By Yaros Nevsky
Cancer is diagnosis that scares everybody. Many people perceive it like death sentence. This illness befalls suddenly like a bolt from the blue. Tumor seems people who don't know all about cancer as absolutely evil that damages their organism. This perception is often promoted with academic medicine. Of course, ideal situation is when doctors can treat cancer completely. Today they really can treat most patients. There are new methods of cancer treatment that are not so dangerous as chemotherapy or surgery. But even today cancer often causes death.
Have you ever heard that all the illnesses are the mirror of what we think and do? Nowadays many doctors will surely agree that tumor is not just an isolated nidus. It's sign of some problems with functioning of a whole organism. Cancer is also known as common chronic illness. That's why treatment of cancer should be supplied with common patient's treatment. On these statements so-called "conception of biological protection from cancer" is based.
The point is that malignant cell grows to tumor only if protective and reconstructive systems don't function normally. Patient should not only wait for healing but also help treatment and try to escape cancer by himself. What should patient do?
First of all, one needs to stabilize psychological state.
Then he is to activate his organism.
Third point is improvement of metabolism.
Next step is cleaning organism from toxins.
And finally, patient needs to stimulate his immune system.
Of course, all cases are different. That's why each patient should have his own therapy which usually supplies standard treatment. Method of biological protection from cancer can't completely replace usual treatment; the best variant is when one supplies another.
Several clinics in Germany already treat patients according to the principles of biological protection from cancer. These clinics regard as of paramount importance on human instead of cancer cells. Artistic therapy lowers patients' suffering. Their paintings are analyzed by doctors that allows conclude about some psychological reasons of illness. These clinics use almost all specters of biological methods and soft chemotherapy that is used only in neglected cases.
Today many academic doctors pay much attention to method of biological protection from cancer as one of the most hopeful. Patients shouldn't feel themselves doomed to death. Even big tumors can suddenly disappear and it proves that human's body is provided with effective protective mechanisms. There are many examples when total remissions happen even in the most difficult cases. The truth is that such examples are exclusions, not a rule. Anyway, knowing all about cancer, we can surely say that patient can and must do much for his healing himself.
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Biological Protection,

By Cathy Chapman, Ph.D.
I've had a number of people tell me how grateful they were for having cancer. No, they weren't grateful because they were ill and had to go through surgery, chemo and radiation. They were appreciative because of all they learned. They had to make decisions for their care and how they would emotionally handle what had happened to them.
Imagine you are 25-years old and have been having strange things happening with your vision. The doctor tells you he needs to do a test to find out whether or not your have melanoma behind your eye. He can't tell you he's sure that you have it, but he's pretty sure. The only way to know for sure is to take out your eye. Even if you don't have cancer, you still lose your eye. What would you do?
I know this woman who had to face this horrible decision when she was about 25-years old. I never head the story from her. Everything I know is from her mother who has such admiration for her daughter. Mom describes her as always being a fearful child. This child, now an adult, had to decide whether to let go of her eye or not. She had to play the odds. She did let them take the eye. She found out she had melanoma. The folks at the cancer hospital still ask her to come back every six months for check-ups, not that she really needs them. They want to watch her because she is the longest living survivor, more than 25 years, with this type of cancer.
He mother tells me that when her daughter stared death in the face, this young woman made a decision. No matter what she was afraid of, she was not going to let fear stop her from living. If she was afraid of it, she'd push right through it. She's a middle aged mother of three now. She does what she can to be sure her children have a variety of experiences and she won't let them quit because they are afraid.
Cancer at the age of 25 convinced her to live life to the fullest no matter how much time she had to live.
Whether she would have made this decision without cancer, I don't know. There comes a time each person has to make a decision as to how to experience his or her time on earth. Some need a major life-threatening event to convince them not to wait around on the sidelines watching others have all the experiences. Still others come out of the womb ready to experience everything possible. What have you decided? If you haven't made the decision yet, when are you going to?
Posted in
Facing Death,
Living More Fully,
Wake-Up Call

By Emily McLaughlin
This specific type of cancer is caused when there is a growth of cancerous cells in the testicular region. Sometimes, it also happens that the growth happens someplace else in the body and eventually reaches the area of the testicles.
The lymph nodes are where these cancerous eventually land up. In some cases, complications arise in the lungs and stomach. If by chance, the cancer cells spread to these parts, nodes get created in these parts which tend to destroy the body.
2 types of testicular cancer have been identified:
* Seminoma.
* Non-seminoma.
The names given above are actually the names of the cancerous cells which cause the cancer.
Testicular cancer is one of those cancers whose exact cause is yet to be identified. What has been observed over the years is the steady rise in the number of people getting identified with testicular cancer. A large number of these patients have been noticed to have undescended testicles. Undescended testicles are usually present since birth and may be one of the causes for this type of cancer.
Some noticeable characteristics common in all these cases are:
* Caucasians.
* People from an affluent background.
* Heredity.
* People who have contracted orchitis.
* Impotency may also cause this.
There are many myths and confusion related to testicular cancer. Some people assume that if a person has undergone vasectomy, he is at a bigger risk of contracting testicular cancer. Others feel that an injury to the scrotum or groin area leads to testicular cancer. These are definitely not the causes for testicular cancer. The actual reasons have not been discovered yet.
There are some symptoms associated with testicular cancer:
* The lower scrotum area feels really heavy. Similar to being pulled down.
* There is noticeable pain all around the testicles area.
* It may be accompanied by a dull ache in the lower testicular area.
* There is a general feeling of lethargy all the time.
Is a person is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is recommended to take an appointment with a doctor at the earliest. If the diagnosis and the treatment is started in time, the patient has a much better shot at getting fully cured.
There are some symptoms seen in patients in the advanced stages of the cancer:
* A person may cough out blood.
* Problems in breathing.
* There is noticeable pain in the back.
The usual path taken by doctors is to get rid of the testicle that has been affected by cancer. This obviously has effects on the future sex life of a man. In other advanced cases, doctors also resort to chemotherapy and radiation before and after the operation.
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Testicular Cancer

By Emily McLaughlin
Endocrine cancer comes in many forms and Thyroid cancer is probably the most popular of them. When the cancer cells grow at an uncontrollable rate, they cause thyroid cancer. These may begin at the thyroid gland themselves or from other tumor parts that eventually turned into a malignant tumor.
As is the case with most types of cancer, the symptoms observed in one person may not be the same in another. Generally, it has been observed that in the early cases, there is a bleak chance of any symptoms showing themselves. If the symptoms are prominent, then it is pretty likely that the cancer is in the advanced stages.
If we categorize, there are around four types:
* Papillary - Extremely common. People who report having a radiation in their heads and necks are most prone to this kind of thyroid cancer.
* Follicular - Older patients are more prone to this kind. It starts its way from the follicular cells and slowly develops.
* Medullary - There is prominent growth of tumors on the 2 lobes of the thyroid gland. Gradually, it makes its way to lymph nodes.
* Anaplastic - Most aggressive and extremely rare. The cause of this has been diagnosed to be genetic mutation.
If we care to look at the symptoms, we may find:
* There is noticeable pain all around the region of the neck.
* There is noticeable pain around the region of the throat.
* Some patients have difficulty in breathing.
* Others have also reported difficulty in swallowing.
* There is swollenness around the lymph nodes.
* There is a change in the voice of a person.
* Has difficulty speaking.
* Some get a painless neck lump. This is present very close to the Adam's apple.
There are a lot of treatments that can be performed for treating this particular type of cancer.
Surgery is the first option. Doctors will try and remove all of the cancer cells that they can find around your neck and throat region. They also work on the lymph nodes, checking for cancerous cells. In most cases, the surgery is successful. There are every few complications, if any.
Apart from the option of surgery, there are many other alternative options that can be used. These are radiation, chemotherapy, radioactive iodine etc.
It is always better to be safe than sorry, so an early diagnosis is the best cure.
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Thyroid Cancer

By Elliot Yudenfriend and Pamela Yudenfriend
It may be surprising that something as simple as breathing fresh, outdoor air daily can help prevent cancer. But clean, fresh air is more immediately vital to our bodies than is food or water. We can go without food for many days, without water for 48 hours, but without air for mere minutes.
Cancer occurs in a low oxygen environment, so it's particularly beneficial to breathe in such a way as to enrich the blood with as much oxygen as possible. Because people who are seriously depressed tend to breathe shallowly, an astute doctor may check them for cancer while treating the depression.
Because breathing is an automatic, continual process, very few of us pay attention to the breathing process. But those who practice yoga, the martial arts and other bodily disciplines have long been aware of how important proper breathing is. Though many of us do not involve ourselves in those practices, we all need to know that not only does deep breathing enrich the oxygen content of the blood, but that the process of exhalation is vitally important for expelling bodily waste such as carbon dioxide and other toxins. The exhalation of these substances is, in fact, one of the body's major means of detoxification. A few minutes of focused, deep breathing daily is a very good way to lower your chances of developing cancer.
An appropriate amount of sunlight daily is another important but often overlooked component of good health. When weather permits, try to expose a large area of your skin to direct sunlight for 15 to 20 minutes a day. Those with light skin, in particular, as well as everyone else, need to be careful not to burn themselves.
The best time to get sunlight is in the morning, before the sun gets hot, and later in the afternoon, when the sun has lost some of its intense noonday heat. This exposure to sunlight causes the body to manufacture Vitamin D, a vital nutrient for the prevention of cancer of many different kinds, as well as a vitamin that is helpful for preventing many other illnesses.
According to the Vitamin D council, (www.vitamindcouncil.org) an excellent website compiled and maintained by the world's foremost Vitamin D researchers in the world, current research has implicated vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in the pathology of at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more. The importance of getting sufficient Vitamin D for maintaining good health and disease prevention can neither be over-emphasized or ignored.
Posted in
Cancer Prevention,
Fresh Air,
The Importance of Deep Breathing,
Vitamin D

By Stewart Wrighter
Living with and battling with a terminal illness takes more out of a person than anyone can imagine. In many cases, the treatment to halt the disease is often worse than having the disease itself. Treatments may leave a patient feeling fatigued, nauseous or in pain which can be depressing. While the treatments may be necessary and may ultimately be what saves a person's life, the time spent battling the disease and undergoing treatment may be difficult. Suffering from prostate cancer or an acoustic neuroma may be easier than coping with the treatments for either of the diseases. However, there are things you can do to reduce the negative effects of the treatments without interfering with their healing benefits. If you are working with qualified caregivers, they may be able to suggest some complementary therapies that will help you cope with your treatment. At the very least, they will let you know whether something is dangerous or if it will lessen the benefits of the treatment.
Massage is one of the most beneficial treatments a person can undergo. Regardless of whether you are dealing with an illness, massage is beneficial. If you are undergoing treatment for an illness and you think massage will help you feel better, talk to your doctor about your options. It is important to work with a massage therapist who has experience working with your illness. If you deal with qualified, properly trained professionals, you stand a good chance of feeling better about your body, even while undergoing treatment.
Aromatherapy is viewed with more skepticism than massage, but it may still offer benefits. For instance, if your treatments are leaving you feeling nauseous, you can burn peppermint oil or inhale peppermint extract. Lavender is another essential oil that helps soothe and relax you during stressful situations. In either case, you are not ingesting anything or applying it topically, so it will not interfere with your treatment, but it can reduce the negative effects.
Herbs are similar to aromatherapy, but may have even more intense healing abilities. It is important if you wish to use herbs to cope with any medical disorder that you work with a qualified herbalist. Your entire team of doctors needs to know every single thing you are doing in relation to your illness to properly treat you. If any of your doctors dismisses a method of treatment and discounts your suffering in response to treatment, it may be time to find a new doctor. Find someone who will work with you to find the best combination of treatments to heal your body and reduce the negative effects while you heal.
Finally, do not forget spiritual support. Regardless of your religion or beliefs, it is important to be in touch with your spirit during your treatment. This can be done through prayer, meditation, yoga or even spending time with people who are supportive and understanding when you need it most. Also consider writing in a journal, working with a counselor or participating in a support group.
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Side Effects,

By Jonathon Masters
Cancer patients go through both mental and physical discomfort along with severe pain. Severity of the pain depends on the stage of the cancer and the tolerance power of the individual. This pain also causes depression and anxiety to the patients. While cancer pain is caused due to the disease itself or by its side effects, it can be relieved with medication. Here are few tips that will help them get relief form the pain they are suffering.
1. You should consult your doctor and ask him to suggest some medicines or injections that can give some relief to the patient. The medicine can stronger to moderate depending upon the severity of the pain and the stage of the disease. In case you find some irritation, pain or swelling in the area after repeated injections you can apply a little bit of Aloe Vera gel to give a soothing effect and relief from the pain.
2. You can also seek your physicians help and go for massage therapy. This massage therapy will lessen the physical stress of the patient and relieve him from the depression and anxiety he is going through due to the pain.
3. Ayurveda, a form of alternative medicine, can also help you in controlling cancer pain.
4. Yoga and exercise relaxes the mind and body of the patient. It relaxes the senses of the patients and performs a vital role in the pain management. Regular walk and not only helps in maintaining the metabolism of body but it also helps in controlling the side effects that is caused by the disease like cancer.
5. Try and keep a record of the pain, when it occurred, time date and the intensity level. Also mention the things that had aggravated the pain and how long it lasted. This record will help the health physician to have a clear idea of the disease and decide on the treatment that can relieve the patient from the pain.
While taking medicines to control the pain, it is also important that the medicines are to be used in rare cases only. Addiction to pain medicines is also a problem. A good pain management program can help the patient to remain active, sleep better and enjoy activities that he does in his day to day life.
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Controlling Cancer Pain

By Anthony Hu
10. Jane Fonda Was diagnosed with Breast Cancer
Actress Jane Fonda discovered she had a small tumor in her breast during a routine checkup. She underwent a procedure to remove the cancer. The cancer turned out to be non-invasive and she is currently cancer free.
9. Stem Cell for Brain Cancer
Jenn Vonckx became the first human being to have stem cells injected into her brain to try to cure her brain cancer. Neural stem cells with a special enzyme are injected into the brain. The stem cells seek out and attach themselves to the tumors. The patient then takes a pill containing a non-toxic drug that enters the brain. When the drug interacts with the enzyme in the stem cells, it instantaneously creates an active chemotherapy drug. The hope is that chemo will kill the tumors and leave healthy brain tissue alone.
8. Elizabeth Edwards Died of Breast Cancer
Elizabeth Edwards was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004. The cancer returned in 2007 and she died on December 7, 2010. She was separated from her husband, John Edwards, who was the former U.S. Senator from North Carolina, the 2004 United States Democratic vice-presidential nominee, and one-time presidential hopeful.
7. Hormone Therapy Links to Breast Cancer
Study shows a direct link between reduced hormone therapy and declines in breast cancer. Women taking a combination of progestin and estrogen face a higher risk of breast cancer and other potential health hazards. Postmenopausal women are strongly advised to refrain from long-term hormone therapy or to use the lowest dose possible for the shortest time to relieve hot flashes and night sweats.
6. Women Faked Cancer
Two Ontario women faked terminal cancer and collected donations to help fight deadly cancers they never had. Ashley Kirilow fraud breast cancer and Jessica Leeder pretended having stomach and lung cancer. They obtained thousands of dollars from sympathetic donors to fund their cancer treatments.
5. FDA Discourage People from Smoking
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced new measures to discourage people from smoking. Terrified graphic images, including a mother blowing cigarette smoke into the face of her baby, a man suffering a heart attack, image of lungs and mouth damaged by smoking etc, are going to post on cigarette packs.
4. FDA Approves Provenge for Prostate Cancer Treatment
Provenge is the first-ever cancer therapeutic vaccine approved by FDA. It is a breakthrough treatment that uses a patient's own antigen-presenting cells to stimulate the body's immune system against prostate cancer.
3. Michael Douglass Was Diagnosed with Throat Cancer
On August 16, 2010, Actor Michael Douglass announced that he was suffering advanced throat cancer. He underwent chemotherapy and radiation treatment. His prognosis is good and he has fair chance of beating the disease.
2. FDA Revokes Approval of Avastin for Treatment of Breast Cancer
Avastin was approved for breast cancer in 2008 under a fast-track process to make promising the drug available, subject to further studies. Follow-up studies indicated that Avastin did not prolong life of breast cancer patients and FDA thus moved toward revoking approval of Avastin as a treatment for breast cancer. This decision does not affect the use of Avastin against other types of cancer.
1. CT Scans Reduce Lung Cancer Deaths
Annual CT scans of current and former heavy smokers reduce their risk of death from lung cancer by 20%. The findings represent a significant advance in cancer detection that could potentially save thousands of lives annually. Lung cancer will claim about 157,000 lives a year in US, more than the deaths from colorectal, breast, pancreatic and prostate cancers combined. Most lung cancer patients discover their disease too late for treatment, and 85 percent die from it.
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Cancer News

By Rangga Teguh Pratama
If you have persistent mouth dryness due, for example, to the effect of radiation on the glands that produce saliva, you may wish to sip water frequently or use a mouth spray. Meals will be easier with sauces or salad dressings, and you'll likely be using your blender more than ever before to create soups and fruit smoothies. Some people find that gum without sugar, especially citrus-flavored, helps moisten their mouths.
Anticancer drugs, radiation, and infection may result in tender gums, or a sore mouth or throat.
Try these tips:
- Choose soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow: oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, scrambled tofu, soup, mashed potatoes, blueberry pudding, or smoothies. (See the recipe section for ideas.) Bananas, watermelons, other soft fruits, and applesauce are nutritious and go down easily.
- Mash or puree any variety of vegetable just as you would mashed potatoes. If you don't already have a food processor or blender, you'll find it's an excellent investment.
- Make sure that veggies and beans are cooked well, so they are soft and tender.
- Adding a vegan gravy can make foods easier to swallow.
- Vegetables, beans, and grains, in just about any combination, can make a good soup. In fact, people can live on soups for months on end and never run out of new tastes and combinations.
- To boost the calories, add cashews or tofu. Use soft, medium, or firm tofu, or any silken tofu. They blend right in, and are a gentle form of nourishment.
- Backpacking equipment stores sell containers with lids that screw on tightly and don't leak a drop, making it simple to transport foods without having soup or a fruit shake spill in your bag.
- Blended drinks and smoothies can help you swallow pills if you find that thinner liquids don't work. Pills and supplements may need to be crushed and dissolved, or try a liquid formula instead.
- Certain foods can be irritating, such as those that are very sour, salty, spicy, or coarse-textured. This may not be the time for citrus fruits, raw vegetables, or toast.
- If swallowing is hard, tilt your head forward, sideways, or back to find a position that works better. You may need to eat with extra awareness so you don't choke on food. If you are afraid of choking, ask your healthcare provider to arrange an assessment and advice about the best textures and techniques for your situation.
- People treated for esophageal cancer or some stomach cancers may need to sit up for half an hour or so after meals.
Posted in
Chemotherapy Effects,
Mouth Infection

By Rangga Teguh Pratama
Vitamin C is a great team player in the antioxidant defense system. It protects against free radical damage and keeps the linings of our lungs, stomach, and reproductive organs in good repair. In grade school we learned that orange juice is a potent source of vitamin C, but that's just the beginning.
To illustrate vitamin C's importance, let's look at lung cancer. Needless to say, smoking is a big part of the problem. Compared to a nonsmoker, a lifetime smoker has twenty to thirty times the risk of getting lung cancer. Secondhand smoke is dangerous, too, increasing lung cancer risk by 30 to 50 percent. But just as tobacco increases the risk of cancer, foods rich in vitamin C reduce the likelihood that lung cancer will start. In other words, you can protect the delicate linings of your lungs against pollutants with vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables at every meal.
Both non-smokers and smokers benefit from these foods. Let's compare two fifty-five-year-old smokers, Veggie Vic and Pretzel Pete. Veggie's typical menu on any given day looks something like this: oatmeal with fresh berries, a slice of cantaloupe, and a cup of tea for breakfast, a banana and orange juice smoothie for a snack and a veggie sub on wheat bread for lunch and hearty pasta with tomatoes, eggplant, and basil for dinner. With his preference for these healthy and delicious foods, Vic has just one-quarter the risk of dying from lung cancer during the next four years, compared with Pete, who munches on pretzels and other highly refined foods, hardly thinking of eating a vegetable or a fruit.
Posted in
Cancer Prevention,
The Benefits of Vitamin C