By Howard Gottlieb
The Relay for Life is an event that has changed millions of people's lives, and this is not an exaggeration. It has given hope to the hopeless and happiness to the unhappy. Cancer is a scary and hard thing to go through. The Relay for Life cancer fundraiser gives millions the hope that we will find a cure. It has given happiness to the people who are facing this alone. When a team is preparing to go to the Relay for Life, there is some certain Relay for Life gear and equipment that they need to bring in order for the team to perform as best as they can.
One very important thing to remember when packing Relay for Life gear is the weather. The majority of Relay for Life events are done outside. The team needs to watch the weather so they will know how to dress appropriately. Many teams have themes and costumes that they where. If it is raining or snowing, this can be frustrating when putting the costume together. So a good tip to remember is to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
If your team's costume may be ruined with rain, sleet, or snow, come up with a plan B so that the team will know what to do in case of bad weather. The team also needs to have a tent. There are relays that last overnight and through a weekend. If this is the case, the team should pack sleeping bags, blankets, pillows and toiletries. Sneakers, snacks, and water are also needed. Decorations for your campsite are may be needed depending on your theme. You should also bring items such as flashlights, radios, chairs, and tables. Your team will be very active, so whatever your costume may be, you want to make sure that it is as comfortable as possible.
There are also certain items that you shouldn't bring. Grills, fire logs, or anything flammable should stay at home. Pets may also not be wanted. Every relay is different, so check with the event if you have any questions about Relay for Life gear. Alcohol and tobacco products are also discouraged. This is a fight for cancer, so smoking is probably not the wisest thing to do.
Each relay is different for the requirements for Relay for Life gear. If you do have any questions of what you should and shouldn't bring, contact the head of the event and they should have an answer.
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Relay for Life

By Howard Gottlieb
There are many events and gatherings that people attend in order to help a greater good. For example, there are charity balls, fun runs, cancer fundraisers, auctions or parties. There are hundreds of ways to help raise money for people in need, but there is one way in particular that is spreading like wild fire. It is the Relay for Life, and it is coming to you. This is an event that not only helps to fight cancer, but brings the people involved closer together. A Relay for Life team theme adds the element of excitement and creativity in every group involved.
The Relay for Life event has always been a reason to celebrate life and family. With a Relay for Life team theme, it allows for the group to dress up and get into another character when they might have never been able to. A theme is not required, but is encouraged. A popular theme is the jungle theme. Each member can dress up like a character in the jungle and the slogan can be "Running Wild for a Cure". People can make their own costumes or rent them from a costume store. Making the costumes is more fun for most because they get to use their creativity and inspirations.
Another common theme is the hunter theme. The team can dress up in camouflage and having hunting gear on. Their slogan can be "Hunting for a Cure." These themes are great, but the team can do whatever they would like. You can have an 80's theme, futuristic theme, presidents theme, clown theme, or anything theme that you can possibly think of. There are teams that do not have themes and still have a great time. Another plus about creating a theme is that you are more likely to raise more money. When people hear that you are dressing up like Mickey Mouse or Cinderella, they are more likely to donate more money. More money creates more research which may create a new cure.
Raising money is what the relay started out as, but it has turned into something much more than that. It is a celebration of life and hope. A Relay for Life team theme is not required, but it more fun, raises more money, and brings people closer together. The Relay for Life is growing faster than wild fire, catch on.
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Relay for Life,
Team Theme

By Howard Gottlieb
Cancer takes the lives of hundreds of thousands of people a year. Cancer is not something that only one type of person can get. There is no way to tell who will and will not get cancer. There are ways to help lower risks, but it is still not 100% effective.
That is why the American Cancer Society is raising millions of dollars each year for new research and new cures. With the Relay for Life cancer walk, the American Cancer Society has raised new money and new hope for cancer patients around the world.
In the American Cancer Society website, they explain what the walk is used for:
Relay for Life is a fun-filled overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of your American Cancer Society. During the event, teams of people gather at schools, fairgrounds, or parks and take turns walking or running laps. Each team tries to keep at least one team member on the track at all times.
This fundraiser has raised millions of dollars for new cancer research each year. Not only is it a way to find a cure, but it is also a special few days that cancer survivors, families and friends can get together and gather hope from one another. Everyone meets people who share similar stories and this makes them feel that they are not alone. If you or someone that you know is interested in becoming involved, there are four different parts that you can be involved in:
• Become a team captain - Fighting cancer is a team effort. The strength of people coming together for a common cause is greater than the strength of one.
• Donor/Sponsor - Relay for Life is a great way for corporations to demonstrate their commitment to fighting cancer in the community.
• Survivorship Activities - Your strength and courage help the community see that cancer survivorship is real-that we are making progress in the battle against cancer.
• Volunteer - Relay for Life is a community gathering, where everyone can participate in the fight against cancer. We need your help before, during, or after Relay.
The Relay for Life cancer walk has affected thousands of people. It has given people some financial help that they may not have received anywhere else, and they have also given them a new hope and outlook on life: You are not alone.
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Relay for Life Cancer Walk,
You Are Not Alone

By Roy Max
The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that in the year 2000 there were more than fifty-six (56) million deaths from all types of cancer worldwide. WHO estimates that the number of new cancer diagnoses will increase by 50% to more than fifteen (15) million new cases every year by the year 2020.
According to "The World Cancer Report" a study authored by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) there is an opportunity to have an impact and reduce the number of future diagnosed cases by taking immediate action today to preserve the health of the population, educate and address risk factors that least to cancer diagnoses. "Action now can prevent one third of cancers, cure another third, and provide good, palliative care to the remaining third who need it," said Dr. Paul Kleihues, Director of IARC.
In addition to preventative measures include lifestyle changes regarding healthy diet and exercise, as well as smoking cessation, education on the early detection of cancer symptoms is critical to positive patient resolution and a reduction in cancer morbidity rates.
Stomach cancer symptoms manifest as digestion issues, conditions of acid reflux and abdominal pain. Clinicians have concluded that a bacterium called a Helicobacter Pylori infection caused an estimated 85% of recorded stomach cancer occurrences.
Bowel cancer symptoms can appear as chronic diarrhea or changes in stool behavior either more frequent (diarrhea) or less frequent (constipation). Bowel cancer symptoms can at times be masked by other conditions such as hemorrhoids or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and can easily be misdiagnosed.
Throat cancer symptoms present themselves in the pharynx which is the hollow tube structure inside the neck that begins behind the nose and finishes where the airway and stomach esophagus begin. Initial symptoms can include a sore neck and open sores (or lesions) which may or may not bleed. Difficulty swallowing and a noticeable change of tone of voice are two throat cancer symptoms that present themselves at the onset. Mouth cancer symptoms can include large tumor growths in the upper-mouth, and around the lips and tongue.
Testicular cancer can be difficult to detect due to the reluctance of men to discuss problems with their testicles with their physicians. Attitudes toward sexuality and impeding sexual performance can be partly attributed to some of the hesitancies expressed by men to both conduct examinations and seek information and treatment.
Uterine cancer symptoms are the most common of all female reproduction system diagnoses and is the fourth most common cancer found in women worldwide. About 95% of uterine cancer is detected in the endometrial tissues inside the uterus with the other 5% detected in the musculature network outside the uterus. Cancer detected inside the tissue of the uterus is referred to as endometrial cancer and 2.6% of women in North America have a probability of developing this condition in their lifetime.
Pancreatic cancer in the United States alone are responsible for more than 40,000 deaths per year. The death rate from the diagnoses and the rate of confirmed cases of pancreatic cancer symptoms are almost equal, with mortality rates equivalent to new cases each year. Pancreatic cancer has the shortest average patient survival time of all types of cancer, with the average life span of a Stage II or higher diagnoses being less than one year.
Patient self-management is key and empowering individuals to be aware of changes and abnormalities in their own personal health is the best source of early detection and prevention of morbidity in cancer diagnosed populations.
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cancer symptoms,
Early Detection

By Laura Ancilli
Our body is a wonderful system and its precision in working to keep us healthy and strong is dependent on a balance of the right nutrients and the right environment.
If our daily diet is too unbalanced, or too harsh or indeed too acidic, our body will act promptly to re-establish the balance by using its own internal resources. In doing this our system might become depleted of some nutrients triggering the onset of an illness which will endure until the right nutrients are reintroduced in the body and the balance is achieved again.
A very common and simple example of this is high blood pressure caused by dehydration (there are also other causes of high blood pressure which will be addressed later). If we don't drink a sufficient quantity of water every day the body will source it from the cells and the blood. This will in turn make our blood thicker and cause a rising of blood pressure. The process that starts cancer seems to be similar, even though a bit more complex.
There is a particular type of cells in our body which is called "trophoblast". About 80% of the trophoblast cells are stored in women's ovaries and men's testes and they play a fundamental role in the conception and pregnancy. The remaining 20% of the trophoblast cells are everywhere else in the body and they are used to start a healing process in case of an injury, trauma or illness.
In 1902, John Beard a Scottish embryologist, found that the trophoblast cells are the ones protecting the implanting foetus against the mother's immune system and that, 9 months later when the birth is imminent, some pancreatic enzymes from the baby and the mother cause the destruction of the trophoblast cells and the consequent expulsion/birth of the new life. Trophoblast cells are also known to be multiplying faster than normal cells and to be immune-resistant.
John Beard also found that trophoblast cells are involved in the cancer process, surrounding the cancer and making it multiply and metastasize rapidly if they are not stopped at the right time by the intervention of enzymes. John Beard's theory, also known as the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer, has been researched and studied by many other scientists and we now know that some pregnancy tests which are based on the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) can actually show the presence of cancer in men and in non pregnant women.
One of the possible causes of cancer is that an injury, or a trauma, or a high concentration of toxicity in the body triggers the formation of a cancerous tumour through the intervention of the healing trophoblast cells, but because of nutritional deficiencies our body does not have the enzymes required to finish the work of the trophoblast cells and expel the cancer. Therefore it seems that the deficiency of important nutrients in our diet weakens and often prevents the ability of our body to react to cancer and get rid of it.
A correct and balanced diet which is mainly based on plenty of fresh, raw and possibly organic fruit and vegetables, increases the amount and strength of enzymes in our body and also keeps the pH alkaline Alkalinity creates an environment in which cancer will not grow and cannot survive. Also, the presence of enzymes ensures the correct functioning of the trophoblast cells and the consequent expulsion of cancer.
A predominantly vegetarian diet, with a very scarce use of meat, is fundamental to achieve and maintain a healthy level of pH (7.4) as well as plenty of good enzymes in our body. First of all fruit and vegies are generally high in anti-oxidants which are one of the first barriers of our body against the free radicals, known to cause several diseases including cancer. Secondly many fruit and vegetables actually contain precious enzymes therefore contributing to the enzyme storage of our body. Papain for example, an enzyme present in papaya, is well known in fighting cancer. On the contrary our body needs a huge amount of enzymes to digest meat and therefore eating meat actually depletes the body of enzymes.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only; it should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his/her health should contact a licensed medical professional.
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By Troy A Shanks
In case you are thinking about cutting down excess fat, having your cholesterol level in check and also keeping yourself away from diabetic issues, chlorella could be exactly the ideal super food. Research workers have not too long ago looked into the consequences of Chlorella on people who have high-risk variables for chosen lifestyle conditions and discovered that chlorella impacts a beneficial end result by managing gene manifestation. Some other brand new results also have combined with chlorella's remarkable qualifications.
Chlorella is known as a powerful cancer fighter
Chlorella energizes the disease fighting capability and also the generation of interferon, on the list of human body's finest organic protection in opposition to most cancers. Improved interferon generation is considered to activate macrophages, T-cells as well as tumor necrosis component. This leads to the immune system having the ability to fight foreign intruders whether or not they are infections, microorganisms, chemical substances or foreign amino-acids. Chlorella's DNA restoration system has also long been discussed.
A lot of animal scientific studies have recorded chlorella's performance in opposition to most cancers. One particular research included mice supplied chlorella before getting transplanted with breast cancer growths. The final results showed a 70 % survival rate on the chlorella given crew, and then a control team success rate of absolutely nothing.
In one more research, 15 glioblastoma sufferers have been taken care of using great amounts of chlorella, in some instances coupled with radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Glioblastoma is known as the form of lethal brain tumor not too long ago clinically diagnosed in Senator Kennedy. Their overall health and immune system standing improved right away, and so they encountered a 40 % two-year resistance rate, as opposed to regular two year survival rate of 10 % in this form of cancer.
Chlorella facilitates the stability in the body's pH
It truly is thought by a lot of health specialists that sickness gets going and grows fastest in the acidic human body conditions. Any kind of diet plan which is lacking in vegetables and fruit is going to be acidic in nature. The intake of smooth beverages and highly processed fruit refreshments are specifically acid building much like diet plans loaded with meats and uncultured milk products.
Good pH balance is crucial for health, and the entire body would go to excellent measures to keep up the appropriate pH of the bloodstream, by improving the take in of oxygen and also by pushing alkaline mineral deposits out from the bone tissues to use to barrier any excessive level of acidity. This is the reason why ingestion of smooth beverages is related to osteoporosis.
Chlorella happens to be an alkaline food; this means it displays levels of acidity. This stimulates improved bone mass considering that the human body is not really compromising mineral deposits in the bones to produce appropriate acid/alkaline stability. Metabolic functionality is consequently increased. The intake of alkaline foods has long been related to increased immune system capability, kidney performance, substantial vitality, and decreased allergic reactions.
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Defeat Cancers,
Sun Chlorella

By James Turner
Cancer when caught early can be treated. There are several cancer treatment options such as surgery, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, radiation therapy and targeted therapy. These treatments are usually combined together for a successful treatment of cancer. Most of these treatments are aggressive which usually have side effects. Aside from modern treatments, oriental medicine and alternative medicine practitioners have come up with different alternative cancer treatments. These alternative treatments emphasize the use of Mother Nature in the treatment of cancer. There are many alternative cancer treatment centers these days found in many countries all over the world.
Herbal Treatment:
The use of herbs and other plants in the treatment of different illnesses has been tried and tested. Despite the invention of powerful and modern drugs, many people opt to use herbs because herbs usually do not have side effects and adverse effects. Many researches have been done to create the ultimate cure for cancer. To this end, alternative medicine practitioners are also doing their best to find a cancer cure. A highly recommended alternative cancer treatment is the use of herbs for cancer treatment. Some of the top cancer herbs are garlic, red clover, chaparral and Echinacea. Garlic is a very powerful herb which can be used as an anti-bacterial, anti-parasitical, anti-fungal and anti-viral. Those who have cancer should eat at least 3 to 5 cloves of raw garlic everyday. Those whose cancer is already in its advance stage should increase their garlic intake to eight cloves per day. Chaparrals and red clovers also have anti-cancer properties.
Chaparral in particular is a good liver cancer alternative treatment because it has liver stimulants which can remove the toxins in the liver. Echinacea boosts the immune system which is very important when fighting cancer. For those with stage 4 cancers, a popular cancer alternative treatment is the 'grape cancer cure.' This alternative treatment which was developed by Johanna Brandt focuses on the use of grapes for the treatment of cancer. There are other herbs which can be used to fight cancer.
Holistic Cancer Treatment:
Holistic alternative medicine as a cancer cure is gaining popularity. Holistic healing is a kind of treatment which focuses on the person as a whole. This means that the treatment does not focus on the illness alone but on all aspects of the patient's life. The spiritual, social, emotional, mental and physical aspects are all considered in the treatment of the person. Holistic cancer treatment uses different therapies such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, energy-based therapies, counseling, prayer, exercise and many more. All these treatments or therapies aim to restore balance in the human body. In the treatment of cancer, a person's fighting spirit is important. This is where holistic healing as an alternative cancer treatment comes in. It helps a person stay mentally strong while undergoing cancer treatment.
Complementary Medicine:
Complementary medicine refers to different treatments which are used along side with conventional treatments. Examples of complementary medicines are yoga, tai chi, acupuncture, massage and meditation. Some people say that complementary medicine works in the same way a placebo does. However, studies have shown that people who used complementary techniques along with conventional medicine have a higher chance of successfully beating cancer.
There are many other alternative cancer treatments aside from what has been mentioned. Many doctors and people are skeptical about these treatments. However, many cancer survivors who used alternative medicines are living proofs of the effectiveness of these treatments.
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Alternative Cancer Treatments,
Other Solutions

By James Turner
Based on research, there are more than 100 types of cancer these days. These types have different causes and they also have different unique characteristics. They have causes, risk factors and signs and symptoms. All types of this disease are chronic and life-threatening although when they are diagnosed early, the rate of survival is also high. Every year thousands of people die because of this terrible disease. All organs of the body can be affected by cancer.
Common Causes
Each type of cancer has its own manifestation. But there are some risk factors which can be associated with all types. One of the most common risk factor is family history. People with a family history of any kinds of the disease are at risk of developing it. In addition, an unhealthy lifestyle can also cause many kinds of cancer. Eating unhealthy foods, and especially those rich in fat, and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of several kinds. Genetics can also play a role for some kinds of the disease. Changes in certain genes can cause some types. Cigarette smoking and too much alcohol intake can also contribute to the development of the disease.
Most Common Cancer
Based on studies done in the US, there are 12 common types of cancer. Lung cancer, which tops the list of the most common type, is also the leading cause of death among men and women. The other common types are bladder, colon and rectal, kidney, breast, and endometrial cancer. The remaining 6 common cancers are melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma leukemia, prostate, pancreatic and thyroid cancer.
Brain Cancer
Brain cancer can affect both adults and children and they can be benign or malignant. Some types of the disease can be asymptomatic which means that they do not have any signs or symptoms. These kinds of brain diseases are usually diagnosed in their advance stage only. There are 8 kinds of brain cancer. This type, which may occur in childhood are: brain stem glioma, ependymoma, visual pathway and hypothalamic glioma and cerebellar astrocytoma. Brain tumor affects adults.
Breast Cancer
Women are basically the ones affected by breast cancer although these days a very small percentage of men can also develop the disease. Based on studies at least 200,000 women are affected by breast cancer in the US. There are five common kinds of this disease of the breast area. There are inflammatory breast, lobular carcinoma in situ, ductal carninoma in situ, Paget's disease of the nipple and invasive breast cancer.
Digestive and Gastrointestinal Cancers
All the organs of the digestive and gastrointestinal system can be affected by the disease. Examples are anal, colon, liver, bile duct, pancreatic and rectal cancer. Other types of the disease under these systems include gallbladder, stomach, small intestine cancer, esophageal and carcinoid tumor.
There are many more kinds of cancer which affects the different systems of the body. For instance, the endocrine system can be affected by pituitary tumor and parathyroid cancer. The genitourinary system can also develop penile, testicular, urethral and bladder cancer. Thousands of women also suffer from gynecologic cancers every year such as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, vulvar cancer and endometrial cancer.
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the Different,
Types of Cancer

By James Turner
Cancer prevention is better than cancer treatment. Although there are several cancer treatments options these days, it is still better to prevent the disease from occurring. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and other kinds of cancer treatments are effective when the cancer is diagnosed in its early stage. Even with the most advance medical equipment and powerful drugs, it is very difficult to treat cancer in its advance stage. This is the reason why many doctors recommend everyone especially those with a family history of cancer to watch out for the different cancer symptoms and signs. Early diagnosis is very imperative for a successful treatment of cancer. Those who are at risk for any kind of cancer should have a regular checkup. In addition, everyone should be aware of the different signs and symptoms of cancer.
General Signs and Symptoms
There are more than 200 kinds of cancer and each has different signs and symptoms. There are however some general signs and symptoms for which are associated with all types of cancer. The acronym CAUTION is usually used to help people remember the warning cancer signs and symptoms. The C stands for change in the bowel habits while the A stands for a cut or sore which does not heal. The U means unusual discharge or bleeding and the T is for thickening or lump in any part of the body especially the breast. The I stands for indigestion or difficulties in swallowing. On the other hand, O means obvious changes in a mole or a wart while the N stands for nagging cough or hoarseness. These general cancer symptoms should be remembered by every one. If you experience any of these signs and symptoms, you should go to your doctor immediately.
Lung Cancer Signs and Symptoms
Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer death both in men and women worldwide according to cancer statistics as of 2004. Most of the common lung cancer symptoms do not appear immediately. Hence, those who have a family history of lung cancer and smokers should undergo lung cancer tests regularly. The signs and symptoms of lung cancer are shortness of breath (dyspnea), chronic coughing, pain in the abdomen or chest area and coughing up of blood (hemoptysis). Other symptoms are wheezing, weight loss, fatigue, hoarseness and loss of appetite.
Brain Cancer Signs and Symptoms
Some brain cancer types do not manifest any cancer symptoms or signs which is why it is difficult to diagnose the disease in its early stage. There are some warning signs and symptoms to watch out for. They might be caused by other brain diseases but doctors recommend individuals to watch out for them nonetheless. Brain cancer symptoms are usually caused by the presence of the tumor which can cause swelling and inflammation in the brain. The common brain cancer symptoms and signs are headache, difficulty in walking, seizures, weakness and clumsiness. Another symptom to watch out for is changes in a person's mental status such as changes in memory, attention and concentration. Nausea and vomiting early in the morning, speech difficulties, vision abnormalities and gradual changes in the emotional and intellectual capacity of a person are other signs and symptoms to be aware of.
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cancer symptoms,
Watch Out For

By James Turner
Cancer is not just a physical disease. It affects all aspects of life which is why it is difficult to treat cancer. Cancer patients do not just suffer physically; they also experience psychological, emotional, mental and social pain. This is the reason why cancer treatment does not focus on the physical manifestations of the illness alone. In fact some doctors think that the psychological aspect of the treatment is as important as the physical. Cancer patients who have no willpower to fight the disease usually do not survive even if they undergo the most advance treatments. The psychological effects of cancer cannot be avoided but if a patient remains psychologically strong, he or she can beat cancer successfully.
Cancer Pain:
Pain is one of the worst physical manifestations of cancer. It can be mild or severe depending on the severity of the disease. Some patients feel the pain for a couple of minutes only but those who have advance stage of cancer usually experience continuous cancer pain. Pain can bring about many of the psychological effects of cancer. When a person is in pain, he or she usually feel stressed, anxious, depressed, sad and fatigued. When cancer patients feel stressed, anxious and fatigued, they cannot enjoy life and they cannot concentrate on doing any physical activity. In addition, they are usually irritable and they might sometimes act inappropriately. In many cancer treatment centers, pain management includes the psychological treatment of pain such as cognitive therapy.
Sleep Disruption:
Many cancer patients also suffer from lack of sleep which can also be a result of the emotional and mental stress caused by cancer. Many cannot sleep because of the pain or because they are thinking of the possible negative effects of the disease on them. Getting enough sleep is important for cancer patients because they need this to strengthen their immune system to fight the disease.
According to studies, 15 to 25 percent of cancer patients suffer from depression. Depression among cancer patients is characterized by decreased interest in activities, depression most of the time and feelings of worthlessness. They may also feel excessive guilt, lose their appetite and think of committing suicide. Depression is one of the worst psychological effects of cancer. To address depression doctors often use anti-depressants and they also use cognitive behavioral therapy.
Anxiety is something that humans normally experience when they do not know the outcome of certain situations especially if the outcome is potentially dangerous or negative. Since cancer has no definite cure, it is understandable for cancer patients to feel anxious. The most common reaction of humans to anxiety is avoidance which is a big problem for cancer patients. Due to anxiety, they might avoid going to their treatments and doctor's appointments. Some even do not go to the doctor for diagnostic purposes because they fear what they might find out. To treat anxiety, many doctors recommend relaxation exercises to cancer patients. It is also good to analyze your anxiety patterns. Know the time when you usually feel anxious and take note of any factors which triggers your anxiety. These things can help you overcome the psychological effects of cancer.
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Physical Disease,
The Psychological Effects

By Janice Swederska
Cancer...I might as well of said a four letter word. Cancer is in some cases is a topic less discussed than infidelity in a marriage. It is definitely something most people don't think about until it is to late. For instance the smokers who still smoke even though they know the risk they are putting themselves into. Or the sun worshiping individuals who believe sun block will give them a skin disease. With all the evidence in today's world I still find it surprising most people don't know the basic definition for Cancer, an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.
While most assume that having cancer means a death sentence there are new and innovative technologies which are paving the way for it just to be a speed bump in the road of life. Even though there are more ways to cure cancer, a huge part of this struggle is to do as much prevention as possible. Not smoking and sun tanning is a great way to start but, you should also focus on what is at home if your refrigerator as well. With a ever increasing mortality rate from cancer in obese men and women, a healthy lifestyle with nutrition and exercise is an extremely important step in to prevention of cancer.
Cancer is something which use to scare me, I assumed it was as bad as the plague. It wasn't until someone very close and helpless was diagnosed with cancer, I decided to stop being afraid of this "disease" and learn how to prevent and beat it! This is what brings me to this class. This is the beginning of my road in helping find a way to prevent and cure cancer with research and development focusing on adolescent cancer and chemo therapy. Even though most childhood cancers are not preventable there are ways to make more success stories and a lower mortality rate from risk of infection. I don't believe when a child survives it is just luck I feel it is someone's hard work and dedication which saved that life. With the ever advancing medical technology I truly feel there is a way to maybe not cure all cancer but to put up a winning fight against it.
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The New Four Letter,