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Showing posts with label Combination. Show all posts

Combination of Chemotherapy and Radiation

By Alina Kapur

Chemotherapy and radiation are the two types of treatment for cancer. These two methods are very effective in treating cancer and also very helpful for the patients by providing them relief from the pain.

A combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy has been utilized as a treatment of cancer. This treatment is known as chemo radiotherapy or chemo radiation.

This treatment is used to destroy all the cancerous cells. There are many different types of treatments for cancer. These treatments include radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. The type of treatment selected depends on various factors.

These factors include overall health of the individual and type of cancer. The main difference between chemotherapy and radiation is that chemotherapy can be used for treating any type of cancer whereas radiation cannot be used for treating all kinds of cancer.


Cancer Chemotherapy is a treatment given by administering chemotherapy drugs to the patients. This treatment is given based on the various factors such as size and type of cancer and its location.

There are two methods for administering cancer chemotherapy: by mouth or vein. The side effects of chemotherapy include hair fall, mouth sores, diarrhea vomiting and nausea. These side effects are temporary and would diminish after recovery process. Besides these side effects, there is a disadvantage of using chemotherapy. It causes damage to the healthy cells along with the cancerous cells.

Radiation therapy:

In the radiation therapy, radioactive material is inserted for some specific time in the body which destroys the cancerous cells. This method of inserting is known as implanting. There are certain side effects of radiation therapy. They are difficulty in swallowing, skin irritation, throat pain redness of skin and also cause discomfort and pain during the process of implantation.

Diet for the patients undergoing combination of chemotherapy and radiation treatment:

It is necessary to take nutritious diet to maintain the immune system of the patients undergoing this treatment. It will also help the patients to tolerate the treatment. Select a balanced diet which includes vegetables, fish and poultry in adequate quantities.

You can also opt for low fat dairy products and whole grains in food. Apart from taking right quantity of food, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. You should avoid taking food stuff which contains preservatives especially processed foods.

Therefore, the details mentioned above will inform you about the combination of chemotherapy and radiation used for treating cancer, its side effects and diet to be taken while undergoing this treatment.

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