By Dirk Mckee
It started when my brother-in-law, who is kind of fond of the drink, fell down heavily at home one day when a stroke hit him. It was a minor stroke that he recovered from with a week in hospital; but to be on the safe side, the doctors recommended a kind of radiation test that they said would help them identify the exact spot the blockage existed in that had caused the blood flow problem in his brain. The radiation test was to be a procedure called the CT brain perfusion scan; it was kind of scary to hear about - it was to beam the equivalent of hundreds of x-rays worth of radiation into his brain. We might have suspected that this would cause problems later on, but all the high-tech wizardry we were surrounded by kind of helped calm our fears. And then it started - there was the perfect circle of hair that just dropped out of his head one day soon.
When we brought it up with the doctor, he didn't say that he believed that there was something wrong with the procedure; he wondered if my brother-in-law had started combing his hair in the wrong direction. This was kind of like the way Toyota likes to blame the out-of-control acceleration in their cars on drivers getting their pedals mixed up. We began to read up, and then came this breaking story in the New York Times that really was a wake-up call. That CT brain scan was what was behind it all the time. Those machines (made by GE, Toshiba and others) didn't have the software set up so that they would be easy for the technicians to use; the companies didn't train the lab technicians properly, and my brother-in-law had ended up getting 10 times the radiation he should have. And there are so many people this is happening to that there's actually a class action lawsuit being planned.
What exactly happens then when this machine zaps your brain? The most visible thing that happens right away is that you lose your hair for a few weeks. But there are more serious things that go on within. Brain cancer and memory loss happen to be real possibilities. The problem here is that there is so much going on on the cutting-edge science of radiation therapy that there has been not enough time to discover everything that can go wrong, and to establish training procedures that will help lab technicians learn their skills properly before they zap anyone into orbit. There actually is no legal limit to how much radiation they can give you either.
While they suspect that brain cancer could be a strong possibility, there hasn't been enough time that has elapsed that they could actually find out how serious things can be. Perhaps the problem is that we've come to depend on safety features built into everything we use. If you don't close the door of your microwave properly, it's not going to work; if you don't close the door of your car properly, it's going to warn you repeatedly. Technicians who work these machines easily use the automated features provided, assuming that they've been designed to be idiot proof - to warn them when they are about to zap someone into getting brain cancer. They forget that idiot-proofing is just a consumer innovation. Professional equipment doesn't come with these features, because they assume that technicians know what they are doing. If it's at all comforting to hear this, a few high-ranking hospital staff at hospitals around the country have suffered the same effects. It just goes to show how light the veneer of the safety is that we take for granted.
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Careless Radiation Testing,
The Brain Cancer Risk
By Nikolas Hedberg
A part of me wishes we definitively knew the answer to this question simply to get people to refrain from talking on their cell phones while driving. Nothing is more frustrating on the road than seeing bad driving practices only to see the driver blabbing on a phone. In addition, we know that driving while talking on a mobile phone is equivalent to driving with an illegal blood alcohol level with regards to reaction time and focus on the road. People have been killed in car accidents by someone talking on a phone. I was in a car accident about 3 years ago when I was rear-ended by a woman talking on her cell phone. It is now illegal to talk on a cell phone while driving in California and other states are catching on as well. We also know that a headset or speaker phone does not reduce the risk of an accident. But I digress, we were supposed to be talking about brain cancer.
According to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association Americans spent 2.2 trillion minutes on their cell phones in 2008 which was a 100 billion minute increase from the previous year. Cell phones are becoming more and more advanced in their capabilities and at the same time, increasing their radio frequency output. A few studies have shown an increase in brain tumors on the same side of the head where the user holds the phone, but other studies have shown no association.
A 2009 study looked at 23 studies of 38,000 people and found no connection between cell phone use and brain tumors. However, there was a subset analysis of eight studies which showed a 10-30% increase in the risk of tumors from long-term use compared to people who rarely used a cell phone.
The European Environment Agency has stepped up and warned against the use of mobile phones in children because they have their entire lives ahead of them with exposure to radio frequencies and radiation. John Bucher, the associate director of the National Toxicology Program, testified before the Senate's Health and Human Services Committee. He stated that cell phone radiation penetrates deeper into a child's brain because of the configuration of a young, growing skull.
Professor Lennart Hardell is a Swedish researcher who is at the leading edge of cell phone radiation and brain cancer risk research. He has found an increased risk of brain tumors from 10 or more years of mobile phone use. Several studies of his have been published with the following key findings:
* For every 100 hours of cell phone use, the risk of brain cancer increases by 5%. For every year of use, the risk of brain cancer increases by 8%.
* After 10 or more years of digital cell phone use, there was a 280% increased risk of brain cancer.
* For digital cell phone users who were teenagers or younger when they first started using mobile phones, there was a 420% increased risk of brain cancer.
Why is there conflicting evidence? Is there special interest involved and who funded the studies in question? Dr. Hardell's research is very compelling and I tend to trust European studies over American studies because there is usually less of a money-trail in Europe. There is a lot of money to be made on cell phone use and we live in a country where the bottom line means everything.
In addition, why is it clearly stated in the fine print of cell phone manuals to use caution regarding radio frequencies and warnings about keeping the phone as far away from the body as possible? Radiation decreases as the square of the distance from the phone. The farther the phone is from your body, the less radiation exposure. One example is the Blackberry 8300 which clearly states: "When using any data feature of the Blackberry device, with or without a USB cable, keep the device at least.98 inches from your body and it should not be worn or carried on the body." This is clear enough for me that the cell phone manufacturers know the potential dangers of radiation.
Dr. Devra Lee Davis is the director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and author of the book Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide it, and How to Protect Your Family. She has testified before congress about this subject and has published numerous articles as well. She recommends the following to reduce your risk:
* Put your phone in the "flight" or "off-line" mode when carrying, storing, or charging it. This stops the electromagnetic emissions.
* Avoid carrying your cell phone on your body or storing it near your body at night.
* Use a wired headset (not Bluetooth!) or the speaker-phone mode to keep the phone as far from your body as possible while talking.
* Switch sides of your head regularly while talking.
* Use text messaging instead of talking.
* Choose a device with the lowest SAR possible. SAR stands for specific absorption rate, a measure of the strength of electromagnetic fields.
* Children should only use cell phones near their heads for emergencies. Texting away from the body is safer for children than talking on a cell phone.
* Avoid using the phone while the signal is weak or when moving at high speeds as in a car or train. This increases the power to the phone as it tries to stay connected.
Until more research is done that is not funded by the phone industry I will treat this as if cell phone radiation is in fact detrimental to my health. It is better to be safe than sorry and the studies that show an increased risk of brain tumors are simply too compelling to ignore. Use the simple steps outlined in this article and choose a phone with a low SAR to protect yourself from potential damage.
Dr. Nikolas Hedberg is a holistic physician specializing in thyroid disorders, hormone imbalances, allergies, chronic fatigue, digestive disorders and fibromyalgia. His truly unique and innovative practice is in Asheville, NC where patients travel from all over the world to seek his services. Dr. Hedberg uses state-of-the-art scientific laboratory diagnostic testing to uncover the underlying causes of disease. He utilizes a variety of natural medicines, nutrition and lifestyle modifications to correct the imbalances found on testing. His goal with each patient is to find the underlying cause, correct it without harmful drugs and teach each patient how to maintain an optimal state of health and well-being.
Dr. Hedberg has appeared on television, radio and has been published in many journals, magazines and newspapers distributed all over the world. To find out more visit or call 828-687-2344.
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Brain Cancer,
Cell Phones

By Mert Ozge
During the year 2009, the American cancer society has estimated that there would be 70,980 new cases of cancer of the bladder within the coverage year. In those 70,980 there is an approximate of 14,330 persons who will die due to the cancer of the bladder. Once diagnosed with cancer of the bladder, there are more tests to be conducted in order to determine the stage of the cancer tumor. Treatment options vary from people and the stage of their current ailment. Bladder cancer survival rates are determined upon the stage wherein the tumor has been classified.
Like most cancers, bladder cancer stages are divided upon 4 periods. Each stage reflects the spread of the malignant tumor within the tissues or systems of the body.
The initial stage of cancer of the bladder is called stage 0 or Carcinoma in situations. During this stage the cancer cells are found in the inner linings of the bladder. If there is no swelling or lumps during the internal examination after the cancer is taken out, various treatments may be given to the patient. Various treatments during Stage 0 of this malignant disease include the use of cystoscope to remove the cancer, photodynamic therapy, intravesical biological therapy and chemotherapy.
Stage 1 of this dreaded disease is when the malignant cancer cells have spread into the inner linings of the bladder. Bladder cancer survival rates during this stage are at 88% chance of survival. Treatment options for patients that are in this stage may include radiation therapy, transurethral resection and surgical removal of the part infected with cancer.
Stage 2 of cancer of the bladder occur when the malignant cancer cells have spread and infected regions of tissues within the bladder. Bladder cancer survival rates during this stage drops down to just 63% chance of survival. During this stage the patient may require surgery to remove the infected bladder and the organs within its range. Lymph nodes may also be removed if they are confirmed to be infected.
Stage 3 of bladder cancer occurs when the tumor have start to infect the tissues surrounding the bladder as well. Aggressive type of treatments is given to the patient in order to cope up with the growing tumor. During this stage chances of survival drop down to just 46% percent.
Stage 4 cancer of the bladder happens when the malignant cancer cells have grown and affected other systems of the body as well. This process is called Metastasis. During this stage a patients cancer survival rate drop down to just 15% chance of cure.
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By Martin Hofschroer
Regular consumption of caffeine can help people fight the risk of deadly brain cancer, according to a scientific study. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) revealed that people who had more caffeine in their diet were less likely to suffer from brain tumors such as gliomas, which can be difficult to treat.
EPIC researchers studied the diets and lifestyles of half a million men and women over eight years and compared cancer rates among those who frequently consumed caffeinated products to volunteers who had little or no caffeine. The team of scientists discovered that a daily dose of caffeine reduced the risk of brain cancer by an average of 34 per cent. Furthermore, it was revealed that men would benefit the most from taking caffeine as males reduced their risk of brain cancer by 41 per cent compared to women who lowered their chances of getting the disease by 26 per cent.
The report, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, stated: "We found an inverse association between total tea and coffee consumption and the risk of glioma. "These findings, if further replicated in other studies, may provide new avenues of research on gliomas." The Daily Express reported that approximately 4,200 people are diagnosed with a brain tumor each year in Britain and around half are gliomas.
People who are worried about brain tumours should look out for symptoms which range from headaches and seizures to blurred vision as well as drowsiness and even changes in personality, memory or mental ability. The benefits of caffeine is positive news for those looking to lose weight fast through t5 fat burners and slimming pills as these health supplements contain large doses of the compound. Health supplements such as t5 fat burners and slimming pills contain caffeine in order to stimulate weight loss by providing the consumer with increased energy which they can then use for exercise.
People who take these products for the first time may experience increased body temperature and shakiness although this will dissipate once they have got used to the effects of caffeine. Nausea may be another side effect of t5 fat burners and slimming pills but this can be prevented by eating and drinking plenty of water. Research by the University of Liverpool discovered that weight loss products are most effective in the long term if people take the supplements alongside a balanced diet and healthy exercise regime.
DesirableBody provide t5 fat burners and slimming pills to assist people who want to lose weight. DesirableBody are quickly becoming one of the most trusted online sources for slimming supplements having already sold millions of their thermogenic (T5) range.
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Brain Cancer,
Caffeine Protects
By Reza Saputra
Brain Cancer Survival Rate: Brain tumor is basically characterized by the abnormal or uncontrolled growth of cells in the brain. The brain tumors occur in the brain in two different ways - some tumors spread from a cancer affected part of the body to the brain, while some other tumors start their growth in the brain itself. Given below are the major symptoms of brain tumor.
Changes in personality are also observed in people suffering from brain tumor.
Over exposure to certain harmful chemicals can lead to brain tumor.
The brain tumor survival rates depend on various factors, such as the location of the brain tumor, the size and type of the brain tumor, stage of the brain tumor and whether the patient is suffering from any other ailment. The brain tumor survival rates are around eighty percent for those suffering from oligodendroglioma brain cancer.
Brain cancer remains one of the most incurable forms of cancer, with an average survival period of one to two years.
Factors Affecting Survival
Several factors can influence the five-year survival rate of cancer patients. These include the size of the tumor, its location in the brain, the type and severity of the cancer, the stage of the cancer and the overall health of the patient.
How Survival Rates are Calculated
Survival statistics are based on large numbers of people, and should not be used to predict the survival of an individual patient.
Age and Survival
A patient's age has much to do with how long he will survive with brain cancer, as the odds decrease with age. According to, children to the age of 14 have a 73 percent chance of surviving five years, while the rate drops to 55 percent for young adults between 15 and 44. Middle-aged patients between 45 and 64 have a 16 percent survival rate, and the elderly have a survival rate of only 5 percent.
Other Facts
Despite the gloomy statistics, it has been shown that a combination of radiation treatment and chemotherapy can lengthen the life of brain cancer survivors, and in some cases, even improve the quality of life, while patients who forgo treatment do not live as long.
The Brain Cancer presented here are based on the relative survival rate. The overall 5-year relative brain cancer survival rate for 1995-2001 was 33.3 percent.
The 5-year relative survival rates for brain cancer by race and sex were as follows:
• 32.1 percent for Caucasian men
• 33.5 percent for Caucasian women
• 37.7 percent for African-American men
• 37.5 percent for African-American women.
Stage Four Brain Cancer Survival Rate Statistics reveals that mental stress and negative emotional is responsible for around 85% of physical disorders.
Negative Emotional And Cancer has No Direct Relation
There is no such direct connection of negative emotional and cancer, but it has been proven that negative emotional experiences and mental stress weakens the immunity system. How Negative Emotional Experiences Effect your Body?
After becoming a cancer patient, the quantity of stress and negative emotion increases automatically. The negative emotional experiences interrupt the energy flow in human body.
Tips for recovering from emotional loss.
-Effective solution for fighting Negative Emotional
This technique can be used for all types of cancers such as breast cancer, lung cancer, Bone cancer, braincancer, cervical cancer and stomach cancer.
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Brain Cancer,
Survival Rate
By Debra DeHoff
I miss you and you're not gone, my friend why you have to go? You will stay forever in my heart. What can I say other than I love you. The joy I feel is in the blessings that you brought to me and my family by being a great friend. Always there to jump to my aid, never asking for much in return. My friend who is always up for a good time, taking everyone around her along for the ride. Our good times out number the bad. Know deep in your heart that I love you to and if I could fix it I would. I am scared, angry and confused. Why you? Why now? My friend I miss you already and your not gone. I know that you are fighting to stay and I love that...wouldn't have it any other way. I got your back and a shoulder to rest on. Let me wipe your tears away, as we laugh about in the day. You are my friend I love you. I wrote this for you Lee Ann my friend I hope you get to hear it, I wrote from my heart.
Diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor my closest friend may not have too much time left that she will know who I am. I am a fixer, and there is nothing that I can do to make her better. The questions I have might help me understand how this could happen and how fast it has taken it's toll on everyone in our close circle of love.
These are my questions about brain tumors:
* What are Brain tumors?
* What are the Symptoms?
* What next when dealing with brain cancer?
* How much time?
* How could we have missed them?
Here's what I found:
A brain tumor is an abnormal cell mass that grows in or on the brain. They are either a primary tumor (tumor that begins in the brain) or metastatic tumors ( form from cancer already in the body and travels to the brain.) Some are cancer and some are not. 194,000 American are diagnosed with some type of brain tumor every year. 44,000 are primary tumors. Many are undiagnosed until they become life threatening.
Symptoms are sometime over looked, headaches may come and go, appetite may be decreased, temporary memory loss, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, hot flashes and sweats, fatigue, sleeplessness and depression. Most common are headaches and seizures. The location of the brain which the tumor develops can cause different symptoms. This site gives you the symptoms for the area that the tumor is located. Very helpful in empowering you with understanding what to do next and how to deal with this chapter in your life.
So many of the symptoms my friend has are the same as menstruation or menopause in women. Having symptoms that come and go may not raise any red flags. Many people go undiagnosed until, it is found by accident or like my friend who's symptoms mirror the symptoms of menopause . When she finally could not avoid her family telling her, it's time to find out what is going on with your health. A trip to the doctors didn't help they even missed the red flags and discounted it because of the clarity of her mind and how she could articulate how she was feeling when she would visit. She is at the age most women go through the change. Her daughter forced her to go to the Emergency Room and after a ct scan she was diagnosed.
The treatments are different for each type of tumor. Your age and physical condition may effect the type of treatment recommended. When diagnosed you may want a second opinion and is recommended for anyone that may be going through denial or is seeking treatments at other facility. A neurologist dose not have to see you to give his option or help with you treatments. Insurance is a big determining factor in health care and you may need to get a second opinion before starting treatment. Make sure you asks as questions you have about the best, worst and everything from what next and how to cope with this diagnosed.
The steps are MRI, brain biopsy and treatment. Surgery maybe recommend along with chemo and radiation. Each treatment is customized for each person.
I am hopeful that it is not as bad. It is bad and I am having such a hard time dealing with the diagnosis. So I started to find all that I could about brain tumors and I am amazed and still fill with hope. The doctors deal everyday with patients are willing to answer all questions. The Doctors are straightforward and want to work with anyone seeking treatment. Our doctors are there to advise us and help us make decisions on how to proceed.
Time is the one thing that we are not get more of make the most of it. Physicians that work with brain tumor patients try to give you the best chance of quality time. The treatments are getting better enabling you to recovery faster.
Asks anything and write down or record the answers so you are fully aware of the choices you have to make. Denial, depression, anger, forgetfulness and the feeling of loss are common for those who have a brain tumor or their family and close friends.
Questions you and your family may have.
* What are the effects of a brain tumor?
* What causes a brain tumor?
* How fast do they develop?
* How can I fight this?
* Is it worth the fight?
You can find the symptoms just go to American Brain Tumor Association ( while your there you can educate yourself on treatments as well.
I love my friend and I want her last months or years to be well informed on the treatments and the side effects. To have the quality of life that is pain free and will bring her joy. I am here for her family and wish I lived closer so I could help with her fight, yes her fight to regain the time she has left. To ease her mind that she is truly loved and to wrap my arms around her again for she is one of my favorite people I love her.
Unless the Lord had been my help, I would soon have dwelt in silence. When I said, My foot is slipping, Your mercy and loving-kindness,O Lord, held me up. In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Your comforts cheer and delight my soul! PSALM 94: 17-19
My blog is where I show how far I have come and share my training and knowledge. I will be doing marketing and product promoting on my site. Educating on pain management and alternative medicines and treatments. Commenting on what is new in the physical fitness world and how it fits in our lives. recruiting like minded individuals to join my team of marketing and networking.
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Brain Tumor Symptoms,
Mirror Symptoms

By Andy Kahn
Cancer is one of the leading killer diseases in the developed countries today. In United States alone at the present rate as much as 40% of the population could develop some type of cancer in their lifetime. It is a deadly disease causing severe damage and drain on one's finances. The loss of human productivity and the loss of life associated with cancer is truly unbearable. But the cause and origin of this deadly disease is only poorly understood. One reason why it has been difficult to recognize causes of cancer in humans is the long delay that characteristically occurs between the start of exposure to a carcinogen and the appearance of the clinical disease. This 'latent period', as it is commonly, but rather misleadingly, called is often several decades, although it may be as short as 1 year or as long as 60. The disease will remain dormant for years and even decades and then suddenly burst out.
The exact relation between the date of exposure to carcinogens and the date of the appearance of different cancers is still uncertain, partly because the interval is subject to random factors, partly because few cancers are induced by a single, brief exposure, and partly because there are still very few sets of quantitative data with detailed information about the dates when exposure began and ended.
When cancer is induced by short but intensive exposure to ionizing radiation, as following the explosions of the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki or in patients treated by radiotherapy, the excess incidence of solid cancerous tumors rises for 15 to 20 years and then may continue to rise, level off, or decline. In the case of acute leukemia, however, a peak incidence occurs much earlier (about 5 years after irradiation) and relatively few cases appear after more than 30 years.
Short, intensive exposure to a carcinogen is, however, exceptional. The more usual situation is for sporadic or continuous exposure to a carcinogen to be prolonged for years-a decade or two in the case of occupational exposure, several decades in the case of tobacco smoking, and a lifetime in the case of ultraviolet sunlight. In this situation the incidence of cancer increases progressively with the length of exposure. In the last two cases cited, the incidence appears to increase approximately in proportion to the fourth power of the duration of exposure so that the effect after (say) 40 years is more than 10 times as great as that after 20 years, and more than 100 times as great as that after 10 years. Whether the same holds for occupational exposure is not known; but it has been shown to hold in some experiments in which carcinogenic chemicals were repeatedly applied to the skin of genetically similar mice and it may prove to be a general biological rule for many types of carcinoma and many carcinogens.
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The Cancer Dormancy Time,
The Occurrence
By Robert Wascher
The information in this column is intended for informational purposes only, and does not constitute medical advice or recommendations by the author. Please consult with your physician before making any lifestyle or medication changes, or if you have any other concerns regarding your health.
Coffee and tea are widely enjoyed around the world, and both have been the subject of numerous health claims (most of them unproven). Tea, and green tea in particular, has been the focus of extensive research, with many prior studies suggesting that tea may improve cardiovascular health and, to a much lesser extent, may decrease the risk of some cancers. Much of the published research regarding coffee has, on the other hand, been focused on trying to disprove purported links between coffee consumption and a potential increase in the risk of some cancers. (Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of such research has not identified a strong link between moderate coffee consumption and an increased risk of cancer.)
The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study is a huge ongoing prospective multinational public health study, and several of this enormous study's preliminary results have already been published. The EPIC study is focused on potential links between diet, nutritional status, lifestyle, and environmental factors and the incidence of cancer (among other chronic diseases). (EPIC is one of the largest studies of diet and health ever undertaken, and has already recruited 520,000 research volunteers in Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.) Now, a new update from this historic public health study suggests that increased coffee and tea consumption may be associated with a decreased incidence of malignant brain tumors. This new update from the EPIC study appears in the current issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Following an average duration of follow-up of nearly 9 years, 588 new cases of brain tumors were diagnosed among the EPIC research volunteers. Gliomas, the most common and most aggressive type of brain tumors that occur in adults, were found to be 34 percent less common among people who drank at least 100 milliliters (3.4 ounces) of coffee or tea per day. (Although not statistically significant, this association was also noted to be stronger in men, with a 41 percent lower risk of gliomas in men, as compared to a 26 percent reduction in glioma incidence in women.)
Although it is not clear what causes gliomas of the brain, prior public health studies have at least suggested a link between glioma brain tumors and chronic occupational exposure to high-intensity electrical and magnetic fields, and to rubber and plastics manufacturing. (As I discuss in "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race, there is also some data linking prolonged cell phone use with an increased incidence of gliomas and other brain tumors.)
Other smaller public health studies have also identified an apparent link between increased caffeine intake and a decreased incidence of gliomas, and there is laboratory evidence available suggesting that caffeine may reduce the growth of malignant glioma cells growing in culture dishes. Thus, these new findings from the giant EPIC study further suggest the possibility that coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages might be able to reduce the risk of gliomas of the brain.
For a groundbreaking overview of cancer risks, and evidence-based strategies to reduce your risk of developing cancer, order your copy of my new book, "A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race," from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Vroman's Bookstore, and other fine bookstores!
Robert A. Wascher, MD, FACS
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Brain Cancer Risk,
By Douglas Ketner
Brain Cancer is a malignancy that can be detected and treated only with a detailed medical examination. It is not a routine ailment since in most cases it is fatal. It normally strikes when one type of the brain cell transforms and loses its normal characteristics and starts multiplying to form an abnormal mass of cells called a tumor. However, not all brain tumors are malignant. Benign brain tumors pose no threat and can be successfully removed.
The malignant brain tumors grow very aggressively and they destroy the healthy brain cells. Continuous growth of abnormal cells also increases the intracranial pressure resulting in malfunctioning of other brain organs and tissues.
There are two types of Brain Cancer. The Primary Brain Cancer originates in the brain itself and generally confines itself to the brain only. The second type is the Secondary Brain Cancer which is an extension of a cancer in some other part of the body gradually spreading to the brain.
The symptoms of brain tumor depend on the part of the brain affected i.e. the location of the tumor. There are numerous symptoms which if not cured by basic medication need to be examined in detail for indications of brain tumor. These are:
* Headaches - most common due to increased intracranial pressure as a result of the growing tumor.
* Nausea, Vomiting & Seizures.
* Difficulty in maintaining body balance.
* Short lapses in memory.
* Swelling in the brain.
* Weakness in the arms or legs or both.
* Poor motor functions.
* Slurring.
* Lowered eye vision.
* Spells of dizziness.
* Lack of coordination in speech and action.
* Numbness of limbs.
* Difficulty in recollecting events.
* Hallucinating.
* Persistent general weakness.
* Falling or stumbling.
* Changes in pupil sizes of both eyes.
* Change in gait.
* Cognitive decline.
* Mood changes.
It is advisable to see a doctor whenever you feel you have a tumor. If you do not share your concerns with your doctor, they may not get addressed timely.
Douglas Ketner administers For more information on brain cancer symptoms, visit
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Brain Cancer,
By Kirsten Whittaker
Good news for the coffee and tea drinkers among us. A new study suggests that the benefits of coffee and tea might include a lower chance of developing the most common type of malignant brain tumors. The findings are the result of a study of over half a million European adults and add weight to recent U.S. work that linked higher coffee and tea intake to a lower risk of gliomas, a type of tumor that accounts for almost 80% of malignant brain cancers in adults.
The findings come from an ongoing study looking at potential risk factors for cancer in ten European countries. At the start, 521,488 adults between 25 and 70 years old filled out detailed questionnaires on their diet, exercise habits, smoking status and other lifestyle factors as well as their complete medical history. For this particular analysis, the team centered on just over 400,000 participants who were free of cancer and also had supplied complete dietary information.
Over 8 and half years of follow up, 343 of the subjects were diagnosed with glioma; a further 245 were diagnosed with a normally benign type of brain tumor known as meningioma.
Things got interesting when the researchers grouped subjects by coffee/tea intake and then looked at two groups in particular.
One group averaged at least 3.5 ounces of coffee/tea per day, the other drank less than this amount, or none at all. The heavier coffee/tea drinkers were a third less likely to be diagnosed with glioma, even after factors like age and smoking history were taken into account. There was no connection with meningioma risk.
The thing is, there was no dose response association (if you drank more you got better protection), generally considered a stronger indication of cause-and-effect. The difficulty could come from the problems involved in accurately measuring how much coffee or tea the study subjects actually drank.
Of course, these findings, no matter how promising, do not mean that these two beverages themselves bring the protection. It's still too early to be sure.
It is biologically possible that coffee or tea could affect the risk of glioma. A recent study in the lab showed that caffeine appears to slow down the development of glioblastoma, a type of glioma.
We also know that both coffee and tea have antioxidants that are known to help protect cells from damage that leads to cancer and other diseases. It may just be that those who drink these beverages have other characteristics that could impact the likelihood they develop glioma.
Brain tumors are not very common, and in Europe the annual rates are estimated at 4 to 6 cases for every 100,000 women and 6 to 8 cases for every 100,000 men. The odds that you will develop a cancerous brain tumor in your lifetime are actually less than 1%. Researchers have also identified some risks - radiation therapy (most commonly of the head) or genetic predisposition are considered likely. As are being male, white and over 70 years old. Findings on links with brain tumors and diet or chemical exposure remain inconclusive.
Research on cell phones continues as well, though so far no study has found an increase risk of brain tumors among users.
If you're concerned about your own risk or want to learn more about the benefits of coffee and tea, talk with your doctor to learn things you might to do to help yourself stay healthy, as well as plan checkups going forward. Being proactive, and staying informed is important.
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Brain Tumors,
Health Benefits of Coffee,
Tea Include Protection

By Nate B R
If your face turns red when you drink, you may be experiencing Asian flush. Researchers are now saying that people with Asian flush are at risk for more than embarrassment. Studies show that people with this condition (also known as alcohol flush reaction, Asian glow or Asian blush) may be at higher risk for throat cancer.
Asian flush, also known as alcohol flush syndrome is common in over thirty percent of Eastern Asians, namely Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Typical responses are a red, flushed face, swollen or itchy skin, and sometimes nausea and dizziness. Lack of an enzyme called ALDH2 which is responsible for breaking down acetaldehyde, the byproduct of the metabolism of alcohol is the cause of these reactions. There are varying degrees of the condition, leaving some simply embarrassed at their physical appearance, and others physically unable to consume alcohol. Because the ALDH2 enzyme is unable to breakdown the byproduct called acetaldehyde, sufferers of Asian flush experience the unpleasant symptoms of the build-up of this toxin.
Furthermore, it is possible to have either one or two copies of the gene responsible for this deficiency of ALDH2. Those with two copies are likely to have more adverse reactions and therefore drink far less than someone with one copy. Those with one copy may develop an acetaldehyde dependency, and put themselves and a much higher risk for throat cancer.
This is the same type of cancer that is caused by smoking - called the squamous cell esophageal cancer. It can be treated but doesn't have a high survival rate. Someone who is lacking the ALDH2 enzyme can be up to ten time more likely to develop throat cancer than someone who has it. Even moderate drinking can increase the risk of this cancer greatly.
In recent years the young community of Asian flush sufferers have discovered that antihistamines and other OTC drugs can be used to prevent the flushing effects, but this only masks the reaction, and does not decrease the risk of cancer. If you are considering this method to cure your Asian flush, it is important to consult your doctor first, because some OTC drugs can have harmful side-effects when mixed with alcohol. The amount and frequency of this method should also be treated with caution.
The No Red Face Formula is a product that appeared on the market in 2006. It claims that with an e-book, it can teach you techniques to cure your Asian flush. However, the techniques in the book are copyrighted material and very little information is available about what these techniques are and whether they can actually help in the breaking down of acetaldehyde or if they simply mask the flushing effects. It is also unclear whether this product has any effect on the aforementioned potential risk of cancer.
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Asian Flush,
By Jennifer Kristel
Chemotherapy is one of the most popular methods of killing cancer within the body. It uses combinations of chemical compounds that kill off microorganisms. Though chemotherapy is an affective treatment it also comes with some negative consequences. Brain cancer chemotherapy side effects may include a loss of hair. It is possible to lose hair other than the top of the head. Hair loss may occur under armpits, face or even the groin area as well. Another concern includes feelings of nausea or the need to vomit. This usually occurs directly after receiving treatment. It can last for several hours after as well.
Some of the most common brain cancer chemotherapy side effects also include changes in bone marrow. Bone marrow is the liquid substances in side of bones. It is responsible for the production of red and white blood cells as well as platelets. During the chemotherapy process it interrupts bone marrows ability to produce enough cells that are vital to carrying oxygen and to fight off infections. It may also interfere with the body's ability to stop excessive bleeding from cuts. It may also leave brain cancer patients feeling weak as well.
Some brain cancer chemotherapy may affect sexual ability. It may reduce sexual desire. Sexual desire will resume at the end of chemotherapy treatments. Though sexual desire may return it may cause problems with infertility in women. Exposure to the drugs in chemotherapy may reduce the ability to become pregnant or produce children. While some may be physically able to perform sex the desire may not be there. This is not a cause for concern, as the desire will reemerge once chemotherapy sessions are completed.
Chemotherapy can be prevented if the proper methods are used. Physical conditioning before chemo is started may determine the severity of its adverse reaction. Not all chemotherapy treatments are the same so some individuals may experience more or even less side effects from therapy than others. If you experience memory function or memory loss as a result of chemotherapy it is best to talk to your doctor about possible solutions.
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Brain Cancer,
Chemotherapy Side Effects
By Lance Winslow
Most people don't know a lot about brain cancer, although I am sure everyone will admit they don't want anything to do with it. Unfortunately, brain cancers are on the rise world-wide and there are many reasons for this. It is a very serious problem and challenge for the future of humanity - not only for the inflicted but also due to the severe challenges it causes with health-care costs and family issues.
Did you know in places like Japan and other Asian nations that brain cancers are severely on the rise? It's true. But this is not the only place where there are problems, problems which are getting worse. Indeed, I'd like to take this opportunity to get you to think about brain cancers, and some of the causes and what we can all do to help. Let's talk about this topic, one which no one really wants to discuss.
In Asian countries the populations have always eaten lots of fish, but due to pollution in the oceans, the fish have plastics inside of them, and toxins like mercury for instance. This is causing a terrible problem and this is why brain cancers are way up in these nations. Although there is a lot of data in Japan on this, other nations have been slow to notice the rise or attribute it to the pollution problem - worse, the very nations which do the most polluting, don't even realize it's killing their population and causing cancer.
And, it's not just in Asia, the Pacific Islanders and Polynesians never had a problem with cancers of the brain, but now they do. Indeed, much of the fish bought, sold, and shipped world-wide comes from polluted oceans, meaning they are not alone by any means, it's something very serious for US populations too.
We need the Omega 3 in our diets, but the toxic fish seem to be part of that trade off, one we really can't afford at all. Still, even without the problem with the fish there is yet, an even more serious issue which needs to be addressed. Can you guess what that is?
If you guessed "frequency pollution" you guessed right. Our cell phones although low-wattage are a contributor to brain cancers show Swiss Studies and Research. Unfortunately, the public is ill-informed on this. Luckily the wattage of current cell-phone technology is a lot less than it was, which is a start and that helps tremendously.
However, what about all the WiFi systems, and mobile electronics these days? Yes, all potential contributors, and just these two reasons alone are why we will continue to see more brain cancers in the future. I hope you will please consider all this and do your own research to verify what I've said here today.
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank - Lance Winslow believes it's hard work to write 22,222 articles;
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Brain Cancer,
Cases on the Rise World Wide
By Emily McLaughlin
Brain cancer is usually caused by growth of cancer cells in the brain itself or the spread of cancer cells to the brain from other parts of the body. In the former case it is categorized as primary and in the latter as secondary. The tumor may be benign or malignant. If benign, it may not be life threatening. The malignant one is cancerous and is the leading killer among all types of cancer.
Most of the initial symptoms of Brain Cancer are usually passed off as routine medical problems and get associated with common ailments. However, they do show some indications which can serve as a warning.
Commonly Associated Symptoms
* A gradual feeling of lethargy with every passing day.
* Signs of general weakness.
* Vomiting.
* Dizziness or maybe a short blackout spell.
* Fever coupled with hallucinations.
* Persistent migraine or full blown headache.
* Decline in vision or hearing.
* Lack of coordination while performing routine tasks like eating or walking etc.
* Stumbling due to unexplained reasons.
Additional Symptoms
* Feeling of numbness in both arms and legs or either arm(s) or leg(s).
* Experiencing weakness on only one side of the body.
* Both or either arm(s) or leg(s) getting numb for a period of time.
* Swelling in the brain detected during a scan.
* Hydrocephalus.
Brain Cancer affects that organ of the body which controls all other body functions. As a result, as this cancer progresses, newer and newer symptoms will keep emerging in the patient which will restrict his functioning if remedial action is not taken to control the growth. Since cancer cells will start dominating the brain cells, a direct impact will be in the form of:
* Loss of memory - initially small spells but will gradually increase.
* Failing of motor organs.
* Loss of balance and equilibrium.
* Slurring of speech.
* The patient's gait changes distinctly.
* Visible changes in personality, lack of focus and attention.
Brain Cancer is a killer. However, with more and more research being conducted to stem its spread and increase chances of a patient surviving, doctors have combined doses of radiation and chemo therapy. Where possible, surgery is being resorted to remove the tumor followed by radiation to make the patient cancer free.
Emily McLauglin administers For more information on brain cancer symptoms, visit
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Brain Cancer Symptoms

By Alan Wighton
Modern medical science are very quick to blame physical problems such as faulty genes, bad viruses or bacterial infections on cancer but this is not so. All cancers are causes by our modern way of living, especially with the food we now eat so doesn't it make sense to make some important lifestyle changes and allow the body to heal. Here are some essential changes to make to help cure cancer without it returning again.
1 - Deal with the factors that first caused the cancer, rather than just treating symptoms as with our three mainstream ways of treatments today.
2 - Change your diet to consume only fresh produce instead of processed foods. Today we have traded farmers markets for supermarket.
3 - Eat a variety of colour of fresh fruit and vegetables because of the cancer fighting properties they contain.
4 - Change to a plant based diet as all alternative or natural cancer therapies are vegetarian based.
5 - Avoid cooking using high heat as with frying pan and barbeques, they produce cancerous chemicals.
6 - Avoid smoked and pickled foods, these also produce dangerous chemicals.
7 - Eliminate refined sugar, it's the natural food for cancer cells, they thrive on it. This includes artificial sweeteners which are not even food.
8 - Eliminate salt, many natural diets forbid it.
9 - Cut back on alcohol, maybe just a little red wine.
10 - Exercise everyday, it is vitally important as it strengthens the immune system.
11 - Go natural with personal care products; commercial ones are full of nasty chemicals.
12 - Have a positive outlook; negativity affects the body as it weakens the immune system.
13 - No drugs, recreational or medicinal, they are artificial substances.
14 - Don't use toxic products in your home like fly sprays and mosquito coils.
15 - Put live house plants in your home, especially in the rooms you spend most of your time. They purify the air naturally.
16 - Do something you enjoy doing and do it everyday.
17 - Don't forget to rest and get an adequate amount of sleep every night. The body needs to recharge everyday.
18 - Go and visit an undeveloped country where they don't get cancer but make sure you eat the food that they eat. Or have a break from the environment that gave you the cancer in the first place.
19 - Get some sun exposure or use a vitamin D supplement if that's not possible. A little sunshine doesn't cause cancer but helps cure it.
20 - Keep a diary, and record every test and result you get. Be proactive about your health.
21 - Breathe deeply for 2 or 3 minutes everyday. Inhaling and exhaling fully.
22 - Supplement with vitamin C, some therapists recommend up to 10 grams a day.
23 - Seek a physiological counsellor if you have a stress related problem.
24 - Treat yourself to a massage once a week. It's therapeutic.
25 - Be happy, find entertainment that makes you laugh. Humour has a physiological effect and can stimulate the immune system.
It is very important to support your immune system because the only thing standing between you and the successful cure of cancer is your immune system. The human body is a powerful self healing organism and only you can activate that through these changes.
There is no such thing as a single cause for any health problem including cancer. Cancer is a slow growing disease at first and nearly everything I've mentioned above contributes to it.
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Cure Cancer Forever,
Important Lifestyle
By Brijesh Ghelani
The words brain cancer seem to tend to bring with them terror over and above that of other forms of cancer, however, as terrible as this form of cancer is, and I don't mean to minimize it, brain cancer does not necessarily mean death. Sometimes cancerous tumors of the brain will not spread out to other areas of the body but will simply stay in the cranial cavity itself. It will however, often attack other tissues in that area and result in serious problems and challenges.
Sometimes the tumor will grow and push parts of the brain causing various reactions such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, comas, times when the victim will seem to be out of touch and unresponsive to people and things around him. Also, there will often be a dialation of the eye on the side where the tumor is located. Eye doctors will often notice differences in the eye and the eye responses during an eye examination. In very young children, this pushing can result in an increase of the size of the skull itself.
It may also result in certain neurological symptoms, cognitive impairment of various kinds, changes in behavior, personality, emotional responses or initiations,
It may also result in physical challenges, such as the loss of the sense of smell, loss or partial loss of sight, loss or partial loss of hearing, problems with swallowing, paralysis on one side of the body, stroke, traumatic brain injury, seizures and other problems, depending on what part of the brain the tumor is pressing against.
It is also to be noted that in some cases there will be no noticeable symptoms or that the symptoms will be so seemingly minor that the person's life will go on as usual with no or with very minor, hardly noticeable changes.
A person's health is important. If it is not taken care of properly, things like brain cancer may take over and change things and there will be no changing back. It is important to follow one's doctor's advice. Go for periodic checkups. If you find that something doesn't seem quite right, don't wait, make an appointment and go to the doctor. Your doctor has the equipment to look into things and find out. If he/she finds nothing wrong, celebrate, don't gripe about wasted money. If he/she does find something wrong, be glad you went and got help immediately, it can make all the difference; the difference between being a victim of brain cancer or a victor over brain cancer.
For more information about Brain cancer visit our site
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Brain Cancer,
By Joe Fay
Every year, an estimated 3,400 children in the United States are diagnosed with a brain tumor or brain cancer. Approximately one third of these children will survive no more than five years, making brain and spinal cord tumors the deadliest of all childhood cancers.
These kinds of tumors are considered to be the toughest childhood cancers to treat successfully due to several factors, including:
1. Their precise cause is unknown;
2. There are many different kinds of children's brain and spinal cord tumors;
3. Because the disease is rare and tissue samples of tumors are small, it takes time to test and validate new treatment options;
4. Doctors and researchers are dealing with a growing child's brain and body, so they must first ensure they avoid harming the child; and
5. Funds for research and treatment options are limited, due to the relatively low rate of incidence, compared to other childhood cancers and diseases.
Today, across America...
Nine families will learn their child has a brain or spinal cord tumor;
A mother will grieve that her instincts about her child's health were right;
A father will allow himself to cry, but only alone in the shower;
A six-year old child may try to grapple with her mortality.
Three families across America will mourn the loss of their child to a brain or spinal cord tumor. Friends, family and community will try to make sense of an untimely death and the unfulfilled promise of a life. At the same time, these same friends, family and community will join to celebrate the joy a child's life brought to them, albeit brief and difficult.
Six families across America will transition to survivorship;
Parents will be grateful for another good MRI;
A mother will be too exhausted from providing constant care to her child to simply write checks to pay bills;
A father will again adapt his day, family and life to a new definition of normal, unlike any he had previously envisioned;
A sibling will wonder whether her parents will ever pay as much attention to her as they do her afflicted sister;
A survivor on the brink of adulthood will wonder if he'll ever date, marry or have a family.
There is hope for these children, as the survival rate has increased significantly over the past twenty years, with approximately 25,000 survivors living in the U.S. today. However, "survivorship" for children with brain or spinal cord tumors isn't as bright as the survivorship that is celebrated with some other cancers. Two-thirds of those afflicted will suffer late effects such as cognitive damage, physical challenges and social isolation. In addition, measures such as unemployment are much more dismal among pediatric brain tumor survivors than among other pediatric cancer survivors.
Families facing this dreadful disease need help. They need resources for education, services, networking, and just plain emotional support. There are several non-profit organizations, such as the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation that offer programs and assistance to these families in a variety of ways.
In addition, these organizations are tireless in their efforts to secure funding in support of ongoing research of the causes, treatment options, and possible cures of these deadly killers. A quick Internet search can offer up a plethora of resources that will fit the needs of almost every family traveling down this very difficult path.
While significant progress has been made in the areas of research, diagnosis and treatment, much more work remains to be done. Awareness is the first giant step in the right direction. From awareness comes education, and from education comes research, donations, and hopefully, someday - a cure.
This article was written for the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation; Joe Fay, Executive Director. For more information, or to make a donation, please visit Contact Joe Fay at or 800-228-4673. This article is free to be reprinted as long as the bio remains intact.
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Brain Cancer Awareness Opens Doors for Support,
Children's Brain Tumor,
Education and Research
By Ayesha Khalid Khan
Brain cancer is caused by abnormal growths of cells in the brain. Brain cancers can start from primary brain cells, from the cells that make other brain components, or from the expansion of cancer cells from other organs that have extend to the brain by the bloodstream.
Malignant tumors develop and multiply insistently, subduing healthy cells by acquiring their space, blood, as well as nutrients. This is particularly an issue in the brain, as the additional expansion within the closed limits of the cranium can cause a raise in intracranial stress or the deformation of adjoining critical structures, leading to their break down.
Tumors that do not grow insistently are known as benign. More or less all tumors that start in the brain do not extend to other parts of the body. The key distinction amid benign and malignant tumors is that malignant tumors can enter into the brain tissues and quickly grow.
In most cases, a benign tumor is not as grave as a malignant tumor. Nonetheless, a benign tumor can become the source of several problems within the brain.
Primary brain tumors
The brain is formed by several different kinds of cells. Cancers occur as one type of cell alters and changes its usual traits. Once altered, the cells develop and increase in abnormal means. When these abnormal cells grow, they are converted into an accumulation of cells, known as tumor.
Brain tumors that occur from this alteration and abnormal development of brain cells are termed as primary brain tumors as they start in the brain.
Brain tumors differ in their growth speed as well as capacity to show warning signs. To find out severity, tumors are categorized by using a grading system;
1. Grade I: The tissue becomes benign. The cells seem almost similar to normal brain cells, and cell growth is not fast.
2. Grade II: The tissue becomes malignant. The cells seem less similar normal cells as compared to the cells in a 'Grade I' tumor.
3. Grade III: The malignant tissue contains cells that appear significantly different from normal cells. The abnormal cells are rapidly growing. These rapidly growing cells are known as anaplastic.
4. Grade IV: The malignant tissue contains cells that appear to be very abnormal and are likely to grow very rapidly.
Metastatic brain tumors
Metastatic brain tumors are the cancerous cells that reach other parts via the bloodstream from a tumor traced somewhere else in the body. The cells reach the brain from another tumor by a method called metastasis. Generally, the flow of blood in brain shows where the metastatic cancer cells are present.
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Brain Cancer,

By Rakesh Sethi
Cancer is a devastating disease, even though we have made some progress in curing this disease but it is still seen as a terminal disease. If you want to prevent such a disease, as you grow older, you should start your prevention plan early in life with the foods that you eat. Diet can play a huge role in your overall wellbeing, as there are foods that are known to cut down your risk of developing cancer. Filling your diet with these cancer preventing foods is a great insurance policy against such deadly disease.
If you are planning your diet with cancer preventing foods, you should include five or more servings of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Try creative ways to increase your intake of these healthy foods, such as slicing a banana on top of your morning cereal and packing carrot sticks and celery for a snack. Soups that are loaded with vegetables provide a nutritious meal, and you can quickly heat a small amount of frozen peas or other favorite vegetable to include with your meals. These simple changes can help you stay in tiptop shape.
Cancer preventing foods, such as beans and legumes, are high in fiber and phytochemicals and can protect the body from cancer. Many cancer prevention researches reveal that these naturally occurring substances can successfully slow the growth of tumors. Soy, also in the legume family, stands out in the prevention of prostate cancer, as well as cancers that inflict damage to endocrine system. Soy is readily available in many food products, including tofu, vegetable burgers, and milk substitutes.
Select foods with fiber like whole grain products, vegetables, and fruits can be beneficial staple foods in a healthy diet for preventing cancer. Fiber can also be taken as a dietary supplement but fresh and natural is a better choice. Even though fiber does not prevent and fight cancer directly, fiber in these foods can lower the cholesterol and reduces the risk of coronary disease that contributes to the conditions that may trigger cancer.
Choose lean cuts and chops of meat and restrict the amount of meat in your meals to at least one-third of your total food intake. Bake, broil, or grill meat and poultry instead of frying or greasing them to reduce excess consumption of unhealthy fat. Fish, chicken, and other poultry products are lean and can be prepared in various healthy and sumptuous ways to satisfy your appetite.
Avoid the foods that are known to harm your health, especially if eaten more regularly. These foods are; saturated fats, alcohol, and processed foods with chemicals. In addition, also avoid foods that are rich in sugar and that are high in carbohydrates as they contribute to obesity. All of these foods increase risk of catching serious diseases and may contribute to developing cancer as well. Avoiding or limiting intake of these foods and mostly eating cancer preventing foods would make a huge difference in supporting your efforts for preventing cancer.
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Eat Cancer Preventing Foods,
Live Healthier Life,
Lower Cancer Risk
By Henry Relfield
While data are inconclusive, those concerned about developing brain cancer may want to reduce their exposure to possible contributing factors, such as regular use of cell phones and consumption of aspartame (a synthetic sweetener sold under the brand names NutraSweet and Equal, and added to many sugar-free foods and beverages). Preliminary reports have indicated exposure to pesticides may increase risk of brain tumor, but these reports are not conclusive. There have also been reports of higher incidences of brain tumor in children with high exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs), for instance, those living near high-voltage power lines. However, more recent research discounts the link between electromagnetic fields and childhood brain cancer.
A whole food diet that minimizes processed foods and artificial ingredients is recommended. Eating organic foods will support overall health and may provide food-based nutrients that will support apoptosis of brain cancer cells. Aside from the data showing a potential link between pesticides and brain tumor as well as aspartame and brain cancer, no conclusive relationships between diet and brain tumor have been found. For now, avoiding consumption of pesticides and aspartame by keeping to an organic whole foods diet seems to be the best dietary advice.
Some herbs and nutrients are showing promise as potential complementary treatments for brain cancer, such as:
* Curcumin: Several cellular studies have found that curcumin significantly repressed invasion of glioma and other brain cancer cells in vitro
* Dong Quai: Early research on this herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine indicates promise for primary brain tumor treatment. Research in Taiwan demonstrated that Dong Quai had anti-cancer effects on glioblastoma cells.
* Ginseng: A recent report in the International Journal of Cancer indicates that a component in Panax ginseng (which the researchers call compound K) may help control the growth and invasiveness of brain tumors.
* Green tea: Canadian researchers found that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an active ingredient in green tea, may help halt the progression of glioma cells in vitro.
* Phosphatidylserine and ginkgo biloba: Other supplements to consider for primary brain tumors include phosphatidylserine and ginkgo biloba, which are known to enhance brain functions. These nutrients may reduce treatment-related side effects such as cognitive dysfunction and memory loss. Additionally, they may exert some preventive effects by stimulating apoptosis and reducing genetic damage to brain cells.
Henry Relfield is a medical expert in cancer diseases for more than 15 years and he has been writing many well-known cancer-related articles including, diagnosis and causes of tumors, cancer-fighting recipes, common signs and symptoms of tumors, treatment options, etc. To find out more about his articles, you can visit at:
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Know About Brain Cancer
By Henry Relfield
Conventional therapy can be effective at destroying brain tumor. However, it is a healthy body and immune system that provide ongoing surveillance and destruction of cancer tumor regrowth. An important part of a post-treatment healing program is to support optimal health and to employ brain cancer prevention strategies. These strategies will support the innate healing capacities within each of us. Optimal health rests upon a foundation of healthy eating, adequate exercise, sufficient sleep, and meaningful as well as joyful living.
In addition to food, movement is also healing. Our bodies are meant to move. The research on the importance of exercise in preventing brain cancer and its recurrence is substantial. At minimum, 30 minutes of moderately difficult exercise (brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming, dancing, and so on) done every day is associated with a reduced risk of cancer and of dying from cancer. For instance, compared with a man who was inactive both before and after a diagnosis of brain cancer, a man who increased physical activity after diagnosis had a 45 percent lower risk of death, and the man who decreased physical activity after diagnosis had a four-fold greater risk of death.
The idea is to change the environment to be the least hospitable to cancer. We do this with exercise but we also do this with sleep. Sleep is critical to optimal health. Sleep is critical for a well-functioning immune system. In fact, several key anti-cancer immune actions are most active during sleep. Stress reduction is also a big part of the anti-cancer plan. Finding ways to manage stress is of utmost importance. Elevated levels of stress-induced chemicals and hormones unravel immunity, cripple cell repair, and increase the susceptibility of our cells to cancer-causing DNA damage. While we cannot eliminate all the stress in our lives, we can certainly change the way we perceive stress. Meditation, yoga, tai chi, and hobbies are just a few ways to create more inner calm and less stress. It is important to make relaxation a part of your daily routine.
The last component of brain cancer prevention plan is an appropriately tailored supplement program. This supplement program should include plant-based antioxidants such as green tea, turmeric, and proanthocyanidins (berries, grapeseed oil, or extracts). It may also include other cancer-preventive compounds such as melatonin, soy isoflavones, flaxseed lignans, essential fatty acids, medicinal mushrooms, and vitamins C, E, and D. Finally, there are nutrients specific to lowering the risk for each cancer type. Implementing a reasonable and appropriate cancer recovery and prevention supplement program is an important part of healing from cancer.
Henry Relfield is a medical expert in cancer diseases for more than 15 years and he has been writing many well-known cancer-related articles including, diagnosis and causes of tumors, cancer-fighting recipes, common signs and symptoms of tumors, treatment options, etc. To find out more about his articles, you can visit at:
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Lower The Risk Of Brain Cancer Recurrence,
Secondary Brain Cancer
By Joe Fay
Pediatric brain tumors and brain cancer, while rare, are considered to be the deadliest of all childhood cancers. While the incidence rate may be relatively low, with approximately 3,400 new cases diagnosed annually in the United States, the mortality rate of children with these types of cancers is significantly higher than other childhood cancers and diseases. Roughly one-third of these kids will not survive beyond five years.
However, it is encouraging to note that, as a result of advancements in research and treatment methods, there have been noticeable decreases in overall cancer death rates since the early 1990s, with an estimated 25,000 survivors currently living in the U.S. Although "survivorship" for these kids comes with its own lingering effects, such as cognitive damage, physical challenges and social isolation, the research that is taking place today will hopefully, someday help to minimize these effects, and allow these survivors to live longer, healthier lives.
Hope for the children and families who face this dreadful disease comes from the tireless efforts of many non-profit organizations, research foundations, hospitals and other pediatric medical institutions who are dedicated to finding the cause, and ultimately, the cure for this deadly invader of children. A few of the more notable milestones of late include:
• The creation of a tissue bank consortium, a collaborative initiative involving the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation and a group of researchers at several leading pediatric oncology hospitals nationwide. The bank will enable researchers to obtain samples of brain tumor tissue that can be characterized, analyzed and used to evaluate treatments. The results can then be documented in a database that can be shared with pediatric cancer facilities across the country.
• The publishing of a landmark study of medulloblastoma*, a type of brain tumor typically found in children. The study team found that the number of mutations in pediatric medulloblastoma tumors is five to ten times fewer than in adult medulloblastoma tumors, which suggests that, compared to adult tumors, pediatric tumors may respond better to drugs that target the genes and pathways altered by mutations that drive cancer progression.
Pediatric brain and spinal cord tumors are difficult to diagnose because their signs and symptoms may mimic those of other disorders, and vary according to the exact location of the tumor. Once a diagnosis is made, successful treatment is also difficult because there are so many different kinds of brain tumors and cancers, and their precise causes are unknown.
Research holds the key to quicker, more accurate diagnoses and subsequently, better treatments. While progress is being made on a number of research platforms, it continues to be challenging for several reasons:
• There are many different kinds of children's brain and spinal cord tumors, which has stymied research as investigators face the challenges of collecting and analyzing tissue, as well as the ethical issues posed in treating children.
• Because the disease is rare and tissue samples of tumors are small, it takes time to test and validate new treatment options, and there is currently not an adequate database for recording and sharing this information.
• Doctors and researchers are dealing with a growing child's brain and body, so they must first ensure they avoid harming the child.
• Funds for research and treatment options are limited, due to the relatively low rate of incidence, compared to other childhood cancers and diseases.
As any research investigator would attest, much work has been done, much progress has been made, but it is not enough. It is never enough. The efforts will continue, and the unshakable commitment of so many will stand strong until the statistics dwindle from 3,400 to 0.
This article was written for the Children's Brain Tumor Foundation; Joe Fay, Executive Director. For more information, or to make a donation, please visit Contact Joe Fay at or 800-228-4673. This article is free to be reprinted as long as the bio remains intact.
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Better Treatments of Pediatric Brain Tumors and Brain Cancer,
Research Offers Hope

By Kerry R. Atma
The choice to use an alternative medicine cure for cancer requires courage from the outset. When you are first told you have cancer it can be like stepping into an elevator shaft - your whole life can feel like it's going into free fall. And when you are told by your oncologist or consulting surgeon and you need to have surgery your first impulse may be "Let's get done quickly so I can get on with life after cancer." This was true of my partner. Even though she regularly used alternative medicine the lure of the immediate fix that surgery for her breast cancer appeared to offer was enticing.
Due to a delayed biopsy report and an appointment mix up my partner waited three weeks before her surgeon confirmed his original recommendation for surgery - in her case for mastectomy.
My partner's surgeon said that 6 weeks delay wouldn't affect the outcome because the cancer would have been growing for 12 years before it had been detectable. My partner saw that six weeks as a window of opportunity to explore where to find an alternative medicine cure for cancer.
She found a a woman who had cured herself of breast cancer who gave her electro acupuncture and bolstered my partner's belief that her cancer could be cured naturally. She also attended a complementary medicine center where she received intravenous vitamin C. At the center she came across women in the waiting room who had mastectomies several years before.
These women had used the same surgeon my partner was consulting. Their mastectomies had been successful originally but years on cancer was still playing a costly and uncomfortable part in their lives. There may be some people who have a simple operation plus chemotherapy and then get on with their lives. But often the surgery can be the start of year's involvement in dealing with the cancer and complications.
So pause. Draw breath and allow yourself to consider other options. Especially when what's your facing is the aftermath of an operation like mastectomy or colostomy.
Because if you really are open to alternatives you can find people who have found a better future than dealing with years of living with a colostomy. Would you prefer to spend six weeks at an alternative cancer clinic in Ecuador to cure your bowel cancer or have a colostomy? When my partner was inDr Robert Wickman's cancer clinic in Ecuador that's exactly the future that opened up to a woman who was treated for bowel cancer there.. Her oncologist told her colostomy was her only option. After 5 weeks at Dr Wickman's her oncologist was stunned to tell her that her cancer was gone and that she didn't require a colostomy.
Or would you rather accept that a mastectomy is the only option - along with lymphedema ever after plus other possible complications or spend 8 to 12 weeks receiving treatment from Dr Wenzhao Chen in New Zealand, with his breakthrough cancer herbal and oil treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine anti cancer herbs.
Because my partner paused and used the window of opportunity the surgeon offered she eventually found Dr Wenzhao whose treatment was the only one that actively attacked and dissolved her breast tumor. We both wish that she'd come across Dr Chen at the start of her cancer journey because it would saved her a lot of time stress - and we would have enjoyed two years of quality living instead of our lives revolving around a search for an alternative medicine cure for cancer.
So pause. There can be a window of opportunity before surgery where you can find and use alternative medicine to successfully avoid cancer surgery and it's after effects.
Posted in
Alternative Medicine Cure,
Rush Into Surgery