Scottsdale, AZ-based New Hope Medical Center, an alternative cancer treatment
Center, offers patients suffering from chronic diseases a place to go in order to receive alternative cancer treatment care. Each plan is tailored to a single person, making those who choose alternative cancer treatment care a unique way to fight their cancer or other chronic disease.
Prostate cancer forms in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This type of cancer affects 1 in 6 men and is the most common non-skin cancer in America. The rate for a prostate cancer diagnosis increases as a man ages. In fact, most men with prostate cancer are over 65 years old. In 2008, there were a total of over 186,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and about 29,000 prostate cancer-related deaths.
Prostate cancer may not show any symptoms, but those who do have symptoms involve urinary problems. A man with prostate cancer may have difficulty passing urine, experience pain or burning during urination or even see blood in the urine. A doctor can diagnose prostate cancer by either performing a rectal exam or testing the blood for a prostate-specific antigen.
At the New Hope Medical Center, the team of doctors works hard to ensure each patient who chooses an alternative cancer treatment is given the utmost care in hopes of suppressing the disease and improving overall wellbeing.
1. Try to stop the tumor from growing.
2. Reach the stage where the tumor completely disappears.
3. Keep the patient in remission with no recurrences of cancer.
New Hope Medical Center believes boosting the immune system through noninvasive therapy is a key way to eliminate cancer and other chronic illnesses. The doctors at this alternative cancer treatment center also stress body detoxification along with the proper nutrition. The beautiful facilities of New Hope Medical Center and honest, caring, and compassionate staff welcome any cancer or chronic illness sufferer who is looking for an alternative treatment and method of care.
Several cancer sufferers have provided testimonials praising New Hope Medical Center, the founder, Dr. Fredda Branyon, and the experienced, highly-qualified staff members. New Hope Medical Center has helped several cancer patients in their quest to conquer this disease through the use of alternative cancer treatments. Along with proper nutrition and immune system building, other alternative cancer treatment options may include physical therapies, homeopathic medicine, botanical or herbal therapies, systemic enzyme therapy, hormone therapy, acupuncture and stress management, as well as chiropractic medicine.
Men suffering from prostate cancer have other ways to fight cancer besides the conventional chemotherapy or radiation. Contacting the doctors at New Hope Medical Center is a positive first step towards fighting cancer, whether it is prostate cancer or another form of cancer.
Breast Cancer Risks
Despite progress of medical science, breast cancer continues its destructive effects in all social class, poor and rich, black and white. It is estimated that breast cancer will affects one woman in eight will develop cancer during their lifetime.
Avoid Hormone therapy for menopause symptoms - menopause itself is not a disease, it is a natural hormonal change in your body that often occurs after age 45; but some hormonal treatment against the symptoms of menopause can have serious effects on your health. Long-term use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) may lead to breast cancer. According to WHO (world Health Organization), MHT is a risk factor for breast cancer especially when taken for more than 5 years. In addition, Studies show that hormone therapy can also increase the risk of colorectal cancer.
Practice Prolonged Breastfeeding - it can sound old fashion, but studies have showed that prolonged breastfeeding reduces considerably the risk of developing breast cancer. Breastfeeding provides many benefits in the physical and mental development of the infant. By breastfeeding you increase the chance of your infant to be healthy, and decrease your risk of developing breast cancer. It’s not archaic to breastfeed; if times have changed, the causes leading to breast cancer remain the same, reduce your risk of breast cancer by breastfeeding your child.
Avoid contraceptive containing estrogen - as far as possible, use birth control (contraceptive) medications that do not contain synthetic estrogen hormones. In some women, estrogen tends to block the ovarian activity, and involves in the development of breast cancer or cancer of the uterus.
Treat Obesity – obesity (being overweight) increase the risk of breast cancer. Being overweight, especially after menopause, is associated with carcinogenesis of the normal cells of the breast. This risk is higher among women with high levels of estrogen (hormone). It is estimated that the fight against obesity could prevent more than 10,000 new cases of breast cancer per year. Therefore, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Practice regular physical exercise - physical inactivity may be relaxing, but its consequence is disease. Practicing 30 minutes of physical activity for at least 5 days a week can reduce 30% to 40% breast cancer risk. In addition, exercise fight against the signs of aging. Not only exercise can prevent formation of new cancer cells, but it can also kill cancer cells in their genesis. Whether you are a breast cancer victim, at risk or feel concerned, exercise is beneficial for you.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco use - The risk of breast cancer is higher with consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Even moderate consumption of alcohol and second hand smoking can increase the risk of breast cancer 20% to 30%. In addition to breast cancer, tobacco is the number one cause of oral and lung cancer.
Avoid Trans fat foods - Eat less fatty foods is important to be in good health. Many clinical studies have shown that Tran’s fatty acids in the blood increase 50% the risk of breast cancer in women. Tran’s fatty acids are used in the food industry such as industrial rolls and biscuits, pastries, chips, pizza. The most common of trans fatty foods include French fries (8 grams in 1 medium piece), doughnuts (5 grams in 1), pound cake (4.5 grams in 1 slice), candy bar (40 grams in 1 bar), margarine (3 grams in 1 tablespoon), potato chips (43 grams in 1 bag), cookies (30 grams in 3), etc. Reduce these foods in your diet and increase your intake of omega-3, soybean products, fruits and cruciferous vegetables.
If breast cancer is raging, researchers do not remain idly. Currently, there are support centers and medications aiming at eradicate the disease. Would you like to know more about breast cancer? Are you a victim of breast cancer and needs support? Visit the America’s top recognized and respected breast cancer centers and physicians; click ofbreastcancer.com, or click on the link in the resource box below.
Center, offers patients suffering from chronic diseases a place to go in order to receive alternative cancer treatment care. Each plan is tailored to a single person, making those who choose alternative cancer treatment care a unique way to fight their cancer or other chronic disease.
Prostate cancer forms in the prostate, a gland in the male reproductive system. This type of cancer affects 1 in 6 men and is the most common non-skin cancer in America. The rate for a prostate cancer diagnosis increases as a man ages. In fact, most men with prostate cancer are over 65 years old. In 2008, there were a total of over 186,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and about 29,000 prostate cancer-related deaths.
Prostate cancer may not show any symptoms, but those who do have symptoms involve urinary problems. A man with prostate cancer may have difficulty passing urine, experience pain or burning during urination or even see blood in the urine. A doctor can diagnose prostate cancer by either performing a rectal exam or testing the blood for a prostate-specific antigen.
At the New Hope Medical Center, the team of doctors works hard to ensure each patient who chooses an alternative cancer treatment is given the utmost care in hopes of suppressing the disease and improving overall wellbeing.
1. Try to stop the tumor from growing.
2. Reach the stage where the tumor completely disappears.
3. Keep the patient in remission with no recurrences of cancer.
New Hope Medical Center believes boosting the immune system through noninvasive therapy is a key way to eliminate cancer and other chronic illnesses. The doctors at this alternative cancer treatment center also stress body detoxification along with the proper nutrition. The beautiful facilities of New Hope Medical Center and honest, caring, and compassionate staff welcome any cancer or chronic illness sufferer who is looking for an alternative treatment and method of care.
Several cancer sufferers have provided testimonials praising New Hope Medical Center, the founder, Dr. Fredda Branyon, and the experienced, highly-qualified staff members. New Hope Medical Center has helped several cancer patients in their quest to conquer this disease through the use of alternative cancer treatments. Along with proper nutrition and immune system building, other alternative cancer treatment options may include physical therapies, homeopathic medicine, botanical or herbal therapies, systemic enzyme therapy, hormone therapy, acupuncture and stress management, as well as chiropractic medicine.
Men suffering from prostate cancer have other ways to fight cancer besides the conventional chemotherapy or radiation. Contacting the doctors at New Hope Medical Center is a positive first step towards fighting cancer, whether it is prostate cancer or another form of cancer.
Breast Cancer Risks
Despite progress of medical science, breast cancer continues its destructive effects in all social class, poor and rich, black and white. It is estimated that breast cancer will affects one woman in eight will develop cancer during their lifetime.
Avoid Hormone therapy for menopause symptoms - menopause itself is not a disease, it is a natural hormonal change in your body that often occurs after age 45; but some hormonal treatment against the symptoms of menopause can have serious effects on your health. Long-term use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) may lead to breast cancer. According to WHO (world Health Organization), MHT is a risk factor for breast cancer especially when taken for more than 5 years. In addition, Studies show that hormone therapy can also increase the risk of colorectal cancer.
Practice Prolonged Breastfeeding - it can sound old fashion, but studies have showed that prolonged breastfeeding reduces considerably the risk of developing breast cancer. Breastfeeding provides many benefits in the physical and mental development of the infant. By breastfeeding you increase the chance of your infant to be healthy, and decrease your risk of developing breast cancer. It’s not archaic to breastfeed; if times have changed, the causes leading to breast cancer remain the same, reduce your risk of breast cancer by breastfeeding your child.
Avoid contraceptive containing estrogen - as far as possible, use birth control (contraceptive) medications that do not contain synthetic estrogen hormones. In some women, estrogen tends to block the ovarian activity, and involves in the development of breast cancer or cancer of the uterus.
Treat Obesity – obesity (being overweight) increase the risk of breast cancer. Being overweight, especially after menopause, is associated with carcinogenesis of the normal cells of the breast. This risk is higher among women with high levels of estrogen (hormone). It is estimated that the fight against obesity could prevent more than 10,000 new cases of breast cancer per year. Therefore, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
Practice regular physical exercise - physical inactivity may be relaxing, but its consequence is disease. Practicing 30 minutes of physical activity for at least 5 days a week can reduce 30% to 40% breast cancer risk. In addition, exercise fight against the signs of aging. Not only exercise can prevent formation of new cancer cells, but it can also kill cancer cells in their genesis. Whether you are a breast cancer victim, at risk or feel concerned, exercise is beneficial for you.
Avoid alcohol and tobacco use - The risk of breast cancer is higher with consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Even moderate consumption of alcohol and second hand smoking can increase the risk of breast cancer 20% to 30%. In addition to breast cancer, tobacco is the number one cause of oral and lung cancer.
Avoid Trans fat foods - Eat less fatty foods is important to be in good health. Many clinical studies have shown that Tran’s fatty acids in the blood increase 50% the risk of breast cancer in women. Tran’s fatty acids are used in the food industry such as industrial rolls and biscuits, pastries, chips, pizza. The most common of trans fatty foods include French fries (8 grams in 1 medium piece), doughnuts (5 grams in 1), pound cake (4.5 grams in 1 slice), candy bar (40 grams in 1 bar), margarine (3 grams in 1 tablespoon), potato chips (43 grams in 1 bag), cookies (30 grams in 3), etc. Reduce these foods in your diet and increase your intake of omega-3, soybean products, fruits and cruciferous vegetables.
If breast cancer is raging, researchers do not remain idly. Currently, there are support centers and medications aiming at eradicate the disease. Would you like to know more about breast cancer? Are you a victim of breast cancer and needs support? Visit the America’s top recognized and respected breast cancer centers and physicians; click ofbreastcancer.com, or click on the link in the resource box below.
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