By Brijesh Ghelani
Although there is more than one form of bladder cancer, that which we normally think of when we hear or read this term is transitional cell carcinomas. These are cancers that form in the cells that comprise the inner lining of the bladder. The other forms of cancer which also fall under this heading are squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. These last two, unlike the first, are usually the result of some sort of chronic irritation and inflammation.
Signs of possible bladder cancer are such things as blood in the urine, pain when urinating and feeling the need to urinate but experiencing no results when attempting to do so. While these signs are not always a
symptom of bladder cancer, they definitely should be checked out by a medical professional.
While we often tend to think of smoking as being connected with lung cancer, medical professionals feel that their studies show a definite connection between smoking and bladder cancer. They have reported that the vast majority of cases of bladder cancer can be attributed to smoking tobacco. They also have reported that there is also a definite connection between this cancer and the use of artificial sweeteners.
Studies of bladder cancer have shown that those who work in fields which expose them to those elements found in cigarette smoke also are at a greater risk for developing this cancer even though they themselves may not be smokers. Studies show that these fields include such occupations as bus drivers, rubber workers, motor mechanics, leather workers, blacksmiths, machine setters, mechanics and hair dressers. While not all of these are because of cigarette smoke, some of the same elements in cigarette smoke are also connected with these occupations.
Many medical professionals feel that their studies have shown that a diet which includes fruits, carrots, horse radish, cauliflower, and other vegetables which come under the heading of cruciferous vegetables definitely tend to lower the risk factor of developing some form of this cancer.
Bladder cancer can be treated in different ways, depending upon its stage of development. In the very early stages, it can often be dealt with by a very superficial treatment known as BCG Immunotherapy. Later stages usually call for more aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy and/or radiation. Some treatments have had to go as far as to involve the use of a colostomy.
There have been close to eighty thousand new cases of bladder cancer diagnosed this year alone and the year is not yet over. Of these cases, close to fifteen thousand have resulted in deaths. We have the tools in the form of the knowledge which our medical professionals have given us to lower these numbers. Let's use them to help ourselves and others.
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Bladder Cancer,

By Michael C Logan
If you have been diagnosed with bladder cancer then you need to make sure that you get a treatment in the earliest stage. This is potentially life threatening so it is recommended that you get a treatment done as soon as possible. There are several treatments available now and they differ according to the stage of the cancer. In the initial stage the treatment is less dramatic and cost efficient. This way you can control the tumor or even terminate it. The treatments include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy, etc. in the initially stage only one treatment is required but in the advanced stage the doctor may combine two or more treatments. This can be a bit expensive that is why it is essential to find the right doctor. You need to make sure that you get it diagnosed and treated in the initial stage in order to get better results.
Treatment can be performed in any stage. In the initial stage the tumor can be removed from the urinary tract itself. The symptoms are easy to analyze and these symptoms include pain while urination, blood in the urine, frequent urination, etc. once you see these signs and symptoms you should immediately rush to a physician and get a treatment done. The most common cause of this is frequent smoking. Thought the causes haven't been determined as yet you need to make sure that you stop smoking. You will get all the required information on this topic on the internet. Here you will also be able to find the best surgeons. You need to be able analyze the cause and then diagnose the problem. Once you have seen any of the above mentioned symptoms then it is recommended that you take up measures for treatment immediately.
Cancer is something that is very scary, so if someone sees a tumor anywhere in the body, he or she will immediately panic. You need to keep your calm and make sure that you take up measure to terminate the problem. You cannot and should not take chances with your life. Cancer can cause some physical and mental trauma. Usually people who are aging get affected by this but now it has no certain age limit. If you have detected that you have bladder cancer then you should certainly not stop living but find ways eliminate the problem permanently.
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Bladder Cancer,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Bone cancer is a cancerous tumor which can begin in any part of any bone in the body. It is important to note that not all tumors which are found in the bone are cancerous but those that are need to be dealt with quickly and aggressively before it metastasizes, that is spreads, to other parts of the body.
Although they all fall under the heading of bone cancer, there are different types of cancers which start in the bone. The first is the osteosarcoma form of cancer which starts in the osteoid tissue and usually is found in the knee and upper part of the arm. This form of bone cancer seems to strike most predominantly at children and teens. The second is the chondrosarcoma which is found in the hips, legs, pelvis and shoulders. This form of cancer tends to attack people forty and over. Medical professionals feel that their studies indicate that there are sometimes hereditary factors connected with these first two forms of this cancer. The third is the ewing sarcoma which is usually found in the backbone, pelvis, legs and arms.
Medical professionals believe that their studies seem to indicate this cancer seems to show up most frequently in those who have had some sort of radiation or chemotherapy treatment. It also seems to show up in those people who have had some sort of metal implant inserted into their body, such as a plate used to hold together a broken bone.
Often, but not always, symptoms of bone cancer show up as frequent pain and swelling. With children, people sometimes tend to attribute these to what are often referred to as growing pains and with adults, as simply part of the aging process. It is important that these symptoms not be ignored. While it may be true that they are not an indication of something serious, it may be that they are also and it is important that they be checked professionally.
Should a diagnosis of bone cancer be made, it is important that treatment be started immediately. The most common treatment is surgery. This does not always mean amputation, as many people are apt to think. The majority of bone cancers do not lead to amputation if caught early enough and dealt with. Other forms of treatment are chemotherapy, radiation and cryosurgery. This last, which is less well known than the other forms of treatment, involves the use of liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the cancerous cells.
A person who has had bone cancer, even after it has been removed, needs to be checked often because this often comes back or leads to some other form of cancer. Early diagnosis is a good combatant and a cure of bone cancer doesn't mean that a person is free forever from this enemy. The best defensive is a good offensive.
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Bone Cancer,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Mushroom extracts are very effective in preventing and curing cancers. It provides you with anti cancer properties and you can safely consume it for a long time without any side effects.
Mushrooms are vegetables which blend very well with soups, stir fries and salads. But many are unaware of the fact that actually it is a type of fungi which grows and feeds upon decomposing plants and trees. Some mushrooms grow on some specific trees and under certain conditions. Chinese use mushrooms in treating colds, pains and allergies.
Medicinal mushrooms are used as capsules, in tea forms and as extracts. Reishi mushrooms, agaricus mushrooms, maitake and shitake are various medicinal mushrooms. These mushrooms have healing properties and hence they are used by medical fraternity.
Reishi mushroom is found in large numbers in China. This can be consumed everyday and is very good tonic. It is thus termed as mushroom of immortality. It helps you to keep fit for your entire life. This mushroom is effectively used as an immune system for patients who are suffering from cancer. It helps in reducing fatigue. These mushrooms have anti inflammatory properties. It also provides you to be calm and thus helping you to relax. Dried reishi power was very popular in ancient China. It demonstrated anti cancer activity by destroying cancer cells. This mushroom can also act as an dietary supplement because it exhibits therapeutic properties. These mushrooms can act as an alternative therapy for breast cancer and prostrate cancer. Thus, reishi mushrooms provides cures for multiple diseases. It helps in maintaining body's independent balance. These mushrooms can be consumed for a long time and that too without any side effects. It also helps in maintaining natural resistance of the body.
Mushrooms have low calories and have 80-90% water. Maitake mushrooms have low molecular polysaccaharide which helps in increasing immunity of people. It energises the immune system and helps in attacking pathogenic system. Maitake mushrooms reactivate immune competent cells thus enhancing the functions of macrophages and T cells. In this way it helps in efficiently providing solution as an anti cancer solution. It contains beta glucan which is used very effectively in anti cancer therapy. These glucans produce T cells and NK cells which safeguards you against cancer.The Shitake mushroom is very effective in providing immunity to your system.
The consumers are required to be very cautious about false advertising of mushroom extracts for preventing and curing cancer. This is because many beta glucan products which are available are not 100% pure. It may so happen that these mushrooms may contain only 1% beta glucan. Thus you are required to read on the labels about its purity before you purchase it.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer refers to different malignant diseases characterized by the rapid propagation of anaplastic cells that destroy healthy tissues and disrupt the body's functioning. Some of these diseases are very common while others occur in a one out of one million probability.
According to the American Cancer Society, the most common types of cancer are lung, breast and prostate which infect more or less 200,000 people yearly.
For breast cancer, roughly 99% are female victims. Amongst these cases, about 20% deaths have been recorded. It begins with the growth of tumor in the breast and most of the time affects women aged 50 and above. But this doesn't mean that younger women are not susceptible to this type of cancer. Younger women, nonetheless, have higher recovery rate as compared to older females. Factors that may attribute to acquiring breast cancer are genetics, immoderate alcohol intake and late pregnancy.
As compared to breast, lung cancer has a higher mortality rate of 75%. Lung cancer caused by chain smoking is called small cell lung cancer which is characterized by small cancerous cells mutating quickly in the tissues of the lungs. The more prevalent lung cancer is the non-small cell which can be triggered by more than one factor. Aside from smoking, lung cancer can also be caused by prolonged exposure to chemical elements such as radon and asbestos. Radiation and family history can also contribute to the risk of lung cancer.
Closely following breast and lung cancer is prostate cancer which yields about 30,000 deaths per year. Though there is no concrete explanation why, African Americans are most susceptible to prostate cancer, Caucasians possess moderate risk, while Asians are the least vulnerable to this disease.
Also on the list, with a 50% average death rate, is Colorectal Cancer which infects about 100,000 people yearly. This occurs when malignant cells form in the rectum. Colon and rectal cancers are often considered one as they posses almost the same symptoms which include thinner and bloody stools, bowel changes, abdominal pains and sudden weight loss. Obese people are also at higher risk of acquiring these diseases.
Though not as common as the three aforementioned cancers, pancreatic cancer is still on the list and should be noted for its almost 90% fatality. Pancreatic cancer, also called exocrine cancer, is diagnosed in more than 40,000 people annually. Older people and heavy smokers are at greater risk for pancreatic cancer. People with pancreatitis are also more susceptible to the sickness.
Other frequent occurring cancers are Renal Cancer, Melanoma, Bladder cancer, Leukemia and Thyroid cancer which ranges from 40,000 to 80,000 victims annually but with relatively low mortality percentages. Thyroid cancer poses the least threat with 4% death rate.
Since it is still not possible to pinpoint a specific substance that triggers cancer - causes are different for each case and even the most unlikely person can acquire the ailment - there is still no effective medication that can prevent the disease. However, taking care of your health can already be a good preventive program.
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The Most Common

By Brijesh Ghelani
The ever increasing rate of cancer has prompted medical practitioners to come up with different methods with the help of which they can expect to combat the disease. If you take a look around, you will notice that this disease is no longer restricted to a specific age group. Rather, people from diverse age groups are becoming victims of it. Medical science has been trying for quite some time to deal with it and invent a possible antidote with which they can expect to put an end to the fatal disease. The latest therapy they have come up with is anti neoplaston cancer therapy. Stanislaw Burzynski is the individual who can be credited with the development of this therapy. It is a kind of treatment where a set of synthetic chemicals are used which are known as antineoplastons for protecting the body against the disease. Antineoplastons mainly contain amino acids and peptides which can be found in human blood as well as urine.
There are diverse views regarding anti neoplaston cancer therapy. This is because there are very few published results of clinical trial and a full-proof conclusion cannot be drawn from them. Most of the treatments that have been done have been performed on a single clinic and some of them are not even complete. In such a scenario, it cannot be inferred whether it actually proves to be successful in fighting the disease. The unique thing about the treatment is that the chemical that is used in the process, namely antineoplastons, is actually a part of the natural biochemical defense system of the body. Moreover, it is believed to act by itself without any external help. The process prevents the growth of cancer cells and also helps in the development of features that look like normal cells.
You must be curious to know how the anti neoplaston cancer treatment works. The first step involves giving the antineoplastons either by injection or orally. This continues for as much as 1 year. Sometimes, it can be less than that such as eight months but the actual duration depends on the condition of the patient and his response to the treatment. As far as the cost is concerned, it can range between $30,000 and $60,000 though it is dependent on a lot of factors like the nature of treatment, the need for an operation for implanting a catheter for the purpose of drug delivery and the number of consultations. Though it is still at a nascent stage right now, it can be expected that this therapy will prove to be effective in battling cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Endometrial cancer is a condition where cancer cells form layers in the endometrial linings of the female uterus which is why it is sometimes referred to as Uterine Cancer. But endometrial cancer is not the only cancer concerning the uterus. There are many cancers starting from the uterine area, but endometrial is the most common.
Aside from being one of the most common types of cancer, endometrial cancer is also one of the easiest to detect due to its obvious symptom of irregular vaginal bleeding. Treatment of endometrial cancer often involves surgical removal of the uterus or hysterectomy.
The exact cause of endometrial cancer, like most cancers, is still unknown. However, studies on animals discovered that excessive estrogen in the blood can cause the buildup of cell in the uterus' lining. In humans, ovaries secrete two hormones, the progesterone and estrogen. Unbalanced hormones in the body may lead to various diseases including ovarian and endometrial cancer.
Age can also be a factor in cancer. Women above 60 are in danger of acquiring the disease but there are also some few cases involving women even below 30. Those who have had benign tumors in the uterus are most likely to experience endometrial cancer. Diabetic and obese people are also susceptible to the disease. Females with early menstruation and late menopause also have higher cancer risks. Longer years of menstruation follow longer exposure of the endometrial linings to estrogen.
Avoiding pregnancy can also lead to cancer. Studies showed that females who haven't been pregnant have greater risk in acquiring the illness. Women undergoing breast cancer medication can also be inflicted with endometrial caner. The drug tamoxifen administered for breast cancer patients increases the risk for uterine ailments. Nonetheless, tamoxifen is still accepted as a medicine since it provides more positive results than side effects.
Genetic syndromes such as HNPCC or Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer also heighten possibility for acquiring cancer. These syndromes occur due to mutation of genes inherited by children from their parents. People diagnosed with HNPCC should immediately consult their doctors and undergo cancer tests.
Symptoms that may entail endometrial cancer include infertility and irregular menstrual periods. Abnormally long periods, especially for women aged 40 and above, can also be a sign of the disease. Post menopausal females will also notice a white vaginal discharge. Recurrent abdominal pains can also signify uterine cancer.
When experiencing such symptoms it is best to consult with a doctor as soon as possible. Doctors will conduct pelvic examination as first diagnosis. If there are any changes in the shape or size of the uterus and related organs, this can mean that the cancer is already on a higher stage. Patients may be asked to undergo Dilation and Curettage or Biopsy for further tests and to classify the stage of the cancer.
Initial stage of endometrial cancer is when the cancer cells are only in the uterus. It is already stage two once it affects the cervix and it is stage three if it has already infected the surrounding tissues within the pelvis area. The most critical stage of the disease is when the cancer cells have already reached the abdomen, the bladder and other organs.
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Endometrial Cancer

By Brijesh Ghelani
The pancreas is a pear-shaped gland behind the stomach and the liver. Cancer in this gland is rare but notably deadly. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer are only seen during the advanced stage of the disease. Moreover, these symptoms are vague and can be easily overlooked or mistook as another ailment. Unknown to some people, the cancer cells have already spread in their system. This is what makes pancreatic cancer one of the most fatal cancers.
There are some few cases where early signs of pancreatic cancer have been observed. Studies revealed that only 4% of the subjects composed of pancreatic cancer patients observed sudden disgust in food they used to like months before actual diagnosis. Only a percentage suffered pancreatitis and about 5% experienced loss of appetite.
Advanced cancer on this gland is characterized by jaundice or the yellowing of the eyes and the skin. The discoloration is caused by excessive bilirubin in the blood which occurs when a tumor blocks the bile ducts. With the blockage of the ducts, there will also be changes in bowel habits. In addition, stools may lose their normal brown color and turn gray. Urine is also darker. Presence of fat in the stools, or steatorrhea, can also be observed. These fatty stools have strong foul odor and tend to float more.
Apart from jaundice, another symptom of pancreatic cancer concerning the skin is itch. Itchy skin is most often attributed to dermatological problems; however, itch coupled with jaundice may already entail severe illness.
If bilirubin increases, insulin in the blood may decrease causing diabetes. Pancreas secretes insulin and though diabetes can be linked to many other disorders, acquiring onset diabetes is suspicious.
Sudden weight loss can also signify pancreatic cancer. Many would appreciate losing weight, but this can actually lead to more sever illnesses. Together with weight loss, abdominal pains are one of the first symptoms of pancreatic cancer. The pains may occur three hours after eating and even when simply lying down. These pains will be more extensive as the tumor grows bigger. In addition, the abdomen may also swell or bloat.
If the disease is left disregarded, other symptoms will also surface. Vomiting, loss of appetite and malaise are signs common to numerous ailments. But the more common symptoms are, the more they should be taken seriously. It is still best to be sure.
For rare pancreatic cancer involving islet cell tumors, other indications included are heavy sweating, facial flushing, reflux and excessive thirst. Islet cell tumors invade the pancreatic cells that are directly producing insulin. This will trigger overproduction of insulin and other hormones and may induce dizziness, chills and recurrent diarrhea.
If you have any of these symptoms, more so if you have more than one of these symptoms, then you must consult a doctor. Aside from those experiencing the indications, people with past records of other cancer types and histories of cancer in their families should also undergo tests. Diagnostic procedures usually involve a series of X-rays, such angiogram, CT scans and ERCP; and ultrasounds like Transabdominal and the newest Endoscopic ultrasound.
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pancreatic cancer,
Signs and Symptoms

By Brijesh Ghelani
The body of Antrodia camphorate is mainly used as a medicine for treating fatal diseases such as cancer. This is highly popular in Taiwan. There was a study which was conducted to experiment and analyze this particular product which was highly beneficial for treating cancer. This study and research was carried out to analyze the apoptotic cause of ethylacetate extract mainly from A. camphorata (EAC).
People from Taiwan took this particular extract and compared it with Chinese medical herb along with two other extracts from variant fruiting bodies (namely AC-SS). The medical practitioners as well as the scientists wanted to learn the anti-tumor effects, especially in human hepatoma.
Antrodia camphorate is a medicinal fungus which is quite expensive. It is not readily available and hence minute research and development is going on with regards to this fruiting body. This particular extract is recently floated in the market in the form of nutraceuticals.
Various studies and research have shown that this extract cures a wide gamut of diseases such as liver cancer, diarrhea, abdominal pain and even hypertension. Nonetheless, studies have also shown that these fruiting bodies gradually grow on the inner cavity wall of the rotting trunk of Cinnamonum kanehirai. Therefore, scientists considered to develop liquid submerged fermentation or even artificial cultivations like mycelia from solid-state culture. Nonetheless, with time, some experts have felt that the artificial cultivation is not as beneficial or advantageous as the fruiting bodies. Consequently, the researchers came up with a brand new development technique of co-fermenting liquid-solid cultures of A. camphorata along with Chinese medicinal herb. This led to more effective results and enhanced treatment.
Hepatoma is considered as one of the most prominent and widespread adult malignancies in Taiwan. With time, scientists are coming up with few chemical regimens in an attempt to treat hepatoma in various hospitals and nursing homes. Nevertheless, it did not prove beneficial or helpful in any way. The endeavor to carry out the research and experiments fell in vain and in spite of incessant studies the usefulness of the drug was not satisfactory at all. The chemical regimens were not at all effective to cure cancer. It was found that problems and health hazards continued to take place. Problems with regards to multiple drug resistance (MDR) were still conspicuous in liver cancer.
Thus, the current study with respect to the co-fermentation of the solid-state of A. Camphorata along with aqueous extract of the Chinese herb called Radix Glycyrrhizae is considered as one of the most effectual treatments for anti-tumor, cancer, epigastric pain, cough as well as dyspnea, bringing in new ray of hope for the cancer patients worldwide.
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Antrodia Camphorata,

By Brijesh Ghelani
The term "cancer" often sends a chill running as it is known to be one of the deadliest diseases the world has seen till today. The term is used as a broad classification to denote diseases that are caused by random and uncontrollable cell growth in the human body. Though the disease is classified into five major groups, there are more than 100 types of cancer depending on the area or organ where abnormal cells start to develop.
The cure for cancer is not yet completely established though medical advancement has raised the cure ratio to almost about 60-70%. The disease is completely curable when it s detected in the early stages and its growth controlled. Thus this calls in for the need or the awareness for every individual to know about cancer and its symptoms. Though some of the types of cancer do not show any symptoms or signs until they develop into advanced stages, many exhibit common symptoms which can be watched for. This article is all about the symptoms associated with cancer and detailed information about them.
1. Fatigue - The most common symptom that cancer exhibits is persistent fatigue. The patient experiences fatigue in all stages of the disease and is more pronounced in the advanced states. Though many cancers exhibit fatigue at the early state itself clearly, some might not display till the disease grows extensively inside the body. Fatigue can be experienced by both kinds of cancers, be it malignant or malignant and is often associated to becoming anaemic plus loss of immunity in the body. In the types of cancer that affect the bowel organs or the area, fatigue is a very common symptom.
2. Weight Loss - Loss of weight is normally a pleasure for many, but unexpected and excessive weight loss is a point of concern. Loss of excessive weight which may or may not be associated with appetite loss is also known to be one major symptom of cancer. Though weight loss denotes the possibility of many diseases, it is wise to consult a doctor if you think that you have lost massively within a short period.
3. Fever - A fever is a mild indication given by the body that something is wrong internally. Though fever is associated with many diseases, persistent fever or one that occurs frequently needs to be attended. Such kind of fevers normally denotes a stressed immune system and it is advisable to then get screening for cancer done. Normally cancers related to blood like leukemia or lymphoma show symptoms of fever and so also do other cancers which are in quite advanced state.
4. Bowel Changes - Colon cancer normally exhibits symptoms of bowel changes which might be followed with constipation, diarrhea, gas or blood in stools. In case of such situations, it is advisable to consult your physician and get a screening done for cancer. These though are common symptoms of cancer, and sometimes can also be linked to other types of cancer.
5. Cough - Cough is normally a day-to-day affair, though it is a must to seek medical guidance when it stays for a longer time or is persistent and worse. Chronic cough that is related with mucus or blood is normally a symptom of cancer in the lungs. Though chronic cough with mucus and blood can be caused by many conditions, lung cancer is one possible disease they could be associated with.
6. Pain - Pain is a symptom of cancer but when it is in an advanced stage. It is sometimes a symptom in earlier stages of cancer types which spreads and affects the bone. In other cases of cancer, pain is experienced only when the cancer is in an advanced state and has spread to other parts of the body and nerves. Ovarian and colon cancer can be associated with pain in the lower back. Pain in the shoulder is often related to lung cancer while stomach pains are often related to cancer of the stomach, pancreas, etc. Persistent headaches also need to be taken into consideration as it can be a symptom of malignant or benign tumors of the brain.
These are a few very generic symptoms that are related to cancer though these symptoms can also be caused by other health conditions. Also these can be exhibited in many stages of the different cancer types depending on the individual and the level of spread of the disease.
But this is not all; specific cancer types showcase specific symptoms as an indication of the disease. Below is a list of specific symptoms for a few well-known types of cancer.
* Bone cancer is associated with pain and swelling of the affected area along with weakness and fracture in the bones.
* Brain cancer can be accompanied with dizziness, drowsiness and abnormal eye movements and vision changes.
* Breast cancer is associated with lumps in the breasts and discharge from nipples.
* Leukemia is cancer of the blood cells and can show symptoms of weakness, paleness, fever and prolonged bleeding effects.
* Blood in the urine or pain in the back along with high blood pressure is normally a sign of kidney cancer.
* Skin cancer can cause change in existing moles or bumps on the skin along with discoloration and bleeding.
* Oral Cancer is characterized by lumps or ulcers in the mouth, lip, tongue or inside lining of the mouth. It is also normally accompanied by oral pains, loose teeth, foul breadth and bleeding.
* Ovarian Cancer is cancer of the ovaries which possess signs of swelling and discomfort in the abdomen along with bleeding in an abnormal manner in the vagina.
* Abdominal pain and unexpected weight loss is also sometimes seen in case of pancreatic cancer which might also cause yellowing of the skin and enlargement of the spleen ad liver.
* Patients suffering from stomach cancer can experience difficulties in urination and in retaining urine in the bladder.
They might feel the frequent urgency to urinate along with the burning or painful urination. They might also at times experience dull pain in the pelvic area and/or in the back.
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cancer symptoms,