By Roy Max
There is a reason that some cancers have a high death toll. While some manifest themselves in very noticeable ways such as skin cancer which can be detected topically. Other forms of cancer such as thyroid or throat cancer have distinct calling cards like pain and inflammation or the presence of blood in the saliva which leads to further investigation, prompting an early detection (in best case scenarios) of the cancer before it has the opportunity to metastasize. In the United States of America more than 40,000 individuals die of pancreatic cancer symptoms each year making this cancer one of the most prolific cancers with the highest morbidity rates.
Unfortunately there are other types of cancers which show few signs at all. There are no overt symptoms that can be pinpointed at the early stage and no "red flags" that might prompt a more in depth investigation. Another name for Cancer is "the silent killer" which refers to specific types of cancer that should no signs, offer no opportunity for early detection or manifest as a myriad of other more common and less concerning symptoms, masking themselves as a regular chronic condition rather than a life threatening one.
Pancreatic cancer symptoms are classified as one of the "silent killers" and it is a cancer that is rarely detected until at least stage two or stage three, at which time it is almost assuredly fatal to the patient. No one clearly understands the causes of pancreatic cancer symptoms but it was believed for some time that Diabetes and the additional strain placed on the pancreas by the onset of Type I or Type II diabetes lead to a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. Clinical studies have shown a link between Diabetes and Pancreatic cancer symptoms but it is not yet known which condition is the precipitating factor for the other. Does one condition cause the other in a chain reaction? Or is there a third condition that must exist that both causes diabetes and leads to pancreatic cancer symptoms? Researches continue to investigate.
What is known is that pancreatic cancer symptoms are highly prevalent among aging populations and in Afro-American and Jewish populations where the BRCA2 gene is inherited. Chronic instances of pancreatitis also lead to pancreatic cancer symptoms as repeated exposure of acidic conditions in the pancreas increase the cell mutation rate of pre-cancerous cells over time. Chronic inflammation of any organ is known to increase the cancer risk in that area by at least 30% according to researchers. Studies have also show that pancreatic cancer occurs with a higher rate of instance in smoking populations.
With all the advanced technology available in modern medicine there remains no definitive screening process for this cancer. No way to find it until advanced stages when recovery is all but impossible for the patient. Until Science solves the problem of detecting cancer in the body in any location at any stage of development, millions of lives each year will be lost to the battle against cancer, mankind's "silent killer".
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Evades Early Detection,
pancreatic cancer

By Chris Teo, Ph.D.
DS-M906, is a 69-year-old female from Indonesia. Sometime in July 2009, DS had problems with her stomach. She consulted an internist at a private hospital in Medan. A biopsy was performed and the result indicated an adenocarcinoma, i.e. cancer of the stomach. After this examination, DS decided not to do anything. Her problem escalated and she suffered more pains.
In December 2010, DS went to see another doctor in another private hospital in Medan. A biopsy was again performed. The histopathology result indicated a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Not satisfied, in January 2011, DS came to a private hospital in Penang for further consultation. A CT scan did not show any focal lung lesion. Her abdominal organs were normal. A colonoscopy showed simple hemorrhoids while the rest of the bowels were normal. A biopsy of the pre-pyloric region was performed. The result indicated signet ring-type adenocarcinoma. There was also Helicobacter pyloriassociated chronic active gastritis. In short, for the third time, DS had been told that she had stomach cancer.
The doctor in Penang suggested two options - DS take medications or undergo an operation. DS declined further medical treatment and came to seek our help on 21 January 2011. Below is the video recording of our conversation.
Since DS and her children had already made the decision not to undergo any surgery, DS had no other choice but to take our herbal teas. We cautioned her to reconsider her decision to decline surgery. She was adamant that she did not want any medical treatment. One of her children said: "After surgery, she has to undergo chemotherapy. And we know that is not the thing we want to do."
We posed this question to DS - and for that matter, to all patients. If she has already decided not to undergo surgery after a biopsy, why does she do one biopsy after another? It is understandable if only one biopsy is done - to determine what has gone wrong. But what does she expect to get by doing three biopsies?
This is one peculiarity we often notice among Indonesian patients. They come to Penang - bring all the money that they have. They spend their money on blood test, X-ray, CT scan, PET scan, biopsy, etc. When they are told that they have cancer and need to medical treatments, some of them just pack off and go home the next day. Is this not wasting money unnecessarily? Is there any logic in doing such thing?
This is our message to patient: If you don't want to proceed with medical treatments recommended by your doctor, there is no need to do a biopsy. A biopsy is done to confirm if you have cancer, so that you can move to the next step - be it surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. If you did not want to do any of these, why do a biopsy?
Again we say - before doing a biopsy, ask yourself first: If it is cancer, do I want to undergo surgery / chemotherapy / or radiotherapy? If you agree to such treatment, go ahead with the biopsy to be sure that it is really cancer. But if you do not wish to undergo further medical treatment as in the case of DS, why do you spend so much of your money doing the biopsy in the first place?
Granted - some patients say, the medical treatments are expensive and they cannot afford it. Or, some may say they decline medical treatments because the doctors cannot guarantee a cure. If these are your concerns, why don't you ask the costs first or ask for a guarantee first before doing anything?
Posted in
Declined Medical Treatment,
Stomach Cancer,
the Logic,
Three Biopsies

By James Turner
Learning more about cancer is an effective method for prevention on its own. The more you know the more likely you are to get frequent screenings and notice the symptoms early, if you fall ill. It is worth finding out more about the different kinds of cancer cells first.
Before you read any further it is worth looking at the definition of cancer. This disease is defined as the rapid and uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in an organ, gland or another type of body tissue. As these cells grow, they go on to form a larger formation called a tumor. It should be pointed out that cancer usually refers to malignant tumors and not to benign ones.
There are over 100 kinds of cancer cells that can affect each different part of the body, including organs, tissues and glands. It is worth pointing out that not all tumor cells that grow in a certain organ or gland are the same. For instance, there are a number of lung, liver and pancreatic cancers because the tumor cells can affect different parts of these organs. In these different parts the cells differ. Additionally, the change that goes on in the cell so that it becomes malignant can be different as well. If you take into account these changes to differentiate between the different kinds of cancer, their number can grow to over 200.
Each type of cancer bears the name of the organ or tissue it affects. For this reason, it is worth looking at the different types by looking at the different body systems and organs of the body that this dangerous disease can affect.
Starting from the head, the first kind of cancer in the list is brain cancer. Adults can get a condition called adult brain tumor that refers to a malignant growth in the brain. There are six other types of malignant tumors that affect primarily children. These include brain stem glioma and cerebellar astrocytoma.
Many people do not know this, but eye cancer also exists. Just like the skin tissue, the upper layer of eye tissue can be harmfully affected by the UV rays of the sun. In turn, intraocular melanoma can be developed. The other type of cancer that can affect the eyes is called retinoblastoma.
The cancers that can affect the mouth, throat and sinuses are commonly referred to as oral cancer. This type includes malignant tumors in the tongue and the lips. Other kinds of the disease that can affect the head and neck area include metastatic squamous neck cancer and salivary gland cancer.
Thyroid cancer is defined as a malignant tumor growing in this gland, which is situated in the lower part of the front neck. This condition is the most common kind of endocrine system cancer. Other less common conditions include adrenocortical carcinoma and pituitary tumor.
Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer. It affects over 200,000 women each year in the US alone. There are two main types ductal carcinoma in situ and lobular carcinoma in situ.
Lung cancer is the most common disease of this type. Its main cause is smoking. There are two major types - small cell and non-small cell.
Different types of cancer cells can affect all parts of the gastrointestinal system. The most common types include cancer of the esophagus, gallbladder, pancreas, liver, stomach, colon, rectum and anus.
There are also different kinds of malignant tumors that can affect different parts of the urinary tract. The most common diseases are kidney cancer and bladder cancer.
Diseases that can affect the male reproductive system include prostate cancer, an extremely common type, penile cancer and testicular cancer.
Almost all parts of the female reproductive system can be affected by this disease. The most common kinds of gynecological cancers include ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer and cervical cancer.
There are two main types of cancer that affect the blood. These are leukemia and lymphoma. The former can affect both adults and children while the latter typically occurs in adults.
Even though bone cancer is very rare, skin cancer is an extremely common condition. Melanoma is the most serious and dangerous kind of skin cancer.
There are many kinds of cancer. Some of them are less common while others affect hundreds of thousands of people a year. The optimistic news is that research is massive and continues to produce more and more promising results.
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Cancer Cells,
Many Kinds

By James Turner
We do not know many things about cancer, even though research is extensive and ongoing. One of the things we do not know is why some types of cancer are more frequently occurring than other types. Despite this, it is worth learning more about the different types of cancer. In this way, you will be able to take more adequate and timely measures for prevention.
Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer. In the Unites States the estimated number of new cases for 2010 is 222,520. The projected number of deaths from this disease is 157,300. This statistical data is quite frightening for one simple reason - the expected deaths are more than half of the newly diagnosed cases.
The surprising fact is that even though it is the most common type, lung cancer is perhaps the most preventable type of all. Anywhere between 85% and 90% of all cases are due to cigarette smoking. A large percentage of the remaining cases are due to passive smoking. In turn, the best way for prevention is to protect your lungs from the carcinogenic substances in tobacco. Nonsmoking can reduce the risk of getting the condition 25 times. A smoker who quits will experience a reduction in the risk to this level 15 years after quitting. For this reason, if you are a smoker you should do your best to quit right away.
Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer. In fact, some researchers believe that almost every man above the age of 80 has some traces of it. The condition is expected to affect around 217,730 men in America in 2010. The number of deaths for this year is estimated to be 32,050.
Prostate cancer develops in the prostate, a small gland that is right under the bladder. It is close to the rectum as well. For this reason, the condition can be easily spotted during a routine rectal exam. Since the causes of this disease are unknown, regular rectal examinations are the optimal method for prevention. Men over 50 years of age are recommended to have them annually. Other factors that can reduce the risk of prostate cancer include a diet that contains little or no animal fats.
Breast cancer is the third most common type of cancer. It has been estimated that the number of newly diagnosed patients for 2010 in the United States will be over 208,000. Of these 207,090 will be women and 1,970 will be men. Around 39,840 female patients are expected to die from the condition. The number of deaths in men is expected to be around 390.
The causes of breast cancer are unknown. For this reason, there are no effective methods for prevention apart from having regular screenings with mammogram testing. Self-examination is also a method for spotting the condition early. There are some breast cancer risk factors that you can work on to eliminate. These include obesity, above average alcohol consumption and smoking.
Colon and rectal cancer, usually referred to as colorectal cancer is another one of the most common types of cancer. It is expected to affect around 142,570 men and women in the United States in 2010. The estimated number of deaths is 51,370.
The causes of colorectal cancer are unknown. However, the risk of getting this condition can be reduced significantly. Regular screening is recommended to individuals who have or have a family history of colon polyps. A diet rich in dietary fiber, found in fruits and vegetables, can also reduce your risk to an extent. It is important for you to see a doctor, if you notice a change in your bowel habits or blood in your stools. These symptoms can be associated with much less dangerous conditions, such as hemorrhoids, but it is best to get examined just to be on the safe side.
Other common types of cancer include bladder cancer, with 70,530 new cases expected in 2010 in the US, and melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer, with 68,130 new cases estimated for 2010. The list is completed by Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, cancer of the lymphatic system, kidney cancer, also known as renal cell cancer, thyroid cancer, endometrial cancer, pancreatic cancer and leukemia.
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the Different Types of Cancer

By James Turner
Lung cancer, bowel cancer and breast cancer are in the top of the list of the most common types of cancer. However, a malignant tumor can be formed in almost any part of the body. It can affect organs and glands as well as different tissues. It is worth learning more about other kinds of cancer conditions as well.
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. It fact, in some countries, such as the US it is more common even than breast cancer. Still, in many Asian and African countries this condition does not have high incidence. This kind of cancer affects the prostate gland, situated under the bladder in men. Its causes remain unknown, but researchers have found that the high-calorie diet rich in fats contributes greatly to the risk of developing cancer conditions of this type.
The most common prostate cancer symptoms that occur in the early stages of the tumor development include frequent urgency to urinate and difficulty starting and stopping the urine flow. Burning and pain during urination are also common. Blood in the urine or semen is one of the most serious warning signs.
The condition is diagnosed with different types of tests, including a digital rectal exam and a blood test using the so called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The prostate cancer treatment may consist of watchful waiting only, but surgery and radiation therapy are more commonly used. In general, prevention through regular rectal exams and low-fat low-calorie diet is a highly recommended option.
Bladder cancer is another one of the other kinds of cancer that is common. Its causes remain unknown. However, it is usually detected at an early stage of development and treated effectively. This happens because its main symptom is blood in the urine, which is easy to notice. There are no effective methods for bladder cancer prevention, even though nonsmoking may reduce the risk of the condition. For this reason, it is essential to see a doctor if blood appears in your urine.
Bladder cancer is diagnosed with the use of cystoscopy and biopsy. The former involves the examination of the bladder from the inside with a tiny tube. The latter involves taking a small cell sample from the bladder for testing. This condition is usually treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or immunotherapy. This type of cancer is known to re-occur frequently, even after treatment.
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is another of the more common cancer conditions among the other kinds of cancer. The uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells can occur anywhere in the lymphatic system. Even though there are many different types of NHL discovered, their causes are not yet known. The most common symptoms of the condition include swollen and/or painful lymph nodes, fever that cannot be explained, night sweats and extreme fatigue.
The condition is diagnosed through biopsy. The most common types of treatment for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma include radiation therapy and chemotherapy, even though watchful waiting is sometimes used. Stem cells transplant and monoclonal antibody therapy are more innovative treatments for the condition. There are no effective ways for its prevention available.
Kidney cancer, formally known as renal cancer, also falls in the list of the other kinds of cancer that are common. The malignant tumor usually grows in the tiny tubes of the organ. The causes of the condition remain unknown, but doctors have identified some risk factors. These include smoking, being male and being obese and having high blood pressure. Individuals with other types of kidney disease, those with family history of kidney cancer and those with lymphoma are more likely to develop the condition.
Renal cancer has a variety of symptoms, including blood in the urine and lump on the side. However, they are not usually present in the early stages of the tumor development. Various tests can be performed to diagnose the condition, but only a biopsy can confirm it. Kidney cancer treatment usually involves surgery for removing part or the entire kidney or the entire organ along with the adrenal gland. Cryotherapy, biological therapy and radio frequency ablation are other forms of treatment. The condition cannot be prevented completely, but you can stop smoking and maintain a healthy diet to reduce your risk.
Other kinds of cancer that are common include endometrial cancer, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer and leukemia.
Posted in
Boost Prevention,
Cancer Conditions,
Common Kinds

By Rouben Hw
Basically as a low carb diet plan, the Atkins diet limits the consumption of healthy fruits, vegetables, and whole grain not only during the induction period but also in the long run. Though these food are highly nutritious they are not favored in the Atkins plan as they are high on carbohydrate component. But what about preventing cancer with such low carb diet plan? For prevention of cancer, the American Cancer Society has come up with a series of recommendations on diet plans that could be compared with the Atkins diet to find out their respective features and utilities for cancer prevention.
Atkins Diet and ACS Recommendations
Let us have a look at the recommendations of American Cancer Society for optimal prevention of cancer compare to some of the Atkins diet plan features.
• ACS recommends five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day but it will mean consumption of nearly 85 grams of carbohydrate a day. The standard at the inception of the Atkins diet is only 20 grams of carbohydrate.
• ACS recommends whole grain instead of processed grains and sugars. But each serving of healthy whole grain food contains no less than 15 grams of carbohydrate, the entire menu for a whole day in case of low carb Atkins plan.
• ACS also recommends limiting consumption of red meat as it contains high fat. On the other hand Atkins plan does not restrict consumption of read meat, fat, and proteins as few foods are left out its severe carbohydrate restrictions.
Scientific Research on Cancer
Prolonged research and experimentation on cancer has revealed that 33%-50% of cancers can be prevented substantially with a healthy diet. This means good intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Similarly, for weight loss and fat burning, fiber containing foods are the best of the lot. However, Atkins diet, at least for the first two weeks do not contain any such food and is heavily dependent on protein, fat, oil and red meat. Also according to some scientific research, high protein diets can increase the chances of cancer though there is no specific proof about this saying. As the conclusion, Atkins plan aims to resolve these issues by adding supplements to its food list which may not be the right answer for fighting cancer.
Posted in
Fighting Cancer,
Low Carb Atkins Diet

By Lee K Duncan and Ty Duncan
In the first part to battling cancer, one has to decide if you're having symptoms caused by cancer. Symptoms can be many things. Only watching for just one sign of a symptom wouldn't be good enough. First you must know your body and go with your feelings. If something just doesn't feel right, because pain or discomfort may be a sign that your past due to be looked at. Trust your instincts, your family and friends who can also see in you when something just isn't right. There are many signs to be watching for, so never let your guard down.
Let me ask you a question, would you rather try to beat cancer once you were diagnosed with it, or would you rather just avoid it all together? I bet you're asking yourself right now if actually avoiding cancer can really be true. What if I told you it was very true and is very easy. It can be done without changing your lifestyle, unless your one that smokes, then really you're just asking for it. One way to avoid getting horrible diseases like cancer is keeping your bodies PH level in check. A simple way to do that is by removing environmental pollutants from the body. Pollutants are one of the main causes of PH level imbalances. Let me explain PH for a moment.
There are 2 PH states that your body goes through, one is acidic, one is alkaline. In an acidic state, disease can roam freely unchecked by your body's defense system, which is why cancer can take a hold and spread very quickly. It's the perfect environment for disease to thrive in. In an alkaline state, your body's tissues and organs are infused with oxygen. In this alkaline environment diseases like cancer can't even begin to grow in your body. An alkaline state is where you want to keep your body; this provides the balance needed to live a healthy life style.
So, simply removing environmental pollutants from your body can provide your body with the exact tool it needs for beating cancer. A newly discovered method has been shown to extract pollutants from the body naturally with zero side effects and is very effective at restoring your body to an alkaline state. This is the most pain free and chemical free way of beating this disease. So, understanding this shows you that cancer can be very easily defeated. Not only that, but you can also restore harmony and balance to the workings of your body, where you get an overall feeling of good health and vitality.
Give your body the tools it needs to beat diseases like cancer. Mother Nature has given us so many amazing tools. This newly discovered method provided by Mother Nature herself gives you the safest way of eliminating the causes of cancer and restoring your body's youth. We are all in danger from this disease; our planet has become too toxic for us to continue life without preventative help. We all face this threat but it is up to each one of us to discover for ourselves the tools provided by nature to help us fight back. There is one method that can really give us the ability to defy the odds. You owe it to yourself to learn more, prevention is only clicks away.
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cancer symptoms,

By Frank Carters
Generally indications of gallbladder cancer tumor usually are registered during the last degree of the tumors and those that are familiar with gallbladder infection are likewise conscious of this. That is the reason why those that have gallbladder difficulties must check out their own problem on a regular basis.
Gallbladder cancer symptoms consist of some weakness, reduction in appetite and additionally body weight; ache on the upper abdomen area, feeling sick and additionally vomiting. Additionally, it is feasible for the gallbladder will likely be bigger. The signs of gallbladder tumors could be followed by fever, bloating and irritation. Truly the only efficient treatment plan to the gallbladder cancer is surgical treatment because the taking out the whole of the organ is among the most effective cure for the outlined disease. Sadly, full healing can be carried out mainly in cases where the sickness is actually detected on time. Because the actual indicators develop pretty late (sometimes far too late), cancer tumor can enter into its last period making it tricky or maybe pretty hard to help remedy it. Gallbladder can be removed, but it is no guarantee that this issue would actually disappear as well as the sufferer is going to live life. Sometimes, death can happen although the gallbladder was cut off.
Often times though there can be found several other illnesses which all have signals which can be just as the indications of gallbladder tumors. That's why, you will need to be peaceful when you first spot the signs or symptoms and wait for the diagnose from your doctor. Regular medicinal checkups are advised if you already have troubles with your gallbladder. You must also care for your overall health, eating routine and lifestyle. This should help you live your life free of problems, and you simply shouldn't wait for the symptoms to happen. Frequent medicinal checks may actually keep your life as your medical doctor will give you an answer to any or all the questions you have and give you tips on dealing with gallbladder complications effectively.
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Gallbladder Cancer

By Boro Petric
Cancer is a terrible, relentless disease that ravages and weakens the patient's body. Yet as devastating as cancer is, the supposed "cure" peddled by the modern medical community and drug companies is far worse.
Because chemotherapy and radiation, the two primary cancer treatment protocols do little more than poison an already stricken body. If you're wondering who in their right mind would poison the body in order to cure it, then you're not alone! It defies logic, and yet despite the overwhelming evidence that proves these so called "treatments" do nothing but torture the body, patients continue to die every day because doctors and drug companies refuse to admit the truth.
Severe Toxic Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy and radiation are touted as cures for cancer and yet nothing could be farther from the truth.
In reality:
* Chemotherapy poisons the body and kills healthy cells, leaving the patient weak and vulnerable.
* Chemotherapy does occasionally help to shrink tumors, but this doesn't cure cancer because it is a systemic problem, not a local one. There is no medical evidence that shrinking tumors improves the quality of life for the patient or extends life either.
* Chemotherapy has actually been proven to promote the growth of cancer.
* Chemotherapy is astronomically expensive, leaving many patients or their families financially ruined while the drug companies continue to profit and hand over fist.
* Chemotherapy is directly responsible for the death of most cancer patients.
* Chemotherapy has been proven to have a cure rate of almost 0%. ZERO!
Despite these horrific facts, which are well documented, the modern medical community continues to use these deadly protocols to "treat" patients, even though the benefits of these treatments are so minuscule as to be nonexistent. In fact, patients would be far better off doing absolutely nothing than subjecting themselves to these torture protocols!
Do Your Research before You Commit to Being Poisoned
If you or a loved one is battling cancer, then you have the right to be informed about the dangers of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. After all, a human life is at stake. Unfortunately, the medical community and the drug companies that produce these treatments cannot be counted on to tell you the truth, either because of ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation. This may sound harsh, but it is the reality of the cancer industry today. Money, arrogance, ignorance and above all, fear, are responsible for the continuing promotion of a treatment that systemically poisons and weakens the body, which is what ultimately kills patients, not cancer.
Before you commit to allowing yourself or a loved one to being poisoned, you should visit your local library or university and read an investigation published by Dr. Ulrich Abel, a well-known German epidemiologist, in the August 10, 1991 edition of The Lancet. Abel's investigation, which involved over 350 major medical centers and thousands of scientific articles on chemotherapy, came to the overwhelming conclusion that there was absolutely no medical evidence whatsoever that chemotherapy extended the lives of cancer patients. Chemotherapy, in Abel's words, was a "scientific wasteland" with a success rate that was truly "appalling."
Remember, you do have a choice. Do not commit to treatment until you know the truth about the dangers of chemotherapy and radiation.
Posted in
Chemotherapy Madness,
Modern Times,
Torture Protocol

By Lee K Duncan and Ty Duncan
If you or a loved has been diagnosed with cancer, then the time is of the essence. You want to find something that has fast results but also something that is all natural. There has been a newly discovered method that is safe and natural. It is also the most amazing tool in helping your body overcome disease. What this tool does is it simply removes from your body that which is causing the disease in the first place while also creating a balanced PH level where disease cannot even begin to grow. What I want you to understand is what is causing 1 out of 3 people to get cancer, and that cause is environmental pollution.
Environmental pollution has been proven to carry particles that are known carcinogens that absolutely cause cancer. Environmental pollution is on the rise and despite our best efforts to clean it up, it is only getting worse. We could succeed in cleaning up our country, but what about other countries? If we all don't do it as a team then we are doomed to fail this battle. There is good news; Mother Nature has provided us with a tool that will help balance this war against environmental pollutants.
If we simply remove these pollutants from our bodies then our bodies just heal themselves. Our bodies are the only cure for disease. Nothing else can cure disease. We can only provide tools to help our body overcome disease and give it the chance to enjoy a harmonious balance to fight against any health threat that comes along. The best tool you can give your body is prevention. Once you have been diagnosed with a horrible disease like cancer, you want to give your body the best tool it can have, one that won't make you lose your hair or feel horribly sick and spend days in the hospital.
Unfortunately modern day treatments are failing in our fight to overcome cancer. We have learned that chemotherapy is now getting about a 7% success rate. I don't know about you but that number is not high enough for me to want to spend my last days sick, bald and away from family and friends, lying in a hospital bed waiting to die. If I am to be diagnosed with cancer, I want to spend my last days doing the things I want to do. Spending the quality time with my family and friends. What if you could do all this and overcome disease at the same time? I would choose to be around my family.
Overcoming cancer is very possible provided you give your body the right tool. With a newly discovered tool provided by Mother Nature, it can give you that possibility. You can restore your life of good health and spend many years doing the things you have always wanted to do. By giving you more time on this earth to do so. Getting a horrible disease, then overcoming it can give you a greater view on life. Give yourself this gift and live a long life. Hope is here, are you ready for it?
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Cancer Naturally,