By Alan Wighton
Cancer is a disease of the immune system or more correctly it is a disease of a weak immune system and the ability of this self repair system to successfully prevent or reverse cancer is directly dependent on the treatments you receive. You need to restore your health so ask yourself will chemotherapy do this.
Our contemporary medicine attacks the symptoms, which is the cancer growths at the surface, not the causes at the roots. They think of all cancers as foreign invaders and simply try and annihilate them instead of treating them as normal body cells gone awry which is what these cells are.
Chemotherapy is a chemical and is either in pill form or is intravenously injected into the body and is designed to hunt out and kill rapidly dividing body cells in which most cancer cells are. Chemotherapy has many faults and one of them is it only targets the growths and doesn't address the condition which caused the cancer to first grow so it's only going to grow back again.
Chemotherapy has many side effects, not only vomiting and hair loss which everyone seems to be concerned about but more serious is permanent loss of hearing and damage to the heart. Also if you survive for long enough, you could or will develop independent cancers which are a direct result from the earlier chemotherapy treatments. But the biggest problem with this chemical treatment is it weakens the important immune system. Doesn't that sound like a step in the wrong direction?
So what can you do to boost your immune system? This built in repair system we all have is a complicated and poorly understood defence mechanism. What we do know is that it can destroy cancer unless it's been weakened by poor nutrition, our sedentary lifestyle, emotional strain or other blocking factors. If the body is well nourished it can and will attack cancer cells.
To fight cancer using the bodies own repair system you need to change from eating dead food which is what processed food is to food that is freshly grown and in season and that will boost the immune system. Plus you need some exercise as the immune system needs muscular activity to function properly. Thirdly it is well known that we need a little sunshine everyday which we get vitamin D from and 15 minutes of sun exposure on the arms and face will achieve this.
Remember it's the body that heals and that is through the immune system. Chemotherapy won't heal you; it only destroys cells, good ones and bad ones plus the very important immune system. The human body possesses a superb system of natural defences against all diseases including cancer and all you have to do is make these important changes.
A genuine cure for cancer has to come from within the body and not from someone applying a chemical treatment from outside the body.
We must never forget that our main weapon against cancer is our own bodies defence system.
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Boost Your Immune System,

By Taryn Hall Smith
When you're diagnosed with arthritis, diabetes or asthma, or when you're struggling with weight control, premenstrual tension, insomnia, ADHD or back ache, it's likely that your medical professional will get the prescription pad out. It's unlikely that the solution offered by your doctor will be a food intolerance test and a personalized eating plan coupled with a health program to guide you through how to detoxify, exercise and choose supplements. This solution also applies to Bowel Cancer.
Everybody knows there's a connection between food and health - it's a topic that's been under discussion for over a decade. But people aren't told the full story by their doctors and therefore are missing out on an opportunity to heal or improve their health. Food intolerance is hugely under-diagnosed and is silently reaching epidemic proportions. Left undetected, these intolerances can trigger worsening health problems like bowel cancer.
I, myself, have had first hand experience of how food can heal. It's what prompted me to start educating people about the link between health and food in the first place. At the age of 37 I was diagnosed with arthritis. Although my blood tests and x-rays did not indicate arthritis, I was given the medication for the pain anyway. I discovered I was intolerant to a lot of foods after visiting a nutritionist. Within 12 weeks of curing my intolerances, I was pain-free and medication-free and have remained so for 3 years now.
I then set to work on my young 2 year old son. He had been suffering from asthma since the age of 8 months. Doctors even said he was too young for asthma but gave him the medication anyway. It turned out to be caused by intolerance to many fruits. He is now symptom-free. We found the cause of the symptoms of asthma, rather than masking them with medication and then we no longer needed that medication.
The same thing applies to Bowel Cancer which can be prevented if you are in the high risk category and even cured if caught in time, by changing your diet, eating cancer-fighting foods, curing your intolerances and making some other lifestyle changes.
Why don't doctors talk about food intolerances and health? Possibly because doctors don't spend a lot of time studying nutrition - it's just a small part of their training. Possibly because the pharmaceutical companies pay for many medical courses and big advertising campaigns telling us they can help our arthritis. Or is it because there's no profit in curing ourselves with food? Or maybe it's because of the lack of funding for research into the benefits of food in relation to disease.
The day that broccoli can be patented by the pharmaceutical companies, is the day that nutritional medicine will suddenly come into the public domain - but why wait?
Now it is my mission to get the information out to as many people as possible and I've teamed up with Nutritionist, Chris Clark, to do exactly that. It's not coincidence that food intolerance rates are rising massively alongside soaring cancer, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and asthma rates.
Over 70% of us have or will suffer from a food intolerance at some point but most of us don't know it because the symptoms are so varied and can be delayed. There are other factors which contribute to these illnesses but when we talk to people about food and health, we discuss lifestyle changes too.
Together we want to teach everyone that chronic illness and also niggling symptoms like migraines, insomnia, anxiety, PMS, back ache, sinusitis, eczema and so on could all be due to an undetected food intolerance.
Unlike food allergies, it can be cured if approached correctly. You need to test for it first to be able to cure it, but it's not a life long condition. If you'd like to know more about the links between food intolerance and illness or how to test for it and cure it, read on...
All materials and information in this article are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the express written permission of the owner. Any breach of copyright will result in prosecution of the offender to the full extent allowed under law.
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Bowel Cancer,
Even Cure,

By Sasi Krishna
Cancer is a life-threatening disease, we all know, as it destroys healthy normal cells adjacent to its origin and so a killer disease. It may cause due to some environmental factors, such as smoking, radiation exposure, or any other occupational hazards, etc., But some get cancer even without the above-said environmental factors, for example, breast or renal cancer, etc., Why?
In some cases, some cancer factors are inherited in some families and so all the members or many of the members of those families are prone to get the disease. This is because of inheritance of a particular DNA materials present in all family members' blood by birth. For example, we can say breast cancer. In some families, all the females are prone to get it in the breast from generation to generation; it is only due to the inheritance gene factor. So we can say some types of cancers are INHERITED.
We also get a question regarding cancer is that whether it is an infectious disease with contagious nature like fever and cold, etc. The answer is NO. No researches or any studies have not proved that cancer has the characteristic feature of an infectious disease by its spread and it will not spread from one person to other. Many studies have proved that when cancer cells injected to a normal person, did not produce cancer in their body, as normal people have a specific protection system in their body, which protects the cancer cells not to develop. So we can come to a conclusion that cancer is NOT A CONTAGIOUS disease.
Many think that once the disease is formed, it cannot be cured, and the person should die in a specific period of time. But this is not true. Cancer is healable disease if only it is noticed in the early stages. If it is become aware in the beginning stages, it can be eliminated in its premature stage and so deep invasion to adjacent tissues organs could be prevented without further spread.
Nowadays, new radiation techniques are developing day by day and new anti-cancer drugs are discovered and manufactured worldwide. The struggle to get full liberty from the grip of the cancer is continued.
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Insight of the Facts

By Mert Ozge
There are different systems that work around the world. Even in work or home, there is a system that is followed so that everything will be in order. Our body has different systems that have different functions as well. The digestive system of both humans and animals is an integral part of their body. Without the digestive system the much need nutrients of the body wouldn't be given and the body will not be able to function properly. The pancreas secretes enzymes to be able to divide carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the smaller intestine. A lot of diseases may affect the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most troublesome diseases you may have in the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer survival rate has been one of the one of the most lethal in a stage four.
Pancreatic cancer survival rate can diminish fast when the malignant cancer cells have grown and expanded further to other tissues and systems. Stage one of this disease can be compared to any other cancer types; there is a huge rate for survival upon the removal of the tumor. Stage two pancreatic cancer survival rate has a 20 percent survival rate upon the removal of the tumor. These stages all greatly depend on the possibility of the malignant cells to have infiltrated other systems in the body. Each stage that the cancer is not removed increases the possibility that the person with cancer will die due to the rapid expansion of the cancer tumor.
Pancreatic cancer survival rate can go up if the person with cancer will be proactive in his or her well being. A pleasant lifestyle can reduce the risk of having any cancer even though there are times that cancer can be hereditary passed. Sometimes the biggest concern of a person who just knew he had cancer is they think it's the end of their world and they just give up on their lives. Cancer can be removed and treated so there's no harm in trying to get better since there are even stage 4 cancer survivors. Hope is there to those who dream of it, once you leave hope behind then there is no tomorrow.
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pancreatic cancer,
Survival Rate

By Mert Ozge
In our world today, most people are very particular in looks, how an object or place seems like. Cleanliness and tranquility is a major plus for any person or organization. Businessmen look upon how sturdy and elegant a company building looks like in order for them to determine if they would invest in the organization or not. Cleaning is an integral part of any system. Even in our own body, a part of it detoxifies our blood from harmful elements cleaning our system in the process. The liver is an integral part of any vertebrate. Without it functioning properly, we may be poisoned and die. One disease that can occur in our liver is liver cancer, which is one of the deadliest diseases on the world today. This kind of cancer is not limited to adults but can also be found in children. Liver cancer survival rate is higher in children than most adults.
Liver cancer survival rate are relatively high than other forms of cancer. There are two types of this kind of cancer that could easily be treated or removed. At an early stage there is a 90 percent chance of survival of a patient with a stage one liver cancer with a percentage rate of 70 that are complete cures. Another source of this malignant disease is when malignant cells from other tumors start to spread; it usually affects the liver since the liver one organ that blood needs to go through to be detoxified. After the cancer cells start to expand in the liver, it may further lead to more fatal liver diseases.
Liver cancer survival rate is better than other types of cancers. We shouldn't be afraid of this disease because if treated and detected early we have a huge chance of ridding our body of the malignant cells. Cancer is not something we should be scared of. We must believe that if there is hope then there is a solution to every problem there is in this world. We shouldn't give up on something because behind every dark cloud is a ray of light waiting to be seen.
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Liver Cancer,
Survival Rate

By Mert Ozge
In today's generation renal diseases have been very common in almost every age range. Almost every snack today has high sodium content that contribute more and more to destroying our kidneys. From noodles to junk food, even seasonings used to add flavor to the food we eat our home are huge contributors to having renal disease in the future. Our kidney is an integral part of our body; they filter our blood and transmit others as waste products in our body. As of today many kidney related diseases have pop out due to abuse, from kidney failure, high blood pressure and diabetes, all these can lead to a worse disease called kidney cancer. Kidney cancer survival rate at the worst stage can range from five to fifteen percent chances of survival.
Kidney cancer survival rate like any other forms of cancer diminishes when the malignant cells start to expand to other regions of the body. At the initial stage, if diagnosed and treated early, a person with this type of cancer has a recovery chance of eighty to ninety percent. Operation and chemotherapy may be required for anyone who has cancer so that they could determine if the cancer cells have finally stopped spreading. At stage two, there is a slight depletion in the chances of survival to seventy five to sixty five percent. Usually in this stage, the malignant cancer tumor has started to expand in the kidney so it is noticeable in medical equipments. At the third stage where the tumor starts to expand to nearby tissues the chances of survival goes down to forty to seventy percent.
People must always be ready for anything that comes their way. We see healthy people get dreaded diseases like cancer without them knowing it. Cancer is a disease that no one is limited to having; even children can be affected by this at a very young age. What's important is to have a healthy lifestyle and always be cautious on what you feel in your body. Always keep it in your mind that you shouldn't be scared if you found out you have kidney cancer, since kidney cancer survival rate greatly depend if you got screened at an earlier stage.
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Kidney Cancer,
Survival Rate

By Mert Ozge
The earth is a great source of every need of every creature that inhabits it. From the seas to the land, there is adequate nourishment to fill up every possible need of the person or creature in the place it lives on. Every living organism in our planet greatly depends on food and water. Without any source of nourishment, all these creatures, including us, will struggle to function properly. A man cannot think and work properly without eating and may give out a poor performance in his line of work. The stomach is responsible for digesting the food we eat. Without it we cannot convert food into our source of energy. There is a possibility that malignant cancer cells can grow in our stomach without knowing it. Survival rate for this kind of cancer is very slim if detected in a stage 4 and the chance of detecting it is very hard for the early stages.
Stomach cancer survival rate for stage one can be very high. The only problem in stomach cancer is, it is very hard to be diagnosed that's the reason why sometimes when stomach cancer is found, most of them are at the later stages already. Stage 2 stomach cancer survival rates is still pretty good at 56% chances of survival while at stage 3 there are only a third or 38 percent chances that the person will surpass 5 years.
Difficulty in detection has been the problem in with this type of cancer. Stomach cancer survival rate should have been easy if it could be detected early like any other cancer tumors. Since the body greatly depends on the stomach's capability to transfer nutrients from the food we eat, if a terminal disease like cancer affects the stomach, it would be very difficult for us to be treated in the further stages. We just take it to our mind that any discomfort in any part of our body that repeats itself may be a huge difference than just letting it go. We should go to the doctor immediately if we find some abnormalities in our body since early detection may lead to longer life for anybody who has cancer.
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Survival Rate

By Kausik Dutta
A medical journal report from the UK in its last December edition sounded a warning that a large mass of world population would become victims of the fatal disease. This could reach to an alarming level of 33% increase from the existing one! An all-out effort from cross-section of society is required to enfeeble the strength of the wide-spreading tentacles of the vice. Victims may be from a developing country or from a developed country, a caring and benevolent effort can only alleviate the pains and agonies of the sufferers of cancer.
The report has made it clear that cavalier lifestyle and increasing pollution were positively responsible for its awfully growth and spread across the world. Experiences have shown that banning public smoking, chewing tobacco, or even drinking cheap wines will no longer be effective until a thorough public awareness is created. The onus for it must be taken up by all national and international government institutions. Private initiatives must be encouraged because without their participation the mission to alleviate the sufferings of cancer patients for millions across the world would remain incomplete.
The report reveals that the effects of pollutions and hybrid vegetables to the human healths may not be seen to be less responsible for the appalling growth. It is also true that indiscriminate annihilation of the greens and a steady growth of carbon-dioxide in the air are also letting the arms of the scorpions spread more widely day in and day out. Neither they have knowledge of defined territories nor do they have sympathy for the poor, for the old, for the women, or even for the children. They are so merciless that they can debilitate an apparently nice figure within only a few days.
There have been a number of researchers working day and night for further development on the present ways of treating a patient. There is no denying newer developments are coming. A recent study sounded a positive declaration that a counter-productive gene had been found out and they expected almost all kind of tumours could be curable within next ten years. Every human being has been earnestly praying for that Holy day to come sooner.
Coupled with fears, treatment expenses are equally increasing almost everyday.The poor people particularly from developing countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, are said to be unable to afford and even die prematurely. The incurable disease (?) is as much responsible for the premature death of lives as their inability to afford to the increasing expenses for cancer treatment.
With the moving scene across the seven continents, the cancer patients of the developing countries are the worst sufferers. There are many non-profit organizations such as SKMCH & RC which are working to provide state of the art treatment to the sufferers of cancer regardless of their ability to pay. To this humane objective, a large contingent of eminent oncologists has been working hand in hand. Despite their glowing medical career and equally glittering expertise in oncology medicine as well as oncology surgery, be it around head, neck, breast, or brain, a number of oncologists travel from one end of the world to another part and for accomplishing their mission, they are seen taking medical Sabbath, so that during those months they could devote themselves to the alleviation of the sufferings of cancer patients as well as to the elimination of wrong ideas and superstitions regarding the disease.
One such humane figure and expert oncologist is Dr Nigel Sacks who devoted a considerable part of his medical career, whether be it in his native land in Australia or in the UK, to the care of the poor as well as of the wealthy sufferers. He provided generous care for the poor when he travelled to Pakistan and Sri Lanka while he took treatment fees from the rich, and with the money and profits collected from the latter, Nigel Sacks provided his generous care and treatment in his SKMCH & RC to the poor sufferers of cancer in both strife-torn countries.
Such private and noble initiative is required along with the government enterprises. Otherwise, complete elimination of the misconceptions regarding the disease and the alleviation of the sufferers of the patients would remain a distant dream.
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Alleviate Sufferings,
Cancer Patients,
Spreading Alarmingly

By Lee K Duncan and Ty Duncan
Have you been diagnosed with cancer and are looking for a miracle to come into your life to assist you in the defeat of this disease? The thing is, you have the cure with you right now and that cure is your body. There is no doctor, no drug and no natural remedy that can cure cancer. Only your body has that miraculous ability. All you need to do to defeat cancer is provide your body with the right tools to get the job done. What I mean by right tools is why would you tighten a Phillips head screw with a flat head screwdriver? You can't because it isn't the right tool for the job. So, it is imperative that you provide the right tool to help your body overcome disease.
First you must understand what is causing your disease in the first place. What happens inside our bodies is a very delicate PH balance, an alkaline state and an acidic state. An acidic state is where your body is very vulnerable to disease and if your body becomes too acidic your cells will actually build a giant fat wall around them to protect them from the acid. This is a major problem for someone that wants to lose weight. No matter what they do, they can't lose it. It is because your body is in protection mode. So, in order to rid yourself of diseases like cancer you must change your PH level to alkaline.
In an alkaline state your body's tissues and organs are infused with high amounts of oxygen where disease like cancer are unable to survive. Your body just mops up the mess after the cancer chokes off and dies. Next thing you need to understand is how your body gets to acidic in the first place? The answer to that question is environmental pollution. Environmental pollutants enter our bodies where they are absorbed into tissues and cells where they eventually cause imbalances in wherever they are stored, like brain tissues, organ tissues and fat cells. Once this happens your body starts to go through changes that tip the scale in favor of disease and eventual death.
You need to tip the scales back in your favor. How do you do this? You must remove these environmental pollutants from your body. You must clean them from your tissues, cells and restore your body's PH level to alkaline where the disease is slowly choked off and dies. I bet your wondering now, how do I accomplish this? Well, there is a newly discovered process out there that is all natural with zero side effects. It can clean your whole body, ridding it of herbicides, plastics, heavy metals and all sorts of other types of pollutants. Doing this can change your future and give you the light at the end of a very diseased tunnel.
This newly discovered method we use has helped so many people overcome disease and illness. It is waiting for you to make the discovery and learn for yourself what Mother Nature has really provided for us to help us combat this every growing problem. Cancer is now taking 1 out of 3 people so that does not give us all a very good chance of avoiding it, let alone defeating it. Learning this discovery will not only change your future, but by sharing it with others can give them a brighter future too. We are in this world together, it is our responsibility to learn all we can to help each other. To assure us a long healthy life, you owe it to yourself and others to learn more. Discovery is only clicks away.
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Defeat Cancer Naturally
PCOS, also known as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is caused by an imbalance in the body, typically hormones. It's a disease that is the causative factor in infertility in a major number women. One of the typical causes of PCOS is resistance to insulin.
Insulin resistance and the resultant other things that are symptoms or causes of PCOS are something that affects literally thousands of women around the world every year.
It will affect about 10 percent of all women and can cause periods that are irregular, it can cause skin patches that are brown in color. It can also cause baldness in women, as well as causing sleep apnea.
The causes of PCOS are that the body is not able to handle the glucose due to its own resistance to insulin. The insulin is not uptaken properly which means that the glucose is not used correctly by the body.
Studies that have been done worldwide recently show that PCOS and insulin resistance typically go hand in hand and that nearly half of all women who have PCOS are afflicted by insulin resistance.
Many women will develop other secondary symptoms in response to their PCOS. Among the issues that the women who have insulin resistance in their causes of PCOS are prone to will be:
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Cardio Vascular diseases
- High cholesterol
- Liver symptoms
- High blood glucose
- High blood pressure
Since part of the causes of PCOS is insulin resistance and the insulin production that takes place in the pancreas is not correct, the way that your body converts or uses foods is also impaired. PCOS diets and other changes in your lifestyle may be helpful in your condition. Changing not only the amount of foods that you may eat, but also the kinds of foods that you eat will be helpful in getting the insulin resistance and consequently the PCOS under control.
It is often difficult for women who have causes of PCOS such as insulin resistance to lose weight, but in many cases it is imperative in order that you can negate some of the secondary symptoms. Lowering weight and changing your habits so far as eating and exercise may be one way in which you can change your health for the better when it comes to your PCOS.
The consumption of carbohydrates and other things that have a higher amount of sugar are not recommended. In fact, steering clear of sugar when possible is one of the first ways in which you can halt the forward progression of your disease process.
Causes of PCOS such as insulin resistance very often will improve when you lose weight. Curbing sugar intake and steering more toward proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as exercising for a moderate amount on a daily or weekly basis will be the first step toward losing weight and helping your body to overcome the causes of PCOS.
Are you living with PCOS now and want to learn more about the causes of PCOS?
Discover a natural cure for this bothersome condition that sadly, can lead to infertility, by visiting http://www.pcostreatmentdigest.comBy Karen Kalata
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The Different Causes

By Priya Verma
Cheese is one solid milk-based product, which is loved by all age group people. People eat cheese all over the world. Prepared from sheep milk, goat milk, cow milk or mammal milk, cheese is used as a topping on many recipes. Health conscious people avoid eating cheese as it contains lots of fats.
Cheese consumption linked to bladder cancer
Now a new research warns that too much cheese can cause bladder cancer, which kills thousands of people every year worldwide.
Eating more than 53g cheese, which is roughly the same weight as a small chocolate bar, raises an individual's chance of developing the disease by 50 percent, according to findings of the new study, carried out by a team of Dutch and Belgian researchers.
In their study, the research team found that the risk increased by more than 50 percent in those who ate more than 53 grams of cheese a day, the Daily Mail reported.
But eating cheese in lesser amount did not appear to increase the dangers, the researchers found.
Study details
In their study, the Dutch and Belgian researchers attempted to study the impact of saturated fats, such as those found in meat and dairy products, on the probability of getting bladder cancer.
They also set out to discover if healthier fats, such as olive oil, offered some protection, reported the Daily Mail.
To reach their findings, the researchers observed eating habits of 200 bladder cancer victims and compared them with 386 healthy volunteers.
Study findings
After studying the eating habits of all the participants, the researchers found that eating too much was associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer.
Cheese had little effect unless the amount exceeded 53g a day, they found. The risk elevated with every extra gram of consumption of cheese.
While too much cheese consumption daily can raise a person's risk of bladder cancer, a daily portion of olive oil can more than halve the risk of getting the disease, suggest research authors, according to the Daily Mail.
The study authors have recommended the use of olive oil in cooking food so that immunity can be developed to combat bladder cancer.
On the other hand, foods such as fish, chicken, eggs and margarine, showed little effect in the development of condition.
Cheese is not a major threat
However, the Dutch and Belgian researchers stressed their study does not suggest that cheese is a major health threat.
"We found a potentially protective effect from a high intake of olive oil and a suggestive increased risk from high cheese consumption," the researchers reported in the European Journal of Cancer reports.
"But these results need to be confirmed by other studies."
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Bladder Cancer Risk,
Ovarian cancer is a topic that is very dear to my heart as I have just recently lost my wonderful 80 year old mother to this terrible disease. She fought it for over 2 years, but lost her battle in the end. The best chances for successful treatment and survival of this type of cancer is early detection, but many times this is not the case as the symptoms of this disease are very silent and many times it is not discovered until it has reached the advanced stage. Studies have shown that there are some general symptoms that may show for ovarian cancer and all women should be aware of them and if they experience any of them, they should not waste any time in seeing their doctor. It is also recommended that all women that are over the age of 18 have an annual pelvic examination. Lets take a look at some of the symptoms that may occur for women who have ovarian cancer.
The most common symptoms that may occur are those of indigestion, changes in bowel movements and bouts of nausea. Some women may also experience pelvic pain, but a lot of them who have ovarian cancer do not. Other symptoms include as mentioned pain in the pelvic area or abdomen, pressure, discomfort, swelling, nausea, gas, urgent urination, abnormal weight loss or gain in the abdomen area, abdomen swelling, pain during intercourse, leg pain and bleeding in the vagina.
Studies conducted on women with ovarian cancer showed that many of the them suffered from the same common symptoms of the disease and often experienced them 12 or more times during the month. Research was conducted on women with ovarian cancer and women who did not have it. These symptoms included pain in the pelvic and abdomen area, bloating of the abdomen, urgent and frequent urination, feeling full after eating very little and overall difficulty in eating at all.
If you are experiencing or think that you have any of the above symptoms, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. He will be able to schedule the proper tests for you to determine if you do have ovarian cancer and what stage it is in and what treatment options are available to you. It is also recommended that you meet on a daily basis with your gynecologists for several weeks to have a complete study of the disease.
Ovarian cancer, in the preliminary stage, is usually asymptomatic. As the cancer progresses, the first noticeable symptoms are usually abdominal discomfort and bloating or swelling. These are the symptoms that are often ignored or are blamed on other causes. Any symptoms that persist should be discussed with your health care professional. If this cancer is caught in the early stages, the survival rate is much higher.
I hope that you found this information useful and if you would like more information on ways to live healthy, then please visit my eating healthy web site where you will find great information to help you live a long and healthy life.
I am a 54 year old retired mill worker from Maine. I am happily married with 3 wonderful boys. My main interests are my family and God. I own a eating healthy web site with great tips and information designed to help you live a long healthy life. http://www.eatinghealthyhub.com
By Brent Cullen
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Learn to Identify the Signs,
symptoms of ovarian cancer
Cancer of the reproductive system for women is not a new condition. The first medically documented cases of uterine cancer symptoms. The most ancient documented case of cancer comes from Egypt in the year 1500 BC when a papyrus record reported eight cases of tumors occurring. The tumors were treated by cauterization with an instrument that the ancient Egyptian's called a "fire drill" and removal of the tumors was the only treatment available at that time.
In our modern time the instance of uterine cancer is approximately 1-2% in women aged 30-60 years. The method of treatment has not varied much since ancient times with the addition of new radiation and chemotherapy, however in most cases the affected areas are removed surgically. The best recovery result for a patient suffering uterine cancer symptoms where the cancer has been confirmed remains removal of the uterus as well as any other reproductive organs that the cancer may have spread to, including the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Chemotherapy and radiation treatments typically follow surgery in order to prevent any remaining mutated cells from spreading to other areas of the body. The complication of treating uterine cancer symptoms is that the cancer is located closely to the abdominal lymph nodes. Once a cancer enters the lymphatic system it becomes virtually impossible to prevent its spread throughout other areas of the body and inevitably the patient succumbs to the cancer at stage four of metastasis. At stage four most cancers are considered to be terminal.
Uterine cancer symptoms are also complicated because while they do manifest themselves as measurable notable symptoms, these symptoms tend to exactly mirror those of regular menses. So menstrual cramping, bleeding and discomfort may be a familiar experience for most women in their fertile years and they are hallmarks of uterine cancer symptoms. They may not be noted as anything different or suspect to further investigation given the patients familiarity with that particular symptom. Other symptoms of bloating or heavy bleeding, mood disorders (depression or anxiety) or irregular cycles can be caused by a myriad of other conditions and again, may fail to red flag the more serious condition of this cancer symptoms.
Certain types of birth control methods may also mask or lighten the severity of this cancer to an extent that they are not problematic until the cancer has escalated to a stage two or stage three cancer levels. It is important to note that in the cases of all cancers early detection is key to positive treatment outcomes and patient survival. If symptoms fail to highlight a series concern prompting in depth investigation is it unlikely that the early window of detection will be achieved for the patient, increasing the morbidity rate of uterine cancer symptoms.
For its ability to mask the symptoms as other more normal symptoms of regular menstruation uterine cancer is also known as one of the "silent killers" in the family of cancers. More research is needed to develop early detection and screening for uterine cancer symptoms.
Find more information on uterine cancer symptoms--> http://www.euterinecancersymptoms.com/
By Roy Max
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The Complications,
Uterine Cancer