My, what a high sounding, futuristic title! Better yet, what if the implications are true and achievable by any and all cancer patients? As a matter of fact, this is quite true and has been successfully expressed in the lives of many of those exceptional patients who were just not willing to be good patients and die within the bounds of medical propriety in compliance with some oncologists death sentence. These are the people who risk the wrath of medical science by getting well for the wrong reason.
I once attended one of Dr. Herb Benson's Harvard Med School seminars on Spirituality in Healing. One of many gems of wisdom that I remember from that highlight event was a statement to the effect that mankind is the only creature endowed with a memory of the future. He further emphasis that very real value can be derived from "remembered wellness".
When I first started out on my death struggle with metastatic kidney cancer, I was aware that much of what I needed to know to best survive would have to be learned the hard way by diligent effort and my own research. It was clear early on that the information dispensed by my oncologist would be of a nature that he deemed sufficient for me and would go no farther, regardless of a valid need to know. In retrospect and in fairness, I don't think he really knew much beyond the protocols. Certainly nothing of such matters that are embraced by the field of Mind/Body medicine.
Few newly diagnosed patients are even aware of a remarkable book, "Imagery and Disease", published by Dr. Frank Lawlis in 1978. A later book by Dr. Bernie Siegel, "Love, Medicine and Miracles" was published in 1986 which further expanded the role of the mind in healing cancer. Out of these came a cancer fighting technique called "Guided Imagery" by which commands to the immune system to track down and kill cancer cells are conveyed to the subconscious right brain by visual images while the patient is in a state of deep relaxation.
The value of this technique derives from utilizing all of the following facts about cancer.
• There has never been a form of cancer that has not had at least a few survivors.
• These are typically referred to as "miracle remissions", but little in the way of research has been done with these survivors to understand what triggers a remission. We tend to look at death, not life, when it comes to cancer research.
• There is no cancer cell that cannot be killed by one or more of the elements of the human immune system, if they can just get into the attack mode.
• Every cancer cell has on its surface an identifying marker called "Antigen" which, if recognized, will result in the cancer cell being attacked and killed by immune cells. Instructions to attack can be conveyed, via imagery, using a direct neural path.
By far the best way for the patient to pursue this treatment modality is with the help of a guide, usually a voice on a CD, who literally guides the relaxed patient through scene after healing scene. In my case, I was really under the gun since, treatments having failed, I was told that I had only three more months to live. Realizing the futility of wasting any more time with a failed medical system, I pursued GI with focused intensity. One of the key elements of the imagery program was one wherein I found myself, some five years hence, speaking to a large crowd of cancer patients, telling them how I was able to orchestrate a program of remission. Thus, as far as all sensory perception goes, I was actually working some five years in the future in a situation that had all of the trappings of reality. I did this twice a day for months on end. I would visualize the auditorium, the steps to the podium, what the audience looked like (particularly those on the front row) and a myriad of other details of the scene, including the speech itself. The details of what happened, both in my life and those of others, are related in my recent book, "THREE MONTHS TO LIFE". Needless to say, I did not die as I was assured by competent authority that I would, but was able to kill out the cancer cells in three months time.
It was not too long after that when I attended the annual meeting of the Kidney Cancer Association in Chicago. This was a three day affair that was attended in those days by a mixture of patients and doctors. The highlight event was the "Survivors Banquet" held on the Saturday night before the meeting closed on Sunday. The schedule called for a well know keynote speaker to make the formal address. For whatever reason, this illustrious speaker cancelled just hours before the affair and left the committee in a desperate state of affairs. Since my story was fairly well known, they asked me if I could deliver this talk without time for preparation. I assured them that I could as I had been giving this speech twice a day for well over a year! It was a smashing success and I actually won the audience survey for the best presentation of that three day conference.
Now let us fast forward through a decade to the present and the real story behind this article. Last December, there came to my house one Danny Newman, who was near death from metastatic lung cancer, his treatments having failed. His daddy brought him and we helped them into the front door and to a comfortable chair with all the oxygen bottles attending. To tell the truth, Lucy and I were actually fearful that he would die before our eyes but that did not keep us from having an in depth session wherein I took him through both my experience and that of others given in the book.
Danny was surprised to find so much really good science behind this concept and his mind was fully open to possibilities. I sent them on their way with reading material and a copy of my guided imagery CD. In regard to the latter, I strongly recommended to him that he develop the concept of the speech to cancer patients some years into the future.
You can imagine my surprise when late one night in April, my phone rang and it was Danny who just could not wait until morning to tell me that he had just got back from the oncology center and THEY COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE CANCER CELL IN HIS BODY! This is such marvelous news that it is difficult to explain its effect to one who has not personally experienced it. Now by some curious coincidence, I was scheduled to be the monthly speaker at the upcoming meeting of Shriners here in Granbury. I decided to play a real wild card for a slam bang finish. There was not a dry eye in the place when I turned the mike over to Danny to close with his story which, in effect, gave him the opportunity to deliver the speech he had been visualizing for so long, exactly as I had been privileged to do in Chicago a decade ago. With teary eyes, he realized that, from the farthest reaches of his hopes, his visualization of a future event had now become a magnificent reality.
I have not a doubt in my mind that there is a valid scientific explanation, bordering as it does on the spiritual, for what happened in our lives a decade apart. I believe that the effect of continually pounding this image into the subconscious mind empowered it with the command to deliver us alive and well to the appointed event when its place in the chronology of time had finally arrived. In chapter nine of my book, I recount how I was privileged to work with one of the eminent scientists of our time, Dr. Andreas Bette of the Royal Technology Institute in Stockholm.. His field embraced such things as black holes, parallel universes, and massless particles. He felt that human thought was composed of massless particles and, as such, were not bound by the laws that govern time and space. This appeared to give some credence of the notion of slipping out of time and space and subsequently returning. As he put it to me, you have to be a little crazy to work in this field. Whatever the case, I have come to believe that the following statement is true and it is one for which I would like to be remembered as the author, to wit:
To those readers now engaged in the fight, I would strongly recommend that you approach this matter with an open mind - a mind that is open to the possibility that it IS possible, you CAN defeat cancer.