By Alan Wighton
Everybody is ignorant as to why there is so much cancer now days and seeking information from their doctor isn't a great help as they don't know the reasons why. Also we all believe there are only three ways to treat the disease and our modern health care system are the only people who can help in overcoming the problem.
You have to remember that cancer and the treatments that are in place now days are controlled by a powerful industry and this industry has total control over the marketplace. Doctors are only taught and allowed to use surgery, radiation and chemotherapy which are all designed to remove cancer. These three treatments have many faults, the main ones being;
* They are toxic to the human body.
* They all weaken the immune system.
* They are only treating symptoms.
* They are all money orientated.
When cancer appears anywhere in the body it is a sign from the body that you are doing something wrong and just removing growths is pointless as it will only grow back again unless you make some important lifestyle changes. The information you need is to find the reasons that have caused it in the first place and remove those causes and allow the body to heal itself.
The treatments that are in place now days all weaken the body which includes the immune system, our complex built in repair system which keeps us health and disease free. It's only when this system had been weakened by our modern way of living which has allowed normal body cells to mutate and divide without control and become cancerous.
Our three ways of treating cancer target the growths and give little regard to the reasons why it first grew and treating symptoms is only likely to give a patient temporary relief. Unfortunately profit plays a big part in anything to do with cancer today and it's not just treatments but diagnosing it and regular check ups to detect it early.
Early detection is another myth that's perpetrated by the cancer industry. Cancer statistics are measured by a five year survival period so the earlier they can detect it, the sooner the five years period starts running and this helps their statistics. Also if you were diagnosed with cancer back in the 70s there was a 50 percent chance of you surviving and today that hasn't changed, it is still only 50 percent. The reason why it hasn't changed is they are still only treating symptoms and that is of little help,
There can be no real cures for cancer until you address the causes of the problem and remove those causes. All cancers are curably but it's important to treat the reasons why it first grew and remove those reasons. That is, you must treat the person themselves with the problem instead of removing growths. When you make these changes you are strengthening the immune system and of course there are only natural ways to accomplish that.
Natural ways to help the body remove cancer are mainly diet related because "we are what we eat", that is our health is related to what foods we eat on a daily bases. Exercise is also important and it's the only way to help the immune system work efficiently again. We don't get the exercise we use to, especially in Western Societies where we have the motorcar for transport and the television for entertainment.
The most effective way to be free of cancer is to stop doing the things that causes it and start making lifestyle changes that heal it. It's all about information and learning. Take charge of your own health by making these important changes.
Everybody is ignorant as to why there is so much cancer now days and seeking information from their doctor isn't a great help as they don't know the reasons why. Also we all believe there are only three ways to treat the disease and our modern health care system are the only people who can help in overcoming the problem.
You have to remember that cancer and the treatments that are in place now days are controlled by a powerful industry and this industry has total control over the marketplace. Doctors are only taught and allowed to use surgery, radiation and chemotherapy which are all designed to remove cancer. These three treatments have many faults, the main ones being;
* They are toxic to the human body.
* They all weaken the immune system.
* They are only treating symptoms.
* They are all money orientated.
When cancer appears anywhere in the body it is a sign from the body that you are doing something wrong and just removing growths is pointless as it will only grow back again unless you make some important lifestyle changes. The information you need is to find the reasons that have caused it in the first place and remove those causes and allow the body to heal itself.
The treatments that are in place now days all weaken the body which includes the immune system, our complex built in repair system which keeps us health and disease free. It's only when this system had been weakened by our modern way of living which has allowed normal body cells to mutate and divide without control and become cancerous.
Our three ways of treating cancer target the growths and give little regard to the reasons why it first grew and treating symptoms is only likely to give a patient temporary relief. Unfortunately profit plays a big part in anything to do with cancer today and it's not just treatments but diagnosing it and regular check ups to detect it early.
Early detection is another myth that's perpetrated by the cancer industry. Cancer statistics are measured by a five year survival period so the earlier they can detect it, the sooner the five years period starts running and this helps their statistics. Also if you were diagnosed with cancer back in the 70s there was a 50 percent chance of you surviving and today that hasn't changed, it is still only 50 percent. The reason why it hasn't changed is they are still only treating symptoms and that is of little help,
There can be no real cures for cancer until you address the causes of the problem and remove those causes. All cancers are curably but it's important to treat the reasons why it first grew and remove those reasons. That is, you must treat the person themselves with the problem instead of removing growths. When you make these changes you are strengthening the immune system and of course there are only natural ways to accomplish that.
Natural ways to help the body remove cancer are mainly diet related because "we are what we eat", that is our health is related to what foods we eat on a daily bases. Exercise is also important and it's the only way to help the immune system work efficiently again. We don't get the exercise we use to, especially in Western Societies where we have the motorcar for transport and the television for entertainment.
The most effective way to be free of cancer is to stop doing the things that causes it and start making lifestyle changes that heal it. It's all about information and learning. Take charge of your own health by making these important changes.
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