By Sigge Hermann
This article will focus on how to fight off cancer, and what to do avoid any form of this horrible disease.
First thing first, avoid stress because when you're stressed out that will release cortisol from your bi kidneys, and as you might have heard before, cortisol will weaken your Immuno Defense System here after referred to as IDS, by interacting on the cortisol receptor on your IDS cells.
What can I do if I get stressed?
First of all try to laugh at the situation, which is stressing you out, because laughter promotes serotonin, synthesis, second of all get alot of exercise. because exercise will promote the synthesis of BDNF (Brain derived neurotrophic factor), NGF (Nerve growth factor) and neutrophin-3 and neurotrophin-4, and all these proteins will help your brain stay stress free, which in turn will reduce the amount of cortisol in your body.
Avoid aspartame, because even though it has never been proved, that there is a connection between this synthetic sweetener and cancer, but there is certain evidence that this synthetic sweetener, can damage your brain thereby putting your body into a stressed mode.
Avoid MSG, also known as E621, Yeast extract, because there is actually evidence that this, Flavour enhancer is a little more then a flavour enhancer, it is also an excitotoxin, which means that it will agonize, the ionitropic glutamate receptors in your brain, The NMDA, kainate, AMPA and Mglur.
Have a strong believe it wont hit you, because, studies have shown that even placebo treatment of parkinsons disease can cure it just aslong as the people who were receiving the treatment believed that it would cure them, so imagine what believing that it wont hit you can do.
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Avoid Cancer

By Henry Relfield
It is tempting to jump on the bandwagon of dietary fads. We all want to believe that our answers lie in some new miracle food or easy-to-follow diet doctrine. However, simply adopting the latest diet fad is not the answer. Rather, we must look to the past - before the era of fast-food restaurants, before preservatives and hydrogenation became the mainstays of mass-produced food, and before white flour became an unfortunate symbol of refinement. We need to look way back to those simple times when most of the foods we ate were whole, fresh, and seasonal, when we ate what came out of the ground and dessert was a bowl of berries.
We can take advantage of the amazing power of simple foods to support essential body functions. To construct the perfect anti-cancer diet, we need to get back to these basics. The foundation is to eat plenty of colorful vegetables and fresh fruits (organic whenever possible). We recommend seven to ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If that is a daunting prospect, vegetable juices and protein-enriched fruit smoothies are great ways to more easily get all of those servings and the beneficial nutrients they provide. Whole grains, beans, seeds, and nuts provide fiber and important vitamins and minerals and should also be abundant in your diet. Fresh cold-water fish is a great source of protein as well as beneficial omega-3 fatty acids. Because of the fat content, limit dairy to one to two servings of organic dairy products daily. And do not forget to drink plenty of water. Proper hydration is essential for everyone, but especially those with cancer.
The scientific evidence linking vegetable intake to cancer prevention and treatment is impressive and continues to grow. There are long-term and large epidemiological studies consistently showing that the people who eat the most vegetables in the diet improve immune function and strengthen liver detoxification. Scientists are also discovering how compounds in vegetables help protect DNA from damage that would otherwise lead to cancer.
Of special interests are the cruciferous vegetables such as brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and cabbage. Many studies have shown these vegetables can help prevent cancer. Newer research involving components of these important vegetables, such as sulforaphane, actually show they may have the ability to destroy established cancer. Fruits are also very important to any cancer-fighting plan. Fruits contain active compounds called flavonoids. Flavonoids protect fruits from being damaged by the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Scientific research is confirming that some of those flavonoids have similar effects in us. Specially, flavonoids exert cancer-preventive effects and also stimulate a variety of anti-cancer actions within our bodies. The fruits that have flavonoids include apple (Phenolic compounds), berries (Anthocyanidins), citrus fruits (Limonoids), and red grapes (Resveratrol).
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Dietary Guide,
Fight Cancer Tumor

By Julie Marshall
Purchasing a wig before your chemotherapy treatment begins is the best way to emotionally prepare for the hair loss to come.Too often, many people make the mistake of waiting to purchase a wig or head cover after or thus having to deal with the psychological ills associated with watching the hair loss occur. Waiting is not recommended for anyone! It is strongly recommend that persons start searching for wigs at least 3 weeks before chemotherapy. This will give you time to find a wig that you are happy with and have it delivered or sized if necessary.
If you are able, and have the time, start shopping around for a wig. Synthetic hair wigs are not what they used to be, and have come a long way. The synthetic fibre used to make wigs now is as close to human hair as it gets, with a variety of color blends and styles available. The wigs that are available now on the market don't even look like wigs, and some are literally undetectable even at close range. Some of the most realistic synthetic wigs are made with a monofilament top. This is a lace material that is sewn under a portion of the cap to make it look like a real scalp. It is also advised that customers with sensitive scalps choose a monofilament wig as they are very breathable and will allow your scalp to breathe during treatments Monofilament wigs offer flexibility in styling as you can create natural looking parts and comb or part the hair in any direction just as you would your own hair. There are even heat-resistant synthetic wigs available now that can be styled curly or straight on low heat settings.
Human hair wigs are an even better option for people who have concerns about the naturalness that a wig has to offer and want a wig that will last as long as possible. For those persons, the most real look will always be human hair. Human hair wigs are soft and beautiful and really can help a person forget (even just for a moment), about their own hair loss and enjoy the new replacement. They can be cut, curled and styled just as you would your own hair.
Wigs allow flexibility in style and comfort. You can wear your wig to your treatment and then take it off when you come home or put on a head wrap or turban if you feel more comfortable covering your head. In between wig wearing, a head wrap or turban can be worn to take a break from the wig and are comforting soothing head warmers.
It is always recommended that persons choose a hair color that is one shade lighter than their natural color simply because many people end up with "lighter" colored hair in most cases after the chemotherapy is over and their new hair is growing back. This helps with the transition of a wig back to your own hair.The right styled wig can do wonders for someone going through chemotherapy treatment. When you look good, you feel good. A new hairstyle or a new hair color can brighten a person's appearance and outlook while undergoing life challenges. If there is a hairstyle you have always wanted to try or perhaps a new hair color, think of this time in your life and seeking out a new adventure and a new look.
If you have never worn a wig before, you can put your mind at ease. Wigs are very easy to wear despite what you many may think. They go on quite easily just as you would wear a hat or nylon cap. Many wigs are made with adjustable straps for sizing and the average sized cap fits 99% of the population. Custom made wigs in human hair are also available for persons who want the hair to closely match their hair as much as possible. Custom can take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks to complete, so if you are considering having a custom unit made in human hair for yourself or a friend, please allow a month for the process to be complete and order well in advance of your chemotherapy treatments.
Shopping online for a new wig is great way to keep your mind off of your current situation have fun looking at a multitude of hairstyles. It's also a nice way to give yourself or someone you love something special. Wigs can be great fun and for many, a healing tool. Realizing that your wig is temporary can also help your current mindset. Think positive. It will be lead you to a quick recovery. Your hair will always grow back.
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Deal With Losing,
Hair From Chemo

By Henry Relfield
Symptoms and signs of most cancers might possibly different but with any one or more of the indications most people should look for well-trained healthcare personnel's advice with no postpone. Highly often the particular signs of illness may be nothing to do with cancer cells, and yet when it is cancer the sooner an individual are seen by a doctor the considerably better.
Therapy works best when a cancerous tumor is observed early. Identifying cancers fast generally implies it may easily be treated while it is still modest and is much less possible to have multiply to different parts of your entire body. This generally means an improved prospect for a heal, particularly in cases where the particular cancerous cells can be taken away with operation.
Occasionally men and women pay no attention to symptoms. Many people may not understand that symptoms can mean something is bad. Or many people may be frightened by what the indicators and symptoms might necessarily mean and don't want to have physicians' help. A handful of indications, which include exhaustion, are more possibly created by something other than cancerous cells. Some people will feel unimportant, exclusively if there is an apparent cause or the problem only is held a short moment. Such as, people may perhaps defense that an indication like a breast swelling is probably a cyst which will subside by itself. Nonetheless any indicator should be carefully addressed, specially when it has held up a long time period.
Reviewing for risk of tumor that may be cancerous, just before you could find out any cancer tumor signs or symptoms, is famously mentioned as cancer screening. With cancer screening and regular physical assessment you're able to identify almost any symptoms of tumors and if discovered, proceed with early treatment plans prior to it becomes worst. Along with chemotherapy you can get many other laboratory therapies that can aid healing cancer malignancy and eliminate all of micro-organisms that can aid in growing the size of tumor.
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Cancer Malignancy,
The Signs and Symptoms

By Martin Broughton
Colon cancer is typically genetic, but may also develop in men who keep an unhealthy lifestyle. Some studies coming from the Japan's Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine and the Aichi Cancer Center Hospital have been promising. Researchers claim that fish oil pills among certain subjects have reduced the risk of colon cancer by 85%.
It is not that the body is lacking in any specific chemical. What is happening is that omega 6 fatty acids, without balancing omega 3 fatty acids, cause an unhealthy imbalance in the organism. High levels of omega 6 fatty acids, according to this institute's studies, can increase the risk of colon cancer by 70%!
The people who did not contract the disease showed higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is one of the key ingredients in omega 3 fish oil. It is also believed that DHA may have a special mechanism that inhibits arachidonic acid, which is responsible for creating and disseminating cancer cells.
Of course, more is involved than just increasing your intake of omega 3. Benefits of this fatty acid will come when you change to a healthier diet with lots of fiber and natural omega 3 acids (from fish) along with further supplementation. Fiber helps decrease the chance of colon cancer developing because it reduces a person's colon to dangerous bacteria and carcinogens by increasing regularity as well as the bulk of feces.
Most Americans have low fiber diets and take in low levels of omega3. Start eating with a view towards health by taking advantage of fish oil benefits. You can reduce your risk of this dreadful disease!
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Omega 3 Fish Oil,
Prevent Colon Cancer

By Henry Relfield
Chronic ailments or precancerous conditions can be identified long before they develop, and appropriate dietary adjustments can be made. For example, developing obstructions, cysts, and tumors can be diagnosed through careful observation of the whites of the eyes, which represent the condition of the whole body.
In this way, chronic ailments or precancerous conditions can be identified long before they develop, and appropriate dietary adjustments can be made. For example, developing obstructions, cysts, and tumors can be diagnosed through careful observation of the whites of the eyes, which represent the condition of the whole body. Precancerous conditions often correlate with the following markings:
1. Calcified deposits in the sinuses are frequently indicated by dark spots in the upper portion of the white of eye.
2. Kidney stones and ovarian cysts are often indicated by dark spots in the lower white of the eye.
3. The accumulation of mucus and fat in the centrally located organs (liver, gallbladder, spleen, and pancreas) frequently appears in the form of a blue, green, or brownish shade, or white patches, in the white of the eye on either side of the iris, often indicating reduced functioning in these organs.
4. Accumulation of fat and mucus in and around the prostate is often indicated by a yellow or white coating on the lower part of the eyeball.
5. Fat and mucus accumulating in the female sex organs are frequently indicated by a yellow coating on the lower central rim of the eye. Vaginal discharges, ovarian cysts, fibroid tumors, and similar disorders are also possibly shown as white/gray mucus.
Another clue to approaching cancer is a change in skin color. When cancer develops, a greenish shade will often appear in certain areas of the skin. The appearance of this color represents a process of biological degeneration. Cancer represents a reverse evolutionary process in which body cells decompose and change back toward more primordial vegetable life. Multiplication of these degenerating cells gives rise to tumors and manifests in a greenish shade appearing on the skin. This shading does not appear on the entire body or near the tumor itself but in certain areas along the respective meridians of electromagnetic energy corresponding with the location of the cancer. These meridians or pathways run the length of the body and form the basis for shiatsu (Oriental massage), acupuncture, the martial arts, and some home remedies. The light green color signifying cancer tends to show up on the hands or feet.
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By Henry Relfield
The intracellular pH of some cancer cells is lower (more acidic) than the pH or a normal cell, which has led some to believe that you can kill cancer cells by raising cellular ph, and that improper internal pH balance can contribute to cancer. There is no scientific evidence, however, that suggests a direct link between alterations in pH balance and cancer prevention, or, specifically that a high pH (alkaline) environment will kill cancer cells.
In fact, the converse may be true. Cancer tumors tend to create an immediate milieu that is acidic. This is in part due to the fact that cancer cells require vast quantities of sugar because they are very inefficient at producing energy from glucose. In many cancer cells, glucose is metabolized anaerobically, which creates lactic acid as a by-product. Lactic acid is acidic. However, this very acidic and the elevated levels of lactic acid may actually be toxic to the cancer cell, ultimately contributing to its demise. Thus, trying to alkalinize the body (and the cancerous tumor) may be counterproductive at worst and irrelevant at best. The pH of cancer cells is the result of metabolic events within the cancer cell and is not reflected in the pH of other body fluids, such as urine, saliva, or blood.
Online information on high pH therapy cites a 1984 report claiming that high pH therapy for cancer has been studied with positive results on both animals and humans. The conclusions drawn from this report are highly suspect, as is the methodology of the study. The actual nature of the conclusions and the specifics of the intervention are left unexplained. It is also suspicious that any positive findings have not been duplicated in any subsequent study in more than 25 years. In fact, the only subsequent studies on humans are case reports of toxicity directly due to ingestion of cesium chloride as an alternative cancer treatment to raise the pH of cancer cells. One report described high levels of accumulated cesium in the liver, leading to liver toxicity.
On a more positive note, some early data from a mouse study indicates that oral administration of cesium chloride does, in fact, raise the pH of tumor tissue and sensitize the tumor tissue to the anticancer effects of vitamin D administered at the same time. This preliminary data may lead to future indications for cesium chloride along with vitamin D. However, at present, data in support of the pH theory is lacking.
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Acidic pH,
Cancer Tumor,

By Henry Relfield
What causes a survivor to become a thriver? Some might say hope, and specifically the hope for a cure. Yes, hope is important. But from our perspective, it is not the hope for a cure that encourages us as much as hope for a change - a change in the way cancer, cancer treatment and healing are viewed. Our hope is that collaboration becomes the cornerstone of cancer care in the future. Not just collaboration that mirrors our very own internal systems - a web of interconnectedness, a rhythmic flow that comes naturally. This is not simply teamwork involving treatment. It is an alliance that encompasses body, mind, and spirit. It is a consistent, overarching effort that combines the best of conventional and complementary medicine with the proactive efforts of the patient, which must include a healthy diet, positive lifestyle choices, and appropriate dietary supplements. This is integrated medicine, and it is the future of cancer care.
Conventional medicine has delivered many advances over the past decade. Areas that hold promise for the future of cancer treatment include utilizing nanotechnology for more pinpointed treatments and the study of the biological actions of proteins, known as proteomics. Just as genomics has helped medical science in many ways, proteomics is quickly becoming an important focus in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
In the future, diet, lifestyle, and dietary supplements will go beyond merely supporting and sustaining. These controllable factors will be viewed as significant complementary treatment techniques to reverse cancer. More funding is needed for researching integrative approaches. Our present system primarily rewards those who can substantiate the performance of isolated synthetic drugs that can be patented. Research into combined approaches or utilizing a healthy diet, positive lifestyle choices, and supplements, all of which cannot be patented, is presently not being supported as much as it could be, or should be.
Over the years, we have talked to many leaders in the field of integrative medicine and we hear a consistent, positive message that things are shifting. Conventional medicine, medical schools, and research facilities are beginning to pay attention to the broader aspects that make up an integrated approach to cancer treatment and healing. But we cannot wait until everyone is truly on the same page. Until that time, people must be proactive about using an integrative approach for both prevention and healing.
Throughout history, long-lasting change has come from the masses - groups of people who take the initiative. Our health-care system is in dire need of such an initiative. True and lasting change will come from patients and their loved ones. Our doctors are so pressured by managed care, insurance directives, and other constraints that they are limited as to the degree of change they can invoke. Patients and loved ones need to work in partnership with the system that is in place while also searching for information on complementary approaches to healing and staying healthy. Each of us must take the lead in our own health care. The system will then be forced to change to keep up with the demands of its customers, the patients.
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Integrative Cancer Care

By Brijesh Ghelani
Insulin potentiation therapy remains to be controversial with some cancer experts claiming that this approach do not present a credible evidence of its effect. Know how it works and the advantage over other methods and you judge whether someone should opt for IPT with Methotrexae MA.
Insulin potentiation therapy involves the use of insulin coupled with a lower dose of chemotherapy for cancer treatment. This therapy is regarded as gentler because it will not result to the common negative effects of chemotherapy. The concept is that insulin will magnify the effect of chemotherapy thus using only about one tenth of the usual recommended dose will give the same results as the full dose without experiencing the after effect of chemotherapy drugs. Proponents of this therapy claims that insulin has the capacity to "open up" cancer cell receptors making chemotherapy drugs get in easily.
The procedure involves fasting, that is no water or food intake, for about six to eight hours prior to the clinical procedures. Intravenous fluids will be introduced to the patient and insulin dose will be administered. The dose of insulin depends on the body weight of the patient. Then, lower dose of chemotherapy drugs like Methotrexate MA will be administered after several minutes giving time for the insulin to lower the blood sugar level of the patient first before chemotherapy drugs are introduced to the bloodstream. Most patients will manifest symptoms of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. At this point, the Intravenous administration will be shifted to high-sugar solution. The patient is then allowed to eat food to increase his blood sugar level further after the symptoms of hypoglycemia has improved. Blood sugar level is monitored during the process.
The next treatments may entail either reduction or increase of the insulin dose. The treatment may be twice a week and recommended sessions may be around twelve to eighteen.
How does IPT work?
Insulin potentiation therapy will increase the permeability of cell membranes allowing the increased absorption of the drugs into the cells. With this, lower doses of chemotherapy drug will give the same results as the full dose. IPT will also enhance the transport of chemotherapy drugs across the blood-brain barrier.
Insulin has the capacity to instigate the cancer cells into their growth phase. In this phase, the cells are more vulnerable to chemotherapy drugs. In a particular study conducted in 1981 at the George Washington University, it was concluded that the use of insulin with the chemotherapy drug methotrexate will boost the effect of the drug ten thousand times.
IPT also creates changes in the blood chemistry of the patient advantageously. It also serves as a means to detoxify the body. As IPT fights cancer cells, it enhances the flushing off of toxins.
Read more about IPT before making your own judgment. These treatment had help countless patients with great results. Not because it did not gain support from majority of medical practitioners then it is not effective. Consider the rationale of how it works.
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Cancer Treating,
Insulin Potentiation Therapy

By Henry Relfield
To understand how cancer develops, use the analogy of a tree. A tree's structure is opposite to that of the human body. For example, the leaves of a tree have a more open structure and a green color, while the cells of the human body, which correspond to the leaves of a tree, have a more closed structure and are nourished by blood, which is red in color. A tree's sustenance comes from the nutrients absorbed through the external roots. The roots of the human body lie deep in the intestines in the region where nutrients are absorbed into the blood and lymph, from which they are then distributed to all of the body's cells.
If the quality of nourishment is chronically poor in the soil or in the food that is consumed, the leaves of the tree or the cells of the body eventually lose their normal functional ability and begin to deteriorate. This condition results from the repeated intake of poor nutrients and does not arise suddenly. While it is developing, many other symptoms might arise in other parts of the tree trunk and branches or in the body.
Cancer develops over a period of time out of a chronically precancerous state. In an estimation, as many as 80 to 90 percent of Americans, Europeans, Japanese, and other modern people have some type of precancerous condition. The repeated over-consumption of excessive dietary factors causes a variety of adjustment mechanisms in the body, which progressively develop toward cancer. Since the body seeks balance with the surrounding environment at all times, the normal process is for this excess to be eliminated or stored when it exceeds the body's capacity for elimination. Eventually, the over-accumulation will be stored in the form of excessive layers of fat, cholesterol and the formation of cysts and tumors.
Skin cancers are more serious forms of skin disease. However, skin disorders are usually not very serious, since in most cases they discharge of toxins toward the surface of the body permits the internal organs and tissues to continue functioning smoothly. If our eating continues to be excessive and we cannot eliminate effectively, the body will start to accumulate this excess in other locations.
If we continue to eat poorly, we eventually exhaust the body's ability to discharge. This can be serious if an underlying layer of fat has developed under the skin, which prevent discharge toward the surface of the body. Such a condition is caused by the repeated over-consumption of milk, cheese, eggs, meat, and other fatty, oily, or greasy foods.
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The Development of Cancer