By James Turner
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer which occurs on the cervix of a woman. It usually progresses slowly until it becomes an invasive cancer. An invasive cancer means that the cancer cells can spread to other parts. In the case of cervical cancer, the cancer cells will affect the vagina, rectum, bladder, lungs and liver. This kind of cancer can be treated when caught in its early stage.
1) Causes and Risk Factors
Some of the risk factors for cervical cancer include previous infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), multiple sexual partners, taking oral contraceptives, early sexual contact and cigarette smoking. There have been studies done which establishes a strong link between HPV and the development of cancer in the cervix. Early sexual contact and multiple sexual partners contribute to the development of cancer because HPV is transmitted sexually. Cigarette smoking is also a risk factor because the chemicals in the cigarette can cause precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix.
2) Signs and Symptoms
Many of the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer are often neglected because many women think that they are related to other illnesses. This form of cancer can also be asymptomatic, which means that it does not manifest any signs and symptoms in its early stage. The cervical cancer symptoms to watch out for include unusual heavy discharge and abnormal bleeding. The discharges are usually foul-smelling, thick and watery. Pain during urination is also another symptom but this usually occurs when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Pelvic pain which can be mild or severe is another symptom. Other signs and symptoms to watch out for are bleeding after sexual intercourse and bleeding in between regular menstrual period.
3) Diagnosis
Cervical cancer diagnosis in its early stage is very important for a successful treatment of the cancer. One of the most essential diagnosis method used to detect this cancer is the Papanicolaou test also known as Pap Smear. Other diagnostic procedures include cervical biopsy, colposcopy (examination of the cervix with the use of a specialized microscope) and x-ray.
4) Treatment
Cervical cancer treatment as mentioned above has a high percentage of success when the cancer is detected in its precancerous stage. Hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is the common treatment. A cone biopsy is also an option especially for those who want to remain fertile. Radiation therapy and chemotherapy are also done together with other treatments.
5) Prevention
Cervical cancer can be prevented. One preventive measure women should do is to get a regular pap smear. Since the introduction of Pap smear, the occurrence of cancer of the cervix has significantly decreased. Pap smear is available in most cancer clinics and hospitals. If your Pap smear result is abnormal, you should follow-up to ensure that you do not have cancer. Since smoking is one of the risk factors of cervical cancer, women should not smoke and avoid secondhand smoking. Safe sex is also very important in the prevention of this cancer. Sexually active women should always ask their partner to use a condom. In addition, limit your sexual partners. This does not only prevent cervical cancer but other sexually transmitted diseases as well. HPV vaccines are also available these days which is given to women who are 27 years old or below.
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Cervical Cancer,
Important Facts,
Need to Know,
This Disease

By Alan Wighton
If you are dealing with cancer it's important that you decide on your treatment options with thought and reason instead of fear. Our modern medical system is extremely powerful and has a huge influence on the type of treatment we are likely to receive. You need to learn about the disease, especially its causes and find out why our current ways of treating it aren't working.
Cancer has four causes and they are our wrong food choices, our sedentary lifestyle or our lack of exercise. Thirdly the chemicals we use and today we are surrounded by them and lastly emotional stress. When you deal with the cause of cancer and remove those causes the body will self-heal through a strengthened immune system and it will remove the cancer safely and permanently. It works for everyone. In dealing with the cause, the best way is to not treat the cancer but to treat the person with the cancer.
While our medical system is very good at diagnosing cancer and other difficult medical problems and also caring for patients who have suffered from trauma, but there is no question that alternatives or natural ways work better for just about everything else, especially for chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer.
It's without doubt; the most important part of any mainstream treatment for cancer is its ability to make money using those three treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. What they are not very good at is curing somebody of the problem and if you listen to your oncologist you will hear him talk about "cancer response" or "cancer control" but never about "cancer cure" or "cancer healed. It's because their treatments often don't cure as they are only treating the symptoms and not the root cause of the disease.
While most people are interested in being healthy and wanting to get well, they are not very proactive about it by carrying out the changes that are essential. Life-style factors such as smoking, poor diet, exposure to radiation and poisons, lack of exercise, and negative thinking are factors that cause or promote cancer. Most patients who are successful in healing cancer make significant changes in their life-style. In fact, healing requires life-style changes. If we attack the tumour without improving the underlying system, the body is only going to make more tumours.
If we had a good health care system in place today for the treatment of cancer I would leave it to the experts but unfortunately we don't. We are often told we are winning the war against this disease but as reported in a prominent newspaper in the USA recently the improvement in cancer deaths has only been 5 percent over the last 50 years.
Our three treatments for cancer now days is to cut it out with surgery, burn it out using radiation and trying to remove it with chemotherapy which is a poison. All these treatments are toxic to the human body and all of them will weaken the immune system. Since cancer is a disease of a weakened immune system which had allowed cells to mutate or grow, does it make sense to weaken this system further?
In deciding your treatment options it is far more important to deal with the reasons why the cancer first grew and remove those reasons naturally. For someone who wants a genuine cure for cancer there is no other way.
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Diagnosed With Cancer,
Treatment Options

By Dr Jim Roberts
There are two categories of cancer. The first one is referred to as primary where the malignant cells began appearing in a specific or particular area or organ. The second category refers to secondary cancer where the malignant cells originate from a previously affected area.
The symptoms that accompany secondary cancer are dependent on the place affected. The symptoms that come with it are the same with the symptoms of the disease as if it was diagnosed primary.
For example, the disease diagnosed to the patient is breast cancer. As the stages advance, there is a tendency for it to metastasize. The common places where the malignant cells can transfer to are the lungs and the brain. In the event that the cancer cells have spread to these surrounding parts, the patient can then experience the symptoms of the secondary cancer as if it was primary. Lung cancer can manifest by having shortness of breath and chest pains while brain cancer can be observed with headaches and numbness in certain body parts.
There are several changes that must be observed with secondary cancer. Many types of cancer come with little or almost no symptoms at all. Hence, it pays to be really observant when it comes to the body changes that might signal a cancer symptom. Observe about any pain, marks, lumps, enlargements and discharges that are seen in the body.
When primary cancer is diagnosed in a patient, it is always possible that secondary cancer symptoms can occur. This is especially true when the primary cancer has already advanced its stages. The cells will affect other organs and some may disregard occurrence of other symptoms only to find out in the end that the cancer has metastasized and it's too late to get treatments.
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By Dr Jim Roberts
Cancer is like a common concept for many people. Generally speaking, it is the formation of malignant cells in a specific part of the body. This is what many people know and think of when they hear of this disease. However, the disease comes with other things that they need to understand.
The term cancer must be specified as it can cover a very general concept. Particularly, the idea that many people refer to is the primary cancer. This kind of cancer is defined as the type of where the malignant cells originally appeared. It can be an organ or a tissue in a specific part of the body. On the other hand, it is to be contrasted with secondary cancer. Also known as metastatic cancer, this is the cells of the disease that has spread to the organs surrounding it.
A good illustration of primary cancer is when malignant cells form in the breast area. This means that during the examination of the patient, the doctors found the cells or the tumor specifically in the breast area alone and nowhere else. From these facts, the doctors can conclude primary cancer. However, if the malignant cells that came from the breast cancer and started affecting the surrounding organs such as the lungs, then the cause would be primary cancer with secondary lung cancer.
There is importance in knowing and defining primary cancer. For a treatment to be effective to a patient, it is important to know where the cancer started. In the example, when the cancer is identified to have started in the breast, it could recommend surgery and actually remove the tumor. Hormone therapy can also be given. The rate of effectiveness of the treatment increases when the source or location of the cancer is known. The road to being cancer free is to know where it started.
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By Dr Jim Roberts
Cancer is one of the feared diseases of all time. It can take a person's life regardless of age, sex and race. As long as the malignant cells struck a part of the body, the cells can form a growth and later on affect the other parts. Primary cancer is the type where the cancer originated in a specific area (to be distinguished from secondary cancer).
What makes cancer even scarier is the fact that there are several treatments available but there are very few that work. There may be surgery, chemotherapy and all other treatment forms but there is no assurance that it will actually cure the cancer.
The good news is that cancer is something that can actually be prevented.
The most practical advice to prevent cancer is to always go for the all-natural options. This means that instead of consuming foods that are loaded with sugar, salt, fat and other preservatives, it is best to go for the organic stuff. Organic foods provide all the important nutrients and vitamins that foods naturally have. It is unlike the processed goods that though manufacturers claim that it is fortified with nutrients, they cannot deny the fact that it has already gone processing which already added preservatives. Fruits, vegetable, meat and poultry are best consumed when fresh and organic.
Steering clear of vices such as alcohol and smoking is another way to primary cancer prevention. The toxins contributed by cigarettes and alcohol offer great chances of having cancer. Alcohol, when taken in excessive amounts, will have the tendency to damage the liver. At the same time, cigarettes contain nicotine and tar that primarily affects the lungs but also affects other parts of the body.
Keeping everything balanced is the key to prevent cancer. This means having regular exercises, eating right and staying alcohol and tobacco free. Living a healthy lifestyle can do wonders against cancer.
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By Andrea Wass
Primary cancer is one important concept about the disease. Many people have a misconception regarding this kind of cancer. They find no distinction between primary cancer and secondary cancer. The concept behind the former pertains as to where the cancer cells actually originated. Primary cancer is the organ or specific area where the cancerous cells first appeared.
The organ where the cancer is first seen can be identified. There are also cases when the primary place or organ cannot be identified. The determination as to where the cancer cells are first seen is important when it comes to choosing the treatment. If this is left undetermined and no treatment is given, the cancer will spread and affect other organs which will only cause more damage to the body of the patient.
Also, finding out the the location will also make the treatment more effective and suitable to the patient. For example, the cancer cells or tumors originated in the breast area, affecting the tissues as well as the lymph nodes surrounding. Its presence in the breast makes it primary breast cancer.
When it comes to breast cancer, certain options like surgery and hormone therapy can be administered to the patient. Since it is isolated only on a specific area, treatments can be specifically directed to it. The patient can undergo surgery for the removal of the lump and prevent further spread of the cells. She can also receive chemotherapy as secondary treatment in order to completely remove the cancer cells. Choosing the place where cancer originated makes it easier for the doctors to choose which treatment will work best for the patient.
What is important is to have the place of cancer pointed out in the earliest stage possible. Find the most effective treatment there is by finding the primary cancer.
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By Tom Garland
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in humans. Some might not be able to notice it at first and would likely treat it as a simple illness but little do they know it has become one of the deadliest diseases known to man. It is of utmost importance that you know the signs and symptoms of cancer and what you can do if you discover such signs and symptoms.
Everyone who have cancer will lose some weight on some point in their lives but when you lose weight of about 10 pounds without any apparent reason under one month is a true sign of cancer. Most often it is a sign of liver and pancreatic cancer.
Another common sign of cancer is when you have a low grade fever for a span of time from the first you develop the fever up until the next sign of cancer. Fever makes it hard for the body to fight off infection and fever might be a sign of leukemia or lymphoma.
Sudden fatigue or extreme tiredness can become a sign of cancer. If you find it hard to get better from fatigue even with hours of rest, then it might be a sign of cancer. Some colon cancer and blood cancer can be the result of this sign and symptom.
Pain is another common sign of cancer. When you have chronic pain like headache that does not go away with simple treatment can become a sign and symptom of cancer. Back pain can be a symptom of cancer in the colon or in the ovary.
When you find a sore that does not seem to heal, you should try to check it out with your doctor. A long lasting sore in the mouth can be a sign of oral cancer from people who smoke or chew nicotine gums. Sores found in the vaginal area can become cancer or signs of infection. Have yourself checked by the doctor.
If you find yourself having unusual bleeding or discharges during urination, you might want to consult your doctor. If you have bloody discharges when you cough, it might be a sign of lung cancer and if you have blood in your stool, it can be colon cancer.
Learning the common signs and symptoms of cancer is crucial as cancer can be managed and even destroyed when they are discovered at the early stage. Be more sensitive to your body and if you discover the signs and symptoms above, talk to your doctor.
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The Cancer

By Scott Maloney
Health should always be your priority and one of the main antagonist to health is cancer. You may seem healthy at first but by the time, cancer has begun it dirty work, you will fall ill for the rest of your life. This is why cancer is such a threat to our lives and the only way to defeat it is by early detection. You can always hear about fighting cancer through early detection over the television and here are some of the ways to do it.
Check your weight. If you find yourself losing weight a lot more than you gain, then it is time that you have to observe what you eat and how you lose weight. If for some reason, you are doing everything you can to maintain your weight and still lose them. You might want to talk to your doctor.
Check your skin for changes or a wart and mole if it changes. If you discover your mole or wart has suddenly changed shape and size, it should worry you. Sudden changes in your skin should prompt you to visit your doctor.
Check your energy level. If you find yourself struggling with your energy throughout the entire day, you might want to check your diet and your lifestyle. If there is nothing wrong with how you eat and how you carry yourself throughout the day, even in your sleep, then there are chances that you have developed cancer.
Check how you tolerate pain. If you find yourself dealing with pain most of the time for a long period, you might want to check if you have migraine or dysmenorrhea. For other parts that are painful, check it out with your doctor to rule out other diseases.
Check sores and other wounds. If you find yourself dealing with wounds and sores that do not heal within 48 hours or does not stop bleeding then you might find yourself having to deal with coagulation problem. See your doctor to rule out this problem.
Check your urine, stool, and other discharges. If it is accompanied by blood and other discharges, have your doctor run some tests and see if you have bleeding problem or venereal diseases.
Everything boils down to how you live your life. You should take good care of yourself. Watch what you eat and live your life without vices. There are other ways to prevent cancer and all of them involves living healthy.
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The Early

By Todd Grummans
Cancer is generalized as a disease wherein the body creates new but immature cells and tissues that destroy the body instead of helping the body to grow. It can lead to other diseases and ultimately result to death. It is much better that you know the early signs and symptoms of cancer rather than realize it before it is too late. Here are the common early symptoms of cancer.
Losing a lot of weight can become cancer. If you find yourself losing a lot of weight, it can be a cause for celebration but if you find yourself losing weight in a sudden given time, it is time for you to check yourself and see a doctor as it might be the result of cancer.
Any wart or mole that suddenly changes is also a sign of skin cancer. If it changes color, size or shape, then it can be skin cancer. Any other skin changes should also be reported to your doctor. Sudden changes on your skin can lead to melanoma and if found early can be treated.
If you find yourself going home tired and still tired after sleeping for a couple of weeks, extreme fatigue happens and can be a sign of cancer. Chronic fatigue can be the work of certain blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma.
Pain is the ultimate sign and symptom of cancer. If you have chronic headache or chronic pain in a certain area of your body, you might want to have it checked as there is surely wrong in that area. It can be because the cancer cells have infiltrated your normal tissues and have caused you pain.
Wounds or sores that do not easily heal all by itself should be a cause of concern for you. If you discover a sore inside your mouth that does not heal after a couple of treatments, it can be oral cancer due to too much consumption of nicotine through smoking.
Unusual bleeding and discharges is also a sign of cancer. Blood in the stool or in the urine can be a sign of colon cancer. Blood in the sputum can be a sign of lung cancer and other discharges that are accompanied by blood can either be profuse bleeding caused by cancer.
It is very important to know the early signs of cancer is might be the only way to save your life. When cancer has infiltrated your body, it might be a little too late.
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The Common Early Symptoms

By Lee K Duncan and Ty Duncan
Roughly 40% of the deaths that occur worldwide are caused by pollutants in our food, our water and even in the air that we breathe each day. The rise in pollution is causing serious health problems among the inhabitants of our world; it is becoming such a problem that we are facing a very serious rise in cancer and all sorts of other diseases. Do you know someone right now that is suffering from cancer? I know several and I have to tell you there is growing fear that disease is going to start taking many lives, are you next?
Environmental pollution has been a problem for some time now. It took many years before you would build up such an overload of pollutants in your body. The end results of this overload can lead to cancer. Now this overload is getting us in 9 months. A staggering revelation that has many who understand what this overload can cause are frantically searching for a way to counteract it, unfortunately it is a losing battle. Our world is sick and we are now feeling the effects of that sickness on ourselves.
What can we do? Battling this problem from the outside in is not working. We are now left with decisions on how to start to fight this from the inside. There are many options out there on how to remove environmental pollution from inside your body. Some are less then desirable on how they make you feel afterwards. Detoxifying your body can be very simple and very effective if you learn about an amazing method. We are sharing it with people and it has absolutely zero side effects.
My son was diagnosed with Asthma when he was the age of 4; we used to spend a lot of time in the doctor's office getting him on drugs to help him manage his symptoms. This was before we had realized that he had asthma. It wasn't till he fell to the floor one night unable to breathe and scaring us almost to death. He was then diagnosed with asthma and put on an inhaler, prescription drugs and daily nebulizer treatments. It was just horrible to go through.
I couldn't stand seeing that mask on his face and the fear in his eyes when he would lose his ability to breathe. I knew there had to be something out there to help him, and we found it. This method does one thing; it removes impurities from the body. He overcame all his symptoms in 2 days! That's remarkable and his symptoms have yet to return in 2 years, he is now 6. He has also not been sick in these 2 years; this has shown me that environmental pollution is now taking a very severe toll on us all.
We are all in danger of falling victim to disease because of the ever growing pollution problem. It is everywhere and in everything and worst of all it is invisible to the naked eye, so that makes it harder to believe they are inside us and causing so much damage. They are right now, slowly being absorbed into your fat cells and tissues. They will lay dormant till it causes your PH balance in your body to change from alkaline to acidic. In an alkaline state your body is full of oxygen where disease cannot survive, in an acidic state is where disease can flourish and spread.
Our bodies can no longer keep up with the amount of toxins we take in daily, so a toxic overload is imminent. Our bodies have the ability to remove pollutants through natural means but the problem we face is how much we are taking in daily. Our bodies can't keep up with the demand of extracting pollutants. So, your body is forced to absorb the pollutants that it can't get rid of. This is a scary thought because most of these pollutants that are inside us are a poison of some kind. Since it is coming from every corner of the globe, how can we possibly defend ourselves?
In order to protect yourself and those you love, the battle must be fought from the inside. We must remove these environmental pollutants before they are left to create diseases in your body. Cancer is now the most prominent disease on this planet. With this new discovery we wish to share with people, it can change your bodies PH balance and restore an alkaline state. It will help you beat or avoid disease all together. So, if you really want to the truth about disease, what causes it and how we can overcome it or avoid it, the answer is only clicks away.
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Cause Cancer,