps to become familiar with the various types by learning to identify symptoms and gaining detailed information about the cancer. If you know cancer runs in your family it helps to discuss the topic with family and ask about family history which may include the ages of those who were diagnosed. Getting detailed information from your family can help you take advantage of early screening opportunities.
Another issue for cancer is the age people get it and usually depending on the health and age of the person along with the type of cancer and the stage of the cancer the prognosis is determined. There are cancers that may have seen an increase in diagnosis in certain groups besides the typical group the cancer may be often associated with. An example would be skin cancer with many often thinking middle aged individuals or younger are often diagnosed but there seems to be an increase in skin cancer for those over 60.
According to the National Cancer Institute based on the study of the U.S population from 1940 thru 2000 age groups ranging from 35-39 and 40-44 have seen the most increase in cancer related diagnosis. From ages 50 and older the rate tends to decrease and over all the study was conducted with 18 age groups. With more types of cancer being diagnosed and treated all age groups have seen an increase in cancer cases. The same is can be said for countries outside of the United States.
Another way to put the ages into a better perspective is to look up cancer screenings that are offered. Cancers such as breast and prostate cancer have screenings that are recommended for certain age groups and they are highly recommended if the cancer is hereditary. It also helps to review the types of cancers to get an idea of which age ranges are most infected by the cancer since each cancer varies.
Gaining a better understanding of cancer can help you take good preventative measures. Getting educated on cancer will help identify age groups that are most affected and why it is often seen in that particular age group. Often there are preventive measures that can be done to reduce the outcome but many don't understand the significance or feel that it's not a big deal. There are advancements that help in treatment but you can also help yourself by learning about cancers that have the most effect on your age group.
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By Farzana Rahman
Cancer is a common disease around the world which leads the second position of causing death among the Americans. This most common term is applied to refer tumors or malignant neoplasm. There are two types of cancer. Benign is one of two categories of cancer which always occur locally whether another cancer type malignant spread the cells to the adjacent tissues as well as oppose the function of the cells and result an undesirable systemic effects on the body.
You will find the abnormal function of the cellular genes which assure the normal cell growth or mitosis of the cell as the main reason of neoplasm. These cellular genes are recognized as oncogenes. There are many factors that are responsible for activating oncogenes abnormally such as some specific chemicals, biological or physical factors, dietary factors and so on. In the dietary factors, the most common foods involved in causing neoplasm are red meat, alcoholic drink, foods of saturated fat etc.
If you are looking for nutritional treatment other than chemotherapy for cancer, you are lucky enough as you are reading this article. I wish you will find your answer here.
Nutritional therapy for preventing cancer: The main purposes of nutritional therapy for cancer are to meet the higher nutritional requirement for metabolism as well as catabolism and to prevent the symptoms that are caused by the disease. Following are the nutritional requirements that are given to the cancer patient as nutritional therapy.
Energy: To satisfy the higher requirement for metabolism and also for alleviating the excessive weight loss, the energy requirements are increased. Around 2000 Kcal are given to a well nourished adult patient to regulate the normal needs and 3000-4000 Kcal are given to a malnourished patient.
Protein: For healing, regeneration and rehabilitation of body tissue, increased amount of protein is needed to supply the required nitrogen as well as essential amino acids. About 80 g of protein is given to a well nourished adult patient where more than 100g is given to a malnourished patient to replenish tissues as well as to assure the positive nitrogen balance.
Fluid: Enough amount of fluid is required to keep the urinary tract save from inflammation and irritation.
Vitamins and minerals: Intake of sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals is necessary to meet the normal level of vitamins and minerals of RDA (Recommended dietary allowance).
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Other Than Chemotherapy,
Treatments For Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
People often dread receiving news of being diagnosed with cancer and because millions die each year it helps to become familiar with what cancer is so that you can take necessary steps to cancer prevention. There are various types of cancer and most of them have similar beginnings with different approaches for prevention and treatment once diagnosed. So exactly what is cancer?
Cancer is a group of cells in the body that has grown out of control and even though there are many types of cancer many of them are developed from abnormal cell growth. Normal cells in the body grow and mutate on their own and when cells die they are replaced or repaired. The younger you are the faster your cells grow, divide, and die and as an adult the process slows down and more cells are replaced and repaired.
Cancer involves abnormal cell growth meaning cells that should have died continue to mutate and divide. When they continue to do this they form a tumor or mass of cells in most cases and invade or grow onto other body tissues. The process describes what happens when DNA cells are damaged and because the cell didn't die off like it's supposed to there are additional cells present that the body doesn't need. Since it affects body cells and DNA this is how many types of cancer become genetic.
Most cancers that develop become a mass of cells which is referred to as a lump like breast cancer or a tumor like brain cancer but in a cancer such as leukemia the cells involve the blood and effect organs that create blood for the body. Since they affect blood cells the cancer is circulated in the tissues. When the cancer gets into the bloodstream and begins to grow and form new cells this is called metastasis which spreads the cancer to other areas of the body.
There is another kind of tumor that is not cancerous called a benign tumor and though they are not cancerous they can cause problems by growing large enough to press against healthy tissues yet they don't invade since they don't metastasize. As a result they are not life threatening but in many cases they need to be removed. Because there are so many types of cancer and the process of how cancer develops is so similar what makes one type of cancer differ from another?
Cancers differ by where they first started in their development. It is named due to where it started no matter where it spreads to. Often time's people can have cancer spread to the liver or lungs but in fact it is diagnosed as breast cancer or brain cancer because that is the area of the body where the cancer cells developed. Since cancer often develops in different areas of the body and effect how the body functions there are different types of treatments for that specific cancer. Many cancers are preventable by adopting a healthy lifestyle.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Over several generations we have seen medical advancements develop and progress made in many aspects. With so much progress that has been made for cancer treatment and research many often ask the question of why there hasn't been a cure for cancer. If you think about all the funding that has been pouring into the cancer sector along with what has been done you would think cancer would have been defeated at this point but what is the problem and what is keeping us from finding a cure?
Many advocates exercise the importance of cancer awareness and prevention with screenings, lifestyle changes, and programs but some often wonder what is being done to find a cure? Research, training, and treatments have been conducted and performed for decades what were is the connection between finding the cure versus making advancements during the cancer research process?
Many people have their own theories on why we haven't obtained a cure. Since there are various types of cancers learning about their origin and how they begin can help give some clues on prevention but prevention and a cure isn't the same thing. Some may argue the environmental aspects of cancer and how elements of where we live can be changed or eliminated to get rid of the cancer threat altogether. Another thought is that maybe too much time is spent on updating treatment options and not enough time researching cure options.
At this point it's hard to tell what the real reason is but with the progress that has been made the thought of not having a cure is complicated and confusing. Since researchers have done studies to conduct how cancer develops along with defining treatment options you would think somewhere along the process a cure or components to make up a cure would be imminent. Because of the seriousness of cancer and how it affects the body the focus for finding a cure should have been a priority.
The advancements and progress has been great for various types of cancers but many feel since there isn't much talk of curing cancer that the focus isn't there. You have to admit that many pharmaceuticals are making a pretty profit but as much money as they have made over the last several decades it doesn't amount to the people who have lost their battle with cancer. So when it comes to cancer the main question is what is being done to find a cure and some even wonder if it is curable.
Even though there have been advancements made in the treatment of cancer you may have to consider a few roadblocks that have come up with certain cancers and the fact that there are over 100 types can make things complicated. A lot of time has passed with some being optimistic about the future. We can applaud the new breakthroughs that have come about in recent years but have researches lost focus for coming up with a cure and if there is one when will we see it?
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Cured by Now

By Brijesh Ghelani
Adrenocortica Carcinoma is a very rare form of cancer, occurring in approximately two people out of every million. It attacks for the most part preschool children that are children under six years of age, and adults in their thirties and forties.
One of the identifying characteristics of Adrenocortica Carcinoma is a tumerous hump high on the back, much like that which one would expect to see on a buffalo or a bison.
This sort of hump, unlike that which we usually associate with a person who has what we usually refer to as a hunchback, is soft and made up of fat.
These sorts of tumerous humps are not uncommon, although often they aren't large enough to be identifiable other than by medical professionals. The majority however never grow large and never becomes cancerous. The cancerous ones do become large however this form of cancer tends not to be identifiable until it reaches its final stages or what we usually identify as stage five. It also is a very fast acting form of cancer and tends to spread rapidly. One of the symptoms, and this is most noticeable in females, is male characteristics such as facial hair, voice changes and other definite characteristics of men. Occasionally, although this is a much more uncommon occurrence than the reverse, we see feminine characteristics occur in males. There are also tendencies towards obesity and acne. The obesity often shows up as pudgy cheeks and a human resemblance to a child's drawing of a moon with a face.
Sometimes, although not as often as the reverse, a symptom of Adrenocortical Carcinoma will be an unexplainable loss of weight. It is important to note that we don't usually see both effects in one person. It usually is either an unexplainable gain in weight or an unexplainable loss of weight, not one and then the other.
In children we see the onset of virilization in girls and precocious puberty in boys. Also in children and those who have not grown to their adult stature, we see a tendency for their growth to be stunted.
Brittle bones are also a symptom of Adrenocortical Carcinoma as is severe abdominal pain.
A diagnosis of Adrenocortica Carcinoma is usually determined by a cat scan and blood tests. Since this form of cancer is not generally treatable by radiation or by chemotherapy, it usually means resorting to surgery, if possible. Because of the rapid growth of this form of cancer and the fact that it isn't usually discovered until it reaches its final stages, it isn't always possible to treat it by surgery.
Medical professionals feel that their studies indicate that Adrenocortical Carcinoma is something which is genetic and passes down through the generations. Therefore it is extremely important for families to keep records of this sort of thing and to be sure that the family doctor is aware of previous cases that have existed. This knowledge and being tested on a regular basis may enable the identification of Adrenocortical Carcinoma while it is still in its early stages and therefore possibly able to be treated successfully.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Medical professionals have found that their studies show that there are some cancers which are more apt to occur in people who have AIDS than other cancers. The most predominant of these are Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and Hodgkin disease. Medical professionals believe that their studies indicate that people who have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, better known as HIV, are more prone to cancers of the lungs, mouth, cervix and digestive system than they are to other kinds of cancers and also more prone to these kinds of cancers than are people who do not have the Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
Many medical professionals feel that their studies seem to indicate that because of the presence of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, people with AIDS are more prone to primary central nervous system lymphoma, usually referred to as CNS lymphoma. This diagnosis is given when cancer cells are found to have formed in the lymph tissue found in the brain or in the spinal cord or possibly in the layers which make up the outer covering of the brain, those layers known as the meninges. Because of the close proximity of the eye to the brain, sometimes starts in the eye. When this occurs it is then known as ocular lymphoma.
Some of the symptoms of AIDS related cancer are such things as sudden unexplainable weight loss, fever, night sweats, painless swollen lymph nodes in the areas of the neck, chest, underarm or groin, and a feeling of fullness underneath the ribs.
It is extremely important, because of their diminished immune system, for a person with AIDS to see to it that they have periodic physical examinations by their doctor. They also should have a complete blood count done.
When a complete blood count is done, the doctor or medical professional will check the number of the red blood cells, the number of the white blood cells and the number of the platelets. They will also check the amount of hemoglobin present in the red blood cells.
Doctors will also often take a biopsy of some sort during this examination.
AIDS is a frightening disease but it is also one which can be fought. A person with AIDS can fight back strongly and well with their doctor's advice and assistance.
The periodic examinations can enable a person to know if cancer has invaded their system. By finding it in its very beginning stages, a person has a chance, a good chance, of beating it, even though all the evidence seems to be against them.
A diagnosis of cancer in a person with AIDS sounds like a death knoll but it doesn't have to be. The person needs to fight aggressively, and fight with an attitude of winning the battle.
The battle should begin before the diagnosis is even made. The body should be taken care of as well as possible, proper meds, proper food, proper exercise. Cancer is a formidable enemy; those with AIDS should give it a formidable combatant.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Appendix cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancer and also one of the deadliest. Statistics show that it attacks approximately 600 to 1000 people a year and on the average every one of the dies. Most studies don't even give a survival rate but simply put on the charts "very poor".
Appendix cancer usually doesn't become apparent on its own account but rather when the patient is being treated for something else because there usually aren't any symptoms.
Appendix cancer is usually divided into two groups, carcinoid tumors and non-carcinoid tumors.
Carcinoid tumors are usually found in women in their forties and most of them are found on the tip of the appendix, located in such a way that they do not obstruct any of the normal bodily functions and therefore do not give any warning signs. Small ones that have not become cancerous are usually dealt with simply by the removal of the tumor and the appendix. Larger ones require more aggressive surgery, and the right colon and lymph nodes in that area are usually removed in addition to the appendix and the tumor. This type of surgery is known as cytoreductive surgery. It is sometimes but not always followed by intravenous chemotherapy.
Non-carcinoid tumors, also known as mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, grow on those cells which make up the lining of the inside of the appendix, known as the epithetial cells. In the production of these tumors, the epithetial cells form a gelatinous substance known as mucin.
Non-carcinoid tumors are apt to spread more rapidly through the abdominal region than are carcinoid tumors. Non-carcinoid tumors often become life threatening bowel obstructions. At this point, symptoms such as weight loss, atrophy of the muscles, loss of appetite and fatigue, abdominal pain and bloating, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea and the inability to pass gas become apparent, but only when the tumors have reached the last stages. It has also been noted that in these last stages some people develop a low temperature.
When a diagnosis of appendix cancer has been made, the patient often works with a team of doctors rather than one specific doctor to determine some sort of treatment plan.
Because of the very dire prognosis of appendix cancer, the patient is often encouraged to consider working with some sort of clinical research which is being done.
In being a volunteer to participate as a part of clinical research, the patient is given the opportunity to try the latest possible drugs that are being tested for appendix cancer. They will be given the best care possible, with the understanding that these drugs may not work, yet maybe, just maybe they will. They'll be helping not only themselves but the medical professionals doing the research and maybe, just maybe, others who get this dreadful disease.
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Appendix Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Throat cancer is most easily described as any cancer which arises in the area of the throat, for instance in the vocal cords or in the larynx, that part of the body we often refer to as the voice box.
Smoking or chewing tobacco has been found to be one of the major causes of throat cancer. So easily preventable, yet so often ignored. Second hand smoke also has been found to be a cause of this cancer, that is being around someone who smokes or in an area where smoking has taken place.
Throat cancer occurs much more often in men than in women. Age seems to be a factor also, since most people who are diagnosed with this cancer are in their sixties or older. Medical professionals feel that their studies seem to indicate that the use of alcohol also can lead to this cancer.
Symptoms of throat cancer are such things as unusual breathing sounds, a persistent cough, often accompanied by coughing up blood, difficulty in swallowing, a long lasting hoarseness, pain in the area of the neck, persistent sore throats, swelling in the neck, a lump on the neck or a sudden, unexplainable loss of weight.
It is important not to ignore these warning signs. Throat cancer can be cured in ninety percent of its victims if it is caught in its early stages. It usually requires some form of surgery from a very simple form if caught it its early stages to more drastic measures later on. If the cancer has entered into the last stages, the surgery may well involve the removal of the larynx or some part of the throat which will result in the patient being unable to eat food normally.
Throat cancer is one that can quite often be prevented. Not smoking or using tobacco and minimizing ones intake of alcohol are major contributors to cutting down ones likelihood of getting this cancer. Although not all this cancers can be attributed to these things, the vast majority can be.
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Throat Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
Avemar can be defined as a trade name of a plant extract which is made with special manufacturing technology. This was the result of the collective effort made by food chemists and medical researchers. In this process, wheat germ is used as a raw material and developed into a product which is useful in treating various diseases including cancer.
The biological effects produced by this process are very stunning. A new set of compounds were created in this process which were completely different from the starting materials. Research process for this product began as early as middle of 1990s. From then onwards, extensive studies are being carried out for its anti-cancer and immune-modulating effects.
Avemar's anti cancer effects were first tried on animal experimental models. Avemar is composed of 62.2% of wheat germ extract, maltodextrine, fructose, sodium chloride and silicium-dioxide. To achieve the desired appropriate purity, it is necessary to treat avemar with ionizing energy.
Avemar can be taken as an effective medicine for those patients who are suffering from malignant tumors along with oncology treatments. You are advised to take this medicine continuously during and after the clinical treatment period without any interruption until you are specifically asked by the physician to stop taking it.
An individual with a weight of 60-70 kgs is required to take a single dose of avemar once in a day. You are required to consume at least one hour before your meal by preparing it according to the instructions. For those of you who are weighing more than 90 kgs this medicine is recommended to be taken twice. You can take this medicine once before breakfast and another one before supper. This medicine has to be consumed along with cold soft drink or non carbonated mineral water.
You are advised not to consume avemar along with any food which contains vitamin C. Another important point to note is that you should maintain a gap of two hours before consuming any other medicines. You are advised not to take this medicine during pregnancy period. If you have undergone any organ or tissue transplant then you cannot take this medicine. If you are suffering from duodenal ulcer, colitis or bleeding gastric problems then you should not consume this medicine.
There are certain important instructions which have to be kept in mind by the patient when consuming this medicine. This medicine can be used by patients who are above 14 years of age. You should understand that this is not a substitute for oncology treatments. This medicine should be taken only when recommended by your physician.
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