By Brijesh Ghelani
You would be aware of the adverse impacts of the mattress antenna if you are a regular health conscious person. Recently, the damage caused by the coiled mattress has come forward to millions of Americans who have been in belief that the same mattresses provide a sound sleep and a great amount of relaxation. However, their thoughts have ceased to exist recently as medical researchers have brought into light the adverse effects of the same. While you may be wondering how these mattresses could be proved harmful to you, you need to know about the techniques when and how an antenna coiled mattress can affect you in the long run.
The main culprit that incurs several health complexities is the metal antenna like coils that are being used during the manufacturing of the mattress. Reports reveal that the metal of the coils intrinsically attract and amplifies too harmful radiation from the nearby television, radio and even FM channels. This electro-magnetic ray can be quite harmful for a person as the body of a person could be badly damaged due to the persistent usage of the coil mattress. As a direct impact this type of electro-magnetic rays hinders the production of melatonin to a great extent. Now, if you ask me why melatonin is important for our body, then let me enlighten you that it is a highly important agent that is responsible for growing anti-oxidants and the anti-cancer agents too. From this, you can easily get hold that how much you can be affected by these antenna coiled mattresses thereby. In fact great amount medical researches now establish that premature ageing and growth of breast cancer is highly accelerated by using these kinds of mattresses. Further, you would be wondered knowing that this anti-cancer agent is best generated in our body only during the night time when we are sleeping. Apart from the said factors, melatonin is also responsible for providing protection against harmful virus for keeping out immunity system fit and fine.
Now after knowing so many adverse effects of antenna mattress, you must be interested in knowing how you can avoid this disorder effectively. The answer is switch over to organic mattresses. These natural latex mattresses do not have spring support and for this they are completely safe. You can be rest assured that there will be no internal effect for the same. You can sleep without fear and doubt and it is obviously quite healthy for a long healthy life.
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Mattress Antenna

By Brijesh Ghelani
In a recent break through we have come to know that baking soda helps in preventing as well as curing cancer. It is a safe substance and hence can be used to treat cancer.
Did you know that you can cure cancer with ordinary baking soda? Well, yes, this is true. Recent researches have shown that it helps in diagnosis of cancer during its initial stages. Also, cancer can be successfully treated by using baking soda. Oncologists are aware of the fact that bicarbonate is very useful to protect their patients from toxic chemicals which are emitted during chemotherapy.
A new treatment with sodium bicarbonate is providing hope for cancer patients. An Italian oncologist Dr. Simoncini has provided a breakthrough in treating cancer patients by using baking soda. He uses baking soda by directly injecting at the cancer site. According to his theory, cancer is caused by fungus called candida albicans. It is an effective anti fungal substance. Injecting it into cancer site makes its PH acidic balance to turn into alkaline kills the fungus before the germs adapts itself.
It is a safe substance which can be safely used to form the basis of treating as a natural chemotherapy. Baking soda's action is very dramatic because it changes are very conducive when its conditions are acidic. Bicarbonate is available in our blood naturally. You can mix it with maple syrup to prevent or cure cancer. But this theory is not scientifically proved. For this you are required to mix 3 parts of maple syrup with one part baking soda. Stir this syrup over a low heat to prepare an effective concoction. Take this syrup once every day for 2- 3 months.
Cancerous tissue helps in turning bicarbonate into carbon dioxide. The oral administration of it helps in reducing the harmful effects of radiation exposure. It is very protective, has buffering properties and also neutralizes to protect the kidneys and other tissues. It helps in clearing the messes and clears away the toxic articles. This helps in leaving behind the alkaline trail which acts as a safeguard. Thus, it acts as a security personnel and guards against the toxic chemicals which are entering our bodies.
Sodium bi carbonate should not be used alone. It has to be used in conjunction with magnesium chloride, iodine and selenium plus. This type of treatment enhances ph of tumors and has reduced formation of metastases in mice with breast cancer. It is very diffusive and hence very effective in curing cancer.
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Baking Soda,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Millions of people worldwide are being affected with this deadly disease called cancer. Research is still going on to help people fight this Anvirzeltm cancer and become fit once again. Anybody can be affected so it would be wise if you have some knowledge about it. Uncontrolled cell growth leads one to be affected by cancer.
You can be affected by various types of cancer. Reliable prevention techniques to fight against cancer are very difficult to come by. This is because of different forms of cancer which are different in origin, composition and they have different responses to particular type of cancer. Thus, preventive measures have to be taken for many years before any results can be seen. Even then one cannot guarantee that you will get freedom from being affected by this disease.
You can surely take some steps in order to prevent getting affected by Anvirzeltm cancer. First take a look at your diet. It should be low in fat and high in fiber. Fruits and vegetables are a must to keep this disease at bay. Another very important point which is overlooked by everyone is the fact that you have to exercise regularly. Some studies show that exercising helps in making a great impact in the occurrence of cancer. One should always avoid sedentary lifestyle, animal fats and grilled meats to reduce the risk of getting this cancer. Consuming adequate nutrients will go a long way to help you prevent cancer.
You have to avoid smoking and alcohol consumption so that your chances of getting affected are reduced automatically. Maintaining an ideal weight is absolutely necessary. If you are obese, then try to reduce your weight. If your obesity is not controlled on time, then this poses as a great threat later on.
Treatment of Anvirzeltm cancer becomes difficult because it is not detected in early stages. When it is detected, it becomes too late to control it. By this time it has spread to other parts of the body. Methods on how to detect cancer in its early stages have become very important and are being currently used in researches in modern times.
The treatment of cancer depends upon various factors like type and the location of the disease. The treatments which are provided will kill the cells and are divided into different categories. Various types of treatments are given in some combination or simultaneously. You are also required to stimulate your body's defense mechanisms to fight cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is a collective term for lethal diseases that usually cannot be detected at the onset. As many would say, it is a silent killer with symptoms similar to common nonfatal ailments. Due to these similarities, some people fail to realize that they already have the illness and thus, neglect to seek immediate treatment. But what causes this silent killing disease and how would you know if you already have it?
Cancer can be caused by exposure to hazardous environments. These harmful settings include places conducive for tumor viruses, ionizing radiations and cancerous chemicals. Parasites causing tumors can thrive in dirty surroundings. Workers in medical facilities are also at risk for acquiring viruses from patients or laboratory specimens. Excessive radiations, on the other hand, like UV rays and X-rays can cause skin cancer. Nuclear power plants also house high amount of radioactivity that may induce cancer.
Prolonged exposure to benzene also poses great risk to a person. The substance has been discovered to accelerate cell mutation in the blood, causing leukemia. Aside from benzene, arsenic compounds are also said to induce skin cancer while asbestos can cause Mesothelioma lung cancer. Experts have had difficulties in naming what particular habits or chemicals actually cause cancer. For instance, some heavy smokers develop lung cancer while others do not. Some chemists working on benzene acquire leukemia while others do not.
It is true that cancer can be passed through the genes; however, it is important to note that inheritance is not a main cause of cancer. In fact only five percent of all the cancer patients have gotten the disease through genetics. Even if one have several relatives who had cancer, there is no guarantee that he will have it to. And if a significant number from a person's close relatives has died of cancer, only one or two amongst these relatives may have gotten the sickness through genetics. A person can be susceptible to cancer because of his genes, but in reality all people are susceptible to the fatal disease depending on how strong one's immune system is and how one lives his life.
Though you can only find out if you have cancer through laboratory diagnosis, it is also important to note the possible symptoms of cancer.
A common symptom in all cancer types is a lump on the body. For cancers involving the gastrointestinal or urinary tract - such as stomach or colon cancer - patients experience pain somewhere along the abdomen. There may also be difficulty or changes in urinary and bowel movement. Bloody stools or urine can also be signs of possible cancer. Some patients also experience recurring fever and sudden weight loss usually accompanied by loss of appetite. Rashes can also be a symptom of developing skin cancer while coughing and hoarseness of voice can signify thyroid cancer.
In the end it all lies on how one takes care of himself. If you observe healthy habits, then you may evade cancer. Furthermore, it is important to have ample knowledge regarding the sickness. Familiarizing on the different aspects of cancer such as the causes and symptoms can help save you from falling prey to the disease.
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Causes and Symptoms

By Brijesh Ghelani
The bladder is responsible for storing urine which is the liquid waste excreted by the kidneys. The organ is a component of the urinary tract and is found in the lower abdomen. Once cancer cells mutate in the bladder, they can also affect the lymph vessels, the liver and the lungs. After spreading to other organs, the bladder cancer cells will continue to grow larger and propagate, quickly disrupting the body's functions.
Bladder cancer comes in three different types; namely, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Transitional Cell Carcinoma, and Adenocarcinoma. Squamous Cell Carcinoma is triggered by trematode infection. Trematodes or flukes are worm-like parasites usually living in fishes but can also thrive within a human's system.
Transitional Cell Carcinoma is the most common among the three types and like most cancers; it starts with growth of tumor within the organ. The last type, Adenocarcinoma, is the rarest and only about two percent of bladder cancer patients yearly have been recorded to have Adenocarcinoma. This cancer starts in the glandular linings of organs and spreads quickly. People who have Adenocarcinoma are likely to acquire the disease again even after successful treatment.
One of the initial symptoms of bladder cancer is painful bladder emptying which at times is accompanied by bloody urine. Another sign for this cancer is increased need to empty the bladder. These symptoms also occur for some gastrointestinal diseases such as UTI, and there are also instances where UTI itself is already a symptom of the cancer. Therefore, when suffering these problems, consult a doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and abrupt treatment.
Diagnosis of bladder cancer will begin with physical exams and then proceed to a urine test, biopsy or cystoscopy. Cystoscopy refers to the process where the doctor uses a lighted tube called cystoscope to examine the bladder directly. Biopsy, on the other hand, refers to taking tissue samples from the patient. There are also some cases where diagnosis and treatment of the cancer occurs at the same time. The doctor may choose to remove the entire area affected by cancer cells through biopsy.
Causes of bladder cancer differ from one person to another. Though the medical industry is still uncertain as to what really causes this type of cancer, researches have discovered some factors that can contribute to one's susceptibility to the ailment.
People working closely to chemical substances - such as rubber and textile factory workers - are at a high risk for bladder cancer. Intake of poisonous chemicals such as arsenic, which can be found in contaminated water, can also cause bladder cancer. People with weak health are also highly susceptible. Past histories of cancer medications may also induce bladder cancer. If the initially weak body cannot contain the substances present in the medicine, the body may react negatively. Such reactions at times can only be observed months or years after the treatment. Cancer can also be inherited through the genes; nonetheless, a person living a healthy life is most likely to evade the cancer risk even if it runs in the blood.
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Bladder Cancer,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Stomach or gastric cancer starts when cancerous cells form in the lining of the stomach. According to records, stomach cancer cases in the United States are continuously declining; however, cases in Asian countries are rapidly increasing. This may be attributed to race - certain races are more susceptible to certain types of cancers - or to lifestyle trends.
The stomach expands when eating; thus it can also house growing tumors without being noticed. Furthermore, symptoms of stomach cancer are vague and very similar to other ailments. Bloody stools, for instance, is common to many types of cancers and other diseases. Blood in stools are not always visible and may also occur recurrently but not always. This is why some people think that having bloody stools once doesn't signify any health problems. However, not being able to see the blood doesn't mean it is no longer there. Examinations like Fecal Occult Blood Test are conducted to identify the presence of blood in the stools.
Other symptoms of stomach cancer include abdominal pain. Frequent and severe abdominal pains can already be a sign of advanced cancer. Other noticeable signs of stomach cancer are abdominal bloating and reflux.
Vomiting and nausea are also vague indications of stomach cancer. Constant vomiting can damage the esophagus and can also lead to irregular metabolism. Dysphagia or difficult swallowing also occurs once the esophagus is damaged. The esophagus is a tube connected to the stomach and one of the first body parts to be infected once the cancer spreads outside the stomach.
Loss of appetite for two days is still considered normal or simply a sign of non-fatal infections such as fever. However, if the condition lasts longer, then it can already be a symptom of more serious illnesses such as stomach cancer. Losing about 5% of your weight in less than six months without any aim of dieting can also be considered serious. This may be due to irregular bowel movement and heightened loss of appetite due to stomach cancer. Irregular bowel movement may be characterized by constipation and diarrhea or alternation of both. Constant burping also signifies changes in the digestive function.
Heartburn and fatigue can be natural. However, experiencing these two even without engaging in strenuous activities is already a red flag. Heartburn can be caused by the irregular metabolism and clogging of acids in the lower esophagus. Prolonged fatigue, on the other hand, can be a side effect of anemia. People with stomach cancer experience anemia due to blood loss through vomiting or through stools. There are also some cases of blood clots within the lungs and the legs. These cause swelling of the legs and constant breathlessness accompanied by chest pains. Blood clotting usually occurs after hemorrhage anemia or profuse bleeding. Internal bleeding, especially in areas apart from the digestive tract, is already an indication of critical stomach cancer.
If you have any of these symptoms, it is best to seek medical assistance. Though these indications are vague, immediate diagnosis and treatment are necessary to prevent further complications of the sickness.
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Stomach Cancer,

By Brijesh Ghelani
Vitamin B17 is a natural substance which is found in many vegetables. A high percentage of this substance is found in apricots and other bitter nuts. You can also find their properties in cereals and seeds. This substance is known to have anti cancer properties and this has been proved scientifically.
This vitamin is very successfully used in metabolic therapy. When you consume this product, it penetrates through your cell membrane. This product does not allow amygdalin to release cyanide. With the activation of amygdalin, the malignant cells are destroyed. The normal cells are safe while the cancerous cells get destructed. In this way amygdalin helps in controlling pain of cancer patients.
It is recommended that a high intake of B17 vitamins is very necessary within a short span of time for cancer patients. B17 therapy has an initial period of 21 days. During this period your doctor will introduce intraveneous form of B17 along with high dosage of vitamin C. If intraveneous form is unavailable then apricots and B17 tablets are recommended for the patients. In addition to this, pancreatic enzymes and emulsified Vitamins A & E, multivitamins and barley green power also have to be consumed by the patient. Further, nutrition supplements and detoxification process has also to be taken into account.
Next phase of treatment has to be carried out for three months. During this period of medication B17 tablets along with apricots, vitamins A, C and E has to be taken for your consumption.
An average of over 300 grams helps to control moderate cancer. A period of four months to about a year is required to gauge the effect of this treatment. If you see some positive results, then you can change medicine dosage which is most suitable for the patient. It is necessary to consume one gram of B17 everyday. The dosage has to be determined by seeing the patient's condition like increased appetite, weight gain and gain in strength.
If a patient is under continuous stress and tension then there can be outbreaks of cancer once again. Thus, physician is required to be aware of this situation. If cancer is controlled within two years, then Vitamin B17 dose can be reduced to 500 milligrams each day.
Apricots are very effective rich natural source for vitamin B17. 10 seeds consumed everyday will go a long way in preventing cancer. 30 to 35 seeds are recommended for those suffering from cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Though we have all heard the term "Cancer" through many sources, the exact facts and details of the disease is not very widely known. Cancer is one of the world's deadliest diseases and is a completely curable if detected at an early age. It is therefore a must to possess awareness about it and this article is a consolidation of the facts and details related to this disease.
What is Cancer?
Cancer is not a single disease but a class of diseases which are typically characterized by random and out-of-control growth in the human body cells. These random cell growth leads to invasion of other normal cells around them leading to their destruction. The cancerous cells divide in an uncontrollable fashion and form lumps or tissue masses known as tumors. These tumors affect the body part where they grow and disrupt their normal functioning. The cancerous cells also spread to other parts of the body through blood or lymph and cause further cell destruction.
Oncologists are physicians or researchers who study about the diagnosis, treatment and sure of cancer. The study of cancer is by itself known as oncology.
Types of Cancer
Cancer can typically affect every organ of the body and spread the disease by destroying the neighbouring cells. The various cancers are named typically after the place where they originate in the body. For example, Breast cancer is cancer that originates in the cells of the breast. With about more than 100 types of cancer, this class of diseases is divided into five broad categories.
* Cancer that originates in the skin or in the tissues that cover the internal organs is known as Carcinoma.
* Cancer that starts in the bone, fat muscle, cartilage or blood vessels are known as Sarcoma.
* Cancer in the blood forming tissues like the bone marrow is known as Leukaemia. This type of cancer enters the blood stream and spreads to all the parts of the body.
* Cancer that begins in the immune system of the body is known as Lymphoma and Myeloma.
* Cancer in the cells of the brain and spinal cord are known as Central nervous system cancer.
Symptoms of Cancer
The symptoms of cancer are an important factor in the early detection, though some types of cancer do not exhibit any symptoms at all unless they are in the advanced state. Though each type of cancer exhibits different types of symptoms there are few symptoms that are common to most of the cancers. The patient can exhibit a broad spectrum of symptoms which might not be very specific to the type of cancer like fatigue, unintentional weight loss, fever, bowel changes and chronic cough. Pain is most of the times a symptom of cancer in the advanced form. Pain in the lower back can be symptoms of colon or ovarian cancer while shoulder pain can be a symptom of lung cancer. Though stomach pain can be normally caused by many reasons, stomach cancer is also associated with acute stomach pain.
How harmful is the cancer?
The disease cancer claims the lives of millions of people around the world every year. It is dangerous and life-threatening when it develops as tumors and starts spreading around. The cells may move through the body through lymph systems or the blood and can destroy the other healthy cells in the body. Such a process is known invasion and affects other internal organs other than its place of cancerous origin. Such a tumor that grows, invades and spreads destroying other tissues is known as a metastasized tumor and is a very serious condition which is at times beyond treatment levels.
How is Cancer caused?
The disease cancer is majorly an environmental disease where about 90-95% of the scenarios are caused due to factors like lifestyle and environmental conditions. Only about 5-10% of the cases are caused by genetic disorders. The common factors that lead to environmental causes of cancer are tobacco, obesity, infections, radiation and environmental pollutants. These factors affect the basic underlying genetic cell material leading to the disease.
Treatment course of Cancer
The definitive diagnosis of cancer requires clinical examination of the biopsy specimen. Sometimes initial indication of the malignancy can be through symptomatic or by radiographic imaging abnormalities. Once diagnosed, cancer is normally treated by chemotherapy, surgery or radiation or a mixture of two or more methods. Treatment also depends on the types of cancer and the stage in which the disease has progressed. There are many specific treatment methods that are followed based on the type of cancer and medical advancement has bought in many new types of targeted therapies for the specific kind of cancer. The targeted therapy also works on cancerous cells showcasing abnormal behaviour and reduces the damage caused to normal cells.
How can your effectively prevent cancer?
Cancer prevention is easier than cancer treatment. Though there are many factors that can cause cancer, a few simple changes to your lifestyle can help you prevent them. The below are few methods that you can accommodate or follow to ensure prevention or early detection of cancer.
* Avoid direct or indirect form of smoking
* Look out for skin changes and take care to avoid harmful exposure to the sun
* Maintain a healthy diet of natural fruits and vegetables and limit fat contents
* Keep your alcohol intake within limits
* Remember a healthy exercised body keeps out cancer better
* Learn about any genetic disorders in the family and take necessary screenings
* Beware of harmful substances in your work environment
* Follow safe sexual methods
* Obtain regular cancer screening to detect at early stage
Cancer Research is one of the major scientific efforts that is being undertaken to understand the disease better and find possible therapies. There are many national and international cancer institutes that have been established for this purpose. Since 1971, major advancements have been made in the field of molecular biology and cellular biology leading to many new and advanced treatment modes for cancer.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
Cancer is one of the most diseases that cause millions of casualties every year and it becomes a must to understand the basic cure and underlying treatment methods for this deadly disease. Though the disease is not 100% curable, it is possible that one can get rid of it if treated at an early stage. Read on to understand how you can treat the disease with the various methodologies involved.
This is a most common cancer cure which kills the diseased cancerous cells by means of drugs. In case of chemotherapy, the drugs destroy the DNA within the tumor cell as a result of which the cell dies. The drugs are given on a particular frequency to ensure that maximum cells are killed over a period of time. As the cells die not immediately but after a period of time after the chemotherapeutic process, repeated doses are required so as to reduce their numbers. The drugs in the chemotherapeutic process are normally administered through IV or injection, though sometimes pills and creams are also used. Chemotherapy is most of the time used as a follow-up treatment mode after surgery though is used as initial treatment option in cases of advanced levels. Though it is a common method of treatment, the side effects caused by chemotherapy needs to be taken into account before proceeding with it. The treatment can create side effects like fatigue, loss of weight, hair loss, bleeding, swelling, anaemia, appetite loss, constipation, etc.
Biologic Therapy
The basic underlying fact that the immune system can fight the disease and prevent it from spreading is used in this kind of cancer cure. Substances that occur naturally in our body are given back to our system to improve the immune system. The different modes of therapy include stimulation of body conditions to produce more of the natural substance or man-made alterations and production of the natural substance which is then given back to the body. This method is also known as biological response modifiers or immunotherapy, etc. Though natural substances are administered to the body, this method also involves side effects which might be due to the excessive production of the substance by the body. These biologic substances are given into a patient's body by intra-venous, intra-muscular, injection or through under the skin methods.
Radiation Oncology
This cancer cure mode involves the use of high energy radiations which penetrate into the body and destroys the cancerous cells. The radiations are mostly specific to abnormal cell that rapidly reproduce though it also at times destroys normal cells. The radiations destroy the cell DNA structure thus preventing them from reproduction. Hence this method helps eliminate the abnormal cells or put a stop to their rapid growth and spread. To eliminate or diminish the effects caused by the radiation therapy, the dosages are normally spread across in small quantities over a period of time.
Radiation therapy is a kind of local therapy where in the rays are concentrated more on the diseased areas and not spread throughout the body like chemotherapy which becomes a systematic therapy. Depending on the way they are administered, the radiation therapy is of two types, external radiation therapy and the internal or Brach therapy. In the external method, the radiation is given to the patient by means of a device kept outside the patient's body. Sometimes, radioactive substances are sent inside the body and the radiations concentrated near the diseased area and such cases are known as internal radiation therapy. Substances like radioactive iodine are used as radioactive materials in cases of internal radiation therapy methods.
Surgical Oncology
This is the branch of surgery that deals with surgical management of cancer. Many times removal of cancerous tumors or areas can help prevent the spread of the disease and can bring in a cure for it. The recent branch of medicine has bought in cryosurgery methods where the extreme cold created by liquid nitrogen is used to destroy the cancer cells. The cryosurgery can be used for both external and internal tumors by different ways of administration.
Targeted Therapies
When drugs prevent the growth of cancer cells by modifying the specific molecules involved in the tumor growth, they are said to be targeted cancer therapies. They concentrate more on the molecular and cellular changes that are associated with the cancer cell thus being more effective than the other traditional methods. The focus that is bought in by these drugs also reduces the damage done to other normal cells. This is a cutting edge technology which deals with the drugs and destroys cell development. With medical advancement in full swing, more and more targeted therapies are currently in the research phase in clinical labs. These targeted therapies work in a planned manner where they focus and block cell proteins which guide the cell on cell multiplication and co-ordination. Thus without the signal on how to divide, the cells die and this process is known as apoptosis. Sometimes these drugs also improve the immune system and make the body find the cells and destroy them directly.
The above list of methods for cancer cure is just the top of the iceberg as modern medicine has introduced many more treatment options specific to each kind of cancer. Treatments like gene therapy, hormone therapy, photodynamic therapy, proton therapy and vaccine therapy are other different ways of handling the disease. You can talk to your physician about all these kinds of cancer cure methods and the side effects each pose. Your physician will be able to select the best one for you based on factors like the type and size of tumor along with the level to which the disease has spread.
Other than these, complementary medicines also offer many natural cure for cancer and you can always consult an experienced and licensed practitioner for the available options. But remember to inform your health physician of any alternative medications that you adhere to as they might have effects on the disease and your body.
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By Brijesh Ghelani
The cure for cancer involves many latest methods and technologies which are combined to obtain an optimal result. Though traditional methods like chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery are still vastly in use, new scientific advancements have opened up new horizons as a cure for cancer. This article is a detailed description of not just the traditional methods but of other latest research advancements like gene therapy, hormone therapy, etc. Read on to know how best you can involve science and technology to get rid of this not-so-desired health condition.
Surgery is an effective cure for cancer to avoid its spread and to remove the cells once for all. The diseased cell can be removed thus preventing further spread though in advanced stages, chemotherapy or radiation therapy is used as follow-up treatment methods. Recent medical researches have brought in much advancement in this branch of oncology treatment.
The use of drugs to destroy the cancer cells is known as chemotherapy. The drugs destroy the DNA inside the cell which kills the cell subsequently. Chemotherapy treatment modes as a cure for cancer are given to the patient on a regular duration either through IV or through injection. For some cancer types like that of the skin, chemotherapy drugs can be administered in the form of creams or pills also.
Radiation Therapy
High energy rays are passed through the body targeted at the cancerous area to destroy them. The also like chemotherapy destroy the cell DNA, consequently killing them. But unlike the chemotherapy process, the radiation therapy is localised and concentrates more on the cancer cells than the normal ones. The radiation therapy can be given either by external or by internal modes depending on the location of cancer.
Proton Therapy
This is a branch of radiation therapy which is currently in experimental stage and hence not in excessive use. The therapy uses protons in place of the x-ray beams used in traditional radiation therapy methods. Protons carry the advantage of depositing the radiation energy most on the cancerous cells thereby reducing the side effects and improving the therapy result. These therapies can also be used in combination with surgery or chemotherapy for maximised results.
Gene Therapy
Human body is made up of thousands of genes which tells the cells how to work, control growth and determine body functioning. When this gene becomes damaged by external factors, it is known as mutation and leads to cancer. Gene therapy is a medical advancement for the cure of cancer where the mutated gene is modified or replaced so as to prevent initiation of cancer. Clinical trials and researches are underway to figure out if missing or non-functioning genes can be replaced or if they can be prevented from growing into cancerous cells. There are also other possibilities of gene therapy where genes can be introduced into cancer cells to trigger an attack by the body's immune system itself or by introducing suicide genes into the diseased cell which can cause a self-destruction. It is also under research to see if genes can be inserted to cancer cells to make them more weak and susceptible to other treatment modes of cancer. Gene therapy can also be used to protect the healthy cells against the cancer cells from effects of chemotherapy drugs or radiation.
Hormone Therapy
Hormones are naturally produced chemicals in the body which travel through the body and co-ordinate various functions of the body. Medical research has found that hormones can be claimed responsible for regulating many cellular functions of the body. Some cancers have been found to be dependent on hormones for their growth and development. This is used as the main basis of hormonal therapy. In this method, hormones that fuel the cancer cells are blocked so that the cells can be prevented from growing. Hormone therapy is given through oral or surgical methods and is mostly used for the treatment of breast and prostate cancer.
Photodynamic Therapy
This method of cure for cancer uses a light source which is used along with a light-sensitive drug to destroy cancer. In this therapy, the photosensitising agent or the drug is first injected into the patient. This drug attaches itself to the cancerous cells on a higher basis than the normal cells and makes them more responsive to light. When the patient is exposed to a special light source like laser the drug gets activated and destroys the cancer cells.
Biologic Therapy
Our body immune system is equipped to fight foreign agents and other substances that harm the body's metabolism. This concept is made use of in the biologic therapy where substances that are naturally produced in our body are injected back into our body to improve our immune system so that it can fight the cancer cells and kill them. This kind of therapy is also known as immunotherapy or biological response modifiers where the substances are provided to the patient's body through IV or injection mode. This method also involves considerable side effects due to increase in the amount of natural substance in the body and thus needs to taken into consideration when the dosage is determined.
Targeted Therapies
Cells when they undergo mutation or modification start to grow in an uncontrollable fashion which can lead to cancer conditions. These cells are targeted and their modifying criterion is taken as a factor for killing them. In short, drugs are administered which modify molecules that are involved in the growth of cancer cells in this specific cure of targeted cancer therapy. These drugs also focus on improving the immune system thereby equipping the body in the required manner so as to help them destroy these cells. The underlying facts of cellular and molecular composition and the changes that are caused are taken into account in this method. As they target the cancer cells more, the side effects caused on the normal cell is also less comparatively. This method is in experimental stage currently and many clinical trials are in progress to study the effectiveness of this method on the various types of cancer.
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