By James Turner
Cancer is one of man's most feared diseases because of its devastating effect in all aspects of a patient's life. Until now there is no definite cancer cure. Every year millions of dollars are put into cancer research in hope of finding a cure to the different kinds of cancer. Anti-cancer vaccines and drugs have been created but these vaccines and drugs are not the ultimate cure for cancer. Since the cure for cancer is still ongoing, many doctors and cancer experts are recommending individuals to focus on preventing the occurrence of this disease. After all, as the old adage says 'prevention is better than cure.' Lifestyle changes such as having a healthy diet and an active lifestyle are recommended. Both Western and oriental medicine agree that eating healthy foods will definitely help in the prevention of cancer. In addition, some experts have come up with anti-cancer diets to prevent cancer.
Cancer and diet are closely related because it is believed that many foods can cause cancer especially colon cancer. Hence, many doctors recommend individuals especially those with family history of cancer to have healthy eating habits. Many people think that anti-cancer diets are the same as a vegetarian diet which is why many are reluctant to try them. This is not true. There are many kinds of cancer prevention diets which includes various kinds of food.
One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to limit intake of foods high in saturated fat. Saturated fat has low density lipoproteins (LDL) which can boost the growth of tumor cells. In addition, when a person eats foods rich in fat, the liver produces bile to help digest the fat. Too much bile in the large intestine will be converted into apholic acid which is a known carcinogen. Having a low-fat diet does not mean you should not eat meat and other foods which contains fat. It means that individuals should limit their daily intake of fat. Avoid foods which contain hydrogenated fats such as fast foods because these are carcinogenic because of their high saturated fat content. Many doctors recommend fat intake should only be 20 percent or less of the total food calories. In addition, eat foods which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids because it has been proven that these foods actually have anticancer properties. Seafood, legumes, vegetable oils such as olive oil and canola oil are high in omega 3. These are anti-cancer foods.
Another anticancer diet is the high intake of raw fruits and vegetables. Among the many anti-cancer diets, this is one of the highly recommended cancer fighting diet. It has been established that eating raw fruits and vegetables can decrease the risk of all kinds of cancer. Fruits and vegetables contain natural carcinogen blocking agents such as indols, phenols, isothiocyanates, flavones and cumines. The cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, mustard greens and broccoli should be a part of the diet since they can decrease cancer risk significantly.
Colon cancer is one the most common cancer. To prevent its occurrence, a high fiber diet is advised by many cancer experts. Fiber can promote a faster bowel movement which decreases potential contact between carcinogens and the intestine. Fiber also absorbs bile which can also become a carcinogen when it stays in the large intestines for a long time. In addition, fiber also promotes the growth of good bacteria which can also prevent development of cancer. Foods rich in fiber are legumes, whole wheat, beans, whole grains and prunes. The Breuss cancer diet is also very good for colon cancer. This diet emphasizes the use or raw fruit and vegetable juices. Many people who tried the Breuss cancer diet can attest to its effectiveness.
People who cannot imagine becoming vegetarians should not worry. There are many anti-cancer diets which are not wholly plant-based. Although a plant-based diet is the best diet for cancer prevention, eating meat and seafood is still an option. However, red meat should be avoided. Eat lean meat as much as possible. In addition, if possible avoid red meat and eat seafood instead. Lean meat contains less saturated fat. Sea food as mentioned above is rich in omega 3 which can decrease the risk of cancer and prevent heart diseases as well.
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Anti-Cancer Diets Provide,
Defense Against,
First Line,
Terrible Disease

By Terry Mattingly
When I started to research cancer after I started to feel ill a few years ago I noticed a few distinct categories.
The cancer would always fall in four to five categories. They are Leukemia, Lymphomas, Sarcomas and Carcinomas. The fifth is Melanomas or just skin type cancer's. Some will say Adenocarcinoma is on the list instead of the skin cancers, so we will just leave it at these 6 categories.
If you are feeling really ill and weak a definite action to take is to rule out cancer especially if the symptoms last for a lengthy period of time. Symptoms to look for cancer would be weakness, paleness, fever and flu-like symptoms that wont go away. This could be a sign of cancer in your blood or bone marrow which is basically your immune system.
Symptoms for cancer in the bones could be the most obvious, bone pain. Common areas for cancer to start are the thigh bones or long bones. Also in the long bones of the arms which is the forearm area. If the bone pain is not noticeable in normal situations like watching TV or walking but is aggravated when picking something up or when walking up a flight of stairs where the legs have to bend and put stress on the thighs, that is definite sign to get yourself checked.
My thigh bone pain is what set me to investigate the possibilities of cancer in my body. I was hiking to a waterfall on my 40th birthday and the bone pain in my legs was getting worse. I had noticed it before but decided to ignore it. That was the tipping point, the pain was too much for hiking rather than just walking around the house and I decided to get myself to a doctor.
I ignored the pain for 2 years because it was slight and it had a gradual build up as I was too busy working to go to a health provider. That was my first mistake, I almost waited for too long to get myself checked. The cancer discovered was Lymphoma that had spread to my bones. The treatments and procedures I experienced to get well and are currently still doing will be shared in another article. The focus for this article will be for symptoms for cancer so you the reader will not avoid what your body is telling you.
Other symptoms to be aware of also are rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, constipation alternating with diarrhea, weight loss and weakness with pale complexion. These can be general symptoms for many disease but the difference with cancer is they usually get worse and do not resolve itself like the flu will.
As common sense dictates concerning lumps or masses in any part of the body they must be taken seriously. The masses that do not go away and that have a strange type of pain you have not experienced before must be an area of concern for you. I had a small bump on the side of my head above my ear in the hair that kept getting bigger and had pain involved when touched. After a checkup and biopsy it turned about to be a type of skin cancer and was promptly removed. I also ignored this for about two and half years until it got to about an inch in size.
Cancer is very common today with all the chemicals, heavy metals and dyes used in today's goods and food. Knowing this and knowing some symptoms for cancer it should be imperative to protect yourself and the things around you (cancer causing products). To prevent cancer do a self-diagnoses for symptoms and be aware of the chemicals you use and the foods you eat. You are the one who knows your self the best.
Do research on the internet of your symptoms. Don't be afraid to check with your health care provider even if you have to tell them what you have found on the internet concerning what your body is telling you.
I have a growing list of symptoms for cancer that is available for those who might need a quick list to look over.
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Symptoms for Cancer

By Danny Jaggers
Honeybees are highly disciplined teams dedicated to helping each other survive. They make valuable products like honey, wax and something called propolis. Propolis is a Greek term meaning before the city or pro - polis. Honeybees have tunnels and walkways they go through to get inside their dwellings. These tunnels and walkways are made of a resin, something like hardened tree sap, and that material is called propolis. Bees sweat wax, not sweat like we do. This wax is mixed with their saliva and the sap. At this point it becomes propolis.
Entrance and exit tunnels and walkways are built out of propolis. This propolis has antibiotic properties and is used by bees to trap germs, viruses, fungus, dirt and etc. so that they don't track diseases into their dwelling. People have theorized that if we could eat bee propolis then we could kill the germs and things, which try to kill us. Some people sip drops of liquefied bee propolis throughout the day when they have a sore throat or fever or other infectious illness. Bee propolis is also taken in capsule form to help prevent infection.
Bee Pro Polis is also known to fight free radicals which makes it useful as a defender against the aging process and cancer. Can also be used topically to help repair injury and heal wounds. Recently Bee Pro Polis has been researched for use in the dental field as it may protect against dental caries and oral disease due to its antimicrobial properties.
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Bee Pro Polis

By Sally Wilson
The following is a list to supplement a previous article published in Ezine by the same author, entitled 'ABC Herbs and Plants Used in the Treatment of Cancer'.
These represent some of the many herbs that have been used in traditional medicine over centuries and remain in use even by modern herbalists of our day.
Other herbs have been successfully employed in production of modern medical drugs. The wholesome properties as nature offered us in the raw plant materials, are far superior to the 'active ingredients' isolated from the plant sources and used in drug manufacture.
Many hundreds of herbs are still being researched for effective use in the treatment of different types of cancer and require further scientific approval before general acceptance by the medical profession. Nevertheless increasing numbers of independent doctors dedicated to their professional healing ethic are motivated by the unsatisfactory methods in common medical practice today and are willing to trial 'alternative' methods.
Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea is Dr Vogel's particular recommendation for its beneficial action on the whole body when under stress of cancer or other serious disease. This medicine is followed by many who wish to follow non-invasive methods of treatment.
Ganoderma lucidum Reishi Mushroom has strong anti inflammatory action. It has been used for centuries in eastern medicine in the treatment of cancer. Modern tests show that the powder from the gills or spores of these mushrooms can give as much relief from inflammation as hydrocortisone and aspirin with none of their side effects, whether administered orally or topically. It is regarded as the most valuable cancer remedy in Chinese medicine. It has equal use as a cancer preventive when incorporated into the regular diet.
Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice Root, Sweetwood is rated highly by herbalists in treating many diseases including cancerous conditions.
Grifola frondosa Maitake Mushroom or Dancing Mushroom is very large in form and the most potent immunio-stimulant amongst all mushrooms. An adaptogen used for cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, HIV infection. Effective in treatment of lung cancer, breast cancer, skin cancers, prostate cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer. In Chinese medicine it also is used for leukaemia and in treatment of fibroid tumours. Its wonderful properties are valued in research for treatment of HIV and Aids.
Lappa major syn Arctium lappa Burdock Root is favoured as a food when young shorts and roots are used in stir fries and the extract is used as a mild cancer inhibitor.
Larrea divaricata Chaparral is a North American cure for cancer which has very high success rate. Leaves and stems are used to make a tea and this is taken - 3 x per day.
Lentinula edodes Shiitake Mushroom has marked anti-tumour activity and prevents cancer recurrence of metastasis after surgery. Shiitake contains lentinan and is taken as tonic and immune booster. Shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries, fresh as well as being dried.
Lycopersicon esculentum Tomatoes contain nitrosamine blockers. Nitrosamine can negatively encourage cancer. It is understandable that tomatoes are highly valued in our diet both as antioxidants and to inhibit cancer. Some genetically engineered new varieties such as the purple tomato are under trial for special benefits. We await results.
Mandragora officinarium Mandrake - the European herb provides a traditional remedy when used with caution. Not to be confused with the American mandrake, Podophyllum peltatum.
Panax ginseng Oriental Ginseng and P. quinquefolium American Ginseng, Xi Yang Shen
One of the most revered traditional remedies to balance the cells of body and brain and particularly successful in treatment of cancerous conditions.
Petasites officinalis syn P. vulgaris Butterbur is perhaps the most important first consideration of herbalists prescribing for cancer in western communities. The famous Swiss Dr. Vogel claims it has remarkable results, even when merely used in conjunction with an improved and natural lifestyle.
Pfaffia paniculata Pfaffia, Suma, Brazilian Ginseng, Amazon Ginseng from the rainforests of the Matto Grosso region of Brazil is known by many common names. The root is used in medicine for treating cancer amongst other diseases. Its action enhances physical immunity and chronic infections. It is proven to inhibit certain cancerous cells and is used as a reliable traditional remedy.
Scutellaria barbata Scullcap is a plant used in China as in western herbalism when S. lateriflora or Virginia Skullcap is used.
Solanum family has many species that offer healing properties as well as needing caution in their use as medicines. Of these, it is Dogbane - Woody Nightshade and Milkweed extracts that have active-compounds useful in treatment of Cancer.
Symphytum officinale Comfrey provides a soothing herb for those suffering cancer of the gastro-intestinal tract.
Tamus communis Black Bryony is highly toxic although used with care by experienced traditional herbalists.
Taraxacum officinale Dandelion leaves are added to salads and the roots grated or taken as a coffee alternative. It is a cottage remedy for liver problems.
Taxus brevifolia Pacific Yew Tree is the source of the new modern medicinal drug 'taxol'
that seemed to offer great promise as a potential cure for cancer.
Trifolium pratense Red Clover is particularly useful in treatment of irregularities of the blood and gaining recognition as a positive benefit in various cancer treatments.
Triticum aestivum Wheatgrass Juice - a little each day of the juice of common young wheat is claimed as a home cure as proven by Anne Wigmore.
Tylophora indica, T. Asthmatica from India and also Australia is a twining plant has an alkaloid shown to shrink cancer in rats. These species are regularly used in traditional medicine in India. In Australian laboratories two alkaloids have been isolated that would indicate its proven benefits in the treatment of cancer.
Vinca major Periwinkle is well known in the successful treatment of leukaemia and some claim in other forms of cancer also.
Viola odorata Violets of several species are used in cancer cures including the famous Hoxsey remedy. Leaves are made into a tisane and used for external bathing and also as internal tonic. It is an ancient remedy for relieving pain as well as to cure tumours.
Viscum album - Mistletoe is an old traditional European cancer medicine to help balance cell metabolism. It is surrounded with legend and implication that gives almost magical healing when the dose is accurately prescribed. It is commonly given in homoeopathic form.
Zeodary, Curcuma zedoaria and Tumeric, Curcuma longa - anti-mutagens and anti-oxidants - anti cancer agents. These are regularly enjoyed in foods and claimed in India to prevent cancer and reduce tumours.
It is not possible to give details beyond this basic outline of some of the herbs and plants that promise success in the treatment of cancer. Nor have we been able to detail how herbs are best employed in self help when cautions must be strictly observed. We suggest you consult a professional herbalist if you need more practical information.
However there is much we can do to help ourselves. We can become familiar with the vast amount of information available on the Web. We can focus upon a study of the causes and known carcinogens and avoid these factors as much as possible.
We can use our common sense in adding natural plant substances to a diet is based upon a predominance of fresh, natural produce and incorporate the culinary herbs that are specific tonics and preventives.
We can also persevere in attempting to align our physical and psychological attitudes in a positive fashion and will be bound to enjoy positive results.
It is a good idea to keep abreast of the most recent 'new' findings of science and modern medicine as research continues all over the world. For instance, a plant receiving much recent attention is a milkweed plant that is yet to be officially identified, found in Central America. There the villagers have used the plant for centuries, not only as a traditional heart stimulant but as a remedy for cancers, warts and similar growths - they call it "cancerillo"!
Traditional Chinese medicine offers no single word to identify what they consider are the many complex conditions and manifestations of the disease that western medicine includes under the one name 'cancer'. In the ancient system of medicine in China, cancer is seen as a complex disease and treated accordingly. Although this philosophy has been shared by western naturopathy for generations it is only now being seriously considered by modern medicine.
So remember, we do not have to suffer surgery, chemotherapy and other medical procedures that cause us to suffer serious side effects in addition to the symptoms directly related to the disease. We have free will that allows us to seek for alternatives and we can do no better than to look to the natural plant medicines used in the various enduring cultures of the world.
These are best applied in conjunction with your doctor.
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Herbs and Plants,
the Treatment Of Cancer

By Stuart Ben
Cancer, in its many different forms and types is a disease most of us fear. The different types of treatments are not easy to go through, physically and mentally and their success rates aren't always high. Among factors that can affect the treatment's odds and chances to beat the disease, is the extremely important factor of early detection.
No matter what cancer type it is, early detection always increases the odds to beat the disease and clear one's body from the cancerous cells or remove the tumor. Early detection is sometimes critical while it often leads to the treatments beginning in the early stages of the cancer, when the chances that the cancer has spread are still low and that the tumor hasn't had a lot of time to grow. If the cancer hasn't spread, treatment can be targeted in a better way with any kind of treatment available (surgery, chemotherapy or radiation to name a few) and thus raise the chances to expel the cancer from the body.
To detect a cancer tumor in or on our body in its early stages, we must be alert to possible cancer symptoms and basically be attentive to our body. We mustn't ignore abnormalities in our body and dismiss them as "nothing", as me must look into what's wrong and make sure it is "nothing".
There are many different cancer symptoms, as there are many different types of cancer. But there are a few symptoms that are universal and most cancers share.
One major symptom is of course an abnormal growth or lump that appears anywhere on your body. If the specific part of the body is not supposed to suddenly grow, this may indicate there is a problem. Woman can feel lumps in their breasts that may indicate there is breast cancer; thyroid cancer manifests as a lump under the skin which you can see and feel in the neck area, lymphoma will make your lymph nodes larger than they normally are. In Melanoma, the cancer will appear on your skin as a lump, a brown spot or a mole suddenly changing.
Another very frequent cancer symptom is abnormal bleeding. Different types of cancer manifests in unexpected bleeding. Bladder, kidney and prostate cancer can cause blood to appear in the urine, colorectal cancer causes blood to appear in the stool and endometrial and cervical cancer can cause abnormal vaginal bleeding, both during menstrual periods and between them. Lung cancer can cause one to cough up blood or for blood to appear in the sputum and leukemia can cause excessively bleeding. Once one is experiencing unusual bleeding, they should have it checked out.
Different types of cancer also cause the universal symptoms of sudden weight loss or weakness and fatigue. Cancer can cause an unplanned drop in your weight for no apparent reason, as it can be accompanied by a loss of appetite, but not necessarily. Most cancers also can cause unexplained weakness and tiredness and one will not understand why.
In addition to general cancer symptoms as mentioned, there is always the subjective symptom of sudden unexplained pain in a certain area of the body. One may experience pain in the pelvis area from prostate, cervical and endometrial cancer. Bladder cancer can cause pain during urination, colorectal will cause pain in the stomach as will pancreatic cancer, lung cancer can cause chest pain, thyroid Cancer can cause pain in the neck and throat and your leukemia may cause bone and joint pain.
It is important to understand that any of these cancer symptoms mentioned above do not mean that anyone experiencing them necessarily has cancer. These are also symptoms that can be caused by different and other conditions then a cancerous tumor. However, if one of these does appear, it is important not to neglect it and have a doctor examine the problem.
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cancer symptoms,
Paying Attention

By Stuart Ben
Whenever one hears about 'Cancer Treatments' they immediately think of the words: 'chemotherapy' and 'radiation'. It is unknown to most how a cancer patient's treatment is specifically determined. Patients do not know when will one receive chemotherapy or radiation treatments (or maybe both) and when one will undergo surgery or maybe none of the above as they will be introduced to additional treatment options.
Firstly, it should be known that each cancer patient receives a personal tailored treatment plan, according to his or her cancerous tumor. When an oncologist approaches a patient in order to start planning his treatment regime we will look in to a few different factors including the location of the cancer, the stage of the cancer, has it spread to other organs, the size of the growth and the specific type of the disease. In some cases the oncologist may also take into consideration the age and general health of the patient and in women, the doctor can take into consideration future procreation preferences. Once all this is known, the oncologist will design a treatment plan designated for the patient.
Surgery is one main option for cancer removal, depending on the tumor of course. Not every cancer is operable as it depends on the stage, size and location of the growth. If the cancerous cells are accessible and the tumor is still in its early stages, then the surgeon will prefer to try and remove the whole tumor at once, pending on the fact that the cancer hasn't spread. Sometimes, if the infected organ is not vital to the patient's life (a kidney or the uterus for example) then it is possible the surgeon will want to remove the whole organ that contains the cancer. Sometimes there can be a partial removal of organs with the cancerous cells.
A surgery can be accompanied by additional treatments and may not be enough by itself. These additional treatments can include chemotherapy and radiation treatments.
Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to try and kill the cancerous cells in the patient's body. The drugs are usually given in cycles that are supposed to maximize its affect which is to stop or slow down the growth of the cancer cells in the body. The specific type of chemo drugs is decided based on the type of cancer, whether you've gone through chemotherapy before and other health problems you might have. As stated above, chemotherapy can be the only cancer treatment; however, it will usually be given along with surgery, radiation therapy, or biological therapy.
Radiation therapy describes the use of high-energy radiation (x-rays or gamma rays) to shrink tumors and destroy cancerous cells. The radiation destroys the cell's DNA and cells with damaged DNA stop dividing or die. The rays are delivers by an external machine or from a radioactive device temporarily placed within the patient's body. As with chemotherapy, radiation is often given along with other types of treatments.
Beyond these three most common treatments, there are additional types of cancer treatments. Biological therapy, similar to chemotherapy, fights cancer with the use of drugs. However, biotherapy works with the immune system and helps the immune system cells fight cancer while chemotherapy directly attacks the cancerous cells. Thyroid cancer is treated sometimes with the use of radioactive Iodine I-131 which is absorbed into the bloodstream with the intention to begin destroying the gland's cells and there are also hormonal treatments that are supposed to balance hormones that encourage the growth of cancerous cells in the body
As a final counter measure, cancer patients should always inquire about experimental treatments and try to get in to clinical trials designated for cancer patients.
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By Funom Makama
The aim of therapy is to reduce the tumor mass within the shortest possible time and to destroy the remaining cells and prevent them from multiplying and disseminating. This ideal is possibly achieved only in the case of very few cancers but in the majority of cases this is not possible due to:
1. late diagnosis
2. presence of secondaries early in the disease
3. surgical risk, and
4. toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapeutic agents.
Surgery and radiotherapy are most effective to reduce the initial tumor load. These are the prime modalities of treatment in solid tumors. In the case of disseminated neoplasms like leukemia and myeloma and in the case of some rapidly growing tumors like trophoblastic tumors, chemotherapy has to be employed as the first line of treatment.
Tumor cells are more radiosensitive as they proliferate faster than normal cells. Radio-therapy may be given as the only modality of treatment or combined with surgery and chemotherapy. With the advent of highly sophisticated equipment such as the linear accelerator, large doses (5000-6000 rads) may be focused on deep seated tumors with only minimal injury to adjacent tissues. Therapeutic efficacy of radiation is enhanced by exposure to hyperbaric oxygen and radiosensitizing drugs such as metronidazole.
Chemotherapy is the sheet anchor of therapy in leukemia, advanced lymphomas, chorio-carcinoma and other widely disseminated malignancies. It is combined with surgery in embronal tumors and used as the primary treatment in advanced cancers not amenable to surgery or radiation. The effectiveness of cytotoxic drugs is directly proportional to the inversely proportional to the number of cancer cells. Prior reduction of tumor mass by veness of chemotherapy. Cytotoxic drugs are nonselective and affect all cells which are in certain phases of their proliferative activity.
Commonly used anticancer drugs
alkylating agents
They form electrophilic ions making covalent bonds (alkylation) with guanine residues leading to cross-linking of DNA strands and interference in DNA replication.
1. cycclophosphamide, Endoxan, cytoxan: 10-150 mg oral daily or 1g/m2 every 3 weeks. Most important side effects are cystitis and marrow suppression.
2. Nitrogen mustard, mustargen: 6 mg/m2 infusion/intravenous. S.E could be Local inflammation.
3. Phenylalanine mustard, Alkeran Melphalan: 6 mg/m2/d oral for 5-10 days, every 4-6 weeks intravenous or oral.
4. Chlorambucil Leukeran: 0.1 mg/Kg/day.
5. Busulfan Myeleran: 4-12 mg/day oral. Most important side effect is primary fibrosis.
They inhibit dihydrofolate reductase; tetrahydrofolate is not produced; one carbon unit is not available for DNA synthesis. An example of such drugs is Amethopterin Methotrexate. Dosage is 5 mg/day oral or 30 mg/ m2 intravenous twice weekly. S.E could be Marrow suppression; hepatic and renal toxicity.
Inhibit thymidylate synthetase and thus DNA synthesis. Example of such is 5-fluorouracil. Dose is 15-20 mg/Kg/ week intravenous; maximum dose is 1g. Important S.E are gastro intestinal disturbance and marrow suppression.
Also inhibit deoxycytidine and DNA synthesis and a good example is Cytosine arabinoside and Cytosar Ara-C cytarabine. Normal does is 100 mg/day intravenously.
Interfere with purine biosynthesis and interconversions.
1. 6-Mercaptopurine Purinethol (Hypoxanthine analogue). Dosage is 2.5 mg/Kg/day Oral. Most important S.E is Hepatoxicity and marrow suppression.
2. 6-Thioguanine (Guanine analogue): 2 mg/Kg/day/oral.
Vinca alkaloids
Derived from periwinkle (Vinca rosea) plant. Interfere with microtubule assembly in mitotic spindle formation.
1. Vinblastine Velban: 5-15 mg/m2 every 1-2 weeks intravenous. Side effects are mental depression, Local inflammation and marrow suppression.
2. Vincristine Oncovin: 0.5-2 mg/m2 every 1-2 weeks intravenous. Side effects are Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy; alopecia and local inflammation.
Inhibiting DNA directed RNA synthesis.
1. Actinomycin Dactinomycin Cosmegan: 12-15 g/Kg/day for 5 days for 2-4 weeks intravenously. Side effects are Marrow suppression and local inflammation.
2. Bleomycin: 1-5 mg/day intravenous or intramuscular maximum 300 mg/m2. Side effects are: Pulmonary fibrosis with minimal myelo-suppression.
Also can inhibit DNA synthesis. Examples are as follow:
1. Daunomycin, Daunorubicin, Rubidomycin and Adriamycin: 60 mg/m2 intravenous 3-4 weeks. Main side effect is Cardiotoxicity.
2. Mitomycin-C and Mutamycin: 20 mg/m2 intravenous every 4-6 weeks. Local inflammation and marrow suppression are common side effects.
L-asparaginase depletes asparagine availability; inhibits protein synthesis. A good example of a drug under this category is the L-asparaginase. Dosage is 1000 IU/Kg/day intravenous. Common side effect is Allergy-coagulation defects.
Inhibit nucleic acid sythesis. A good example is the Cyclohexyl Chloroethyl nitrosourea (CCNU). Dosage is 100 mg/m2 oral every 4-6 weeks. Delayed marrow suppression is the major side effect. Also, Bis chloroethyl nitrosourea (BCNU): 200 mg/m2/intravenous every 4-6 weeks.
Hydrazine derivatives
Damages DNA through peroxide formation. A good example is Procarbazine methylhydrazine. Dosage is 50-100 mg/m2 daily. Orally for 10-14 days. Side effects are Myelosuppression and CNS depression.
Imidazole derivatives
Mechanism uncertain probably alkylation. Dimethyl triazenoimidazole carbodamide (DTIC) and Dacarpazine. Dosage is 150-250 mg/m2 intravenous for 5 days. Myelosuppression.
Platinum complexes
Inhibit DNA synthesis via crosslinking. Good examples are Cis-diamino dichloroplatinum. Cis-platinum. Dosage is 100 mg intravenous. Once in 3-4 weeks. Side effects are Rnal toxicity and ototoxicity.
1. Androgens e.g, Testosterone: 300 mg weekly and intramuscular. Major side effect is virilization.
2. Estrogen e.g, Diethyl stibesterol: 5-15 mg Oral daily. Its side effect is Feminisation.
3. Progestogens e.g, Medroxy progesterone acetate (Provera): 300 mg daily orally. Its side effect is mainly withdrawal bleeding.
4. Anti-estrogens e.g, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): 20-30 mg daily, Orally.
5. Adrenocorticoids e.g, Prednisone: 40-60 mg/m2 orally per day. Side effect is Cushingoid features.
6. Thyroxine e.g, Eltroxin: 0.1-0.3 mg daily, orally. Major side effect is Hyperthyroidism.
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Cancer Therapy,

By John Hayes Jr
A cancer diagnosis is terrifying.
The questions, the fear and the concept of facing their own mortality are enough to paralyze even the strongest individual.
In the not so distant past, the standard was surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation or some combination of the three and that was it.
Then the patient played the waiting game to see what, if anything, worked.
What people didn't realize was that the end of a course of chemotherapy was not the end of the healing process. They would be dealing with the lasting effects of chemotherapy long after their hair returned and the nausea ended.
And one of those lasting effects is post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy.
Fortunately for the chiropractic community, cancer patients are quickly learning that chiropractic, nutrition and often the correct forms nerve stimulation when combined in the hands of a skilled chiropractor can help alleviate the symptoms of their post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy.
The post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patient is becoming an enlightened consumer of complementary therapies that go beyond traditional medications and standard medical treatments.
A new-enlightened approach to treating their peripheral neuropathy symptoms gives the chiropractic community an ever-expanding patient population to serve. Treating these patients who have already walked through an experience most people live in fear of can be incredibly rewarding.
To get them in your office though, you need to show them exactly how your chiropractic and specialty care can improve their quality of life. It's not just about marketing the traditional chiropractic care that people associate with whiplash or sports injuries. It's about educating the potential post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patient on a three-pronged approach to their medical issues:
First, Chiropractic- It's Not Just About Adjustments
Chances are that your potential post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patients have never been treated by a chiropractor. They may think they know what a chiropractor does but they may not understand everything that chiropractic can do for managing their condition.
Traditionally, chiropractors have been associated with treatment of injuries and illnesses affecting the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints. In educating the post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patient, recognize that they can be dealing with gait problems, muscular weakness or even issues caused by radiation. The stress of dealing with any of these conditions cannot always be addressed by standard chiropractic techniques
Chiropractic by itself cannot prevent or cure cancer, but it can help the post-chemotherapy neuropathy patient deal with the symptoms and pain associated both with their cancer and their course of treatment. Often, by carefully mobilizing the spine and related tissues, we stimulate a healthier nervous system and that's a basic building block for regaining their pre-cancer health and alleviating their nerve pain.
Chemotherapy and other cancer medications can wreck a patient's digestive system. In the process of killing cancer cells, it can also damage healthy cells and that's what brings on the side effects of chemotherapy. This can affect not only affect their ability to eat but also prevent the body from getting the nutrients it needs.
Talk to your post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patients about their nutrition issues. They can be dealing with any number of symptoms ranging from nausea and loss of appetite to dry mouth and changes in their sense of taste and smell. Offering nutrition information and dietary planning services is another way to serve this patient population. Good nutrition will boost the immune system and let it do its job in fighting off illnesses brought on by chemotherapy.
Potential post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patients may not realize that this is an area of their recovery you may help with. So, if you are trained in this specialty, make sure you include nutrition information in your patient education materials. Post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patients need to make sure they're getting nutrients to prevent or reverse nutritional deficiencies, lessen the side effects of treatment and improve their quality of life. Without appropriate, simultaneous nutrition, other treatment protocols have no chance of success.
Appropriate Nerve Stimulation
Once a course of treatment has been designed and a nutrition plan established, the final piece in the overall treatment of the post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patient treatment plan is nerve stimulation.
There are some nerve stimulation techniques to help peripheral neuropathy patients.
But some are potentially harmful. Misapplication is dangerous. Learn the correct ways, and then educate your potential post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patients on the options available to them.
Some patients may have adopted an attitude of "I went through chemotherapy and my cancer is gone. I shouldn't complain about nerve pain. I should just be thankful to be alive".
What they need to know is that they don't always have to just live with sleeplessness, pain, and balance and walking issues secondary to their treatment. Your chiropractic practice, when specially trained and equipped can offer them hope for a more normal life without debilitating pain. Yes, they survived cancer but they can beat their post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy, too.
Precise combinations of chiropractic, nutrition and often nerve stimulation are showing great promise in helping post-chemotherapy peripheral neuropathy patients return to a pain free life, without the debilitating effects of neuropathy.
Serving this courageous patient population can be incredibly rewarding. But it is a subspecialty that takes some study and time to learn.
When you are ready, let them know you're there to help them.
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Cancer Patient,
Growing Patient Population

By Asfand Asfi Mudassir
Almost all of the recognized cancer can be avoided by simple change in lifestyle. Diet, physical exercise, and deterrence associated with vices may significantly decrease your risk to using most cancers but for most of us, we are surrounded by great temptations that we frequently regret later in everyday life. But, it is never past too far to change. The following are ways to lower your risk of getting most cancers.
Look at your water and ensure it's strained correctly. Drinking water should be secure and free from chemicals and carcinogens that may later place you in danger of most cancers. Regular alterations in your own water filtration ought to be done.
Drown your own meat with marinate prior to putting them on the surface of the grill. Marinating your meat along with herbal treatments such as thyme assists combat most cancers compounds found on burned meat like hetero-cyclic amines. The actual herbs have antioxidant substances which are most likely to tear down most cancers danger.
Caffeine reduces the risk associated with mind cancer by 40 percent. The actual antioxidants present in coffees help put brain most cancers lower. Research also displays that coffee drinkers tend to be less likely to develop oral cancer too.
Drinking water is the best method to consider toxins and other carcinogens out of the program. Through drinking Eight portions of drinking water every day, a person lessen the power of chemical substances stuffed inside your vesicle making it much easier for the entire body in order to get rid.
Magnesium is crucial towards the formation associated with cells which is an integral part of cancer. Without magnesium, tissue type unmanageable which leads to malignant ones. Have a healthy dosage associated with the mineral magnesium through repairing a greens filled with vegetables.
Block skin cancer through choosing the right color of your clothing. Red-colored as well as blue colored shirts are able to safeguard your much more in the sun's severe rays than additional color. Apply sun blocks as well as skin lotions if you should proceed outdoors.
Whole milk, the very best known supply of calcium, is the ultimate key to preventing colon cancer. Consuming 3 8-ounces glasses of whole milk every day or even 2 to 3 portions of natural yogurt can help reinforce the body against intestinal tract most cancers.
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Prevent Most Cancers,
The Actual Methods

By Diana Jo Rossano
We are a nation that wants a fast fix for everything. Americans eat for face entertainment. We have to keep throwing water on our silverware to keep it from over heating.
But, there is preventative action everyone can practice. The American Cancer Society says to eat five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Do we listen? No.
Here's a dietary suggestion from the Orlando Dancing Doctor - don't eat anything you can't pronounce. The front of the label on foods you eat is the "adver-teasing." The contract on foods in the grocery store is your "ingredient list." The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away. Save your life - read what you are eating.
A popular ingredient in foods today is called, "natural flavor." Okay, what's the meaning of natural? A plastic comb isn't natural because plastic is NOT found in nature - thus unnatural. A wood comb would be natural because wood is found in nature - we call them trees - right? Natural should mean "found in nature" or "no added ingredients" --- right?
Well, the FDA has allowed food manufacturers to be vague when they list their ingredients by name. Food manufacturers are famous to make up their own vocabulary - and that's how they came up with the words, "natural flavoring." Totally fictitious.
All flavoring is a chemical and alters your brain to "think" the food tastes better. Now, think about this for a second, how can you add "natural flavoring?" If you add something, then the food is no longer natural. Right? That would mean that "lemon flavoring" is NOT from a lemon, but from a chemical that tricks your brain into thinking it tastes like a lemon. Believe me....chemicals are a cheaper ingredient than adding real lemon juice. Food manufacturers save a nickel on your food and that could make a difference of millions of dollars to their bottom line.
So, I started this article saying, "the best anti-cancer drug" - what is it? It's the natural drugs found in real food you can identify in the fresh section of your grocery store that have NO labels. Dr. David Besser on Good Morning American said that the new suggestions by the FDA are to eat eight servings of fresh fruits and veggies every day - that up three from the American Cancer Association!
Hey you!! That's the secret weapon, your Creator made it for you. If you believe in evolution, then you evolved with your food - stop eating foods you cannot pronounce. The best cancer weapon is on the end of your fork.
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